Compressor Stations for Midstream, Transmission & Processing Design/Build • Engineering • Manufacture • Erect • Sound Mitigation & Air Handling • ISNetworld & SafeLand Certified
724.225.2202 |
- Page 8-9
Using Drones for Pipeline Operations
HEALTH & SAFETY - Pages 22 Heat on the Job Site
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The Northeast ONG Marketplace
HOW IT ALL CONNECTS The shale oil and gas industry has had a profound effect on the area over the last few years and will continue to do so for years to come. What many people do not realize is how the industry effects and connects everything from education to direct manufacturing. Below is a small example of how one industry can change everything.
EDUCATION TRUCKING Beemac Trucking Located in Ambridge, PA, Beemac Trucking provides asset-based trucking, logistics, port, warehousing, and specialized services. Mustang Oilfield Services The Ohio-based company offers an array of water amenities, including water acquisitions, fresh water and residual waste hauling, and water transfer services.
California University of Pennsylvania With the growth of the industry, CalU implemented Land Management programs for students. Shale Energy Institute SEI is a Class A CDL training school specializing in the shale oil & gas industry. ARIES ARIES studies environmental impacts of the discovery, development, production, and use of energy resources in Appalachia.
Davis Law Group Located in Belle Vernon, PA, Davis Law Group is a niche group of attorneys with a vast knowledge of oil & gas legalities.
Absolute Equipment Absolute Equipment is a locally owned and operated Women's Business Enterprise (WBE) rental, sales, and service company.
SAFETY MAC Safety Consultants A full-service safety company, MAC Safety provides SafeLand USA training to workers in the industry.
UPSTREAM Kryptonite Energy Services Kryptonite provides pressure testing, torque wrench services, grease skids, methanol injection, and valve maintenance.
LAND REAL ESTATE CBRE CBRE’s Energy Facilities Group provides brokerage services to energy firms with requirements in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, and New York.
Strata Worldwide Strata developed a wireless gas detection system for drill rigs, called RigGuard™.
Shepherd Technologies Shepherd Technologies provides information technology (IT) and cloud services for their clients.
Energy From US Using natural gas from the region, EFUS is an alternative fueling station providing CNG. It’s located in Bentleyville, PA. ProGas Located in Zelienople, PA, ProGas is a propane supplier for residents and the commercial sector. Tri-State Petroleum Tri-State Petroleum is a family-owned convenience store operator and wholesale distributor of motor fuels in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.
Pikewood Energy PWE provides land management expertise for both landowners and operators in the shale oil and gas industry.
August 2015
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SHUTDOWNS CAN’T HAPPEN. WE UNDERSTAND THIS. Guttman Energy delivers more than just fuel. We deliver flexible and custom solutions to keep your operations running 24/7. From the drivers that deliver your fuel, to our experienced and consultative sales team, market analysts and fuel quality experts, we make sure you have a reliable and integrated fuel distributor that keeps you running. It’s experience, it’s know-how, it’s market intelligence. Go to and watch our video on why Guttman is the right choice for your operation.
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The Northeast ONG Marketplace
RiJa, Inc.
ASSOCIATION MEETINGS IOGAWV Summer Meeting | August 2-4, 2015 White Sulphur Springs, WV -
Quality Focused, Customer Driven Contact us for your custom gearing and machine parts needs. Direct 304-469-3309
Cell 304-663-8841
OGA Annual Meeting | September 9, 2015 Columbus, OH -
WVONGA Fall Meeting | September 21-24, 2015 Roanoke, WV -
PIOGA Annual Membership Meeting | September 29, 2015 Greensburg, PA -
IOGANY Annual Meeting | October 21-22, 2015 Amherst, NY -
O&G: UPSTREAM: Water Management Workshop Review................................................................. 6-7
ALBERTA RIG MATS............................................ 13 ALPINE ELECTRIC................................................. 4 BRAD PENN LUBRICANTS................................. 14 BROUSE MCDOWELL.......................................... 11 CHANCELLOR INSURANCE................................ 14 CPI SERVICE........................................................ 10 CST INDUSTRIES................................................ 19 D&S INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS........................... 18 ERNST SEED.......................................................... 5 ETC......................................................................... 5 FORTIS ENERGY.................................................. 10 GUTTMAN ENERGY............................................... 3 HKRENTS.COM.................................................... 18 LEE REGER BUILD............................................... 14 LYDEN OIL COMPANY......................................... 17 MID-ATLANTIC STORAGE.................................. 13 NEW PIG ENERGY............................................... 24 NORTH AMERICAN FIELD SERVICES................ 13 ONG ONE CALL................................................... 17 PERMA-FIX.......................................................... 19 PPC NAT GAS SOLUTIONS................................. 13 PREMIER SAFETY & SERVICE INC...................... 5 PSB INDUSTRIES................................................ 14 RIJA, INC................................................................ 4 RJR SAFETY INC.................................................. 14 ROTOR AIR CAMS LLC......................................... 9 SERVICE PUMP AND SUPPLY.............................. 9 SHALE MARKETS................................................ 13 SHALE MEDIA GROUP.......................................... 2 SHANNON SAFETY............................................. 13 SHEPHERD TECHNOLOGIES.............................. 23 STEELNATION STEEL BUILDINGS....................... 1 STEEL TANK & FABRICATING CORP................... 4 TANK CONNECTION............................................ 11
O&G: MIDSTREAM Using Drones for Pipeline Operations........................................................... 8-9 INDUSTRY INSIGHT: SHALE InsightTM 2015........ 12 NEW TECHNOLOGY: Thermal Spray Coatings Applicator Develops Proprietary Process for Flat Surface.................................................................. 16 HEALTH & SAFETY: Heat on the Job Site............ 22
CALENDARS ASSOCIATION MEETINGS.................................... 4 TRAINING & WORKSHOPS................................ 14 UPCOMING EVENTS........................................... 21
EVENTS ARIES................................................................... 13 SHALE INSIGHT.................................................. 20 SHALE SAFE........................................................ 23
St eel T ank & F a br i ca t i n g C or p s i n ce 1952 Phone 800-852-9102
UNIT LINER............................................................ 7 WEAVERTOWN ENVIRONMENTAL.................... 14
The Northeast ONG Marketplace P. O. Box 1441 • Oak Hill, WV 25901 855-269-1188 Fax: 304-465-5065 E-mail:
The Northeast ONG Marketplace will not be liable for any misprint in advertising copy which is not the fault of The Northeast ONG Marketplace. If a misprint should occur, the limits of our liability will be the amount charged for the advertisement. We do not assume responsibility for the content of advertising or articles herein. Any warranties or representations made in the advertisements are those of the advertisers and not The Northeast ONG Marketplace. Any warranties, representations or opinions made in the advertisements or articles are those of the contributors and not The Northeast ONG Marketplace.
August 2015
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The Northeast ONG Marketplace
One of the pressing issues facing the oil and gas industry in the Utica and Marcellus Shale region is water management. Since water management is an on-going challenge for the industry, it is an issue that all oil and gas producers as well as many companies and organizations are diligently working on to find creative solutions to the complex challenges water management presents. Recently a workshop on Water Management- Utica and Marcellus Shale was held at Zane State College in Cambridge, OH where select members of the oil & gas industry discussed various water management topics. The event was planned and hosted by the following organizations: Buckeye STEPS (Service Transmission Exploration Production Safety) Network, Environmentally Friendly Drilling and The Ohio State University.
from a variety of sources including recycling, where costs, logistics, regulatory variability, and “technical tools” are all factors in developing a good water management plan. Discussions provided participations with a better understanding of the need to do long term planning, insight into the timing challenges in working with different regulatory bodies, challenges in water sourcing options as well as disposal options, and the pros and cons of various recycling technologies. Jeff Daniels with The Ohio State University welcomed all. Jeff mentioned a recently released NORM report available here: FINAL_4_11_15.pdf. Tom Williams from the Environmentally Friendly Drilling (EFD) program introduced the EFD program. Tom discussed various field trials (past and future) and how the EFD program is grateful to be working with the support of their sponsors and the program team members like Ohio State in providing unbiased science to identify, develop and transfer critical, cost effective technologies for safe and environmentally friendly developments. Ted Lozier with Muskingham Watershed Conservancy District (MWCD) spoke about Water Sourcing in the Utica. He reviewed the history of MWCD, their partnership with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and highlighted their stewardship mission of flood reduction, conservation, and recreation in Muskingum River Watershed. The MWCD lakes have more than 68 billion gallons of water and to date have supplied nearly 284 million gallons of water to the local oil and gas industry. Water sourcing directly from MWCD reservoirs has eliminated nearly 78,000 tanker truck trips off roads near the lakes, which reduces truck traffic and transportation costs. Water levels of the Muskingham River Basin are tracked by the USACE and are posted on MWCD’s web site at: The Anadarko Petroleum Corporation (APC) water management team of Olivia Desser, Brandon Highsmith and Rane Wilson discussed: Anadarko Water Management – Water on Demand. The presentation included Anadarko’s core values, a field and APC water overview, PA Regulatory overview, and Anadarko’s Water on Demand (WOD) program. Anadarko reports that 100% of their produced water is recycled and their WOD system reduces impacts to public infrastructure. The WOD program provides cost efficiencies as the price per barrel of produced water is less costly based upon the proximity to fracturing site. The program objective is to reduce traffic, water disposal and to provide water to other operators through a third party broker. They recommend including a 12 to 36 month timeframe for water management logistics planning in this region in order to address the challenges associated with timing issues from a variety of water sources, obtaining regulatory approvals and managing a variety of water treatment options depending on water quality.
The workshop provided participants with the opportunity to exchange information and discuss water management issues with a broad mix of participants. The attendees included operators, service providers, consultants, regulators, academia and researchers. Water used in hydraulic fracturing operations in the region comes
Marshall Roberts, Director of Water Marketing for CONSOL Energy, discussed Mine Influenced Water for E&P Use. The presentation included an introduction and history of CONSOL Energy and why they formed a Water Management Division to better utilize and market CONSOL Energy’s mine influenced water (MIW). CONSOL Energy utilizes a holistic water management approach to manage water-related risks, minimize impacts, operate efficiently, and create value. The company recycles 100% of their flowback water for drilling and completion of the next well. Additionally CONSOL Energy began using treated mine water for their own hydraulic fracturing needs using a minimum of 10% mine influenced water on every single frac job. Through the Water Management Division CONSOL Energy began selling mine influenced water (MIW) to third parties for industrial use and has sold 223,276,995 total gallons of MIW in 2015 YTD. The primary
August 2015
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goals of the Water Management Division are to minimize CONSOL Energy’s water footprint and to capture the value that can be gained to further reduce their costs. Mr. Roberts concluded by emphasizing how crucial it is to take the long term view in water management planning. captures Perry Burt presented The Benefits of Using Switch Grass as a Biodegradable Runoff Material for the BEG Group and Zane State College students presented Filter Sock Testing. Mr. Burt noted that in project tests, switch grass does not raise tannic acid levels so it provides an environmentally friendly solution. Additionally switch grass does not need to be removed, providing a cost/time saving. He also noted it is nonflammable and allows for better water flow. The students presented their filter sock testing results sharing their analytics tested in the project. The test results shared were very early and more testing will be conducted to provide more comprehensive results. Carl Vavra from Texas A&M University served as moderator for the new technology panel. Carl is part of the Texas A&M Global Petroleum Research Institute (GPRI) technology research center that focuses on technologies to improve produced water reuse in the field utilizing a portable field test lab. They provide an open semiannual water & wastewater treatment short course, with the next one scheduled for August 4-5 (
on these new technology companies and their solutions visit their websites at: www.,, and www.sourcewater. com. A key conclusion from attending the workshop was that the implementation of a good water management program will allow energy companies to more effectively plan and prepare for the varied and complex challenges they face related to water management issues. As a good water management program provides many valuable benefits such as minimizing environmental impacts, increasing operational efficiencies, capturing cost reductions as well as realizing opportunities by working with industry partners. Finally the key takeaway point from the workshop was that water management requires ample up front and long range planning in order to achieve logistical efficiencies and operational cost reductions. Kathy Conboy Sales Manager, Marcellus & Utica Bluetick Inc. 3935 Washington Rd., #1005 Canonsburg, PA 15317-2552
The new technology panel presentations included innovative product solutions presented by Apateq, Bluetick Inc, Clean Chemistry and Sourcewater. Apateq provides a low cost oil water filtration technology system. Bluetick Inc. provides remote monitoring and control for a variety of oil and gas operations including environmental and water management. Clean Chemistry provides a patented Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) for large scale volumes and small footprint water treatment. Sourcewater is an online water exchange marketplace that matches energy companies with produced water, impaired water, and freshwater sources to maximize recycling, secure water supply and minimize costs. For more information
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Page 8
The Northeast ONG Marketplace
The days are over where the only way to conduct an aerial inspection on a pipeline right-of-way was to hire a pilot to fly a helicopter or fixed wing plane. Thanks to the technology of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV’s), aka: drones, these highly maneuverable and cost-effective tools are allowing pipeline operators to patrol their infrastructure in real-time without risking people’s safety. Inspections can be completed with live, precise, high-resolution imagery. Many companies are considering integrating remotely-operated aerial camera systems into their regular operations, and this can have a real impact in the oil and gas pipeline industry. Compared to the costs of hiring a pilot and aircraft (as well as the camera system solution) for hours as compared to performing work using a professional UAV provider; the latter would pay for itself quickly. More than that, drones are the future. As a fully digital platform, the integration of new applications that will come to market, their ability to be integrated into other software is the real future of drone technology. Until recently, methods for surveying, mapping or locating leaks and damaged facilities were costly, time consuming and inefficient. Worker safety was jeopardized by sending workers into dangerous locations, having to climb to high places or to travel through rough terrain. Operations would need to shut down equipment during inspections, losing costly production time.
Specialized drones can be remotely controlled or fly autonomously through software-controlled flight plans working in conjunction with GPS. The drones flown by ROTOR are quiet and environmentally friendly, with no pollution or emissions. They can hover and fly at high or low altitudes with special camera sensors creating air 3-D mapping, sending the footage in real-time to the operator to assess the footage. Small drones are able to examine areas where larger aircrafts cannot fly easily, such as densely wooded and remote areas, without putting a pilot at risk. UAV technology services include aerial visual inspection capability, work progress at a site (change over time), 2D mapping/Survey capability (Orthomosaic), PreVisualization, 3D mapping, heat signature recording and more. Used for preventative monitoring, drones can be equipped with sensors and cameras that transmit data thousands of miles away. Pipeline operators are required to periodically monitor their systems including checking their right-of-ways to look for signs of a possible leak, including dead or discolored vegetation, pooling of liquid on the ground, dirt or debris blowing up from the ground, or unusual fog or clouding. From a perfect aerial height, UAV’s can ascertain above ground leak indicators, allowing the pipeline operator to take care of potentially critical situations at an early stage. Drones, using special optical devices, provide a safer way to inspect locations that are hard to reach or are dangerous for workers.
There is an association dedicated to advancing the unmanned systems and robotics community called The Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI). They split their divisions into three sections; air, ground and maritime, claiming to have the most comprehensive robotics database in the industry. In a recently published report, they estimate that more than 100,000 new jobs will be created by 2025 in the unmanned robotic industry. Agriculture and Public Safety are recognized as their two largest markets. AUVSI’s mission “To improve safety and is to advance the unmanned upgrade their programs, systems and robotics community through education, advocacy and pipeline companies are leadership, representing more than developing drone survey 7,000 individual members and 600 corporate members from 60+ allied programs as an improved countries involved in the fields of method to inspect their government, civil and commercial systems. Use of unmanned markets.
aerial camera systems is
Pipeline Safety cost-effective, will have Pipelines are regulated by the added value (digital Pipeline & Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) architecture) and will and are required to uphold Integrity increase worker safety.” Management (IM) and Operation and Maintenance Plans (O&M). These plans help the operator properly maintain safe systems including their above ground valves, facilities and right-of-ways. Regular patrolling of these areas are a standard part of pipeline practices to check for leaks or unauthorized encroachment. A timely discovery allows faster response to avoid an emergency situation. To improve safety and upgrade their programs, pipeline companies are developing drone survey programs as an improved method to inspect their systems. Use of unmanned aerial camera systems is cost-effective, will have added value (digital architecture) and will increase worker safety. At least one major company uses drones to monitor their Alaskan system. Largely unaffected by the weather, the drone allows the inspection at the convenience of pipeline personnel and eliminates the need to spend thousands of dollars for a piloted helicopter. UAV camera systems can fly pre-programmed flight paths utilizing GPS navigation, which allows for repeatable inspections in the future, enabling comparative change-over-time data along their system. Professional aerial platforms can also compare recorded photography to create a 3D map of your site (‘point cloud’). Manually flown patrols (as opposed to pre-programmed flights) enable the pilot to hover the drone above an area where an anomaly is detected, move closer as needed, share in real time with an inspector or supervisor, as well as take ultra-high resolution picots to be reviewed later as needed. The early detection of these issues creates a faster response time. Public Safety On and offshore drilling rigs, platforms and towers can be monitored with drones both above and below water. Oil slicks show up clearly using infrared to identify leaks. The inspections and complicated tasks once handled by safety inspectors can be accomplished with UAV’s, minimizing the risks to workers. There is less need today to have personnel climb in dangerous places like gas flare stacks or hire a scuba team for underwater inspections.
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Using infrared technology and thermal imaging, drones will be detecting heat loss and identify any potential leaks in the pipeline where hot spots might indicate structural weakness. Emergency situations relating to pipelines, such as leaking product or an explosion would be dangerous for people to get too close to. A UAV could monitor the situation while providing a live feed to the operator aiding in the efficiency of working with emergency responders. The thermal imaging cameras could view potential ignition sources before a leaking system explodes and drones can even provide radiation monitoring and measurement. Having the ability to patrol and monitor pipeline facilities and right-of-ways easily, with high resolution imagery, pipeline companies will benefit in many ways. As adoption of these aerial platforms increases, the efficiencies, applications, and synergy with other systems will also increase. Someday soon, these versatile drones will be a common and integral part of pipeline operations. Regulating Air Space All operations conducted in civil airspace must meet minimum safety requirements. As of now, it is against the law to fly a drone for commercial use, unless The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has issued you a Certificate of Authorization via the ‘333’ Exemption process, which is the FAA’s current program to enable qualified pilots to utilize UAV’s for commercial operations, before the FAA’s regulations become public. This is approved on a case-by-case basis, and a series of requirements must be met, including having a certified pilot as a principal of the business. If a pipeline operator wants to use a drone for mapping or land surveys, they first need to apply directly to the FAA for the 333 Exemption and receive an FAA Certificate of Authorization (COA). It is important to note that as a business, companies must carry a FAA Certificate of Exemption to operate UAV’s commercially. ROTOR is in full compliance having an FAA COA for commercial drone use for typical visual inspection and survey operations. For more information, contact David Sanders or Rotor Air Cams, LLC at 800-934-3945
A Veteran-Owned Business
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2 D Mapping, 3 D Mapping
Page 10
The Northeast ONG Marketplace
ONG MARKETWATCH Comtech Industries, Inc. Partners with ETC to Launch Local Production of DYNA Tanks In response to increased Oil and Gas Exploration and Production, as well as meeting the growing demand for environmentally-sound water conservation and reuse practices, Johnstown-based Environmental Tank & Container (ETC) and Comtech Industries, Inc., located in Canonsburg, have entered into a partnership that will establish production of DYNA Tanks in Western Pennsylvania. This partnership will add jobs to the local economy by producing the segments necessary for a complete tank in less than one week. The benefit to producers will be increased water storage availability utilizing the revolutionary, relocatable tank system for water storage, treatment, reuse and transfer. ETC is a leading manufacturer of above-ground impoundments, frac tanks, mud tanks, gas busters and other strategic oilfield equipment utilized by Marcellus producers. The proprietary DYNA Tank provides a storage capacity of 1,000,000 gallons of water contained within a 36’ high, 72-foot pad footprint, that effectively eliminates any of the risk factors and contamination associated with inground containment ponds and lagoons. Comtech also offers complete water treatment options throughout the entire drilling cycle. For additional information, contact ETC at 855-ETC-TANK or Comtech at 724-884-0101.
1 800 675 6646
August 2015
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In North America, we lead the industry in storage. When you need answers in lieu of guesswork, call the experts at Tank Connection! • Parsons, KS Phone: 620.423.3010 • Fax: 620.423.3999 Inquiry:
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The Northeast ONG Marketplace
SHALE INSIGHTTM 2015 By: The Marcellus Shale Coalition
Just a few short years ago, Philadelphia’s iconic Marcus Hook complex was in a downward spiral with plants closing and hardworking people being laid off. Today, thanks to natural gas development throughout the Commonwealth, the spiral has been reversed and Marcus Hook is serving as the region’s economic engine again. This transformation has led to the creation of a countless number of jobs, many of which are for local and regional trade union members that pay higher than average wages. The rebirth of Marcus Hook coupled with growth at other Philadelphiaarea petrochemical facilities has led to the area becoming one of the largest energy hubs on the eastern seaboard. Contributing to this bright outlook are infrastructure projects that transport natural gas from shale rich western Pennsylvania to the banks of the Delaware River. One such project is Sunoco Logistics’ proposed Mariner East pipeline that culminates at Marcus Hook. These expansion projects will generate nearly $4.2 billion in economic activities and $62 million in net tax revenue for the commonwealth according to recent studies. On top of the dollar amounts, the projects will support 30,000 construction jobs that were described by the Laborers’ International Union of North America as a “lifeline to good union jobs with family-supporting pay.”
already led to the average household saving $800 annually according to a recent Harvard University study. As these new proposals become reality, hard-working Pennsylvanians will reap the benefits of even higher energy savings. These stories, along with many others highlighting the countless end use benefits of shale development, will be highlighted at SHALE INSIGHTTM 2015. This year’s conference will be attended by the industry’s leading voices and is sponsored by XTO Energy, Sunoco Logistics, Range Resources Corporation, MarkWest Energy Partners and Bracewell & Giuliani, as well as many other leading energy and supply chain companies. SHALE INSIGHTTM 2015, which remains the industry’s premier conference, will be held at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia on September 16-17 and will feature more than 100 of the nation’s foremost leaders in shale development and public policy; exhibits and displays of the latest technological innovations; and opportunities to engage with decision-makers from the industry’s largest shale developers and supply chain companies. SHALE INSIGHT™ 2015 will explore the latest technological advances that maximize safety, production, deliver gas to market and expand natural gas uses aimed especially at revitalizing our region’s manufacturing sector. In fact, two featured speakers will discuss shale’s benefits to strengthening American national security as well as the innovations that are driving production efficiencies. Former New York City mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani will discuss the clear energy security-related benefits of American energy. Additionally, Robert Bryce, Senior Fellow of the Manhattan Institute will talk about the technological advancements in a presentation titled, “Innovation, Shale, and the Second American Century.” The conference will also feature general session presentations and will offer insight into every aspect of responsible shale development – from upstream sessions such as, “Water Treatment, Technology and Storage” presented by Fluid Recovery Services (FRS); to midstream sessions “How Applicants Can Manage Effectively a FERC Project” by UGI Energy Services; and downstream session, “Making it Happen: How Philadelphia Can Be the Next Energy Demand Center,” presented by Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC. With continuous progress as well as challenges facing our industry, SHALE INSIGHT™ 2015 offers an opportunity to collaborate with decision-makers on best-practices that will ensure the sustained safety and focused development of Pennsylvania’s resources. Become a sponsor, exhibit, or register today by visiting to capitalize on this unique opportunity to gain unprecedented industry access. We look forward to seeing you in Philadelphia.
Sean Hannity of Fox News was a speaker at last year’s SHALE INSIGHTTM. Photo provided by Shale Media Group.
Projects like the Mariner East pipeline and other midstream infrastructure projects that are either underway or in the planning phase are crucial for the shale boom to realize its full potential. This positive prospect has the ability to allow small businesses, families and communities to prosper. Reliable natural gas supply has
August 2015
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Omni William Penn Sept. 20 - 23, 2015 in Pittsburgh, PA
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Page 14
The Northeast ONG Marketplace
4 Safeland USA Monroeville, PA
8 SafeLand USA – AWARE IADC Rig Pass Bridgeport, WV
6 SafeLand USA – AWARE IADC Rig Pass Washington, PA
9 H2S Basic Awareness Training Washington, PA
10-11 Analyst Training in the Power and Gas Sectors New York, NY
12-13 Responding to Oilfield Emergencies Workshops Applecreek, OH
11 SafeLand USA – AWARE IADC Rig Pass Bridgeport, WV
17 SafeLand USA – AWARE IADC Rig Pass Washington, PA
17 PEC Basic Orientation Pittsburgh, PA
21 PEC Basic Orientation Pittsburgh, PA
19 Safeland USA – IADC Rig Pass Cambridge, OH
22 SafeLand USA – AWARE IADC Rig Pass Caldwell, OH
20 SafeLand USA – AWARE IADC Rig Pass Washington, PA
24 Western Kentucky Technical Seminar Owensboro, KY
25 SafeLand USA – AWARE IADC Rig Pass Caldwell, OH 25 Measurement Matters – Molecules to Money Pittsburgh, PA
SEPTEMBER 1 Safeland USA Monroeville, PA
RJR Safety Inc Wayne Vanderhoof CSP
Safety Professional/President Claysville, PA 15323 724-809-4234 cell
Consulting & Training – partnering with clients to develop/improve worker safety
“Working Safe, Preventing Injuries, Protecting Profits”
OCTOBER 1 SafeLand USA – AWARE IADC Rig Pass Washington, PA 3-4 Responding to Oilfield Emergencies Workshops Applecreek, OH
3 SafeLand USA – AWARE IADC Rig Pass Washington, PA
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August 2015
Page 15
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The Northeast ONG Marketplace
THERMAL SPRAY COATINGS APPLICATOR DEVELOPS PROPRIETARY PROCESS FOR FLAT SURFACE FINISHING OF WELLHEAD VALVE COMPONENTS finer than 1Ra ---well above the industry standard. Installed, he added, “they will function at or above OEM quality.”
By: Longevity Coatings, Inc A proprietary coatings process, capable of coating surfaces as flat as 12 millionth of an inch and finishes finer than 1Ra, has been developed by Longevity Coatings, Allentown, PA, for valve components used in oil and gas drilling wellhead equipment. The finished products—valve sealing rings and slab gates—are capable of a service life two to three times those produced by competitive coaters and even those of Original Equipment Manufacturers, said Mark Purington, owner and general manager of Longevity. Wellhead valves are critical components in the drilling process, noted Purington. The wellhead –the structure on the surface of a drilling site— controls the flow of gas or oil during production. Valves in the wellhead are subject to pressures that can reach as high as 20,000 psi. Failure to maintain pressure control at the wellhead could lead to a well blowout Purington pointed out that typical wellhead valves have two critical components: the sliding slab gate, which opens and closes to permit passage of fluids, and its mating opposite, the seat or sealing rings. Because of the intense high pressure brought to bear on the valves, the two opposing components cannot employ the types of non-metallic seals often used in industry in similar situations. “Both components are metal, with no intervening sealing materials. Because of this metalto-metal contact, the surfaces of both the slab and seat must be perfectly flat to ensure there is no possible leakage.” When the valve components become worn, wellhead operators routinely replace or refurbish them. Longevity can refurbish a slab or seat at a cost as little as one third that of purchasing new components, Purington estimated. “We have all the inhouse technology required to take your gate, strip off the old coating, apply a new coating of high quality tungsten carbide, apply our proprietary flat-finish process— free of any scratches-- and return them in a reasonable time frame.” The final product, he added, is a coating surface as flat as 12 millionth of an inch and a finish
Although Purington sees wellhead service contractors as the primary market for Longevity’s flat-surface process, “we anticipate that some OEMs—wishing to improve still further the service life of their newly manufactured valve components—might want to utilize our services as well.” Founded in 2005, Longevity Coatings, offers thermal spray coatings services for many parts and equipment components used in the mining and oil/gas drilling industries, including new and rebuilt drive shafts, slurry blenders, fracturing plungers, high pressure pumps, pump plungers and pistons, augers, valves, valve seats, valve tips and valve assembles and impact rings. The company’s Allentown plant is equipped to apply diffusion bonded metal, ceramic and carbide coatings to virtually any type or size of mining apparatus or accessory, noted Purington. The company’s largest coating handling system can swing parts in excess of 18’ at a diameter of 50”. In addition, “our multi-axis computer- directed motion control systems and mechanical multi-spindle setups provide the handling apparatus for processing shafts, sleeves, plungers, valves and numerous other coating applications.” For additional information, contact: Longevity Coatings, Inc., 6047 Adams Lane, Allentown, PA 18109; PH: 610-871-1427; Fax: 610-871-1217; Email:; or visit our website:
August 2015
Page 17 Abandoned Well Location Air Compressors Bearings Bits Calibration Casing Cutting Cementing Cleaning Coatings Coil Tubing Communication Systems Completion Tools Compressor Parts Containment Systems Corrosion Control Cranes Cuttings Handling Defoamers Degreasers Directional Drilling Disposal Electrical Equipment Rental
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Liners Lubricants Lubrication Equipment Mud Motors NDT Testing Orphan Well Location Pads Power Generation Power Transmission PPE Pressure Washers Pumping Services Pumps Reclamation Remediation Repair Services Roustabout Rig Moves Rigging Sandbags Sandblasting Scaffolding Secondary Containment
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The Northeast ONG Marketplace
August 2015
Page 19
Tanks & Domes
Frac Storage
• • • • • •
Long life Fast construction Easy to relocate Never needs painting Local Authorized Dealers Factory trained and certified erection crews
NORM/TENORM Engineering Perma-Fix Environmental Services offers expertise in radiological engineering for the Marcellus Shale and Utica Shale mining industry. We have a fifteen year history and proven track record providing expertise with naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) and technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive material (TENORM). With an office in the center of the Marcellus and Utica Shale mining states, Perma-Fix is uniquely and strategically located to serve the mining industry. Services Include: • Radiation protection awareness training • Management and consulting services • Equipment and tooling decontamination services • Radiation dosimetry programs • Exposure assessments • Gamma survey and sampling • Site characterization and waste characterization • Waste disposition support • Regulatory support For more information contact: Operations Business Center 2800 Solway Road Knoxville, TN 37931 Phone: (865) 690-0501
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Foothill Ranch, CA, July 22st, 2015 – OleumTech™, the industry leader in wireless automation, is pleased to announce an install success story in the South Central Oklahoma Oil Province (SCOOP) with reseller partner, PetroPower. Early 2015, OleumTech and PetroPower were asked by a major producer to conduct a site survey and pilot a hardwired and wireless OleumTech level sensor solution for measuring oil, water, and flowback from fracking operations. The producer immediately noted how the OleumTech wireless solution eliminated delays commonly occurring in their automation deployments and how quickly PetroPower implemented fully operational systems.
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As a result of the product performance coupled with the level of preparation, this pilot location has converted to a full rollout schedule. There will be hundreds of tanks equipped with OleumTech gear.
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PetroPower Phone: 316.361.0222
Page 20
The Northeast ONG Marketplace
Global leaders in storage tank manufacturing, Tank Connection (TC), recently announced their President & CEO, Bill Neighbors will be stepping down in September. The company has just crossed the 500 employee mark and announced earlier this year their transition as an ESOP, employee owned company. Neighbors states, “This has been my personal plan for some time, but I also wanted to make sure that the right pieces were in place for Tank Connection to advance to the next level as the industry leader in storage. I could not be more pleased that an ESOP trust is now in place and that our employees will be the beneficiaries of this trust down the road.” Mr. Vince Horton, current Vice President of Sales, will be named company president upon Neighbor’s departure. Horton is a founding partner and has served as an executive staff advisor from day one. When asked about his future plans, Neighbors comments, “Going forward, my plan is to sit on the company ‘board of advisors’ until the ‘end of time’ or until my services are no longer needed. There will be no loss of my services, vision and input. In essence, I am moving over so that others can move up. In my view, this is just one more aspect about TC that keeps our employee culture dynamic.” Neighbors leaves Tank Connection employees with the following statement: “My challenge to the next generation at TC is to make your mark. Show this company and our clients that your contribution is reflective of the highest integrity and service for the benefit of many. When you do, your rewards will come, but you will also find that your greatest joy in work will be realized in the accomplishments of others.” To Tank Connection’s global customers, representatives and dealers: “I am very confident in Mr. Horton’s abilities, the executive staff, our experienced management team, and our dedicated employees to direct TC in the future. Continuous improvement in all of our processes has put us where we are today and sets us far apart from our competitors. Going forward, automation in our processes will lead us into the future. ‘Golden Rule Customer Service’ will always be at the forefront of our business model.” Relative to customer relationships: “We are advocates for our clients. The relationships that we develop with our clients, reps and dealers are genuine and sincere. In today’s marketplace, too many companies operate under conflicting goals and objectives. At TC, we simply have none. We now move forward as an employee owned company that is focused solely on developing the top performance storage tank products in the world. We thank our clients for their past and future support.”
The nation’s leading forum for public-private dialogue on shale development FEATURED PRESENTATIONS
Hon. Rudolph W. Giuliani Partner, Bracewell & Giuliani LLP Former Mayor of New York City
Natural Gas, Energy Security, and Enhancing US National Interests Abroad Sponsored by Range Resources Corporation in partnership with Bracewell & Guiliani LLP
Robert Bryce
Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute Journalist and Author, Smaller Faster Lighter Denser Cheaper: How Innovation Keeps Proving the Catastrophists Wrong
Innovation, Shale, and the Second American Century
August 2015
Page 21
Appalachian Gas Measurement Short Course
AESC Annual Tradeshow and Conference
Moon Township, PA |
Ft. Worth, TX |
NAPE South
SPE Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition
Houston, TX |
Houston, TX |
25-26 IADC Well Control Conference Galveston, TX |
31-2 SHALE Safe Conference Wheeling, WV |
SEPTEMBER 16-17 Shale Insight Philadelphia, PA |
16-17 IADC Asset Integrity & Reliability Conference Houston, TX |
OCTOBER 7 WV Oil and Gas Expo Morgantown, WV |
13 Tri-State Shale Summit Morgantown, WV |
13-15 SPE Eastern Regional Meeting Morgantown, WV |
18-23 SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting New Orleans, LA |
16-19 ADDC Annual Convention Lubbock, TX |
27-28 PIOGA Eastern Oil & Gas Conference Monroeville, PA |
17 SOOGA Annual Trade Show Marietta, OH |
20-23 Environmental Considerations in Energy Production Pittsburgh, PA |
Denotes National Event
Visit our website for links to these events
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The Northeast ONG Marketplace
HEAT ON THE JOB SITE By: Kristie Kubovic, Director of Communications, Shale Media Group
It can start with a dry mouth, in addition to feeling weak or lightheaded. Muscle cramps, nausea, and vomiting are also other symptoms. These symptoms are signs of dehydration. Heat-related illnesses could escalate from there. According to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) website, “Heat stroke, the most serious form of heat-related illness, happens when the body becomes unable to regulate its core temperature. Sweating stops and the body can no longer rid itself of excess heat. Signs include confusion, loss of consciousness, and seizures.” Keep in mind—it doesn’t need to be a specific temperature for these heat-related illnesses to set in. According to OSHA, “environmental factors that put workers at greater risk [for heat-related illnesses] include high temperature and humidity, radiant heat sources, contact with hot objects, direct sun exposure (with no shade), and limited air movement (no breeze, wind, or ventilation).” Additionally, “job-specific factors that put workers at greater risk include physical exertion and the use of bulky or non-breathable protective clothing and equipment.” Operations conducted under these circumstances increase the risk of heat-related illness for exposed workers. Any one of these conditions could be dangerous for workers. However, workers at a shale oil and gas well site may encounter a combination of these conditions, which could amplify a worker’s physical condition and intensify the situation. For example, the industry has a long history of working outside in the elements. Plus the industry stretches across the country through various climates, some of which are very hot and humid. In addition, workers on well sites need to wear extra layers of flame resistant (FR) protective gear, which could make the environmental work conditions even warmer. However, heat-related illnesses can be prevented as there are ways to reduce heat exposure. Perhaps the most important advice is to drink plenty of water often to stay hydrated. Proper hydration is extremely important. Even if a worker is not thirsty, their body is often still losing water by sweating and trying to cool itself. OSHA also recommends “engineering controls, such as air conditioning and ventilation, that make the work environment cooler; work practices such as work/rest cycles; and providing an opportunity for workers to build up a level of tolerance to working in the heat.” Top Hand Training was founded to meet the growing environmental, health, and safety (EHS) regulatory training and EHS consulting needs of shale oil and gas service companies and operators. Nathan Ray, Owner, Top Hand Training, explained, “We help our clients develop specific heat safety policies and programs to protect their team members in the field. These include electrolyte hydration programs, selecting the proper FR
clothing for employees, and specific training classes developed for their supervisors to take into the field.” “Companies should be holding short training classes in the field or at the shop to make sure employees are aware of heat related symptoms and of the dangers and the seriousness of heat related illnesses,” relayed Ray, who also added, “Our most popular training class, PEC SafeLand, does cover heat stress and heat stroke at the awareness level. SafeLand is a great start for shale oil and gas hazard awareness level training; however, companies should also develop their own safety policies and programs for training and protecting their team members.” Additionally, apparel companies are doing their part. “Bulwark Protective Apparel recently launched the first performance FR garments to the market, with the iQ Series. These are the lightest weight, most breathable FR products available,” explained Mallory Madden, Territory Sales Manager, VF Imagewear, Inc., who added, “Not only is it light weight, it is dual certified being CAT 2 for utility electrical workers and 2112 for our shale oil and gas workers. It meets the highest performance standards, and we are seeing a big success with the product in the market. iQ is a game changer for FR comfort and moisture wicking technology.” The iQ Comfort SeriesTM by Bulwark is meant to keep the wearer cooler and drier, while providing comfort and protection. The iQ Comfort SeriesTM is available in both men’s and women’s products. Madden says the products utilize wicking technology and are lightweight, while providing mobility, breathability, durability, and softness. “The activewear fabric keeps the wearer cooler and drier due to advanced sweat protection and moisture wicking. The specially engineered fiber offers less-dense construction, which breaks the ‘mass = protection’ barrier. This means it’s over 20% lighter than 7% FR cotton. The improved functional design lets the fabric stretch for maximum flexibility, which results in a better range of motion both forward and overhead. In addition, the ingenious fabric construction creates pathways, which allow for maximum airflow through the garment. Plus it is flame resistant for the life of the garment. Additionally, the iQ SeriesTM’ flex, drape, and compressibility provides FR garments with less scratch, stiffness, and rigidity.” For more information on the iQ Comfort Series go to Category/379 or contact Madden at 724-206-8989 or For more information on Top Hand Training, which is located in Washington, PA, and serves clients in both the Utica and Marcellus regions, visit www. or call 724-884-5706. Shale Media Group (SMG) is the news, information, and education resource dedicated to the shale oil and gas industries by messaging across video, Internet, publications, events, and radio. For more, check out to access all platforms. In addition, join us on August 27th for our next Elite Energy Event in front of the Holiday Inn Express in Bentleyville, PA from 5-8pm. Kristie Kubovic is the Director of Communications at Shale Media Group. Contact her at
August 2015
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ONG Marketplace
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