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The ART program at North is incredibly diverse and offers many different classes where students can explore their interests. Art teacher Leslie Weaver describes some of her favorite things about the art program. “We offer some classes here that other schools in our district don’t,” Weaver said. “There’s a lot for kids to experiment with.”

The A to Z guide for high school life


by Evan Bense, Elizabeth Carrigan, Samantha Garrison and Maia Jamieson

North BASKETBALL games have a great atmosphere that is especially fun during the North vs. East match up. Makae sure to check for the student section theme.

North offers a variety of CLUBS that give students the opportunity to explore and develop their interests. These clubs range from academically focused Beta Club to artistically centered Art Club to medically based HOSAA.

The DRAMA program consists of musical and theatrical performances, along with Showcase, an opportunity for underclassmen to experience a larger role. “A freshman would definitely benefit from [drama] as it gives a space where you are pretty much forced to work with them,” junior Caroline Brucken said.

The ENGLISH department offers three different levels of English classes: standard, college prep and honors. Counselors can help determine the best fit for each student.

FOOTBALL is a popular sport at North. Students can show support for the team by attending a game and cheering them on.

The downstairs and upstairs HALLWAYS work similarly, and learning to navigate one will lead to understanding the rest. The numbering of the downstairs hallways correlates with the numbering of those upstairs. For example, the 2400 hallway upstairs is directly above the 1400 hallway.

It’s very important to keep high grades in all classes to maintain one’s ideal GPA. There’s many resources available to students to support and achieve good grades.

ILLNESS can be treated, as long as a student has a pass to the Nurse’s office. The office is located in Room 1605.

The JOURNALISM classes allow students to view the school from a new perspective. “Getting involved in journalism helps get to know everyone in the school,” journalism teacher Rachel McCarver said. “Students are in charge of content and create all media.”

KEY CLUB is a club that helps the community and school through service and fun. “I think freshmen could benefit from the service opportunities we provide,” senior Ajay Singireddy said. “It’s also a great way to get hours for their senior project. It’s a really fun way to get involved in your school and community.”

There are two LUNCHES every day: first lunch and second lunch. All freshmen must stay on campus for lunch as stated by BCSC policy.

North has a MUSIC program with two show choirs, Vocal Pointe and North Stars, and a jazz choir, 25th Street. “I would say that freshmen should join [choir programs] because it’s a nice group of people and just a good way to step out of your comfort zone,” junior Olive Mantooth said.

The NORTH VS. EAST rivalry crosses the majority of the sports programs at North. The sports programs and clubs all participate in North vs. East competitions.

In high school, staying organized is a beneficial skill to have. Staying ORGANIZED helps keep students on schedule and caught up on assignments. Organization is important with all supplies, from backpacks to folders to random materials.

PREPARING FOR COLLEGE AND CAREERS (or PCC) is a required class for freshmen. PCC helps students learn and plan for their future after high school and discover jobs and college opportunities down the road.

Adapting to a new school can be challenging at times, but asking QUESTIONS can help students with the process. Asking a teacher, older student, or other peers for advice is a good idea.

If students take their RESOURCE seriously, they won’t have as much homework to do at home. Resources can be extremely helpful for those who do extracurricular activities. Tests can also be made up during this time.

The STUDENT SECTION is a fun way to support the Bull Dogs during competitions. The student section has senior leaders who lead in chants, cheers and fun dress-up themes.

UNIFIED TRACK is an inclusive track team that focuses on relationships, community and teamwork. “Unified track is a meaningful experience of being involved in a supportive community of athletes who work hard, play hard,” senior Sophia Thomas said.

The TENNIS teams are very successful, and freshmen can join in on the competition. “My favorite thing about tennis is that every match allows you to play against a different style,” junior Parth Shah said.

The VENDING MACHINES offer a variety of snacks and drinks for students to choose from. There are vending machines in almost every hallway on the first floor. Most snacks are around one to two dollars.

WINTER FORMAL usually occurs the third Saturday of January. Most students get photos and dinner before the dance.

North has an outstanding cross country (or XC) program with many state championships and national recognition. “My favorite thing about cross country is connections with other people. Being around the same people for practice builds strong friendships but at meets it’s also fun to meet new people,” sophomore Neal White said.

YO YO BULL DOGS is a fun way to celebrate the achievements of clubs and teams at North. “It was kind of created on the spur of a moment, walking down the hallway to the gym to celebrate the state championship, and now it’s used usually around an accomplishment for an athletic team or band,” principal David Clark said.

Teenagers should get eight to 10 hours of sleep a day to stay healthy and focused. Students should keep up on their homework to get all the ZZZ’s they need for school.

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