tips&tricks - nutrition4youth

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Editorial Info Autors Fábio Bernardino | Joana Pereira | Rute Borrego | Sara Silvestre Collaboration Ana Marta Oliveira | Paolo Emilio | Pedro Graça | Raluca Fernea | Sara Lopes Sofia Martins | Susana Francisco Coordination Rute Borrego | Sara Silvestre Production Conselho Nacional de Juventude Graphic design Comuniteia | Photography Bruno Ferreira Inês Ferreira Fernandes Tiago Eusébio Contacts Conselho Nacional de Juventude Rua dos Douradores nº 106-108, 5º piso 1000-207 Lisboa, Portugal tel. 218 802 130 | fax. 218 802 139 |

Index 03

Nutrition 4 YOUth


1) Youth Health & Policies on Food and Nutrition


2) Gastronomy


Healthy & Cheap


Four essential steps to eat healthy on a budget


Recipes and tips – Cooking on a budget


Youth & Physical activity


Nutrition 4 Youth Partners

Acknowledgments We, the National Youth Councils of Portugal, Greece, Italy and Romania, would like to express our gratitude to the many people, who worked for the success of the “Nutrition 4 YOUth� project. A special thank you to: All participants from Portugal, Greece, Romania and Italy The Portuguese University Sports Federation (FADU) Portuguese Directorate-General for Health (DGS) The Portuguese Institute for Sports and Youth (IPDJ, I.P.) Lisbon School of Health Technology (ESTeSL) Estoril School of Tourism and Hospitality (EHTE) Travel & Flavours


Nutrition 4 YOUth The "Nutrition 4 YOUth" supported by the Youth in Action Programme (European Commission) and promoted by four National Youth Councils from Portugal, Italy, Greece and Romania encourages healthy life styles by empowering youth to make healthy choices, not only, in the field of nutrition by learning how to buy, prepare and cook healthy meals with a low budget but also in the field of physical activity by engaging youth in outdoor activities. Lisbon hosted the training course “Healthy Eating on a Budget” from 31 October to 5 November 2013. Guests' speakers and trainers included chefs, registered dietitians, physical education professionals, public health officials and experts in the field of youth health. This was a great opportunity for 24 European young people to improve their cooking skills and learn how to enjoy green/open spaces to practice physical activity (for more information about the project: The eBook “Nutrition 4 Youth - Tips & Tricks” is an easy tool for you(th) to learn how to plan, buy, store, prepare and cook food on a budget. The cooking tips and tricks were suggested by all the participants to guarantee the gastronomic and cultural diversity. It is also a tool with practical tips to inspire you(th) to practice physical activity. To set yourself up for success, think about adopting a healthy lifestyle with a number of small, manageable steps rather than one big drastic change. If you approach the changes gradually and with commitment, you will become a healthy chef and an outdoor enthusiastic sooner than you think!


1) Youth Health & Policies on Food and Nutrition Director of the National Program for the Promotion of Healthy Eating Portuguese Directorate-General for Health Good health is of great importance to fulďŹ ll the potential of young people and to give them the possibility to play an active role in our society. Poor health can also reduce young people's social integration, harm their education and reduce their employment prospects. As many of the health problems young people will encounter as adults such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke, cancers and mental disorders – will have their genesis in the child and adolescent years. Luckily the most important health determinants are related with food and sport habits and can be prevented early. We also know today that prevention is not just about education. And that a successful strategy in nutrition and food policy must be multidisciplinary and developed jointly by several ministries and public policies, from education to health, urban planning, employment or environment. Engagement in whole-of-government, whole-of-society and health-in-all-policies approaches are crucial, and highlighted in the 2013 WHO Vienna Declaration on Nutrition and Noncommunicable Diseases in the Context of Health 2020. With all this scientiďŹ c evidence, strategies for promoting healthy eating habits should seek new and more effective approaches. Namely the creation of non-obesogenic environments in schools, sport facilities or entertainment, such as movie theaters or public places; the teaching of culinary skills throughout all levels of education and the obligation of universities to offer an apprenticeship to health through food and sports offer. To achieve these objectives policies on food and nutrition need to be stable, and designed over the medium term including and consulting with young people in its construction.


2) Gastronomy Travel & Flavours Chef FĂĄbio Bernardino Gastronomy is a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary concept that involves science and knowledge such as history, economics or sociology, embracing the sciences of nutrition and food themselves. Gastronomy is the art of knowing how to enjoy foods and how to prepare food, which includes the entire food chain, from cultivation to preparation, confection and consumption. The challeng today goes through adjusting cooking and gastronomy, managing to confection meals that are low cost, healthy, tasty and aesthetically attractive and, above all, in line with contemporary society and its limitations. The globalization of gastronomy brings with it a set of challenges that are not consistent with the food traditions of each country. The existence of an ease of contact with international cuisine doesn´t brings, in certain circunstances, the sustainability of a healthy, seasonal and traditional food. Yet it is precisely this globalization that allows us to achieve, today, a more varied diet and, as such, internationally in all countries. Mediterranean cuisine is an example of this situation - both a traditional and international cuisine beyond the Mediterranean basin, presses the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals, bread, a healthy vegetable fat unique in its cuisine the olive oil, seasonal, and the use of spices and herbs. Beyond the origin and culture of gastronomy, the art of knowing how to confectioning and properly prepare food is transverse to the world, being essential for a balanced diet the acquired knowledge in practice or in the oral tradition of each individual, how to choose foods - in terms of freshness , seasonality and interpretation of labeling , in short , measure the organoleptic characteristics of the product -, as pre-prepare them - with regard to cuts, marinades and a like -; confectioning them and also how to eat them , staring at the ingredients and meals not only as the suppression of an aforementioned physiological need, but also as source of pleasure, and emotional and social bond, according to the memory of avours.


Healthy & Cheap Is it possible young people eat healthy and on a budget? Yes, you just need to adopt some strategies and practices that easily will be part of your daily life! You can start to prepare your meals at home, in order to control the food that you eat and the way that you cook it. Purchase prepared food is more often linked with expensive and energetic than homemade meals. Never before the lunchboxes were as common as today! Why not follow this economical and healthy trend? Not only spaces equipped with proper material to conserve and warm up the food are growing, but you also can find a wide variety of food containers and thermal bags able to conserve the food temperature for a long period of time. Another way to transport meals is using a refrigerated system. For this you need a cooler bag and a reusable ice sheet. If the meal needs to be warmed up you can simply use a microwave or, if you don't like it, use the oven or the double boiler method.

What do you need for the double boiler method? » A source of heat (gas or electric stove); » One big pot with water that should stay in contact with the heat source; » A smaller pot, where you put the meal, to stay inside the other pot, surrounded for the water.


And what about eating with friends? You can organise these moments at home or in some other place with homemade food and take the chance to share some culinary skills. Food Safety… » Bacteria multiplication increases between the 5ºC and the 65ºC and it can affect food safety! That's the reason why meals shouldn´t be conserved between 5ºC and 65ºC. Be assure not to forget to use a reusable ice sheet or to be sure that food inside thermal food containers is properly hot (for example, liquids should boil before added to the containers). » You should also pay attention to the way you defrost food …. Never do that at air temperature! It is preferable if you use the fridge or choose a very cool place. » Finally, if you need to freeze food, make sure that your device has a specific area of rapid cooling system, that usually it's a smaller compartment.

Tricks » Bread, fruit and dried food like cookies are some examples that can be at room temperature and also great options for snacks between meals.

Some tips to control what and how we eat… 1 – Have a meal with friends/family rather than while watching TV; 2 – Avoiding long periods of time without eating allows us to better control what we eat during the day; 3 –Start the main meals with a vegetable soup or even a salad to control the amount of food that we eat and also ensure a good intake of fiber, vitamins and minerals. But pay attention you can add a small amount of olive oil or vinager or lemon juice and avoid to add sauces (mayonnaise...).


Four essential steps to eat healthy on a budget 1 - PLAN// 2 - BUY// 3 - STORE// 4 - COOK Eating healthy and on a budget implies an intelligent and efficient food management to prepare, buy, store and cook food.

Key elements for successful food management: 1. Buy high quality nutritional foods essential for our body instead of other foods rich in “empty calories”, like soft drinks, candies, cakes,…, without nutritional interest; 2. Reduce food waste by buying and cooking just what will really be consumed and using them to the fullest; 3. Conserve food properly in order to keep all its organoleptic characteristics; 4. Use healthy cooking methods that control the amount of fat and salt added.

To improve this management it's useful a better understanding on how foods are made and what are our nutritional needs. Nutrients are the units of food, resulting from the digestion (the decomposition food process) and are mainly absorbed at the intestinal level. There are two main categories of nutrients: the micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) and the macronutrients (proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and fiber). Micronutrients also called as non- energetic nutrients compared to macronutrients are less needed as they aren´t an energy source for us. Their main function is related with body regulation in different ways. Therefore, the need in macronutrients is higher. The following table summarizes the main functions and major food sources of each macronutrient:


MACRONUTRIENT Proteins MAIN FUNCTION: Construction and repair of tissues and muscles MAIN FOOD SOURCE: Animal sources: meat, fish, eggs, dairy products Vegetable sources: beans, chickpeas, beans, peas, ... ENERGY*: 1g provides 4Kcal

Lipids (fats) MAIN FUNCTION: Energy source; Lipids are also essential to guarantee the transport and absorption of liposoluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) integrate the membrane cells; MAIN FOOD SOURCE: According with the chemical structure, lipids can be classified according three categories: Monounsaturated fats: vegetable sources - olive oil. Polyunsaturated fats: vegetable sources (peanut oil, sunflower seeds, walnuts, almonds, ...) Saturated fats: animals sources (meat, lard, butter, bacon, sausage, charcuterie ...). Saturated fats are strongly associated with heart diseases. That's why they should be limited to the maximum possible, as well as cholesterol, present in the animals food sources. ENERGY*: 1g provides 9Kcal

Carbohydrates MAIN FUNCTION: Main source of energy. MAIN FOOD SOURCE: According to the molecular structure carbohydrates can be divided in two categories: Simple carbohydrates: sugar, jellies, soft drinks, fruit. Complex carbohydrates: bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, cereals and derivatives. Preference should be given to the complex carbohydrates. The digestion and absorption is slower increasing the level of satiety. ENERGY*: 1g provides 4Kcal

*Curiosity… The unit of energy in food is the kilocalorie (kcal) or kilojoules (kj). 1Kcal = 4.18 Kj Alcohol is also a source of energy: 1 gram provides 7 kcal

Fiber MAIN FUNCTION: Dietary fiber consists of nondigestible carbohydrate. It plays an important role in the regulation of intestinal transit and absorption of cholesterol and simple carbohydrates. Also contributes to increase the feeling of satiety MAIN FOOD SOURCE: Vegetables, legumes, fruits, Integral cereals (Not processed) like rice, whole wheat pasta and bread. ENERGY*: 1g provides 2Kcal


STEP 1 – PLAN Generally, food guides from the different countries indicate that we should: » Prioritize the consumption of vegetables, fruits and cereals (preferably whole grains); » Limit the consumption of energy-dense foods (rich in simple sugars and fat) such as cakes, chocolates, soft drinks and fried food; » Limit the consumption of protein foods, especially from animal sources; » Limit the use of salt or the intake of foods rich in salt like the processed food.

By using this information you can plan as detailed as possible the meals that you would like to do in the next few days/weeks. After that you should prepare a grocery list that will allow you to manage needs according defined budgets and reduce the probability of buying energy-dense foods. Attention: Grocery shopping when feeling hungry may induce people to buy unplanned and usually non-healthy food.


STEP 2 – CHOOSE FOODS PACKAGED FOOD What to read on a food label? 1 – Ingredients: the ingredients list is organised according a descending order. The higher amount into the food for the lowest amount. Thus, if ingredients like sugar, fat or salt are in the first positions you should avoid selecting them. 2- Choosing food according the nutritional facts: a.You should compare labels of similar foods (for example, compare different kinds of milk, cookies or cereals). b.Then you have to be sure that you are comparing the nutritional information according to the same amount of food (for example 100g or 100ml). c.Finally, you should select the product with: » Less energy value associated (kcal ou kj); » Less amount of simple carbohydrates - sugar; » Less amount of fats, mainly saturated fats; » Less amount of salt. 3 – Don't forget to check the expiration date 4 – Analyze the origin of the products, and prefer the ones produced locally or at a national level. In this way you're reducing the environmental impact caused by the production and commercialisation of food.

Tricks » Many fiber enriched foods are at the same time enriched in simple carbohydrates (sugars) and lipids (fats)!


STEP 3 – TRANSPORT AND CONSERVATION It is really important to ensure that food is transported and stored properly, especially when they need to remain at low temperatures. When taking food home from the supermarket take it straight home, especially chilled and frozen foods, and immediately transfer the food into the fridge or freezer. Additionally, for chilled and frozen food you should use reusable ice sheets as well as proper cooler bags and reduce to the maximum the time of transportation. It's also important to adopt some strategies to organise the fridge, namely: » Door: store food that does not spoil with varying temperatures (preserves and eggs) » Inside the fridge you should organize the other food. Vegetables should be at the bottom of the fridge and the most perishable foods (meat and fish not cooked) on the top. How to organise the pantry? Organising the pantry in accordance with the food groups (preserves, cereals, crackers, ...) is an effective strategy to easily realise what are the products in a small and large amount. Similarly, arranging them according the expiration date allows to reduce food losses (those which dates end first should be more visible to be used also at first – keep in your mind: FEFO – First Expired First Out!).


STEP 4 – COOKING Use methods that better control the use of fat amount: baked, boiled, grilled, stewed.  Use privilegie methods that do not need to maintain food at high temperatures over long periods of time, for example, stir-frying, cooking al dente or using the pressure cooker.  Make the most of the food properties by reducing the nutritional losses and the production of food waste, privileging for example the vegetables and fruits as a whole.


s p i t d n a s Recipe a budget Cooking on



Tomato Assorted peppers Tuna Dried fig White onion Purple onion Chive Diced almonds Garlic Balsamic fig vinegar Olive oil

400 g 200 g 100 g 100 g 100 g 60 g 50 g 20 g 10 g 30 ml 15 ml – 3 tbsp *

*tbsp – table spoon

TIPS & TRICKS … to make a better nutritional balance: Use fresh tuna instead of canned one you can reduce sodium! … to make it in a lower budget: Use just one kind of onions. … to make it easier/ more accessible: To avoid crying (onion) breathe through the mouth and keep the onions in cold water for a few minutes…

Cooking method Wash, peel and cut the vegetables into small pieces. Separately, place the tuna with chopped dried figs and garlic, seasoning with olive oil and balsamic fig vinegar. Mix the vegetables with tuna, involving carefully diced almonds and chopped chives.

Nutritional Facts Calories (Kcal)

Proteins (g)

Lipids (g)

4 1 4 1 persons people persons people 887 222 41,8 10,5

4 1 persons people 41,2 10,3

Glicids (g)

Fiber (gr)

4 1 4 1 persons people persons people 91,9 23 25,8 6,5

Source: Tabela da Composição de Alimentos. Portugal 2010.

Sodium (mg)

4 1 persons people 566,1 141,5




Savoy cabbage Purple cabbage Raspberries Purple onion Lemon (zeste and juice) Lime (zest and juice) Raspberries vinagre Olive oil Salt/spices/aromatic herbs

300 g 300 g 100 g 120 g 60 g 40 g 100 m l 10 ml (2 tsp*) 1 g (1/2 tsp*)

*tsp – tea spoon

TIPS & TRICKS … to make a better nutritional balance: Your lunch or dinner always need to have vegetables. Try to take out the salt! … to make it in a lower budget: Use a common and cheeper vinegar.

Cooking method Sauté the savoy cabbage and red cabbage cut into julienne in olive oil with onion. Remove, season with salt / herbs / spices to taste, the juice and zest of lemon and lime, raspberry vinegar and add the whole raspberries. Mix well and serve in a bowl.

Nutritional Facts Calories (Kcal)


Proteins (g)

Lipids (g)

4 1 4 1 persons people persons people 408 102 16,1 4,0

4 1 persons people 11,3 2,8

Glicids (g)

Fiber (gr)

4 1 4 1 persons people persons people 55,1 13,8 28,1 7,0

Source: Tabela da Composição de Alimentos. Portugal 2010.

Sodium (mg)

4 1 persons people 490,0 122,5

GREEK SALAD Ingredients


Assorted peppers Cumcumber White onion Purple onion Feta cheese/fresh cheese Olives Lemon Garlic Olive oil Oreganos Black pepper Salt/aromatic herbs

400 g 120 g 100 g 100 g 100 g 50 g 30 g 10 g 10 ml (2 tsp*) 1g 1 g (1/2 tsp*) 1 g (1/2 tsp*)

*tsp – tea spoon

TIPS & TRICKS … to make a better nutritional balance: Less olive oil. Use a cheese with reduced contain of fat.

… to make it in a lower budget: Use cheese with lowest fat content.

Cooking method Cut the vegetables into small pieces and mix in a bowl. Season with garlic, salt / herbs, black pepper, lemon juice and olive oil. Add the olives, sliced and diced cheese. Serve immediately.

Nutritional Facts Calories (Kcal)

Proteins (g)

Lipids (g)

4 1 4 1 persons people persons people 500 125 15,8 4,0

4 1 persons people 33,9 8,5

Glicids (g)

Fiber (gr)

4 1 4 1 persons people persons people 32,2 8,3 17,0 4,3

Source: Tabela da Composição de Alimentos. Portugal 2010.

Sodium (mg)

4 1 persons people 2554,5 638,6




Portuguese kale Zucchini Sweet potato White onion Turnip head Leek Chorizo Carrots Celery Olive oil Garlic Salt

400 g 300 g 200 g 200 g 100 g 50 g 40 g 10 g 10 g 10 ml (2 tsp*) 20 g 1 g (1/2 tsp*)

*tsp – tea spoon

TIPS & TRICKS … to make a better nutritional balance: We recommend to start your lunch and dinner with a vegetable soup. We can keep out lipids without chourizo and keeping ham. … to make it in a lower budget: Change sweet potato and use potato. … to make it easier/ more accessible: Cook more quantity ... Keep it in the fridge and in 5 minutes you can heat up and eat.

Cooking method Peel the vegetables. Place the sweet potatoes to bake with head turnip, carrot, onion, leek, celery, zucchini and half part of the garlic, seasoning with salt. Once the vegetables are cooked, grind and incorporate Portuguese kale cut into julienne. Cook the chorizo in a little water. Remove the chorizo and cut into cubes, incorporating in the soup, at the final and add rest of garlic and olive oil. Serve the soup with some green foam sausage on top taking care to mix only when introducing the dinner spoon.

Nutritional Facts Calories (Kcal)


Proteins (g)

Lipids (g)

4 1 4 1 persons people persons people 796 199 29,4 7,4

4 1 persons people 32,4 8,1

Glicids (g)

Fiber (gr)

4 1 4 1 persons people persons people 91,4 22,8 24,9 6,2

Source: Tabela da Composição de Alimentos. Portugal 2010.

Sodium (mg)

4 1 persons people 1490,9 372,7



Pumpkin Oranges Onion Zucchini Potatoe Ginger Carrot Water Olive oil Garlic Black pepper Salt/aromatic herbs

400 g 120 g 125 g 100 g 100 g 10 g 40 g 500 ml 10 ml (2 tsp*) 1g 1 g (1/2 tsp*) 1 g (1/2 tsp*)

*tsp – tea spoon

TIPS & TRICKS … to make a better nutritional balance: Add some bread, some white meat or some pasta to be more nutritionally balanced. The recipe is healthy but it can be too light for a lunch and/or dinner. … to make it in a lower budget: You can change pumpkin for carros. … to make it easier/ more accessible: The recipe is easy to remember and prepare.

Cooking method In a pan, insert the oil, sauté the onion and enter the pumpkin, potato, zucchini and carrot. Enter the water and cook. Grind until mixture is smooth, and enter the juice and zest of orange. Season with black pepper, salt / herbs, cloves and ginger to taste. Serve hot in a bowl.

Nutritional Facts Calories (Kcal)

Proteins (g)

Lipids (g)

4 1 4 1 persons people persons people 337 84 8,0 2,0

4 1 persons people 12,3 3,1

Glicids (g)

Fiber (gr)

4 1 4 1 persons people persons people 49,1 12,3 11,3 2,8

Source: Tabela da Composição de Alimentos. Portugal 2010.

Sodium (mg)

4 1 persons people 451,6 112,9




Chestnut Sweet potato White onion Carrot Purple onion Rosemary honey Celery Garlic Water Olive oil Black pepper Salt/aromatic herbs/spices

200 g 200 g 100 g 50 g 30 g 20 g 10 g 10 g 500 ml 10 ml (1 tsp*) 1 g (1/2 tsp*) 1 g (1/2 tsp*)

*tsp – tea spoon

TIPS & TRICKS … to make it in a lower budget: Use only normal potatoes. Try to reduce or take out the salt! … to make it easier/ more accessible: Replace the chestnuts because you have to peel them first, boil them separately and after that boil them with the rest of the vegetables. Difficult to prepare the chestnuts because you have to cut them in the middle to remnove the skin. Buy peeled chestnuts. … to make it in a lower budget: Use normal honey.

Cooking method Sauté the white and purple onion and garlic in olive oil. Add celery, sweet potato, carrot and peeled chestnuts. Add the water and cook. Grind all up to get a cream that maintains some characteristics of rough texture (does not reach the point entirely liquid). Season to taste with salt / herbs / spices and black pepper. Serve the soup in a bowl with a wire rosemary honey to taste.

Nutritional Facts Calories (Kcal)


Proteins (g)

Lipids (g)

4 1 4 1 persons people persons people 807 202 10,4 2,6

4 1 persons people 12,5 3,1

Glicids (g)

Fiber (gr)

4 1 4 1 persons people persons people 162,7 40,7 21,5 5,4

Source: Tabela da Composição de Alimentos. Portugal 2010.

Sodium (mg) 4 1 persons people 512,5 128,1



Fresh tuna White onion Assorted peppers Tomato Mushrooms Purple onion Zucchini Carrot Sesame seeds Garlic Lime Lemon Basilic Leek Chive Olive oil Balck pepper Salt

400 g 400 g 400 g 400 g 200 g 300 g 200 g 100 g 50 g 50 g 50 g 50 g 10 g 10 g 10 g 20 ml (4 tsp*) 1 g (1/2 tsp*) 1 g (1/2 tsp*)

*tsp – tea spoon

TIPS & TRICKS … to make a better nutritional balance: Less olive oil. Use olive oil crude to save nutritional propreties … to make it in a lower budget: Cheaper fish (instead of tuna fish).

Cooking method Tuna: pour a little olive oil in a sauté and place the tuna until braising. Remove and let rest. Vegetables: in the same sauté, brase the different vegetables and mushrooms once you cut them into julienne, seasoning with salt and lime juice and lemon. Finally, sesame seeds in sauté. Serve the tuna on a bed of vegetables and sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds.

Nutritional Facts Calories (Kcal)

Proteins (g)

Lipids (g)

4 1 4 1 persons people persons people 1515 379 131,9 33,0

4 1 persons people 71,3 17,8

Glicids (g)

Fiber (gr)

4 1 4 1 persons people persons people 66,4 16,6 41,9 10,5

Source: Tabela da Composição de Alimentos. Portugal 2010.

Sodium (mg) 4 1 persons people 786,6 196,6




Tomato Red pepper Onion Monkfish Pasta fettucini Dogfish Clams Sardines Parsley Bay (leave) Olive oil

400 g 300 g 300 g 200 g 200 g 200 g 100 g 100 g 10 g 1 10 ml (2 tsp*)

*tsp – tea spoon

TIPS & TRICKS … to make a better nutritional balance: Reduce the ammout of olive oil. Increase the ammout of fibre with integral pasta. … to make it in a lower budget: Choose cheapest fish. … to make it easier/ more accessible: Use only one type of fish.

Cooking method Bake the fettucini in water with a little salt. Sauté the onion in a little olive oil, insert the bay leaf, tomato and red pepper. Add the fish and the core of the clam. Bake. In the pan in which the fish was cooked, enter the fettucini after drained. Mix well and serve immediately with chopped parsley.

Nutritional Facts Calories (Kcal)


Proteins (g)

Lipids (g)

4 1 4 1 persons people persons people 1637 409 142,2 35,5

4 1 persons people 33,6 8,4

Glicids (g)

Fiber (gr)

4 1 4 1 persons people persons people 193,0 48,2 21,5 5,4

Source: Tabela da Composição de Alimentos. Portugal 2010.

Sodium (mg)

4 1 persons people 916,7 229,2



Purpel onion White onion Cod loin Corn flour Zucchini Carrot Parsley Garlic Bay leaf Vegetables aromatic broth Olive oil Black pepper

120 g 120 g 100 g 100 g 100 g 100 g 60 g 50 g 1 300 ml 20 ml (4 tsp*) 1 g (1/2 tsp*)

*tsp – tea spoon

TIPS & TRICKS … to make a better nutritional balance: If it is dried and salted cod, soak it in water (change water between) during two days to reduce sodium. … to make it in a lower budget: Choose a cheaper fish … to make it easier/ more accessible: Use fresh cod and you don´t need to soak it in water.

Cooking method Cut the eggplant lengthwise and sauté in a hot core. Develop small skewers of chicken breast, alternating the meat with assorted cherry tomatoes, giving color and diversity to each of the kebabs. Core the kebabs on a hot sauté and season with black pepper and then salt / spices. In the same sauté tower pine nuts / dried fruit and set aside. Sauté the purple onion with white onion, garlic and dried tomatoes. Flambé the shallots in brandy. A plate, deposit eggplant with onions and dried tomatoes. Pour over them the skewerd and finish with the shallots and sprinkling with toasted fruit, grated cheese and basil.

Nutritional Facts Calories (Kcal)

Proteins (g)

Lipids (g)

4 1 4 1 persons people persons people 803 200,8 3,2 15,4

4 1 persons people 23,9 6,0

Glicids (g)

Fiber (gr)

4 1 4 1 persons people persons people 110,1 27,6 15,7 3,9

Source: Tabela da Composição de Alimentos. Portugal 2010.

Sodium (mg) 4 1 persons people 1371,7 342,9




Pork Tenderloin Portuguese beans White onions Portobello mushrooms Paris mushrooms Marron mushrooms Garlic Hazelnuts Porto wine White wine Olive oil Black pepper

400 g 200 g 200 g 100 g 100 g 100 g 10 g 10 g 100 ml 10 ml 10 ml (2 tsp*) 1 g (1/2 tsp*)

*tsp – tea spoon

TIPS & TRICKS … to make a better nutritional balance: Remove visível fat from the meat. Don't Be affraid ... The alcool of wine desapear after cooking. So at the final only have the flavour of the wine withiut calories and alcool. … to make it in a lower budget: Choose the most expensive ingredient and change with a cheaper one and keep the recipe. Choose only one kind of mushrooms.

Cooking method In a hot sauté mark the pork tenderloin. Remove and let stand. In the same sauté, and the leveraging the meat released juices, pour a little port wine, garlic and black pepper. Cover the tenderloin with this mixture and bake in the oven to finish the meat at the point of preference. In a pan, bake the beans with water. Once cooked, drain. In a pan, sauté some garlic in olive oil and insert the pods, crushed coarsely with a fork. When they are almost done, enter the hazelnuts previously toasted in a sauté. Sauté the mushrooms with onion and season with white wine, pepper and garlic. Serve the tenderloin on a bed of crushed beans and topped with sauté mushrooms.

Nutritional Facts Calories (Kcal)


Proteins (g)

Lipids (g)

4 1 4 1 persons people persons people 1138 386 113,8 28,5

4 1 persons people 38,0 9,5

Glicids (g)

Fiber (gr)

4 1 4 1 persons people persons people 44,6 11,2 19,8 5,0

Source: Tabela da Composição de Alimentos. Portugal 2010.

Sodium (mg)

4 1 persons people 294,5 73,6



*tsp – tea spoon

Chicken brest 400 g Eggplant 200 g Shallots 200 g Assorted cherry tomatões 100 g White onion 100 g Purple onion 100 g Basil 20 g Parmesiano cheese/Queijo de Ilha10 g Dried tomato 10 g Pinion/nuts 10 g 10 g Garlic 4 Skewered sticks 100 ml Brandy 10 ml (2tsp*) Olive Oil 1 g (1/2 tsp*) Black pepper 1 g (1/2 tsp*) Salt/spices/aromatic herbs

TIPS & TRICKS … to make a better nutritional balance: You can add a piece of bread to balance the plate. … to make it in a lower budget: The chicken is one of the cheapest meat and the vegetables usually have a good price.

Cooking method Cut the eggplant lengthwise and sauté in a hot core. Develop small skewers of chicken breast, alternating the meat with assorted cherry tomatoes, giving color and diversity to each of the kebabs. Core the kebabs on a hot sauté and season with black pepper and then salt / spices. In the same sauté tower pine nuts / dried fruit and set aside. Sauté the purple onion with white onion, garlic and dried tomatoes. Flambé the shallots in brandy. A plate, deposit eggplant with onions and dried tomatoes. Pour over them the skewerd and finish with the shallots and sprinkling with toasted fruit, grated cheese and basil.

Nutritional Facts Calories (Kcal)

Proteins (g)

Lipids (g)

4 1 4 1 persons people persons people 732 183 109,8 27,5

4 1 persons people 23,9 6,0

Glicids (g)

Fiber (gr)

4 1 4 1 persons people persons people 21,0 5,2 8,9 2,2

Source: Tabela da Composição de Alimentos. Portugal 2010.

Sodium (mg) 4 1 persons people 947,9 237,0




Pork cheeks Risotto Purple onion Green asparagus Paris mushrooms Vegetables aromatic broth Carrot Garlic Olive oil Black pepper

400 g 200 g 300 g 100 g 100 g 600 ml 80 g 10 g 10 ml (2 tsp*) 1 g (1/2 tsp*)

*tsp – tea spoon

TIPS & TRICKS … to make a better nutritional balance: We could use the vegetables we boiled as a side dish. We could grill the meat instead of frying it. … to make it in a lower budget: We could use chichen instead of pork. … to make it easier/ more accessible: The process can be easier by adding water from the beginning instead of frying.

Cooking method Sauté the mushrooms and finely sliced carrot in a little olive oil and garlic. Enter the risotto rice and when it is translucent, go adding the vegetables aromatic broth (which should be prepared in advance using only water, salt and waste - bark - vegetables) slowly until cooked rice. When almost finished, enter the asparagus and pork cheeks that were previously cooked in sautéed onion, garlic and vegetable broth, seasoned with pepper. Remove and serve immediately.

Nutritional Facts Calories (Kcal)


Proteins (g)

Lipids (g)

4 1 4 1 persons people persons people 1509 337 109,0 27,3

4 1 persons people 25,2 6,3

Glicids (g)

Fiber (gr)

4 1 4 1 persons people persons people 203,4 50,9 16,0 4,0

Source: Tabela da Composição de Alimentos. Portugal 2010.

Sodium (mg) 4 1 persons people 2702,8 675,7



Oranges Apples Honey Brown sugar Pears Corn starch Mint Carob/nib’s Eggs Milk Vanilla pod Cinnamon stick

120 g 100 g 100 g 100 g 80 g 50 g 10 g 10 g 2 400 ml 1 1

TIPS & TRICKS … to make a better nutritional balance: Don't put all of the yellow part of the egg to reduce fat and cholesterol. … to make it in a lower budget: Use a cheaper dried fruit , because nuts are expensive in almost all countries.

Cooking method Beat the eggs with the sugar and cornstarch. In a saucepan, boil the milk with the vanilla bean and cinnamon stick. After boil, cool slightly and add to the previous mixture stirring constantly. Sauté in a sauté the fruit, leaving free a little juice and add a little honey and mint. Sprinkle the carob cut into pieces with a little sugar and honey. Bake in the oven for toasting. Depositing the fruit in a bowl, cover with a little cream and sprinkle with praline (optional can use nib's).

Nutritional Facts Calories (Kcal)

Proteins (g)

Lipids (g)

4 1 4 1 persons people persons people 1236 309 31,8 8,0

4 1 persons people 20,5 5,1

Glicids (g)

Fiber (gr)

4 1 4 1 persons people persons people 236,7 59,2 7,2 1,8

Source: Tabela da Composição de Alimentos. Portugal 2010.

Sodium (mg) 4 1 persons people 391,7 97,9




Cottage cheese Pumpkin Brown sugar Natural iogurte Cream Cinnamon stick Juniper Vanilla pod

200 200 200 125 100 2 1g 1

g g g g ml

TIPS & TRICKS … to make a better nutritional balance: Use low fat cheese and fat free and no added sugar yogurt. … to make it in a lower budget: One desert a week or two in two weeks!

Cooking method Enter the curd with whipped cream and yogurt. In a sauté pour the pumpkin cut into tiny pieces along with the vanilla pod and cinnamon stick. Bring to a boil and then bake slowly until you get a smooth pulp. To make the crunchy juniper, bake sugar with juniper extended in a tray and take it to the oven. In a bowl pour the mousse curd, add a little of pumpkin couli and top with crisp juniper.

Nutritional Facts Calories (Kcal)


Proteins (g)

Lipids (g)

4 1 4 1 persons people persons people 1473 368 24,5 6,1

4 1 persons people 59,3 14,8

Glicids (g)

Fiber (gr)

4 1 4 1 persons people persons people 216,8 54,2 1,4 0,4

Source: Tabela da Composição de Alimentos. Portugal 2010.

Sodium (mg)

4 1 persons people 895,5 223,9



Milk Cream Brown sugar White sugar Egg Cinnamon

500 ml 100 ml 100 g 50 g 1 1g

TIPS & TRICKS … to make a better nutritional balance: Reduce the ammount of sugar. … to make it in a lower budget: Change the cream by fat free and no added sugar yogurt.

Cooking method Beat the cream with the brown sugar. Heat the milk with the cinnamon until boiling. Beat the egg white with the sugar and add it the previous mixture after it has cooled a bit, incorporating carefully. Serve with whipped cream in a bowl, cover with prepared pastel de Belém. Put those prepared in the freezer for 24 hours before serving and stirring from time to when to acquire a creamy texture.

Nutritional Facts Calories (Kcal)

Proteins (g)

Lipids (g)

4 1 4 1 persons people persons people 1236 309 26,3 6,6

4 1 persons people 49,5 12,4

Glicids (g)

Fiber (gr)

4 1 4 1 persons people persons people 175,9 44,0 0,2 0,1

Source: Tabela da Composição de Alimentos. Portugal 2010.

Sodium (mg) 4 1 persons people 340,3 85,0


Youth & ity Physical activ

Youth & Physical activity Portuguese University Sports Federation (FADU) Nowadays is common to find guidelines that recommend that all young people should do physical activity in a regular way. Similarly we know that this regular activity produce a positive impact on anxiety, depression, mood, and wellbeing which may influence on academic achievement. In general it's important to achieve their aspirations and developing their leadership and citizenship skills. According to World Health Organisation (2014), regular moderate intensity physical activity – such as walking, cycling, or participating in sports – has significant benefits for health. Current numbers show us that the time allocated to physical activity among young people, has declined over the last decade, with special impact in academic age. This fact has been linked to increased rates of obesity, cardiovascular disease and poor mental health. Changing health behaviors is complex but required. We can find this opportunity through outdoor activities where it's possible to find a good and healthy environment, different kinds of interesting and low-cost activities and where all people, regardless of age or experience, can find ways that really satisfy your own style and improve their quality of life, participating individually or with family, friends, colleagues or in organized structures.

Tips to Get Active - Adding physical activity to your day 1. Start slowly increasing your physical activity to meet the physical activity recommendations for your age. 2. Physical activity doesn't mean only sports – it can include everyday things like walking the dog, planting a garden, playing tag, building a snowman, tobogganing, and even household chores like raking the leaves, or sweeping the garage.


You can choose to: » Walk, run or bike instead of getting a ride » Do something you enjoy - run, jump, swim, skateboard, snowboard, ski, skate, hike; » Check out yoga, hip-hop, or aerobics classes » Take the dog for a walk » Dance to your favourite music » Rake the leaves, shovel snow, carry the groceries home » Join a team at your school » Set physical activity goals with your friends and family » Reduce screen time

Tips for children and youth aged 5–17 » Be active active at least 60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous intensity physical activity daily. » Get stronger by doing activities that build muscles and bones at least three days a week.

Tips for Young adults aged 18 - 30 » Be active at least 2.5 hours a week to achieve health benefits. » Focus on moderate to vigorous aerobic activity throughout each week, broken into sessions of 10 minutes or more.


If you do someting .. you spend… Daily activity Kissing Shopping Cooking Being on the couch Write Study Talking on the phone Make love Dishwasher Clean the house Up the stairs

kcal/h/Kg 0,11 3,85 2,40 1,10 0,28 1,71 1,21 2,71 0,85 4,28 14,28

If you do something more, You spend… Physical activity Basketball Canoeing Cycling Run 8 km/h 10.5 km/h 12 km/h 14 km/h 16 km/h 17.5 km/h Football Gymnastics Dance Swim Tennis Volleyball

Example: If you weight 60 kg and you play volleyball 2 hours a day, you spend 360 kcal in your physical activity. Enjoy


Kcal/h/Kg 8,28 2,64 3,84 8,1 11,58 12,48 13,68 15,12 17,34 12,06 3,96 6,18 7,68 6,54 3,00

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