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EDITORIAL Fathers you are needed as loving daddies
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It's not unusual for the commemoration of Father's Day to pale in comparison with the hype and excitement that Mother's Day brings. This unbalance doesn't mean fathers are less loved or unappreciated than mothers, but is indicative of the continuous, growing matriarchal pattern of modern society a father living in the same town as she does, but not ever hearing from him
Fathers, although pained by the broken relationship with their children's mother, should nonetheless remain interested in the welfare of their children Children must never be treated badly or ignored because of the broken relationship Neither should mothers try to spite the children father by not allowing him to have access to his children, either directly or indirectly
Andrew Karim akarim@cnweeklynews.com
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Years ago, Edith Clarke, a sociologist in Jamaica, wrote a very relevant book entitled “My Mother Who Fathered Me,” highlighting the significance of the role of mothers in the Jamaican society Many of these women served as father and mother to their children Sadly, that situation has not changed over the years, but if anything has increased, as numerous men go about irresponsibly pregnating women, then just walk away from their responsibility This has given rise to a growing breed of “ sperm donors,” not fathers
Innumerable pages have been written about the irresponsibility of some fathers towards their children Courts in this and other countries are overcrowded with cases of mothers filing lawsuits against absentee, irresponsible fathers for child support Yet, despite some harsh penalties meted out to these “deadbeat” fathers, the practice of father's not supporting their children continues
But children need more than financial support from their fathers A child, especially the male child, needs the emotional bonding that a father should be giving Children need that loving, nurturing figure in their lives whom they affectionally call “Daddy ” An uncaring absentee father, isn't a daddy, and shouldn't expect to be called as such by his child or children
Several sociologists have determined a primary reason for the preponderance of crimes in most countries is the absence of a father figure in the home It's often difficult for mothers forced to work away from home, to be able to provide the required emotional support plus enforce discipline over her children The male child, in particular, as he grows older, in the absence of that father figure, seeks to bond with his peers, spend more times on the street, graduating into gangs and serious anti-social activities It is much easier for the child to succumb to peer pressure when there is no father figure around Some female children, devoid of a father figure at home, seek such a figure in men outside the home, risking ending up in emotionally damaging relationships, and even unwarranted pregnancies
In this technologically advanced age, there's no reason for a man to not try to make regular contact with his child/children by phone, e-mail, or text Often fathers are separated from their children because of breakdown in the relationship with the children's mother, but this isn't an excuse for fathers to ignore their children A group of teenagers interviewed on a recent Cable-TV program said they would have loved to be able to at least speak with their fathers once in a while, getting their opinion and advice on certain aspects of the teenager's lives One young lady spoke of the pain she feels of having
Of course, all fathers are not irresponsible fathers There are good fathers, dedicated fathers who make valiant efforts to provide emotional and material support for their children This is manifested in the growing trend where fathers are the ones acting as the stay-at-home parent while the mother go out to work There are fathers within the South Florida community, and in the Caribbean, who work several jobs for long tiring hours to be able to provide for their women and children There are men who through love, act like fierce lions in protecting their children from unwarranted circumstances But nonetheless, the selfishness and irresponsibility of some fathers has often overshadowed the responsible fathers
In this real world, incidences of men fathering children will not decrease However, what must decrease is the blatant irresponsibility of men who simply walk away once they learn their female partner is pregnant, or ignore providing for the child as it grows and its needs increases This is a sociological problem which still need sto be firmly addressed
There would be real progress if some fathers would seriously stop and consider that it takes two to responsibly raise a child, just as it takes two to create that child
If a man creates a child, he must be sure to act as its father, its loving daddy, irrespective of that man's circumstances