The Triangle Volume 99 Issue 1

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TRIANGLE Columbus North High School • 1400 25th Street, Columbus, IN, 47201 • Volume 99, Issue 1 • Sept. 13, 2019

the test of time 12-15


EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Hailey Andis Salome Cloteaux Coral Roberts Erica Song WEB EDITORS Emy Tays Braden Taylor

cover photo by owen poindexter cover illustration by lucy beck


Scan with your iPhone camera (Snapchat, too) to be linked to all of CNHS Media’s social media

COVERAGE EDITORS Abby Bodart Cheyenne Peters INDEPTH TEAM Alyssa Ayers Lucy Beck Katie Long Zoe Preston STAFF Curtis Abendroth Megan Allman Erica Bishop Trenton Bodart Katharine Brunette Valeria Castillo Lara Carolina Davidson Shelby Euler Paola Fernandez Annagail Fields Annabel Freeman Ariana Garcia Diana Garcia Alyssa Green Anna Hatton Haleigh Holwager Lily Hruban Tanya Iyer Emily Johns Anna Kelley Matthew Liu Alexander Marsh Luke McDonald Jimena Mendoza Myleigh Munn Anushka Nair Thomas Neeley Sanjana Penmathsa Karla Perez Walker Powell Elaine Sanders Luke Schneider Hallie Schwartzkopf Ashley Sturgeon Addie Watts ADVISERS Roth Lovins Rachel McCarver


editorial policy

The Triangle is the designated forum for student expression at Columbus North High School. The student staff chooses all content. Signed columns published in The Triangle express the writer’s personal opinion and not the views of The Triangle, student body, BCSC, administration, board of trustees or faculty of Columbus North. The Triangle practices ethical journalism by providing balanced and fair coverage as determined by community standards. The Triangle strives to achieve 100 percent accuracy by checking sources, spelling, and quotes and attaining multiple sources. The Triangle encourages letters to the editor, but reserves the right to reject them for reasons including but not limited to lack of space, multiple letters of the same topic and personal attacks contained in the letter. The Triangle will not edit for content, but reserves the right to edit for grammar and length. Letters should be submitted to room 1507 or sent via e-mail to administrator@ All Letters much be signed by all persons involved in writing the letter, which the staff will check for validation. A letter sent via e-mail must be validated with a signature from the writer before The Triangle will publish it. If responding to a publication, letters must be turned in

within one week of that publication’s distribution. In the event of death, The Triangle will run a standard obituary. Pertaining to work submitted via social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), The Triangle will only accept written submissions from the original poster and owner and will only publish entries with the permission of the original poster and owner. The Triangle will not edit submissions for content and reserves the right not to publish them for reasons including but not limited to lack of space, multiple submissions of the same topic, vulgar or incendiary content. The Triangle will not publish photographs from Facebook. Posts on The Triangle’s social media pages by readers are owned by the readers and do not necessarily express the views or opinions of the staff. The Triangle is not responsible for their content and reserves the right to delete and report any inappropriate and unnecessary posts. By posting on The Triangle’s social media pages, the poster grants The Triangle permission to publish the contents of that post. In cases when a source’s information may bring ridicule or incrimination upon himself or herself, the editorial board reserves the right to cite the source as anonymous. The Triangle will never use composite sources and pass them off as anonymous sources.

4 opinion WHERE’S THE LOVE






Junior varsity teams do not get the credit they deserve. Students in band talk about the band season.

Athletics, not just academics, are crucial to a complete education.



President Donald Trump’s trade war will impact students and families across the country.



Columbus North students had the opportunity to impact Exhibit Columbus through artwork.



New teachers share how they have been adjusting to Columbus North.

12 indepth THE TEST OF TIME


CNHS students battle the forces of time as the pressure of academic expectations push them further away from their childhood and closer to adulthood

16 student life 16


Paige Bishop combines her senior project with her aspiration to become a pilot.



Students talk about new and old clubs starting up for the new school year.





Students consider the effects of sleep deprivation on academics and relationships


PREVIEW Check out CNHS Media’s YouTube channel! BNN posts weekly videos News show every week Mag show every two weeks

Paige Bishop combines her senior project with her aspiration to become a pilot.

20 sports



Bull Dogs play their first game at Lucas Oil Stadium against Avon



The mens tennis team adjusts to its ever-growing numbers.



North High School athletic teams competed against crosstown rival Columbus East


where’s the love? Junior varsity teams do not get the credit they deserve

by braden taylor


unior varsity teams has always been overlooked by the varsity teams. For most kids, JV is where they spend their freshman or sophomore year, but are they really underappreciated? Attendance for varsity game versus JV teams aren’t even close. Varsity has much higher attendance rates, which is one of the biggest complaints JV players have. For some sports, JV teams are simply used as a practice squad for the varsity team. People forget about all of the hard work JV players have to put in as well. Just because a player isn’t on the varsity squad shouldn’t mean they don’t work as hard as the varsity squad in most situations. However, with all this being said, there are benefits to being on the JV squad. JV is a great place for players in any sport to get better and improve before being “promoted” to the varsity team. JV teams typically play the varsity team a lot as well, which really helps to practice competing against others and also improves players’ skill sets. Being at a lower level than varsity also presents the opportunity to show one’s skill sets to the varsity coaches without the pressure of actually being on varsity. Just because a player isn’t on the varsity squad, it doesn’t mean the varsity coaches aren’t watching. To me, JV players have always seemed to be overlooked and underappreciated. And yes, while there are a lot of negative aspects of being on JV, there are also a lot of benefits to it as well. Athletes on JV teams should take it with a grain of salt and work as hard as they can to be the best players they can be. Coaches always notice the hardest working players, no matter the team.


band kids

by thomas neeley






Log yearbook will capture the people, the events and the soul of Bull Dog Nation this school year.



log yearbook volume 101

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On May 20, be part of the excitement and energy of delivery day by reserving your copy of the 2020 Log now. Don’t miss out on the real story of the year. Pickup a yearbook order form from outside room 1505 or order online at for its best price of $55 BEFORE OCT. 4. After that, books may be ordered through Herff Jones for $70 until Jan. 24.

it’s all about


this year • your year • THE year

learning on the move Athletics, not just academics, are crucial to a complete education


he pitch-black night sky above the school parking lot is suddenly broken by a bright yellow school bus. As the clock of the nearby church strikes eleven, exhausted student athletes file out of the bus and stagger home to cram for tests and frantically complete homework. Despite stress over their schoolwork, these students gain valuable life skills from participating in sports that far outweigh the temporary discomfort they feel on certain late nights. Student athletes are able to learn valuable skills and lessons by participating in sports during the school year. The time commitment sports require is a great tool for athletes to learn the importance of time management and prioritizing. Each late night spent practicing, working out or playing at a game requires athletes to carefully manage the little free time do they have left. Additionally, their dedication to athletics demonstrates perseverance to push through tough practices and exhausting games, as well as their strong work ethic. Spending so much time with the other athletes on the team also teaches them effective communication and cooperation skills. School sports also increase school spirit and create a sense of unity among each sport team and their supporters. Athletes enjoy a feeling of community with teammates and meet new friends through their sports. Athletes can create lasting relationships with team members and coaches. The new friends they meet can become an important support system to help encourage them during times of stress or hardship. Moreover, school sports are a fun and effective way to exercise. Because of the health benefits, physical activity should be a priority for high school students. Student athletes are able to stay fit and active while doing a sport they enjoy. Not only can physical activity benefit physical health, sports are proven to have positive effects on athletes’ mental health, as well. According to, physical activity can help boost confidence and self-esteem, as students see their hard work pay off and achieve their goals. Sports provide the opportunity to take a break from school and academics. Through sports, many students also learn decision-making skills, which help them to stay away from drinking, smoking and other harmful activities. Lastly, exercise releases endorphins, which are chemicals that reduce pain and increase feelings of happiness, reducing the risk of depression and anxiety. Despite these benefits of playing sports, some people believe sports are emphasized too much in the school system. They believe academics should be the main focus, not athletics, because the purpose of school is to provide a quality education. Sports require many hours of practice, which may force athletes to stay up late to finish homework. They are less able to focus on school and have less time for themselves. Some even argue that the pressure to perform well in sports could impact mental health negatively by adding stress on top of academics.


However, these fears are completely unfounded. Sports actually help athletes to do better academically. Athletes learn repetition, goal-setting and determination, according to, all of which can help students learn better in the classroom. While it can be a challenge for students to balance athletics and academics, athletes can learn valuable lessons. Sports are crucial for developing skills that branch out from simply studying, which can contribute to later success. Thus, a complete education is not just about acing tests or having a perfect GPA. It’s about establishing the skills and habits crucial for later success—the same skills and habits that sports instill in diligent student athletes.

Does TRIBE believe sports are emphaiszed too much in 41% yes school?

59% no DoTRIBE staff members particpate in sports? 45% yes

55% no

Columbus North High School • Preserve special friendships • Showcase the seniors on the team • Buy a space all for yourself s Smith, Noah Algee

Brayden Smith Trenton Kelley, Nichola D’Andre Scruggs, ez, Jalen Paswater, England, Tayran Wells, Sutton, Will Redding, Bradley Gutierr Riley Ables, Dylan l Johnson, Jacob Front: Luke Riley, n, Konner Stahl, Michae Back: Avery Newma

Chauntavious Davis

Trenton Kelley (7)

d (4) Langston Lunsfor


Michael Johnson

Riley Ables (22)


Jalen Paswater (32)

Dylan England (11)

Bradley Gutierrez


Nicholas Smith (79)

D’Andre Scruggs

• Can include baby pictures, first day of school pictures, family photos and/ or senior portraits! • Reserve your Senior Ad in the 2020 Log yearbook BEFORE DEC. 20 • Pick up an order form from Mr. Lovins in Room 1507, the Main Office or email for more information

Luke Riley (16)


Tayran Wells (44)

Jacob Sutton (43)

Will Redding (91)

er) Haven Andis (Manag

2018 SEA SON! ON AN AWESOME Game CONGRATUL ATIONS Champions. North/East Rivalry

Noah Algee (65)

Avery Newman (59)

Konner Stahl (72)

! Conference IN all the very best 2018 Undefeated Club wishes you 4-0. The Gridiron


NIORS 2019 football SE r)

Bailey Lofton (Traine

full page • up to 9 pictures or team photos • 9 in. x 12 in.

Congratulations to our special daughter. You light up our life with your smile. You have made us so proud over the years and this is only the beginning. We admire your determination and warmth. We love you and are so proud. Love Mom and Dad


hunter alexan der SPALDING

2/9 page • up to 2 pictures approx. size 2 in. x 6.75 in.

We are all so proud of you and what you have accomplished up to this point in your life . We are excited to see what God has planne d for you. Continue to follow your own pat h and continue to just be you! Love, Mom, Am ie, Brayden, Nan a and Pap a

3/9 page • up to 3 pictures approx. size 8 in. x 3.25 in.

RESERVE SPACE TO HONOR YOUR SENIOR BEFORE DEC. 20! your success and We are so proud of new adventures! ur yo to rd wa for k loo

d Love, Mom an

parker SCOTT


6/9 page • up to 6 pictures approx. size 8 in. x 6.75 in.

• beautiful color • create a personal message • include childhood photos • show your senior’s personality

different type of war

President Donald Trump’s trade war will impact students and families across the country

by nela riddle design by sanjana pemathsa


facts: 1. A tariff is a tax on imported goods

2. The tariffs will cost US consumers about $100 billion more annually.

3. New tariffs could cost families an extra $600-$1000 annually Sources americanactionforum. org,


ne day, a pair of shoes could cost $60, but a few weeks later, $66. This difference actually represents a 10 percent increase in price. Eventually, price elevations such as these can compound into a much greater sum. On Sunday, Sept. 1, 2019, these additional expenses became reality with billions of dollars of tariffs on Chinese imports going into place and more to follow in December. Senior Grace Wang explains the definition and purpose of tariffs. “[Tariffs are] a tax that countries place on each others’ imports,” Wang said. “It’s to block foreign imports that are less expensive than domestically made goods because you need domestic industries to have your own economy grow.” When implemented, tariffs are intended to have a positive outcome on a country’s government through earning tax revenue. According to economics teacher Natalie Perry, tariffs serve as a bargaining tool in trade negotiations. “The foreign country is the primary target for disadvantages,” Perry said. “The tariff is designed to decrease foreign revenue and discourage trade behaviors that had given them an unfair advantage.” However, not all countries use tariffs to gain an economic advantage. “A lot of countries who are super free economically, like Singapore, don’t even have tariffs because they want to be a trade hub of the world,” Wang said. “The more tariffs you have, the more government control there is on the economy.” Currently, the U.S. is in a trade war with China as both countries enact

increasing tariffs on each other. China is being targeted for its past violations of international trade standards. “China, in particular, has violated mandates placed on fair trade, violated intellectual property rights and artificially devalued their currency to make their products appear cheaper to foreign buyers,” Perry said. Despite the good intentions behind tariffs, not all results of currently placed tariffs have been positive. “The latest data has shown an increase in unemployment applications and a slowdown in the hiring markets,” Perry said. In addition to affecting employment rates, these tariffs will cause increased prices for basic everyday items. “There are literally hundreds of pages of Chinese products that have had increased tariffs placed on them,” Perry said. “Not only is this hard on consumers who are still purchasing those items, it is also hard for our American producers who use parts and resources from China.” As prices begin to climb, students may have to make more financial decisions and even cut some items out of their budget if they become unaffordable. Freshman Ronit Jha is one student who will have to make some of these choices. “I think that I would spend more money depending on how important the item is to me,” Jha said. “If the item is not necessary, I wouldn’t get it.” While current tariffs have been heavily discussed in recent news, tariffs, in general, are not new to American society. “Tariffs are not unusual and have been used whenever the US feels trade needs a buffer,” Perry said.

connecting to the community Columbus North students had the opportunity to impact Exhibit Columbus through artwork by curtis abendroth design by anushka nair photos by owen poindexter


ultiple students use creativity on a daily basis at Columbus North, but certain students use creativity to create actual artwork. Through Exhibit Columbus, students ideas can directly affect the community in Columbus! Senior Maika Shibata worked on this year’s Exhibit Columbus artwork. “Symposium years are the planning period where directors and people who are in charge of Exhibit Columbus decide who they want to bring in and have designs for the exhibit.” Shibata said. “September of 2018 was the symposium because they alternate years doing symposium and exhibition; last year was the symposium year. In September, they had different conversations that we would go to during school and we would listen to these hour long conversations. Early October was when we started brainstorming. Our brainstorming process took about three months.” No artwork can be made without a process to come up with ideas or planning out what is going to be created. “We all brought four or five ideas to each meeting every week and we kept doing that until we eventually got down to one idea that we decided on,” Shibata said. “We started off having one meeting talking about what we learned from the symposium and all the inspiration we got.” After months of brainstorming, the group

decided on a final idea to go through with and create together. “At our site, we had a giant tree so that would be a big challenge to work around. We decided to do a cityscape with columns. The columns near the tree would be the biggest and that would represent the downtown area. As you get farther away, the columns get smaller and smaller. We decided the tree represented all of nature,” Shibata said, “On the inner panels, we have art that came from the art department of North, East and CSA. We gave the art department students an assignment to draw something that represented Columbus. We didn’t even mention anything about architecture and a lot of them drew something about architecture which was really cool to see.” After all the planning was done, it was finally time to move onto the next step in the process: constructing the artwork. “For the past seven months we’ve been constructing which took quite a long time,” Shibata said. “We all did the construction and hard work, however we

“At the end of the day, we were all really satisfied with our work,” senior maika shibata

did have the building traits class do some work for us because they are really really fast at what they do.”


new year, new school

by shelby euler and megan allman design by paola fernandez

New teachers settle into their new roles as Bull Dogs


ountless hours of stressing and planning all come down to the first day of school. As the school year begins, new Columbus North teachers have more to learn than just a fresh set of names. English teacher Leah Hodge has to adjust to her first year

at North. “I feel like I am still preparing for the new year, but I talked to other teachers, got all the information I needed, and tried to piece things together,” Hodge said. Hodge is not the only new teacher who sought guidance from other staff members. Spanish teacher Dylan Andrew also had help. “I had never taught Spanish before, so I sought advice from my department chair, as well as a friend of mine that teaches Spanish at Northside,” Andrew said. While Andrew is teaching Spanish for the first time, Hodge is not so new to her position. “This is my first year professionally teaching, but I did student teaching last year with Mr. Spencer and at a high school on the Navajo Reservation,” Hodge said. After her experience she moved and found her way back to Columbus. “I was living in Chicago was told that there was an English position [at North],” Hodge said. “Many teachers called me and convinced me, and eventually, I said yes.” Hodge is not the only teacher adjusting to life in Columbus. P.E. and health teacher Tyler

spanish teacher dylan andrew

“There’s been a lot of support from the administration and from the other teachers in my department.”

Bless moved from Kentucky before starting his job here. “My wife and I just had our first child, and we were living in Kentucky. We wanted to be closer to our family, so we moved here,” Bless said. “I have been in college coaching [football] for the last six years¨ For Andrew, however, teaching in Columbus is not a new experience. “Before here, I taught for several years at Saint Bartholomew Catholic School,” Andrew said. “I was the athletic director and P.E. teacher.” While Andrew feels well-adjusted to the Columbus North environment, he still finds teaching a foreign language for the first time to be challenging. “I would say that new material has been the hardest part about transitioning to CNHS,” Andrew said. He has felt very welcome at the school with the help of the students and faculty. “There’s been a lot of support from the administration and

spanish teacher dylan andrew

p.e. and health teacher tyler bless


photos by valeria castillo

from the other teachers in my department,” Andrew said. “Students are generally upbeat and excited to be here in Spanish class.” Bless has also felt a large amount of enthusiasm from the students and hopes that he has influenced their attitudes. “I hope students like my enthusiasm towards health and P.E.,” Bless said. “I like to consider myself a fun teacher, as long as they follow the 3 R’s.” He feels welcomed and appreciates the help from the other health teachers. “They have helped me learn where the printer is and how to upload things to itsLearning,” Bless said. “Things like that have been a huge help in getting the year started.”

teacher tidbits

See how North stacks up against national averages

nationally, the average teacher has

14 years

of experience


the student to teacher ratio at north is

16 : 1


english teacher leah hodge

the national student to teacher ratio

17 : 1


new faces to north

North is home to ten new teachers this year Spanish teacher Dylan Andrew P.E. teacher Joshua Blankinship P.E. and health teacher Tyler Bless Choir teacher Jenny Gafron English teacher Leah Hodge

English teacher Amy Jewell Social studies teacher Evan Kuhn Band teacher Bryan Munoz Math teacher JoHelen Whitaker P.E. teacher Julia Wilson


by alyssa ayers and zoe preston design by lucy beck and katie long


CNHS students battle the forces of time as the pressure of academic expectations push them further away from their childhood and closer to adulthood


t’s a minefield. One wrong move and she could slip up, blowing her GPA. Time is the enemy, for the clock ticks faster with every step she takes. Pressure is closing in. She’s sprinting, frantic to escape with what little is left of her sanity. Survival is determined only by a tidal wave of tests that looms over students as they scramble to fill in every scantron bubble perfectly and double check every calculation. It is a challenge of their mental capacity, a race against time. A test of their ability to succeed, but, sometimes, the test itself doesn’t tell the whole story. Looking past the letters and test scores on transcripts, one can see the level of difficulty of students’ coursework. Their decisions to challenge themselves may be rooted in different reasons. Junior Eliza Steele, for example, is enrolled in AP Literature and Composition, AP U.S History and AP Chemistry. She identifies her drive to succeed as a desire to prepare for the future. “I wanted to challenge myself,” Steele said. “[AP classes] look good on college applications, and I wanted to get some college credits.” Family pressures also steered Steele towards a more strenuous course load. “My brother graduated from here about five years ago,” Steele said. “He took five AP classes at one point, so I feel kind of pressured to compete with [him].”

Like Steele, sophomore Anisha Vuligonda understands the desire to challenge herself. However, a great deal of academic pressure that Vuligonda experiences stems from sources outside of her family.

junior eliza steele “I am more driven. My friends are all driven, as well” Vuligonda said. “[My friends] are like, ‘Oh what grade did you get?’ but [we] never put each other down.” This motivation from her friends pushes Vuligonda to strive for perfection in academics. “I have a goal of getting an A+ in every class because I need a high GPA,” Vuligonda said. “Staying on that is hard because it is so easy to make mistakes.”

Director of counseling Patrick Pemberton has spent years working with high-achieving students similar to Vuligonda. Over time, he has observed the effects of today’s youth setting academic goals for themselves. “Part of me thinks that is great,” Pemberton said. “Then, another part of me says that [they’re] still kids.” Pemberton, along with the rest of the counseling center, understands the effect of academic pressure on students, as they stress the importance of balance. As a result, Columbus North High School is attempting to integrate mental health therapy at North to inhibit stress before it begins. “When you are a student in high school, that stress is real to you at that time,” Pemberton said. “We have a lot of students that put high expectations on themselves.” High expectations are not the only thing students associate with their school work. “I put the majority of my self-worth into my academics,” Steele said.“[However,] I try not to allow it to interfere with how I interact with others.” Unlike Steele, junior Caleb Shinkle puts more pride in his out-ofschool successes, rather than his achievements in the classroom. Shinkle is a competitive gymnast, who spends nearly four to five hours in the gym each day. In order to improve his gymnastics skills, as well

as stay on top of his school work, Shinkle is required to practice time management. The amount of work that he puts in causes him to take great pride in himself. “[Academics] are something to be proud of, obviously, but I put more of my self-worth into what I am able to do outside of school,” Shinkle said. The school is hoping to send a similar message involving the importance of students’ well-being. “We are here to promote not just academic success, but we want to promote social success, as well,” Pemberton said. Despite the stress it may cause, some students take more advanced

classes to get a head start in college. “In the long run, it is much more helpful to have all these classes behind you, and even though you will have to struggle, you will have to struggle in college anyways,” Vuligonda said. Striving for college pushes students like Vuligonda to put AP classes in their schedule. “The benefit of taking multiple AP classes is if they are planning to do a post-secondary education, they get more experience in a higher rigor class,” Pemberton said. However, not all students feel that that these benefits are worth the stress of difficult classes.

“Sometimes I wish I didn’t take as hard of classes,”Steele said. “I chose them, so I have to live with my decision.” AP classes are college-level classes that place college-level expectations on their students. While going against the clock and traveling through the minefield can increase the pressure students face, having a support system can help minimize that stress. “We all need a little help or another person to help us sort through our feelings and our stress” Pemberton said. “There is nothing wrong with asking for guidance. To me, that is a sign of strength.”

Academics impact Columbus North students outside of school

How many hours of sleep do you get each night?

Are you taking any AP or honors classes?

said they get

out of 293 students

out of 301 students

Are you stressed about your schedule?

said they get

said they get


bull dog blue Blue Fridays are being reinstated to show school spirit by cheyenne peters design by katharine brunette

Ruehman shows his school spirit by wearing blue on Fridays.


o, yo, Bull Dogs! School is back in session and a new year means new traditions. Student body president Matt Ruehman plans to pass on the tradition of Blue Friday to future presidents. Blue Friday is a day that students wear blue to show their school spirit for various activities, like athletics, choir and band. “We’ve done Blue Fridays in the past before, but it wasn’t heavily advertised, leading to low participation,” Ruehman said. “Mr. Marsh, the new assembly sponsor, wanted to make this a weekly event to build our school spirit.” Blue Fridays are a way for the students to show their support for all of the teams and clubs. “Students should participate because it’s nice to walk down the hallways and see all the blue t-shirts and Bull Dog gear,” Ruehman said. “It really displays our school spirit and how awesome it is to be a Columbus North Bull Dog.”

student life

The students and the athletes can see Blue Friday is a way for North students to feel united. “Everyone benefits from Blue Fridays because it gives students a chance to show their school spirit,” Ruehman said. “Blue Fridays make me feel hyped because when I see all the people wearing blue, it just gets me excited for cheering on our sports in the student section.” New student assembly sponsor Dan Marsh is keen on school spirit and wants everyone to participate. “I think the idea behind it is a school spirit thing, pride of where you’re at. These are four years of your life that transform you into who you are and you’re always connected back to this school, so no matter where your journeys take you, you still spent your years here,” Marsh said. “As Mr. Clark always says, ‘Once a Bull Dog, always a Bull Dog.’” Senior Rashan Wells, a defensive linemen on the football team, thinks that the athletes deserve to see their

photo by hailey andis

“It really displays our school spirit and how awesome it is to be a Columbus North Bull Dog.” senior matt ruehman

fellow peers show their school spirit. “Students should participate in Blue Friday because it shows athletes the support that they deserve for their respective sport,” Wells said. As an athlete, Wells feels encouraged by Blue Fridays and the school spirit shown. “When I see people in blue on Fridays, it personally makes me feel great because I know people are supporting my team and hyping us up to help us win,” Wells said.

new clubs on the block

New and old clubs begin for the new school year by alyssa green design by elaine sanders


ew month, new books and new club. Project Lit, a nationwide club, started a new chapter at Columbus North last school year in English teacher Kelley Culp’s room. Senior Katie Richards and senior Riley Stevens lead the club to discuss the books monthly. The members read in the mornings and during lunch, as well. “Every list in the Project Lit Book Club is nationwide,” Richards said. “There is a long list of books, and we can pick and choose which books we want to read.” After each month of reading, the members meet before school and have discussions over the books, including Internment for August and The 57 Bus for September. “Really around four or five people [are active in the club] besides our leaders,” Culp said. We would love for more people to join.” Aaaaaaaa

According to a survey, the majority of students are not currently in a club. 65%






the 57 bus

This book, a nonfiction story written by Dashka Slater, is about an assault during 2013 in Oakland, California. Richard, an African American teen, sets teen girl, Sasha, on fire on a school bus. The rest of the book explores their perspectives and how both of their lives come together in that one event.


Written by Samira Ahme, this novel is set in the near-future. In this dystopian tale, the president declares new laws for America Muslims, who are considered to be “a threat to America.” For 17-year-old Layla Amin, the laws flip her life upside down when neighbors and friends turn against her and she is sent to an internment camp, as a result.

How often does Project Lit meet?

Q & A

Once a month on Tuesday morning and during 5a How many books does the club read? One book each month


tired of sleeping


Students consider the effects of sleep deprivation on academics and relationships by diana garcia design by myleigh munn


ompletely exhausted, with bags under their eyes and hours of homework still left to do, some teens are familair with the struggle to get a decent amount of sleep at night. When students in high school should be getting around eight to nine hours of sleep each night, 73 percent are not able to get enough sleep, according to Every teenager has a different life and sleep schedule, whether they participate in a sport, a club, have a job or other extracirricular activities. Senior Anglie Aguliar knows that slep can affet one’s mood. “If I slept a little bit it, I’m grumpy, and I just don’t want to talk to anyone,” Aguliar said. When students don’t get enough sleep, it can have negative effects not only to students’ school life but to their health, as well. Not getting enough rest can impair their ability to focus, which can affect their grades and driving and cause anxiety and depression. Also, other consequences for not

getting enough sleep can affect their body’s ability to fight off pathogens and cause them to miss school days, causing students to have higher stress levels. Each student has a different reason for not getting enough sleep, including freshman Jimena Lopez. “One of the reasons why I don’t get enough sleep is because of homework and assignments I have to do in class or studying for a test,” Lopez said. “Sometimes, I feel like I want to sleep in class or I don’t feel like doing anything in class.” Sophomore Joshua Martinez also believesthat not getting enough sleep can affect relationships as well. “They don’t want to talk to me because they’re tired and sleepy,” Martinez said.


sleepless students

School work impacts sleep schedules for students

“Sleep plays a major role in my student career. When I don’t sleep, I can’t put forth all the effort I can.” sophomore ava hearn


“It’s more stressful for me to keep “One of the reasons why I don’t “I [turn] the homework in on my grades up. If I get enough get enough sleep is because of time I just leave everything until sleep, I think school is easier for homework and assignments I the last minute. I think if I had me and getting my grades to a have to do in class or studying enough time to do my things it good level.” would be okay.” for a test.”

senior angie aguilar

student life

freshman jimena lopez

sophmore joshua martinez

flying through the year Paige Bishop combines her senior project with her aspiration to become a pilot by abby bodart design by lily hruban


s she begins the school year, senior Paige Bishop flies into receiving her aviation license and gears up for her senior project. Other students are able to partake in the first ever hands-on aviation senior project. “[For] my senior project, I‘m going to have kids from both North and East High School come in twice a week or so to the hangar and try to rebuild it,” Bishop said. “No experience is required. We are just trying to have fun.” Every senior is required to complete a senior project to graduate, but they differ from person to person. “At the senior project fair, I met someone named Brad Stinebring, and he used to be a Cummin’s pilot,” Bishop said. “He runs the EAA Chapter 729 at the Columbus Airport, which is Experimental Aircraft Association, and they do things within the community to try and get kids interested in flying.”

“[For] my senior project, I‘m going to have kids from both North and East High School come in twice a week or so to the hangar and try to rebuild it” senior paige bishop

Students are welcome to participate in the planned times set for working on the plane. All students are allowed to participate. “[Stinebring], for a long time, had the idea of building a youth aviation center, so I talked to him about it and we agreed that we would find a project plane, one that has been rebuilt before, but they just started rebuilding it again and couldn’t find the time to finish it,” Bishop said. “We found one in Florida. I was working with him over the summer a lot, and now we just have to go get the plane.” In addition to working on her senior project, Bishop is also in the process of getting her Private pilot’s certification. “My dad has had a big influence on me,” Bishop said. “He likes flying as well, so I started in November of last year, but then tennis season came up, so I had to stop for a bit, but I started [again] at the end of summer.”

photo for the triangle

Paige Bishop practices flying for her aviation liscence. Bishop has to complete classes to become a certified pilot. “It’s 40 hours required to get your license, then you have to take the check ride, which is where you ride with an examiner,” Bishop said. “Twenty of those have to be instructed with a flight instructor, 10 have to be solo, where you are flying by yourself, and the other 10 have to be either with the instructor or by yourself.” Bishop is willing and ready to put the effort into getting her license. “You have to do a lot of studying and online videos. There is an online school that I am signed up for,” Bishop said.


under the lights Bull Dogs play their first game at Lucas Oil Stadium against Avon

by hailey andis design by coral roberts

Bull Dog offense takes position at the line of scrimmag. Junior Isaac Woodruff holds the ball to start the play against Avon.

Columbus North Football switches between offense and defense during the North versus Avon game.

Senior Emily Miller stands wating to run a flag after a Bull Dog touch down. This was the Dogs first game of the season. “It was awesome to cheer at such a big stadium. I probably won’t be on the turf at Lucas Oil ever again, so it was a fun experience,” Miller said.


Senior David Ocampo warms up to prepare for the game. Ocampo is the defensive lineman for the Bull Dogs. photos by jordan brady

team up, game up The boys tennis team adjusts to its ever-growing numbers

by luke schneider design by luke mcdonald

Senior Adam Saad encourages the team before their match.

photo by jalynn perry

Q&A with tennis player, captain TRIANGLE: Is it harder for you to make friends with the team growing [in size]? SOPHOMORE NATHAN LIN: For me, it’s not as hard to make new friends because I already knew most of the players coming in. TRIANGLE: What are your expectations for the season? LIN: My expectations for the team are to hopefully make it back to state because our ranking is higher than last year. TRIANGLE: How do the varsity players interact with the junior varsity players? LIN: At the beginning of the season, varsity players don’t really talk to [JV players], but later on, varsity started to include JV in conversations. TRIANGLE: What are you most excited for this season? LIN: I’m most excited about playing at sectionals, regionals [and] conference.

TRIANGLE: Who are the leaders this season? SENIOR ADAM SAAD: Will King and I are captains, but really all of the seniors are leaders for the rest of the team. TRIANGLE: Do you think you will be as good as you were last year? SAAD: Yes because we only lost one varsity player, so everyone is back pretty much, and we all got much better during the off-season. Our current rank is fifth in the state and [our rank] last year ended at 12th, so we are technically already better [than last year]. TRIANGLE: What do you love most about this tennis team? SAAD: I love how competitive everyone is and how hard people work to play varsity. Also, the team has really good chemistry this season, and everyone gets along with no issues.


North High School athletic teams competed against crosstown rival Columbus East by annabel freeman design by annagail fields


photo by annagail fields

photos by anna hatton

This year a few players were injured but the football team still practiced vigorously. Freshman Jake Mcmullen played his first North East game this year. “During practice, we work on plays and doing the little things right,” McMullen said. The varsity team has now won four years in a row.



photo by jordan brady

North’s Lady Bull Dogs took the field Thursday, Aug. 28 and crushed the Olympians during both games. Playing against rivals can cause all kinds of anxiety. Freshman Lauren Barker is one of the few freshman on the varsity team. “I think we will be anxious to play against our friends so we will play our hardest,” Barker said.

photo by jalynn perry

“It’s fun to talk to people you don’t usually [talk to].”

sophomore evan babb

“Starting chants with Matt was my favorite part and an experience I will never forget.”

senior cameron wischmeyer

CROSS COUNTRY photos by kaelin hanrattie Junior Gabe Wills has been a part of the cross country team for three years. “The hours leading up to it are the most stressful because you don’t have anything to do, and you’re just sitting there waiting to run,” said Wills. Running during the race can be equally exhausting. Junior Adeline Rush has also been on cross country team for three years. “You can get really really tired in the last mile,” Rush said. The cross country team won against East.

“My favorite part was being able to scream so loud without anyone getting annoyed.”

junior lauren grider


photos by jalynn perry

North’s tennis team practices for up to two hours a day. Sophomore Trey Nebergall plays four doubles on junior varsity. “We have challenge matches against teammates to practice match play and determine the order of our players,” Nebergall said. Their practice techniques led North to a 5-0 win.


slaves to screens

Uncover the effects of a life spent behind screens design by anna kelley

Exposure to violent media correlates with violent behavior.

Too much screen time increases the risk for depression and anxiety.


Prolonged screen time is known to cause insomnia. HOURS SPENT BEHIND SCREENS PER DAY 7% 10% <2hrs 3-5hrs Yes 31%


Students that have eye pain, headaches or other discomfort




Too little time Just enough time 2% 45%

out of 185 students surveyed No 69%

Too much time 53%

CNHS students’ beliefs on time spent behind a screen

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