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Coaching Cancer Patients is becoming a Global movement.
We have now gathered educational information from approximately 200,000 individuals from all over the world. International companies such as BeatCancer.org and NAPCC (The National Association of Professional Cancer Coaches) is proud to have provided coaching to cancer patients in Japan, Israel, South Africa, Ecuador, Puerto Rico, Canada and across 33 of the United States including Alaska and Hawaii.
Now, we are spreading the message across Australia and introducing healthcare ambassadors whom we have trained and certified in our cancer coaching program.
This past year we added 34 holistic cancer coaches and only have 10 spaces left for our next course beginning in June 2018.
We are looking to train additional nurses, psychologists, social workers, nutritionists, physical therapists, support group leaders, and other health professionals who wish to offer integrative, holistic, complementary or alternative resources, guidance, support and therapies for people and families dealing with cancer.
The training -- which is primarily online, is also open to people with a background in health, nutrition, ministry, life coaching or care giving. Applications are assessed on an individual basis.
This certification program is the legacy of my life’s work and I am passionate about sharing it. In this training, I teach in about 10 hours, the knowledge that has taken me many years to learn.
The program provides professionally trained cancer coaches to Australian men and women who want an evidence-based cancer prevention or recovery program.
Our cancer coaches are registered as Cancer Patient Educators with the CCA (Cancer Coaching Australia). Many are also registered and licensed health care who have been directly been affected by this disease and are passionate to help others.
They are educated and experienced in and support both conventional and holistic cancer medicine, otherwise known as INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE.
This is the best incorporation of treatment options for patients who wish to experience a higher quality of life and recovery, as well as a way to prevent secondary cancers from chemotherapy/radiation and/or a recurrence of cancer following 'remission'.
Coaches provide expert resources for the prevention and treatment options that are available to you; even some that your physician may not have discussed with you.
We help the patient understand and navigate the conventional system and to learn how to add evidence based integrative solutions to discourage conventional risk factors and to encourage the healing process.
The end result is an empowered patient who is able to make intelligent, appropriate and confident treatment choices that they can be happy with.
With private coaching, only you are the topic.
Your coach will work with your diagnosis, treatment choices, nutrition, lifestyle, emotional and spiritual health to improve the quality and length of your life.
She or he remains your coach for the duration of your program chosen and will be available whenever your prognosis changes or you just have a small question about nutrition or anything that can affect your health and well-being.
The Role of the Cancer Coach
Often, cancer coaches have been through cancer themselves and have beaten it. They know, like no one else knows, all about the shock of diagnosis and the resulting stress.
They have experienced firsthand the anxiety for the future and what it may hold, and what may lie ahead.
Through their personal experiences and training, they have acquired skills to help others through the minefield that cancer can be.
1. Assist the patient through the shock of diagnosis.
.2 Save the patient time and effort doing research.
3. Teach the cancer patient some coping skills.
4. Be a skilled support person for the patient.
5. Help the patient formulate a healing plan.
6. Help the patient set realistic goals.
7. Help the patient cope with treatments and offer remedies for side effects.
8. Educate the patient in natural ways to combat cancer.
9. Educate the patient how to minimize the chance of cancer recurrence and/or progression of the disease.
Susanne Day
As a survivor of Metastatic cancer, who has lived through 18 rounds of chemotherapy, 32 radiation sessions and 8 major operations, Suzanne is also a fighter, a wife, a daughter, a sister and mother of 4 children.
Sadly, cancer and chronic illness are something that we and most of our families will have to deal with at some point in our lives.
It is not just the financial strain but a very emotionally draining experience as well.
The goal of a Cancer Coach is to provide cancer patients and survivors the resources they need to find a sense of balance, and ultimately a sense of wellbeing, in their personal and professional lives.