DL Apr-May 2016

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Desi Lifestyle 2016



Desi Lifestyle 2016


Central California is

Bulldog Country! Listen to complete coverage of all Fresno State Sports on 50,000 Watt



Desi Lifestyle 2016


Bouncing Back From a Baby






Gadgets & Gears








Henry Perea - Fresno County Supervisor

H.O.W - Helping One Woman at a Time

Cadillac CTS

Desi Lifestyle 2016







AMAR SINGH - KL Police Chief

A Wonderful Night of Fashion and Entertainment


quhwfI ishq leI hldI dy 10 Pwiedy

Woman’s Day 2016

Highway 5 - Movie Review


Blushing Bride



Desi Lifestyle 2016


From the editor Let’s make a resolution that whatever we will do, will do properly How many of us who take some time off to evaluate the causes our success or failure. Behind success there is always a good planning, lot of homework and right ways to implement the plan, same way behind failure there are many mistakes that one has done knowingly or unknowingly. It is said that we learn from our experience and it is right to some extent, it is one aspect. Do we have enough time and resources to take such kind of experiences? The answer is no. Neither we have time nor money to waste. So what is the solution? The solution lies in quotation “Learn from the mistakes of others… you can’t live long enough to make them all yourselves!!” We must learn from the mistakes of others and need not to repeat on us. But how? The answer is to take advice of experts before you start anything, start a company or to take your company to the next level. You have to have a proper knowledge, pros and cons, and a plan. All this could take some extra time and money but believe me it will save you more money in the long run and contribute to make you a success. So let’s make a resolution that whatever we will do, will do properly. Have a good time, work hard/smart and enjoy to the fullest……. Raman Dhillon

Ismelda Del Toro

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e: info@desimaxx.com

Publisher: Desi Maxx Media Group LLC. Photography: Swank Studios Accounting Advisor: Manjeet Singh Translations: Tirath Khabra | Deepinder Singh Distribution Co-ordinator: Jessi Dhillon Office Assistant: Ravinder Singh Contributing Writers: Anuraag J. Singh Arjan Singh Josan Balraj Sidhu Gyan Shanker Jag Dhatt 6

Desi Lifestyle 2016

AwE AsIN pRx krIey ik AsIN jo vI kMm krWgy TIk qrIky nwl Aqy is`^ ky krWgy[ swfy iv`coN ikMny ku hoxgy jo AwpxI s&lqw jW As&lqw dy kwrnW dI GoK jW ivcwr krdy hoxgy? iksy kMm dI s&lqw dy kwrnw iv`c, ies ip`Cy kIqI geI vDIAw pLYing, mu`Flw kMm, soc ivcwr Aqy bwAd iv`c ies plYinMg nUM suc`jy FMg nwl lwgU krnw huMdw hY[ iesy qrHW As&lqw dw kwrn ies dy ip`Cy jwxy-Axjwxy iv`c kIqIAW glqIAW huMdIAW hn[Awm qOr qy ieh ikhw jWdw hY ik mnu`K qzrby nwl hI is^dw hY, ieh g`l iksy h`d q`k TIk hY pr ieh ies dw ie`k pihlU hY[ kI swfy kol AYnW smW jW Dn hY ik AsIN qzrby kr-kr is`^Iey? jvwb hY nWh[ swfy kol brbwd krn leI smW jW Dn nhIN hY[ iPr ies g`l dw h`l kI hY? h`l hY is`Dw-is`Dw, “dUijAW dIAW glqIAW qoN is`Ko…..quhwfI aumr AYnI lMbI nhIN ik qusIN auh swrIAW glqIAW Awp krooN”

ibnW S`k swnUM dUijAW dIAW glqIAW qoN is`^xw pvygw Aqy cMgw hovygw ik AsIN ieh glqIAW duhrweIey nw[ pr is`^Iey ikvyN? ies g`l dw jvwb ieh hY ik koeI vI kMm SurU krn qoN pihlW swnUM mwihr lokW dI slwh kY lYxI cwhIdI hY[ cwhy AsIN AwpxI kMpnI ^olxI hovy jW iPr c`l rhI kMpnI nUM Agly p`Dr q`k lY ky jwxw hovy, quhwnMU ik`qy dy aus p`Dr dI v`D qoN v`D jwxkwrI hoxw bhuq jrUrI hY, ies dy cMgy mwVy pRBwv Aqy sB qoN v`D mh`qvpUrn g`l ik ie`k pLYn hoxw bhuq lwzmI hY[ieh sB kMmW leI ijAwdw smW jW pYsw zrUr l`g skdw hY pRMqU A`gy jw ky quhwnMU ies dw bhuq &wiedw hovygw Aqy ieh sB kuJ quhwfI s&lqw iv`c vI shweI hovygw[AwE AsIN pRx krIey ik AsIN jo vI kMm krWgy TIk qrIky nwl Aqy is`^ ky krWgy[ Kusæ rho Awbwd rho…[

3599 S Golden State Blvd, Fresno, CA 93725 Jasleen Dhatt Navneet Kaur Nidhi Ransi Rajdeep Beasla Ranju Bains

Ph: 855-500-3374 I Fax: 559-991-4296 Mailing Address: PO Box 812, Fowler, CA 93625 All Rights Reserved. No material herein or portions thereof may be printed without the written consent of the publisher. DISCLAIMER: DesiMaxx Media Group LLC assumes all advertisers to be reliable and responsible for any and all liability for their claims. The publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertisement it may find unfit for publication. The opinions expressed in articles and features are of the writers and may not be those of the publisher. THE PUBLISHER ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY OF ANY KIND.


A Wonderful Night of FASHION and ENTERTAINMENT


lam5 Fashion show was certainly one of the major Highlights of the Night, now Fresno has something Fresh to look up to. It was all in all a complete package for anyone who would like to come out with family and enjoy. Rumors are in the air that Glam5 Boutique may be opening up its doors here in Fresno as well. Raj Bains, Managing Director and owner at Glam5 is working on this at the moment, adding further she thanked Fresno Community for such a heartwarming welcome and acceptance. She said it was a great experience for her and that she will be back with more Events and Fashion Shows for Fresno Fashionistas in near future. Furthermore Jasmin, a well-known singer from Australia Mesmerized audience by her beautifully sung Melodies. She www.desilifestylemagazine.com

A wonderful Night of Fashion and Entertainment was celebrated and enjoyed by the localites of Fresno California presented by Desi Lifestyle Magazine, where Glam5 Boutique from Vancouver Canada introduced their amazing line of Indian Clothing for all our Fashionistas here. certainly stole hearts of music lovers that night. Special thanks to Tejinder Kaur Purewal from Sikh Women Alliance for her help and support. Sikh Women Alliance is a non profit organization that enables and empowers women to do selfless service in our communities while promoting awareness, acceptance and understanding of Sikh Religion. We aim to do this while supporting and assisting existing non profits in highlighting Sikh representation in American Society. The Sikh ideology of Sewa is the basis of our women’s non profit organization. For any inquiries please contact, Raj - 6042407389 Follow Glam5boutique on: Desi Lifestyle 2016


Model: Ravneet Makeup: Roxymakeovers

Model: Natalie Rodriguez Makeup: Taniak makeup

Model: Miranda Makeup: Grace Salon

Model: Marisa Eivins Makeup: Roxymakeovers

Model: Preeti Sran Makeup: Grace Salon

Model: Reyna Model: Simi


Desi Lifestyle 2016


PYSn qy mMnorMjn BrI Swm PRYzno iv`c PRYzno dy lokW ny PYSn qy mMnorMjn BrI Swm dw BrpUr luqP mwixAw[ ies AnoKy pRogrwm dw AwXojn dysI lweIP stwiel mYgzIn vloN kIqw igAw ijs ivc vYnkovr kYnyfw dI glYm 5 bUtIk vloN iqAwr, gzb dy BwrqI k`piVAW nUM ieQoN dy PYSn pRymIAW swhmxy pRdriSq kIqw igAw[

Model: Jessie Kirk Makeup: Yesenia Ruiz Model: Tara Woltjes Makeup: Roxymakeovers

glYm 5 PYSn SoA ies Swm dw mu`K AwkrSn irhw Aqy PRYzno dy PYSn pRymIAW leI ieh iek qro-qwzw Aqy s`jrw AnuBv sI[ ieh SoA auhnW lokW leI vI mnorMjn BrpUr irhw jo Awpxy pirvwr smyq Awey Aqy mOj-msqI ivc KuSIAW BrI Swm dw AnMd mwixAw[ ies g`l dy crcy vI hn ik glYm 5 bUtIk PRYzno leI vI Awpxy drvwzy KolH rhI hY[ bUtIk dI mwlk Aqy mYnyijMg fwierYktr rwj ny ies g`l dw izkr zrUr kIqw ik ies smyN auh ies sMBwvnw qy kMm kr rhy hn[ auhnW ikhw ik auh PRYjno dy lokW dw qih idloN DMnvwd krdy hn ijMnW ny Ku`lHy idl nwl auhnW dy kMm dI SlwGw kIqI[ auhnW ikhw ik ieh PYSn SoA auhnW leI iek suKd AnuBv irhw Aqy nyVly Biv`K ivc vI auh PYRzno dy PYSn pRymIAW leI ieho ijhy SoA dw AwXojn krdy rihxgy[

Model: Tania Khangura

Model: Anmol Purewal Makeup: Simi


Desi Lifestyle 2016



Henry Perea Fresno County Supervisor

By: Ismelda Del Toro

Fresno County Supervisor Henry Perea was born and raised in Fresno California and graduated from San Joaquin Memorial High School. He received his bachelor’s from Fresno State and a Masters of Public Administration from USC. Proud father of Assemblyman Henry T. Perea, Annalisa Perea and Thomas Perea.

Born and raised in Fresno Ca. His father came from Mexico during the Bracero Era when the soldiers were at war. His father worked in the fields throughout the county. He settled in San Joaquin where he meet my mother. His parents raised five children. His father continued to work for 36 years in the Pacific Railroad.

Henry Perea started his career with the school board, Fresno Police Department, Fresno City Council District 3, Human Resource Management for over 36 years. Appointed by President Obama to serve on the Regional Selective Service System in 2011. In 2012 appointed by Gov. Brown to serve on the state of Workforce Investment Board.

“My father gift to us was, hard work ethics and private schools. I’ve had a great professional career. My parents taught me to give back.” -Henry Perea.

I asked Henry Perea, “ Why Mayor?” During the Holidays I asked myself what I wanted to do with my life. I and my son joked around about my age, I’m 63 years old, but I don’t feel old but I’m not a young man either. I did ask

10 Desi Lifestyle 2016


myself how I want to spend my quality years of my life. What I do know is this, our parents build a future for us, and we have the responsibility to build a future for our kids and grandkids. I had a great run on the board of Supervisors. I’m pretty confident if I ran for that sit again I probably win. But to me it was bigger than that with all the skills and experience I bring to the mayor’s office to make it better. I was at peace not running for Supervisor so I put my foot forward talk with the community of my decisions and received a great feedback and decide to run for mayor. As mayor my focus will be such as jobs, safety, parks, water issues with the slum lords etc. My uniqueness of candidacy is the fact is I have been on both sides of the streets. But the ribbon that I tie it with, I’m not pointing out the issues but I have to help the community. What’s important for me is to tell Fresno “I will deliver and when I will deliver.”

What about the homeless problem? The issue is that the city of

Fresno closed the encampments for the homeless.The community needs to come together and have a meeting


to help this situation. Many have suggested to have a safe encampment and taxpayers are ok with that. This also will reduce panhandling as well as crime. We have had the legalized camps for the homeless and many homeless have mention that they are not ready for the services they offer. I also need to rehire code enforcers officers to target the “Dirty Dozen” in the community. As the mayor I want to tackle these issues. We need to fix the small problems before they become bigger.

Do you approve of downtown Fulton Mall? Henry- Yes I have proven

from my actions of building the baseball stadium also the infrastructure millions of dollars for the court house. My commitment with Fulton Mall will be done with a budget. We also need housing around that area. Fresno needs upgrades, we need to make downtown more vibrant. To make it more vibrant is connecting downtown with Tower District. We need more dining, wider sidewalks, having streetcars connecting downtown Fulton Mall to Tower District.

How are going to fund the street project? Henry- Having a team of grant

writers. Not sure why city of Fresno does not have that, but I will be. There is lots of state and federal money, that’s how Fulton Mall received the grant money and that’s what I will be doing as well.

How will you connect with the Indian/Punjabi community? I was the first elected officer to reach out to the Sikh community, Muslims, Armenian community and they mention that they did not have access to city hall. I’m going to be that elective city official that will pick up that phone call. You want me to come speak to you at your school, temple, church, I’m going to be there. We have to help them to have a voice in the community. We represent our community and they need to be part of city hall. This is a diverse community. Fresno needs to embrace the diverse community. I have complete confidence that I will. Henry Perea has the best interest in the community. He is a native of Fresno and has over 36 years experience in the workforce. Go out and register to vote.

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Helping One Woman at a Time (H.O.W.) www.helpingonewoman.org

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The H.O.W Motto is: One woman with $10.00 can buy another woman lunch. Ten women with $10.00 can buy another woman’s groceries. One hundred women with $10.00 can make a real difference in another woman’s life. That’s exactly what the women of H.O.W Kerman did for my good friend Megan Flores’s mom Fela Flores. In August of 2015, she was diagnosed with a rare form of Lymphoma, and as a result had to be on chemotherapy treatment. The organization honors a recipient each month whose names are drawn from nominations submitted by women in attendance and randomly selected at the previous month’s dinners. And Fela was selected! She was surrounded by all her close family and friends; it was really a night to remember. And that is what touched me the most to write about such a beautiful group of women. H.O.W. is a nonprofit organization founded by Charlotte Bavaro and Brenda Critzer in 2008 and has grown from a single chapter in Fresno, CA to numerous chapters around the United States. Local chapters can be found in Kerman and around the Fresno County such as Bakersfield and Clovis. The H.O.W vision is to “envision a world where everyone is willing to provide comfort and support to another person when they need hope restored to their life.” So here’s how H.O.W works: It is centered about monthly “Girls Night Outs”. Attendees do purchase their own meal and provide a $10.00 or greater cash gift at each month’s dinner. The gift that the participants offer to each recipient is a wonderful way to help them during their time of loss; however, the overwhelming emotional and heartfelt support that they give to each woman is the main focus behind the organization. I feel very strongly about organizations such as these. Being involved in Woman’s Day every year and seeing how our ladies comes together, this is just one more thing that we as Sikh community can do for someone in need. So if you know of a woman that needs help, but just does not have the resources to do so, or just needs the emotional support in her time of need, please check out this organization!


Desi Lifestyle 2016 13

Cadillac CTS European Competitor?


here are several trends in the auto industry that show little sign of waning. One such trend is the move towards more luxury or premium cars. As baby boomers age, they have earned the nicer things in life and the offspring of baby boomers are getting used to even more finer things in life; thus, more and more automakers are moving upscale. The Europeans do luxury and performance better than most and the Japanese luxury brands have been putting in their time to becoming a real force. But long before the Japanese, there have always been the American luxury brands, with many firsts in features and technology. Established in 1902, Cadillac is one of the oldest, along with Mercedes-Benz, and continues to be General Motor’s flagship in terms of refinement and technology. And Cadillac is undergoing a re-emergence, as a legitimate brand, with sales up in Canada, thanks in part to the award winning ATS sedan and refreshed XRS crossover and hopefully the mid-sized CTS. Looks The smaller Cadillac, the ATS, went on to win the North American Car of the Year award. General Motors has taken that platform and elongated it to produce the lightest midsized car in its class. A full 173kg lighter than its competitor, the BMW 5-Series, and 34kg lighter than the outgoing car, the 2015 CTS has people talking. In fact, every item that went into 14 Desi Lifestyle 2016

this car was measured and weighed to make sure the final goal was reached. A lighter car made of high tensile steel is stiffer, safer, handles better and above all, is more efficient. What Cadillac didn’t change was the edgy design language they have become known for. The LED accent lights are especially attractive at night and run vertical compared to most car horizontal approach. The longer and lower stance of the CTS makes it look athletic, yet elegant. The one weak area is the back. It lacks the same visual punch as the impressive front grille and headlamps. Inside The BMW 5-Series is often held as the benchmark in terms of handling and luxury, so many of the comparisons used by GM are against the 5-Series. Yes, the new CTS is lighter than the BMW but it is a bit smaller inside; not as wide and the back seat is a bit shorter. Front seat passengers are treated to plenty of room and a view onto the dash is impressive; the same design used in the ATS and XRS. The centre console has a touch-screen system called CUE, which has rich colours and striking graphics. The heat, volume and a few other controls are all touch sensitive, meaning they have no dials or switches. This is much like a smartphone, plus there is haptic feedback. The problem with this design is it shows fingerprints and dust against the shinny black plastic. The steering wheel too has black plastic buttons that look good, www.desilifestylemagazine.com

but feel less than luxurious. Drive With a lighter car comes a better performing car, but the heart of any luxury, performance car is a solid engine. On this front, Cadillac offers three options and all three have more power than the closest competitors. The first is the same 2.0L turbocharged engine used the ATS. With 272hp it is well above the 240hp offered in the BMW 528i. The carryover engine is the direct injection 3.6L V6 with 321hp, again more then the 300hp in the 535i. The Vsport model, with a twin turbocharged version of the 3.6L engine, puts out 420hp. You guessed it, more power then the 400hp found in the V8 550i. The Vsport is only sold as a rear wheel drive car (RWD) where all the others are available with all wheel drive (AWD). The catch is that RWD models come with an 8-speed automatic transmission but the AWD versions are fitted with a 6-speed unit. (Lexus does this with its IS cars too.) The steering offers good feedback to the driver and the suspension is smooth, yet lively, and has a nearly perfect 50/50 weight distribution. When a CTS is ordered with 18 or 19-inch wheels, it is equipped with the advanced magnetic ride control for improved ride and handling.


Verdict The price of the 2015 Cadillac CTS ranges from about $50,630 for the base model to $66,780 for the top premium trim level. The Vsport, high performance model is priced at almost $77,710. As you can see, a Cadillac CTS is not an inexpensive car, but it offers a lot of features like standard heated and vented leather seats, Bose stereo, and push button start, even on the base model. Compared to some of the other mid-sized luxury sedans, like the Mercedes E-Class or BMW 5-Series, this new CTS is less expensive, plus it is a worthy car for any driving enthusiast. Cadillac has a long and storied past. Sure, it has had bumps along the way, but the attention to detail and refinement is paying off. This Cadillac is winning awards too, named the 2014 Motor Trend Car of the Year. Plus, Cadillac’s are holding their value in the resale market, and features above average reliability. Sales are on the uptick and this new CTS will certainly help. The Lowdown Power: 2.0L 4-cylinder with 155hp 3.6L V6 with 321hp or Turbo 3.6L with 420hp Fill-up: 10.5L/6.6L/100km (city/highway 2.0L turbo) Sticker price: $$50,630-$77,710

Desi Lifestyle 2016 15


mUl lyKk: zYk spYNsr





ieMfstrI ‘c keI qrHW dy ruJwn hn jo ies g`l dw sMkyq Gt hI idMdy hn ijs qoN l`gy ik ieh Gt rhI hY[ ie`k ruJwn hY jo hY lgzrI jW pRImIAm kwrW dw[ SurU ‘c ieh jIvn leI vDIAw cIzW lY ky AweIAW hn[ikauNik bybI bUmrz nMU izMdgI ‘c vDIAw cIzW dI Awdq pY cu`kI hY ies leI bhuqIAW kwrW bxwaux vwLIAW kMpnIAW nMU kwrW dw p`Dr au`cw cu`kxw pY irhw hY[ XUrpIn kwrW bhuiqAW nwloN shUlq Aqy clweI ‘c vDIAw hn[ jpwnI kMpnIAW vI Awpxy lgzrI bRWfW nUM AslI SkqI vjoN auqwrn dw Xqn kr rhIAW hn[ pr jpwnIAW qoN bhuq smw pihlW hI AmrIkn lgzrI bRWf sdw hI A`gy rhy hn Aqy ienW ny ies qrHW dIAW keI qknIkW Aqy v`KrIAW v`KrIAW id`KW pyS kIqIAW hn jo ik hor iksy ny pihlW pyS nhIN kIqIAW sn[ 1902 ‘c sQwipq hoeI kYflYk mrsIfz bYNj dy nwL dI sB qoN purwxI kwr hY[Aqy ij`QoN q`k soDW Aqy qknIk dI g`l hY ieh jnrl motrz dI JMfw brdwr hY[ ies dI ivkrI knyfw ‘c bhuq hY[ kYflYk ie`k vwr iPr qoN JMfy g`f rhI hY Aqy knyfw ‘c ies dI iv`krI vI vDI hY[ ieh sB ienwm jyqU sfYn, nvI AYks Awr AYs krwsEvr Aqy drimAwny Akwr sI tI AYs kwrn hI hY[ ies dI id`K CotI kYflYk ny nwrQ AmYirkn kwr AwP dw XIAr Avwrf ij`iqAw[ jnrl motrz vwiLAW ny ies nUM ADwr bxw ky ies SRyxI dI hlkI drimAwnI 16 Desi Lifestyle 2016


kwr bxwaux dI socI[ ies nwL is`Dy mukwbly vwLI bI AYm fbilaU 5 sIrIz nwLoN ieh 173 iklo Aqy pihly mwfl nwLoN 34 iklo G`t vzn vwLI hY[ Asl ‘c ies kwr ‘c vrqI geI hr cIz ies qrHW imx qy qol ky lweI geI qW ik ieh pihlI kwr nwLoN G`t Bwr vwLI hovy[ ieh BwvyN G`t Bwr vwLI hY pr vDIAw stIl dI vrqoN kwrn ieh mzbUq bhuq hY[ bhuq vDIAw FMg nwL sMBwlI jw skdI hY Aqy hY vI vDyry kwrwgr[ jo ies ‘c nhIN bdilAw auh hY ies dw ifzwien Aqy AYl eI fI lweItW jo rwq smyN bhuq idl luBwvIAW lgdIAW hn Aqy Awm kwrW dIAW tyFIAW dI QW KVHvIAW hn[ sI tI AYs dw hyTlw lMbw ih`sw BrvW BrvW bhuq suhxw lgdw hY[ jy QoVHI ksr hY qW auh ipCly pwsy hY[ ieh ih`sw Agly ih`sy vWg idl iK`cvW nhIN lgdw[ AMdrlw ih`sw ij`Qy q`k sMBwl Aqy Arwm dI g`l hY bI AYm fbilaU 5 - sIrIz nUM vDIAw mMinAw jWdw hY[ ies krky jI AYm ny aus dy mukwbly dIAW keI ivSySqwvW vrqIAW hn[ pr nvIN sI tI AYs, bI AYm fbilaU nwloN Bwr ‘c hlkI hY pr AMdroN QoVHI CotI hY[ ipClI sIt QoVHI CotI hY, pr A`gy bYTx vwiLAW leI QoVI jgHw vI izAwdw hY Aqy fYS dw nzwrw vI vyKx nUM vDIAw lgdw hY[ ieh hI ifzwien ey tI AYs Aqy AYks Awr AYs vriqAw igAw hY[ sYNtr kMsol ‘c vDIAw rMgW Aqy bxwvt vwLw sI XU eI nWA dw t`c skrIn isstm hY[hIt, voilaUm Aqy hor ku`J kMtrol fwiel qy siv`cW dI QW t`c sYNisitv hn[ieh ie`k smwrt Pon vWg hI hn[ ie`k g`l hY ik ies dy cmkIly kwLy plwsitk ‘qy DUV Aqy auNglW dy inSwn idsx l`g pYNdy hn[ styirMg vIHl dy vI kwLy plwsitk dy btn hn ijhVy vyKx nUM qW suhxy lgdy hn pr vDIAw mihsUs nhIN huMdy[ clweI iksy hlkI kwr dI clweI TIk huMdI hY pr iksy lgzrI kwr dw idl aus dw mzbUq ieMjx huMdw hY[ ies p`KoN kYflYk v`loN iqMn bdl id`qy hn Aqy ieh iqMny bdl ies dIAW swrIAW mukwbly vwLIAW kwrW nwloN v`D qwkq vwLy hn[ pihlw hY 2.0L trbocwrjf ieMjx jo ey tI AYs ‘c hY[ ies dI SkqI 272 hwrspwvr hY jo ik ies dy mukwbly vwLI bI AYm fbilaU dI 528i dy 240 hwrspwvr nwloN ikqy v`D hY[ ies qrHW hI kYrIEvr ieMjx jo fwierYkt ieMjYkSn vwLw hY auh 3.6L V6 hY ijs dI SkqI 321 hwrspwvr hY, ie`Qy vI ieh 535i dI 300 hwrspwvr nwloN v`D hY[ vI sport mwfl dy tivMn trbocwrjf pRqIrUp 3.6L ieMjx ijs dI hwrspwvr 420 hY[ quhwfw AMdwzw shI hY ik ieh V8 550i dI 400 hwrspwvr nwloN v`D hY[ vI sport kyvl rIAr vIHl frweIv vjoN hI vycI jWdI hY jdoN ik bwkI swrIAW Awl vIHl frweIv vycIAW jWdIAW hn[ Prk ieh hY ik rIAr vIHl fRweIv 8-spIf AwtomYitk tRWsimSn ‘c imldI hY pr Awl vIHl fRweIv ‘c 6 spIf XUint hY (iesy qrHW hI lYkss dIAW AweI AYs kwrW hn)[ ies dw styirMg vI vDIAw hY Aqy sspYNSn vI bVI iekswr Aqy dmdwr hY[ ies dy Bwr dI vMf vI iekswr hY[ jdoN 18 jW 19 ieMc vIHl vwLI sI tI AY`s Awrfr kIqI jWdI hY qW ieh vDIAw svwrI Aqy sMBwl leI mYgnYitk rweIf kMtrol nwL AwauNdI hY[ PYslw sI tI AYs dy bys mwfl dI kImq $50,630 qoN lY ky tOp pRImIAm tir`m lYvl mwfl $66,780 q`k hY[ vI sport hweI prPOrmYNs mwfl dI kImq $77,710 hY[ qusIN smJ skdy ho ky kYflYk sI tI AYs ssqI kwr nhIN pr ies ‘c PIcr bhuq hn, ijvyN stYNfrf hIt Aqy vYNtf lYdr sItW, bos stIrIE Aqy puS btn stwrt Awid jo ik bys mwfl ‘c vI hn[ pr jy mukwblw hor drimAwny Akwr dIAW mrsyfIz eI klws jW bI AYm fbilaU 5-sIrIz nwl krIey www.desilifestylemagazine.com

qW ieh nvIN sI tI AYs dI kImq G`t hY Aqy nwL hI iksy auqSwhI fRweIvr leI ieh kwr iblkul Fu`kvIN hY[ies dw lMbw Aqy vDIAw ieqhws hY[XkInn hI ies dy rwh ‘c keI AOkVW vI AweIAW hn pr brIkIAW ‘qy iDAwn dyx nwL Aqy suDwrW krky ies nMU lwB imiLAw hY[ ieh 2014 motr tRYNf kwr AwP dw XIAr ienwm jyqU hY[ ies dy nwL hI ies dI rIsyl kImq vI vDIAw hY[ ies dI DVw DV ivkrI ho rhI hY[ Kws g`lW: qwkq: 2.0L 4-slMfr 155hp 3.6L V6 with 321hp or Turbo 3.6L with 420hp qyl dI Kpq: 10.5 iltr/ 6.6 iltr/100 iklomItr ( istI/ hweIvyA 2.0 iltr trbo)


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Desi Lifestyle 2016 17


the first Sikh appointed as KL Police Chief Amar Singh, a third-generation cop, made history for the Sikh community in Malaysia when he was appointed as the chief police officer (CPO) of Kuala Lumpur, with the rank of commissioner. This is the highest rank attained by a Sikh police officer in Malaysia.


mar Singh’s father and maternal grandfather were both policemen. His father Ishar Singh joined the Federated Malay States Police in 1939, a year after coming to Malaya from Punjab. Amar’s dad left Punjab for Malaya via Calcutta in 1938 at the age of 18. He arrived in Penang and did odd jobs while waiting for an opportunity to join the police force. In 1939, he was accepted into the force and posted to Sitiawan, Perak, after undergoing training, according to one news report. Three generations of Amar Singh’s family have helped keep the country safe for over 100 years as members of the police force. ISHAR Singh was fated to come to Malaya. “My father was set on going overseas after a soothsayer told him he would travel across the ocean. After hearing this, he would pester my grandparents to let him leave Punjab and seek a

better life elsewhere. However, as he was the eldest son, they were reluctant to let him go,’’ recounts Ishar’s son and Kuala Lumpur deputy chief police officer, Senior Asst Comm Datuk Amar Singh. Ishar was born in a farming community and life was tough. The soil was poor and the climate inhospitable. Ishar knew too that the family’s small plot of land would have to be further divided between him and his four brothers. Ishar’s opportunity to leave came through a villager named Karnail Singh. He was already in the Malayan police force and had returned to his village of Moosa for a visit. Treasured possessions: Amar with his grandfather’s rattan canes and a metal plate with his father’s staff number ‘KPL 1610’ painted in white. Karnail Singh said he would recommend Ishar for a job in the police force. “Both of them left Punjab for Malaya via Calcutta in 1938 when my father was 18 years old. My grandparents felt secure as Karnail said he would look after him. They gave my father 80 rupees and told him to not dishonour the family name and to return to Punjab if he didn’t make it in Malaya,” says Amar. In those days, it was common for Sikhs to bring over others from their village. Like all Sikh recruits, Ishar was required to keep a turban as the British believed that it would ensure his loyalty to the government. Ishar arrived in Penang and did odd jobs while waiting for an opportunity to join the police force. In 1939, he was accepted into the force and posted to Sitiawan, Perak, after 18 Desi Lifestyle 2016

undergoing training. Amar’s memory of what his father did during the Second World War is hazy. During the Emergency, however, Ishar spent a large part of time in Papan, Perak, which was considered a hotbed for communist insurgents. Amar, 54, never really aspired to a life in uniform. After graduating in 1982, he was toying with the idea of doing his master’s. His father, however, advised him to apply to the police force, saying, “It will make a man out of you.” Amar did a six-month Assistant Superintendent of Police training stint at Pulapol (Police Training Centre) in Jalan Semarak, Kuala Lumpur, in 1983. He was the only Sikh in his batch of 19 trainees. The training was tough and Amar sometimes wondered what he was doing there. Amar’s first posting was to his hometown in Ipoh in the crime unit and he has had stints in Johor Baru and Klang. His last posting before his present position as Deputy KL CPO was as the 40th and only Sikh commandant of Pulapol from 2007 to 2010. As head, Amar made it compulsory that all trainee officers go to their respective places of worship every day. “Spiritual guidance is key to building character,” he states. Amar also insisted that all Sikh trainees tied a turban when performing their religious obligations at the Pulapol Gurdwara as “this makes you proud of who and what you are.” Read full story at: www.sikhfoundation.org www.desilifestylemagazine.com


Desi Lifestyle 2016 19


quhwfI ishq leI hldI dy 10 Pwiedy

hldI, ijs nMU kurkuMmw lONgw vI ikhw jWdw hY, bhuq pRc`lq jVHI-bUtI hY[ ies nMU ‘mswilAW dI rwxI’ vI ikhw jWdw hY[ ies dIAW Kws ivSySqwvW hn ; imrc vrgI KuSbU, iq`Kw svwd Aqy sunihrw rMg[ swry sMswr ivc lok Kwxw bnwaux leI ies jVHI-bUtI dI vrqoN krdy hn[

20 Desi Lifestyle 2016

jrnl Aw& AmrIkn kYmIkl suswietI Anuswr hldI ivc Axigxq qrHW dy AYNtI-AwksIfYNt, vwiers, bYktIrIAw Aqy PMgs nMU ^qm krn Aqy soijS nMU rokx dy gux mOjUd hn[ hldI keI qrHW dy ishqmMd q`qW nwl BrpUr huMdI hY[ ies ivc pRotIn, KurwkI rySy, nwieisn, ivtwimn sI, eI, ky, potwSIAm, kwpr, lohw, mYgnISIAm Aqy izMk Awidk q`q huMdy hn[ ies dy iehnW guxW krky ies nMU keI ibmwrIAW dy ielwj leI vriqAw jWdw hY[ 1. kYNsr qoN bcwA : hldI pROstryt kYNsr qoN bcwA kr skdI hY, kYNsr dy vwDy nMU rok skdI hY Aqy kYNsr dy sY`lW dw ^wqmw vI kr skdI hY[ keI KojW qoN ieh is`D huMdw hY ik ies ivc mOjUd guxkwrI AMS, ryfIeySn nwl auqpMn hoeI rsOlIAW qoN sur`iKAw pRdwn krdy hn[ ieh keI hor pRkwr dIAW rsOlIAW ijvyN ik tI-sYl lukImIAw, v`fI AWq dw kYNsr Aqy CwqI dIAW rsOlIAW qoN vI bcwauNdI hY[ 2. joVW dy drd qoN Arwm : hldI dy soj qoN Cutkwrw idvwaux dy guxW kwrn ies nMU AwstIE Aqy rumYitk joVW dI soj dIAW ibmwrIAW dy ielwj leI vriqAw jWdw hY[ ies dy nwl-nwl hldI dy AYNtI-AwksIfYNt srIr dy sY`lW nMU nukswn phuMcwaux vwly PrI rYfIklW nMU vI ^qm krdy hn[ ieh dyiKAw igAw hY ik ies dI inqw-pRqI vrqoN nwl rumYitk AwrQRweIts dy mrIzW nMU joVW dy drd qy soj qoN cMgw coKw Awrwm imldw hY[ www.desilifestylemagazine.com

3. Skr rog dw kwbU ivc kihxw: hldI nMU Skr rog (Diabetes) dy ielwj leI vI vriqAw jw skdw hY[ ieh ieMsulIn dI mwqrw nMU inXMqirq kr skdI hY[ ieh gulUkoz nMU kMtrol krdI hY Aqy ies rog dIAW dvweIAW dy pRBwv nMU vDwauNdI hY[ ies dw hor Pwiedw ieh hY ik ieh ieMsulIn dy ivroDI pRBwvW nMU Gtwaux ivc shweI huMdI hY ijs nwl twiep-2 Skr rog dy hox dI sMBwvnw G`tdI hY[ hor qyz dvweIAW dy pRXog nwl ieh KUn ivc SUkr dI mwqrw Gtw vI skdI hY[ cMgy nqIijAW leI hldI dy kYpsUl Kwx qoN pihlW Awpxy fwktr nwl slwh zrUr kro[ 4. klYstRol dI mwqrw Gtwaux ivc mdd: Koj ny is`D kIqw hY ik hldI dI kyvl mswly vjoN vrqoN krn nwl vI KUn ivc klYstRol dI mwqrw G`tdI hY[ ieh iek pRmwixk q`Q hY ik klYstRol dI vDI hoeI mwqrw keI qrHW dIAW ibmwrIAW dw kwrn bxdI hY Aqy ies dw TIk lYvl idl dy keI rogW qoN bcwA krdw hY[ 5. r`iKAw vrDk: hldI ivc lweIpopOlIsYkrwief nW dw q`q huMdw hY jo srIr dI r`iKAw ivvsQw ivc iezw&w krdw hY[ qwkqvr r`iKAw ivvsQw kwrn swnMU KMg, zukwm Aqy PlU Awid ibmwrIAW CyqI-CyqI nhIN huMdIAW[ KMg, zukwm Aqy PlU smyN grm du`D nwl iek cmc hldI lYNidAW hI AsIN skUn mihsUs krdy hW[ 6. z^mW dw Brxw: hldI kudrqI q`q hY[ jo z^mW nMU p`kx qoN rokxw hY Aqy bYktIrIAw nMU mwr mukwauNdI hY[ Ku`lHy z^mW qy ies dy iCVkw nwl z^m CyqI su`kdw hY[ ies nMU cmVI dI murMmq leI vI vriqAw jWdw hY Aqy sorwieiss Awid ibmwrIAW leI ies dI vrqoN aupXogI swbq huMdI hY[ 7. Bwr dw inXMqrn: ies dI vrqoN nwl srIr dw AwdrSk Bwr pRwpq kIqw jw skdw hY[ ies ivclw iek q`q bweIl dy vhwau ivc vwDw krdw hY jo ik Kurwk ivclI crbI nMU Golx ivc mdd krdw hY[


Health jy Bwr Gtwauxw cwhuMdy ho jW motwpy kwrn hoeIAW ibmwrIAW qoN bcwA cwhuMdy ho qW hr Kwxy dy nwl iek cmc hldI pwaUfr dw, lwhyvMd is`D hovygw[ 8. AYlzwiemr qoN bcwA: idmwg dI soj nMU bOiDk ibmwrIAW ijvyN ik hYlzwiemr Awid dw srgxw mMinAw igAw hY[ hldI smu`cy idmwg dI ishq nMU TIk r`Kx leI aupXogI smiJAw jWdw hY[ ieh jmW hoey plwk nMU Golx leI Aqy KUn Aqy AwksIjn dy dOry nMU suDwrx leI Asrdwr swbq huMdI hY[ ieh AYlzwiemr nMU rokx leI sihXogI swbq huMdI hY[ 9. hwzmyN ivc suDwr: hldI ivcly bhuq swry q`q ip`qy nMU bweIl pYdw krn leI aukswauNdy hn[ ieh pRikirAw hwzmyN ivc vwDw krdI hY ijs nwl A&wrw Aqy gYs nhIN huMdI[ ijhVIAW ibmwrIAW AWqVIAW ivc soijS pYdw krdIAW hn, ijvyN ik Alsryitv kolweIts Awid, hldI iehnW ibmwrIAW leI aupXogI swibq huMdI hY[ ies g`l dw iDAwx r`Kxw vI zrUrI hY ik ip`qy dIAW ibmwrIAW vwly mrIzW nMU ies dI vrqoN nhIN krnI cwhIdI ikauNik ieh mrz nMU hor ivgwV skdI hY[ pwcn ikirAw nwl sbMDq rogW leI ies dI k`cy rUp ivc vrqoN kIqI jwxI cwhIdI hY[ 10. ijgr dIAW ibmwrIAW dI rokQwm: hldI ijgr leI kudrqI ivSnwSk hY[ ijgr v`K-v`K rsW nMU pYdw krky KUn sw& krdw hY Aqy hldI iehnW rsW nMU pYdw krn ivc shweI huMdI hY[ ieh vI ivSvws kIqw jWdw hY ik hldI KUn dw dOrw vDwauNdI hY[ bhuq swry guxW dI mwlk hldI nMU AwpxI rozwnW dI Kurwk dw ih`sw bnwx nwl AsIN AwpxI izMdgI nMU vDyry suKdweI bxw skdy hW[ hldI nMU iksy vI rUp ivc vriqAw jw skdw hY, ijvyN sbzI ivc, smUdI ivc, grm du`D nwl jW slwd qy frYisMg dy rUp ivc[ ies nMU kYpsUl dy rUp ivc vI ilAw jw skdw hY[ ip`qy dI p`QrI Aqy bweIl dI rukwvt vwly mrIzW nMU ies dI vrqoN nhIN krnI cwhIdI[

Desi Lifestyle 2016 21

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Bouncing Back From a Baby


itness starts with a strong mental combines total 10, 000 steps, you would be attitude, followed by an unhurried, burning about 400-500 calories a day. This is consistent physical approach. equivalent to losing 1lb. each week, which is We are always in a hurry to get highly maintainable weight loss. somewhere, and usually, it’s okay. Combine the above efforts with eating a low However, with fitness, this quickness often leads fat diet, and adding 25 grams of dietary fiber, and to a loss of maintainability. you are on your way to revitalizing a sluggish After having a baby, getting your metabolism metabolism. Home gyms are easy to build, and on track can be challenging, and finding the time can include an exercise ball, medium tension to go to the gym, may not fit into a schedule resistance band with handles, and a small set that your new infant and children are willing to of 5, 8, and 10lb dumbbells. By adding effective abide by. But don’t worry; there are many things resistance weight training to your routine in 20 you can do to help get back into a pattern of minute circuits, you can burn fat faster. exercising. But why not also bond with your baby? Take Investing in a piece of cardio equipment your baby for walks, by either getting her into Dawn Thornton at home is a great choice because you can a sling or in a stroller. Better yet, get the whole multitask. Start by committing to just 30 minute family involved and go for a 20-30 minute walk walks on an incline. It will release endorphins and help burn off around the neighbourhood, local track, or even the mall. Another calories, while at the same time, raise your heart rate. Investing great way is to join a local New Mother’s Group, most of whom in a heart rate monitor is a great option because it allows you probably have the same fitness goals as you. By joining such a to keep an accurate fitness journal, tracking your heart rate, group, you can take turns in sprints and lunges by taking turns and adjusting the level of intensity to your cardio workouts to watching the babies. drastically improve your metabolism and fitness endurance. Motherhood is a beautiful time in life and it should be enjoyed. Burning fatty acids requires you to be in the 65-70% It’s also a time when you may feel that any spare time should be maximum of your BPM (Beats per Minute). The calculation to to catch up on missed sleep. But fitness is not as challenging this equates to 225 - (current age) X 65-70%. Taking my age as as it seems – you need to chart a plan and execute piece by an example, 225-40 x 70% = 129 bpm. Keeping a steady heart piece. You have nothing rate of 129 BPM allows me to be in the “fat-burning zone” of to lose when investing in my workout. You would increase to 75% if you were wanting to yourself, and your health. increase your cardiovascular endurance; this can be achieved Happy training and in HIIT workouts (High Intensity Interval Workouts), which are happy motherhood. often found in workout magazines. HIIT workouts are great in 20-30 min sessions, spiking the intensity from 65% -80% of your maximum heart rate, allowing for overall calorie burning to be highest, for fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Just having access to wearing a heart rate monitor, you can achieve a cardio workout at home just working around the house – it is that simple! I refer back to the beginning of this article, as this all begins with a strong mental approach. Set reminders for yourself because we all need reminders and motivation. I know that at times, you probably want to sleep, but push yourself to your own comfort level. Taken from a random Google search, if you were to wear a pedometer (step-counter), walk for 30 minutes at 3mph (a good stride to your step) and include enough activity throughout the day to reach a www.desilifestylemagazine.com

Desi Lifestyle 2016 23

Woman’s Day 2016

On Saturday, March 5th the Sikh Woman’s Organization of Central California hosted their annual Woman’s Day event. The turnout this year was greater than the last, and welcomed more speakers as well as entertainment to the event. Guddi Sidhu hosted, and as usual was dressed to impress! She graciously welcomed the ladies of Fresno from the harsh rain, to a warm and friendly environment at India’s Oven (located on Ashlan and Marks). Speakers this year brought a unique point of view in regards to cultural rituals/traditions, communicating with our youth, managing your money, and much more! And something new as well to the event was definitely the Boliyan and Tappe competition at the end which got all the ladies involved. And of course, music and dancing provided by DJ Baldev. Donations were

24 Desi Lifestyle 2016

kindly given by each attendee, and will help to bring light to more issues to help women and grow the organization. Thank you to all who attended! It is because of you we had such a successful event, and we all look forward to seeing you lovely ladies again soon!


UPCOMING EVENTS Central valley

Manteca Food Truck Mania

Woodward Park, April 10th, from 3pm - 8pm

Old Town Clovis Spring Wine Walk

April 30th, from 5pm-8pm Come stroll the streets of Old Town Clovis and enjoy wine tastings from your favorite local wineries and more than 12 Paso Robles wineries! For more info please call or email : 559.298.5774 info@oldtownclovis.org

Big Hat Days, yearly event

April 2nd, April 3rd, from 9am -5pm http://www.clovischamber.com/events/big_hat_days

Breakfast with the Animals

Fresno Chaffee Zoo, April 9th, from 8:30am-11:30 am http://www.fresnochaffeezoo.org/event/breakfast-with-theanimals/

Womans Art and Music Fesitval of Fresno 2016 May 6th, from 5pm-10pm, http://www.wamff.org/


Local Events

Fresno State Car Show

Sunday April 10th, 8:30am Current events always being hosted are: Paint Nite, every month, two events, you pick a night and you go, www.paintnite.com Sikh Women Alliance presents their yearly event in honor of Mother’ s day and to celebrate the women and daughters we will have exclusive activities and a mother daughter session. While everyone is welcome to the Bullying talk and presentations we thought it would be good to recognize the hard work that goes into mothering and have a time set aside for Mothers and daughters. So this is an invitation to all mothers and young daughters to please come out and celebrate your mom, and please join us in recognizing the contributions and sacrifices of mothers everywhere. The event will be held, April 30th from 10 to 2 pm at Central East High School ( Auditorium) 3535 North Cornelia Ave Fresno, CA 93722 Registration opens at 9.30 am. We have been honored and blessed to have the support of the local community since the beginning and hope that you will continue to bring your ideas, activism, suggestions and projects. We believe that when we collectively join to make a difference in our community we all stand to benefit and grow.

Desi Lifestyle 2016 25

MADD and Nationwide Launch New Power of Parents Program for Middle School in Advance of PowerTalk 21


(MADD), National Presenting Sponsor Nationwide and National Supporting Partner GM Foundation today announced 21 days of activation, starting April 1st and culminating with PowerTalk 21® Day, April 21st, the national day for parents to talk with their children about alcohol. The 5th annual campaign launches the new Power of Parents® handbook for parents of middle schoolers (grades 68) to help them talk early and often about the dangers and consequences of underage drinking .

By: Ismelda Del Toro

26 Desi Lifestyle 2016

A new MADD/Nationwide Survey shows that about onethird of parents believe the ages in which to start talking with their children about alcohol are 1418 in high school. Because research shows children start weighing the pros and cons of underage drinking as early as age 8, as 2nd3rd graders in elementary school1, MADD urges parents to start talking much earlier and to keep talking as those perceptions about alcohol continue to form and change through age 21. “Too many young lives are being lost due to this problem,” said Houston Mayor Annise Parker. “We must not stand by and allow this completely preventable situation to continue. I urge my fellow mayors across the country to join me in this challenge and to support parents’ efforts to prevent underage drinking.” PowerTalk 21 is launching at a crucial time, when many teens will soon be attending celebratory events like proms and graduation parties, and where they may encounter more opportunities or peer pressure to drink. Nationally in 2013, of the traffic deaths that involved an underage driver, nearly one in four involved underage drinking.


April 1-21st PowerTalk 21 Starting with Houston, Texas*, MADD is challenging mayors across the country to make the prevention of underage drinking a communitywide priority by encouraging parents to download MADD’s Power of Parents handbook during the 21 days of PowerTalk 21, April 1-21st. “Too many young lives are being lost due to this problem,” said Houston Mayor Annise Parker. “We must not stand by and allow this completely preventable situation to continue. I urge my fellow mayors across the country to join me in this challenge and to support parents’ efforts to prevent underage drinking.” PowerTalk 21 is launching at a crucial time, when many teens will soon be attending celebratory events like proms and graduation parties, and where they may encounter more opportunities or peer pressure to drink. Nationally in 2013, of the traffic deaths that involved an underage driver, nearly one in four involved underage drinking“ PowerTalk 21 is launching at a crucial time, when many teens will soon be attending celebratory events like proms and graduation parties, and where they may encounter more opportunities or peer pressure to drink. Nationally in 2013, of the traffic deaths that involved an underage driver, nearly one in four involved underage drinking. Parents can enter to win prizes by visiting madd.org/PowerofParents to download a free handbook, register for a free online webinar on April 21st, or learn how to get involved in their local community.



Desi Lifestyle 2016 27

Briggs & Riley Carry-on Wheeled Garment Bag K&N Cold Air Intake System Just like us, vehicles need to breathe. Not only do K&N systems eliminate major sources of air flow restriction in the engine, they increase horsepower and improve fuel economy. Engineered for specific vehicle design, K&N systems have a Million Mile Warranty.

Britax Marathon Convertible Seat



If you travel often for business, the last thing you want is wrinkled suits. This wheeled carry-on garment bag conveniently carries your hanging garments in a protected structured case while still avoiding checked baggage fees. A durable ballistic nylon outer fabric handles the toughest travel conditions.

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Don’t sacrifice your baby’s safety or comfort when traveling in a vehicle. Britax car seats are top notch in build, design, comfort, and safety. The Marathon features Side Impact Protection, a tangle free 5-point harness, and can be used by children up to 65 pounds.

Polk Audio Hampden Having a great sounding speaker system at your office will make work easier. The Polk Audio Hampden streams Bluetooth audio, and can even received a wired, digital stream via USB. They have a unique, retro-futuristic design and pack quite a punch. 28 Desi Lifestyle 2016

Marc Jacobs Women’s Sunglasses

The Marc by Marc Jacobs Women’s MMJ 122/S Resin Sunglasses are the perfect combination of glam and functionality. They are simple but elegant, and they’re never, ever boring. They offer just enough coverage with the right amount of pigment, and there are oh-so-many options!




Indian Kebab Palace (IKP) had it soft opening on March 18th, 2016. Surrounded by family and friends, the Bhandal Brothers (Jagrup Singh Bhandal and Sukh Bhandal), introduced an exclusive menu to their guests. A treat for all present at the grand occasion for the restaurant opening, and a chance to get familiar with the staff, as well the amazing food. The inside of the restaurant is well decorated and offers a warm and inviting atmosphere. Almost immediately as one walks in, your eyes cannot fall on one particular place because there is so much to see! From the paintings on the walls, to the grand waterfall installation, the open kitchen concept, basically anyone who comes into this restaurant will be in for a surprise at every turn. One can only imagine what this restaurant and the staff will do once it officially opens and starts to cater to the Fresno crowd. And their motto is simple;

Open Now: Indian Kebab Palace! they wish to convey their enthusiasm for unique flavors from the Northern Indian region. And to introduce this unique spin on cuisine are the chefs Goldy Bedi and Sonu Mehra. Both have been recognized around the world for their stylistic take on cooking and presentation that they have come to offer their talents here in Fresno! What the chefs prepared for us that night was nothing short of amazing. To the Butter Chicken, the Tandoori Paneer, Masaledar Lamb Chops, the list of menu choices is endless. We were left wanting more. As one will when the restaurant officially opens to the crowd not to long from now, but just with this small sampling of the dishes, it is sure to be a hit! Congrats to the owners on their new business, and good luck to the future of Indian Kebab Palace!

By: Rajdeep Beasla


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7:30AM to 5:30 PM. www.jsinghagency.com


Desi Lifestyle 2016 29


HIGHWAY 5 A Journey of Friendship Highway 5 is making news everywhere as it is the first film to release right out of Fresno! Being made by Fateh Entertainment (producer Jassi Boparai) a production company here in our little home town, it is sure to be something to look forward to as our Desi community continues to grow in the entertainment field. The movie which is set to be released into theaters May 2016, is a comedy story about four friends who after a hard night of partying and fun, come across the border to America to buy milk. Sounds funny already, but it is a common practice among Canadians to purchase cheaper groceries on the south side of the border. However, the story takes a turn when they embark on a long journey down the 5 Highway which spans the entire

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West Coast from Canada all the way down to Mexico. Old wounds resurface, and relationships are questioned as these friends are in for a journey of a lifetime! When speaking with Sunny Boparai, one of the main actors in the film, he said he is both nervous and excited about his new venture into acting and filming. “It has always been a dream for me to go into this field, and I hope that the audience will enjoy it�. He further stated that,


“It is a Hollywood style, Bollywood film! And something different that has never been shown in a Punjabi feature film”. Highway 5 is the first road film in Punjabi cinema to be made by an all Hollywood based studio, and shot by an all Hollywood crew throughout Canada, USA, and Mexico. And we cannot be more excited ourselves to see what this movie has to offer! It is directed by Kavi Raz (Kavi Raz Studios) who is also putting out Black Prince, staring Satinder Sartaj. The film stars actors Aman Dhaliwal, Sunny Boparai, Baaz Lalia, and Raj Sandhu along with Mannu Sandhu, Maya Akbar, Jasmine Kaur, and Heather Sims as the actresses. The journey to bringing the film to life all started in 2014, when director Kavi Raz came to Jassi Boparai with a concept for a new movie. Both collaborated and have been working diligently to bring this film to theaters this year. There will be 7 songs in the movie written by Raj Sandhu and composed by Onkar Singh. When discussing difficulties faced throughout filming one of the main songs of Highway 5, our actor said, “It wasn’t easy shooting for 12 hours a day only to get 3-5 minutes of footage, in hot desert nonetheless! However the end result was worth it. When you put so much time and effort into a film, along with all the other actors and crew, you only wish that it will be well received by all who come to watch it.” With that said, we wish the team of Highway 5 the best of luck come this May. The team has worked very hard to bring a local feature film to this community, so make sure to keep your eyes open for all the latest details in regards to it.

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Check out their Facebook page or www.highway5themovie.com for information about the actors as well as all you need to know about the production crew.


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Desi Lifestyle 2016 31

32 Desi Lifestyle 2016


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