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Fall Rally Recap
“Kiwi & Friends” Candidates Training Conference 10.10.2022


Hello CTC

Going through a 3 hour a series of workshops, members learn how to build their campaign, elections procedures, and public speaking tips from the current District Board, International Trustee, and Elections, Policies, and Bylaws Committee. CTC is a crucial stepping stone for those interested in running for leadership positions from the club to the international level, as members gain insight on the responsibilities in KIWIN’S leadership roles.

Written by
Damon Le, District Secretary
The Candidates Care Package is a resource for potential candidates, containing the Agreement to Serve, campaign policies, past posters & trifolds, and sample caucus questions.


OCT 10 & NOV 5
Fall Rally has always been a widely anticipated event that luckily was able to happen in-person this year. It will remain in my mind as one of the most memorable experiences I’ll have. Not only was it the fun but the friends that I left with that made it great. Whether you won Penny Wars or filled the air with spirit during spirit sessions, every individual left with a understanding of what we could do to help the Pediatric Trauma Program. All I have to say is, let’s do it again!

Written by
Trinity Tran Glenn A. Wilson, Goldstone