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How a shorter break, rising prices and sports might make fall break travel less popular

by Ben Psota design by Aidan Brown


photo for the Triangle Sophomore Lukas Hoehn this year on fall break in Florida.



Did not travel last year


Traveled last year When many students think of a break from school, they picture a nice vacation to go along with it. But not every break is necessarily the best choice for a nice, long vacation, including the upcoming fall break. There are many different factors that play a role in this, including how many students are enrolled in fall sports that prohibit them traveling over fall break, the fact that this break is shorter than other breaks offered and the huge increase in travel prices over the past few years.

Fall break only lasts for one week, which is shorter than the usual two weeks of break in the winter and the long two-month break in the summer. Sophomore Lukas Hohen believes that this shorter amount of time might cause less families to travel.

“Fall break being only one week probably discourages plenty of people from traveling. If it was two weeks, I do think people would be more inclined to travel,” Hohen said.

Although this break is shorter, there is still the belief that one week is a suitable amount of time to travel.

“I don’t think fall break makes it harder to travel, because it’s still a whole week to take advantage of. You wouldn’t go somewhere far, of course, but fall break still beats a weekend trip. The only caveat being that you can’t stay too long wherever it is you go,” Hohen said. “This year, my family is planning to travel for fall break. We’ll be going to visit our family in Florida.”

Another issue students may face is their commitment to fall sports. Most sports are in full swing around this time of year, preventing athletes such as tennis player Parth Shah from traveling due to required practices or competitions.

“Fall sports do kind of limit travel, as you have to go to practice and games, but at the same time I love tennis, so I don’t feel like I’m totally missing out,” Shah said. “It isn’t totally necessary to travel over break to have fun when you are still doing the things you love.”

Finally, with the major increase in travel costs, such as gas and airline tickets, many people, such as Principles of Business Management teacher Andrew Dunn, say that this might have an impact on the amount of people who traveled over fall break. “I do think the costs are making people really think about how they are going to travel,” Dunn said. “Maybe you do a two to three night stay somewhere closer so you don’t spend as much in gas and airline cost and you still get away.”

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