4 minute read
vance registration and prepayment required. 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. or 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. $5. Free children two and younger. Carpenter’s Brook Fish Hatchery, 1672 Route 321. https:// events.visitsyracuse.com/events/site/timeout-to-fish23746. 315-451-6249. reservations@ ongov.net.
Fair Haven. 18th Annual Fair Haven Run/ Walk for Hospice. See June 27.
Fair Haven. Fireworks Over The Bay! Celebrate The Fourth at the Little Sodus Inn with fireworks and classic rock music. 9 p.m. Free. Little Sodus Inn, 14451 Bell Ave. Oswego. Guided Nature Walk. Explore the forests, fields, wetlands, and waterways of Rice Creek Field Station with a naturalist trail guide. Walks cover 1 mile over gentle to moderate terrain. Boots are recommended for the occasional wet spot. Free program offered weekly at 11 a.m., except the first Saturday of the month. 193 Thompson Road. oswego.edu/rice-creek villageofadams.com/events-activities.html. Elbridge. Time Out to Fish. See Aug. 1. Fair Haven. 18th Annual Fair Haven Run/ Walk for Hospice. See June 27.
Syracuse. Mudvayne: The Psychotherapy Sessions. The lineup includes Mudvayne, Coal Chamber, GWAR, Nonpoint and Butcher Babies. All dates, acts and ticket prices subject to change without notice. Tickets subject to applicable fees. 5:30 p.m. $49+. St. Joseph’s Health Amphitheater at Lakeview, 490 Restoration Way. www.sjhamphitheater.com.
Syracuse. Syracuse Mets vs. Worcester. Taco Tuesday special deals. 6:35 p.m. $16-$39. 233 E. Washington St. 315-474-7833. www.milb.com/ syracuse?t=1682123374.
AUG. 2 Adams. Community Concerts. Listen to live musical performance. Bring your own seating. 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Free. Adams Fire Dept., Main St. www.
Syracuse. Party in the Square. Party In The Square. Live entertainment, food trucks and vendors. 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Free admission. Clinton Square, West Genesee and South Clinton streets. www.syrpartyinthesquare. com/?t=1682196256.
Syracuse. Syracuse Mets vs. Worcester. We Care Wednesday, featuring local charitable organizations. Also, it’s Camp Day. Bring your summer camp friends and enjoy an afternoon of baseball. For Camp Day tickets, email plangdon@syracusemets.com. 12:05 p.m. $16-$39. 233 E. Washington St. 315-474-7833. www.milb. com/syracuse?t=1682123374.
Weedsport. Tom Chick. Syracuse-based musician Tom Chick performs live. 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Lunkenheimer Craft Brewing Company, 8931 N. Seneca St. www.facebook.com/ events/3458398334486605.
AUG. 3 Clayton. An Evening with Jim Messina. Combining sounds of folk and soft rock, Messina performs live. 7:30 p.m. $45+. 403 Riverside Drive. https://tickets.claytonoperahouse.com. 315686-2200.
Elbridge. Time Out to Fish. See Aug. 1.
Fair Haven. 18th Annual Fair Haven Run/ Walk for Hospice. See June 27.
Liverpool. #SYRFoodTrucks in the Park. Enjoy dinner in the park with a variety of cuisines just steps away from each other. Hosted by the Syracuse Food Truck Association. 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Free admission, vended food. Long Branch Park at Onondaga Lake Park, 3813 Long Branch Road. www.onondagacountyparks. com/parks/onondaga-lake-park/long-branchat-onondaga-lake-park.
Ogdensburg/Massena. 20th Annual Kids
Catch and Release Carp Fishing Tournament. Children ages 11-18 are eligible to participate and win cash prizes and awards. Registration and opening ceremony, followed by Riley Basford, Jr. Carp School, 2:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.; Friday fishing, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Saturday fishing 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., followed by pizza party and closing awards ceremony 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. $125. St. Lawrence River, between Ogdensburg and Massena. www.fishcap.net. 315 244-1909 or 315 244-8509. jrcarptournament@gmail.com.
Pompey. Empire Farm Days. More than 15,000 attend the three-day show annually to shop among the tents and outdoor vendors of the show to find tools, equipment and supplies for farming and rural living. Empire Farm Days represents the largest outdoor agricultural show in the Northeast. Visitors can view a skid steer rodeo and equipment demonstrations and learn

about the latest in agricultural technology and farm management techniques. Golf cart rentals are available. Reservations recommended (315-730-8510; efdcartrentals@gmail.com).
Food vendors include local charitable organizations and Heritage Hill Brewery onsite. Rain or shine. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Friday 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Saturday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Free admission; $10 parking. Palladino Farms, 3149 Sweet Road. https://empirefarmdays.leetradeshows.com. 800-218-5586. kmaring@leepub.com.

Syracuse. Godsmack and Staind. Live performance by Godsmack and Staind. All dates, acts and ticket prices subject to change without notice. Tickets subject to applicable fees. 7 p.m. $33+. St. Joseph’s Health Amphitheater at Lakeview, 490 Restoration Way. www.sjhamphitheater.com.
Syracuse. Syracuse Mets vs. Worcester. Dollar Thursday with specials on concessions. 6:35 p.m. $16-$39. 233 E. Washington St. www.milb. com/syracuse?t=1682123374. 315-474-7833.
AUG. 4 prisoncitybrewing.com.
Auburn. Inside Job Concert. Enjoy the funk, rock and blues sounds of Inside Job. 7 p.m. Prison City North Street Farm & Brewery, 251 North St. www.

Elbridge. Time Out to Fish. See Aug. 1. King Ferry. Country Meets Comedy. Thompson Square performs a live acoustic show, opened by nationally touring comedian Jon Reep. The husband-and-wife country music team of Keifer and Shawna Thompson has been nominated for a Grammy and has won numerous other awards and appeared on several national TV shows. Reep has appeared on several TV shows and in movies and has appeared on Last Comic Standing. Doors open at 5. 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. $35-$55. Treleaven Wines, 658 Lake Road. www.facebook.com/ events/739396934434177.
Ogdensburg/Massena. 20th Annual Kids
Catch and Release Carp Fishing Tournament. See Aug. 3.
Pompey. Empire Farm Days. See Aug. 3. Stone Mills. The 54th Annual Stone Mills Arts and Craft Fair. Arts, crafts, vendors, food trucks, food vendors, and live entertainment. Check the website for more details. www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057131154070.

Syracuse. Food Truck Fridays. Stop by the Everson Community Plaza for food truck fare, live music, and art. Events are held in partner- ship with the Syracuse Food Truck Association. Order ahead online. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Free admission, vended food. Everson Museum of Art, 401 Harrison St. www.streetfoodfinder. com/eversonmuseum. 315-474-6064.
Syracuse. Syracuse Mets vs. Worcester. Dollar Thursday with specials on concessions. It’s also Marvel Super Hero™ Night with Thor Jersey Auction & Appearance, plus Avengers 60th Anniversary Hat Giveaway. Fans can also meet and take pictures with Thor throughout the game. Plus, the 1st 1,000 fans through the gates will receive a commemorative 60th Anniversary Avengers Cap. Presented by IBEW/NECA6:35 p.m. $16-$39. 233 E. Washington St. www.milb. com/syracuse?t=1682123374. 315-474-7833.
AUG. 5 Adams. Annual Cheddar Festival. Celebrate the cheesemaking industry of the county at the all-day event. Children’s games, free ice pops, petting zoo, pony rides, magician, balloons, climbing wall, artisan crafts, wine garden, food vendors and live music. 31 East Church St. https:// cheddarcheesefestival.com. info@cheddarcheesefestival.com.
Canandaigua. BrewFest. The event brings