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Marijuana policy
fromA4 enacted the policy to legalize small amounts of drugs
The party, which boycotted the 2020 general election last December, said that it was always of the opinion that the policy on marijuana “would not be in the interest of the Dominican people since it would just encourage our youths to smoke but not to create entrepreneurial opportunities to enhance their livelihood”
The UWP said that it has always been concerned about the “future and plight of the young people of Dominica who are so frustrated battling unemployment, underemployment, mental problems and many more socio-economic problems as a result of a failing economy
“Consequently, the youth feel that their only option is to sit on the street corners and indiscriminately smoke marijuana This constant smoking of weed could permanently harm their mental capacities and could increase social anxiety disorders
“All people of good conscience in Dominica have a moral obligation to protect our children and young people from exposure to bad decisions made by our leaders in their quest for absolute power, regardless of the trail of broken lives that’s left in their wake ”
The party said that its approach to this issue remains clear and that “ we must prevent indiscriminate use of marijuana in our communities and ensure law enforcement protects society by enforcing the laws and tackling the organized crime that is associated with the drug trade ”
“The party also recommends that the government revisits its drug policy by taking a balanced, coherent, and consolidated approach to address the evolving challenges posed ”