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College-Wide News

Dr. S. Pixy Ferris completed her new book with William Paterson University’s President Emerita Kathy Waldron on Higher Education Leadership: Pathways and Insights.

William Paterson’s Society of Professional Journalists (WPSPJ), under the direction of Dr. Nicholas Hirshon, was congratulated by NBC’s Nightly News anchor, Lester Holt, CNBC anchor, Shepard Smith, and Fox News Sunday host, Chris Wallace, for winning “Campus Chapter of the Year.”


Dr. Angie Yoo and Dr. Jin-A Choi, Department of Communication professors, published a book chapter in Handbook of e-Tourism. The chapter is entitled, Trust in e-Tourism: Antecedents and Consequences of Trust in Travel-related User-Generated Content.

Department of Art professor, Leslie Nobler’s proposal, Dimensional Artist’s Books and Digital Design – Stories of Inspiring Creative Women has been accepted for the Fifteenth International Conference on Design Principles & Practices, University of Monterrey.

Rebecca Costantini, ’16, an alumnus of the M.A. in Professional Communication, is completing her doctoral studies at Texas A&M and has been offered an Assistant Professor of Communication position at the University of Science in Philadelphia.

WP Voice presented Steam Train from SONGS FOR A NEW WORLD by James Robert Brown. This was the eighth video in the 2020 musical theatre series. To watch the video, click on the link: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=apwiJOGqu6o.

In memory of the late Gary Kirkpatrick, Department of Music professor, who taught at the university from 19722019, Justin Kauflin, Department of Music alumnus, paid tribute to Kirkpatrick through music and reflections in his musical livestream, JK’s Sunday Hymns & Things. To listen to this episode, click the link: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=TCGWuwqz97g.

Ike Ejiochi, Department of Communication alumnus, was recently hired as ABC’s Washington-based Multi-Platform Reporter: http://bit.ly/3coLnS5.

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