Raise the Barre for your
Christin Rutley
Certified Personal Trainer
Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist
Certified Lagree Instructor
Born and raised in Louisville, KY, Christin got into fitness at a very young age. With a love and passion for activities such as competitive cheerleading, dance and gymnastics she spent many years as an Allstar cheerleader for Gymtyme Allstars. In her junior year of high school, she herniated three discs in her lower back which put an end to her participating in cheerleading and gymnastics. “I immediately realized that whether I was in competitive sports or not, I needed to keep my body moving to be both mentally and physically healthy and strong”, said Christin. She stumbled upon a barre studio and was hooked! It gave her the gratification of moving to the music like cheerleading that she loved so much.
Discovering her passion for fitness and health, she went on to get a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Exercise Physiology at the University of Louisville. After graduating, she went on to get her C.S.C.S and NASM CPT. With her energetic and enthusiastic
personality, she was a natural at leading classes and quickly developed her brand and a following. Since moving to South Florida, she has been certified in 10+ Lifetime signature formats, created her own musically driven personal training method called The Christin Rutley Method, became certified in Lagree Fitness, and she is continuing her fitness education with plans to expand into the yoga world.
Christin just released her first nutritional E-Book, "Eat Like Christin," which is a 90-day whole food's based guide that drives us away from all things processed and closer towards all things that grow from the ground or come from a humanely treated animal. "It is a perspective on food that encourages fuel over restriction simply by eating the right things and what ingredients you should be avoiding on common food labels", says Christin.
To purchase, go to link on Christin’s Instagram @cbjrutley. Stay tuned for Christin’s subscription based workout platform coming this Spring!
Wide Second Position:
(time: full length of a song)
- change movement every time the beat changes or every 60 seconds. Can be done with or without band
SET UP: face barre, flat feet, feet wider than hips/toes turned out slightly, bend knees, sink down to knee level, arms up.
-lift & lower heels -hold on heels: press knees back, then pulse -put the press + pulse together -isometric hold to finish
Straight Leg Turnout Abduction: OUTER GLUTES & OBLIQUES
SET UP: face barre, heels together toes apart, R forearm on barre, box out L palm on barre, extend L leg back behind you straight, point toe, turn out knee, deepen bend in standing leg, tuck tailbone under (change movement every time the beat changes or every 60 seconds.)
-drop L leg all the way down 4 counts, up for 4 counts -hold at top, down an inch up an inch -circle the hip while squeezing outer glute /reverse directions *rise up to standing tip toe* -hold circle, flex foot, bend and extend -hold straight leg and flexed foot, lift to finish switch legs & repeat on R side
Reverse Lunge on Barre:
SET UP: face barre, place both hands on barre (light grip), R foot forward L foot back staggered stance. Rise up to back tip toe, sink seat down toward knee level, tuck tailbone underneath you, and pull shoulders out of ears
-down for 2 up for 2; keep soft bend in knees at top never lock out legs
-down 1, up 1
-hold it down, lift and lower front heel
-hold heel up, pulse legs
-flatten heel, hover back foot off floor & balance
-pulse and press to finish
-switch legs and repeat L side
Standing Pretzel
stand with left side into barre, heels together toes apart, extend outside leg straight on back diagonal, bend leg into 90 degrees, flex foot, lift leg/knee up to hip height like a "fire hydrant", shift leg back, outside arm up by ear / palm in fist
-press your bent leg back one inch (squeezing outer glute and outside oblique), forward one inch
-press back to tempo
-circle the hip (small range of motion) & reverse directions
-hold circle, drop leg down to parallel 2 counts, lift back up to hip height 2 counts
-hold it up at hip height/turned out: lift to finish
- add pulse through standing leg
-switch legs and repeat L side
Straight Leg Foldover:
SET UP/PROPER ALIGNMENT: face barre, stand arms distance away from barre, feet hip-width apart/ parallel, pull off barre with straight arms, rise up to tip toes, extend R leg back behind you, point toe, deepen the bend in standing leg, tuck hips under
- drop your straight leg to the floor slowly, lift slowly (4 counts each direction)
-hold at the top/hip height: down an inch, up an inch
-hold the lift, little circles / reverse directions
-flex foot: hamstring curls *form cue: don't drop knee while bring heel towards butt*
-hold leg bent at 90 degrees: pulse it up to finish