2 minute read

toward all levels. A limited number of mats and props are available if needed. Preregistration required. 10 a.m. Check with host for admission. Zenda Farms Preserve, 38973 Zenda R. www.tilandtrust.org. 315-686-5345. treks@ tilandtrust.org.
JUL. 8 Cape Vincent. Annual French Festival. See July 7.
Cayuga, Oswego and Wayne Counties. Annual Tri-County Salmon Slam. See June 28.
JUL. 7
Cape Vincent. Annual French Festival. Celebrate all things French at this family-friendly event, including a family block dance with a live band, craft vendors, pastries, parade, and fireworks. Cape Vincent Fire Department, 241 E. Broadway. www.capevincent.org/frenchfestival. 315-654-2481. capevincentchamber@gmail. com.
Cayuga, Oswego and Wayne Counties. Annual Tri-County Salmon Slam. See June 28.
Liverpool. Annual Bike Safety Rodeo. Join the Kiwanis Syracuse Young Professionals for the annual Bike Rodeo. Onondaga Lake Park skate park parking lot, 106 Lake Drive. https:// onondagacountyparks.com/parks/onondaga-lake-park. 315-802-8784.
Liverpool. Heat is on Bazaar. The family-friendly event features crafters, artists, musicians, small business tables and much more. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Free. Johnson Park, Second and Vine streets. www.liverpoolchamber.com/ Home/LiverpoolIsThePlace.aspx. 315-2548542. Cozmiccauldron@gmail.com.
Liverpool. Joey’s Wish Walk/Run. Joey’s Wish, Inc. is a legacy nonprofit that honors an amazing man whose life was taken by addiction. Joey’s loved ones raise funds and awareness to fund the research that will stop addiction in the human brain. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Admission TBA. Willow Bay at Onondaga Lake Park, 3832 Long Branch Road. https:// onondagacountyparks.com/parks/onondaga-lake-park/willow-bay-at-onondaga-lakepark. joeyswish97@icloud.com.
Liverpool. Street Scene Car Show. Import, sport compact, and sport truck meet/show for real enthusiasts, by real enthusiasts. Car show, gourmet food trucks, graffiti exhibit, vendors, and live DJ. Leashed dogs permitted. 9 a.m. $10 admission; free for children 12 and younger. Long Branch Park at Onondaga Lake Park, 3813 Long Branch Road. www.streetscenenation. com/street-scene-year7.
Rochester. Corn Hill Arts Festival. This two-day festival covers nine streets and will showcase hundreds of artists from across the country, family activities, chalk art drawing,
Clayton NY
Open 7 days a week
Open: Mon- Sat 11am-9pm Sun- 11am-8:30pm
Lake Placid
Enjoy high quality, full flavored craft brews and brick oven pizza
Open Daily | 11am - 7pm Main St. lake Placid, NY vendor booths, wine and beer garden, food booths and live entertainment. See the website for a list of the artists. Free, except for a few activities. 133 South Fitzhugh St. https:// cornhillartsfestival.com. 585-262-3142. chna@ cornhill.org.

Syracuse. Elvis Costello & The Imposters. Special guest Charlie Sexton joins Elvis Costello & The Imposters for the “We’re All Going On A Summer Holiday” tour produced by Live Nation. 7:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. $45.50$195.50. Landmark Theatre, 362 S. Salina St. https://landmarktheatre.org. 315-475-7979. amasters@landmarktheatre.org.
Syracuse. Shania Twain: Queen Of Me Tour. The lineup also includes BRELAND. All dates, acts and ticket prices subject to change without notice. Tickets subject to applicable fees. 7:30 p.m. $146+. St. Joseph’s Health Amphitheater at Lakeview, 490 Restoration Way. www.sjhamphitheater.com.

Watkins Glen. Finger Lakes Wine Festival. Tastings of 90-plus wines, seminars, cooking demonstrations, toga contest, live music, fireworks, and, for those who plan to stay the weekend, on-site camping. Wristband purchase includes commemorative Finger Lakes Wine Festival glass; access to festival events and tastings; educational wine seminars and access to Masters Historic Racing. Age 21 and older only for tasting. Photo ID required. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. $33+. www.flwinefest.com. www. facebook.com/FLWineFest. 866-461-7223.

JUL. 9 Cape Vincent. Annual French Festival. See July 7. Cayuga, Oswego and Wayne Counties. Annual Tri-County Salmon Slam. See June 28.

Liverpool. CNY American Truck Historical Society Truck Show. A selection of antique, classic, custom, working trucks, farm tractors, military vehicles and more. Events, raffles and door prizes all day. Rain or shine. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. $2; free for children 12 and younger. Long Branch Park at Onondaga Lake Park, 377 Long Branch Road. www.onondagacountyparks. com/parks/onondaga-lake-park/long-branchat-onondaga-lake-park/. www.facebook.com/ CNYATHS. 315-687-1165. smithdodgemackl@ aol.com.
Rochester. Corn Hill Arts Festival. See July 8. Watkins Glen. Finger Lakes Wine Festival. See July 8.