3 minute read
Women are the smart ones
March is Women’s Month, and accordingly, the outstanding achievements of women, especially over recent decades, are highly applauded
It's somewhat ironic that even as the world commemorates the achievements of women, in Jamaica there is a prevailing conversation pertaining to the integrity of some women The conversation relates to several incidences of fraud committed in financial institutions by women, most of whom held positions of high authority tion, opportunity, or even pressure from others
This conversation, which has spread to social media, implies the rapid incidences of fraud in these financial institutions, and the vast sums involved, means women have become more prone to fraud than men
Andrew Karim akarim@cnweeklynews.com
Dr. Garth A. Rose grose@cnweeklynews.com editor@cnweeklynews.com
This, of course, is nonsense While there have been cases of women involved in bank fraud, it's not a widespread phenomenon or a gender-specific issue
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Somehow, historically, some women have had a reputation for being “bad” Turning to Biblical history, women like Eve, Delilah, and Jezebel have been pointed out for their sinful ways, but the same book is filled throughout with evil men, including kings, judges and prophets
What has happened in the modern world is women have developed in several areas to challenge and even replace men as leaders
The days are rapidly disappearing when women are expected to be docile homemakers, taking care of various domestic duties, and being ready at instant notice to satisfy her man's sexual desires Modern women are adamantly casting off this perception of servitude
Women have been steadily outshining men academically, and at the workplace More women have risen to positions of management, and are more profiled Unfortunately, some women in authority and in sensitive roles where they have access to large sums of money give into temptation and commit fraud But this isn't applicable to all women
Fraud is committed by individuals of any gender Reasons for committing fraud varies widely, but include factors like greed, despera-
It's also important to consider the social and economic context in which bank fraud occurs Jamaica, like many other countries, faces various economic and social challenges, like poverty, unemployment, and inequality, which creates fertile ground for fraud and other forms of criminal activity
While there are cases of women involved in bank fraud in Jamaica or elsewhere, it's inaccurate to generalize and make assumptions based on gender It's important to examine the specific circumstances and factors that lead individuals to engage in such illegal activities
Turning to the United States, as attention gradually turns to the 2024 presidential elections, the announced candidacy of former US Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, has spawned the continuance of the conversation as to the possibility of a woman being elected US president
There are people, including women, who believe the US will never elect a woman president
It's a shame women have historically faced gender bias and discrimination in several fields, including politics This has made it more difficult for some women to be taken as serious candidates for such a high office as US president, although many have made it to the US Congress, and hold very prominent positions elsewhere in the public and private sectors As seen in the context of bank frauds in Jamaica, women are sometimes judged more harshly than men for the same behaviors or mistakes, and, mistakenly, are perceived as less competent or authoritative in certain roles
One must only look at the negative public backlash Vice President Kamala Harris has attracted during her tenure in this position since January 2021 Some rightly believe she hasn't been given a fair chance to succeed, and certainly not the chance if she was a man
Despite evidence of the increase of women in representational politics, women are nonetheless underrepresented in local, state and national government There are not sufficient women willing to enter into the political fray This results in fewer women with the experience and qualifications to run for as high an office as the US presidency Plus, there are systemic obstacles, like the gender pay gap and lack of access to political networks, making it more difficult for women to enter politics
There are also persistent cultural stereotypes and attitudes making it difficult for women to seek and win US presidential office These stereotypes include the perception women are too soft, too weak, to handle the demands of the office
As another Women's Month is commemorated, it would be a great achievement if the world removes its negative perception of women It is a fact that women have entered previously prohibited areas Women are making great strides because they are smart human beings It is this smartness that has them joining, and even replacing, men in several areas
As women continue to rise, hopefully some won't taint the general image of women by committing nefarious deeds, and others won't give in to the perception they cannot efficiently handle high positions like president of the United States