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Since 2017, the Centre for Employment Innovation (CEI), situated within Coady Institute, has been a key component of the Nova Scotia Works employment ecosystem. Supported by the Province of Nova Scotia’s Department of Labour, Skills, and Immigration, CEI works alongside the Nova Scotia Career Development Association, and the community-based Nova Scotia Works employment service providers to strengthen access to quality employment services and meaningful work in Nova Scotia.
This includes the designing and facilitation of numerous community-informed demonstration projects. The purpose of these community-based labour attachment initiatives is to pilot innovative approaches to employment services, community engagement, and evaluation. The person-centered design combines first voice, lived experience, and subject matter expertise derived from the employment ecosystem to support individuals from equity-deserving communities in their search for meaningful employment.
The Nova Scotia Works Diversity and Inclusion Program – Phase 1: African Nova Scotians and Persons of African Descent was a collaborative initiative between Employment Nova Scotia (the Province of Nova Scotia), the Nova Scotia Career Development Association, a core team of advisors, and Nova Scotia Works employment service providers which aimed to increase the capacity of Nova Scotia Works to support African Nova Scotian communities. The initiative was intended to support Nova Scotia Works employment services providers to become leaders in diversity and inclusion practices through a better representation amongst their own staff of the communities in which they live and work. In addition to creating two-years of meaningful employment for 15+ individuals who identify as African Nova Scotian or a person of African descent, the labour attachment program incorporated peer mentorship, a Community of Healing, two Communities of Learning and Practice, training opportunities, and other wrap around supports for program participants. Phase 1 of the program wrapped up in December 2022, and the learnings from this work will deepen policies and practices around diversity and inclusion across the Nova Scotia Works system.
In addition to this, in 2022-23, CEI worked along various Nova Scotia Works system partners to explore emerging best practices and conduct participatory research initiatives. New resources, tools, and knowledge were created through this work that continue to have a positive impact on the career development and employment services sector.

A few projects of note include:
• The Nova Scotia Career Development Association and the CEI explored the impact of the Nova Scotia Certified Career Development Practitioner (CCDP) Certification program.
• The CEI partnered with Nova Scotia Works – PeopleWorx in their youth-focused community engagement work and research, which aimed to understand the perspectives of local youth and apply that knowledge to create more youth-friendly services.
• With advisory support from Autism Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia Works – TEAM Work Cooperative and other professionals, the CEI explored best practices and created tools to support more equitable and accessible hiring policies and practices.
There were also numerous education, learning, and capacity building opportunities, including Communities of Practice and Learning, webinars, workshops, presentations, and educational courses. These facilitated spaces provide participants with an opportunity to share their knowledge and expertise and learn from others.