1 minute read
By Nicanor Gordon
In 2021, around the world people were trapped in their homes, under quarantine from the COVID-19 pandemic. Work continued remotely as creatives took to virtual platforms more than ever. That same year
Cyphr launched
The innovative application is equal parts LinkedIn and Soundcloud Producers upload their created beats onto the platform Artists can then pick out their favorites and perform over them, inviting others to collaborate As of today, the platform boasts thousands of users, over 1000 uploaded beats, and over 500 unique songs created
According to Dylan Brennan, co-founder and CEO of Cyphr, the timing could not have been better “I had this idea to build out this kind of Skype, but for rap,” Brennan explained over the phone He envisioned a beat playing, and people rapping back and forth over it — a virtual version of the classic Hip Hop cipher Network latency and timing issues made it impossible to guarantee a consistent experience that they could be proud of But, the bones of the product were ironclad “[During quarantine] many people couldn’t record in a