CBC Forum March/April 2009

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CBC Forum March/April 2009

Coastal Bend College

Volume 3, Number 4

Sinton student big winner in art competition

Page 6 Tenth-graders get passport to dual credit

Page 13 KRIS-TV’s Bianca Castro TRiO guest speaker

Page 16

CBC student leaders spend a day with Texas legislators

More on Austin inside ...

CBC Forum

3800 Charco Road, Beeville, TX 78102 361.354.2399

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Students can apply to CBC at ApplyTexas.org

Job Fair on April 8 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Whether

Future CBC students can now apply online at www.

looking for a part-time job or wanting to speak to a


professional within a career field, all CBC students are encouraged to attend. Also open to the public. For

Summer Registration Information

more information contact Jennifer C. Linney 361-354-

On-line registration for returning students for Summer

2722, jcoker@coastalbend.edu.

I and Summer II is open with a complete schedule available at www.coastalbend.edu. Summer I dates are

CBC News Events


June 1 – July 6. Summer II will run July 8 – Aug. 13. New students or those who have not attended during the Spring, 09 semester should call advising for an appointment. Any student who has attended another college or university must submit an official transcript before being allowed to register. The Accuplacer test will be given by appointment. Digital Photography Course in Kingsville This is an introduction to various graphics software for image enhancement, photo-retouching and image composition. Classes will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 6-9 p.m. on the Kingsville campus beginning April 7 and ending April 16. Familiarity with a computer is a prerequisite. To register call (361) 592-1615 Ext. 4053 or stop by CBC Continuing Education at Coastal Bend College, 1814 S. Brahma Blvd in Kingsville. Community Job Fair in Beeville Coastal Bend College in conjunction with the Bee County Expo Center, Kicker 106, WorkSource, and BISD will host the 3rd Annual Beeville Community

Odem student is Gates Scholarship recipient Sandra Monreal from Odem High School, an Upward Bound participant, has been chosen for the next phase of this prestigious scholarship. Coastal Bend College UB staff served as both nominator and recommender for Monreal. Students have to write about six essays; the nominator has four to write and the recommender; who really has to sell the student, has to complete eight essays as part of the application process. Chamber awards Alice Campus Alice Chamber of Commerce recently held its 72nd Annual Chamber of Commerce Banquet. Coastal Bend College – Alice Campus was given the Large Employer Excellence Award for championing diversity. CBC Alice was recognized for demonstrating “innovative approaches to recruiting, retaining and developing their workforce; setting benchmarks for employers; being a role model for industry, encouraging and stimulating other organizations to strive to be the best, excel in becoming the ‘Employers of Choice,’ and demonstrate exemplary community involvement.” Spanish instructors sought Spanish has not been taught at either of the prisons in several years. Prospective instructors need to have 18 hours at the masters level in the subject area being taught. If you have the name of someone that might be interested, please contact Lillian Garza, Prison Programs Coordinator at (361) 354-2331. Summer classes are two nights a week. Fall and Spring are one night.

CBC Forum is a publication of Coastal Bend College, Office of Institutional Advancement, 3800 Charco Road, Beeville, Texas. To receive a digital copy, send an e-mail to Adrian Jackson at jackson@coastalbend.edu. Coastal Bend College does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, gender, age or disability. For more information about Coastal Bend

Coastal Bend College College, visit the website at www.coastalbend.edu or call toll free (866) 722-2838.

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CBC Forum

Texas Community College Student Day 2009

Coastal Bend College students from Alice, Beeville and Kingsville Campuses met their representatives to discuss issues unique to community colleges. They were joined by more than 1,000 other Texas CBC Alice and Kingsville students toured the Capitol building and later met with District 27 State Senator Eddie Lucio.

community college students and administrators on the steps of the Capitol for the annual Texas Community College Student Day, organized by Texas Junior College Student Government Association. Primary issues included in discussions were grants and scholarships that cover less than the cost of college; the role of community colleges in educating Texans; underfunding that hurts students; and the increase of tuition. Texas community college tuition

SGA students from Beeville brought gifts for District 21 State Senator Judith Zaffirini.

and fees have increased about 33 percent since 2003, while 70 percent of first-time college students and 47 percent of all post-secondary students in Texas are at community colleges, according to the Texas Junior College Student Government Association.

District 35 State Representative Yvonne Gonzalez Toureilles was also given a CBC plaque.

CBC Forum

3800 Charco Road, Beeville, TX 78102 361.354.2399

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vanished: german-american civilian internment, 1941-48

By Michael Luick-Thrams

historical event—possibly one of the U.S.’s least-known

TRACES Executive Director

WWII sub-chapters, especially relevant as some Texas communities had a disproportionate number of German-

During WWII the U.S. Government

American civilian residents interned. Communities across

interned 15,000 German-American

the region will have an opportunity—in most cases for the

civilians. Using ten narrative panels,

first time—to discuss the implications as well as legacy of

an NBC “Dateline” documentary and

the U.S. Government’s WWII “enemy alien” internment

a 1945 U.S. Government color film


about this unknown history, TRACES,

The exhibit, which traveled to all four campuses, was open for community members to view ten narrative panels and two films about this internment. There was a panelled open discussion about the topic. Through this exhibit and the subsequent discussions, Texans were able to look at WWII history in a new way, and “re-visit” an event and a period too often misunderstood and obscured by facile clichés. The discussion is meant to support healthy democratic involvement and processes. The exhibit and discussion sought to answer some ethical questions: • Are ethnic background or ideology justifiable grounds for internment (in other words, imprisoning suspects for who they are or what they believe, as opposed to their actions)? • Does a given society “owe” due process only to its citizens, or also to legal non-citizen residents? • During WWII the U.S. Government forcibly removed

a traveling exhibit, recently stopped at Coastal Bend College. The project’s main goals include presenting an unknown history to a wide audience; stimulating penetrating questions on the part of visitors to the exhibit and then leading them to subsequent discussions; and guided tours by host communities. TRACES explores a virtually unknown yet significant

4,058 Latin American Germans from South America— some of whom were German or Austrian Jews who’d recently fled Nazi persecution—to camps in Texas, at Ellis Island and elsewhere [just as 2,200 Peruvian Japanese also were interned alongside indigenous Japanese Americans]: what are some of this action’s legal and moral implications? Was this action effective? • “Enemy-alien” internment was a multi-million-dollar, seven-year U.S. Government project: was it effective

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CBC Forum

Summer work for teachers

Adams in Beeville. Any interested

Upward Bound G.O.S.T. will have its

senior girl who is serious about playing

2009 Summer Program from May 31

college softball and has not signed

– July 3. We will need the following

with other colleges or universities in

teachers: Composition/Literature

encouraged to participate. The college

(English), Math up to Calculus,

is currently filling the 2010 roster for

Spanish, Cooking, Dance, Music, Art

Division I NJCAA sports. Athletes must

and Computer Science Technology.

bring their own equipment. There is a

If you are interested, please contact

$10 fee for a mandatory background

Heather Anderson at handerson@

check. For more information, contact

coastalbend.edu or (361) 354-2746. Pay

Roxanne Aguirre at (361) 354-2721 or

is dependent upon certification. It is


preferred that the English, math, and Spanish teacher be secondary certified.

Chamber mixer in Kingsville

If so, they will receive $25/hour and

CBC Kingsville Campus will host a

will work from about 8 a.m. – 12

Kingsville Chamber of Commerce

p.m., Monday – Thursday. The other

Mixer/Open House with an end of

classes will be taught in the afternoons

semester art exhibit on April 30

(Monday to Thursday) and evenings

from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the

(Monday to Wednesday) for two to

Multipurpose Room. This is an

four hours per week depending on the

opportunity for the community to

availability of the instructor.

explore the possibilities for learning at Coastal Bend College. For additional

Play college soccer (i.e., did it reach its intended aims) Coastal Bend College Athletic

information, call Debbie Branstetter at (361) 592-1615 Ext. 4053.

or not? What other actions might Department will hold soccer tryouts have been taken, rather than to intern on April 25 at 2 p.m. in Veterans

Mexican heritage festival planned

some 150,000 Japanese, Italian and Memorial Park (200 acre) located at

Coastal Bend College will hold

303 N. Minnesota in Beeville. This

its 2nd Annual “Cinco de Mayo”

• Both camp staff and many of those tryout is being offered to any interested

Celebration on Saturday, May 2, 9

interned were sworn to secrecy. high school senior boys who are serious

a.m. to 7 p.m., in Beeville. There will

In 1988 the U.S. Government about playing college soccer and who

be live entertainment, brisket, family

acknowledged that it had interned have not signed with other colleges or

activities, an outdoor market and silent

Japanese Americans during WWII, universities. Athletes must bring their

auction. There will be a car show with

and in 2000 it admitted that it also own equipment. There is a $10 fee for

prizes awarded to participants. Money

had imprisoned Italian Americans; a mandatory background check. For

raised will benefit the athletic program.

as of this writing, however, it has more information, contact Roxanne

Those interested in a booth should

never confessed to having interned Aguirre at (361) 354-2721 or raguirre@

contact Roxanne Aguirre at 354-2721

German Americans. To what extent, coastalbend.edu.

or raguirre@coastalbend.edu.

German Americans?

and for how long, is a government accountable for its actions? Does it Play college softball at CBC

Guitar recital in Beeville

“owe” reparations to those wrongfully Coastal Bend College Athletic

Adult and youth guitarists, under the

Department will hold softball tryouts

instruction of Linda Switzer, will

For more information, go to www. on April 26, 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. Tryouts

perform on May 4 at 7 p.m. at Gertrude

harmed? If so, in what form? TRACES.org.

will be held at the softball field in A.C. Jones High School, located at 1902 N.

R. Jones Fine Arts Auditorium.

CBC Forum

3800 Charco Road, Beeville, TX 78102 361.354.2399

Girl by Kayla Mills of Stockdale High School

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Competition results Young artists from area high schools submitted work for the annual Coastal Bend

Tiger by Justin Alvarez of Taft High School

College Visual Arts Division High School Art Competition. Over 150 pieces were entered in 13 categories. Four works were awarded in each section of the juried contest. One overall winner – best or show – was chosen. Winners are considered for visual arts scholarships or dorm scholarships at Coastal Bend College. All entries are included an exhibit at the Simon Michael Art Gallery on the Beeville campus. The gallery is named in honor of the late Simon Michael, a South Texas artist and former CBC instructor. Albert Rodriguez of Sinton High School earned Best of Show for his piece “Her Frustrations.” The breakdown by category follows: Best of Show Albert Rodriguez Sinton High School

“Her Frustrations”

Batik 1st Place Kayla Mills

Stockdale High School


Colored Drawings Josette by Emily Cantu of Sinton High 1st. Place Justin Alvarez School

2nd. Place Albert Gutierrez

Taft High School Sinton High School

“Tiger” “The Great Divide”

3rd. Place Ashley Shoemaker H.M. King High School 4th. Place Stephanie Burg

“Emerald Forest”

Samuel Clemens High School

“Red Musician”

Three-Dimensional 1st. Place Stephen Lucas

Stockdale High School


2nd. Place Victoria Garza

Pettus High School

“Heart of a Dreamer”

3rd. Place Albert Rodriguez Sinton High School

“Giving Her Heart”

Pastel Dali by Chris Cook of Calhoun High School

1st. Place Taira Alderman

Stockdale High School


2nd. Place Samantha Hernandez Goliad High School


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CBC Forum

Basket by Stephen Lucas of Stockdale High School

Her Frustrations by Albert Rodriguez of Sinton High School

3rd. Place Paige Hatley

Three Rivers High School

4th. Place Dominick Wallace Taft High School 4th.Place Trevor Deason

Stockdale High School

“Firey Night” “Rosa Parks” “Joker”

Drawing-Charcoal 1st. Place Justin Sherrer

Taft High School

2nd. Place Zach Evetts

Samuel Clemens HS

3rd. Place Doug Hernandez Stockdale High School 4th. Place Emmanuel WallaceTaft High School

“A. I.” “Floral Shadows” Boots by Taira Alderman of Stockdale “Skull” High School “JFK”

Mixed Media-Variety-Collage 1st. Place Emily Cantu

Sinton High School


2nd. Place Edgar Castillo

Sinton High School

“Day Dream”

3rd. Place Cyndi Rodriguez Samuel Clemens HS

“Earthly Matrimony”

3rd. Place Dustin Thomas

Three Rivers High School

“Cow Skull”

4th. Place Sean Pruski

Stockdale High School

4th. Place Joshua Stevens

Samuel Clemens HS “Armageddon’s Beginning”


Scratchboard 1st. Place Kai-Lani Ybarra

Goliad High School

2nd. Place David Salizar

H.M. King High School

A.I. by Justin Sherrer of Taft High “Raccoon” School “Mind Games”

Drawing/Ink 1st. Place Flo Vega

Goliad High School

“The Joker”

2nd. Place Megan Lesak

Goliad High School

“Under The Sea”

Drawing/Pencil 1st. Place Eduardo RodriguezH.M. King High School 2nd. Place Ivonne Castillo

H.M. King High School

3rd. Place Trevor Deason

Stockdale High School

3rd. PLace Wendy Shoemaker H.M. King High School More results on page 8

“Reflections” “Candle and Pearls” “Cowboy” “Hands”

The Joker by Flo Vega of Goliad High School

CBC Forum 4th. Place Justin Sherrer

3800 Charco Road, Beeville, TX 78102 361.354.2399

Taft High School

Page 8

“Change Has Come”

4th. Place Chelsea Dettlinger George West High School

“Baby Seal”

Painting (oil-acrylic) 1st. Place Megan Lucio

Sinton High School


2nd. Place Heidi Lopez

H.M. King High School

2nd. Place Ariel Nunez

Kenedy High School

3rd. Place Lorraine Pena

Nixon-Smiley High School

4th. place Nicole Garza

George West HS

“la triste Nina” “Cowboy” “Cross”

“Hawaiian Night Flower”

Painting (Watercolors-Tempora-Guache) 1st. Place Wendy Schwertner H.M. King High School


1st. Place Raquel Maya

H.M. King High School

“Skull and Rose”

2nd. Place Brian O’Neil

Goliad High School

“St. Michael”

3rd. Place Kayla DeBord

Goliad High School


4th. Place Leslie Roberts

Samuel Clemens HS

“Marc Kitty”

Reflections by Megan Lucio of Sinton High School

Digital Graphics 1st. Place Chris Cook

Calhoun High School


Printmaking 1st. Place Janette Andrade

Pettus High School

Co-Ed Teams Tuesday Nights 6:30 p.m.


l l a b y


e o d C vo l


Coastal Bend College Peter S. Marecek Gymnasium

Resolution by Janette Andrade of

a r u

Pettus High School

in t r

u m

Students must have valid CBC student ID to join a team. For more information, call (361) 354-2721 or email raguirre@coastalbend.edu.

Coastal Bend College does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, gender, age, or disability.

Alien by Wendy Schwertner of H.M. King High School

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CBC Forum

(361) 362-COED

Continuing Ed offerings in March, April Beeville: Med Aide Refresher

One-day classes are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

arts and other fun events that involve

Lailey Sczepanik will teach a refresher

at Coastal Bend College – Kingsville

children in educational opportunities.

course in Medication Administration

Campus in Kingsville, on the following

Kingsville: Digital Photography

for Med Aides on Saturdays. Med

dates in 2009: March 21, April 25, May

This is an introduction to various

Aides are required by law to complete

23, June 27, July 25, Aug. 22, Sept. 26,


an annual 7-hour update prior to their

Oct. 24, Nov. 14 and Dec. 12.

enhancement, photo-retouching and

permit expiration date. Med Aides who




image composition. Classes will be

do not take the refresher will have to

Continuing Ed instructors wanted

held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from

retake the 140-hour Med Aide course.

Coastal Bend College is expanding the

6-9 p.m. on the Kingsville campus

One-day classes are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

course offerings in continuing education

beginning April 7 and ending April

at CBC Lott-Canada Facility, 900 W.

to include a wide variety of classes to

16. Familiarity with a computer is a

Corpus Christi St. in Beeville, on the

meet the needs of the community. There


following dates in 2009: March 21,

is a need for more qualified instructors.

April 25, May 23, June 27, July 25,

If you can teach courses such a cake

Alice: (361) 664-2981 Ext. 3046

Aug. 22, Sept. 26, Oct. 24, Nov. 14 and

decorating, cooking, dancing, music,

Beeville: (361) 362-2633

Dec. 12.

art, health-related topics, send your

Kingsville: (361) 592-1615, Ext. 40553

resume to Glynis Strause, Coordinator

Pleasanton: (830) 569-4222, Ext. 1223

Kingsville: Med Aide Refresher

of Continuing Education, 3800 Charco

Floyd Green will teach a refresher

Road, Beeville, TX 78102 or e-mail to

course in Medication Administration


for Med Aides on Saturdays. Med Aides are required by law to complete

Instructors sought for Kids College

an annual 7-hour update prior to their

Kids College, a program of children’s

permit expiration date. Med Aides who

summer activities, is planning for 2009

do not take the refresher will have to

camp. Instructors are being sought for

retake the 140-hour Med Aide course.

courses such as art, music, martial

3rd Annual

Beeville Community

Job Fair

Pleasanton: HVAC The second in the series of HVAC classes will introduce the topics of refrigeration cycle, heat transfer theory, temperature/pressure relationship, refrigerant handling, refrigeration components and safety. Classes will be Mondays and Wednesdays from April 13 to June 3, 6-9 p.m. at a cost of $139 plus fees and textbooks. See the Passion Play in Bavaria Travel to Europe with Coastal Bend College. From July 19 to July 28, 2010, SEARCH tourists will visit Bavaria. Every ten years the German Community of Oberammergau hosts a Passion Play. Although this is the highlight of the trip, tourists also will explore Engleberg, Bern and Lucerne, Switzerland; Innsbruck and Salzburg, Austria; and the Bavarian region of

April 8, 2009, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at at Bee Beee County Expo Center


CBC Forum

3800 Charco Road, Beeville, TX 78102 361.354.2399

Coastal Bend College’s Seventh Annual Día Del MariachiTM Vocal and Group Competition was held on March 7 at the Selena Auditorium in Corpus Christi. The event showcased the mariachi programs of Texas middle and high schools. The competition brought together hundreds of students including 23 mariachis and 24 individual vocalist competitors. Coastal Bend College of Beeville, Texas and Munoz Public Relations of San Antonio teamed up to host the event and provide the overall winners with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to perform with Mariachi Vargas de Tecalitlán, called “the world’s best mariachi.” Mariachi Toros de Plata of Mission Veterans High School, under the direction of Francisco Vela Jr., performed at the evening concert as Best Overall High School Mariachi. The honor of performing during the evening concert as Best Overall Middle School Mariachi went to Mariachi Juvenil de America Rio Grande City Veterans Middle School, under the direction of Eloy Garza. Catherine Gonzalez of Kingsville’s Gillett Middle School won Best Overall Vocalist and also performed during the Mariachi Vargas de Tecalitlán concert. Complete competition results, by division, follow: Results for Dia Del Mariachi Group Competition 2009 Best Beginner Ensemble Middle School Division Best Trumpet Section: Mariachi Juvenil Halcon 6th grade, Zapata Middle School Best Rhythm Section: Falfurrias Jr. High 7th grade Best Violin/Flute Section: Mariachi Juvenil Halcon 6th grade, Zapata Middle School Best Overall Group Vocalist: Mariachi Juvenil Halcon 6th grade, Zapata Middle School Middle School Division 8th/7th Grade Best 7th Grade Ensemble: Mariachi Juvenil Halcon 7th grade, Zapata Middle School

Page 10

3A/2A Varsity Division II Best Trumpet Section: Falfurrias High School Mariachi Best Rhythm Section: Falfurrias High School Mariachi Best Violin/Flute Section: Falfurrias High School Mariachi Best Overall Group Vocalist: Mariachi Estrella, Premont High School 5A/4A Varsity Division II Best Trumpet Section: Mariachi Los Tigres del Sur, Laredo Martin High School Best Rhythm Section: Mariachi Los Tigres del Sur, Laredo Martin High School Best Violin/Flute Section: Mariachi Los Tigres del Sur, Laredo Martin High School Best Overall Group Vocalist: Mariachi Los Tigres del Sur, Laredo Martin High School 5A/4A Jr. Varsity Division I/II Best Trumpet Section: Mariachi Azul Y Plata, Kyle Lehman High School Jr. Varsity Best Rhythm Section: Mariachi Azul Y Plata, Kyle Lehman High School Jr. Varsity Best Violin/Flute Section: Mariachi Sol Azteca, Mission Veterans High School Best Overall Group Vocalist: Mariachi Sol Azteca, Mission Veterans High School 3A/2A Varsity Division I Best Trumpet Section: El Mariachi Cotuleño, Cotulla High School Best Rhythm Section: El Mariachi Cotuleño, Cotulla High School Best Violin/Flute Section: Mariachi Halcon, Zapata High School Best Overall Group Vocalist: El Mariachi Cotuleño, Cotulla High School 5A/4A Varsity Division I Best Trumpet Section: Mariachi Toros De Plata, Mission Veterans High School Best Rhythm Section: (tie) Mariachi Dos Mil, Edinburg Johnny Economedes High School and Toros De Plata, Mission Veterans High School Best Violin/Flute Section: Mariachi Toros De Plata, Mission Veterans High School

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CBC Forum

Best Overall Group Vocalist: Mariachi Toros De Plata, Mission Veterans High School Best Overall Vocalists: (most points) Middle School: Catherine Gonzalez, Kingsville Gillett Middle School High School: Carlton Galvaz, Kyle Lehman High School Best Overall Vocalist for Dia Del Mariachi Winner for Concert: Catherine Gonzalez, Kingsville Gillett Middle School Best Overall Dia Del Mariachi Group (most points) Mariachi Toros de Plata of Mission Veterans High School Middle School Winner for Concert: Mariachi Juvenil de America, Rio Grande City Veterans Middle School High School Winner for Concert: Mariachi Toros de Plata Mission Veterans High School Results for Dia Del Mariachi Vocal Competition 2009 Division I Ratings: Laura Ontiveros, San Antonio Fox Tech Sebastian Vela, Premont High School Ashley Flores, Zapata High School Marcella Vargas, San Antonio Fox Tech Saida Ysela Tijerina, Premont Jr. High School Rudie Lynn Bustamante, Zapata High School Abril Lopez, Premont High School Juan Miguel Flores, Kingsville H.M. King High School Olivia Rodriguez, Kyle Lehman High School Iza Pena, Premont High School Alex Barrera, Falfurrias Jr. High School Daniela Vela, Zapata Middle School Catherine Gonzalez, Kingsville Gillet Middle School Carlton Galvez, Kyle Lehman High School Victor Rodriguez, Kingsville H.M. King High School Juan Carlos Gonzalez, Kingsville Memo-

Mariachi Juvenil de America of Rio Grande City Veterans Middle School

rial High School Lily Garza, Zapata Jr. High School Ashley Guzman, Zapata Middle School Charlie Rodriguez, Zapata Middle School

Division II Ratings: Leila Trevino, Robstown High School D’Andrea Escobar, Falfurrias Jr. High School Briana Saenz Premont Jr. High School Katarina Padilla, Zapata Middle School Jose Rogelio Salinas Jr., Rio Grande City Ft. Ringgold Middle School Juan Islas-Camacho, Rio Grande City Ft. Ringgold Middle School

CBC Forum

3800 Charco Road, Beeville, TX 78102 361.354.2399

Glass blowing demo

Ed Schmid from Washington was guest artist during the recent glass blowing demonstration held on the Beeville campus in the Visual Arts hot house. Many of his completed pieces and those of other visiting artists become part of CBC’s permanent collection.

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CBC Forum

A.C. Jones High School tenth-graders were called on stage during a ceremony held at Coastal Bend College in their honor. Each student was given a golden passport and a CBC identification card.

Passport Day 2009 college credit while earning high school credit for the same classes. It also gives students the opportunity to familiarize themselves with college-level work. Most importantly, tuition for Bee County residents taking dual credit classes is free. Kathy Duge said her older daughter used dual credit to earn 42 semester hours that were all applied toward a bachelor’s degree. She said that her tenthgrader plans to take an aggressive approach to the program and start with history and government in the fall. “We Parents were invited to join students in touring CBC and spent less than learning about dual credit opportunities. Jackie Waters and $1500 for our her son, Nicholas; Sarah McKinney and her daughter, Mor- daughter to earn gan; and Robert Ibarra and his son, Ernesto, were among 42 credits. You those who plan to take advantage of free college classes. do the math.” Duge’s figure is a tour of the campus and a CBC based on the cost of books and identification card. They attend- fees that Bee County parents have ed workshops about academic to cover. At any other college or and workforce programs offered university in the region, parents through CBC and learned about would spend $8,500 or more for how to take advantage of dual the same 42 credits. Core academic courses like hiscredit. Many high school students are tory, math and science, completed eligible to take college courses through Coastal Bend College, or after completing the tenth grade any college, are transferable to through the dual credit program. universities across the country. Dual credit courses, whether of- The passports given to students fered at the high school or at the contain information about what college, allow students to earn classes are available and what The purpose of the program, hosted by Beeville Independent School District and Coastal Bend College, was to celebrate the achievements of the students and to get them in a mindset for college. For many students, this opportunity was the first for them to visit a college campus. After the ceremony, students were given

certificates can be earned in tandem with a high school diploma. Sarah McKinney, who attended Passport Day with her daughter Morgan, said “This makes everyone aware. Not all students get to talk to their counselors regularly and some have parents who’ve not gone to college.” McKinney has two other children that took dual credit courses so she knew more about the opportunities than others. “This event is a positive step to getting students thinking about the future.” Parents were invited to participate in the ceremony. Afterward, they took part in a round table discussion on issues unique to dual credit students. Robert Ibarra said he attended the round table discussion to learn more about what courses are available for his son, Ernesto. He hopes that his son will pick up a few courses over the summer and continue through high school. “This event gets students more serious about college. This is an open door to the future,” Ibarra explained. He urged students to take advantage of dual credit instead of waiting until after high school to start college. BISD Superintendent John Hardwick and CBC President Thomas Baynum came up with the idea for the event during one of their regular breakfast meetings one year ago. Hardwick explained that he was driven by his own experiences at the college, having first visited Coastal Bend

CBC Forum

3800 Charco Road, Beeville, TX 78102 361.354.2399

College as a 17-year-old from Sinton. Hardwick did not attend CBC, but never forgot how that one day on campus helped him visualize his future. The number of students who earn CBC Level I Certificates at the same time that they graduate from high school has dramatically increased since the Passport Program was introduced last year. Approximately 18 A.C. Jones students are expected to graduate with a workforce level I certificate during the CBC Commencement ceremony on May 15. CBC now offers 19 dual credit level I certificates. Students earn certificates in computer information technology, automotive technology, criminal justice, basic early development, welding, design, office automation technology, general aviation, and others. Upon completion of high school, students who possess college certificates will be more prepared to enter the workplace than those without. And those who plan to attend a two-year college will have a basic level of coursework already completed, according to Hardwick. “We have failed if all of you don’t seek the opportunity to go on to college or university,” Hardwick told students.

CBC President Dr. Thomas Baynum shows students the golden passport that explains which certificates can be earned during high school.

The passport given to students gives them access to on-campus facilities. Students will be able to access electronic and learning resources at the college. Information about college programs was presented to students in a pocket-sized

guide. The passport program is only available to BISD students at this time, though any Bee County resident can take advantage of tuitionfree dual credit while attending ACJHS, Pettus High School and Skidmore-Tynan High School. The following A.C. Jones High School sophomores attended the Passport Program event: Jacqueline Acosta, Laura Anderson, Joe Arzola, Timothy Barcenas, Anissa Barrientes, Bianca Barrientes, Cera Benavides, Nathaniel Botello, Mikayla Boynton, Nyisha Britton, Colt Burchett, Alexandra Camacho, Ricky Campos, Jose Cano, Justin Cano, Crystal Cantu, Danielle Cantu, Richard Cantu, Stephen Cantu-Garza, Juan Cardenas, Michael Carman, Jared Carrillo, Aaron Castilla, Richard Castillo, Zackary Castro, Julian Charles, Chelsea Contreras, Christopher Cruz, Christian Cuellar, Kevin Dang, April De Los Santos, Tamara Del Bosque, Adela DeLeon, Anessa Dembowski, Meagan Elder, Natalie Elder, Rachel Ellerbee, Rebecca Escobar, Julian Esquivel, Justin Farias, Daniel Fernandez, Megan Finn, Daisy Fish, Lesleigh Flora, Andrew Forbes, Ashlee Fox, Jessica Freeman, Trinidad Galindo, Alexandria Gamez, Amanda Gamez, Cindy Gamez, Brittany Garcia, Feliz Garcia, Jacob Garcia, Jovan Garcia, Larry Garcia, Maria Garcia, Mathew Garcia, Trever Garcia, Mardi Giannini, Michael Gomez, Armando Gonzales, Lawrence Gonzales, Raymond Gonzales, Demetri Gonzalez, Justin Govella, Candida Guerra, Lorenzo Guerrero, Fatima Guevara, Janel Gutierrez, Jesse Gutierrez, Stephanie Gutierrez, Gabriela Hernandez, John Hernandez, Josefa Hernandez, Philip Hernandez, Valerie Hernandez, Destiny Herrera, Ernesto Ibarra, Robert Jackson-Dembo, Katherine Jones, Melissa Joyce, Megan Juranek, Mason Kanetzky, Megan Knapp, Mary Larakers, Domingo Leal, Lita Lim, Ellen Lopez, Laine Lu-

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thringer, Troy Maldonado, April Mancilla, Elizabeth Cortez, Amaris Martin, Freddy Martinez, Jordon Martinez, Little Martinez, Mercedes Martinez, Taeja Martinez, Morgan McKinney, Arrial Mendoza, Megan Migura, Thomas Miller, Isaiah Montez, Marcos Montez, Amy Morales, Felix Mo-

Kelly Rea, Title V Outreach Coordinator, joins the Coastal Bend College Cougar in welcoming A.C. Jones High School students. For many, this was their first visit to any campus of higher education.

rales, Sebastian Moron, Brooke Moya, Anthony Orozco, Melissa Orozco, Stephanie Orozco, Ruth Owunna, Jodi Parkman, Christopher Perez, Courtney Perez, Oscar Perez, Ruby Perez, Samantha Perez, Michael Ponce, Christy Puga, Cynthia Ramirez, Adam Ramon, Hilary Ramos, Maleni Ramos, Crystal Rangel, Daniel Rea, Wriston Ricketts, James Rincon, Briana Rivas, Brianna Rodriguez, Dominic Rodriguez, Felix Rodriguez, Garen Rodriguez, John Rodriguez, Luis Rodriguez, Sebastian Rodriguez, Tiffany Rodriguez, Sierra Ruiz, Abel Salazar, Roland Salazar, Crystal Santa Ana, Jonathan Schwindt, John Segovia, Carlos Serna, Aaron Shirley, Eric Sierra, Jon Silva, Chet Sparks, Jeffrey Stafford, Zachary Sutherland, Jessica Tamez, Christian Torres, Caleb Traylor, Randy Trejo, Jade Trevino, Kimberli Trevino, Anastacia Villarreal, Jerome Villarreal, Amanda Villegas, Lakeiva Ward, Nicholas Waters, Shanise Wilson, Stephen Wright, Alisha Yogi and Jessica Zuniga. For more photos and information on the Passport Program, visit the Coastal Bend College website at www.coastalbend.edu.

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CBC Forum

Snapshots of the Alice Student Art Show

CBC Forum

3800 Charco Road, Beeville, TX 78102 361.354.2399

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KRIS-TV anchor guest speaker Outstanding students recognized during TRiO Day Bianca Castro is originally from San Jose, California. During her high school years, her family moved to Plano. Castro is the oldest of five children. Her parents and four brothers still reside in Plano, while Bianca and her husband Ryan call Corpus Christi their home. Her broadcast career started with a Bachelors Degree in Telecommunication from Baylor University in Waco. After college, she became an anchor/ reporter for Telemundo. She then moved to CBS affiliate, KWTX, as a reporter, and shortly after, she was promoted to weekend news anchor. While in Central Texas, Castro covered stories about President George W. Bush at his Crawford Ranch and military reports from Fort Hood Army Base in Killeen. In Feb. 2005, she received state wide recognition for an in-depth report on treating post-traumatic stress disorder among female veterans of the Iraq War. Today, Castro is news anchor for KRIS-TV in Corpus Christi. She can be seen on air weeknights at 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. on Chanel 6.

(Source: http://www.kristv.com)

“I always had to know what’s going on. I needed to know what everyone was doing at every moment,” Bianca Castro told more than 200 students and staff members during Coastal Bend College -- Alice Campus’ annual TRiO Day celebration. TRiO Day is a nationwide annual celebration that recognizes the value of the federally-funded TRiO Programs and the successes of their students. Jim Wells County students spent the day at CBC Alice with guest speakers like Castro, an anchorwoman at KRIS-TV in Corpus Christi. Workshops about financial aid, time management and study skills gave students a glimpse of the realities of college life. The presentation was organized by TRiO Educational Talent Search. Josie Schuenemann, Julie Enrriques and DeeDee Arismendez with the help of other CBC employees, city and county officials and guest experts. The purpose was to familiarize students with college and encourage them to start thinking and planning their futures. Nicholas Espinoza, an Alice High School eleventh-grader, was awarded for his outstanding achievement. Chelsea Morales, a senior at Fal-

furrias High School, was also recognized for outstanding achievement. Educational Talent Search in Alice, with an annual award of $220,000, serves 625 students from Alice, Ben Bolt-Palito Blanco, Benavides, Falfurrias, Freer, Orange Grove, Premont and San Diego schools. In addition to counseling, participants receive information about college admissions requirements, scholarships and various student financial aid programs. This early intervention program helps students to better understand their educational opportunities and options. Coastal Bend College -- Beeville Campus had similar activities lined up for TRiO Day. Approximately 172 students and staff members from Coastal Bend College and area schools participated in a number of workshops highlighting career opportunities and student issues. CBC Presidet Dr. Thomas Baynum delivered a warm welcome and explained to students the value of education. Beeville Mayor Chesshir proclaimed it TRiO Day. TRiO Program coordinators recognized outstanding student achievements by awarding one overall TRiO Achiever selected from among the four programs (Student Support Services, Upward Bound, Upward Bound G.O.S.T. and Educational Talent Search), and eight individual Program Achiever awards. Keisha Quintero, a former TRiO Upward Bound and Educational Talent Search student, was honored

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CBC Forum

“Current events just fascinated me in high school. I knew from an early age that I wanted to be a journalist.” -- Bianca Castro KRIS-TV Anchorwoman

during CBC Alice TRiO Day activities, luncheon posthumously as the 2009 Outstanding TRiO Achiever, for her success in education. Quintero was a 2003 graduate of A.C. Jones High School in Beeville. She obtained her bachelor’s degree from Texas State University in San Marcos in May 2008. Her goal was to receive a Ph.D. until her untimely death in July 2008. Keisha was the daughter of Tony and Rose Marie Quintero of Beeville. The following received TRiO Achiever Awards. Evonne Flores is a senior at Mathis High School. She plans to attend Texas A&M University -- Kingsville. She is pursuing a career in physical therapy. Flores has been a participant in Upward Bound for four years. John Gonzalez-Beaudion IV is a sophomore at Taft High School. He plans to attend Stanford University to study marine biology. His hard work and dedication to good grades and Upward Bound G.O.S.T. have led him to be in the top five percent of his class. Gonzalez-Beaudion recently started tutoring for UB G.O.S.T. He has been a participant in the program for one year. Demi Lea Garcia is a sophomore at Sinton High School. She plans to attend Texas State University in San Marcos to study law. As a result of her exceptional leadership and near-perfect attendance, Garcia has become the Upward Bound G.O.S.T. Student Council President. She has been a UB G..O. S. T. participant for a year and a half.

Paloma Reyes, a senior at Runge Services for two years and is a memHigh School, plans on attending Vic- ber of Phi Beta Kappa Society. Through the TRiO Programs, our toria College in the fall. She is pursuing a career in process technology. nation has asserted a commitment She has been an Educational Talent to providing educational opportuniSearch participant for three years. ties for all Americans regardless of While in ETS, she has been actively race, ethnic background or economic involved in several activities includ- circumstance. TRiO Programs help ing career mentoring. low-income and/or first generation Joseph Garcia is a junior at Taft American college bound students get High School. He has been an Educa- into college, graduate and move on tional Talent Search participant for to participate more fully in American three years. Garcia has been actively economic and social life. TRiO helps involved in several activities while in students overcome class, social and ETS. He plans to start college after cultural barriers. his high school graduation in 2010. The TRiO Student Support Services Lisa Gonzales, a sophomore at Program assists economically disadCoastal Bend College, is planning to vantaged and/or first generation colattend the University of Texas at Arlington. She is pursuing The late Keisha Quintero was a career in mechanical engineering. She named 2009 Outstanding TRiO has been an active Achiever. She participated in participant with Student Support SerEducational Talent Search and vices for a year and Upward Bound. She earned a a half. Gonzales is a tutor for TRiO SSS bachelor’s degree from Texas and a member of Phi State University in San Marcos Beta Kappa Society. Robert Forbeck shortly before her death. is a sophomore at Coastal Bend College and plans to attend University of Texas at San Anto- lege students with support services in nio/UTSA-Health Science Center. His order to increase retention, graduation goal is to enter the Master of Physical and/or transfer rates. Support services Therapy program. He has been an ac- include tutoring, degree plan advising, tive participant of Student Support financial aid counseling, and schol-

CBC Forum

3800 Charco Road, Beeville, TX 78102 361.354.2399

arship opportunities, TRiO SSS grants, Student Textbook Loan Programs, transfer counseling, admission fee waivers and more. The TRiO Educational Talent Search Program assists economically disadvantaged and/or first generation college bound students. CBC’s ETS Program serves high school students enrolled at Beeville, George West, Karnes City, Kenedy, Mathis, Odem, Pettus, Refugio, Runge, SkidmoreTynan, Taft, and Three Rivers and middle/junior high school students at Mathis, Moreno, Pettus, and Skidmore-Tynan. The program provides academic, career and financial counseling to its participants and encourages them to graduate from high school and continue on to post-secondary education. Other services provided include college admissions, tutoring, and college tours which aid students to succeed. The TRiO Upward Bound Program is a college-prep program designed to identify and assist high school students with academic potential from economically disadvantaged backgrounds who are low income and/or first generation college bound. CBC’s UB Program serves students enrolled at Beeville, Mathis, Pettus and Skidmore-Tynan schools. CBC’s UB G.O.S.T. Program serves students enrolled at

Co-Ed Teams Monday Nights 6 p.m.

in t r u m

Students must have valid CBC student ID to join a team. For more information, call (361) 354-2350 or email whartman@coastalbend.edu.

Nicholas Espinoza, an Alice High School eleventh-grader, was awarded TRiO Achiever by Josie Scheuneman.

l l a b et

e d ba o C l a sk r u

Coastal Bend College Peter S. Marecek Gymnasium

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Coastal Bend College does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, gender, age, or disability.

Chelsea Morales, a Falfurrias High School twelfth-grader, was named TRiO Achiever by Julie Enrriques.

Paloma Reyes, a senior at Runge High School, earned a TRiO Achiever Award for her participation in Educational Talent Search.

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Cheryl Gallagher, left, and Melissa Soto, right, present Evonne Flores of Mathis High School with a TRiO Achiever Award for her participation in Upward Bound.


George West, Odem, Sinton and Taft schools. Program coordinators encourage skills and motivation needed for students to enter, complete and graduate from a program of post-secondary education by providing a number of services including academic instruction, career and financial counseling, six-week summer residential programs and workstudy opportunities. Coastal Bend College TRiO staff include Velma Elizalde, TRiO Director; Amy Gonzales, Senior Office Specialist; Michelle Duran SSS Project Director; Jeri Morton, SSS Counselor; Sylvia Lopez, SSS Secretary; Melissa Soto, UB Project Director; Cheryl Gallagher, UB Counselor; Janice Fernandez, UB Secretary; Heather Anderson, UB G.O.S.T. Project Director; Vanessa Deleon, UB G.O.S.T. Academic Advisor; Dina Villegas, UB G.O.S.T. Secretary; Lupe Ganceres, ETS Project Director; Rene Brown, ETS Counselor; Mary Garza, ETS Counselor; Mary Alice Rivera, ETS Tutor Coordinator/Secretary; Josie Schuenemann, Alice ETS Project Director; Julie Enrriques, Alice ETS Counselor; and DeeDee Arismendez, Alice ETS Tutor Coordinator/Secretary. For more information on the TRiO Programs, call (361) 354-2715.


5-Man Teams Monday Nights 6 p.m.


MEN’S ba s k

ll ba et Heather Anderson, left presents Demi Lea Garcia of Sinton High School a TRiO Achiever Award for her participation in Upward Bound G.O.S.T.

Coastal Bend College Peter S. Marecek Gymnasium

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Jeri Morton presented Coastal Bend College sophomore Robert Forbeck with this year’s Student Support Services TRiO Achiever award.

CBC Forum

Students must have valid CBC student ID to join a team. For more information, call (361) 354-2350 or email whartman@coastalbend.edu.

Coastal Bend College does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, gender, age, or disability.

5K Walk/Run Date: Saturday, May 2, 2009 Time: 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Car Show Place: Coastal Bend College -- Beeville Campus Live Music Lots of Food Antiques, Shopping & More!

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