The Official Treasurer's Guide: Your Key to Successful Fundraising

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the official


TREASURER’S guide: your key to successful fundraising

Allen Pham, 2014-2015 District Treasurer 2014-2015 Treasurer’s Committee California-Nevada-Hawaii KIWIN’S| Key Club International












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FUND – Contact a local restaurant and ask for fundraising help and get members/individuals to bring in flyers. – Sell food on campus. – Organize a bake sale in front of a local grocery store. Contact the manager.

– Sell grams. Ex: Kiss-a-Senior Goodbye, St. Patrick’s, etc. – Organize a social at the beach, ice skating rink, roller skating rink, etc. Sell tickets or charge for admission. – Host an online, weekend tournament and charge a fee to participate. – Have a LAN party for LoL at a community center or someone’s home and charge for admission. Serve drinks and food, etc. – Hold an auction night where members can auction off board members for a date, to be a “slave for a day,” or auction off gift packages made by board members. – Organize a talent show and charge admission. – Contact a gas station and hold a car wash there. – Purchase wholesale candy at Costco and redistribute into bags. Have members sell individual bags. – Host a movie night open to the public and charge admission. - Announce to your school that you are collecting bottles and cans. Recycle them and collect money!

– Host a dance competition with prizes and charge for admission. – Sell KIWIN’S apparel (shirts, jackets) or accessories (wristbands, buttons). – Have members do pledge forms for a walk-a-thon or swim-a-thon. Individuals can donate at a rate (of how of something the member does) or give a flat-rate donation. – Have a poetry slam/rap battle among individuals and charge for admission.

DRAISING IDEAS - Before school, host a breakfast and charge everyone ex: $3. This can be for your club or open it up to nonmembers to hopefully boost attendance. - Ask members/students at school to pay money for the gifts you make. Then deliver them to the requested person.

– Make care packages and sell them for a specific price. - At local events, operate a concession stand. - Host a dance and charge admission. - Ask if your PTA needs help by babysitting or fundraising. - Use Easter to help pay members back some money. They can sell chocolate bunnies and keep the money. - Charge a fee for face painting at school events. – Make prom-asking posters for people and charge them at a certain price. - Collect unwanted items from Kiwanians, members, and anyone else to sell at a yard sale. - Between your own club’s members, students, and other Kfamily members. Host an event and charge admission to participate. -a-thon - Host an overnight event and charge admission. Play games and have ice breakers. If members fall asleep, they have to pay a certain amount for how many hours they sleep. - Collect old books, CD’s, and/or clothing and sell them to a local thrift/discount store. - Host a pancake breakfast and charge for admission. raiser. Students can raise a certain amount to have him shave it off or part of it off. - Sell snacks or drinks at your school’s dance a penny a pound for whatever she or he weighs. You need a “weigh station” booth at the door. Try this with your local Kiwanis Club.


Many clubs hold major fundraisers that attract a variety of people. But there are fundraisers that a

STEP 1: FIND A VENUE. You will need to find a venue for your club to hold a carwash. Venues include the following: -Local community area’s parking lot. (school, church, Boy’s and Girl’s Club, etc.) -gas station (some gas stations may charge, but many don’t) *Make sure that your venue has access to water, so your hose will be useful. STEP 2: Decide on a date and time. The club treasurer will need to talk to the venue manager, owner, or office secretary in order to find available dates and times. Venues like gas stations may have other Key Clubs or KIWIN’S Clubs holding carwashes, so you will need to know what the open days are. THEN, sit with the club board and choose a day and time to hold the wash. The ideal times are from 10:00AM-4:00PM. The time of the wash can be adjusted any way the club prefer. The best days to hold a carwash are usually Saturdays and Sundays, since weekends are the best time to clean the dirt of those windshields. But if a weekday is the only day available, then that is also a possibility. STEP 3: Publicize the carwash. The board will need to tell your members that volunteers are needed for the day. Also, a Facebook event is a great way to invite volunteers, friends, and other members of the society to the carwash to help out or to wash their car. Lastly, a visual ad of some sort would be recommended. A flyer or cover photo will help get the word out there to the members and customers without having to read all the written information on the event page.


also help boost the amount of club funds in a club’s bank account. And one of these fundraisers includes car washes. So here are 5 simple steps to host a car wash. STEP 4: Collect supplies for the wash. The following supplies is what you will need in order to wash a customer’s car: -A Hose (if you have two, you will need a HOSE SPLITTER) -Sponges (enough for each volunteer to have) -Buckets (you will need buckets to fill with soapy water and sponges) -Soap (you will need car soap. It will indicate on the bottle if the soap is useable for cars) -Towels to dry (towels will be needed in order to dry off the cars) -Window Squeegees (these are optional if you have towels that can wipe down glass without leaving smears or smudges) -Window Cleaner Spray (this is also optional, but it adds that extra shine to the windows) -Canopy (a canopy or Easy-Up will be useful for taking breaks, hanging towels on, or keeping bags and items out of the sun, optional) -Car Wash signs (have your members or board create car wash posters for the event. By laminating the posters, you can reuse the posters for future washes) *Members of the club may have supplies they are willing to donate to the club. But if they are buying supplies and would like to be reimbursed, make sure to remind them to bring their receipts. STEP 5: Execute the event. When the day comes, you and your board will need to arrive early in order to set up the car wash. The one in charge at the wash can assign jobs to the volunteers at this time and discuss times for a lunch break or shift switch. Shifts are usually in increments of 2-3 hours. TIPS: If you are planning to hold a carwash, don’t forget to invite as many people as you can to attend. Cars will be driving into your car wash, and there will be times when it gets very busy and hectic. But by holding a carwash, the club is able to stay financially supported and hold service events for their club. REMEMBER: In order to receive official hours for the car wash, you should donate at least 10% of your profit to a charity, like Live to Learn, Pediatric Trauma Program, or the Eliminate Project. A well publicized carwash can usually raise around $150-$250 dollars for a club. This money can go to charities and programs or even help lower the cost of the annual District Convention. The usual pitch for a carwash is to have a “Free Carwash”, but with an open donation. The average donation rate is $5-$10 dollars. Remember to rinse the car with the hose, then scrub with the soap water and sponges, then rinse the car off of the soapy water, then dry and squeegee the car. And lastly, make sure that the carwashes you hold are FUN. FUNdraiser! You can find different ways to incorporate fun into a carwash. For example, having a speaker and playing music makes the event more enjoyable. Or even give out food and candy at the end of each shift so that the members feel rewarded for their hard work!

PROJECT PLANNING: 1). Determine what you would like to accomplish: For best results on any project, have a central goal. Isolate the need you wish to address and set a goal for your project; it might be a desired profit for a fundraiser or a desired number of volunteers that you wish to attend a service project. Make sure it is measurable and realistic; it is completely okay to alter this goal as your project progresses. 2). Designate a committee to plan respective aspects of the project: Have at least one person who will be present for the entire duration of the project. They will make sure all volunteers know what tasks to complete, especially if the project requires multiple shifts of volunteers. This person might have assistants to help with advertising, coordinating the location of the project, setting a budget, and getting the appropriate number of chaperones. 3). Determine an appropriate location for the project: The person in charge of this should consider from where volunteers are commuting and try to make the project location central for all of them if possible. 4). Determine how many volunteers and what supplies your project requires: Decide on a minimum number of volunteers and make sure it is realistic. Create a method for volunteers to sign up for the event (ie. a sign-up sheet, Facebook event, Google sign-up document, etc.); this is especially important if the project will require multiple shifts of volunteers. Give volunteers a way to contact you if they are suddenly unable to attend the event. Regarding supplies, set a realistic budget for the project especially if it is a fundraiser since it still needs to be profitable. You may need to fundraise to obtain necessary

: THE BASICS funds to purchase supplies. Designate a person to obtain the supplies well before the start of the project. Also, ask local businesses if they would be willing to donate supplies to your project. 5). Confirm attendance from the appropriate number of chaperones: Check the required chaperone ratio set by your school. Contact faculty advisors, Kiwanis advisors, and members’ parents and friends over 21 (not Circle K members) to see if they would like to chaperone the event. Make sure you have confirmed the appropriate number’s attendance based on an estimated number of volunteers needed before you begin advertising the event. 6). Advertise your event: Plan your project so that you have ample time to advertise! Advertise in a variety of ways including flyers, digital layouts, social media, word of mouth, etc. Provide all necessary information including date, time, cost (if any), location, and what need this project is addressing. Advertise often and consistently. 7). Carry out the project: Especially if it is the first time you have hosted the event, carry it out to the best of your ability. Keep track of volunteers’ service hours with a sign-in/out sheet. 8). Evaluate the project: Have all planners gather to determine what went well about the project. Also determine what could be improved about the project and come up with ways to make these improvements. This will also help avoid similar mistakes in future projects. Ask volunteers for their feedback as they leave or at the next general meeting. Decide if the project is worth doing again and if it can be made self-sustaining.

SETTING THE SMARTEST GO Specific Measurable Action-oriented & attainable

Realistic & Relevant Time-based

Specific Measurable

Action-oriented & attainable

A SMART goal is detailed and gives a time -frame during which the goal is to be met. It mentions quantity and how you plan to accomplish the goal. For example, if you wish to increase the amount of fundraising done by your club, it may help to start out by setting a goal for one month and consider the amount raised per month in past years. It is better to start out setting small goals and gradually increasing them for best results.

SMARTER goals have all of the qualities of SMART goals tremely important to evaluate your goals as you work t they are accomplished. Some important questions to

“Was our club able to accomplish this goal on time?”

“Can we build upon this goal to improve our club ev

“If we were not able to accomplish this goal, how ca

Realistic & Relevant

it to make it attainable?”


“Did this goal help or burden us to accomplish our clu

Evaluated often Revised & Revisited


It is okay to change your goals as necessary to make su Do not be discouraged if it is necessary to change you you set out to raise $15 more in the month of January t year, it is okay to lower the amount to $10 more if $15 is month progresses.


and even more! It is extowards them and after ask are:

ven more?”

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ure that you meet them. ur goal. For example, if than your club did last s not realistic as the

To set the Specific SMARTEST goals, you must let Measurable others know Action-oriented about them! As soon as you set & attainable out to accomRealistic & Relevant plish a goal, inform the rest of Time-based your club officEvaluated & revised ers, advisors, and even Shared with the team members. To Translated into action remind everyone of the common task, make sure these are advertised throughout the duration of the task. This could be as simple as announcing it at club meetings or hanging them up on a wall of your meeting spot. Lastly, be open to ideas to accomplish the task. As soon as you set a goal, have a plan to go about accomplishing it and do not be afraid to alter it.

Fundraisers to Support the Prefer

To donate money to Children’s Miracle Network, you can hold a usual fundraiser like a carwash, bake sale, or any other fundraiser. By taking part of the profits, or all of the profits, you will be able to support the Children’s Miracle Network. By going to this link( https://, you can donate funds through a card or a check! Another way to fundraise is to find a store that donates to the Children’s Miracle Network and motivate your club members to go into the store and donate. Store like Wal-Mart and Dairy Queen and food places like IHOP may have times of the year where they offer their customers a choice to donate to the Children’s Miracle Network, and have the donators’ names written on a paper cutout and out up into the store! So by having your club hold a breakfast social at IHOP and everyone donating a dollar, it will be yummy for your tummies and good for the Children’s Miracle Network.

rred Key Club Charities

A major fundraiser that Kiwanis International holds with UNICEF is the Trick-orTreat UNICEF Donation boxes. In order to obtain boxes for the Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF donations, please go to You can collect donations while you trick-or-treat, and even make it a competition on whoever collects the most donations wins a gift card or prize.

To donate to March of Dimes, use this link: https:// giving/support-general.aspx March of Dimes holds many events like golf tournaments, March for Babies, and of course March for Dimes. The two events that clubs usually volunteer with are March for Dimes and March for Babies. To volunteer, check out where their events are and email the volunteer coordinator. Also, if you walk with your KIWIN’S club or division at a March of Dimes event, you will be able to fundraise money and collect donations, which is another way to help support the Preferred Charities.


KIWIN’S is a nonprofit, 501c(3) category organization. This means that we can provide donors with a tax ID number.

Tax ID number can be acquired from your local Kiwanis.

If you are planning on event/fundraiser, ask for donations! Anything you get donated will help increase profit!


Introduce yourself or say who you are. “Hi, this is ____, the club treasurer of _____ High School KIWIN’S Key Club.”

Let him/her know why you called.

“Please feel free to call me back at (xxx) xxx-xxxx. Again, that’s (xxx) xxx-xxxx.” Speak slowly and be sure to enunciate each word.

End with “Thank you and have a wonderful day!”


Record all transactions and make sure they go through you!

Whenever you make deposits or withdrawals, keep your receipts or log the different amounts.


Make sure your profit margin is high enough to make a profit.

Reach to your Kiwanis. Support them,, and they will support you. They have great connections and can get you discounts on printing, newspaper ads, etc.

Some days when you feel overwhelmed, let your club president know. Key Club should be important to you, but school and family always come first.

Find the balance. Prioritize your time so that you can keep your grades up and have to relax, while staying active in Key Club.

[Date] To Whom It May Concern, Hi, my name is _____ and I am from ___ High School in [insert city name]. I am a Leadership representative of a non-profit organization named KIWIN’S, 32nd District of Key Club International and a branch of the Kiwanis Family. KIWIN’S is a student-led organization that enthusiastically promotes the development of character and leadership through community service within the Kiwanis family. We are also a part of Key Club International, which has districts in over 30 countries. Our KIWIN’S Club of ___ High School is planning ____. [Briefly describe your event, when and where it will take place, and why you are doing the event. How will it benefit the community? To whom does it benefit, etc. Talk about the significance of your event, and sound persuading.] [Now politely talk about what you are asking for and how it will help your purpose. Talk about the significance that you have those materials/donations.] We are a nonprofit and can provide you with a tax deduction number. Every bit will help us hold a successful [insert event type. Ex: Benefit Concert]. We hope you consider our request and it’s worthy causes. Thank you so much for your time; we hope you have a wonderful day and we hope to hear from you soon! Please feel free to contact me at 858-472-9403 (After 2:30 on weekdays) or by email [insert email here]. Add anything else you would like to say. This is only an outline; you can change it up accordingly. Thank You, Your Name Your Position Your School California-Nevada-Hawaii KIWIN’S | Key Club International

8360 Red Oak Street, Suite 201 - Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 | California-Nevada-Hawaii KIWIN’S | Key Club International

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