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brotherhood… and coach Ferguson is always telling us to play present,” Schiefer said.

The team faced Franklin Community and wrapped up the game with a near score of 40-38 and went on to play cross-town rivals, Columbus East, going into overtime and finishing off with 60-54


The championship was secured in a final game against Whiteland which ended in an eight point lead, 67-59. The team will go on to play against Bloomington North in the Seymour regional tomorrow.

Earlier this season the team went 45-49 against Bloomington North. With the season coming to a close soon and the varsity lineup consisting of five starting seniors out of the six, it’s going to be a sentimental farewell.

“We played with a lot of resilience after having two tough games in a row where we didn’t play as well as we should have," Harmon said. "Finally, in the sectional championship we came out and played the way we always thought we could. But, this senior season has been the most fun out of all of them, it’s gone by way too fast though. I wouldn’t want to do it with anyone else, we all love each other and have so much passion for this game and it shows on the court with the emotion that we play with."

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