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Summary of Research Initiative and status
CLE - Haiti
CLE in Haiti has planned to write case studies of a group of 3-5 women in business. CLE staff along with women who are participating in the program have made the selection. Three of the case studies will also be captured via video so the narratives from women are shared through a range of media. The plan is to have these completed in early 2023 and disseminate via social media.
WISE - Ethiopia
This is an action research initiative with a focus on testing the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) process in communities within Addis Abeba. The major question was: To what extent does ABCD help surface issues in the community and help in addressing these.
The community members were trained on ABCD and they together identified community issues to support including recreation space for the elderly and access to daycare.
The learning around the use of ABCD will be documented.
TGNP - Tanzania
The plan for TGNP during this learning forum was to capture learning and reflect upon its intensive movement building process. Coady staff are working with TGNP to define questions and approach for this research.
CCDB - Bangladesh
For this action research initiative, CCDB with a research partner will explore how women adapt to climate change in southern Bangladesh, an area affected by flooding and salinization.
The proposed research which will look at women’s coping abilities and vulnerabilities will have findings that will be used to influence policy dialogue in the country and more broadly.
Coady staff will travel to Bangladesh to work with CCDB to plan out the research.
SEWA - India
SEWA partnered with a research entity in the country to identify coping strategies of 4 women run enterprises during COVID. These enterprises faced economic slowdown but adapted with SEWA support. Women in these enterprises had to draw on household savings, faced an increase in care burden, and experienced gender based violence. A full report on the adaptability of the enterprises has been shared by AIDMI, SEWA’s research partner. A report on adaptability of individual women is forthcoming.