9 minute read
Bahamas court grants bail to American accused of plotting her husband’s murder
A high court judge in the Bahamas approved a US$100,000 bail for an American woman, Lindsay Shiver, 36, of Thomasville, Georgia, who is accused of plotting to kill her husband
Justice Cheryl Grant-Thompson presided over the hearing where Shiver, along with two Bahamian individuals, faced charges of conspiracy to commit murder, levied against them on June 28
In a concurrent move, the court issued a restraining order between the embattled couple
Notably, the court proceedings were attended by Lance Peterson, the chief of American Citizen Services at the US Embassy Conspiracy uncovered
It is believed by the prosecution that the plan to kill Robert Shiver, Lindsay’s husband, was set to take place in Abaco on July 16
This plot reportedly came to light after authorities intercepted a mobile phone during a probe into an unrelated crime in Guana Cay Reports are that Robert initiated divorce proceedings, allegedly attributing his decision to an affair he believes Lindsay had with one of her co-conspirators
Shiver was remanded to the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services after she was unable to post the cash bail of US$100,000 last Tuesday
Bail conditions
Her two co-accused, Terrance Bethel, 28, and Faron Newbold Jr, 29, posted their $20,000 cash bail Both have since surren- dered their passports and will be fitted with monitoring devices
Shiver’s bail conditions dictate that she must report to a local police station three times weekly and adhere to a residential curfew, which restricts her movements from 8 pm to 6 am local time
Additionally, she has been mandated to maintain a distance of at least 100ft from her spouse
The court further informed Shiver that her travel document would remain under the purview of the US Embassy Should she intend to travel, she is to notify the court beforehand
According to Dr Terel Newton, medical cannabis possesses the potential to help relieve various pain issues, ranging from migraine headaches to spinal cord injuries and everything in-between As the medical director of Total Pain Relief in Jacksonville, Dr Newton focuses on designing holistic care plans for individuals experiencing acute and chronic pain He also serves as the Florida medical director for Trulieve, the largest licensed operator of medical marijuana dispensaries in Florida
So, when it comes to pain management, he is well versed in conventional and alternative treatments Medical cannabis, Dr Newton explains, holds a distinct advantage over pharmaceutical drugs often prescribed to relieve pain and related side effects
“The great thing about cannabis is you can coordinate what I call 'monopharmacy ' With traditional medicine, there's polypharmacy So, it's one medicine for your pain, one medicine for your sleep, one medicine for your anxiety But you can have cannabis treat all of those things,” he says
What further separates cannabis from traditional pain medications like opioids is “ you can't overdose on it,” he adds “It's not going to suppress your breathing whereas, with muscle relaxants, they can suppress your breathing Anti-inflammatories can cause ulcerations in your stomach, and we don't see that with CBD, THC, or any cannabinoid-based medicines If you take a sleep aid and you drink alcohol, you can overdose on that, but with cannabis, you won't overdose ”
Dr Newton says there also is a psychological benefit to using medical cannabis instead of opiates for pain treatment
Clinical nutritionist Abbey Folsom shares Dr Newton's preference to low-THC cannabis over powerful and potentially addictive pharmaceuticals in pain management But she says a healthy diet plays a big part in relieving inflammation, which is the most common source of pain
“The Western diet is notoriously high in n-6 fatty acids, so we want to focus on omega-3 or n-3 fatty acids, which the Mediterranean diet is high in I would actually recommend the Mediterranean diet, a diet high in n-3 omega fatty acids to support the endocannabinoid system,” says Ms Folsom, whose practice includes treating chronic disease
The Mediterranean diet emphasizes eating plant-based foods, poultry instead of red meats, whole grains, fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and cooking with extra virgin olive oil It eschews consuming processed foods, sweets, sugary drinks and butter
Dr Newton and Ms Folsom agree that combating chronic pain takes a multiprong attack strategy Medication alone likely won't get the job done Physical therapy and activity, weight loss, and healthy nutrition should be considered, too
Visit bit.ly/CannabisAndPainModalities to watch MMERI's Conversations on Cannabis Virtual Forum featuring Dr. Terel Newton, medical director of Total Pain Relief in Jacksonville, and Florida Licensed Nutritionist Abbey Folsom discussing cannabis as a treatment for pain management
Editor's note: This commentary is provided by the Medical Marijuana Education and Research Initiative (MMERI) of Florida A&M University
The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida (Board), intends to award one Construction firm for the following General Obligation Bond (GOB) project:
PROJECT NO. 02096900
BIDS DUE: Sealed bids will be received by The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, for the project listed herein, until 2:00 PM local time, Thursday, September 21, 2023, at 1450 N E SecondAvenue, Room 321 in the N E Fifteenth (15th) Street entrance, Miami, Florida, 33132 following which time and place or as soon there-after as the Board can attend to the same the said bids will be publicly opened read and tabulated in room 321 Mami-Dade County School Board Administration Building, by an authorized representative of the Board Award of the contract will be made to the lowest, pre-qualified responsble and responsive bidder for the actual amount bid considerng base bd and accepted alternates (if any) as listedinthebiddingdocuments TheBoardwillawardthecontractbasedupontheresultsofthetabulationsascoveredbyapplicablelawsandregulations
Bidders desiring to participate in this solicitation must be pre-qualified by the Board prior to submitting their bid in response to this solicitation. Contact the Miam-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) Office of Economic Opportunity at (305) 995-1307 or via email at oeo@dadeschools net for information regarding Contractors Pre-qualification procedures
QUESTIONS: Written questions regarding this project will be accepted
All written communications must be sent to the Project Architect/Engineer, Mr Adrian Hernandez (ahernandez@nyarkoarchitects com) of Nyarko Archtectural Group, Inc , 5931 NW 173 Drive, Suite 2, Miami, FL 33015. Questions will be accepted until 5:00 pm on Tuesday, September 5, 2023 Answers will only be issued to the Contractors who attended the mandatory Pre-bid Conference
MANDATORY PRE-BID CONFERENCE: (Silver Bluff Elementary School): Tuesday, August 29, 2023, at 10:00 a m local time, at Silver Bluff Elementary School, 2609 SW 25th Avenue, Miami, Florida 33133 There will be a sign-in period from 10:00 a m. to 10:15 a m. Potential bidders arriving after the fifteen (15) minute sign-in period wil not be allowed to participate in this solicitation. Proposals submtted by firms not represented at the Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will not be considered
Cone of Silence
A Cone of Sience, pursuant to shal commence with the issuance of this Legal Advertisement and shall terminate at the time the item is presented by the Superintendent to the appropriate Board committee immediately Board Policy 6325, prior to the Board meeting at which the Board will award or approve a contract, reject all bds or responses, or take any other action that ends the solicitation and review process Any violation of this rule shall be investigated by the Board's Inspector General and shall result in the disqualfication of the potential applicant from the competitive solcitation process, reection of any recommendation for award, or the revocation of an award to the vendor as being void, rendering void any previous or prior awards The potential vendor or vendors representative determined to have violated this rule, shall be subject to debarment General questions regarding the legal advertisement will be sent to the Office of Capital Improvement Projects via email at ocip@dadeschools net, and a copy filed with the Cerk of the School Board at celiarubio@dadeschools net, who shall make copies available to the public upon request
Lobbyist requirements, pursuant to shall be applicable to this solicitation and all proposers and lobbyists shall strictly conform to, and be governed by, the requirements set forth theren. Contact the Clerk of the School Board Policy 8150, Board for additional information
Vendor and Employment Preference
Local-Vendor Preference, pursuant to shall appy to this solicitation. Based on Board policy, Local Business means a vendor or business that has a valid business tax receipt, issued by a jurisdiction located in Miami- Board Policy 6320 05, Dade County, that has either (1) its headquarters, manufacturing facilty, or locally-owned franchse ocated within the egal boundaries of Mami Dade County, for at least twelve (12) months, or (2) has an office with a street address within the boundaries of Miami-Dade County for at least twenty-four (24) months, calculated from the bid or proposal opening date. Post office boxes are not verifiable and shall not be used for the purpose of establishing said physical address. In order to be considered for local preference, vendors must provide a copy of their business tax receipt and the Local Business Affidavit of Eligiblity with their proposal. Proposers who fail to submit the required documents will not be considered for
Vendor Preference
Jessica Lunsford Act
The successful proposer(s) shall fully comply with the State of Florida's House Bill 1877 “Jessica Lunsford Act” (JLA); FS 1012 465, 1012 32, 1012 467 & 1012 468 and Employment Standards and Fingerprinting of all Board Policy 4121 01, Employees (also refer to Board Polcy 8475)
Ethics, Conflict of Interest and Anti-Fraud
Proposers responding to this solicitation shall comply with the following ethics, conflict of interest and anti-fraud policies:
- Board Policy 6460, Business Code of Ethics;
- Board Policy 6460, Disclosure of Employment of Former School Board Employees;
- Board Policy 8700, Anti-Fraud; and all related Board polcies and procedures, as applicable
Contractor Debarment Procedures
Pursuant to Contractor Discipline Procedures, debarred contractors are excluded from conducting business with the Board as agents, representatives, partners, and associates of other contractors, subcontractors or Board Policy 6320 04, individual sureties
Commercial Anti-discrimination, Diversity, and Inclusion
Proposers responding to this solicitation shall comply with the followng anti-discrimination policies: Commercial Anti-discrimination, Diversity, and Inclusion (proposers shall be required to certify compliance with Board Policy 6465); - Board Policy 6465, Anti-discrimination/Harassment Complaint Procedure; and - Board Policy 1362 02, 3362 02 and 4362 02 - all related Board policies and procedures, as applicable
Failure to file a protest wthin the time prescribed and in the manner specified in (Purchase Approval and Competitive Bidding Process Requirements) or in accordance with FS Secton 120 57(3) shall constitute a waver Board Policy 6320 of proceedings under FS Chapter 120
The proposer acknowledges that all information contained in their RFQ Response is part of public domain as defined by the State of Florida Sunshine Law Therefore, any information received is subject to public inspection and copying in accordance with FS 119 No action on the part of the proposer would create an obligation of confidentialty on the part of the School Board including, but not limited to, making a reference in the RFQ Response to trade secrets FS 812 081 and FS 815 045. It is recommended that potentia proposers exclude from their response any information that, in their judgment, may be considered a trade secret Board policies, as amended from time to time, can be accessed and downloaded at: https://go boarddocs com/fl/sbmd/Board nsf/goto?open&id=BK6KUF4FFE14
The successful proposer(s) shal fully comply with the State of Floridas House Bill 1877 “Jessica Lunsford Act” (JLA); FS 1012 465, 1012 32, 1012 467 & 1012 468 and Employment Standards and Fingerprinting of all Board Policy 4121 01, Falure to file a protest within the time prescribed and n the manner specified in Board Policy 6320 or in accordance with §120 57(3). Fla. Stat. (2014) shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes
Pre-qualified bidders may obtain the documents for construction or a full set of printed documents for construction at the bidder's expense from the office of Go Green Document Solutions, Inc. on 3715 Grand Avenue, Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 on and after, August 14, 2023
Small/Micro, Minority/Women-Owned, and Veteran Business Enterprise Programs, Board Policy 6320 02
Awarded firms will be required to comply with and submit a monthly report via the Online Diversity Compliance System for compliance with Small/Micro, Minority/Women and/or Veteran sub-consultant goals, sub- Board Policy 6320 02 contractor goals, local workforce information, and/or any affirmative procurement initiatives Awarded firms will be required to submit monthly compliance reports online at: Please note http://miamidadeschools diversitycompliance com that the “Small/Micro Business Enterprise Program Administrative Procedures Manual”, Board-approved January 15, 2020, shall be applicable to this solicitation. Please contact the Office of Economic Opportunity at 305-995-1307 or via email at OEO@dadeschools net for additional information
Assistance levels, as established by the Goal Setting Committee: Silver Bluff Elementary School S/MBE Mandatory Subcontracting Goals: 11 92% Construction, and 20% Local Work Force, within a County-wide radius
Mandatory M/WBE Subcontracting Goals: 13 08%- Based on the M-DCPS 2020 Comprehensive Disparity Study and the only Non-minority Women, African American, Native American, and Asian American-owned Board Policy 6320 02, firms are eligible to meet the M/WBE goals on this solicitation
The Board reserves the right to waive informalities and to reject any and all bids
By: Dr. Jose L. Dotres Superintendent