The Northeast ONG Marketplace - October 2014

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Minimizing Risks Associated with Frac Water Reuse


Getting Ahead in the Shale Oil and Gas Industry




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The Northeast ONG Marketplace

October 2014

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THE ONG SPOTLIGHT A Message from Dr. Lutitia Clipper Manager Natural Gas Vehicles Business Development, Peoples Gas Dr. Lutitia Clipper has over 25 years of experience in the energy industry and is currently responsible for development of natural gas for transportation market segments and the associated infrastructures. Notably, she secured funding through the Pennsylvania Energy Office to introduce the first dedicated transit bus in the state of Pennsylvania. Dr. Clipper is a renowned energy speaker, having addressed audiences at venues such as the MIT Enterprise Pittsburgh Forum and the DUG East Executive Breakfast Series. She has been recognized for her tireless work in the energy sector as the recipient of the 2013 Pittsburgh Business Women First Award from the Pittsburgh Business Times and the 2013 Woman of Excellence Award from the New Pittsburgh Courier. Dr. Clipper holds positions on both the Geneva College Engineering Advisory Board and the Carnegie Mellon University Energy & Public Policy Advisory Group. Dr. Clipper gives us an inside look at the energy industry today, through her perspective: “Pennsylvania, the Keystone State, is strategic with its impressive Marcellus Shale natural gas supply as a global energy leader. It presents tremendous opportunities with this precious resource to its residents making a difference for the economy and the environment. Having worked in the energy industry pre 90’s through present, it is exhilarating to see the impact that the supply of natural gas makes on those areas affected by its direct use in the home, business, industry and certainly in the transportation market segment previously not economically feasible for use. Fleet customers were unable to seriously consider the options because manufacturers were not willing to make use of natural gas for transportation enough to revisit and retool OEM design and production. Today, every major manufacture has not only one, but a selection, of natural gas vehicles available. For the past couple of years, I have been working with our NGV fleet owner operators and calling on visionary refueling station developers throughout our service territory while driving my dedicated Honda GX in the winter and summer. Driving over the mountains, passing trucks and happily filling up for less than $9.00 by the time I make my way up to the Penn State area! Additional bifuel consumer vehicles and two new class 8 trucks were introduced this summer and fall with major improvements. The users needed a little more room and cargo space and the heavy-duty after market dual fuel option enhanced combustion with reduced diesel emissions. The beauty with that timely introduction is that we are able to see support from the State Government. Specifically, the Commonwealth Finance Authority recently announced that they will provide funding to develop the needed refueling infrastructure to advance the growth of further use of the abundant, clean and cost effective natural gas that continues to position Pennsylvania globally as an energy leader. As a member of a forward looking distribution company, my goal is to assist as a liaison those who are interested in converting their fleets by pointing them towards equipment suppliers and available State, Federal or non-governmental funding streams. I enjoy working with those developing the refueling infrastructure early in the process so as to assist in navigation with our Engineering and Planning departments. The best match of system facilities capabilities to project equipment specifications prescribed to accommodate their fleet(s) refueling profile needs is essential to developing the refueling infrastructure. Having participated in the recent Marcellus Shale Coalition Shale Insight Conference where we highlighted one of our natural gas vehicles and an innovative project with a Consortium and the Port of Pittsburgh that promotes natural gas for marine use in the conversion of Inland Waterway Vessels from diesel. We are encouraged and anticipate that with the continual improving supply picture of natural gas, it is evident that the

future holds only more and new opportunities for transportation with natural gas for fleet owner operators. We anticipate further meaningful dialog in this marine transportation application at the October 24 LNG Marine Forum . The president and CEO of AGA, Dave McCurdy, in a September 23, 2014 interview for LNG World News, noted that we are in a strong position with solid national storage inventories of natural gas. He further noted that our nation’s abundance of natural gas is only enhanced by the pipeline network that is the safest energy delivery system in the nation capable of delivering clean, reliable and affordable energy. McCurdy also disclosed that there is a trending toward increased demand. In other words, Americans are starting to understand the benefits and strengths associated with the confidence that comes from the substantial growth in domestic natural gas supplies. Natural gas has been characterized as a ‘game changer’ but I’d like to think of it as a legacy builder allowing us to expand our horizons, exchange ideas and transfer technology to improve our economy and environment for our children and their children.” In 2013, Dr. Clipper was nominated by a friend and longtime associate in the energy industry, for the 2013 Business Woman First Award. She was selected to be among the 25 winners out of 100 candidates in the Pittsburgh region for this honor. The Pittsburgh Business Times honors the top women executives in Pittsburgh with two great events. There was a Women’s Leadership Reception, that featured the winners of the Business Women First Awards alumni since the program began in 2009, followed by a gala dinner and awards ceremony for the top women executives in Pittsburgh. Dr. Clipper was also selected as a 2013 Woman of Excellence, by the New Pittsburgh Courier. She was selected by the readership of the New Pittsburgh Courier to be among the 50 outstanding women in the Pittsburgh region recognized, honoring her heritage as an African American woman, acknowledged for being an explorer in the industry and recognized for her ability to build cultural bridges and have the creativity to reinvent traditions socially and in nontraditional alternative fuels market segments. Dr. Clipper was highlighted for her virtues of excellence as a businesswoman, a philanthropist and for demonstrating strengths and influence but with self-awareness. Also in 2013, Dr. Clipper was awarded a Women in Natural Gas (WING) Award, an annual ceremony and celebration hosted by Shale Media Group. The event is held during the month of October in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The WING Awards are a tribute to the great women in the Shale Gas and Oil industry, who exemplify leadership, community service and dedication. Dr. Clipper remarks, “The WING Awards are an exciting event at which to be energized and inspired! It was an inspirational experience for me in 2013. I was thrilled and humbled to have been among the inaugural Women in Natural Gas Awardees last year. It was an honor to have been in the company of such inspiring women, especially cancer survivors. As a woman in the energy industry and having witnessed the promise of blending our abundant natural gas resource with technology while drawing on the benefit of our interdependent strengths - I applaud Shale Media Group for their insight to form the WING Awards. Every day we become more aware of how interconnected we really are, our responsibility for the precious resources and the lives we touch. Optimizing our opportunity to make a difference in our world through the effective use of a clean fuel alternative that may change the trajectory for a particular fleet business, impact a family, and possibly a life is the gift that keeps on giving.” Dr. Clipper will be in attendance at the next WING Awards ceremony and celebration on October 16, 2014 at the Holiday Inn in Monroeville, PA. A pioneer in the field and a supporter for many causes, not only natural gas, Dr. Clipper is someone to learn from, model work ethic after and be inspired by.

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The Northeast ONG Marketplace

ASSOCIATION MEETINGS IOGC Annual Meeting | October 19 - 21, 2014 Columbus, OH -

IOGANY Annual Meeting | November 11-12, 2014 Buffalo, NY -

IPAA Annual Meeting | November 11-13, 2014 Palm Beach, FL -

PIOGA Winter Meeting | February 24-25, 2015 Champion, PA -

2015 OOGA Winter Meeting | March 11-13, 2015 Columbus, OH -



THE ONG SPOTLIGHT: Dr. Lutitia Clipper Manager Natural Gas Vehicles Business Development, Peoples Gas ............................................................................... 3

AIRTAK COMPRESSED AIR SYSTEM PRODUCTS...... 15 ALPINE ELECTRIC............................................... 14 AMERICAN REFINING GROUP............................. 5 BLUE ROCK ENERGY PARTNERS......................... 5 BRI-CHEM.............................................................. 4 CALU.................................................................... 14 CHANCELLOR INSURANCE................................ 15 CPI SERVICE........................................................ 27 CST INDUSTRIES.................................................. 9 D&S INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS............................. 2 DOSS ENTERPRISES LC..................................... 23 EFINITY.................................................................. 5 ERNST SEED........................................................ 21 ETC......................................................................... 5 FAIRMONT SUPPLY............................................. 18 FOUNDATION SUPPORT WORKS...................... 21 GLOBAL FABRICATION INC.................................. 9 GOODWIN PUMPS - XYLEM................................. 8 HETRICK MFG, INC............................................. 15 INDUSTRIAL TORQUE TOOLS.............................. 5 INLAND TARP & LINER......................................... 1 JH TOMBLIN FENCE CO........................................ 5 JM MILLER............................................................. 8 LEE REGER BUILDS.............................................. 8 LEE SUPPLY......................................................... 23 LIGHTBOX IMAGING............................................. 8 LL BOILER MAINTENANCE ................................ 14 MACHINERY STREET............................................ 2 MANSFIELD CRANE............................................ 15 MARCELLUS SAFETY CONSULTING.................. 14 MID-ATLANTIC STORAGE.................................. 15 MIDSTREAMPHOTO.COM.................................... 8 MJ PAINTING CONTRACTOR.............................. 11 MY SHALE WELL................................................. 21 NEW PIG.............................................................. 19

WATER MANAGEMENT: Minimizing Risks Associated with Frac Water Reuse....................... 6-7 HEALTH & SAFETY: Safey: A to Z.................. 10-11 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT: “Adavanced Containment Solutions”................................... 12-13 INDUSTRY INSIGHT: Getting Ahead in the Shale Oil and Gas Industry ........................................................................ 16-18 NEW TECHNOLOGY: Cheaper, Faster, Safer: Trench Breakers are Superior Alternatives ...... 20-21 LEGAL & FINANCE: 2013-2015 Changes to NCCI’S Primary- Excess Split Point............................... 24-25 ALTERNATIVE FUELS: Growing CNG Refueling Options............................................................ 26-27

CALENDARS ASSOCIATION MEETINGS.................................... 4 TRAINING & WORKSHOPS................................ 15 UPCOMING EVENTS........................................... 22

EVENTS NAPE ................................................................... 13 SHALE ENVIROSAFE SUMMIT .......................... 14 OOGA OILFIELD EXPO....................................... 28

NORTH AMERICAN FIELD SERVICES................ 15 OIL CENTER RESEARCH, LLC............................ 14 “O” RING............................................................. 18 PENNINGTON SEED.............................................. 8 PPC LUBRICANTS............................................ 8,14 PREMIER SAFETY & SERVICE INC.................... 25 PSB......................................................................... 5 RIGMAIDS.............................................................. 8 SHANNON SAFETY............................................... 8 SKYCASTERS....................................................... 11 ST!CK................................................................... 14 TANK CONNECTION............................................ 25 UNIT LINER............................................................ 7 WEAVERTOWN ENVIRONMENTAL...................... 8


The Northeast ONG Marketplace P. O. Box 1441 • Oak Hill, WV 25901 855-269-1188 Fax: 304-465-5065 E-mail: The Northeast ONG Marketplace will not be liable for any misprint in advertising copy which is not the fault of The Northeast ONG Marketplace. If a misprint should occur, the limits of our liability will be the amount charged for the advertisement. We do not assume responsibility for the content of advertising or articles herein. Any warranties or representations made in the advertisements are those of the advertisers and not The Northeast ONG Marketplace.

October 2014

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The Northeast ONG Marketplace


MINIMIZING RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH FRAC WATER REUSE By: Tim Jaglinski, Director of R and D, Anguil Aqua Systems, LLC Reduced U.S. dependence on foreign oil is directly related to the accessibility of domestic hydrocarbon resources through hydraulic fracturing. Water volumes required to stimulate a well generally range between 1 and 5 million gallons of water, with some wells requiring up to 10 million gallons. Though the aggregate amount of water used for fracturing across the U.S. is small in comparison to agricultural and municipal use, the oil and gas industry has recognized that continually drawing upon fresh water sources is not sustainable, especially in areas relying heavily on groundwater. Persistent drought has put further pressure on source water. Furthermore, operators are facing more stringent regulatory environments especially in regards to disposal of waste water.

Treating produced water to drinking water quality standards requires a significant amount of expensive equipment and expertise. Hence, many operators conclude that maintaining their current operational procedures is less risky than implementing potentially complex and costly reuse programs. However, freshwater is not required for frac fluids. The industry has recognized the reuse potential of produced water, which can be 10x saltier than sea water, and has developed salt tolerant fluid systems. A frac fluid system tolerant of TDS levels upwards of 285,000 ppm has been developed and field demonstrated. Hence, expensive desalination technologies are not required, considerably lowering the costs and complexity of reuse. Fluid providers are continually widening the tolerance of their additives to various water parameters, further reducing required treatment levels and costs. The following briefly outlines best practices for operators initiating a reuse program to help them manage risks associated with reuse. 1. Determine treatment targets Mitigate the risk of sourcing inadequate or excessive equipment by predetermining the chemistry of the water to be reused and the required treatment levels. Reused water quality specifications should be coordinated with frac fluid providers.

U.S. natural gas production by source 1990–2040 (trillion cubic feet) Water reuse can reduce water transportation distances, either by truck or pipeline, reduce or eliminate the need to source fresh water, and reduce disposal volumes. Operators opting to reuse water will derive significant savings to E&P operations. Concern that reused fluids will negatively impact well production has held operators back from embracing reuse. However, major operators are demonstrating that properly reused fluids do not damage wells, making reuse increasingly attractive. For instance, a recent Society of Petroleum Engineering paper demonstrated that use of reclaimed water in 48 wells did not negatively impact well production over a 10 year period. Despite these findings, many E&P companies still resist reuse over concerns that: 1. Frac fluids can only be formulated with freshwater 2. Reused water will damage wells, reducing well production 3. Treating waste water to drinking water quality standards is too expensive Waste water chemistry can be complex and may be outside an operator’s current understanding, especially as to how water quality affects frac fluid performance.

2. Target reuse of flowback rather than produced water Flowback water generally resembles the original injected water, giving a bounded estimate of fluid chemistry. Over time, recovered water will approach the formation water chemistry, which varies significantly from play to play. By excluding produced water, treatment technologies and costs are minimized. 3. Work with the easiest fluid to reuse Slickwater is generally composed of 99% water and proppant, the balance being a short list of additives. Hence, slickwater flowback readily lends itself to reuse with minimal treatment. 4. Conduct pit treatments instead of inline. Treating water in line with a frac job carries significant risk to the fracturing operation. A far less risky approach is to recover flowback into storage, treat and store for future use. Pit treatments allow water chemistry to be measured and assure treatment effectiveness. 5. Be aware of the capabilities and potential limitations of treatment technologies For slickwater flowback, the contaminants targeted for removal are: • Total suspended solids (TSS), • Free and dispersed oil and grease • Potential scaling compounds • Bacteria

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Several cost effective technologies, including chemical coagulation, electrocoagulation, advanced oxidation are being broadly applied to meet these standards. However, sensitivity to specific water parameters may render a particular technology ineffective. Bench scale testing, and scaled up pilot tests can help assure that the chosen methodology will be effective before production equipment is sourced. 6. Be aware of changing regulations Regulators are continually updating regulations, in some cases loosening rules which promote reuse, and in others tightening rules on water sources and disposal. Awareness of the changing regulatory environment, especially as it comes to disposal, will help operators take advantage of rules which could save money through reuse. The following briefly examines one particular water reuse technology based on chemical coagulation and ballasted flocculation techniques. Having been applied in the oilfield, this equipment is robust and relatively simple. A variety of chemical treatments can handle a wide range of water quality. However, the process relies on chemistry and operator oversight is required if the influent water quality diverges from expected parameters. Chemical coagulation works by the addition of chemical coagulants to neutralize ionic charges of suspended matter, allowing the matter to coalesce or “flocculate” into larger particles which are then mechanically removed from the water. Coagulants and pH adjustments can also precipitate some metals to facilitate removal. After the flocculation process, the ballasted floc settles to the bottom of the clarification tank as sludge, the clarified effluent exits the top of the machine. Figure 2 shows a typical treatment stream for a chemical coagulation system.

Figure 2: A typical treatment stream for a chemical coagulation system. This schematic includes the addition of a ballast material.

through-put for a given equipment footprint compared to traditional solid separation methods, thereby lowering capital cost. For more information, view the full report at Tim Jaglinski may be reached at 505-697-7235 or

Ballasted flocculation involves the addition of a dense particulate to the floc, increasing the floc’s density, improving the sedimentation rate. The ballast material is recovered from the waste stream and recycled back into the treatment process to minimize operational expenses. Ballasted flocculation allows a higher

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The Northeast ONG Marketplace

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October 2014

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The Northeast ONG Marketplace


SAFETY: A TO Z By: Kristie Kubovic, Director of Communications, Shale Media Group Edited By: Mindy Gattner, Editor, Shale Media Group In any industry, the health and safety of its workers is paramount. That is certainly the case in the shale oil and gas industry. In fact, there are many levels of compliance that a company doing business in this industry has to adhere to. For instance, a company likely needs to adhere to standards set forth by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), just to name a few. OSHA alone has various types of requirements such as training, safety and reporting. In addition with names like OSHA, PHMSA, EPA and DEP floating around, it may seem like alphabet soup; however, all of the red tape provides critical procedures for the safety of the well site and its workers. That is where a company like MAC Safety Consultants, Inc. comes into the picture. They are full-service safety company that helps companies doing business in the shale oil and gas industry wade through the red tape. “We have full-time safety professionals scattered throughout Eastern Ohio, Western Pennsylvania and parts of West Virginia on a number of shale oil and gas sites through various oil and gas providers. One of the biggest things that our core philosophy focuses on and probably what we like to do most is promote worksite safety, but not in the conventional, ‘This is the way it has to be’ way. We, rather, tend to the more personality driven solution to end a customer’s problems. By doing that it allows all the employees to go home just as they came to work. We understand that corny phrase—everyone has a job to do and we want to ensure that those employees will go back to their loved ones just as they came to work,” expressed Chris Miranda, President and Founder, MAC Safety Consultants, Inc. The safety and health professionals at MAC Safety Consultants, Inc. have over two decades of experience servicing the shale oil and gas industry, chemical manufacturing, industrial manufacturing, power and coal fire plants and nuclear power. The safety company is committed to providing a wide array of cost effective safety solutions and provides services including: safety and health consultations, safety professional staffing, safety attendant services, occupational medicine support, drug and alcohol testing and industrial hygiene testing. “We’ve adopted the premise of being someone’s full-time answer without becoming their full-time employee. Through MAC Safety we provide on-site safety professionals but at a very high level. They will become someone’s actual full-time safety person—living, breathing, acting not as MAC Safety but as the customer’s own safety professional. That helps in the construction world as a lot of jobs are becoming more fluid,” explained Miranda, who went on to add, “The business aspect takes a whole other realm. We understand that. It’s easier when MAC Safety puts one of our professionals on site and allows them to develop programs, train your employees, keep employees safe and be out in the field providing you with answers without the actual thought that you’re going to have to hire someone.”

Miranda relayed, “The success we have enjoyed is based on the fact that none of our professionals feel like they’re a third party. We’ve grown a team of employees that have that ability—to have that flexibility to adopt a safety culture and it doesn’t matter what company you’re working with. You’re in the field and you’re working with the employees. You kind of make them feel that everyone has each other’s best interest in hand.” There are various items to be looked at in order for a shale oil and gas company worker to even begin a job. Miranda pointed out, “SafeLand has become a very common class. In order for employees on certain sites to do their work, SafeLand “We have people who classes have to be provided. Outside of that, your core classes have to give a level can do all of these of awareness. From that point, you’re types of training. We’re going to go through site-specific training. We can provide that training or assist in not shuffling people in the site’s ability to provide training to all and out of a job site.” construction workers. It starts to segue into what you’re actually going to be doing. Are you going to be doing confined space work or do you have to use aerial equipment? If so, then you’re looking for that type of training. It keeps moving on with electrical safety. Or if you’ll be on aerial lifts have your people gone through fall protection training? That may layer into lockout/tagout training. It kind of keeps layering depending on the actual job you’re going to be doing.” “What really separates us out is that a lot of what we’re able to do—and to be a benefit for companies—is that we have people who can do all of these types of training. We’re not shuffling people in and out of a job site. Everyone has the ability to go through all core requirement trainings for a construction worker, or even in a plant setting, to do all those types of training,” expressed Miranda, who added, “The person you bring on board is the person who will do the training from A to Z. It’s about getting your employees ready to get going in a quick manner. We tailor our training with the assistance of the client to make it very quick, time-efficient and effective, so they’re ready to go to work. That’s the most important part.” According to Miranda, MAC Safety basically has two audits or assessments. “The first one is a basic 26-point session, which is more of a site assessment that steps through an actual mock OSHA audit. We break that down to be more site-specific. We also use an actual construction site audit. Due to the fact that we’ve had a lot of people who have been through actual OSHA walkthroughs in their own careers, we’re able to pinpoint what some of the actual high profile driving points are based on what’s going on at that site. If there is live gas, what exactly have employees gone through as far as training? What precautions are they taking? If we’re still on the construction side, maybe it’s just more about are people trained to be operating heavy equipment? Are they trained to operate aerial lifts? You are able to assess it that way.” “We can assess it for just one contractor. Or like some of our larger projects in Ohio, we’re working directly for the host company, and we’re able to pass this information on to other sub-contractors, which allows for it to be seen more, as opposed to it being ‘just a MAC Safety guy and this is what they think.’ We educate everyone else along the way so that it’s in everyone’s best interest; we’re all looking for the same potential hazards,” explained Miranda.

October 2014 In terms of how long it takes for a company to become safety compliant, Miranda says, “Each situation is unique in its own. If someone is looking for a full-time person it might be the length of the job. That could be anywhere from two weeks to jobs that were originally supposed to only go for a few months but are still going 16 months later. It really varies. I think the better question is how quickly can we assess and help someone in a compliance mode. Our timeline is usually immediate. When a safety trainer isn’t taking a backseat, but rather working with all levels of management to promote safety practices, it moves the process along in a very quick manner.” Miranda expressed, “When we are assessing or doing an audit in order to help a company identify their needs, we do not tip-toe into the water but rather dive in. I think it’s the personality driven way. We really strive to promote teamwork with our customers so that no one feels that it has to be our word and no one else’s. We want to provide a quality service that no one thought they would be able to achieve.”

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With all the development in the shale oil and gas industry, there are numerous safety mechanisms and requirements that are in place. They are perhaps the most important piece of this industry. Preventive measures guarantee that the safety concerns are properly addressed from A to Z. For more information on MAC Safety Consultants, Inc., check out their website at or contact them by emailing or calling 724-847-3331.

Shale Media Group (SMG) is a news, information, education and mapping resource dedicated to the shale oil and gas industries by messaging across video, Internet, publications, events and radio. For more, check out ShaleMediaGroup. com to access all platforms, including:, TheUticaShale. com, and Join us on October 16th for the second annual WING Awards at our Elite Energy Event at the Holiday Inn in Monroeville, PA from 5-Midnight. Register or find more details at Kristie Kubovic is the Director of Communications at Shale Media Group. Contact her at

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The Northeast ONG Marketplace


“ADVANCED CONTAINMENT SOLUTIONS”, INLAND TARP & LINER (ITL™) By: Pat Bradley, Business Development Manager, Inland Tarp & Liner, LLC (ITL) Inland Tarp & Liner (ITL™) “Advanced Containment Solutions™ Serving the Marcellus, Utica, Bakken, Rockies, Permian Basin & U.S. Oilfield & Shale Gas Plays Eastern ITL™ Fabrication & Distribution Center • Fostoria, OH (192,000 sq. ft. facility) ITL™ provides service companies and producers with a comprehensive approach, “Advanced Containment Solutions™.” This program encompasses working with E&Ps and their service companies to define well site challenges, applications and solutions in meeting Best Management Practices (BMPs). These multiple liners applications and solutions range from well pad containment to pit liners, impoundments to tanks liners, and from secondary containment liners to containment system products. Supplying U.S. Oilfield & Shale Gas Plays with containment solutions requires ongoing R&D, technology transfer and pro-active service programs to meet the industry’s diverse specifications by regional Plays. Double Scrim CWPE Reinforced Liners . . . “X” Series for double strength Applications: Well Pad Liners (surface and under rig mats) and Secondary Containment Safety: Fabricated one-piece and large panel liners to reduce in-field seam welding and designed with non-skid surface for workers The “X” Series is a 6-layer reinforced Coated Woven Polyethylene (CWPE) liner: • HDPE double scrim or “X” designation, • three layers of LDPE, • laminated geotextile surface layer for non-skid worker safety, • non-geo laminated welding strip, and • 100% recyclable (cradle to grave). This reinforced liner is “stronger and lighter” with extremely high Puncture and Mullen Burst properties (independent test data available upon request). Announcing . . . ITL™ New 2 ft. High Engineered Containment Walls Applications: Frac Tanks, Frac Tank Farms Safety: Fabricated one-piece liners to reduce in-field seam welding and designed with non-skid surface for workers

As another ITL™ Containment Solution, the new 2 ft. high engineered containment wall is now available. This provides E&Ps and Service Companies: • an advanced engineered solution for protecting the environment and stakeholders when an unexpected failure occurs • cost effective system that is reusable for ROI • saves time and costs for setup and dismantling • liner clip saves time and costs for attaching liner to wall Announcing . . . ITL™ New 1 ft. High Engineered Containment Walls Applications: Well Pad Containment, Portable Equipment Containment (duck ponds) As Best Management Practices move forward with installing liner on the entire well pad, this new 1 ft. engineered containment wall is designed and ideal for well pad containment. It also serves as a portable containment for equipment and other liquids. ITL™ Above Ground Storage Tanks, Floating Cover Systems and Secondary Containment Systems . . . ITL™ Resources Options for Producers and Service Companies ITL™ Tank Liners ITL™ offers E&Ps and Service Companies with a cost effective and proven track record option in fabricating one-piece liners and single panel geotextiles for multiple storagetank dimensions. Based on our extensive experience in this area, stepped liners are the most cost effective and 40 or 30 mil LLDPE is the preferred liner of choice. Material selection, primary and secondary liner, will vary based on liquid stored (fresh water vs. frac), tank manufacturer, project duration and leak detection requirements. In addition, ITL™ provides its customers with CAD drawings. This unique resource brings together all parties and precisely documents liner required and billed. Finally, QA/QC procedures are paramount for this application. As in the case of all fabricated liners, ITL™ takes great pride in its rigid plant QA/QC procedures. ITL™ Floating Cover Systems As a companion product for storage tanks, insulated covers are deployed to reduce freezing, evaporation and odors. ITL™ works closely with our customers

October 2014

Page 13 in designing custom fabricated floating cover systems. These systems are custom fabricated and have a projected ROI of 3 to 7 years, depending on the system selected. CAD resources and the same rigid QA/QC procedures apply. Covers are also installed on outside or inside walls of tanks as an insulator.

Floating Covers Systems are also designed and custom fabricated for in-ground ponds and impoundments. ITL™ Secondary Containment Systems Applications: Larger Tanks and Tank Farms Safety: Fabricated one-piece and large panel liners to reduce in-field seam welding and designed with non-skid surface for workers Based on E&Ps Best Management Practices and State Regulations, ITL™ offers turnkey secondary containment systems. Depending on the footprint available, engineered walls are available in 3 ft. and 4 ft. heights. As addressed above, the new ITL 30XGL and its non-slip safety surface is designed for secondary containment. Custom fabricated one-piece liners are fabricated to eliminate field welding and issues of weather and to reduce seam failure. ITL™ Installation Training Programs As part of its technology transfer program, ITL™ works closely with service companies by providing handson programs for installation and welding techniques for field welding larger panels. In meeting with producers, technical data comparisons are presented along with other key considerations such as site prep and subgrade. The following photo illustrates a subgrade prepared to specifications with ITL 40X™ liner installed. The subgrade quality required no geotextile underlayment, saving material and labor costs for installation. Recycling Program Respecting and protecting the environment is more than a slogan at ITL™. ITL™ has recycled its scrap material for years. As an added value service for customers, ITL™ has been very pro-active in identifying recycling programs and resources to both producers and service companies in multiple Plays. Recycling liners and reducing the volume of materials dumped in landfills has evolved as common and shared goal by many producers across the industry. ITL™ Resources and Capabilities ITL™ U.S. capabilities include east and west coast Fabrication & Distribution Centers with over 220,000 sq. ft. of manufacturing space. Annual fabrication capacity is well over 300 million sq. ft. ITL™ has a reputation for its rapid turnaround of custom fabricated liners in just a few days or the same week. Based on the industry’s tight operation

schedules, this rapid turnaround is vital for service companies in responding to producers. ITL™ offers a diverse inventory of containment liners and products to meet specific applications by geographic Plays: • CWPE Single Scrim, Double Scrim & Specialty Liners • LLDPE Liners • HDPE Liners • Geotextiles • Containment Products Please call below number for Material Sample Booklets with Technical Data Sheets. Inland Tarp & Liner (ITL™) will celebrate its 35th anniversary in 2015. Its headquarters is located in Moses Lake, Washington. ITL™ offers West and East Coast Fabrication Centers (220,000 sq. ft.) with annual fabrication capacity of over 300 million sq. ft. For further information and assistance, please call ITL™ • 888.377.5640 • www.

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Page 14

The Northeast ONG Marketplace

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October 2014

Page 15


Custom Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers ASME Code Pressure Vessels Replacement Bundles Midstream NG Replacement Exchangers



2 PEC Basic Orientation - SafeLand USA Washington, PA

13 OSHA 7110: Safe Bolting Morgantown, WV

6 State of the Ohio Shale Play Cleveland, OH

14 PEC Basic Orientation - SafeLand USA St. Clairsville, OH

7 SafeLand Orientation Training Monroeville, PA

14 - 17 OSHA 5810 – Hazards Recognition and Standards for On-Shore Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Pittsburgh, PA

7-8 PUC Gas Safety Seminar State College, PA

Kevin D. O’Connor

Sales/Marketing Manager 210 Reimer Street 724.335.0455 Fax: 724.335.1414 Lower Burrell, PA 15068 Cell: 330.554.8890

8 Marcellus Shale Gas Symposium Allentown, PA


16 SafeLand USA St. Clairsville, OH 16 PEC Basic Orientation - SafeLand USA Washington, PA


Compressed Air and CNG Dryers – Refrig/Regen Jay K. Gault II National Sales Manager 107 W. Main St. Worthington, PA 16262

724.297.3416 Fax: 724.297.5189 Cell: 412.304.9670

Remediation and Field Day Reclamation 17 PEC Basic Orientation - SafeLand USA Montgomery, PA Pittsburgh, PA 9 20 Energy Industry Training Series SPEE Monograph 3 Short Course Washington, PA Charleston, WV 9 21 WV DEP Oil and Gas Workshop Fundamentals of Shale Development Charleston, WV Williamsport, PA Pages/Workshop.aspx

9 Fall Protection User/Rescue Dunbar, PA 724-603-2702

21 PEC SafeLand Basic Orientation Cranberry Twp, PA

10 IADC Rig Pass Safe Land/Safe Gulf Dunbar, PA 724-603-2702

23 SafeLand Orientation Training Bentleyville, PA

11 Medic First Aid/CPR/BBP/AED Dunbar, PA 724-603-2702 11 - 12 Firefighter Workshop Applecreek, OH

23 Medic First Aid/CPR/BBP/AED Dunbar, PA 724-603-2702

Page 16

The Northeast ONG Marketplace


GETTING AHEAD IN THE SHALE OIL AND GAS INDUSTRY By: Kristie Kubovic, Director of Communications, Shale Media Group Edited By: Chris Stroyne, Editor, Shale Media Group In terms of ‘getting ahead’ in any industry, some say it is ‘what you know’ while others believe it is ‘who you know.’ While both of these are important and true, perhaps the biggest advantage might be ‘where you go.’ This is definitely the case in the shale oil and gas industry. In fact the ‘where you go’ often incorporates both the ‘what you know’ and the ‘who you know.’ There are numerous ways to both network and increase your skills (and ultimately get ahead) in the shale oil and gas industry. From conferences, expos and trade shows to training series and organizational networking events, there are various ways to expand your skills and contacts. Some of these events have been established for years, while others are popping up to fulfill a current need in the industry. Here is a look at some of what the industry has to offer. Conferences, Expos and Trade Shows DUG East Conference and Exhibition Hart Energy hosts the Developing Unconventionals: DUG East Conference and Exhibition at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh, PA. DUG East is the biggest shale oil and gas industry conference in the east. The idea behind the Conference is to discuss the technologies and strategies of natural gas and liquids resource development in the Appalachian Basin with a focus on the Marcellus and Utica Shale plays. Attendees have the opportunity to hear speakers ranging from presidents and CEOs of major shale oil and gas companies to government leaders. The luncheon keynote speakers in previous years have included President George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States, and Leon Panetta, 23rd Secretary of Defense and former CIA Director. In addition, the Exhibition typically hosts over 300 exhibitors for networking and deal-making. “We’re very happy with the turnout. We come back to Pittsburgh each time because this is where most of the companies are based. The city of Pittsburgh has been very good to us. We have been covering the shale plays for ten years. It is very exciting to see how big the Marcellus has become, and how big the Utica is going to be,” expressed Leslie Haines, Editor-in-Chief, Oil and Gas Investor, Hart Energy, at the 2014 event. The last DUG East, which was the sixth for the event, was held from June 3-5, 2014. The next DUG East will be held from June 23-25, 2015 again at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh. NAPE East Business Conference and Expo The North American Prospect Expo (NAPE) East Business Conference and Expo is also held at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh, PA. This was the second year for NAPE East. The first NAPE Expo was held in 1993 in Houston. Since then, the expo has expanded and now NAPE hosts five expos each year: three in Houston and one in Pittsburgh and Denver.

With the development of the Marcellus and Utica Shale plays, Pittsburgh is at the center of the rapidly expanding shale oil and gas market and has quickly become the Energy Capitol of the East. The creation and growth of conferences like NAPE East displays the effect of the shale oil and gas industry and are a win-win for the city of Pittsburgh and the industry. NAPE East kicks off with the Business Conference and then is followed by two days of the Expo. The conference features shale oil and gas executives and experts with discussions ranging from the operating environment of the Appalachian Basin to political and regulatory issues facing operators. At the 2014 Business Conference, Stephen Flaherty, Director, State and Local Government Affairs, Halliburton, and NAPE East Speaker, expressed, “It is important for the industry to get out and educate. Government affairs are not always highlighted. This conference, through NAPE and the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA), does a great job of discussing public affairs for the workforce and public.” The Expo focuses on the exploration and production (E&P) portion of the shale oil and gas industry and provides a marketplace for the buying, selling and trading of oil and gas prospects and producing properties. The idea behind NAPE is to bring prospects and producing properties from the U.S. and around the world, capital formation, services and technologies all together in one location, creating an environment to establish strategic alliances for doing business and initiating purchases and trades. The last NAPE East Business Conference and Expo was held from April 9-11, 2014. The next NAPE East is once again scheduled for April 15-17, 2015 at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh. Shale Insight Shale Insight is hosted by the Marcellus Shale Coalition, “an organization committed to the responsible development of natural gas from the Marcellus and Utica Shale geological formations, and the enhancement of the nation’s economy that can be realized by this clean-burning energy source.” Shale Insight gives attendees a front-row seat for important discussions on shale development and features prominent industry and government leaders. The event features a pre-conference, workshops, insight sessions, keynote addresses and the exhibit hall. The 2014 event featured: the Honorable Tom Ridge, 43rd Governor of Pennsylvania and First Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the Honorable Tom Corbett, 46th Governor of Pennsylvania, and Sean Hannity, nationally syndicated talk show host and Fox News host. This year’s September 23-25 event was the fourth year for the conference and the first time it was held at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh. The first three shows were held in Philadelphia. Next year’s event will return to the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia on September 16-17, 2015.

October 2014 Tri-State Alternative Fueling Expo and Conference The inaugural Tri-State Alternative Fueling Expo and Conference was held February 18-20, 2014 at the Monroeville Convention Center in Monroeville, PA. The mission behind the event is to promote the use of alternative energy sources in an effort to revolutionize the transportation industry with the hopes of boosting the local and national economies and protecting the environment. At the 2014 expo, over 100 vendors showcased items ranging from new technology and alternative fuel trucks and buses to a transportable compressed natural gas (CNG) fueling station and propane dispensing stations. In addition, the Honorable Samuel Smith, Speaker, Pennsylvania House of Representatives, gave the Keynote Address at the 2014 conference. “The Marcellus region is arguably the second largest gas supply and maybe even the second largest energy source on the planet right now. There are a lot of opportunities to take advantage of this resource that we have. We’ve had a lot of industry trade shows and events in the past few years that focus on drilling and Marcellus opportunities, but very little have focused on alternative fueling and the infrastructure for fueling those vehicles. Our transport sector has largely been ignored in this recent boom. It is our belief that this will be the sustainable business that is here when the drilling rigs go home, so we’re focused on creating a new market in the industry to take advantage of it,” relayed Bob Beatty, Advisory Board Chairman, Tri-State Alternative Fueling Expo & Conference, and President, “O”Ring CNG Fuel Systems, at the 2014 Expo. The next Tri-State Alternative Fueling Expo and Conference will be hosted February 24-26, 2015 at the Monroeville Convention Center in Monroeville, PA. Appalachian Region Shale Energy Conference and Golf Invitational The Nemacolin Energy Institute brings industry leaders and politicians together for their Appalachian Region Shale Energy Conference and Golf Invitational at Nemacolin Woodlands Resort. The Institute’s mission is ‘to help public and private sector leaders understand the facts about all energy sources in moving America towards energy independence and to foster local, regional and national energy planning decisions based on facts and not misunderstanding.’ This year’s May 12-13, 2014 Conference was the fifth for the event and focused on how national security and energy are connected. The Honorable Tom Ridge, President and CEO of Ridge Global, Former Governor of Pennsylvania and First Secretary of U.S. Homeland Security, was the 2014 luncheon keynote speaker and has also spoken at this Conference in the past. Ridge noted in 2014 that the shale oil and gas industry could help the U.S. economy, the environment and friends around the world, but advised that energy must be secure. Unlike other conferences, attendees have the opportunity to participate in a golf tournament at the famed Mystic Rock Golf Course, designed by the legendary Pete Dye, or shoot sporting clays at the Nemacolin Field Club, one of the nation’s top sporting clay facilities. Next year’s Appalachian Region Shale Energy Conference and Golf Invitational is slated for May 11-12, 2015. Networking Crew Changes Young Professional in Energy (YPE) Pittsburgh hosts two Crew Changes (social networking events) per month. They typically are the first and third Wednesday of every month and are held either in Pittsburgh, PA or the surrounding area. YPE’s name is a bit deceiving. The organization welcomes members of all ages and is for anyone involved in the all-encompassing energy industry. YPE’s mission is

Page 17 to provide a forum for knowledge sharing and camaraderie among future leaders of the energy industry, while their Crew Changes aim to bring those in the energy industry together in a relaxed after-hours atmosphere. “YPE Pittsburgh is in its fifth year. The organization is built on the goal of creating community in the Greater Pittsburgh Area Energy Sector. To create the community among all of these people and businesses YPE Pittsburgh hosts 32 events a year that range from large round-table discussions to training events to our Crew Changes,” explained Josh Hickman, Chairman and Founder, YPE Pittsburgh. October’s Crew Changes will fall on the 1st at the Pittsburgh Bottle Shop in Bridgeville, PA and on the 22nd at Verve 360 in Pittsburgh, PA. More information could be found at Elite Energy Events Elite Energy Events (E3) are hosted by Shale Media Group (SMG) and are held once a month typically on the third or final Thursday of the month. Messaging across video, Internet, publications, events and radio, SMG is a news, information, education and mapping resource dedicated to the shale oil and gas industry. “The purpose of this event was originally to bring people together from across the energy spectrum in a fun, networking setting, while delivering great food and serious energy education. It has been a wonderful way to give those who are interested in the shale oil and gas industry an outlet to network and enjoy great food along with educational opportunities in the process. Our system is designed to make energy education fun. We take pride in American energy security,” relayed Tejas Gosai, CEO, Shale Media Group. Elite Energy Events typically take place in Bentleyville, PA or Monroeville, PA. The next E3 will be a special event, where a distinguished group of women in the energy industry will be honored through the annual Women in Natural Gas (WING) Awards. The ceremony will be held on October 16 at the Holiday Inn in Monroeville, PA in conjecture with SMG’s E3. Training EITS To keep up with the rapidly growing and changing shale oil and gas industry, Armstrong Search Associates and YPE Pittsburgh teamed up to create a 12-part educational series titled Energy Industry Training Series (EITS) about the Marcellus and Utica Shale play and key issues associated with it. The idea behind the series is to arm participants with a foundational understanding, highlight cutting edge information and provide exposure to skills necessary to thrive in the industry. The seminars began in June 2013 and will continue every two months through April 2015; they will explore topics ranging from Economics and Investing, Leadership, Permitting, Technology, Professionalism, The Lease and Public Relations to Due Diligence, Profound Impact, Landowner Rights and The Rig. Each event is worth 5.5 Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Credits and recertification credits for attorneys as well as 5.5 AAPL Recertification Credits for CPL/RPL/RL Designations, which apply to geologists and engineers. Ray Schmaus, President, Armstrong Search Associates, explained, “The education series is important because a lot of people have been in the business for 30 years. However, there is a gap. Now there are a lot of people in the field with limited experience. This series is a way to bridge that gap and give back to the community. By partnering with YPE, this event is a way to educate.” Article continued on page 18

Page 18 The seminars are conducted at the DoubleTree Meadowlands in Washington, PA. The next one will be held on October 9, 2014. For more information, visit http:// or contact Tom Schmaus at 724-882-1988.

The Northeast ONG Marketplace


SafeLandUSA In the shale oil and gas industry, operators often share a common contractor workforce. For years these contractors were required to complete separate but similar safety orientations for each operator, which resulted in wasting both time and resources. A group of operators united to develop a standard safety orientation, SafeLandUSA (SLUSA) Orientation, which would be accepted by all of them to set high minimum requirements with a goal of reducing the number of preventable incidents in the shale oil and gas industry to zero accidents. The SafeLandUSA Orientation is a single day training course that lasts around eight hours. The training covers a vast array of topics. If a student passes the SafeLandUSA Orientation Training, they will get a permanent ID sent to them. Once they receive the ID, no recertification is necessary as the orientation remains with the employee throughout his/her career. Suzanne Hyde, Owner and Trainer, SuzHyde Safety & Training LLC, teaches SafeLandUSA Orientation and explained, “Anyone who is new to the workforce or works for a contract service provider should take the course. It’s difficult to know the level of safety training a new employee has had. SafeLand is a way to ensure that they have had at least the minimum requirements. Contract service providers have a large turnover rate, so this is a way for large operators to ensure that contractors are making sure their employees are safety trained.” This consistent environmental health and safety orientation is recognized by the industry and widely accepted. The popularity of SafeLandUSA continues to grow each year, which helps achieve the common goal of keeping shale oil and gas sites and workers safe. Shale Markets, LLC offers SafeLand Orientation Training in Monroeville, PA and Bentleyville, PA. The next training sessions will be held October 7 and 23. For more information, email Ray Pader at Other Options Every location that is affected by the shale oil and gas industry has its own events to attend, whether they’re more educational, more social or a combination. There are numerous ways to network and increase your skills. From conferences, expos and trade shows to training series and organizational networking events, there are various ways to expand your skills and contacts. Some of the conferences and associations are more conventional while others have grown and adapted to fulfil specific needs. If you’re looking for something in particular, with a little searching, you will likely find something to suit your needs in your region.

Shale Media Group (SMG) is a news, information, education and mapping resource dedicated to the shale oil and gas industries by messaging across video, Internet, publications, events and radio. For more, check out ShaleMediaGroup. com to access all platforms, including:, TheUticaShale. com, and Join us on October 16th for the second annual WING Awards at our Elite Energy Event at the Holiday Inn in Monroeville, PA from 5-8pm. Register or find more details at ShaleMediaGroup. com. Kristie Kubovic is the Director of Communications at Shale Media Group. Contact her at

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October 2014

Page 19



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Page 20

The Northeast ONG Marketplace


CHEAPER, FASTER, SAFER:FOAM TRENCH BREAKERS ARE SUPERIOR ALTERNATIVE TO SANDBAGS By: Ricki and Pat Edwardson, Owners, Foundation SupportWorks of West Virginia A vitally important consideration in the construction of any buried pipeline is water management or erosion control. Essentially, this entails managing the movement of water and the suspended sediment after it has permeated through the porous backfill that covers the pipeline. This consideration becomes even more critical as the pipeline passes up and down mountains. The traditional method used to address pipeline erosion is to place sandbag barriers or trench breakers at specific intervals in the trench to slow the water movement, allowing the suspended sediment to settle. This practice involves filling sandbags with approximately 40 pounds of sand and placing them in the trench one sandbag wide to form a dam. The sandbags are arranged around the pipe and continue up the trench to within approximately one foot of the surrounding grade. Approximately six sandbags are needed to cover one cubic foot of the trench cross section. A trench that is 7 feet deep and 4 feet wide has 24 cubic feet of trench cross A worker quickly and safely installs foam trench breakers in a narrow pipeline trench without having to section (bags continue up to one foot of the top) enter the trench. and would require 144 sandbags, minus the area occupied by the pipeline itself. (Everyone has seen video footage of a large group filling and placing sandbags to hold back rising waters from a flood, so you have an idea of how labor intensive and time consuming this process can be.) A newer method employed to manage trench erosion is through the installation of Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF) trench breakers. This method involves utilizing specialized mobile equipment to combine a polyurethane resin and Isocyanate at a specific temperature and pressure. This process is done onsite and the liquid mixture is sprayed in the trench and around the pipeline. Within seconds the material begins to expand, filling the trench and adhering to both the pipeline and the trench walls with a rigid, waterproof foam. A trench that is 6 feet deep and 4 feet wide can be completed in a few minutes with a trench breaker that weighs only about 50 pounds. SPF can also be used to spray a thin, two-inch layer over the entire pipeline as a guard to protect the pipeline from rocks or other debris in the backfill soil that can damage the pipeline or its protective covering. Both sandbag and SPF trench breakers will reduce erosion within the backfilled trench, but SPF trench breakers have many advantages that can’t be matched by sandbags: • Efficiency: The standard install time for a single SPF trench breaker is generally less than 10 minutes and 40 to 80 can be placed in a typical day with just two

workers. Filling and placing sandbags is five to ten times slower and requires many more workers to complete the process. By using SPF trench breakers, backfilling operations become much more efficient and productive as the trench can be backfilled 15-30 minutes after the install, keeping the pipeline project on schedule. Backfilling operations are often slowed by sandbag installation but typically can’t keep up with SPF trench breaker installation. • Longevity: SPF is inert and will maintain its shape and size indefinitely beneath the soil. In addition, SPF trench breakers are completely waterproof so water can never penetrate the material. Sandbag trench breakers are not waterproof and will take on moisture and in many climates will be impacted by the freeze-thaw cycle that can shorten Up to 80 foam trench breakers can be their functional life span. installed on a typical day with a two-person • Safety: In virtually all applications, SPF trench breaker installers can fully complete their trench breakers from outside the trench. Sandbag trench breaker installers will require one or more installers in the trench to place the sandbags effectively. This becomes a major safety issue, especially in deep, narrow trenches. In narrow trenches, it becomes nearly impossible to carefully place and stack sandbags for maximum effectiveness because workers have to drop sandbags into place because of safety concerns.

crew. Backfilling operations typically cannot keep up with a crew installing foam trench breakers, while those same operations often have to wait during labor-intensive sandbag trench breaker installation.

• Performance: SPF material is sprayed into the trench in liquid form so it can easily migrate under and around the pipeline and expand to fill all voids. In addition, the material is fully waterproof and will conform to any shape and adhere to the pipeline and trench walls, fully stopping water flow. Sandbags cannot fully conform to any shape, which prevents the The old way of trench breaker installation trench from being fully protected, – using sandbags – is costly, labor-intensive particularly under the pipeline, where and slow. water erosion control is most critical.

October 2014

Page 21

• Cost: The depth and width of a trench greatly impacts the price of either option, but generally speaking, the cost per trench breaker is comparable -- at first glance. However, the efficiency and longevity of the SPF trench breaker makes it a much more attractive and cost-effective option. Considering all pertinent factors – including cost of materials, labor, longevity of the trench breakers and backfill efficiency – foam trench breakers overall can cost as little as one-third that of sandbag trench breakers.

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In summary, SPF trench breakers are a superior erosion control method over sandbags in pipeline trenches. SPF trench breaker installation is much less laborintensive and poses significantly less chance of employee injury because the SPF installers seldom need to enter the trench. Additionally, the speed of installation and the fast cure time allows for more efficient pipeline construction with significant time and cost savings. Finally, SPF trench breakers conform to any shape and adhere to both the pipeline and the trench walls, providing water containment and erosion control far superior to sandbags.

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Facing ever-changing and more stringent state and federal regulations addressing pipeline safety and environmental issues such as erosion, pipeline companies can “stay ahead of the curve” with foam trench breakers and rock guards, while also saving money and greatly improving efficiency. More information about foam trench breakers and rock guards can be found at the company’s website, Feel free to call Foundation SupportWorks at 304-622-0048 for more information.

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Page 22

The Northeast ONG Marketplace





Energy Expo

Pennsylvania Energy Management Conference

Clintwood, VA |

Harrisburg, PA |

14 Utica Summit 2014 North Canton, OH |


14-15 Natural Gas Utilization Conference

Great Lakes Oil and Gas Environmental Conference

Canonsburg, PA |

Ann Arbor, MI |


15-17 VA Governor’s Energy Conference

Eastern Unconventional Oil and Gas Symposium

Richmond, VA |

Lexington, KY |



WING Awards

Midstream PA 2014

Monroeville, PA |

State College, PA |

16-17 Pittsburgh, PA |




SPE Regional Meeting

2014 Oilfield Expo

Charleston, WV |

Cleveland, OH |

Platt’s 7th Appalachian Oil & Gas

27-30 5th World Shale Oil & Gas Summit & Exhibition Dallas, TX |

28-30 Oil & Gas Pipeline Conference and Expo Houston, TX |

JANUARY 27-29 Marcellus-Utica Midstream Pittsburgh, PA |

28-29 Produced Water Reuse Initiative Denver, CO |

29-30 Liquid Rich Horizontal Completions Optimization Columbus, OH |

Denotes National Event

Visit our website for links to these events


October 2014

Page 23





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Page 24

The Northeast ONG Marketplace


2013-2015 CHANGES TO NCCI’S PRIMARY-EXCESS SPLIT POINT By: Joey Shriver, Chancellor Insurance and Zywave, Inc

As a contractor in the oil and gas industry, changes to your experience mod can effect your “grade” with ISNetworld® and could be the difference in obtaining any contract work. The impact of an experience mod over a specifed number, typically 1.00, is the inablitiy to bid on jobs. This article will attempt to provide a technical explanation as to why your experience mod may change. In 2011, the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) proposed a change to the experience rating plan to increase the primary-excess split point over a three-year transition period. The first stage of the transition took effect with each state’s approved rate and loss cost filing on or after Jan. 1, 2013. This change has also been adopted by several states which utilize independent bureaus. Understanding the Primary-Excess Split In the experience rating process, each loss is divided into a primary and excess portion. In most states in 2014, the first $13,500 of every loss will be allocated as a primary loss, with everything over and above considered an excess loss. For example, a $9,000 loss has no excess value. On the other hand, a loss of $25,000 will have $13,500 in primary losses and $11,500 in excess losses. Primary losses are used as an indicator of frequency, and are used in full in the mod calculation. Conversely, excess losses receive partial weight in the mod calculation. This means that primary losses affect the mod more than excess losses do. The rationale behind assessing primary and excess loss amounts is that “severity follows frequency,” or in other words, an organization that displays a continual pattern of loss has an increased chance of a severe loss in the future. Thus, a company with a large number of primary losses will have a higher mod than a company with the same amount of losses split between primary and excess. Changes to the Split Point In July 2011, NCCI announced a proposal to raise the split point from $5,000 to $15,000 over a three-year period to better correlate with claim inflation. The process of transitioning to the new split point began in 2013, with an increase in the split point from $5,000 to $10,000. In 2014, most states are increasing the split point to $13,500. In 2015, the split point will increase to $15,000 plus an adjustment for claim inflation, for “If you’re not prepared, an anticipated total of $17,000 or an NCCI increase of 17,500. The split point will continue to be adjusted for claims inflation in the primary - excess 2016 and beyond.

split point could raise your primary losses and negatively influence your mod.”

These changes directly affect the 34 states and the District of Columbia currently using the NCCI’s rating system. The independent rating bureaus of Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, North Carolina and Wisconsin have also adopted the change, and other independent bureaus (Massachusetts and Texas) may re-evaluate their split points as well. The rating methods used by California, Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania differ widely from NCCI’s approach, so similar changes in those states are not anticipated.

How Does This Affect My Organization? In general, the split point increase tends to cause debit mods (those over 1.00) to gain points and credit mods (those under 1.00) to decrease in points. Employers who already have a fairly significant debit mod are most vulnerable to further increases. However, the exact impact on your mod depends on a number of factors. In 2013, approximately 75% of all mods stayed the same or decreased while the remaining 25% increased. In subsequent years, the effects of the split point change will be less dramatic. In all years of the change, employers may see their minimum mod, or loss-free rating, decrease. It’s important to remember that NCCI’s goal is to have the industry-wide average modification factor be 1.00. Along with the split point change each year, NCCI adjusts other factors affecting the formula so that the average mod across all employers does not change. Another minor change which accompanied the 2013 split point change was an adjustment to the maximum debit mod formula which caps debit mods based on state and employer size. NCCI reports that the cap applies to only 2% of employers. As a result of this change, small risks who reach the cap may have seen their mod increase while larger risks may have seen their capped mod decrease. Preparing for Change Although no one knows exactly what a future mod will be until all payroll, losses and rating values are available, we can work with you to project how your organization’s mod—and premium—may be affected by these rule changes. Monitoring the impact of the split point increase is especially important for companies that are required to maintain a certain mod in order to bid on jobs or contracts. It is essential to address and control losses and become familiar with your loss profile so your organization can be proactive about these and any other changes. Effective Dates of New Split Points The following states use NCCI or very similar rating methodology and therefore have approved—or still may approve—the split point change to $10,000. The date shown is when the $13,500 split point is expected to take effect, unless otherwise noted. • Alabama – March 1, 2014 • Alaska5 – Jan. 1, 2014 • Arizona – Jan. 1, 2014 • Arkansas – July 1, 2014 • Colorado – Jan. 1, 2014 • Connecticut – Jan. 1, 2014 • District of Columbia – Nov. 1, 2014 • Florida – Jan. 1, 2014 • Georgia4 – March 1, 2014 • Hawaii – Jan. 1, 2014 • Idaho – Jan. 1, 2014 • Illinois – Jan. 1, 2014 • Indiana1 – Jan. 1, 2014 • Iowa – Jan. 1, 2014 • Kansas – Jan. 1, 2014 • Kentucky – Oct. 1, 2014 • Louisiana4 – May 1, 2014 • Maine – Apr. 1, 2014 • Maryland – Jan. 1, 2014 • Massachusetts1 – No decision announced

October 2014

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• Michigan2 – Jan. 1, 2014 • Minnesota2 – Jan. 1, 2014 • Mississippi – March 1, 2014 • Missouri6 – Jan. 1, 2014 • Montana – July 1, 2014 • Nebraska – Feb. 1, 2014 • Nevada – March 1, 2014 • New Hampshire – Jan.1, 2014 • New Mexico – Jan. 1, 2014 • New York2 – Oct. 1, 20133 • North Carolina1 – Apr. 1, 2014 • Oklahoma – Jan. 1, 2014 • Oregon – Jan.1, 2014 • Rhode Island – Aug. 1, 2014 (estimated) • South Carolina – Sep. 1, 2014 • South Dakota – July 1, 2014 • Tennessee – March 1, 2014 • Texas2 – No decision announced • Utah – Dec. 1, 2014 • Vermont – Apr. 1, 2014 • Virginia – Apr. 1, 2014 • West Virginia – Nov. 1, 2014 • Wisconsin2 – Oct. 1, 2014

In Missouri, the split point increase is being staged over 4 years instead of 3. The 2013 split point is $7,500; 2014 is $10,000; 2015 is $13,500 6

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Footnotes: State has independent bureau but interstate-rates under NCCI rules 2 State has independent bureau 3 The NY 2013 split point is 10,000; subsequent split point changes are anticipated but to be determined. 4 GA and LA implemented the ERA (experience rating adjustment) of medicalonly losses in 2013. 5 Alaska implemented the ERA (experience rating adjustment) of medical-only losses and adopted the NCCI maximum debit mod formula on Jan. 1, 2013. 1








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The Northeast ONG Marketplace


GROWING CNG REFUELING OPTIONS By: Judy Marody, Staff Writer, Shale Media Group Contribution By: Kristie Kubovic, Director of Communications, Shale Media Group Edited By: Mindy Gattner, Editor, Shale Media Group In a U.S. economy that still hasn’t completely recovered from the 2007–2009 recession, one of the few bright spots is a boom in the production of natural gas. Total domestic gas production jumped 34% from 2005 to 2012, while the estimated gas reserves have increased 50% in five years. With rapid production of shale gas in the U.S., natural gas prices in the country are at an all-time low. With today’s price differential between abundant natural gas and diesel and gasoline greater than ever, the interest in natural gas vehicles by policymakers, fleet owners and even consumers is growing at a record pace. Natural gas as a vehicle fuel presents numerous, inherent benefits. It displaces foreign oil, which has been a stated priority for every U.S. president since the Arab oil embargo in the early 1970s. It produces fewer greenhouse gases than gasoline or diesel fuel and it helps reduce urban pollution. Some people find these public policy benefits compelling enough to make the switch to natural gas vehicles (NGVs). However, for the majority of fleet owners and most consumers, it is all about economics.

Consumers now have access to maps, pinpointing the location of CNG refueling stations nationwide. There are even price comparison maps, showing how much the consumer could expect to pay for CNG regionally: In Pennsylvania, there are 34 CNG refueling stations. Three are located in Pittsburgh, while the others are in: Ambridge, (Image from: Barkeyville, Berwyn, Bristol, map.php) Brookville, Clarion, Coatesville, Concordville, Coolspring, Crafton, Cranberry Township, Eddystone, Fairless Hills, Freeport, King of Prussia, Lancaster, Lester, Lock Haven, New Holland, North Towanda, Philadelphia, Phoenixville, Plymouth Meeting, Punxsutawney, Rimersburg, Sayre, Shippenville, South Whitehall, State College, Washington and Williamsport.

The biggest barrier to more rapid growth in NGV usage is fueling infrastructure. There are about 170,000 gasoline stations around the country. While 42 percent of these stations disperse diesel fuel, less than one percent (a little over 700) offer compressed natural gas (CNG) refueling options. Due of the limited fueling station availability, NGVs are not seeing the utilization that could be occurring. Referring back to an old adage: Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Who will drive NGVs while fueling stations are limited? Also, who will build CNG refueling stations while such a limited consumer base is driving NGVs? Energy from U.S. 1, L.P. is a group building a CNG refueling station in Bentleyville, PA off of I-70. According to an Energy from U.S. 1 representative, “There simply aren’t enough CNG stations. This is the classic chicken and egg scenario. People are a little hesitant to buy CNG vehicles due to the limited refueling options. In addition, many investors are hesitant to build the refueling stations due to the limited number of CNG vehicles on the road. Energy from U.S. 1 believes this is a risk worth taking. This station is the chicken that will give the eggs and facilitate this country’s move toward energy security.” After the Bentleyville station is built, the group plans to build addition CNG and propane refueling stations. Ultimately, CNG fueled NGV sales and CNG refueling stations have to grow side by side, at the same time. Currently, the U.S. is beginning to see progress in this regard. There is a growing selection of NGVs from original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) as well as small-volume manufacturers (SVMs) of Light Duty Vehicles(LDVs), Medium Duty Vehicles (MDVs) and Heavy Duty Vehicles (HDVs). The U.S. is also beginning to see a rise in the number of publicly accessible CNG refueling stations. At this point with a little planning, it is possible to drive completely across the U.S. in a NGV.

(Image from:

(Images from:

In West Virginia, there are three CNG refueling stations, located in Bridgeport, Charleston and Jane Lew. In Ohio, there are 27 CNG refueling stations. Six of those could be found near Columbus. The other locations include: Akron, Brook Park, Caldwell, Canton, Cleveland, Coshocton, Dayton, Findlay, Girard, Kenton, Lewisville, Millersburg,

October 2014 Mount Vernon, New Concord, Newark, Orrville, Orwell, Upper Sandusky, Wooster and Zanesville. In New York, there are 47 CNG refueling stations, which are especially plentiful in and near New York City. Brooklyn has four stations, while Albany has three. Binghamton, Flushing, Hauppauge, New York, Rotterdam and Syracuse all have two. In addition, Brentwood, Bronx, Buffalo, Commack, Eastview, Hewlett, Hicksville, Jamaica, Kings Park, Lancaster, New Paltz, Niagara Falls, North Syracuse, Poughkeepsie, Queens, Riverhead, Rush, Rye, Seldon, Sheridan, Staten Island, Syosset, Utica, Valhalla, West Seneca, Westfield, Westhampton Beach and Yaphank each have one. One of the latest additions to this list of growing public CNG stations is Beemac Trucking and their Bee Green CNG Fueling Station in Ambridge, PA. Beemac Trucking (Image from: is a long-haul, steel hauling, flatbed stations/Pages/information.aspx) carrier and logistics company that provides services to customers throughout North America. On Thursday, September 25th, Beemac celebrated the grand opening of their CNG station, which is open to the public. The station is the sixth in the Pittsburgh area and the first for Beaver County, PA. Beemac decided to embark in their CNG Green Project for several reasons. Dave Dudo, Senior Vice President of Operations, Beemac, says, “Cleaner burning engines means less pollutants and cleaner air for the community. Plus CNG costs $1.99/ GGE (gas gallon equivalent), which is significantly cheaper than diesel or gasoline.” Gas is currently running around $3.50/gallon, while diesel fuel is sitting near the $4.00/gallon mark. The equivalent for CNG costs about half the price.

Page 27 The utilization of CNG also promotes the reduction of petroleum-based oil. The U.S. runs on petroleum. About two-thirds of all petroleum that the U.S. uses goes to gasoline and diesel fuel. Much of this is imported, whereas close to 90% of natural gas comes from North America. “We are proud to do our part to help this nation move one step closer to foreign oil independency,” expressed Dudo. Today, everything is aligned for America’s NGV industry. With the help of groups, like Energy from U.S. 1, L.P., and companies, like Beemac Trucking, the NGV industry will continue to grow. Now the nation has the natural gas supply, the vehicles and the economics, and it is well on its way to having the fueling structure. Sources: • • • • •

Shale Media Group (SMG) is a news, information, education and mapping resource dedicated to the shale oil and gas industries by messaging across video, Internet, publications, events and radio. For more, check out to access all platforms, including:,, and Join us on October 16th for the second annual WING Awards at our Elite Energy Event at the Holiday Inn in Monroeville, PA from 5pm-12am. Register or find more details at ShaleMediaGroup. com. Judy Marody is a Staff Writer at Shale Media Group. Contact her at judith@ Kristie Kubovic is the Director of Communications at Shale Media Group. Contact her at

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The Northeast ONG Marketplace

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