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Bucket List Tools
It all started as a one-man show with me as ‘The Bucket List Guy’.
An adventurous mid-forty mohawk Aussie who just wanted to tick some goals off his list paired with a deep desire to inspire others to do the same to experience more purpose, meaning and fulfilment in their lives.
It wasn’t until I spoke at a conference in South Africa where my friend and business partner, Brad Sugars, called me ‘The Bucket List Guy’ and suggested I franchise my 12 steps M.Y.B.U.C.K.E.T.L.I.S.T. blueprint as a coaching concept.
As ‘leaving a legacy’ was a yet unticked goal on my Bucket List, I agreed and set myself the mission to help 10 million Bucket Listers live purposely fulfilled lives.
You might guess it from my name and mission that I like to dream big. But if you had asked me a decade ago if I could imagine running a steadily growing global business without even having a physical head office, I might probably have told you to go and kick the bucket.
However, two years later, I am proud to say that my team and I have managed to build up a purely online based business.
We have a colourful tribe of Certified Bucket List Coaches from all age groups and cultures running programs in 15 countries on four continents in English, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Vietnamese.
As CEO of our Bucket List Coaching Global HQ, I want our coaches to also practice what they preach. Meaning a perfect work-life blend is one of our uttermost priorities.
That doesn’t necessarily mean hiking Machu Picchu and jumping out of planes every single day. As a big focus of our global Bucket List corporate programs is mental health at the workplace, we want our Certified Bucket List coaches to be a living example of what it means to be a goal-driven, life-loving Bucket Lister.
That is why we want them to live their best Bucket List lives and that means giving them the freedom to work from where they want and, if there isn’t any scheduled meeting - also when they work best. We want them to work to live and not live to work. Because a Bucket List is a tangible life plan where our career plan should fit into and not be the other way around.
We therefore believe in and depend on online systems like HubSpot, Zoom and TalentLMS for our Bucket List App that allow us to create a corporate culture across oceans, keep track of what everyone is currently working on and celebrate our wins together.
Here is a quick intro on what and how today’s digital systems simplify our Bucket List lives and help us to make time for what really matters:
All-in-one inbound marketing software systems like HubSpot help us put our time and energy on where it belongs - on client interactions and experience - while the simple, day-to-day tasks are managed efficiently. This easy-to-use system comes with plenty automated processes that helps us to focus on people instead of technology.
With the integrated sales navigator we can now focus on nurturing clients into leads instead of having to deal with IT level coding processes.
HubSpot’s personalised marketing automation also uses all the information it gathers to understand what our leads want, when they want it, and delivers a timely message through the perfect channel just when they need it most.
In fact, 44% of direct mails usually remain unopened because they are delivered at the wrong time. With the automated HubSpot newsletter algorithm, we make sure our Bucket List newsletter reaches our clients in their current time zone at their personal best online time.
Another big plus of HubSpot Sales Chrome for us at Bucket List HQ is its integrated CRM (Customer Relationships Management) system. It allows us to limit all our digital systems for managing business relationships and gathering data information such as social media, website, analytics and emails to one central location only.
As we are currently expanding with light speed worldwide and got new Bucket List Coaches popping up like mushrooms in every region all over the world, this supportive digital system also allows us to tag every new lead to their region accordingly.
This simple lead-segregation process is an extremely useful and time-saving tool that helps us distributing every new lead to each of our four Regional Managers worldwide.
In a next step, every lead is invited to schedule a 15 minutes ‘virtual coffee’ through the HubsSpot integrated calendar option with one of our four regional managers (Michelle for Europe/Africa, Elisa for Latin America, Christina for North America and me for Asia Pacific - on that: woman quota: check!).
This quick and easy zero-obligation meet-up is purely informative and meant to see if this lead fits our global tribe of purpose-driven Bucket Listers and vice versa.
If we get the impression that the lead got the desired mix of motivation, inspiration and Bucket List craziness, he or she has then successfully qualified for step two which is our weekly Friday group webinar via Zoom.
Zoom serves as our global meeting room for new and existing Bucket List coaches and is the key tool to create a corporate culture in a purely online-based environment. It basically works like Skype for business with great add-on options like screen sharing for presentations. The biggest advantage compared to an ‘offline meeting room’ is that we can also record meetings (and mute people ;)). This is a massive plus especially for our weekly global meetings. With Certified Bucket List Coaches in 15 countries on four continents it is quite a challenge to find that one time that works best for all. While our Aussie Certified Bucket List Coaches are sipping their early morning coffee, our Latinos just finished their siesta and team Europe might already started their wine o’clock. By recording our meetings and webinars, we make sure everyone gets access to the relevant information.
To complete the perfect trio of useful online tools for coaching, we use Talent LMS as provider for our Bucket List Training App. After our weekly zoom trainings, all our new coaches get to do their homework on the training app to apply what they have learned and to make themselves accountable for their training progress.
From the coconut-slurping hammock coach to the busy single Mam - these online systems are the essential tools you need if you want to skyrocket your online coaching business and make sure your cash flow equals your time flow!
Last but not least, our juicy green #tickitb4Ukickit sign servers as our global ‘currency’ of achieved Bucket List goals worldwide. Whenever a coach or client has successfully ticked an item off their list, they strike a pose with the sign in hand, add the hashtag and upload their proud tick-off on social media.
Trav Bell
Trav Bell is The Bucket List Guy - The World’s #1 Bucket List Expert. He is author of the book, The M.Y.B.U.C.K.E.T.L.I.S.T. Blueprint, a TEDx Thought Leader, a globally recognized Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) & is also the CEO of Bucket List Coaches.
As a self-appointed “Bucket Listologist”, Trav helps people live their Bucket List before it’s too late!
His unique life-engagement message wakes people up, stops ground-hog days & engages people to seek more fulfilment. Check out Trav’s TEDxTalk - Life’s way too short not to live your Bucket List | Travis Bell | TEDxMelbourne