CAMP+KING in association with Nike: Alpha Gym 2012 San Francisco, Califor nia Ar t Direction: Copy: Publisher :
Are you an object? An object turns heads, causes whiplash and makes a15 car pile-up. The object is who you’re husband is staring at while he pretends to listen. An object eats men, chews them up and spits them back out. Objects get fought over. Objects start wars. Helen of Troy? She was an object. Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, Monica Lewinski. Objects create styles and start scandals. They make men stutter, stammer and sweat. They’re every woman’s great “what if?” An object gets paid more than you. Don’t believe us? Check out the study Yale University did called, “Beauty and the Labor Market.” And while you’re at it, look up the one from Stockholm School of Economics about how people think that same object does your job better than you do. A beautiful body can make up for so many shortcomings. There are rules of attraction. And they are simple, straight forward, and brutal. They are not fair. But they are what they are. Sorry. All the things we’re told we “should” be attracted to someone for, personality, brains, stability – all that shit, in the end, is secondary. The ass is king. The legs: supreme dictator. The abs are a monarchy.
Have you ever masturbated to a great personality, touched yourself while thinking, gee, what a sweetheart? No. Because no one is immune to the body.You can’t build up a defense against nice legs or a great ass. They can make your insides ache. A nice pair of legs can make you reconsider your life. The decisions you’ve made. The wife. The family. For a second, they can make you think of throwing it on the heap, setting it ablaze. Legs are little home wreckers. Knowledge, wealth, whatever - that isn’t power. A great pair of legs and a nice ass – that is power. So what are you? Are you a nice, little piece? Eye candy? A boy toy? Bimbo? Meat head? Or are you something more confident, persuasive and powerful?
INTRODUCTION An object turns heads, causes whiplash and makes a15 car pile-up.The object is who you’re husband is staring at while he pretends to listen. An object eats men, chews them up and spits them back out. Objects get fought over. Objects start wars. Helen of Troy? She was an object. Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, Monica Lewinski. Objects create styles and start scandals. They make men stutter, stammer and sweat. They’re every woman’s great “what if?” An object gets paid more than you. Don’t believe us? Check out the study Yale University did called, “Beauty and the Labor Market.” And while you’re at it, look up the one from Stockholm School of Economics about how people think that same object does your job better than you do. A beautiful body can make up for so many shortcomings. There are rules of attraction. And they are simple, straight forward, and brutal.They are not fair. But they are what they are. Sorry. All the things we’re told we “should” be attracted to someone for, personality, brains, stability – all that shit, in the end, is secondary. The ass is king. The legs: supreme dictator. The abs are a monarchy. Have you ever masturbated to a great personality, touched yourself while thinking, gee, what a sweetheart? No. Because no one is immune to the body. You can’t build up a defense against nice legs or a great ass. They can make your insides ache. A nice pair of legs can make you reconsider your life. The decisions you’ve made. The wife. The family. For a second, they can make you think of throwing it on the heap, setting it ablaze. Legs are little home wreckers. Knowledge, wealth, whatever - that isn’t power. A great pair of legs and a nice ass – that is power. So what are you? Are you a nice, little piece? Eye candy? A boy toy? Bimbo? Meat head? Or are you something more confident, persuasive and powerful? Are you an object?
I’m more than just a pretty face.
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The masters didn’t sculpt personalities.
Hard body parts lead to other hard body parts.
RO E TNEM Who needs talent when you have great legs?
PMET SUMA ? K R AP Who needs talent when you have great legs?
Somewhere, someone decided that confidence should have a limit, an arbitrary line drawn by fear and insecurity. But somewhere there’s also a boy too vain to just play guitar in their parent’s
basement, a silly girl filled with dreams who wants to move to the big city, an inventor so vain he believes can make the next biggest thing, and doctor who thinks he can cure cancer.
I’m not not an object.
Vanity makes us get dressed in the morning. It’s what brings us from one end of the bar to the other, and why first dates are so exciting.
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W h y s h o u l d n ’t y o u r girlfr iend be jealous?
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Then, of course, there’s the woman with the legs and the man with the abs. And they are vain, too.