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Eric Welch Welch’s Guide Service
Bass: Guide Eric Welch reports: “ Fishing has been good, There is still some late spawning fish, but for the most part we are in post spawn and fish are starting to move out to the areas they will spend the summer months. Try using a Zoom trick worm or a fluke in and around docks and laydowns for fish that are still guarding fry. I’ve been catching fish on shaky heads, 3.5” tubes on long points, and rocky banks. This is the month you want to keep a topwater bait tied on like a Whopper Plooper and a Sexy dawg jr. Since the fish are done spawning, you should start seeing them chasing bait and see fish blowing up. With the fish moving back out to the offshore structure, I like to throw the dropshot rig, and my Garmin Livescope to find them in these areas. Good Lucky!
Lake Chatuge: Level: Full pool. Temp: 63-65 degrees. Clarity: Clear