20 Career Edition

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By Mary Britton PCC Career coaching sits within the executive and organisational coaching space, as an effective tool for individuals; leaders and organisations who want to develop careers, build teams or manage inevitable change. Let’s look at some popular FAQs?

It could be finding the right career, or the right job to move along your chosen career path; exploring ‘what next?’ when something changes; moving beyond frustrations – to build skillset, grow competencies or find the right training / experience for leadership / promotion; learning about yourself, your values / passions / aspirations in pursuit of best options / next steps or ‘ultimate career’. It can help discover or restore balance across professional/personal lives. Career coaching can deliver confidence, insight, encouragement and inspiration. For leaders and organisations the case for career coaching is simply that it enables your people to be the best.

It is solution-oriented, so coach and client work in partnership to work towards a vision, strategy or plan of actions to deliver the client’s objectives. Coaching is anchored in a hightrust, high-rapport relationship where ‘safety to express anything’ and ‘challenge to think or feel differently’ are in play. And it considers what’s in the way – including feelings/emotions and beliefs/values + exploring habits that might be slowing career aspirations.

Smart change initiatives include coaching as a tool because it’s proven to enhance the effectiveness of change initiatives, and because it appears so frequently on the ‘menu’ of highly successful organisations and teams. Explore the joint report Human Capital Institute and ICF here – https://coachfederation.org/resear ch/building-a-coaching-culture It’s important to know that it is a process! If the client is simply seeking a ‘better cv’ it’s unlikely a professional coach is the right option! Some coaches will offer referrals to professionals who advise on technical templates.

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