5 minute read
Choosing Insurance for Your Trucking Company
Operating a trucking company is not that much different from operating other types of businesses. The goal is profit, and you achieve this through sales and quality customer service. It’s also similar in that there are regular expenses required to achieve those profits, and one of those expenses is insurance. Protecting the business and limiting liability is an essential safeguard for any company, and some insurance types are required for the trucking industry. The question then becomes, how do you choose the right insurance for your business – the options for policies, companies, and variety of coverages can make this process overwhelming.
One of the first things that needs to be accomplished is determining what coverage you need and want. The answer to this will vary depending on the size of the company, type of operation, type of cargo being transported, and more. Researching online or talking to an insurance broker or individual providers will help determine which coverages are needed. Common coverages include:
• General Liability Insurance – This is for common third-party lawsuits and covers incidents not directly related to operating the truck. Other basic items are also covered with this.
• Workers’ Compensation Insurance
– This is typically required if you have employees and will cover medical costs and protects against lawsuits if an employee has an injury or illness at work.
• Motor Truck Cargo Insurance
– This covers the cost to replace damaged or lost cargo, as well as legal expenses related to those issues.
• Commercial Auto Insurance –This covers legal costs, medical expenses, and physical damage resulting from accidents.
• Business Interruption
Insurance – This will protect the company in the event a major disaster prevents the business from operating.
It will be important to make sure any insurance covers all aspects of the business – truck, trailer, employee, and operations.
One of the best ways to find the right insurance and the right insurance company is to simply ask other operators who they use. The trucking community is a tight knit community, so asking other operators for advice or about their experience is a great approach.
Once you have a good idea about the coverage you might need and the providers you want to talk to, it’s time to compare policies. Cost is often the number one consideration as it directly impacts the bottom line, but that should not be the only factor for consideration. Compare the coverage limits, deductibles, various exclusions and limitations, terms and conditions and more. The key is to determine which coverage best protects the business and is appropriate for the cost of operations. iksy tr~ikMg kMpnI ƒ clwauxw hor iksmW dy kwrobwrW ƒ clwaux nwloN ieMnw v~Krw nhIN hY[ tIcw huMdw hY munwPw, Aqy qusIN iesƒ iv`krI Aqy guxv~qw BrpUr gwhk syvw rwhIN hwsl krdy ho[ ieh vI ieMJ hI hY ik auhnW PwieidAW ƒ pRwpq krn leI inXmq ^rcy cwhIdy hn Aqy auhnW ^ricAW iv~coN ie~k jrUrI Krcw hY kMpnI dw bImw krvwauxw[ kwrobwr dI r~iKAw krnw Aqy dyxdwrI ƒ sImq krnw iksy vI kMpnI vwsqy ie~k zrUrI sur~iKAw-aupwA huMdw hY, Aqy tr~ikMg audXog vwsqy kuJ bImy dIAW iksmW dI loV huMdI hY[ Pyr svwl ieh bx jWdw hY ik qusIN Awpxy kwrobwr vwsqy shI bImy dI cox ikvyN krdy ho – pwilsIAW, kMpnIAW, Aqy vMn-suvMnIAW kvryjW vwsqy ivklp ies pRikirAw ƒ bhuq izAwdw guMJldwr bxw skdy hn[ pihlIAW cIzW iv~coN ie~k ijsƒ pUrw krn dI loV hY auh ieh inrDwrq krnw hY ik quhwƒ ikhVI kvryj dI loV hY Aqy qusIN kI cwhuMdy ho[ ies dw jvwb kMpnI dy Akwr, EprySn dI iksm, iljwey jw rhy kwrgo dI iksm Aqy hor bhuq kuJ 'qy inrBr krdw hY[ AOnlweIn Koj krnw jW bImw dlwl jW ivAkqIgq pRdwnkW nwl g~l krnw ieh inrDwrq krn iv~c mdd mweIkl
Interestingly, some insurance providers offer a number of additional services that can be beneficial. Safety training, risk management services, claims management, business training, and more are sometimes available at no additional cost. Also look for discounts, such as multi-truck or safety related discounts. Dive deep to find the right company and policy.
Regardless of which coverages and company you choose, also remember that the business and industry can and will evolve. With this in mind, review the coverage annually and don’t be afraid to change it or to change the provider if needed. Do what is best for the company to make certain it is protected and the most reasonable cost.
Be safe, be profitable, and be protected!
krygw ik ikhVIAW kvryjW dI loV hY[ Awm kvryjW iv~c
Swml hn:
• Awm dyxdwrI bImw – ieh
Awm qIjI-iDr dy muk~dimAW leI hY Aqy auhnW GtnwvW ƒ kvr krdw hY jo tr~k ƒ clwaux nwl is~Dy qOr 'qy sMbMiDq nhIN hn[ hor buinAwdI cIzW vI ies nwl kvr kIqIAW jWdIAW hn[
• kwimAW dy muAwvzy dw bImw
– ieh Awm qOr 'qy loVINdw huMdw hY jy quhwfy kol krmcwrI hn Aqy qusIN fwktrI lwgqW ƒ kvr kroNgy Aqy muk~dimAW qoN r~iKAw krdy ho jykr iksy krmcwrI ƒ kMm 'qy koeI s~t l`g jWdI hY jW ibmwrI l`g jWdI hY[
• motr tr~k kwrgo bImw - ieh nukswny gey jW guAwcy kwrgo ƒ bdlx dI lwgq dy nwl-nwl aunHW mu~idAW nwl sMbMiDq kwƒnI KricAW ƒ vI kvr krdw hY[
• vpwrk Awto bImw - ieh kƒnI KricAW, mYfIkl KricAW Aqy durGtnwvW dy nqIjy vjoN hox vwly srIrk nukswn ƒ kvr krdw hY[
• ibjns ieMtrvystYNs ieMSorYNs - ieh kMpnI dI r~iKAw krygw jykr koeI v~fI qbwhI kwrobwr ƒ kMm krn qoN rokdI hY[ ieh XkInI bxwauxw mh~qvpUrn hovygw ik koeI vI bImw kwrobwr dy swry hI p~KW ƒ kvr krdw hY – tr~k, trylr, krmcwrI, Aqy AwprySnz [ shI bImw Aqy shI bImw kMpnI ƒ l~Bx dy sB qoN vDIAw FMgW iv~coN ie~k hY dUjy AwprytrW ƒ pu~Cxw ik auh iks iksm dI pwilsI dI vrqoN krdy hn[ tr~ikMg BweIcwrw ie~k bhuq hI nzdIkI irSiqAW vWg buixAw hoieAw BweIcwrw hY, ies krky hornW AwprytrW koloN slwh jW auhnW dy qzrby bwry pu~Cxw ie~k vDIAw phuMc hY[ ie~k vwr jd quhwƒ aus kvryj bwry vDIAw pqw l~g jWdw hY, ijsdI quhwƒ loV pY skdI hY Aqy ijnHW bImw pRdwn krn vwiLAW nwL qusIN g~l krnI cwhuMdy ho, qW ies qoN nIqIAW dw mukwblw krn dw smW Aw igAw hY[lwgq Aksr hI nMbr ie~k ivcwr huMdI hY ikauNik ieh is~Dy qOr 'qy munwPy ƒ pRBwivq krdI hY, pr ieh ivcwrn vwsqy ie~ko ie~k kwrk nhIN hoxw cwhIdw[ kvryj sImwvW, ktOqIAW, v~Kv~K AlihdgIAW Aqy sImwvW, inXm Aqy SrqW Aqy hornW dI qulnw kro[ mu`kdI g`l qW ieh inrDwrq krnw hY ik ikhVI kvryj kwrobwr dI sB qoN vDIAw r~iKAw krdI hY Aqy EprySnW dI lwgq leI F`ukvIN hY[ idlcspI vwlI g~l ieh hY ik, k`uJ bImw pRdwqw bhuq swrIAW vwDU syvwvW idMdy hn, jo ik PwiedymMd ho skdIAW hn[ sur~iKAw isKlweI, Kqry dy pRbMDn sbMDI syvwvW, dwAivAW dw pRbMDn, kwrobwrI isKlweI, Aqy hor vI bhuq swrIAW cIzW keI vwrI ibnW iksy vDIk ^rcy dy auplbD huMdIAW hn[ CotW vwsqy vI dyKo, ijvyN ik mltI-tr~k jW sur~iKAw nwl sbMiDq CotW[ shI kMpnI Aqy nIqI ƒ l~Bx leI cMgI qrHW Koj kro[ cwhy qusIN iksy vI kvryj Aqy kMpnI dI cox krdy hovoN, ieh vI Xwd r~Ko ik kwrobwr Aqy audXog ivksq ho skdy hn
Aqy ivksq hoxgy vI[ ies ƒ idmwg iv~c r~Kdy hoey, kvryz dI hr swl smIiKAw kro Aqy iesƒ bdlx jW jy loV pvy qW pRdwnk ƒ bdlx qoN nw fro[ auh kro jo kMpnI leI sB qoN vDIAw hY ieh suinSicq krn leI ik kI ieh sur~iKAq hY Aqy sB qoN vwjb kImq vI hY[ sur~iKAq rhoo, lwBdwiek bxo, Aqy sur`iKAq bxy rhoo!