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Oswego. Oswego Harborfest. See July 27. Skaneateles. 45th Annual Antique & Classic Boat Show. See July 28.
Sodus. 14th Annual Brantling Bluegrass Festival. See July 27.
Sylvan Beach. 30th Annual Vettes at the Beach with Vendor & Craft Fair. The annual charity car show returns, hosted by Syracuse Corvette Club. Last year, the club raised more than $20,000 for local charities. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Free admission. Sylvan Beach, 1203 Main St. www.syracusecorvetteclub.com/ vettes-at-the-beach. www.facebook.com/ events/1136805373698451.

Clinton Square Syracuse, NY. 67th Annual Syracuse Polish Festival will be held June 9-11, 2023

Party under the sky… See you there !!!
Sackets Harbor. Sackets Harbor Historical Society Concerts on the Waterfront. Hear a variety of performers: Aug 6 Hot Club of Saratoga (Gypsy swing); Aug 13 Kim Pollard Band (blues, jazz, funk, and spiritual); Aug 20 10th Mountain Division Army Band; Aug 27 The Large Flower Heads (60s tribute band). Bring
After School
ext. 2257 ree & open to the public uesdays 11:30-5 aturdays 10-5 aturdays 10-2) and by appointment.
Free & open to the public Fridays 10-5 (Seasonally May 1 through Oct. 1) Saturdays 10-5 and by appointment. Call to confirm.

Enrichment Class
Vacation Camp

your own seating and a picnic. 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Free. Sackets Harbor Battlefield, 504 W. Main St. https://visitsacketsharbor.com.
Sodus Point. Summer Concert Series at the Lighthouse. Aug. 6: Brass Inc.; Aug. 13: The Dean’s List; Aug. 20: Letizia and the Z Band; Aug. 27: Johnny Bauer. Bring your own seating. Concessions available. 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Free. Sodus Bay Lighthouse Museum, 7606 N. Ontario St. 315-483-4936. admin@sodusbaylighthouse.org.
Mondays Through Saturdays
Auburn. Beautiful: The Carole King Musical. Beautiful tells the true story of Carole King’s meteoric rise to fame as one of the twentieth century’s foremost singer-songwriters. The story is set in the vibrant pop industry of the 1960s and early 1970s, and features classics as “You’ve Got a Friend,” “One Fine Day,” “So Far Away,” “Take Good Care of My Baby,” “Up on the Roof,” “You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feeling,” “Will You Love Me Tomorrow,” and “Natural Woman.” Rated PG. The show runs August 9-29. Varying times; check the website. $72+. The Rev Theatre Company, The Merry-GoRound Playhouse, 6877 E Lake Road. https:// therevtheatre.com.
Auburn. Monday Movie Mania. Bring a blanket or chair and snacks to enjoy a family-friendly movie under the stars. Special guests, and a costume contest. Check the website for details.
8/7/23 – “Family Camp” (shown at Clifford Park); 8/14/23 – “Lyle, Lyle Crocodile” (shown at Lincoln Playground); 8/21/23 – “Super Mario Bros” (shown at Hoopes Park); 8/28/23 – RAIN DATE (movie & location to be announced). 8:30 p.m. Free. www.auburnny.gov/parks-recreation-department/pages/2023-monday-movie-mania-free-summer-outdoor-screenings. Syracuse. Monday Night Salsa at Epicuse. One hour Latin dance lesson, followed by an hour’s practice and then an hour informal Latin dance social. Different instructors every two weeks. 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Free. 330 South Salina St. www.epicuse.net. 315-572-6231. RitmoFlow315@gmail.com.
Sylvan Beach. Bikes at the Beach. Give your motorcycle some extra action and bring it down to Main Street. Free parking for bikes on Main Street stretching from 15th Avenue down to the bridge. Meet other bikers, share riding stories and display your mean machine. Live music, charity raffles, and food from local restaurants and bars. 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. 1203 Main St. See facebook page.
Onondaga County
Syracuse. Downtown Syracuse Foundation - Downtown Farmers Market Lunchtime Live! Music Series. A free music performance from a unique artist each week from through October. Performers TBA. 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Free. Clinton Square, West Genesee & South Clinton Street.
Sylvan Beach. Bands at the Beach Concert Series. August 2: Loose Gravel; August 9: Nelson Brothers; August 16: Mark Macri; August 23: Floyd Community Band; August 30: Bernie Clark and Friends. Bring your own seating. 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Free. Sylvan Beach Village Park Bandstand. https://sylvanbeachny.com/ concert-series. 315-762-4844.
Blossvale. Vienna Farmers Market. Celebrate the bounty of CNY by supporting local farmers while shopping for local fruits, vegetables, honey, maple syrup, artisan crafts, homemade items, hot and ready-to-eat foods, soap, and other goods. 3 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Free. 2740 NY Route 49. 561-246-0148. viennafarmersmarketny@gmail.com.
Cazenovia. Live Music in the Taproom. Check the website for the schedule. 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Free. Meier’s Creek Brewing Co., 33 Rippleton Road. www.meierscreekbrewing.com.
Clayton. Clayton Farmer’s Market. Peruse local seasonal goods, crafts, prepared food and other vendors’ wares. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mary Street at the Village Park Circle. 1000islands-clayton.com/thousand-islands-events1000-islands/farmers-market. www.facebook. com/Claytonnyfarmersmarket. 315-686-3771. info@1000islands-clayton.com. 315-686-3771. mike@1000islands-clayton.com.
Liverpool. Thursday Night Fun Runs. Open to all ages and abilities. 6 p.m. Free. Onondaga Lake Park, 106 Lake Drive. https://events. visitsyracuse.com/events/site/thursday-nightfun-runs23476.
Sylvan Beach. Classic Car Cruise. Experience and feel that old-time charm when the punk culture was at its peak. 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Free admission and participation. Sylvan Beach Sunset Park, 808 Marina Dr. www.facebook.com/ev ents/1129993361049935/1129993387716599.
Newark. Music On the Erie Concert Series. August 4: Xarika; August 11: Midnight Storm; August 18: Johnny Bauer Duo; August 25: The Marbletones; Performances will be moved to First Glass Wine Bar at Doug Kent’s Rose Bowl Lanes, 725 W. Miller St. if there is a concern with the weather. The decision will be made by 3 p.m. Bring your own seating. 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Free. Spencer Knight Park, Van Buren Street between the Veteran’s Bridge (East Avenue) and the North Main Street Bridge. http://newarknychamber.org/events-2/musicon-the-erie-concert-series.
Oswego. Guided Nature Walk. Explore the forests, fields, wetlands, and waterways of Rice Creek Field Station with a naturalist trail guide. Walks cover 1 mile over gentle to moderate terrain. Boots are recommended for the occasional wet spot. Free program offered weekly at 11 a.m., except the first Saturday of the month. 193 Thompson Road. oswego.edu/rice-creek Skaneateles. Skaneateles Community Band Summer Concerts. Bring your own seating. 7 p.m. Free. Clift Park, Genesee St. mfgiroux0614@gmail.com.
Waddington. Waddington Concert Series. Bring your own seating. 8/11 Tas Cru; 8/18 TBA; 8/26 Northbound. 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Free. Island View Park Pavilion, St, Lawrence Ave. and Main Street. https://waddingtonconcertseries.com. waddingtonconcertseries@ gmail.com.
Downtown Auburn. Saturday Market. Live music, children’s activities and entertainment, food and beverage producers, artisans, crafters, and more. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Free. NYS Equal Rights Heritage Center & Auburn NY Visitor Center, 25 South St. www.facebook.com/even ts/777079800140064/777079823473395.
Cape Vincent. Concerts on the Green Series. The Cape Vincent Arts Council presents another summer of outdoor live music. New this year, the concerts will use a professionally operated sound system to enhance the experience. August 5: Nuthin Fancy (rock); August 12: Segue (jazz and modern pop); August 19: 10th Mountain Division Band (concert band playing Broadway, marches, pop, classical and Americana). Rain location is the fire hall on Broadway St. Bring a blanket or lawn chair. 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Free. Cape Vincent village green. 315654-2413. www.capevincentartscouncil.org/ concertsonthegreen.html.
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Jamesville. Yoga in the Park. Yoga session will be hosted by Vyana Yoga in Manlius. Meet at the flagpole on the lawn in front of the Nature Center. 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. Free. Clark Reservation State Park, 6035 E. Seneca Turnpike. https:// parks.ny.gov/parks/clarkreservation. FriendsOfClarkReservation@gmail.com.

AUG. 1 Darien Center. Matchbox Twenty. This event was rescheduled from 8/29/2020, 9/4/2021, and. 8/2/2022. 3:45 p.m. $52.89+. Darien Lake Performing Arts Center, 9993 Alleghany Road. www.sixflags.com/ darienlake. 585-599-4641.
Elbridge. Time Out to Fish. Individuals and small groups with special needs, senior citizens, grandparents and grandchildren and veterans and their families can enjoy a session of catch & release fishing. Participants are encouraged to supply their own bait, tackle and rods. A small amount of equipment is available to use. A fishing license is not required. Ad-
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