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Jamaicans express anger and confusion with New Road Traffic Act
Jamaica's new Road Traffic Act was launched on February 1 and it has been followed by a week of anger and confusion with several road users complaining that many of the new laws makes absolutely no sense.
One requirement that sparked immediate uproar in the public is the requirement for car seats in public passenger vehicles with Jamaicans being quick to point out this law does not exist anywhere in the world Under Section 73 of the legislation, motorists who do not have appropriate child-restraint systems when transporting children 12 years and younger will be fined J$5,000
The cost of child seats may be out of reach for many Jamaicans, with prices ranging from $5,000 to $25,000
Parents began to feel the cold shoulder with some transport operators turning them away for fear of being ticketed
Several school children had to walk for miles to get home as drivers complained it is impractical to provide seats for all children under 12
Opposition Spokesman on Transport
Mikael Phillips branded the measure impractical, noting that although it was on the previous edition of the law since 2001, it had never been enforced
The Government has since pledged to review the stipulation amid protest from transport operators and concern from affected parents and guardians
In addition to the child seat requirement there are several areas of the law that now attract heavy fines ranging from 2000 to 250, 000 Jamaican dollars
If you or someone you know is traveling to Jamaica soon here are some of the penalties and the fines you should be aware of: way to an emergency vehicle will be fined $25,000 behind an emergency vehicle or stopping a vehicle within 100 meters of where the emergency vehicle has stopped will attract a fine of $5,000 communication device while driving or smoke marijuana while attempting to, or driving will attract a fine of $10,000 whose muffler systems exceed 85 decibels will attract a fine of $10,000, while small trucks must not exceed 90, and large trucks, 95 decibels fined $10,000 for doing a 'wheelie' (riding with only one wheel) on roads that is not insured will face a fine of $20,000 which displays lamps emitting a blue light will attract a fine of $15,000 other motorists and indicate priority of movement in traffic will attract a fine of $10,000 up to $100,000 in the parish court, while failure to prominently display the valid license or certified copy of license of a driving school will attract a charge of $10,000 ment for up to six months will be given for falsely advertising that a person is the holder of a license to operate a driving school damage a road sign with a motor vehicle will be fined $50,000, while those who stop a motor vehicle at any point within 12 meters of either side of a bus stop sign erected on the same road will be fined
$10,000 without the appropriate transport emergency cards and manifests can be fined up to $250,000 in the parish court or be imprisoned for five months are not certified to do so they will be fined $20,000, and $25,000 for transporting a passenger who is not appropriately qualified travel or drive in or on a motor vehicle or trailer with parts of their body protruding beyond the sides or rear of the vehicle will be fined $5,000 vehicle or trailer that projects more than 30 centimeters beyond the rear of the vehicle without t h e u s e o f a required warning device to indicate the length or width of the projection will attract a fine of $50,000 do not tow a motor vehicle on a toll road using a tow truck will face a monetary penalty of $20,000
Meanwhile Prime continues on B4 – Nonsense