The Abington Suburban--01-10-19

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TS_CNG/SUBURBAN/PAGES [S01] | 01/09/19


Abington The

JANUARY 10, 2019


The Abington Community Library got a visit from some furry friends.


See page 6.





Old year’s resolutions

JaSOn Farmer / StaFF PhOtOGraPher

Local author T’Shaiya Gibbons was recently featured in the latest installment of a New York Times-bestselling book series. She will give a presentation on her writing process, style and more at the Abington Community Library.

Local author to share story, creative process at library event By Clayton ovER StaFF Writer

included in the sixth installment of the series, dubbed “You C L A R K S S U M M I T — Do You,” which was published T’Shaiya Gibbons’ inclusion in in September. She will read her a series of best-selling antholo- contribution to the book, a gies started with a whim and a piece called “Unapologetically Facebook message. Me,” and discuss writing and Wo rk by G i b b o n s h a s her creative process at the appeared in two books of the “I Abington Community Library Just Want to Pee on Tuesday, Jan. 22 Alone” series, from 6-7:30 p.m. “There are The which is compiled event includes and edited by a book signing and very brief author Jen Mann. is open to teens in In what Gibbons moments when grades 9-12 and described as an I’m brazen, adults. Those who unexpectedly bold to attend are and when I wish move, she mesasked to preregissaged the author leap, I leap ter with staff at the on the social media library, 1200 W. hard, I will Grove St., said platfor m a few ye a r s a g o a n d stand in my Renee Rober ts, asked if she could young adult servicown way, but es and project mansubmit a piece for the upcoming vol- every now and ager at the library. ume. Mann replied Wr i t i n g h a s she could, and Gib- again I just do always played a bons’ writing endlarge role in Gibit, and this ed up in the fourth bons’ life. She can happened.” trace her storytellbook of the series, “I Just Want to Be ing roots to kindert’Shaiya Gibbons Perfect.” garten at Newton “There are very Ransom Elementabrief moments when I’m bra- ry School. A teacher provided a zen, and when I leap, I leap simple prompt: A horse gets hard,” Gibbons said. “I will out. What happens next? stand in my own way, but every One student wrote the farmnow and again I just do it, and er who owns the horse finds it this happened.” and brings it home, another Gibbons, 31, of Newton that the horse found its own Township, was also recently way back, Gibbons recalled.

She penned a different ending: The wayward horse, free to find itself, turned into a unicorn. She continued writing through her teen years, a process that helped her find herself as a person, she said. She didn’t usually share her stories with others. An exception was a 150-page mystery she wrote for her senior project at Abington Heights High School. The story told the tale of sisters who had to crack the case of who stole a high school prom queen’s tiara. Spoiler alert: The disc jockey at the prom dance took it. Gibbons later graduated from Kutztown University and wrote professionally as a reporter with The Abington Journal. She continued to write on her own time, even after she left the reporting job after getting married and having a son. She started a blog called “Vintage Dreams with a Modern Twist.” She still writes every night without fail. Through the years, writing has helped her manage anxiety and proven cathartic, she said. “Sometimes you get so tangled up in your head about what can go wrong or who will get mad about what that you hold yourself back. If I can’t get myself untangled, I would never accomplish anything in life,” Gibbons said. “So writing, for

me, is the only way to untangle all of that.” Then came the fateful Facebook message. Gibbons admires Mann and the book series because it showcases stories written by girls and women ranging in age from middle school to older women and covers topics ranging from motherhood to relationships. Mann gave Gibbons about two days to craft something to submit for inclusion on the upcoming book. Gibbons wrote a piece about her own expectations about being a wife and mother. She still remembers getting the acceptance email. It was short and to the point. Initially, Gibbons could only stare at it. “It just said, simply, ‘You’re in,’” Gibbons recalled. “It still blows me away that anybody reads my words. It’s just so odd.” Since being published in Mann’s compilations, she’s heard from readers who said the work resonated with them and they connected with it. That’s been very rewarding, Gibbons said. She has one piece of advice for aspiring writers. “Keep writing, even if it’s only for yourself,” Gibbons said. Contact the writer:; 570-348-9100 x5363; @ClaytonOver on twitter

About 80 people turn out for First Day Hike

Please see Old, Page 10

What’s inside Calendar ........................ 2 Contest .......................... 3

By FRanK WIlKES lESnEFSKy StaFF Writer

NORTH ABINGTON TWP. — Linda Umerich’s New Year’s resolution is to spend more time outdoors, and 13 hours into the new year, she joined about 80 people for a hike through Lackawanna State Park. Clad in hiking boots and waterproof jackets, hikers of all ages — and even a few dogs — set off on New Year’s Day for a 2.2-mile guided afternoon hike for Lackawanna State Park’s First Day Hike, joining hikers across the country for the growing tradition of hiking at state parks on Jan. 1. Please see Hike, Page 10

It mocks me from the top shelf of my bookcase. The light blue hunk of plastic is held together with duct tape on two sides and sports a layer of dust on top. Like a cyclops, it “stares” at me through its single “eye.” But this is no mythological beast. Rather, it’s one of my favorite toys: an oldfashioned Holga film camera. The problem is the roll of black and white 120 film I loaded into its chamber more than a year ago, still resting there like a halfwritten scroll. And that’s the part that mocks me. The Holga and its unexposed film came to mind as I laughed out loud at a post that’s been circulating on Facebook during the last couple weeks. The post, attributed to Willowlane Designs, reads: “My 2019 New Year’s resolution is to finish all my craft projects from 2018 that I should have done in 2017, after I started them in 2016 after buying the supplies for them in 2015 with the patterns I found in 2014.” I laughed not because it’s a funny joke – it is funny – but because I can relate. And not just due to the light blue Holga. I can also relate because of the bright red Holga that sits on the other side of the bookshelf with another half-used roll of film. And because of the pile of fabric squares that I cut out and pinned together to sew into pillows more than two months ago. And the other pile of fabric that’s been sitting in a basket since I purchased it more than two years ago. And the plastic containers full of yarn I acquired whoknows-when. And the bin of leather scraps and leatherworking tools hiding under my bed. I could keep going, but there’s no need to embarrass myself further. I have a weakness, and it’s called Hobby Lobby. And another weakness: Michaels. And Jo-Ann. And A.C. Moore. Points made. But there’s something else I took from that Facebook post. I got to thinking about New Year’s resolutions and goals in general and why they can be so hard to keep. I realized my problem, both with my craft projects and with New Year’s resolutions in general, isn’t the goals themselves or even their execution, but portions.

Suburban Life ................. 4 Schools ...................... 5, 7 Green Scene ................... 7 Just For Fun .................... 8 Sports ............................ 9 Classified ..................... 11

JaSOn Farmer / StaFF PhOtOGraPher

Hikers make their way through the woods during Lackawanna State Park’s First Hike.

Send news tips to news@ or call 570-348-9185

TS_CNG/SUBURBAN/PAGES [S02] | 01/09/19


arOUND the tOwNs



Clarks GreeN NOtICes

A graphic on page 1 of the Jan. 3 Abington Suburban incorrectly listed the tax change for Clarks Summit residents this year. The municipal tax rate decreased two mills.

Dog licenses

Jan. 14, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The Lackawanna County Christmas trees treasurer’s office will sell 2019 Christmas Trees will be dog licenses at the Clarks picked up by County Waste Green Borough building, 104 for Clarks Green residents N. Abington Road, Monday, early Jan. 14 and 21.

COMMUNIty CaleNDar UPCOMING JAN. 10 Craft ‘N Chat: Thursday, Jan. 10 and 24, 6-8 p.m. at the Abington Community Library. Bring your project to work on. No registration required. For more info, call 570-587-3440. JAN. 11 Sensory Playtime: Friday, Jan. 11, 10:30-11:30 a.m. at the Abington Community Library. Drop-in sensory activities including water play, sensory table and more. For children ages 0-2. For more info, call 570-587-3440. JAN. 12 All Day Craft ‘N Chat: Saturday, Jan. 12, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Abington Community Library. Do you knit, bead, make rugs, hand stitch or do any kind of handcraft? Come to share ideas, show off your work and get another crafter’s eye and perception. Chat and meet your neighbors while you work on your craft. Bring any project you’re working on. No registration required. For more info, call 570-587-3440. JAN. 13 Tuscan Soups Cooking Class: Sunday, Jan. 13, 6 p.m. at The Gathering Place. Learn to make timehonored Italian soups like


Suburban THE VOICE OF THE ABINGTONS A publication of TimesShamrock Community Newspaper Group 149 Penn Ave Scranton, PA 18503 Phone: 570-348-9185 Fax: 570-207-3448 suburbanweekly@ TheAbingtonSuburban Managing Editor Elizabeth Baumeister 570-348-9100, ext. 3492 ebaumeister Editor Christopher M. Cornell 570-348-9100, ext. 5414 Advertising Manager Alice Manley 570-348-9100, ext. 9285 amanley Advertising Account Executive Cali Nataloni 570-348-9100, ext. 5458 cnataloni Photographer Emma Black 570-348-9100, ext. 5447 Staff Writer Clayton Over 570-348-9100, ext. 5363 Contributors Joshua Arp Teri Lyon Julie Jeffery Manwarren Linda Scott The Abington Suburban welcomes all photos and submissions. There is no charge for publication, but all photos and submissions run on a “space available” basis. The editor reserves the right to reject any or all submissions. Deadline for submissions is by noon the Friday before publication date. Opinions of independent columnists do not necessarily reflect those of the Abington Suburban staff.


Ribollita and Pappa al Pomodoro with Marzia Caporale. Cost:$35. Register by emailing or on the website at JAN. 14 The Pleasure of Painting: Monday, Jan. 14, 6-7:30 p.m. at the Abington Community Library. Paint “Cardinal” for yourself or to give away. Beginners welcome. Cost: materials fee of $25 per person due at time of class. All materials will be provided. Facilitated by artist Mark Perry. For more info, call 570-587-3440. JAN. 15 Lackawanna Backyard Beekeepers meeting: Tuesday, Jan. 15, 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Abington Community Library. The Lackawanna Backyard Beekeepers is a Beekeeping group in (but not limited to) Lackawanna County. Beekeeping and honey bee information is exchanged in an informal and friendly environment to help keep honeybees (and other pollinators) healthy and thriving. Families welcome. JAN. 17 Insulin Support Group: Thursday, Jan. 17 from 6-8:30 p.m. at the Abington Community Library. Are you using or thinking of using an insulin pump to manage your diabetes? Join insulin pump users with/without a sensor in a group setting to share and talk about your experiences. The group is open to children, parents and senior citizens who are presently using a pump or are considering it. No registration required. For more info, call 570-5873440. JAN. 18 Bubble Wrap Party: Friday, Jan. 18, 6:30-7:30 p.m. at the Abington Community Library. Celebrate National Bubble Wrap Day with games, contests and snacks. For teens in grades 5-8. For more info, call 570587-3440. JAN. 19 Create-A-Card: Saturday, Jan. 19, 1-3 p.m. at the Abington Community Library. Sponsored by the Abington Heights Civic League. Come and create a thinking-of-you card for residents at local nursing homes and hospitals. The Abington Heights Civic League will supply the materials and tools. The cards will then be given out by Petals for Goodness Sake with their regular delivery of floral arrangements to the residences and hospitals. Drop in anytime between 1 and 3 p.m. The snow date is Jan. 26, 1 p.m. For families. For more info, call 570-587-3440. JAN. 20 Lunar eclipse viewing: Keystone College’s Thomas G. Cupillari ’60 Astronomical Observatory will be open to the public on the night of Jan. 20-21, for the total lunar eclipse. No reservations are required. The observatory will open at 9:30 p.m. The partial umbral eclipse starts at 10:33 p.m. on Jan. 20. Totality starts at 11:41 p.m. on Jan. 20 and ends at 12:43 a.m. on Jan. 21. The posttotal partial eclipse ends at 1:50 a.m. For more info, visit or call 570-945-8402. JAN. 25 American Red Cross blood drive: Jan. 24, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Keystone College in Evans Hall. Make an appointment to donate blood or platelets by downloading the free American Red Cross Blood Donor app, visiting or calling 1-800-733-2767. JAN. 25 Star Wars Family Bingo: Friday, Jan. 25, 6:30-

8:30 p.m. at the Abington Community Library. Come and enjoy Star Warsthemed bingo, prizes, food, activities and more as we anticipate the Clarks Summit Festival of Ice. Sponsored by the Abington Business and Professionals Association. For more info, call 570-587-3440. Teen Reading Lounge: Monday, Jan. 25, 4:15-5 p.m. at the Abington Community Library. A book discussion, art project and lots of snacks. This month’s material is “Your Name, Volume 1 by Makoto Shinkai.” For teens in grades 5-12. For more info, call 570-587-3440. JAN. 26 Keystone College Saturday visit: A perspective students’ visit on Saturday, Jan. 26 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. will include an information session, followed by a campus tour, and the opportunity to meet one-onone with an admissions counselor. Instant decisions are available upon request. For more information, call the Office of Admissions at 570-945-8111 or send an email to Book Signing and Conversations Concerning Autism: Saturday, Jan. 26, 12:30 p.m. at The Gathering Place, 304 S. State St., Clarks Summit. Author Kate Foley will present her book “You May Never Be French” for signing and will be joined by members of local organizations for discussions about raising autistic children. Cost: free. For more info, email or visit JAN. 28 If You Give a Mouse a Cookie: Monday, Jan. 28, 6:30-7:30 p.m. at the Abington Community Library. A special evening family storytime, featuring Cookie Mouse and friends. For more info, call 570-587-3440. Math and Science Club: Monday, Jan. 28, 4:155 p.m. at the Abington Community Library. Do you love experiments? Games? Puzzles? Check out the Library’s new Math and Science Club. Each month, there will be different activities and challenges to complete. This after school club is all about the fun in STEM. For children in grades K-4. For more info, call 570-587-3440. JAN. 30 JA BizTown: Wednesday, Jan. 30, 10-11:30 a.m. at the Abington Community Library. The Junior Achievement BizTown experience gives homeschooled students the opportunity to run banks, manage restaurants, read utility meters, write checks and even vote as they experience JA BizTown, Junior Achievement’s Elementary School Capstone Program. JA BizTown combines inclass learning with a concluding day-long visit to the JA World facility near Wilkes-Barre, a fully interactive, true-to-life simulation where students learn the fundamental relationship between academics and life beyond school. For children in grades 4-7. For more info, call 570587-3440. JAN. 31 Homeschoolers at the Library: Thursday, Jan. 31, 10:30-11:30 a.m. at the Abington Community Library. Bring your children to an educational program to enrich their homelearning experience. Includes hands-on projects, stories, short videos and more. For children in grades K-6. For more info, call 570587-3440. Please see Calendar, Page 7


Waverly Comm to hold family movie night WAVERLY TWP. — The CommKids After School Program at the Waverly Community House will sponsor a f amily fun movie night Friday, Jan. 18 in The Comm auditorium. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. It will feature the animated comedy film “Ferdinand,” produced by Waverly Township resident Lisa Marie Stetler. Children may come in pajamas and families m ay b r i n g b l a n k e t s , sleeping bags and pillows. Light refreshments will be available for purchase at the concession stand. The event is free and open to the public. Donations will be accepted at the door. All proceeds from donations and the raffle will benefit the CommKids Interactive Learning Center, coming soon to the Waverly Community House. “Ferdinand” tells the story of a giant bull with a big heart. After being mistaken for a dangerous beast, he is captured and t o r n f r o m h i s h o m e. Determined to return to his family, he rallies a misfit team on the ulti-


A scene from the movie ‘Ferdinand,’ to be shown during a movie night event at the waverly Community house. mate adventure. Set in Spain, “Ferdinand” proves you can’t judge a bull by its cover. From Blue Sky Studios and Carlos Saldanha, the director of “Rio” and inspired by the beloved book, “The Story of Ferdinand” by Munro Leaf and Robert Lawson, “Ferdinand” is a heartwarm-

ing animated comedy adventure with an allstar cast that includes John Cena, Kate McKinnon, Gina Rodrigue z, Anthony Anderson and more. For more information on Movie Night, visit “CommKids” on Facebook or call 570-586-8191, ext. 6.

COUrt NOtes PrOPErTy TrANSACTiONS ■ Mark David and Denise Marie Knox, Clarks Green, to Don Phillip Jr. and Bridget Ann Melia, Clarks Green; a property at 200 Squirrel Run, Clarks Green, for $332,000. ■ PNC Bank, national association, co-executor of the estate of Mary L. Scranton, Scranton; and William Worthington Scranton, co-executor of the estate of Mary L. Scranton, to William Worthington and Maryla Elizabeth Peters Scranton, North Abington Twp.; two parcels in North Abington Twp. for $390,244. ■ Rachel A. and Joseph A. Orosz III to Christopher Thomas and Marietta Ann Police; a property at 605 N. Abington Road, Waverly Twp., for $175,000. ■ Theresa A. Curto, Clarks Summit, to Scott C. and Gillian R. Kennedy, Scranton; a property at 916 W. Grove St., Clarks Summit, for $174,000. ■ Kevin and Michelle Shay, Lackawanna County, to Zachary Coy Cosner, Lackawanna County; a property at 517 Winola Road, Clarks Summit, for $99,000. ■ Cliff and Helen White, Port Richey, Fla., to David and Nora Clark, Scranton; a property at 822 Edella Road, South Abington Twp., for $156,000. ■ Bonnie P. Kvaka, Jermyn, to Ryan Cavanaugh, Scott Twp.; a property at 370 Green Grove Road, Scott Twp., for $73,200. ■ Jean M. Preston, by her attorney-in-fact, Casey M. Preston, Chester County, to Kevin P. Murphy, Scranton; a property at 254 E. Grove St., Clarks Green, for $225,780. ■ 1606 Sanderson Avenue Associates LLC, Clarks Summit, to Mukeshbhai and Hasumati Patel, Scranton; a property at 709 Green Ridge St., Unit 5, Scranton, for $160,000. ■ Phillip Polcha to Brian A. Dippel Jr. and Rachel Ward; a property at 207 Bailey St., South Abington Twp., for $145,000. ■ Paul K. Sapak, also known as Paul Kevin Sapak, trustee for the Phyllis Heinz living trust, and Paul K. Sapak, also known as Paul Kevin Sapak, as personal representative for the estate of Phyllis Lorraine Heinz, also known as Phyllis Heinz, to Wayne W. Harris III, Clifford Twp.; a property at 1423 Fairview Road, Scott Twp., for $158,510. ■ John F. Kolcharno, Clarks Summit, to Matthew A. Lehnert, Newton Twp., and Kelly L. Beichler, Fleetville; a property in Newton Twp. for $89,000. ■ Joseph C. Pienkowski, Clarks Summit, to Hawver Holdings LLC, Nicholson; a property at 411 Davis St., Clarks Summit, for $188,000. LAwSuiT ■ A.M., a minor, by and through her parents and natural guardians, Morgan and Miranda Madden, and Morgan and Miranda Madden individually, 204 Maggies Road, South Abington Twp., v. Brittney Costello, 1803 Washburn St., Apt., 2, Scranton, and Meals on Wheels of NEPA, 541 Wyoming Ave., Scranton, seeking an amount in excess of $50,000, which sum exceeds the jurisdictional amount requiring arbitration referral under the Pennsylvania Rules of Civil

Procedure and the Local Rules of Court, on two counts, for injuries suffered by the plaintiff on June 8 at approximately 11:05 a.m., while she was being pushed in a stroller by her day-care caretaker, traveling on Center Street northbound, crossing Bedford Street on the painted crosswalk in Clarks Summit, when the defendant struck the front of the stroller, causing it to flip with A.M. in it; Brian J. Walsh, attorney. ArDS The following were admitted to the Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition program for driving under the influence: ■ Robert Donald Burdett, 65, 13 Austin Road, Dalton, stopped April 3 by Blakely police. ■ Bradley Michael Marturano, 25, 2719 Ransom Road, Clarks Summit, stopped March 28 by South Abington Twp. police. ■ Ban F. Alsawaleha, 22, 452 Dellert Drive, South Abington Twp., stopped Oct. 12, 2017, by South Abington Twp. police. The following defendants were admitted to the ARD program for other crimes: ■ Matthew J. Bucksbee, 27, 2145 Heart Lake Road, Scott Twp., arrested March 10 by state police for a DUI, marijuana — small amount for personal use and use/possession of drug paraphernalia. ■ James G. McGurl, 19, 218 Stone Ave., Clarks Summit, arrested June 6 by Dunmore police for a DUI, intentionally possessing a controlled substance by a person not registered and use/possession of drug paraphernalia. ■ Ban F. Alsawaleha, 22, 425 Dellert Drive, South Abington Twp., arrested Dec. 20, 2017, by Scranton police for simple assault and terroristic threats with intent to terrorize another. ■ Austin Thomas Saxe, 19, 712 Applewood Acres, Clarks Summit, arrested April 25 by Clarks Summit police for marijuana - small amount for personal use and use/ possession of drug paraphernalia. ■ Austin Thomas Saxe, 19, 710 Applewood Acres, South Abington Twp., arrested May 12 by South Abington Twp. police for marijuana - small amount for personal use and use/ possession of drug paraphernalia. The following were admitted to the Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition program for crimes

other than driving under the influence: ■ Chelsea Gillette, 33, 27 Evergreen Drive MHP, Jefferson Twp., arrested March 17 by South Abington Twp. police for possession of marijuana, use/ possession of drug paraphernalia and exceeding 35 mph in an urban district by 27 mph. ■ Nicholas Bichler, 21, 609 Clinton St., Waverly Twp., arrested Aug. 3, 2017, by South Abington Twp. police for a DUI, possession of marijuana and use/possession of drug paraphernalia. ■ Michael P. Ball, 47, 41 Warren Drive, Dalton, arrested April 7 by South Abington Twp. police for a DUI and accidental damage to an unattended vehicle or property. MArriAGE LiCENSES ■ Sean Michael Hanahue, Clarks Summit, and Kara Kane Sweeney, Scranton. ■ Chase Walter Janus, Clarks Summit, and Rebecca Lee Butts, Scott Twp. FEDErAL TAx LiEN ■ John C. and Carla V. McCue, 441 Carbondale Road, Clarks Summit; $76,520.87. ESTATES FiLED ■ Brian Petliski, 322 Melrose Ave., Clarks Summit, letters of administration to Carol Petliski, same address. ■ Stanley A. Markunas, 106 Brookside Road, Dalton, letters testamentary to Rebecca Tayoun, also known as Frances Rebecca Tayoun, 410 Brookside Road, Dalton. ■ Sylvester Chapa, also known as Sylvester T. Chapa, Willowbrook, 150 Edella Road, Clarks Summit, letters testamentary to Gary Pelucacci, 1718 Thackery St., Scranton. ■ George P. Misiura, also known as George Paul Misiura, 106 N. Stanton Drive, South Abington Twp., letters testamentary to Martin C. Misiura, 201 Rabbit Run, Clarks Green. ■ Riccardo Girello Sr., 14 S. Leader Lane, Scott Twp., letters testamentary to Denise Marie Reinhart, P.O. Box 312, Waverly Twp. BENCh wArrANT Judge Thomas Munley has issued the following bench warrant for failure to appear on fines and costs: ■ Geoffrey P. Glynn, 2224 Port Royal Road, Clarks Summit; $927.50.

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TS_CNG/SUBURBAN/PAGES [S03] | 01/09/19

Around the towns



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How closely do you pay attention to your surroundings?

Each week The Abington Suburban will test your skills of observation with a close-up or abstract photograph taken somewhere in the Abingtons. It may depict a scene from a local business, school, park, street corner or area landmark. Know this location? Submit your answer, along with your name and mailing address to for a chance to win a voucher for one dozen original glazed doughnuts, courtesy of Krispy Kreme in South Abington Township. No more than one entry per household will be accepted per week. A winner will be selected at random.



Abington community Library Patrons of the Month cordelia Garrison, second grade (left) and sofie Joy Polizzi, third grade

Why did you come to the library today? Cordelia: Because my brother is here for Pokemon Club and I wanted to get books too. Sofie: I usually go to the library on Wednesdays to check out books. What do you like about the library? Cordelia: I like the library because it’s quiet. Sofie: I like the library because I like to find different books and the people are nice here. And I get free books. What are some of your favorite books? Cordelia: “Phoebe and Her Unicorn” graphic novels (by Dana Simpson). Sofie: “Dork Diaries” series (by Rachel Renee Russell). How long have you been coming to the library? Cordelia: Since I was 1. Sofie: Since I was 3.

PhoToS by EmmA blAcK / STAff PhoTogrAPhEr

Last Week’s Answer:

Last week’s photo was taken at Summit Cigar Lounge & Bar on Clark Avenue in Clarks Summit. The Winner is Natalie Crandle of Clarks Summit.

Northeast Vegetable Meeting scheduled SCRANTON — The Northeast Vegetable Meeting will be held Thursday, Jan. 24 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the NewtonRansom Volunteer Fire Company, Newton Ransom Boulevard, Newton Township. This is an opportunity for growers to hear from the vegetable specialists who are conducting the latest research and to interact with other vegetable growers. The morning session will provide information on a variety of topics such as respirator fit testing. Free fit tests will be performed and growers can receive the Worker Protection Standard

required certificate. Research on managing bacterial diseases in peppers with resistant cultivars will be discussed along with an update from the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. The morning session will end with a presentation from Attorney Sean High on helping farmers understand agricultural labor laws. The afternoon will feature managing vegetable diseases in a wet year. Penn State Vegetable Specialist Francesco Di Gioia will discuss nutrient management of vegetable crops and in-season nutrient monitoring tools. The

meeting will conclude with a presentation from the Northeast Cancer Institute’s Stephanie Earl on sun safety (skin cancer prevention). The registration fee is $28 per person, if registered by Jan. 16. The charge is $36 if one registers either later than the deadline or at the door. The registration fee includes morning refreshments, buffet lunch and handouts. People can sign up online at vegetable-meeting or by calling 1-877-345-0691. Questions should be directed to John Esslinger at 570-316-6516.

Grove St. in Clarks Summit. Sunday worship: 8:15 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.; Sunday School, 9:25 a.m. and Adult Education 9:30 a.m. Interim pastor is Rev. Jeffrey Bohan. office@TrinityLutheranCS. Church office: 570-587-1088. Preschool: 570-586-5590. Waverly Community, 101 Carbondale Road. 10 a.m. Sundays: Badge of Honor, ages 2 to 12, to help children grow in their character, understanding of the Bible

and relationship with Jesus Christ. 10 a.m. Sundays: Sunday school. 11 a.m. Sundays: worship service, 7 p.m. Wednesdays: House Church. Contact the church for the location. Pastor is the Rev. James Cohen. 570-587-2280. Waverly United Methodist, 105 Church St. in Waverly. Worship service Sunday at 9 a.m. Pastor is Rev. Michelle Whitlock. 570-586-8166;

AreA church services Bethel United Methodist, 2337 Falls Road, Dalton. Sunday service, 9:30 a.m. Pastor is Janelle Moser. Chinchilla United Methodist, 411 Layton Road: Sunday Service 10 a.m. Sunday school/teen program during Sunday service. Pastor is Charles Consagra. 570-5872578. Church Of The Epiphany, 25 Church Hill, Glenburn Township/Dalton. quiet, nomusic Communion service on Saturdays at 5 p.m. with a pot luck supper on the first Saturday of each month. Sunday morning Communion service is at 11 a.m. with hymns both old and new. Sunday School is at 9:30 a.m. 570-563-1564,; Rev. Lou Divis, priest-in-charge. Clarks Green Assembly of God, 204 S. Abington Road, Clarks Green. Sundays: worship services at 9 and 11 a.m., preschool church and childcare at 9 a.m., Rooted Kids, preschool church and childcare at 11 a.m. Mondays: Young adults, 7 p.m. Wednesdays: Rooted Youth, 6:30 p.m.; GriefShare, adult studies, Rooted Kids and childcare, 7 p.m. Senior pastor: Dan Miller; associate/children’s pastor: Brian Mascaro. 570-586-8286,, Clarks Green United Methodist, 119 Glenburn Road. Sunday worship: 10 a.m., Sunday school during the service. Prayer meeting: Wednesdays, 10 a.m. Christian book study: Mondays at 7 p.m. 570-586-8946. Pastor is Rev. John Bondhus. Clarks Summit United Methodist, 1310 Morgan Highway. Sunday services: 8 and 10 a.m. with live streaming of the 10 a.m. service on the church’s Facebook page. Contact: 570-587-2571; secret a r y1 3 10 @ co m c a st . n et ; Rev. Andy Weidner is pastor. Country Alliance, 14014 Orchard Dr. off Newton-Ran-

som Blvd. Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; worship 10 a.m.; Wednesday Bible Study 6 p.m. 570-587-2885. Pastor is Glen Bayly. Countryside Community, 14011 Orchard Drive in Clarks Summit. Sunday school 9 a.m. Worship service Sundays, 10 a.m. Mondays: Bible study, 10 a.m. Prayer Group, 11:30 a.m. Second Tuesdays: Warm Hugs Outreach, 9 a.m. Wednesdays: Choir, 7 p.m. Thursdays: Bible study, 10 a.m. 570-5873206. countrysideoffice@ Rev. Mark Terwilliger is pastor. Crossroads, 15924 Route 407 in Fleetville. Sunday service, 10 a.m. Nursery is available. Woman’s Bible study and prayer meeting, Tuesdays, 7 p.m. Men’s meeting last Wednesday of the month, 7 p.m. Jamie Overholser is lead pastor. 570-6503784. crossroadschurchnepa. com. Dalton United Methodist, 125 S. Turnpike Road in Dalton. Sunday school: 9:30 a.m. Sunday service: 11 a.m. The food cupboard serves the Abington area Mondays at 6 p.m. Donations of non-perishable foods are always welcome. 570-563-2789. East Benton United Methodist, 200 Jordan Hollow Road in Dalton. Sunday worship Service 9 a.m. Adult Sunday school at 8:15 a.m. Pastor is Mark E. Obrzut Sr. 570-563-2370. Evangelical Free Bible, 431 Carbondale Road, South Abington Township. Sunday services: Prayer, 8:30 a.m.; Sunday school and small groups, 9 a.m.; worship, 10:15 a.m. 570-586-5557. Website: First Baptist of Abington, 1216 N. Abington Road, Waverly. Sunday worship: 11 a.m. Adult or youth Sunday school: 10 a.m. Pastor is Don Hickey. 570-587-4492. First Presbyterian of Clarks Summit, 300 School Street, Clarks Summit. Wor-

ship service: Sunday at 10 a.m. Nursery is available. Wednesdays: 5:30 p.m. chapel choir (for young children); 6:15 p.m. The WAY Christian education program for adults and children; 7:15 p.m. teen and adult choir; 8:30 p.m. teen and adult bell choir. 570586-6306;; Rev. William G. Carter is pastor. Grace Baptist of the Abingtons, 11 Pine Tree Drive, Dalton. Sunday service 10:30 a.m. (nursery provided). Sunday school/Bible study for all ages, 9:30 a.m. Bible study and prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7 p.m. (Youth group and children’s program at the same time.) Pastor is Ben Rust. 570-563-2206. Heritage Baptist, 415 Venard Road, Clarks Summit. Sunday service 9 a.m. Heritage Kids (babies - 4th grade), 9-11:45 a.m. Adult and student classes, 10:45 a.m. Glenn Amos is pastor. 570587-2543, info@wearehbc. com, Hillside Haven Community Church, (Formerly S u m m i t B ap t i s t B i bl e Church) 232 Noble Road S. Abington Twp. Worship services Sundays, 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Services: Student Ministries Grades 6-12; 6:30 p.m – 8:30 p.m. Lead Pastor is Don Roe. 570-586-335. Website: Email: Our Lady of the Abingtons, 207 Seminary Road, Dalton. Mass schedule: Saturday, 6 p.m. and Sunday, 8:30 a.m. Email: spolachurch@gmail. com Our Lady of the Snows Parish: Pastor: Msgr. Joseph G. Quinn. Email: info@ Website: ■ Our Lady of the Snows Church, 301 S. State St., Clarks Summit. Weekday Mass at 12:10 p.m., Confessions at 5 p.m. Saturdays. Weekend Masses: Saturday 5:30 p.m., Sunday 7 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:15 a.m. ■ Church of St. Benedict, 1849 Newton Ransom Blvd., Newton Township, Confessions at 3:15 p.m. Saturdays. Weekend Masses: Saturday 4 p.m., Sunday 8 a.m., 11 a.m. Parker Hill, 607 North Abington Road, Clarks Summit. Worship services Sundays, 9:30 and 11:15 a.m. Lead pastor is Mark Stuenzi. 570586-0646 St. Gregory Parish, 330 N. Abington Road in Clarks Green. Weekday Mass: 7 a.m. Reconcilation 4-4:45 p.m. Saturday. Weekend Masses: 5 p.m. Saturday, 8 and 10 a.m. and noon Sunday. Rev. John M. Lapera is pastor. 570-5874808. churchofstgreg@gmail. com. St. Patrick, 205 Main St. in Nicholson. Mass schedule: Saturday, 4 p.m. and Sunday, 11 a.m. Email: spolachurch@ Trinity Lutheran, 205 W.


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TS_CNG/SUBURBAN/PAGES [S04] | 01/09/19




Joseph M. Smith

David G. Morgan January 1, 2019

David G. Morgan, 48, Clarks Summit, died Tuesday at Geisinger Community Medical Center. Born in Baltimore, Md., the son of Charles and Janis Towson Morgan, he was a 1988 graduate of Abington Heights High School and went on to graduate from Keystone Junior College. He was formerly employed as an IT tech at Southwestern Energy. In addition to his parents, he is survived by his former wife, Kristine Morgan, Blakely; two sons, Dylan and Ethan Morgan, Blakely; sister, Michele Reese and her husband, Chad, Newton Twp.; two nieces, Kyra and Delana Reese; and a nephew, Cole Reese. The family received friends Saturday from 4 p.m. until the time of the service at 6 p.m. at the Lawrence E. Young Funeral Home and Cremation Services Inc., 418 S. State St., Clarks Summit.



The life of a bureau

December 28, 2018

Joseph M. Smith, 83, died Friday morning at Geisinger Community Medical Center. Born in Clarks Summit, the son of the late Merrill Smith and Gertrude Miner, he worked all of his life as a carpenter until his retirement. A private graveside service with military honors will be held privately at the convenience of the family. Arrangements have been entrusted to the Lawrence E. Young Funeral Home and Cremation Services. Inc.


I love old things. Not for their monetary value, but for the history they offer. Recently, Sandra and Paul Morgan of South Abington were preparing to move. My husband was working at their residence and called me to stop over. Mrs. Morgan had some furniture that she wanted to get rid of. A mirrored top bureau caught my eye. It was full of character and oozed story. “Where would we put it?” my husband cautioned. “I’ll find a place.” He knew I was a goner. “That’s been in my family a long time,” Paul Morgan told me. He was surrounded by boxes, the remnants of more than 40 years in South Abington Township. I asked “What can you tell me about the bureau?” “Not much, I’m afraid. It was in the house my parents purchased on Providence Road in Scranton. My parents bought the house I grew up in from an old spinster named Finn. She said the dresser had been there as long as she could remember,” he said. Mr. Morgan shared the bureau eventually found its way to his home in the Abingtons. Now, preparing to downsize and move to California, it was time to let it go. I felt honored and grateful. I thanked the family and my husband carefully loaded up the Morgan-Finn bureau in the back of my SUV. It didn’t take long before my curiosity drove me to find out the story behind it. My amateur efforts to date it based on construction and style left me convinced it was from the late 1800’s. There is no stamp or labeling of any kind, so I have been unable to find who manufactured the piece. I turned my attention to the family who passed on

the bureau to Paul Morgan’s parents. He told me the house they bought was on Providence Road. I went to work and found a deed dated 1953, in which Harriet Finn sold a home to David and Ann Morgan. Given my guess on the age of the bureau, and the fact that Harriet’s parents, Wade and Electa Finn, purchased the home in 1898 and lived in Scranton since their marriage in 1873, I surmised that they were the original owners of the bureau. An adventure through old newspapers, genealogy databases and census records revealed the story of Wade Finn. Born in New Jersey, the third son of a large family, he moved to New York as a child. His father was deceased before Finn reached adulthood. As a teenager, Finn came alone to Scranton and began working as a printer for The Scranton Republican newspaper. According to his obituary, published in the Scranton Republican on June 11, 1926, Finn was instrumental in establishing the Scranton Free Press in the 1870s. The Scranton Free Press was connected to many prominent people. One reporter for The Scranton Free Press was a man named E. J. Lynett. Lynett worked for the Free Press until 1895 when he bought The Scranton Times. The Times-Shamrock Communications group is owned by his descendants. In 1873 Finn married Electa Snyder. Finn went on to leave his job as printer and opened up a grocery store in Scranton’s west side by 1875. The Finns had two children, Harriet and William. Finn served as constable, tax collector and city councilman. He was respected in the community.

Wade M. Finn, former politician and president of The Scrantonian Publishing Company. This photo of Finn appeared with his obituary in The Scranton Republican on June 11, 1926. In 1886 he managed a coal company. Soon his interest in the booming coal industry led him to invest. By 1901 he had organized Finn Coal Company and leased tracks of land in Carbondale. During this time, he moved his family to Providence Road in Scranton and purchased a large home. The bureau found its place there, where it remained for 88 years. Not long after Finn Coal Company began operations in Carbondale, it was in peril. Almost as soon as Wade Finn began mining, fire was detected underground. Finn fought the fire but the cost was great. Eventually the Finn Coal Company went bankrupt. Finn bounced back, finding a job in the profession that gave him his start. As manager of The Scrantonian Publishing Company, he worked overseeing newspaper operations until 1918 when he took over as president and treasurer, a position he held until his death in 1926. When he passed, The Scranton Republican reported, “The vacant


This bureau from the late 1800’s was originally owned by Wade M. Finn, who built a career in politics and a newspaper man. Later the dresser was passed down to the Morgan family from South Abington Twp. who passed it on to freelance writer and columnist of The Abington Suburban, Julie Manwarren. place among newspaper men creates among them a solemn sadness. Their sorrow is the more sincere in that their affection for him was strong. His work and his name and his sterling character shall not be forgotten… His family, his newspaper, his friends shall be proud of his memory.” Finn’s wife Electa passed away in 1931. Harriet remained in the house until she sold it - and the bureau to the Morgans, who kept the bureau for two generations. The irony isn’t lost on me that I grew up in Scranton, playing with my childhood friend in her big house on Providence Road (less than a block from where Wade

Finn lived). Now living in the Abingtons, I’ve followed the same journey as the bureau. I’m enjoying writing for The Abington Suburban, owned by Times-Shamrock Communications, which, incidentally, bought The Scrantonanian Tribune, a publication of the company that Finn had been president of. The bureau has found a place in my dining room. It seems fitting to use one of the drawers as a place to keep my issues of The Abington Suburban. We can learn a lot by looking at the history of the people and places around us. Thanks, Wade M. Finn for the inspiration.


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Getting organized It’s a new year, the holiday hustle and bustle has slowed down and my finances are in hibernation after being hijacked for Christmas presents. What a perfect time to reorganize my house. Sad to admit, but the “C” word is here – clutter. While I can boast that I wouldn’t qualify for a “Hoarders” episode, I do see little piles here and there, and then there are piles of piles, and mountains … oh dear. Time to get this situation under control before the Blizzard of 2019 comes and I get distracted again. All kidding aside, I know I’m not alone in wanting my house in order. The psychological benefit of having a neat-and-tidy living space outweighs any temporary conveniences of randomly throwing stuff anywhere when you’re in a hurry. Having an organized home is not only stress relief for you, but for your family, too. Just imagine a world where everybody in the house didn’t have to look for things anymore. If you’re going to commit to this home-organizing goal, don’t panic. Everything doesn’t have to be done in one day. If you go through your home room by room, shelf by shelf, you’ll be surprised at how soon you’ll start to feel like you’re making progress. I like to follow the HGTV. com guide, labeling all your stuff into three categories: toss, give and keep.

Toss Throw out items that are broken, stained, ripped, outdated or have missing parts. Some examples include: expired food, restaurant receipts that aren’t tax deductible, broken electronics, appliances and games, old makeup and broken jewelry,

SUBMIttEd photo

A newly organized closet space designed by Sonia Wysochanski and Closet Werks. broken kids’ toys, old craft supplies and worn clothing and linens.

space in their homes. “Clutter happens when you bring too much stuff into your home and don’t Give or Donate have plans for storing it,” Give or donate any items Wysochanski said. that you no longer need but She always has a heart-tothat are still in good condiheart talk with homeowners to determine what they need tion. If you can’t let go of and what they can part with, a sentimental piece, snap a she said. photo of it to help free your “Good closet space hangs attachment. more clothing, organizes Keep and organize shoes. It may add drawers or Once you are finished shelves for purses, folded or with your “toss” and “give” boxed items. Corner shelves bins, you’ve already lost a lot are roomy for bulky items. of your clutter, but you still Even a smaller closet can have to figure out a way to become more efficient,” she organize the stuff you want said. to keep. “It is very rewarding to beIf you don’t want to tackle come organized,” she added. this on your own, you can “Once you organize closets, call in a pro like Sonia Wyso- it takes less time to get dressed. You can see all your chanski. The Clarks Sumstuff instead of trying to mit businesswoman owns Sonia’s Contemporary Cloth- find it out of a heap. And the rest of your home always ing, Kidazzle, The Drapery looks neater.” Shop and Closet Werks custom closets. With the latter teri Lyon is a mom, grandmom she often works with clients and freelance writer who lives in glenburn township with her cat. to help them rethink the

TS_CNG/SUBURBAN/PAGES [S05] | 01/09/19



School briefS Dean’s lists Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania The follwoing Abingtonarea residents were named to the dean’s list for the fall semester of the 2018-19 academic year at Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania. Emily Fazio of South Abington Township Brittany Harris of Clarks Summit Sante Romaldini of Clarks Summit Daniel Stevens of Clarks Summit Elizabeth Huggler of Dalton Amber Loomis of Clarks Green Cianna Giordano of Clarks Green To qualify for dean’s list, a student must earn a quality point average of 3.5 or higher (based on 4.0) during the semester. Kutztown University of Pennsylvania The following local students were among the more than 1,740 students named to the fall 2018 dean’s list at Kutztown University. Andrew Barren of Dalton Erin Schumacher of South Abington Township Maria Sunick of South Abington Township Marissa Sunick of South Abington Township To be eligible for the dean’s list, an undergraduate student must be registered for at least 12 credits and have a minimum grade point average of 3.60. Lebanon Valley College Nichole Spencer of South Abington Township is one of 700 Lebanon Valley College students named to the dean’s list for the fall semester. Dean’s list students must maintain a GPA of at least 3.4 out of 4.0. Spencer, a graduate of Abington Heights High School, is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in communication sciences and disorders at The Valley. Lehigh University Two Clarks Summit residents, Carolyn Lyon and Mikayla Spott, made the dean’s fist for fall 2018 at Lehigh University. This status is granted to students who earned a scholastic average of 3.6 or better while carrying at least 12 hours of regularly graded courses. Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania Slippery Rock University announced its dean’s list for the fall 2018 semester, including the following Abington-area residents. Samantha Machler of South Abington Township Ashleigh Solomon of Waverly Township The dean’s list consists of SRU undergraduate students who earned an adjusted semester grade-point average of 3.5 or higher, based on a schedule of at least 12 newly attempted and earned credits. Wyoming Seminary Upper School Wyoming Seminary Dean Tom Morris announced the Abington-area students named to the Upper School dean’s list for the first term of the 2018-2019 academic year, as follows. Dean’s list high honors: Samantha Barcia of Clarks Green Jose de los Rios of Dalton Michael Giallorenzi of Clarks Summit Hannah Gilbert of Waverly Township Jacob Gilbert of Waverly Township Campbell Kelly of Clarks Green Charles Kutz of Clarks Summit Lily Anne Kutz of Clarks Summit Alyssa Shonk of Clarks Summit Charles Wright of Clarks Summit Dean’s list: Julia Dailey of Clarks Summit Hannah Frels of Dalton Andrew Morgan of Clarks Summit Harrison Peairs of Clarks Summit Kameron Williams of Clarks Summit




comets volunteer at race for the cure


Members of the Abington Heights freshman football team volunteered at the 2018 Susan G. Komen Northeastern Pennsylvania Race for the Cure.

Keystone College Keystone College observatory initiates Juvenile to open for lunar eclipse Justice Institute


Keystone College Juvenile Justice Institute administrators, from left: Marie Andreoli, assistant professor; Stacey Wyland, associate professor and Deborah Belknap, associate professor. LA PLUME — The lives of young people in Northeast Pennsylvania may soon improve significantly, thanks to the newly formed Keystone College Juvenile Justice Institute. The new organization, founded and directed by Keystone criminal justice and psychology faculty members Stacey Wyland, Deborah Belknap and Marie Andreoli, will tackle juvenile justice issues from several perspectives. The common theme in all of the Institute’s activities is to offer programs and training aimed at reducing juvenile incarceration while strengthening community bonds. The specific goals of the institute are threefold: to help children avoid involvement with the juvenile justice system, to offer alternatives for resolving cases of children already involved and to aid incarcerated juveniles in their return and successful reintegration into society. One of the priorities of the Juvenile Justice Institute, which officially opened in the fall of 2018 in renovated headquarters in Harris Hall, is to offer mediation services for families, schools and juvenile courts, and to train school personnel in using peer mediation to resolve issues before they escalate. The Institute will also offer training in specific practices which have been shown to be highly successful in reducing conflicts and disciplinary problems in schools. The institute created a program to help children deal with the trauma of parental incarceration, deportation and separation. The program will be piloted with a small group of students in the spring and offered to a larger population in September of 2019. The institute already began assisting in resentencing proceedings for juveniles in Pennsylvania who have been sentenced to prison terms of life without parole. Those cases must be reviewed because the United States Supreme Court, in the case of Miller v. Alabama, ruled that automatically sentencing juveniles to life in prison, without considering

the child’s life circumstances, is unconstitutional. Resentencing proceedings in more than 400 cases are now underway in Pennsylvania. Dr. Belknap and Professor Wyland, assisted by Institute student interns, conduct extensive investigations into the backgrounds of juveniles previously sentenced to life in prison. “ M i l l e r v. A l a b a m a changed the landscape of juvenile sentencing throughout the nation. Our job is to collect all of the information necessary to help the courts reformulate more appropriate sentences for juvenile of fenders, taking into account the seriousness of the crime, but also their potential for change and rehabilitation,” Wyland said. “This is an opportunity for our students to have handson involvement in important, real-world work, while saving counties money by offering pro bono services.” Other goals are more preventative in nature. The Institute will work with local school districts, police departments, juvenile probation offices and other educational and law enforcement organizations to provide “trauma-informed” services. “By recognizing that certain behaviors in young people may be rooted in trauma, it may be possible to address the problems before the behaviors escalate, possibly even into violence,” Belknap said. “Taking the right preventative steps can help make schools and communities safer, which is the ultimate goal.” Keystone students will be involved in every aspect of the institute’s work. From developing programs, assisting in the mediation center, mentoring children and investigating cases for resentencing, there will be opportunities for student engagement. “This will be a great learning experience for our criminal justice, psychology and social science majors, and any other Keystone student wh o w a n t s t o b e c o m e involved in helping young people during stressful times in their lives,” Andreoli said.

LA PLUME — Keystone College’s Thomas G. Cupillari ’60 Astronomical Observatory will be open for a viewing of a total lunar eclipse on the night of Sunday, Jan. 20 and the early morning of Monday, Jan. 21. The event is free of charge and no reservations are required. The Observatory will open to the public at 9:30 p.m. on Jan. 20. On that date, the full moon will dim as it passes the dark central part of the earth’s shadow, the umbra, during a total lunar eclipse. A partial umbral eclipse starts at 10:33 p.m. and the total eclipse begins at 11:41 p.m. and ends at 12:43

Getty Freedom Images a.m. on Jan. 21. The posttotal partial eclipse ends at 1:50 a.m. The eclipse will be visible on at least a partial basis in more than half of the world but will be fully visible throughout Northeast Pennsylvania. The Thomas G. Cupillari

’60 Astronomical Observatory is located on Route 107, approximately two miles west of Interstate 81, exit 202, and approximately two miles east of Fleetville. For more information, visit or call Jo-Ann Kamichitis at 570-945-8402.

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TS_CNG/SUBURBAN/PAGES [S06] | 01/09/19






Furry friends at the library PHOTOS BY EMMA BLACK / STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

Gracie, a four-month-old a rescue kitten.

Joanne Dewey, Griffin Pond Animal Shelter volunteer, left, and Lydia Chase of Dalton play with Rusty.

Julie Storey of South Abington Township, and her children Elisa, 10, and JohnMarc, 3, pet Georgie, a cat from the Griffin Pond Animal Shelter, during Pet Adoption Day at the Abington Community Library.

Four-month-old rescue cats, and Paula Moore of Clarks Summit holds Georgie. brother and sister, Georgie and Gracie.





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Jeff Polanin of Clarks Summit, a Griffin Pond Animal Shelter staff member, plays with Rusty.

TS_CNG/SUBURBAN/PAGES [S07] | 01/09/19


CALendAr: Local events FROM PAGE 2


Fiber Arts MiniMuseum: Open to the public now until Jan. 19 at The Gathering Place, 304 S. State St., Clarks Summit. Open noon to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and Saturday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The museum includes video by National Endowment for the Arts featuring Emily Rancier and a hands-on display of tools and fibers used in the production of materials. Gallery display of hand woven, knitted and crocheted art pieces is featured. Free admission. Call 570-563-2402 for group tours. For more info, send an email to gatheringplacecs@gmail. com or visit Winter wear collection: Libraries throughout the Lackawanna County Library System are collecting coats, hoodies, gloves and hats to benefit the Clarks Summit State Hospital. For more information, view the flyer at any Lackawanna County Library. Abington Community Library’s story times for children: Baby (ages 0-2): Fridays, Jan. 18 and 25 at 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.; Toddler (ages 2-3): Wednesdays, Jan. 16 and 23 at 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.; Preschool (ages 3-5): Tuesdays, Jan. 15, 22 and 29 at 10:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. For more info, call 570-587-3440. Rec center: The Newton Recreation Center, 1814 NewtonRansom Blvd., began its fall hours. They are: weekdays 3:30-8:30 p.m., Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sundays, noon to 5 p.m. Fall programs include: open volleyball on Mondays, 6-8 p.m., $2 per player, ages 18 and older; pickleball, Tuesdays, 4-5 p.m, $2 per player, ages 18 and older; sensory play, Thursdays, 4-5 p.m., free, ages 0-3; and open basketball, Fridays, 6-8 p.m., $2 per player, ages 18 and older. For more info: call 570586-7808. Bookmobile stops: The Lackawanna County Library System Bookmobile will make two Clarks Summit stops at Cole Village Apartments, Williams Street, from 2:152:45 p.m. and Applewood Acres Apartments, 405 Hamilton Terrace from 3–4 p.m. on Jan. 17, Feb. 14, March 14, April 11 and May 9. For more information, call 570-348-3000, ext. 3004. State rep. outreach: A staff member from state Rep. Marty Flynn’s office will provide outreach assistance from 9 a.m. to noon on the third Wednesday of the month, alternating between the Clarks Green Borough Building, 104 N. Abington Road and the South Abington Township Building’s second-floor meeting room, 104 Shady Lane Road in Chinchilla. Flynn’s staff can help with PennDOT paperwork, LIHEAP winter heating assistance, unemployment compensation, workers’ compensation, PACE/PACENET prescription-drug coverage, unclaimed property searches and any other state-related matter. Call 570-342-4348 for more information. Contact the Suburban: 570-348-9185; suburbanweekly@


SCHOOLS/ArOund tHe tOwnS

AHHS holds T-shirt design contest



Our Lady of Peace School earns honorable mention in county contest PHOTO COuRTESy Of LACkAwANNA COuNTy

Our Lady of Peace (OLP), Clarks Green, won honorable mention in the Lackawanna County Electric City Trolley Station & Museum’s inaugural Trim A Tree Challenge. Students from area schools were involved in the competition. The Christmas trees were displayed over the holidays at the museum where visitors judged and voted for their favorite ones. From left: Peggy Yanul, OLP, and Wayne Hiller, the county’s trolley museum and facilities manager.

AH students present concert


The winning design by Katie Seechock. SCRANTON — Abington Heights High School recently held a contest for students to design the 11th annual Pink Game T-shirt. The contest was coordinated by the Abington Heights High School Art Department, and was open to all art students, including Advanced Studio Art students and the Art Club. Seven T-shirt designs were submitted and voted on. The winning design was created by Abington Heights High School art student, Katie Seechock. The T-shirts with the winning design will be sold throughout the month of January within Abington Heights and North Pocono school districts, on the Foundation for Cancer Care’s website and at the Pink Game on Thursday, Jan. 24. The Abington Heights Lady Comets will

host the North Pocono Lady Trojans for this year’s game, and both teams will wear the T-shirts leading up to the game. All proceeds raised from this year’s Pink Game T-shirt, as well as from the other fundraisers taking place leading up to and during this year’s Pink Game will stay local and benefit the Foundation for Cancer Care directly. Last year, the Pink Game raised a record-breaking amount of more than $35,000 for the foundation. The Foundation for Cancer Care provides free mammograms and breast cancer care to women without health insurance or with prohibitive insurance deductibles, along with nutritional services, financial support, psychological counseling and hope to women with breast cancer.

Members of the Abington Heights Marching Comets, Dance Team and Drill Team performed a holiday concert for the residents of the Hayes/McDade Apartments, Clarks Summit, during the holiday season. Nickies Fabulous Hoagies donated warm socks and Gertrude Hawk candy which were wrapped and delivered by the students to all 120 residents of the apartments. Pictured are the students and residents who attended. From left, first row: Natalie Thompson, Lucy Lane, Kailey Rillstone and Penny Lane. Second row: Chad Banks, Stephanie Hicks, Nina Sampogne, Emily Gohsler, Alison Mc Carroll, Janice Adams and Jeanette Toomey. Third Row: Kevin Kettlegreen, Cole Capwell, Jess Ruehle, Katya Williams, Bryan Barlow, Emma Holbrook, Izabella Nguyen, Camille Rillstone, Aryanna Simpson, Jake Graham, Joann Hager, Helen Sampogne, Inga Mills, Sandy Anderson and Violet Sadaka. Fourth row: Jeffrey Barlow, Jakob Quanbeck, Justin Altieri, Gianna Maurturano and Roxanne Francis.


Show me the farm

Have you ever been to a cowboy sport. You will have not even take a day off for tractor square dance? to learn about team penning the fair One irony of contempofor yourself, but when there At the rodeo, we learned rary culture is that despite was a gruethat being a the fact that $135.7 billion of some accident, One irony of professional Pennsylvania’s economy is we were most is not contemporary athlete connected to agriculture, and surprised to all glamour. agriculture pays $27 billion learn from an culture is that When a contesof our wages, it often seems expert sitting had to be despite the fact tant as if there is a vast distance near us that, hospitalized, “from farm to table.” “The horse is the announcer that $135.7 In other words, partly beworth more said that hospibillion of cause of the efficiencies of than the rider.” talized contescorporate farming and superOur team Pennsylvania’s tants can’t live on prize money markets, the earthy sources penning expeLIndA SCOtt | IN THE ABINGTONS economy is they aren’t able of our food, drink, clothing, rience is just shelter and more are easone illustration connected to to earn. Along ily forgotten. To offset this of what we agriculture, and with many distance, our family tries to hope to get out make an annual pilgrimage of our trip to agriculture pays educational exhibitors, to the PA Farm Show. Harrisburg: $27 billion of Penn State is a The PA Farm Show is An unexS. ABINGTON TWP. — the nation’s largest indoor countries, according to its pected bit of our wages, it dominant eduRati Kanani, director of cational force agriculture exposition, held learning and website. the Kumon Math and Readinside a 1-million-square-foot entertainment. often seems as if at the show, The program is based ing Center which opened in on worksheets and the I daresay shelter from Harrisburg’s Another time, there is a vast and September at 860 Northern children work at their own January weather. This year, we discovered if someone distance “from spent a week Blvd., knows first hand the pace. For the younger stuthe “Pennsylvania State a biological benefits the program has site, took Fair” runs from January dents, they may look at a soil amendfarm to table.” on and read all the to offer. 5-12, so if you go this year, group of objects on a page ment that we handouts, and “I started the Kumon and count them. They learn you have to be a last-minute included in our program in seventh grade specialist. Otherwise plan how to trace and write organic lawn care program. wrote some reports, it would equal a semester at college. and stayed until 10th grade letters, eventually writing for the first full week of We also visit every liveThere is also ice cream while attending school in January next year. their names. The teachers stock exhibit, and acquaint made from honey, fried Oklahoma.,” Kanani said. When we go to the farm use flash cards to help them our kids (and ourselves) trout, and many other kinds “I worked for three years show, there are a number learn to read. with where our milk, meat of food. at a Kumon Center while of proverbial birds we try The older students may and eggs come from. StepAnd, of course, dancing attending the University of read a story and work on to kill with our one stone. ping around small piles tractors. Miami.” But our favorite event is no vocabulary. They learn of manure and streams of Kumon is open to chilgrammar and punctuation, longer on the schedule. We urine, we learned that the Joshua Arp is an ISA-certified dren age 3 to seniors in discovered team penning at sentence building, undercows who spend the week at municipal specialist, Clarks high school. Some students standing paragraphs, sum- the farm show, even though the complex continue to be Summit’s municipal arborist come because they are beat the time we were just mary and interpretation. milked on site. So behind the and an operator of an organic hind in school and others For math, they may iden- content to rest in the arena’s scenes, milk tanker trucks lawn and landscape maintenance business. Reach him at come to get ahead. tify odd and even numbers. seats. Soon, however, we come and remove the milk: When a student first enThey learn about addition, were fascinated to learn this Agricultural industry canters the program, he or she subtraction, division and starts with an orientation multiplication, solving and placement test. equations, graphs, fractions There is currently 35 chil- and algebra. The goal is for dren enrolled and the centhe students to learn calcuter employs four instruclus in sixth grade. Helping you tors along with the owner. The students are also asto live your life There are a library where signed homework. children can check out “My daughter Sarah books and a waiting room Mukherjee started Kumon for parents. when we lived in Charlotte, Students meet on MonNorth Carolina,’ said one days and Thursdays at vari- mother, Rina Mukerjee. We are here to care for you. ous times between 3 p.m. “We moved here and found and 7 p.m. If a student is a Kumon program in the Scranton: 570-558-6160 just working on reading or area. She is introduced to math, he or she stays a half a concept like fractions in Wilkes-Barre: 570-808-8896 hour. If a student is workmath. I don’t have to have ing on both subjects, he or to explain it to her and she she stays an hour. can do it by herself.” Kulpmont: 570-373-2100 Kumon started in 1954 in Sarah is 9 years old and Japan when a math teacher in the fourth grade at and father Toru Kumon verly Elementary School. wanted his son Takeshi to “I had a family eat next develop a love for learning. door at Subway. They then He also wanted his son to came over and looked at An innovative program to help seniors live independently be prepared for high school signs in my window,” said and college. Each day Toru Kanani. “They signed their LIFE Geisinger is a unique and innovative program for older adults gave his son short increchild up, who is doing multimental assignments to com- plication in kindergarten.” designed to give them the support they need to live independently. If you plete. He mastered that skill For more information or are an eligible older adult, the LIFE Geisinger Program can help you stay in before moving on to a new to enroll your child, call 570your home while you take advantage of our comprehensive daily living and concept. Kumon is now in 800-2800 or send an email to its 60th year and has helped clarkssummit-pa@kumon. health services. millions of children in 30 com.

A boost in math, reading







by Jack and Carole Bender


by Dan Stark Crossword answer:





by Jimmy Johnson

by Lincoln Peirce

by Art and Chip Sansom

by Richard Thompson


How to play:

Complete the grid so every row, column and 3 by 3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.


by Tom Thaves



by Luis Campos

by Bill Schorr

by Bill Tatulli


by Dave Whamond Today’s Cipher clue:

F equals Y Sudoku answer:


by Jim Meddick Celebrity Cipher answer:

Previous Solution: “We filmmakers are control freaks. For us, it’s about bending the elements of a story into existence.” — Richard Linklater


THATABABY by Dan Thompson

by Paul Trap

TS_CNG/SUBURBAN/PAGES [S09] | 01/09/19






Berks Catholic forfeits to Comets BY JOBY FAWCETT STAFF WRITER

S. ABINGTON TWP. — It is a rare occasion that a loss on the court turns into a victory on paper. That’s what happened two days following Abington Heights’ 36-34 defeat at the hands of Berks Catholic on Saturday in a high school basketball matchup of state powerhouse programs. The Comets were awarded the victory by forfeit Monday after it was learned that suspended Berks Catholic coach Snip Esterly violated PIAA rules by attending the game as a spectator. On Friday, Esterly had two technical fouls in Berks Catholic’s win over Wyomissing. By rule, two technical fouls results in an ejection and a one-game suspension for the next game. It also prohibits having contact with players and being in the facility. Berks Catholic athletic director Bill Hess was contacted by the PIAA on Monday and confirmed coach Esterly attended the game in South Abington Township and congratulated his players after the victory — a game in which the Saints were led by assistant coach Matt Ashcroft as acting as head coach. “The rule is the rule,” Hess said. “It is cut and dry. We aren’t trying to hide anything. As soon as I found out, we reported back to the PIAA that he had attended the game, but had no contact with the team until after the game. Him being there is against the rules. We accept the consequences.” As a reigning state champion, Abington Heights, too, was willing to accept the consequences of a potential defeat in the regular-season by upgrading its nonleague schedule, taking on challenges from highly respected programs such as Berks Catholic of Reading, the sixthranked Class 4A team in the state. It’s a test of the Comets’ resolve they hope will pay dividends down the road. Although they ultimately got the win by forfeit, the Comets -- the sixth-ranked team in Class 5A -- came up a little short on the scoreboard against the Saints. “We need to realize that they are a really good team, like all of the other teams we have been playing,” said Abington Heights senior George Tinsley, who scored 17 points, had 12 rebounds and blocked four shots. “We had a really off day shooting, but we showed some good things and we have to build on those.” B e rk s C at h o l i c ( 7 - 2 ) showed no wear and tear after defeating Constitution, the top-ranked Class 2A team in the state, Friday night. Luis Garcia, who had a team-high 17 points, scored his team’s first nine points


Spangenberg contract finalized STAFF AnD WIRE REPoRTS


Abington Heights’ Trey Koehler reacts to the initial loss to Berks Catholic on Saturday, Jan. 5. and Casey Jack added four as the Saints jumped out to a 13-6 lead in the first quarter. Abington Heights (8-2) made just 2 of 11 shots in the quarter and misfired on all four attempts from beyond the 3-point line. That became a recurring theme — if not a nightmare — for the Comets, who finished 0 for 12 on 3-pointers. They also struggled at the freethrow line, making 10 of 18, including 3 of 7 in the fourth quarter. Harry Johnson came off the bench to provide a lift for Abington Heights. He scored six points in the second quarter and Tinsley also had six to tie the game at 18. H oweve r, t h e S a i n t s closed the first half on a 6-0 run with Kyran Mitchell starting the surge with a 3-pointer. “We came out in the first quarter with no energy and they had a lot,” Tinsley said. “They smacked us right in the face. We have to be prepared for that and come out giving 100 percent from the beginning of every game.” Corey Perkins got Abington Heights going in the third quarter. He scored four points during an 8-0 run that tied the game at 26-26. Trey Koehler hit one of two free throws to give the Comets the lead and the defense held Berks Catholic scoreless more than seven minutes. At the start of the fourth, Perkins made a steal and layup that pushed the advantage to 29-26.

“We came out so slow and weren’t ready to play at all,” Perkins said. “In the second half, coach (Ken Bianchi) told us to work harder and push ourselves. We came out and played together a lot better.” Berks Catholic answered right back. Garcia scored three to tie it back up. From there the teams traded baskets and leads, but the Comets couldn’t pull away because of their struggles from the line. With the game tied at 33, Garcia made a driving layup with 18 seconds remaining for the Saints. He added a free throw after Tinsley hit one of two to make it 36-34, and the Comets missed a 3-pointer at the buzzer. Abington Heights’ George Tinsley drives to the net and

scores against Berks Catholic.

MILWAUKEE — Clarks Summit native Cory Spangenberg and the Milwaukee Brewers finalized a one-year contract that pays $1.2 million in the major leagues and $250,000 in the minors. The deal announced Jan. 4 was agreed to last month pending a successful physical. Spangenberg, who turns 28 in March, was released by San Diego in November after refusing a minor league assignment. He is taking a cut from his $1.7 million salary last year. Selected by the Padres with the 10th pick in the 2011 amateur draft, he hit .258 with 27 homers and 109 RBIs in parts of five seasons. He batted .235 with seven homers and 25 RBIs in 116 games last year, playing second, third and left. He struck out 108 times in 298 at-bats. He also played 21 games at Triple-A El Paso, where he batted .341 with a .997 OPS. Spangenberg joins a team that won the NL Central with an NL-best record of 96-67 last season.

Comets swimmers handle Wallenpaupack STAFF REPoRT

Josh Przekop had two individual wins and was part of two winning relays to lead Abington Heights to a 108-65 victory over Wallenpaupack on Jan. 2 in a Lackawanna League meet. John Frantz picked up wins in the 100 fly and the 100 back while Jack Washko (200 free), Carter Smith (diving) and Jarred Ocwieja (500 free) grabbed wins for the Comets.

girls swimming Camille Marquardt (diving) and Sarah Bath (100 free) each had wins for Abington Heights, which fell to Wallenpaupack, 112½-59½, in a Lackawanna League meet.

Abington Heights’ George Tinsley scores past Berks Catholic’s #13 Casey Jack.

Summer memories: Future Comets

girls basketball Abington Heights 50, Scranton 41 At Scranton, Maria Tully scored 20 points to lead No. 5 Abington Heights to a Division I win on Jan. 3. Erin Albright had nine points and 11 rebounds for the Lady Comets. Abington Heights 51 Wallenpaupack 22 At Abington Heights, Clair Marion had 13 points, 11 rebounds and three steals and Erin Albright also had 13 points with eight rebounds and three assists to lead the fifth-ranked Lady Comets in a Division I-II crossover on Saturday. Maria Tully had 11 points and three steals for the winners.

in hisTOrY


2018 Future Comets Football Camp participants and current and former members of the Abington Heights football program who volunteered as camp instructors.

30 years ago: Becki Howard scored 22 points, including the 1,000th of her career, in Abington heights’ 53-39 win over West Scranton. 20 years ago: Amber Jacobs scored 20 points for Abington heights in a 79-40 win over north Pocono. 10 years ago: mVP Ross Danzig had 17 points as Abington heights beat Coughlin, 54-46, in the Coughlin holiday Tournament championship.

TS_CNG/SUBURBAN/PAGES [S10] | 01/09/19



OLD: Making goals



HIKE: New Year’s Day at the state park FROM PAGE 1


I try doing too much at once. Instead of focusing on and completing one project at a time, I start one thing, get distracted by the excitement of the next, then move on to something else entirely. Before I know it, I’ve finished 2 or 3 projects and am less than halfway through another dozen. So this year, instead of making New Year’s resolutions, I’m making old year’s resolutions. I’m resolving to pick up where I left off (and in some cases start over) with previous year’s goals. I’m resolving to finish what I started. One resolution at a time. That, and maybe stay away from craft stores for a while. Contact the writer: ebaumeister@timesshamrock. com; 570-348-9100, ext. 3492

Accompanied by her husband, Mike, Umerich said the first day hike is a good way to get people to come out to local trails. “It’s encouraging for people to try it and see if it’s something that they would like,” she said. Brenda Spangenberg hikes at the park “almost every day,” but Tuesday was her inaugural First Day Hike. “I thought there would be about four people here,” she said, adding that she wondered if she was at the right location when she saw the large crowd. “I can’t get over it. It just shows all of the people that are interested in fitness and the environment.” This year was the park’s largest turnout in the six or so years that it’s been doing the hike, said park environmental education specialist Angela Lambert. “It was great to see the enthusiasm for folks to get out and enjoy what we have

to offer through our state park system,” she said, attributing the large turnout to Tuesday’s warm weather. The hike even took participants through the park’s new tunnel trail — a trail aptly named for a tunnel underneath Route 407 that hikers walk through. This year, the hike also included a winter woods bingo that tasked hikers with identifying different plants and wildlife, Lambert said. Last year’s nearly recordbreaking low temperatures didn’t stop Gail Sickles from going on the First Day Hike at the park, but this year was certainly warmer, she said. Sickles went on the muddy trek with her husband, Bill, and Harper, a 4 1/2-month-old Labrador mix that the couple is fostering. “It’s just a nice way to start the new year,” she said. Contact the writer: flesnefsky@timesshamrock. com; 570-348-9100 x5181; @flesnefskyTT on Twitter

Hikers stop to learn about Oriental bittersweet. PHOTOS BY JASON FARMER / STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

The group enters a pedestrian tunnel.

Hikers make their way down a hill at Lackawanna State Park.

Angela Lambert, environmental education specialist at Lackawanna State Park, leads a group of hikers through the pedestrian tunnel.

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Hikers cross a wooden bridge.

TS_CNG/SUBURBAN/PAGES [S11] | 01/09/19






Three natural health products Facts about to make you feel your best age-related

macular degeneration

Although they aren’t meant to replace prescribed medication or doctor-approved therapies, herbal supplements can be good additions to your care plan. Here are three that are worth knowing about.

Age-related macular degeneration, or AMD, is a condition that affects more than six million people globally and is the leading cause of blindness in North Americans over the age of 55.

Ginkgo Biloba The leaves of the ginkgo biloba tree have been used for medicinal purposes since as far back as 2600 BC. The ginkgo leaf extract used today has been shown, notably, to improve blood circulation, which allows the brain, eyes, ears and legs to function better.

What is AMD? The eye condition involves the degeneration of the macula, the innermost part of the retina, which is responsible for central, high-resolution vision. This type of vision is integral to activities such as reading, driving and recognizing faces. Essentially, macular degeneration causes the center of your vision to blur, while leaving the side or peripheral vision unaffected. There are two types of AMD: dry and wet. The dry form accounts for 90 percent of all cases but the wet form results in the largest number of instances leading to blindness.

Lemon balm On top of being a sleep and digestive aid, this herb that’s part of the mint family has calming effects that make it useful for treating anxiety and restlessness. The oil or extract from lemon balm can be added to food and beverages.

Omega-3 supplements A type of polyunsaturated fatty acid, omega-3 has a long list of potential health benefits, including relieving stiffness and joint pain, and lowering triglyceride levels – which translates to a decreased risk of heart disease. This fatty acid occurs naturally in plant sources such as nuts and seeds and in certain fish. These and countless other health-promoting products, not to mention a huge stock of nutritional food and beverages, can be found at your local health food store.

Note that any product – natural or otherwise – strong enough to produce a positive effect, such as alleviating stress or pain, also comes with risks and side effects. Be sure to consult with your doctor before taking herbal supplements, especially if you take medications, are pregnant or breast-feeding or have chronic health problems.

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In its early stages, AMD doesn’t present symptoms. However, it can be detected during routine eye exams. The first symptom will likely be slightly blurred central vision that occurs while performing tasks for which seeing detail is necessary. Glasses won’t correct it.

Treatment Treatment for AMD may involve vitamins, anti-angiogenesis drugs (which have allowed patients to regain their vision in some cases) and laser therapy. There are also magnifying devices that people with AMD can use to maximize their remaining vision. Early detection of AMD is important, as certain treatments can slow the disease or reduce its severity. Given the absence of symptoms in the initial stages, having eye exams regularly is advisable.


UNDER $2000

UNDER $2000

Early detection of AMD is important, as certain treatments can slow the disease or reduce its severity.


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TS_CNG/SUBURBAN/PAGES [S12] | 01/09/19





Program offers support for expecting moms BY JEFF HORVATH STAFF WRITER

in place. ... There’s no wrong door here.” Other program participants include the Lackawanna County Office of Youth and Family Services, Susquehanna County Children and Youth Services, the Wright Center for Community Health, Moses Taylor Hospital, the Community Care Behavioral Health Organization, the Outreach Center for Community Resources and the Lackawanna/Susquehanna Office of Drug and Alcohol Programs. All of these represent “entry points” where opioid-addicted expectant mothers can access the program and its network of resources. The program’s goal is to help moms and babies get healthy, and to break the stigma associated with pregnant women suffering from addiction. Among other barriers, shame resulting from that stigma often keeps women from seeking care, said Barbara Durkin, director of the bicounty drug/ alcohol agency. Many such women also struggle with other issues, such as domestic abuse or a critical lack of family support, said Yurii L. Harden, a licensed clinical social worker with Maternal and Family Health Services. The program’s network of partners and providers hopes to offer the support a patient may not otherwise have. “It takes a village,” said Wright Center Vice President of Grants and Strategic Initiatives Maria Montoro-Edwards, Ph.D. “We are here as a community responding to a community need, and are ready to provide that emotional, medical and social support to work toward a successful pregnancy and a healthy baby.” About 14 mothers-tobe have been referred to the program, which is

SCRANTON — A collaborative new program caters to moms and momsto-be struggling with opioids in Lackawanna and Susquehanna counties, where the rate of hospitalized infants born dependent on drugs in fiscal 2016 and 2017 was about twice the state average. Neonatal abstinence syndrome, also known as infant drug withdrawal, is the technical term for a group of problems that occur in infants exposed to addictive drugs, often opioids, while in the womb. It’s a chilling testament to the opioid epidemic’s farreaching effect on some of society’s most vulnerable — a population that often includes mothers and pregnant women battling their own drug addictions. Embracing a nonjudgmental and communitybased approach to care, area organizations and government agencies are participating in a new “Healthy MOMS” program that’s connecting expecting mothers battling opioid use disorder with available resources. The goal of the program is to keep patients in recovery by connecting them with a network of providers offering a range of services, from prenatal and postpartum care to behavioral health services, addiction treatment and more. “Our vision was to develop a single, coordinated care plan for opioid-addicted women where there was a strength of communication systems between partners,” said Bette Cox Saxton, president and chief executive officer of Maternal and Family Health Services Inc., one of the participating organizations. “From a bigger picture, this really was important because there was not a single, comprehensive care plan. Now we have systems


From left, Yurii Lynn Harden, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Maternal and Family Health Services; Cindy Kennedy, Director COC and DSS Operations, Maternal and Family Health Services; Barbara Durkin, Director, Lackawanna/Susquehanna Office of Drug and Alcohol Programs; Maria Kolcharno, Director of Addiction Services, The Wright Center for Community Health; Dr. Maria Montoro-Edwards, Vice President of Strategic Initiatives, The Wright Center for Community Health; Bette Saxton, President and CEO, Maternal and Family Health Services supported by more than $900,000 in grant funding awarded through the state Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs and the AllOne Foundation, respectively. Officials will seek other funding sources in the future, said Durkin, who emphasized the collaborative element of the program. “If all the entities or systems are talking to each other based on what’s in the best interest of the mom, (then) the outcome is going to be positive,” Barbara Durkin said. “I think the more we can collaborate on the needs of these moms, the better of we are going to be.” For information, visit Healthy MOMS services are offered to patients no matter their insurance status or ability to pay, according to the website. Contact the writer:; 570-348-9141; @jhorvathTT on Twitter





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