Gcsemedia revisionchecklist

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Revision Checklist Revision site: http://cnsmediagcse.blogspot.co.uk

TV Comedy

Action Films

Marks First 30 minutes: Watch a clip 4 times and make notes Q1: Explain two ways in which the narrative (characters and events) in the extract fits the action adventure genre. Use examples from the extract. Q2: Explain how each of the following is used in the extract to create effect:  soundtrack/ editing/ mise-en-scène/ camerawork Use examples from the extract. Q3: Discuss the representations in the extract. Refer to stereotypes in your answer. Use examples from the extract. You might consider the representation of:  Gender/ race and nationality/ warriors (Note: the question will give bullet points) Q4a: Either: Explain why one comedy programme was chosen by one channel and scheduled at one time on one day. Or: Explain why two programmes were chosen by two different channels. Then explain why each channel chose one time and one day to schedule the programme. Q4b: Either: Discuss in detail how one comedy programme offers audience pleasures. Give examples from the programme. Or: Explain how the audience pleasures offered by two comedy programmes are different or similar. Total





Time 30 8ish







1hr 45

What needs covering? Make lots of notes (see noteframes on right)  Explain two generic narrative features  Use of evidence to support ideas  Use of precise and accurate terms  2-3 examples for each micro area (sound/ editing/ etc)  Examples/ evidence are specific & precise  Explore connotations and effects  Precise and accurate use of terms

HOW TO MAKE NOTES DURING THE CLIP VIEWING Question 1: Genre/ Narrative conventions

Q2: Media Language and effects

 Discuss a range of issues, or 2-3 in lots of detail  Use a range of evidence from the extract to support the points  Discuss stereotypes  Thoroughly explain stereotypes/ representation issues  State the programme’s name, channel, time and day of the week (+ time of year if relevant)  Explain how the programme attracts channel’s target audience at that time  Use scheduling terms to say why it is on at that time  Explain how the programme fits the channel’s audience  Explain how the programme fits the channel’s brand/ ethos/ style and PSB requirements  Focus on the number of programmes in the Q  Give the names of the episodes  Give details of a range of specific audience pleasures (4-5 different pleasures)  Support each pleasure with specific, detailed examples of moments from more than one episode  Discuss how the programme addresses the target audience, linking examples to audience pleasures  Compare/ contrast 2 programmes (where Q requires)

Q3: Stereotypes The protagonist The antagonists Stereotypes Gender


Make sure you know…

Make sure you practise…

 Q1 – Genre Conventions 

Q2 – Media Language and effects

  

Q3Stereotypes   Q4a – Scheduling

   

Q4b – Audience Pleasures

Subgenres and hybrid genres of the Action-Adventure genre – useful link here Narrative Conventions of each of the subgenres (useful clips here) o Generic set pieces/ scenarios o Generic character types o Generic locations Key terms: protagonist/ antagonist/ narrative device/ set piece/ trope/ location/ subgenre/ hybrid genre/ binary pair/ hypermasculine/ hyperfeminine Key terms for media techniques (see key terms sheet here) How to analyse sound/ editing/ camerawork/ mise en scene - Useful post

Notemaking techniques for each question Timed-conditions answers for each question Marking your own answers using the sticker marksheets/ bullet points (listed next to each question on the first page here) Analytical paragraphs examining connotations/ effects/ stereotypes

Revision Resources: http://cnsmediagcse.blogspot.co.uk/search/ label/Action-Adventure%20Films

 

  

Key terms: hypermasculine/ hyperfeminine/ challenge/ reinforce/ stereotypes/ representation

Scheduling facts for QI and Horrible Histories (Channel; Time, day and time of year) Scheduling Terms and Techniques used for each programme and other programmes to refer to (eg Justin’s House) Public Service Broadcasting requirements for BBC2/ CBBC, and how QI/ Horrible Histories reflects the PSB requirements of BBC2/ CBBC The ethos/ style/ brand/ audience for BBC2 and CBBC (and how QI/ Horrible Histories reflects the ethos/ style/ brand/ audience of BBC2/ CBBC) – link here Target audience for QI/ Horrible Histories Specific scenes/ examples from specific episodes for QI/ Horrible Histories (choose examples from 2-3 episodes per programme). Episodes here How specific scenes offer specific audience pleasures (identification; participation; etc)

What could you do?

    

Concise writing skills, integrating key information Precise references to details of the programmes Timed-conditions answers for each question Marking your own answers using the sticker marksheets (use the stickers from practice questions in your book)

Revision Resources: http://cnsmediagcse.blogspot.co.uk/search/ label/TV%20Comedy

   

Past exam questions/ cips (link here) practice watching the clip 4 times and making notes. There are notes on some questions here Practice writing answers in timed conditions. Make spiderdiagrams of all the generic set pieces/ character types etc. These clips are useful. Make flashcards of the keyterms (click here) Watch Mr Seal’s video lectures on how to write about different clips/ different aspects of action films Remind yourself what the exam paper looks like (click here) Read other people's essays on clips. Click on these links: Tombraider; The Bourne Identity Create flashcards on the facts for each programme (use the bullet points for Q4a in this table). Use the video lectures to help with this: Q4a QI; Q4a HH; Watch Mr Seal’s video lectures on Public Service Broadcasting, Ethos and Target Audience, plus tips for the exam Plan answers for each of the practice questions (listed on the first page of this booklet and here) Read some example essays Familiarise yourself with the exam paper format – link here Re-watch an episode of QI/ HH and make notes on the specific pleasures using the noteframe we used in class. Plan how you would write about these for Q4b.

Action Films

 Know how to analyse sound/



editing/ camerawork/ mise en scene  Know how to write about the effects of techniques in a sophisticated way (useful resource here)  Know key terms for discussing stereotypes: hypermasculine/ hyperfeminine/ challenge/ reinforce/ stereotypes/ representation  Know how to make notes for each question  Know how long to spend on each question  Know the layout of the exam

Q4a: Scheduling



Definitely fine

Q4b: Pleasures


How confident are you:  Know different Subgenres and hybrid genres of the ActionAdventure genre  Know Narrative Conventions o Generic set pieces/ scenarios o Generic character types o Generic locations  Key terms: protagonist/ antagonist/ narrative device/ set piece/ trope/ location/ subgenre/ hybrid genre/ binary pair/ hypermasculine/ hyperfeminine  Know key terms for media techniques

Mostly good

TV Comedy I know the day, time, channel and time of year that each programme was scheduled I understand scheduling terms and can apply them to QI and Horrible Histories I can explain how QI fits BBC2’s audience. I can explain how HH fits CBBC’s audience. I can explain how QI fits BBC2’s ethos/ brand/ style and how HH fits CBBC’s ethos/ brand/ style. I can explain how QI and HH fit the BBC’s PSB remit I can remember specific examples for different pleasures from specific episodes of QI. I can remember specific examples for different pleasures from specific episodes of HH. I know how the pleasures suit the target audience in each programme.



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