1 minute read


Author: Laura Lackersteen

Laura Lackersteen from Optimim Birth Illawarra explains the philosophy behind HypnoBirthing® and how this gentle technique can positively influence your birthing experience.


What is HypnoBirthing?

HypnoBirthing is a proven and comprehensive childbirth education programme. During the course, expecting parents are introduced to a variety of practices which help you to follow your natural birthing instincts. These include specialised techniques in deep relaxation, self-hypnosis and the use of breath, as well as visualisation and the effectiveness of affirmations.

HypnoBirthing consists of five interactive classes that are designed to educate and empower you to navigate and embrace your own birthing experience, no matter what path that takes. Birth is, after all, a very natural process and not something to be feared.

What lead you to HypnoBirthing?

I came across HypnoBirthing during my first pregnancy. I was thrilled to discover we were having a baby and about to become a little family. However, I had a terrifying fear of needles. I was looking for something, anything, that would help me to birth without an epidural.

A colleague of mine was pregnant at the same time as I was and told me she was doing the HypnoBirthing course. I thought it sounded like something for “hippies” and was sceptical about the idea. I was so desperate to avoid an epidural though, I was willing to try anything.

By the end of the first session, I was convinced I had found the answer. The course proved to be evidence-based, which resonated with me immediately. I just knew I was going to have a natural birth—medication and needle-free! The birth of my son, Henley, turned out to be one of the most incredible, empowering and positive experiences of my life. I achieved the birth I had hoped for and gained skills for life.

What are the benefits

The HypnoBirthing course is now more than 25 years old. Studies show mothers who practise HypnoBirthing techniques have:

• Less fear approaching their birth,

• Shorter first and second phases of labour,

• Fewer interventions and surgical births,

• A lessened or eliminated need for analgesia, &

• Fewer cases of post-partum depression.

Why is the course five weeks and not a weekend course?

The course is designed to be taught over five weekly sessions not only to give parents time to process and retain the information they are being given, but more importantly time to practise.

All good skills require preparation and HypnoBirthing is no different. The longer course format prevents information overload, and allows you time to process and retain the information that you are learning and consider your birth wishes.

I want you to achieve the best possible birth experience!

Contact Laura at Optimum Birth Illawarra to discover if HypnoBirthing is right for you and your family.

For more information, visit: www.optimumbirthillawarra.com.au

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