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Coady Institute offers educational programming for emerging and established community leaders with a passion for social change. Coady’s approach to adult education is practice-focused and participatory, informed by learner-centered and asset-based methods that hold the potential for both personal growth and societal transformation. Courses are hosted on-campus at St. Francis Xavier University in Canada, off-campus in communities around the globe, and online using various communications platforms.
Future of Work and Workers
September 16 – December 6, 2024
Online delivery
Facilitators: Yogesh Ghore and Farouk Jiwa
The unprecedented convergence of the forces of globalization, urbanization, changing demographics, and climate change are already fundamentally changing the way we live and work. Meanwhile rapid developments in artificial intelligence, machine learning, 3D printing, Virtual Reality, the Internet of Things, and Block Chain alongside the disruptive impact of the sharing economy present new opportunities and challenges. The full magnitude of the impact on jobs, work, and workers is not yet fully understood.
This ambitious course will help participants better understand the magnitude and intensity of the current changes shaping the world of work and provide a peek into what is to come. While taking a global view on the issue, the course will also delve into specific examples that are rooted in local contexts.

Feminist Leadership for Capabilities, Ecology, and Transformation
September 16 – November 1, 2024
Online delivery
Facilitator: Sarika Sinha
Women leaders across the globe are dealing with dispossession from resources, capabilities, and a form of discursive ‘development’ which is deeply rooted in a capitalist and patriarchal order. In the current milieu – as women leaders face further marginalization, cultural exclusivity, and the Covid-19 pandemic – we offer this online discourse hinged on power, patriarchy, and justice to support and facilitate a process of enhanced critical thinking and alternatives towards feminist ecological justice.
This course aims to inspire and empower people of all genders across the world to engage in purposeful and justice-oriented leadership, and to design ways to inculcate processes, systems, and structures towards the above issues in the communities you are engaged with.

Towards Decolonial Feminist Leadership
November 5 – November 15, 2024
Dharmshala, India
Facilitator: Sarika Sinha
This course is open to persons from South Asia who identify as women.
In a world ruled by an exclusionary capitalist regime, the course aims to unpack both the concept and practice of leadership from the standpoint of power, intersectionality, patriarchy and inequalities. The course, further, attempts to highlight the significance of feminist and collective leadership processes in the movement towards redistributive justice.
This course is offered by Coady Institute, in collaboration with host organization Jagori Rural Charitable Trust, and a network of feminist organizations across South Asia.