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Serena’s Farewell

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District Updates

Howdy KIWIN’S,


I write this letter knowing that it will be the last one and I can feel the tears streaming down my cheeks. How are you feeling since the term has ended? Good, sad, relieved, tired? I am sure I have felt the rollercoaster of emotions that you are all experiencing. This term was a challenge but regardless, we have accomplished incredible things coming out of a drought of in-person events. We ended this drought as a District by holding our first District Convention in three years! Holy smokes, that's crazy…

This term definitely proved to me that with passion and commitment, the hardest obstacles can be overcome. I would not have done it without all of your commitment and love as a member. The comments on my Instagram posts and the questions I receive on Remind, all of these instances and more remind me why I love KIWIN’S and encourage me to work harder to help you and your clubs thrive.

Attending the International Convention in Washington D.C. alongside your new District Board definitely made me feel like an old KIWIN’S “has-been”. Seeing the INTERNATIONAL sweep of awards, that was made possible with the effort of our kiwi bears, made me a proud Mama Bear.

I wish there was something I could do to repay and appreciate every single one of you. While I think of something to express my gratitude, I hope my thanks will do for now. Thank you.

Signing off,

Serena Yang (she/her) District Governor 2021-2022


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