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Three CARICOM countries join Mexico in lawsuit against US gun manufacturers
The Bahamas government says it has joined a brief filed by Mexico in the United States Court of Appeal in the First Circuit, in support of a US$10 billion suit to hold US gun manufacturers liable for the harm caused by their products
The Bahamas has been joined by Antigua and Barbuda, St Vincent and the Grenadines, and Trinidad and Tobago, as well as the Latin American and Caribbean Network for Human Security (SEHLAC), a network of nongovernment organizations and affiliated professionals specializing in international humanitarian law and seeking disarmament in the Latin American and the Caribbean region
The named defendants in the US$10 billion suit include seven major gun manufacturers and one gun wholesaler and distributor
“The guns used in the commission of violent crimes in The Bahamas are not manufactured here, but instead, are manufactured abroad and illegally trafficked across our borders,” according to a statement issued by the Office of the Prime Minister announcing Nassau’s decision to join the legal battle
“A critical element of the government’s effort to reduce violent crime in our country is cracking down on the proliferation of firearms, with particular focus on strengthening borders and entry points and on interrupting networks of illegal smugglers
“Today, as part of this broader effort to reduce the impact of gun violence in The
Barbados and Kenya look to improve trade relations
Barbados and Kenya have acknowledged the need to form partnerships, build bridges, and identify challenges and opportunities for enhancing trade relations between the two countries
Minister of State in the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Business, Sandra Husbands, told the first Barbados Chamber
Husbands of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) and Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (KNCCI) virtual Dialogue Series that as a result of increased political cooperation over the past two years, imports from Kenya had increased while Barbados’ exports to Kenya had decreased The virtual dialogue series is being held under the theme “Demystifying the Barbados and continues on A7 – Trade relations
Bahamas, our country joined an amicus curiae (friend of the court) brief in the United States Court of Appeal in the First Circuit, in support of Mexico, who is appealing their case to hold US gun manufacturers liable for the harm caused by their products,” the statement added
Earlier this month, Trinidad and Tobago’s Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley, addressing a political meeting of his ruling People’s National Movement (PNM), said that Mexico despite having lost an initial approach to US authorities “intends to continue fighting “Mexico has approached CARICOM asking us as independent sovereign states with the same problem to join the fight to test it in the courts of America to hold the manufacturers and distributors of handguns and assault weapons into our country, to hold them responsible for the mayhem that they have unleashed on our societies,” Rowley said, adding “ we have to join that fight” Rowley said America had passed laws to prevent gun owners from being sued, adding those who are making those guns knowing where they are going and what they could do, have been insulated from lawsuits
Grenada’s NIS seeking to raise millions, selling properties
Grenada’s National Insurance Scheme (NIS) says it expects to earn an estimated EC$18 8 million (One EC dollar=US$0 37 cents) from the sale of eight buildings 11 years after it had purchased several government properties
The then government had sold the properties because of its inability to meet monthly recurring expenditures such as salaries
The most expensive property for sale is the structure that once housed the St James Hotel with an asking price of six million dollars
Another building up for sale is the Drill Yard that formerly housed several government ministries before the construction of the Ministerial Complex In January, a portion of the building situated near the Sendall Tunnel collapsed NIS has a price tag of EC$4 5 million for the building NIS is also selling a building that housed Radio Grenada as well as the former Parliamentary Election Office The two buildings are priced at EC$400,000 and EC$950,000 respectively