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Planning and Zoning
The Department of Planning and Zoning (P&Z) is responsible for overseeing the City’s long-range planning efforts to include: the comprehensive plan, economic development plan, resource conservation, and water plan, transportation plan, the city infrastructure, and green space development plan. P&Z is also responsible for reviewing all building permit paperwork for zoning compliance and approval prior to review, and issuance of building permits by the State’s Construction Industries Division. Lastly, P&Z staff facilitates all the Planning and Zoning Commission meetings, as well as assisting the P&Z Commissioners with administrative and research needs as their City staff liaison. This year P&Z reviewed numerous cases on zoning and variances, brought before the P&Z Commission for recommendation, and saw all passed at the City Commission. On a day to day basis, the P&Z staff performs duties to include updates to any of the major planning documents, researching building and zoning cases for history and evidence of compliance, and providing support to the MainStreet Alamogordo program. The City Planner reviews all requests for permit towards ordinance and zoning compliance and facilitates fee processing for ordinance reviews and zoning variance reviews. Cases that are routinely reviewed include zoning, variances, annexations, sub-divisions, and vacating public property like streets and public right-of-ways. Additionally, the Planner also issues encroachment permits, placement permits for manufactured housing, curb cuts, and excavation permits, as well as assess and allow business registrations for zoning compliance, assign street addresses, zoning review for signage and roofing projects, new construction, and alteration of existing construction.
Plans for FY22
In the coming year, P&Z is working on updating ordinances within Chapter 29.