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CCCRPCA Board Meeting Minutes

CCCR/PCA Meeting Minutes

January 4, 2023


The meeting was held on Zoom at 5:00pm because of inclement weather.

Our Board:

Attending the meeting: Joe Shubitowski, Chuck Jennings, Andrew Winterbottom, Bill Chadwick, Jeff Bartel, Mark Schilling, Bob Bruington, Bob Kitamura, Sanja Brewer, Scot Burns and Ron Green. Absent: Gil Igleheart, Carol Walker, Joe Kuntze

President: Joe Shubitowski discussed the proposed meeting venue going forward. Suggested is to meet at Porsche-San Luis Obispo starting at either 4 or 5PM which allows us to complete the meeting before the dealership closes at 7PM. Also discussed the 356 Registry/West Coast Holiday and how to or whether to divide the proceeds. As this has not been resolved, a meeting between and among the CCCR representatives and 356 Registry representatives will be conducted January 11th. Joe will attend the Zone 8 President's Meeting at Riverside the 21st. of January and will promote our candidate for Enthusiast of the Year for Zone 8 and also possibly to the PCA-National level. Joe also discussed a new addition to activities (in lieu of the absent Gil I.); that is, conduct a Cars & Coffee event at a logical parking lot venue; Coffee in take-out container(s) could be purchased and brought to the event for attendees. Andy is to go to PCA.org online to update CCCR executive position details.

Vice President: Bob Bruington discussed the advantages of reviewing and improving our Region's Bylaws and noted that we do not seem to be in strict adherence to the existing bylaws. A subcommittee of Bob, Gil, Ron Green, and Joe S. and/or Joe K. will update the bylaws to include a description of each board members "job" description.

Secretary: The minutes prepared and updated by Carol Walker were accepted: Bill Chadwick moved and Sanja Brewer seconded to motion to accept.

Treasurer: Bill Chadwick reported that the CCCR starting bank balance stands at $37,597 which is approximately $10,000 more than we started with in 2022. A $3,900 deposit has been made to secure the Laguna Seca Drivers Education event scheduled in June. Invoices will be sent to our Coastalaire advertisers in February for 2023. Joe S. will have a meeting with the Porsche San Luis Obispo General Manager to set and agree expectations for their involvement with Region with regard to activities and financials. There was discussion about increasing our advertising rates that have been in place for approximately ten years. (A post-meeting evaluation of ad rates by other Regions in our Zone showed that our existing ad rates should not change.) Bill Chadwick made a motion that he meet with Joe Shubitowski (California Central Coast Region of the Porsche Club of America new President effective January 1, 2023) at the Bank of America in San Luis Obispo to add Joe Shubitowski's signature authority to the checking account and to obtain a debit card for Joe Shubitowski. Chuck Jennings seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved. Bill Chadwick also noted that he has identified an accountant to certify the Region's financials. Andy moved and Chuck seconded to approve the

Treasurer's Report; it was unanimously approved.

Membership: Sanja Brewer reported that we have 404 primary members plus 284 affiliate members for a total of 708. Further discussion ensued as how to increase membership and membership participation in Region activities. Ideas included providing a CCCR "flyer" to Porsche-San Luis Obispo, paying for new Porsche purchasers first year PCA membership, Porsche San Luis paying for new Porsche purchasers first year PCA membership, et cetera. No resolve was taken.

Activities: No report

Safety: Jeff Bartel will meet with Gil to gain knowledge of requirements for "wheels-moving" activities. Also, Jeff will coordinate with Bob Bruington and Chuck Jennings to cover the track and autocross events.


Autocross: Chuck Chuck Jennings reported that the Autocross Academy is scheduled for April 15th and the Autocross event will be April 16th. The remainder of the Autocross Events schedule is being set in to fit in with other CCCR motorsports and activities.

Drivers Education: Bob Bruington reported that dates have been set for Buttonwillow (May 5) and Laguna Seca (June 26). A second date for Buttonwillow will be set when and if Buttonwillow track expansion completes. Bob is also soliciting and investigating bids from contractors for pavement improvements to the Autocross track at the Santa Maria Jet Center. Bids range from $14,000 to $30,000 which means that the bids are not likely based on consistent parameters. More analysis to follow. Also, the Corvette Club is expected to contribute a modest amount of financial support to this project.

Newsletter: Bob Kitamura reported that the January issue of the Coastalaire will be print in addition to on-line. The print edition mailing will be somewhat delayed as Bob works out quality issues with FedEx and explores another potential provider for publishing the magazine. The Butler Hotel is a new addition to the Coastalaire advertisers. Bob noted that it would be a good idea to send the online version of the Coastalaire to the "Print" advertisers.

Website and Database Admin: Scot and Joe S. will carve up the duties to maintain and upgrade our digital media. Scot is looking into templates, coding and developer tools/upgrades.

Director at Large: Ron Green is ready to update the 2023 Regional Procedures Manual (RPM) as soon as the Zone 8 advocate is known.

Old Business: None

New Business: None

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Andrew Winterbottom Past President, CCCR-PCA

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