The Northeast ONG Marketplace - February/March 2016

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O&G: UPSTREAM - Page 6-7: The Next Generation of Containment Material O&G: MIDSTREAM - Page 8-9: How the Right Environmental Consultant Can Make a Difference? INDUSTRY INSIGHT - Page 12-13: What’s in Your Trash? INDUSTRY INSIGHT - Page 16-17: Swagelok Technical Training Ensures Proper and Safe Installation INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT - Pages 18: Hot County in Cool Industry Holds 5th Annual ONG Expo

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The Northeast ONG Marketplace

ONG MARKETWATCH PRESS RELEASE: American Business Conferences, January 2016, Pittsburgh

Anadarko, Chevron, Rice Energy, CONSOL Energy, Rex Energy & Carrizo Oil & Gas Discuss Water Management Strategies Despite Marcellus and Utica production bulking up, many operators in the Golden Triangle have gone from high level of activity to extremely low level of activity, with everyone asking the question: What do we do with all this water? The industry has become highly efficient at recycling 100% of its produced water, but with not enough frac jobs, the burning questions now are: • What are the most cost-effective advanced treatment technologies that can handle fluctuating production rates? What are the producer’s selection criteria? What is overall cost of treating water would be with each system? • Can Marcellus’ produced water be used on Utica wells? Is there formation compatibility? • How can injection wells be constructed and operated while ensuring seismic events are mitigated? • How can E&Ps coordinate frac jobs and put infrastructure in place to make water sharing a reality and deliver significant cost savings? • Ultimately, how do we manage this produced water going forward in a low cost environment? The 2016 Congress - Agenda Announced The 6th Annual Low Cost Produced Water Management: Marcellus And Utica Congress 2016, answers each of these questions and more on March 30 and 31 in Pittsburgh, with an industry approved agenda and supported speaker lineup, delivering tangible learning benefits to the minimize the cost per barrel and maintain operations in a low cost environment: • Chad Bruinooge, IOC Operator, Marcellus, Anadarko Petroleum • Brandon Highsmith, Production Engineer, Anadarko Petroleum • Jide Famuagun, Vice President, Production, Rice Energy • Kevin Coleman, Senior Counsel, Appalachian/Michigan Business Unit, Chevron North America • Katharine Fredriksen, Senior Vice President, Health, Safety and Environmental Affairs, CONSOL Energy • Rob Wingo, Chief Operating Officer, Rice Energy

• Derek Smith, Senior Director HSE, Rex Energy • Jeremy Manno, Infrastructure Design Coordinator, Carizzo Oil & Gas • Olivia Desser, Production Engineer, Anadarko Petroleum • Eddy Biehl, President & CEO, Stone Bridge Operating • Peter Dorrins, President, Junex • David Allard, Director, Bureau of Radiation Protection, DEP • Yael Tucker, Research Scientist, US Department of Energy • William Bates, Geologist, EPA • Andrew Dehoff, Executive Director, SRBC • David Yoxtheimer, Hydrogeologist, Marcellus Centre For Outreach & Research • Mark Patton, VP Sales & Marketing, Hydrozonix • Josh Adler, CEO, Source Water With the event now in its 6th year, it is firmly established as the leading Shale Water management event for both E&Ps and vendors in the Marcellus and Utica regions and is already a fixture in the industry’s calendar. For more information – speaker faculty, agenda and registration please visit: Contact Details: Louise Gosling Marketing Director – Events American Business Conferences T: +44 (0) 1636 681933 E:

February/March 2016

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SAVE 20% ON Register By Friday GROUP BOOKINGS October 30, 2014 Chad Bruinooge IOC Operator, Marcellus Anadarko Petroleum Brandon Highsmith Production Engineer Anadarko Petroleum Jide Famuagun Vice President, Production Rice Energy Kevin Coleman Senior Counsel, Appalachian/ Michigan Business Unit Chevron North America Derek Smith Senior Director HSE Rex Energy Katharine Fredriksen Senior Vice President Environment Strategy and Regulatory Affairs CONSOL Energy

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The Northeast ONG Marketplace


PIOGA Winter Meeting | February 23-24, 2016 Seven Springs, PA -

2016 OOGA Winter Meeting | April 14-16, 2016 Columbus, OH -

NSWA Annual Meeting | March 16 – 18, 2016 Norman, OK -

ADDC Region II Meeting | April 21-22, 2016 Evansville, IN -



O&G: UPSTREAM: The Next Generation of Containment Material - 60XGL™ for Aggressive Well Pad Applications to Reduce Costs Holistically.... 6-7

ALBERTA RIG MATS............................................ 14 ALPINE ELECTRIC............................................... 14 BRAD PENN LUBRICANTS................................. 15 CALU.................................................................... 14 CHANCELLOR INSURANCE................................ 15 CPI SERVICE.......................................................... 5 CST INDUSTRIES................................................ 19 ERNST SEED........................................................ 17 HKRENTS.COM...................................................... 5 LEE REGER BUILDS............................................ 15 LEE SUPPLY........................................................... 3 LYDEN OIL COMPANY......................................... 17 MAJAAC................................................................ 14 MCCLUSKEY........................................................ 15 MID-ATLANTIC STORAGE.................................. 15 NORTH AMERICAN FIELD SERVICES................ 14 OILFIELD CONNECT............................................ 20 PREMIER SAFETY & SERVICE INC.................... 17 PSB INDUSTRIES................................................ 14 SAFE ENERGY SERVICES................................... 15 SHALE MARKETS................................................ 14 STRATA WORLDWIDE........................................ 14 TRI TOOL............................................................. 10 WEAVERTOWN ENVIRONMENTAL.................... 14

O&G: MIDSTREAM: Mid-Stream Projects: How the Right Environmental Consultant Can Make a Difference?........................................................... 8-9 INDUSTRY INSIGHT: What’s in your trash? .. 12-13 INDUSTRY INSIGHT: Swagelok Technical Training Ensures Proper and Safe Installation of Fittings and Valves.............................................................. 16-17 INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT: Hot County in Cool Industry holds 5th Annual ONG Expo.................... 18

CALENDARS ASSOCIATION MEETINGS.................................... 4 NETWORKING EVENTS........................................ 7 TRAINING & WORKSHOPS................................ 15 UPCOMING EVENTS........................................... 11

EVENTS EGCR...................................................................... 7 LDC GAS FORUM................................................ 19 LOW COST PRODUCED WATER MANAGEMENT: MARCELLUS AND UTICA CONGRESS 2016....... 3 OHIO VALLEY OIL AND GAS EXPO..................... 1 OIL & GAS AWARDS............................................. 9

ONG MARKETWATCH E-PAK HIRES NORTHEAST SALES MANAGER February 3, 2016 Wooster, OH – E-Pak Manufacturing, a leading manufacturer of Containers and Trailers has hired John Tobolski as their Northeast Sales Manager. John comes to E-Pak with over 30 years’ experience in the Waste, Scrap and Environmental industries. Throughout his 30 plus years, John has worked at Wastequip as the Plant Operations Manager for trailers, hoists, compactors and intermodals, as the National VP of Sales for Rudco Products, as a Commodities Buyer/Seller for Giordano Recycling and most recently at Benlee Trailers as their National Sales Manager. E-Pak Manufacturing produces high quality Front and Rear Load Containers, Standard, Heavy Duty and Environmental Roll Off Containers along with their complete line of industry leading Gondola and Dump Trailers led by their preferred 90 Yd. Lightweight Half Round Frameless Dump Trailer for the Scrap Industry. Please visit and www. to view the entire line of products and replacement parts.


The Northeast ONG Marketplace PO Box 1001 • Youngwood, PA 15697 724-787-4451 Fax: 724-221-3829 E-mail:

The Northeast ONG Marketplace will not be liable for any misprint in advertising copy which is not the fault of The Northeast ONG Marketplace. If a misprint should occur, the limits of our liability will be the amount charged for the advertisement. We do not assume responsibility for the content of advertising or articles herein. Any warranties or representations made in the advertisements are those of the advertisers and not The Northeast ONG Marketplace. Any warranties, representations or opinions made in the advertisements or articles are those of the contributors and not The Northeast ONG Marketplace.

February/March 2016

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The Northeast ONG Marketplace


THE NEXT GENERATION OF CONTAINMENT MATERIAL 60XGL™ FOR AGGRESSIVE WELL PAD APPLICATIONS TO REDUCE COSTS HOLISTICALLY By: The ITL Northeast Team - Gabe Kissel, Ron Mckenzie and Matt Willis The ongoing R&D program at Inland Tarp & Liner LLC (ITL) has developed a new 8 layer reinforced coated woven polyethylene liner designed to reduce overall well pad operational costs and installation time while sustaining Best Management Practices for protecting the environment. Reacting to current energy prices, producers are focused on new technologies and improved efficiencies to reduce costs. Often elements of separate budgets from various well pad phases are now being combined to save money aggregately. Producers are striving to obtain the most value out of their containment program considering cost and overall risk. There are many elements that affect costs of a containment program that include the number of repairs needed, ease of installation, the number of welds that are needed in the field, the quality of the welds, the number of rig mats used and costs associated with them, proper subgrade, repair ability, recyclability, clean-up, the experience / training of a particular service provider and Best Management Practices. Besides choosing a containment material based on application the duration of its usage should also be considered. For example, drilling a one hole pad and moving on versus drilling a six hole pad will have different returns on investment on various materials. This is the reason that ITL offers many material options overall. Over the last three decades, ITL has evolved from a west coast hay tarp manufacturer and service company to emerge as one of the largest U.S. custom fabricators of premium quality polyethylene and vinyl products. ITL has been involved with the Marcellus/Utica play for the last 6 years gaining experience pertaining to the containment process and developing new materials. ITL,, is known for its 100% recyclable coated woven polyethylene products (CWPEs); factory fabricated and tested for “stronger and lighter weight” liners. In recent years, ITL liner materials and applications have expanded to span an array of industries providing innovative solutions and resources for customers around the world. With several fabrication facilities across the U.S., in Fostoria, OH resides the hub 192,000 sq. foot facility that supplies the Marcellus and Utica plays. Through a joint effort and feedback from service providers (customers) of ITL and various producers (specifiers), the 60XGL™ material was developed to reduce costs holistically. The 60XGL™ significantly reduces the number of rig mats used. Often rig mats damage liners upon installation and once installed it may be challenging to uncover what may be going under the mats due to what cannot be seen. The 60XGL™ also eliminates the need for geotextile over proper sized and compacted subgrade, reduces the number of in field seams that are welded in extreme elements

through the use of customized plant fabricated and tested large panels, reduces repair costs and makes clean up more efficient and simplistic by having only one material used which is 100% recyclable. A producer’s best chance to use only one liner from drilling through production is the 60XGL™. Factors that also determine if one liner is used include Best Management Practices and how soon completions follows drilling. The success of the material is centered on its DNA composition. The 60XGL™ consists of eight layers that make one. Three of the layers are for strength and are referred to as base layer scrims. These scrims consist of tightly woven High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) strands. There are also four layers of Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) coatings that are impenetrable layers that prevent contaminated liquids from penetrating into the CE ground. The LDPE layers FA R Triple Scrim … (8) Layers U )S also give the material its ILE (GL T X D flexibility which makes ) TE TE ty) ) lity EO INA /safe gth ibi G M n ex en it easier to fabricate, roll o l A r i f t t ( L ac (s R (tr M YE up and install in very RI C LA S R PE harsh weather conditions. y) LD YE ilit ) LA xib e E gth l f S ( Lastly, the top layer of en R BA str E ( Y M the 60XGL™ is a 2.5 oz LA RI E P SC R LD geotextile laminate to YE y) LA ilit th) E xib provide excellent traction S e l ng (f BA tre R s ( to reduce slips and falls and YE M RI LA E SC P increase safety. 60XGL™ R ) LD lity YE ibi LA stands for 60 = 60 mil, X lex E f ( S R BA YE = multiple scrims and GL LA PE = geo laminate. Other LD materials in the same product family include the more well-known proven 40XGL™ and 30XGL™. The proof is in the independent test results that the 60XGL™ performs exceptionally in aggressive well pad applications. This material is reinforced and has a makeup of multiple layers. Typically, reinforced liners are made with more than one material. Many liners consist of only one layer and are classified as non-reinforced such as straight LLDPE and HDPE. Different liner materials perform better in different applications, ie. holding millions of gallons of water may require a different material that stretches more versus protecting the environment under an aggressive drilling site with heavy traffic, etc. Based on application it is often more essential of how a material is made versus how thick the material is that has a direct impact on performance and cost. Several independent test results for aggressive well pad applications show a direct impact on potential holes, rips, tears and punctures that increase repair costs. One of them is puncture resistance under ASTM D 4833. Puncture resistance is a test based on how many pounds it takes to pierce the material from the top or bottom using a 1/8” diameter probe that is flat on the end. The 60XGL’s™ puncture resistance is 438 pounds. Another test is the Mullen burst strength under ASTM D 3786. This test is based on an expanded membrane, approx. 1” diameter, being pushed hydraulically through the liner. On this test the 60XGL™ exceeds the limits of the testing equipment and has a Mullen burst of greater than 1,500 psi. One other variable that drastically affects installation time, trucking costs, ease of clean up and recyclability is weight. In that manner the 60XGL™ weighs only .1972 pounds per sq. foot. This is extremely light for a 60 mil material.

February/March 2016 Because the 60XGL™ is a material consisting of part LDPE it can be easily repaired by welding black plastic to black plastic or be extruded with LD or EVA extrusion rod. Inland Tarp & Liner supplies and fabricates a number of different and unique materials based on application, risk and reward that fall under Advanced Containment Solutions. Advanced Containment Solutions includes Liners & Geotextiles for Well Pads, Pits, Ponds, Tanks & Impoundments, Insulated Floating Covers, Containment Wall Systems and Containment Berms. Key questions in any containment application include: What exactly is the application?, Can the material be fabricated in a controlled environment out of the elements for better weld integrity?, Is the material recyclable?, Is the material reinforced or non-reinforced?, What are the materials independent test results?, How much does the material weigh?, How trained are personnel installing the material?, Do I have at bare minimum performance specification so what is being bid has an “apples to apples” comparison? For more information and help answering these questions, please contact Gabe Kissel at (412) 552-4980.

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NETWORKING EVENTS March 1 Desk & Derrick Murder Mystery Dinner Fundraiser Charleston, WV | April 6 YPE Crew Change Canonsburg, PA | May 4 YPE Crew Change Waynesburg, PA | June 1 YPE Crew Change Canonsburg, PA |


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The Northeast ONG Marketplace


MID-STREAM PROJECTS: HOW THE RIGHT ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE? By: Jeremy Degler and Kevin Smith, CTL Engineering It is all too common. Unexpected environmental issues can cause costly delays and adversely affect a project’s budget. Experience minimizes the unexpected occurrences because they have been there and done that and learned from their past mistakes. Hiring an environmental consultant with the right midstream planning experience can eliminate or reduce environmental issues to minor inconveniences only, while avoiding costly re-routes and permitting delays. Environmental regulations can be difficult to understand and navigate, and hiring the right consultant for your company can ensure that deadlines and budgets are met, while operating within ever changing State and Federal regulations.

pipeline installation costs will typically be less than open cut solution. Wetlands: Wetlands are areas which meet the three essential criteria detailed in the 1987 Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands (wetland vegetation, soils, and hydrology). The U.S. Army Corp of Engineers (USACE)

Choosing a consultant who is familiar with ecological resources and how these are regulated is the crucial first step in any midstream project. A good consulting company not only has the skilled personnel who can correctly identify ecological resources, but can also provide guidance on how to proceed with your project without unnecessary project delays. Based on our experience, the following are the types of ecological resources that may have an impact on midstream projects. Streams: Pipeline routes often cross surface water features and only some type of water features require permitting or re-routing. Streams must meet certain criteria in order to be considered potentially jurisdictional, such as a defined bed and bank, Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM), and if the stream has a hydrological connection to a Relatively Permanent Water (RPW) or Traditional Navigable Waterway (TNW). These criteria were established in the U.S. Supreme Court’s Decision, Rapanos v. United States & Carabell v. United States – June 5, 2007.

then determines whether the wetlands are jurisdictional or non-jurisdictional (i.e., Isolated Wetlands – waters of the State). Depending on the category and size of impacting these features often require a permit and/or costly compensatory mitigation. For example, in Ohio, wetlands are categorized using the Ohio EPA’s ORAM procedure. An experienced and trained consultant can delineate and properly categorize these wetlands. The cost difference between mitigating a category 1 vs category 2 wetlands can translate into tens of thousands of dollars on a project. The consultant can evaluate and compare the cost of on-site mitigation and buying credits from a Wetland Mitigation Bank and advise the client about the most cost effective and expeditious approach depending upon the project and size of impact. Isolated Wetlands are regulated by the Ohio EPA and any impacts, regardless of the size, must be permitted. Often, prior to selecting and designing the pipeline route, research and site assessment by a consultant can identify areas to avoid. Doing so can substantially reduce the amount of route changes during construction phase of the project and result in cost and time savings.

Identifying these resources early in the project planning phases allows an environmental consultant to anticipate these impacts and determine whether there are ways to avoid costly permitting delays. For example, while ephemeral streams may only be temporarily impacted during pipeline installation without requiring a permit, proper documentation is required. Permitting may completely be avoided for perennial stream crossings by using horizontal directional drilling (HDD) and

Threatened & Endangered Species: While most of the attention has been focused on Indiana Bat and almost all the 88 counties in Ohio have been affected, the northern long-eared bat (NLEB) has also been one of the most impacted bat species by white nose syndrome. Consequently, the NLEB was listed as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act on April 2, 2015. Since then, a final 4(d) ruling has been published in the Federal Register on January 14, 2016. The 4(d) rule removes certain prohibitions that would otherwise be in-place in the areas of the country not affected by white nose syndrome. If the project requires any tree clearing, a habitat assessment should be conducted. Choosing a consultant that understands the importance of staying up to date about regulatory changes will help to reduce unnecessary project delays and ensure project success.

February/March 2016

An experienced environmental consultant can often assist in planning a proper course of action, and plan ahead for the permitting process, where necessary. Coordinating with State and Federal Regulators ahead of time can ensure that delays do not occur due to environmental concerns, and can speed up the time required to obtain any necessary permits. Threatened & Endangered (T&E) Species surveys should be conducted in conjunction with the project time line. For example, seasonal tree cutting restrictions, i.e., October 1 to March 31, can stop the project; therefore, survey should be conducted outside the restriction period. Guidelines for T&E species are constantly changing, and having a consultant who stays up to date with the current regulations should be a priority for midstream companies. It is also important for the consultant to keep good business and working relationships with the regulatory agencies’ personnel. Why risk your budget and deadline? For more information, please contact Jeremy Degler at

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Keystone Clearwater Solutions, LLC

Alex E. Paris Contracting Co. Inc.

M3 Midstream, LLC (Momentum)

Antero Resources

McCutcheon Enterprises, Inc.

ARM Group Inc.

McKim & Creed

Baker Hughes

Minnesota Limited, LLC

Bilfinger Westcon

Mustang Oilfield Services, LLC

Blank Rome LLP

Myers Well Services


National Fuel Gas Midstream Corporation

CDM Resource Management LLC


Chemplex Solvay Group



Pickering Associates

Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.

Pixel Velocity Inc.

Columbia Midstream

Preston Contractors

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Command Energy Services Ltd.

Puls Incorporated

Crescent Drilling & Production

Rain for Rent

The Westin Convention Center, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15222

Capstone Distributor, E-Finity Distributed Generation

Richard Weber - PennEnergy Resources, LLC

Eclipse Resources

Select Energy Services

EdgeMarc Energy

Shalewater Solutions

EQT Corporation

Sourcewater, Inc.

Fortis Energy Services

Steptoe & Johnson PLLC

Hippo USA

Tejas Gosai - Shale Media Group

Hodgson Russ LLP


Horizontal Well Drillers (HWD)

The Gateway Engineers, Inc.

Identified Technologies

Top Hand Training

Impact Environmental

U.S. Well Services, LLC

Jared Oehring - U. S. Well Services

Weatherford International


Well Master Corporation

Congratulations to the following companies for being shortlisted by the judges for their commitment to innovation, best practice and operational excellence. The Industry Summit and Gala Dinner will be held on

Scientific Drilling International

For more information visit: or contact us on: +1 210 591 8468

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The Northeast ONG Marketplace

ONG MARKETWATCH PRESS RELEASE: New Tri Tool CEO Ensures Growth, Innovation and Technology Rancho Cordova, CA – January 18, 2016 Tri Tool announced today, that Dr. George J. Wernette, President and Jerri Wernette, Executive Vice President will be turning over the day-to-day operations of their company to their son George J. (Joe) Wernette III as Chief Executive Officer. “Joe has been groomed for this job since he was 8-years old. He’s had just about every job imaginable here, and has been shadowing both myself and George for the last couple of years”, said Jerri Wernette, after announcing she would be stepping down from her role at Tri Tool. With nearly thirty years of experience at Tri Tool, Joe has acquired extensive experience with many different aspects of the company including establishing ground-breaking implementation of mass production of precision tool bits, taking a lead role in the development of next-generation orbital welding equipment, and most recently his work on corporate restructuring and his plan to usher in an unprecedented level of advanced product development. Joe has been actively engaged in promoting the company and working with both customers and the industry. He has represented Tri Tool at trade shows, award ceremonies, equipment demonstrations and customer weld program development. As one of the largest manufacturing facilities in Northern California, Tri Tool also has rental and field construction service offices in Houston, Atlanta and Columbus. As a privately-held company who works across many industries, including Oil & Gas, Pipeline, LNG,

Power, Green Energy, Semi-Con, Food & Beverage, Aerospace, Government and many more, Tri Tool has built a solid reputation of building exceptional machining and welding equipment that meet the needs of customers worldwide. This year, Tri Tool was honored by the California Manufacturers & Technology Association (CMTA) as their Manufacturing Champion. Those recognized are companies who exemplify the high principles of economic growth, innovation, entrepreneurship, and a commitment to their employees. “We are a technical solutions provider. We do the hard jobs, the impossible jobs, not because it is easy, but because we are great at it”, said Joe Wernette publicly after the announcement. Joe went on to say, “a leader is someone who is humble and surrounds themselves with the brightest and most capable people, while encouraging unity and perfection”. Joe looks forward to his tenure as CEO as an opportunity to grow the company with safe, technically advanced product innovation while maintaining the highest standards of engineering and manufacturing quality. Media Contact: Bill Atkinson Advertising and Public Relations 916-288-6100 x107

February/March 2016

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IADC/SPE Drilling Conference

Ohio Valley Oil and Gas Expo

Fort Worth, TX |

St. Clairsville, OH |

22-23 SPE/ICOTA Coiled Tubing and Well Intervention Conference Houston, TX |

23-24 Marcellus and Manufacturing Development Conference

MAY 19 IADC Drilling Onshore Conference Houston, TX |

Charleston, WV |


JUNE 7-10

6 Utica Upstream

NGA Gas Operations School Smithfield, RI |

Canton, OH |

6-8 PESA Annual Meeting

8 Utica Midstream Canton, OH |

San Diego, CA |

11 OGIS New York New York, NY |

12-13 National Fluids Conference & Exhibition Houston, TX |

19 Upstream PA State College, PA |

21 Michigan Petroleum Conference Acme, MI |

Denotes National Event

Visit our website for links to these events


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The Northeast ONG Marketplace


WHAT’S IN YOUR TRASH? By: Donny Beaver, HalenHardy It’s Monday morning, 4:30 am, and your alarm shatters another restless night. As you shuffle to the coffee pot, your brain begins to process your busy week... 1. Staff meeting at 7am 2. Safety audit on Crew B1 3. EHS conference call with headquarters 4. Environmental training 5. New JSA outline due ……and this only covers through Tuesday. The remainder of the week is too far away to even think about. As your first jolt of Joe reaches your neurons, you suddenly remember the dreaded “Cost Reduction Report” due at 1pm Friday. Orders from headquarters say you need to cut EHS expenses by 12% in the 30 days. So far, you’ve found about 7%, but where will you discover another 5% in 3 or 4 days? As the java kicks in, you recall an article the boss handed you last Friday as you headed to your truck. It was about “dumpster diving” to uncover waste and save money. You remember the article is still on your back seat, so you dash out to your truck in your skivvies (thank goodness you live outside of town). Instead of reading the local newspaper for your morning-call-of-nature, you decide to scan the dumpster-diving article instead. As you settle on the These spill diapers and rags were less that 30% saturated, and the customer was crapper, (by the way, did you know one wasting 70% of their investment. of the inventors of the modern toilet was a guy named Thomas Crapper? Seriously), you begin to learn how other ONG service companies and operators are cutting costs in various EHS categories by 50% or more. And, it all begins with a simple audit of your dumpsters and trashcans. At first, the idea does not seem very appealing. After all, who wants to climb into garbage to look for waste? But, something compels you to read on. The article points out that you should not waste your time and efforts looking for just any old waste, but rather, you should be searching out high-value rubbish, like: Discarded metacarpal gloves that can be cleaned and reused saving up to 70% Spill cleanup materials with much more absorbent capacity remaining to reduce costs by 50%

• Duck-ponds that are dirty but not worn out can double their service life • Cleaning, inspecting and reusing flow-line safety restraints (FSRs) can save 60%+ • Aerosol cans with more than 25% of their contents remaining • Barely-used wipers & rags that could remain in service longer • Over-abundance of used grease in dumpsters represents potential cost savings • Abandoned PPE items like respirators, safety glasses and FR rain gear The story also offers tips on how other O&G companies use systematic processes that allow them to rummage quickly to collect, sample and measure theses categories of materials. As you ponder the potential merits of rubbish reckoning, a little voice in the back of your head says, “If these other companies are doing this successfully, what do I have to lose?” You learn that only a nominal amount of time and energy is required to discover good opportunities to save money immediately…and, free help is available. Quite frankly, this is not rocket science. Here are four simple steps to move through the process quickly: Step 1 – Pick a Starting Point: While this may vary from company to company, there is a strong likelihood that one of the following will be in your top three opportunities for waste reduction and financial savings: • Discarded metacarpal gloves • Under-used spill cleanup materials • Dirty FSRs Hint: Don’t waste a lot of time trying to split hairs at this point. All you need to do is a walk-by-audit (WBA) of the garbage cans and dumpsters near the some of the messiest jobs in the field and at your shop. Honestly, it should be as plain as the nose on your face. A president of a pressure pumping company recently stated, “We are not looking for low-hanging fruit at this stage of the game, we are looking for the fruit that is on the ground.” Step 2 – Focus, Focus, Focus: Once you have selected your primary category, say spill cleanup materials, put the blinders on. The best place is find waste in NOT in your big dumpster, rather, it’s at the point of waste generation…the garbage cans next to the jobs that match the category you selected. For spill cleanup, you should check out the areas where Discover how to save tens of thousands leaks, dribbles and spills happen the of dollars by analyzing your trash most often. Step 3 – Pick & Measure: In order to get a reliable sample size, you should pull at least 100 pieces of discarded spill cleanup materials to measure how much is being effectively used. For example, a recent survey of spill cleanup diapers at a completions operation revealed just 29.6% effective use (over 70% wasted).

February/March 2016

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Step 4 – Enlist Free Help: Given current depressed O&G prices, progressive suppliers have recognized the need to help their customers uncover ways to save money. Your supplier’s reps should be ready, willing and able to help you manage the entire assessment process FREE of charge.

Companies across the Marcellus and Utica shale plays have found ways to save from $10,000 to more than $100,000 per year by implementing these waste reduction strategies. Is it time for you to look for diamonds in your trash? ****

CAUTION: If your current suppliers have not already offered ways to help you reduce wastes and costs, they are probably not in a position to help you now. Ask them if they have helped other customers cut costs and manage waste. If they have not, you should look for a supplier that wants to earn you business by offering free waste reduction assessment and management services.

HalenHardy has developed a series of free Oil & Gas CJAs (Crappy Job Assessments) to help O&G companies discover ways to reduce waste, save money and improve already-robust EHS programs. The CJAs are self-auditing forms that cover spill control materials, work glove recycling as well as slip and fall assessments. For a copy of these free forms, contact the author, Donny Beaver, on his mobile phone 814-571-9779 or

Rather than buying new FSRs, an Appalachian-based completions company enlisted an inspection and cleaning service to save more than $56,000

One of the big side benefits of digging into waste is the opportunity to improve HSE practices. Many O&G companies have discovered that the journey into waste reduction leads to elimination of many of the root causes of EHS problems.

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The Northeast ONG Marketplace 100% ONLINE DEGREE




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February/March 2016

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23 SafeLand USA Cambridge, OH

7 NORM/TENORM Radiation Safety Training Canonsburg, PA 12 Safeland USA Bridgeport, WV

MARCH 2 Pipeline Safety Seminar State College, PA 10 SafeLand USA Washington, PA 22 SafeLand USA Cambridge, OH 30-April 1 OGA Technical Seminar Dublin, OH 31 PennDOT Permit Training Canonsburg, PA

28 KOGA Eastern KY Technical Seminar Prestonburg, KY

MAY 12 Understanding Environmental Risk Communication Canonsburg, PA 19 Well Control and Incident Management Canonsburg, PA



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The Northeast ONG Marketplace


SWAGELOK TECHNICAL TRAINING ENSURES PROPER AND SAFE INSTALLATION OF FITTINGS AND VALVES By: Rudy Frank, Director-Strategic Services & Marketing, Pittsburgh Valve and Fitting Company For more than 50 years, Pittsburgh Valve & Fitting Company (PV&F), Bellevue, Pa., has been the local distributor of genuine premier Swagelok componentry and accessories for western, southwestern, and central Pennsylvania, plus several counties each in Ohio, Maryland, and West Virginia. Now, though, the company is expanding its suite of strategic services, including its Swagelok Technical Training offerings, so that fluid-system technicians in the shale, oil & gas, refining, steel-making, nuclear, and other industries have more face-toface opportunities to learn how – or be recertified on how – to precisely install and maintain their fittings and valves. First, PV&F has added monthly half-day Fitting Installation classes the second Tuesday of every month, followed by four-hour Hand Tube Bending sessions the next day. All such courses are held in the company’s leading-edge Training Center at Pittsburgh Valve & Fitting Company’s 49 Meade Avenue, conveniently leading-edge Training Center, 49 Meade adjacent to PV&F’s Fabrication Avenue, Bellevue, Pa. Technologies shop…so that students not only receive swaging and bending theoretical and hands-on training during class, but also have the chance to see advanced techniques demonstrated by PV&F’s certified Swagelok fabrication professionals. Secondly, and more importantly, however, PV&F has invested in a new customized Ford Transit van to take its Swagelok Technical Training program on the road. Now, the company can bring its classes to the customer’s site – which is usually a far more convenient and practical scenario for those in need of the training. No longer is it necessary for students to venture to Bellevue for the courses – the van provides the mobility for PV&F to conduct the same sessions “locally.” All that’s required is a five-student minimum. Classes can be conducted over different shifts, day or night…to best accommodate interested parties. Mike Gagel, a 20-year Swagelok Factory employee, is PV&F’s first dedicated Technical Trainer. He authored much of the current Swagelok Corporate training course content – placing him in the ideal position to tweak and customize the class materials to best address a customer’s unique market, equipment, or application challenges. “When installed correctly, Swagelok tube fittings will not leak. Our goal is to make certain that each student leaves our class knowing exactly what to do to ensure that claim,” says Gagel.

In all, PV&F offers five different Swagelok Technical Training courses: “Tube Fitting Installation Essentials,” a half-day class that’s designed to teach foundational tubefitting knowledge that will dramatically minimize leakage risk while protecting system integrity. Students learn how to properly cut and deburr tubing, correctly assemble a Swagelok tube fitting, gauge a tube fitting assembly, identify thread types, and prepare threaded installations. “Hand Tube Bending Essentials,” also a half-day session, is extremely hands-on in nature and provides the basic knowledge needed to introduce bent tubing to a fluid system to eliminate joints and leak points inherent in traditional welded-pipe systems. Participants are taught to properly cut and deburr tubing, understand various marks used in tube bending, bend tubing with the correct bend angle made in the current location, identify five potential bend defects, and expertly assemble an electrical box comprised of various lengths of tubing bent according to requirements. “Tube Fitting Inspection” is a four-hour class where students learn how to confidently identify correct tube system placement, expertly install Swagelok tube fittings, identify mixed component fittings and the correct use of tubing type, point out common tube bending defects and how they negatively impact a fluid system, identify compliant NPT thread installations, and demonstrate the correct use of thread tape.

By purchasing a specially outfitted Technical Training van, Pittsburgh Valve & Fitting Company can now takes its course offering on the road – to better satisfy customer demand and convenience.

“Swaging and Bending Combined Essentials” is, by far, PV&F’s most requested Swagelok class title. It’s a comprehensive, economical one-day course, again taught in Bellevue or at the customer’s site, that maximizes a participant’s educational investment – by yielding two Swagelok Certificates of Completion to each graduate. Each participate leaves class knowing how to properly and safely install tube fittings – and how to expertly bend tubing of various materials. Both proficiencies help technicians better avoid and/or address leakage within their facilities. “Advanced Tube Bending” is an intense, one-of-a-kind, three-day course that teaches students how to make bends to a particular configuration, maintain equal spacing between bends, bend tubing to complete tight offsets, and complete rolling offsets. In addition, participants learn about springback, the minimum length of the “last leg” – and describe how this length can be used, the purpose of the straight

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tube length mark on the bender nameplate, five potential bend defects and their root causes, and so much more. It is not a prerequisite for applicants to have completed the Hand Tube Bending Essentials class.

Responsible Reclamation

In mid-2016, “Valve Selection & Maintenance,” “Hose Essentials,” and “Regulator Selection & Maintenance” titles will be added to the PV&F instructional menu.

An opportunity to restore diversity • Conservation seed mixes • Native seeds

Participants in all aforementioned sessions receive course workbooks, gapinspection gauges, depth-marking tools, data charts, and a variety of other useful job-related and personal items.

• Pollinator forage • Bioengineering materials

Pittsburgh Valve & Fitting Company’s territory includes 26 counties in western, southwestern, and central Pennsylvania; plus several neighboring counties each in Ohio, West Virginia, and Maryland – right in the heart of the region’s prime Marcellus Shale fields. In addition to Swagelok componentry and Technical Training, Pittsburgh Valve and Fitting Company’s offers Industrial Vending/Inventory Management, Energy Efficiency and Management (free surveys of steam, gas, hydraulic fluid, compressed air lines), Equipment Rental (orbital welders, facing tools, hydraulic swagers, benchtop benders), and Fabrication Technology (cutting, swaging, bending, coiling, welding, kitting) services. For full class and/or other Swagelok Services details and pricing, please contact Rudy Frank, Director-Strategic Services & Marketing,, 412.439.1706 or 412.761.9463; ext 130. 800-873-3321


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ONG MARKETWATCH ES-AAPG annual meeting set for September 2016 in Lexington, Kentucky Several hundred professional geologists, as well as educators and students from around the eastern U.S., are expected to converge onto Lexington, KY, for the annual meeting of the Eastern Section of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, September 25-27, 2016. With a theme of “Basins to Barrels,” the meeting’s program will focus on the opportunities and challenges of energy resources in the Appalachian, Illinois, and Michigan Basins, while offering participants the opportunity to sample the region’s famous variety of bourbon whiskeys. Co-hosted by the Geological Society of Kentucky and the Kentucky Geological Survey in the heart of Bourbon Country, the 2016 meeting will be at the Lexington Convention Center complex and adjoining Hyatt Regency Hotel in downtown Lexington. Meeting organizers are planning technical sessions and workshops on current industry issues, regulations, and research. Pre- and post-meeting field trips to unique geologic features in the Bluegrass Region will be offered on the 24th and 28th. The meeting will kick off Sunday night with an icebreaker in the exhibitor hall followed by the popular “Jammin’ Geologists” event, with entertainment by musically-inclined meeting

participants. There will also be an off-site event Monday night, and networking breakout sessions throughout the meeting. Professional organizations and energy-sector companies are encouraged to rent exhibit space or sponsor events during the meeting to promote their products and services. An “Exhibitors/ Sponsors” link at the top of the meeting web site, http://www., provides information about exhibit space and sponsorship levels. Interested in presenting a paper at the meeting? The abstract deadline is May 20. Here is a sample of suggested broad topical areas for participants to consider. See the web site for more suggestions. Conventional and Unconventional Petroleum Exploration Hydraulic Fracturing, Waste Water Disposal, and Induced Seismicity Structural geology of reservoirs and tectonic effects Innovations in drilling and completion technologies Regulations: state and federal oil and gas policies Abstracts should be submitted at this web page: Ea63nE

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The Northeast ONG Marketplace


HOT COUNTY IN COOL INDUSTRY HOLDS 5TH ANNUAL ONG EXPO By: Glynis Valenti Industry professionals are watching Belmont County, Ohio and say 2016 looks promising. Energy-related companies are still moving ahead with investments in this part of Appalachia, in the heart of the Marcellus and Utica shale plays, even with recent slowdowns and lower gas prices.

millions ofdollars donated for desperately needed causes in the valley. Clearly the industry is laying a foundation to be a partner in our communities for the long term.” Frio and MPR have also taken on organizing and coordinating the annual Ohio Valley Oil and Gas Expo ( hosted by the Belmont County Commissioners and Belmont County Port Authority. This premier event, held at the James E. Carnes Center in St. Clairsville, Ohio, showcases national and regional industry-related businesses and has become an important networking venue. More than 2,500 people attended the 2015 show. More than one-third of the available vendor space for this year, April 26 and 27, has already sold out. Several sponsors are returning for 2016 and include DUG East, United Rentals, Shelly Materials, Lion Industries Machining and Fabrication, Bounty Materials, Kelchner, and Sidwell Materials. Each year at the expo industry leaders are invited to speak on pertinent topics. This year Robert R. Wingo, Senior Vice President of Midstream and Marketing for Rice Energy, and Callum Streeter, Chief Operating Officer for EdgeMarc Energy, will discuss their projects and outlooks for the coming year. In a change from past expos, the speeches will be given at the network reception on Tuesday evening rather than during Wednesday’s show. Tickets to the reception and registration are available at or by calling (740)671-9822.

For example, in November 2015, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) issued 26 drilling permits in Belmont County. Jefferson County, to the north, came in at number two with three permits issued. In addition, Ohio’s nine highest producing wells are located here, eight of those owned by Rice Energy and one owned by Ascent Resources. PTT Global and Marubeni Corporation announced a $100 million investment in engineering costs for determining the development and construction of a proposed ethane cracker plant in the southeast corner of the county. This optimism is no surprise to Rick Frio, Chairman of MPR Transloading and Energy Services ( in Bellaire, Ohio. Frio and business partner Dave Humphreys chose MPR’s location on the Ohio River because of its accessibility to both population centers and major transportation routes: the river, a rail system, and interstates I-70, I-77 and I-79. Belmont County is one of two areas in the United States—the other being St. Louis, Missouri--that has this combination of transportation resources and high volume traffic. MPR recently expanded its services by adding a state of the art sand loading facility for hydraulic fracturing, and Frio noted some of the impacts of the integration of gas and oil during an interview with Jackie Stewart of Energy In Depth (www. “The oil and gas industry experience in our region has been one of the most positive events in my lifetime. The industry demonstrates a commitment to safety that is second to none. In addition, their working relationship with local, state and federal governments is transparent and honorable, and their generous charitable endeavors have had a significant impact on the local communities with literally

Shale Directories ( is assisting MPR, and Joseph Barone, President of Shale Directories, says that past attendees have told him the show is one of the best in the industry because of the information and networking opportunities available. Since pipeline projects and wells are located a few miles from the venue, those workers are also able to attend and walk through the show at no charge on Wednesday. As someone who monitors the oil and gas industry closely, Barone adds that the current downturn is temporary, and businesses should look at the potential that Belmont County has to offer. “Oil and gas is in a lull, but the pricing always comes back,” Barone says. “Companies who want to work in this industry need to stay visible during a downturn. Those who do will get the business first when the market returns, and Belmont is the hottest county in Ohio.”

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The Northeast ONG Marketplace

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