13 minute read
Home Visits ParentTeacher Conferences
Our program encourages parents to become actively involved in the education and development of their children. Through home visits and parent/teacher conferences parents are given the opportunity to discuss their child/children’s ongoing progress at Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start. Parents are also given the opportunity to discuss family goals including the educational, social and nutritional needs of their children.
The parent committee and policy council provideparents with the opportunity to participate in the shared decision making and policy establishing process of Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start. These committeesmeetto discuss topics of interest involving parents, children and staff during the school year.
It is very important as parents to inform the Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start centers with changes in address, telephone numbers and release information. Please keep us informed of any contact changes.
Please do not allow children to bring toys to the center. Our classrooms are equipped with fun items for activities that children will enjoy. We will not be held responsible for items lost or stolen. Please do not send children to the center with expensive items such as jewelry and/or money.
The Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start programs are charged with the responsibility of reporting suspected cases of child abuse or neglect. All staff are mandated reporters and are responsible for informing the Department of Family and Children Services of suspected neglect or abuse of a child for investigation. Georgia Law requires us to report all suspected child abuse and/or neglect situations. This is to include medical and dental neglect.
Children with head lice will be excluded from the Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start centers and may return when hair has been properly treated. A Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start staff will check for nits before he or she may return to class. Parents can take the child to their primary physician or local health department for treatment. Children treated with over-thecounter products for removal of lice or nits must present a current receipt for the purchased product used to treat the head lice.
Every child must have their shots up to date and must keep them current to remain in school. Monthly update reviews are conducted,and parents will be given prior notice to the expiration of their child/children’s immunizations.
ILLNESS Parents will be contacted when a child is ill and cannot remain at the center.
Children will be provided nutritious meals while at Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start. Please do not send food to the center with your child/children. Parents will not be permitted to bring outside food for any reason.
CGACAA Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start programs takes into account, the policies of the local Board of Education concerning inclement weather. If the school system closes the Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start, centers and Program Director takes into consideration the weather situation and follows the best course of action. 24
Coastal Georgia Area CAA, Inc. Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start provides services to promote school readiness by enhancing the cognitive, social and emotional development of children ages 0-5. To be eligible for the program: • Head Start children must be 3-4 years old by Sept 1 st of program year. • Pre-K children must be 4 by September 1 st of program year. • Early Head Start must be at least 6 weeks and not over 36 months.
To complete an application, you must submit the following documentation:
Head Start:
1. Birth Certificate/Confirmation of Birth/Hospital Birth Certificate 2. Up-to-date Shot Record (Form #3231) 3. Proof of income (i.e. 3 check stubs in a row, W-2, tax form, statement from employer, TANF payments document, Social Security/SSI benefits or child support documentation). 4. Special Needs documentation (if applicable) 5. Certificate of Vision, Hearing, Dental & Nutritional Screening - Form #3300 (Pre-K Applicants Only) 6. Proof of Residency (Pre-K Applicants Only)
Early Head Start:
1. Birth Certificate/Confirmation of Birth/Hospital Birth Certificate 2. Up-to-date Shot Record (Form #3231) 3. Proof of income (i.e. 3 check stubs in a row, W-2, tax form, statement from employer, TANF payments document, Social Security/SSI benefits or child support documentation). 4. Special Needs documentation (if applicable)
The following items will be requested during the application and/or enrollment process: ❖ Social Security Card (Pre-K Applicants Only) ❖ Medicaid or Health insurance documents ❖ Child’s Physical or Well-Baby Check ❖ Dental exam results -beginning at 12 months of age. ❖ Special needs documentation, Infant formula (if applicable) ❖ Proof of Pregnancy and delivery due date for expectant mothers.
Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start staff will assist parents with the application and enrollment process. Once children and families are accepted, parents will be notified and scheduled to come in and complete an enrollment packet.
Parents can also begin the application process online by visiting www.coastalgacaa.org and going to the Early Childhood Education tab - “Apply Now”. Someone will make contact with you, to set up an appointment for you to come into the office to complete the process.
The Head Start/Early Head Start Center will be opened Monday through Friday, unless otherwise noted. Each child is expected to arrive at the center by 9:00 a.m. and depart no later than 3:00 p.m. During my child’s enrollment at Head Start/Early Head Start, I agree to keep the program informed of any changes in telephone numbers, addresses and release information.
No fees are charged for the Head Start/Early Head Start Program. In addition, children are provided with toys and meals at the center and will not be allowed to bring either from home. Adequate balanced meals are served at the center. Breastfeeding mothers are encouraged to come to the center to breastfeed as often as needed. Food exceptions will not be allowed unless determined by a physician, i.e. allergic reactions, etc. Weekly menus are posted in advance at the center and may be reviewed and/or requested at any time.
Children should wear comfortable, washable clothing while at the center. They will have daily outside playtime except during inclement weather. Each child must have a change of clothing that will remain in the child’s classroom for emergencies. All clothing must be marked with the child’s name.
All enrollment forms and documents used to determine program eligibility must be completed by the parent/guardian prior to the child’s first day at the center. Children will attend class on a regular basis. If your child is absent 3 or more consecutive days, a home visit will be made by staff to offer assistance with improving attendance. Children are accepted at the center who will profit from the group experiences in the classroom setting.
If being treated by a private doctor or dentist, the child’s screening records, and dental treatment are requested prior to the first day of class. Parents will be notified of children who are ill, injured or exposed to communicable diseases. The parent/guardian will be contacted,and the child must be picked up if necessary. If the staff is unable to contact the parent, the emergency points of contact will be notified. Any communicable disease will warrant documentation from a doctor for readmission.
Head Start children at the center will have an opportunity to experience various field trips during the school year. Unless otherwise noted the parent/guardian agrees that the child may participate in all Head Start/Early Head Start activities, as part of the school program. In addition, any picture
of the child may be used in newspapers, displays, bulletin boards, or other types of Head Start/Early Head Start or community publications.
Each child will be given the opportunity of an afternoon nap each day.
All Head Start/Early Head Start staff areto be treated with respect as they will also treat you with the same respect. During the year, home visits will be made by the staff to acquaint you with your child’s development and assist in identifying community resources available to your family.
In the event that a child misbehaves, behavioral observations will be shared with parents. In no event will corporal punishment be used. The program redirects the behavior and reminds the children of classroom rules.
Coastal GA Area Community Action Authority, Inc. does not discriminate against any person directly or indirectly relating to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, or disability.
Customer Behavior Expectation Policy
Coastal GA Area CAA, Inc. expects that all of its customers/clients will interact with its staff in an appropriate manner and will work to resolve any problems, conflicts, or issues in a manner that incorporates mutual respect for one another.
Unreasonable and/or disorderly conduct, language or mannerisms that threaten, intimidate, demean, harass, or provoke staff, or are generally considered vulgar or offensive are not acceptable. Violence or threats of violence, displayed, plainly stated, or implied, will definitely not be tolerated. This same code of conduct applies to spouses, boyfriends, girlfriends, relatives, or any other person who may have contact with Agency staff in relation to the enrollment of a particular child/children or client.
Any person determined by Agency management to have violated this policy will generally be notified of the violation and reminded of our positive and civil behavioral expectations. If, after notification, the problematic behavior, language, or situation continues, the Agency may take steps to terminate services to the person. The Agency, however, reserves the right to immediately terminate any or all services to the individual management believes poses a threat to the health and safety of its customers and/or staff in violation of the policy.
Based on the Agency policy above, Coastal GA Area CAA, Inc., has adopted the following procedures:
The policy above is extended to include volunteers working in the centers or in the center related activities as well as staff on behalf of Head Start/ Early Head Start. This policy will be posted in all centers and must be followed by all individuals involved in any activities on or off Head Start/ Early Head Start property, i.e. during home visits, field trips, parent trips, bus routes, etc. All parents/guardians of children enrolled will receive a copy of the Agency policy statement during the enrollment process. This will be further discussed with the parents during the Open House/Parent Orientation. All parents/guardians will be required to sign a statement acknowledging receipt and discussion of the policy. Parents/guardians will be advised that they are responsible for ensuringthat others coming to the center, i.e. grandparents, relatives, significant others understand and follow the policy.
1st 1 st Month Month
Jerky arm thrust Jerky arm thrust Brings hands within range of eyes & mouth. Brings hands within range of eyes & mouth. Moves head from side to Moves head from side to side while lying on stomach. side while lying on stomach. Head flops backwards if Head flops backwards if unsupported. unsupported. Keeps hands in tight fists. Keeps hands in tight fists. Strong reflex movements. Strong reflex movements.
Hearing is fully Hearing is fully mature. Recognize some mature. Recognize some sounds. sounds. May turn toward May turn toward familiar familiar sounds/voices. sounds/voices.
Eyes wander Recognizes scent of mother Eyes wander Recognizes scent of mother. . Prefers black & white or high Prefers soft sensations. Dislikes rough or abrupt handling. Prefers black & white or high contrast patterns. Prefers soft sensations. Dislikes rough or abrupt handling. contrast patterns. Prefers human Prefers human face to all other face to all other patterns. patterns.
1-3 Months
1-3 Months
4-7 Months
4-7 Months
8-12 Months
8-12 Months
2nd Year
2nd Year
Raises head & chest when lying on stomach. Supports Raises head & chest when upper body with arms when lying on stomach or back. lying on stomach. Supports Opens/Shuts hands. upper body with arms when Bring hands to mouth. lying on stomach or back. Grasps/shakes hand toys. Opens/Shuts hands. Pushes down on legs when Bring hands to mouth. feet are placed on firm surface. Grasps/shakes hand toys. Pushes down on legs when Rolls front to back, back to feet are placed on firm front. Sits with, then surface. without support of hands.
Supports whole wait on Rolls front to back, back to legs. Reaches with one hand. front. Sits with, then Transfers objects from hand without support of hands. to hand. Supports whole wait on Uses raking grasp. legs. Reaches with one hand. Gets sitting position without Transfers objects from hand help. Crawl forward on to hand. belly. Assumes hands and Uses raking grasp. knees position. Creeps on hands and knees. Gets to sitting to crawling or prone position. Pulls self-upto Gets sitting position without stand. Walks holding on to help. Crawl forward on furniture. May stand/walk belly. Assumes hands and 2-3 steps without support. knees position. Creeps on hands and knees. Gets to Uses pincer grasp. Lets objects go voluntarily. Walks alone sitting to crawling or prone Begins to run position. Pulls self-upto Climbs onto & down from stand. Walks holding on to furniture. furniture. May stand/walk 2-3 steps without support. Walks up & down stairs without support. Uses pincer grasp. Lets objects go voluntarily. Walks alone Begins to run Climbs onto & down from furniture. Walks up & down stairs without support.
Begins to babble Watches faces Begins to develop a social smile. Begins to imitate intently. Enjoys playing with people. Begins to babble some sounds. Turn s head toward Watches faces Begins to develop a social smile. Follows moving objects. More communicative with face and body. Begins to imitate direction of sound intently. Recognizes Enjoys playing with people. Imitates some movements & facial some sounds. Follows m familiar oving More communicative with face and expressions. Turn s head toward objects. objects/people at body. direction of sound Recognizes a distance. Imitates some movements & facial familiar Starts using hands & eyes in expressions. objects/people at coordination. Responds to own a distance. Finds partially Enjoys social play. name. Begins to Starts using hidden objects. Interested in mirror images. respond to “no”. hands & eyes in Explores hand Responds to other people’s coordination. Responds to own Finds partially Enjoys social play. Distinguishes emotions by tone of voice. Responds to and mouth. Struggles to get objects that are expressions of emotions. name. Begins to hidden objects. sound by making out of reach. Interested in mirror images. respond to “no”. sounds. Uses voice Explores hand Responds to other people’s Distinguishes to express joy and and mouth. expressions of emotions. emotions by tone of voice. Responds to Struggles to get objects that are displeasure. Babbles chains of consonants. Pays more attention Puts objects Shy, anxious with strangers. sound by making to speech. Responds out of reach. into/out of Cries when parent leaves. sounds. Uses voice to simple verbal containers. Imitates people in play. to express joy and requests. Responds Imitates Shows preferences for people, and displeasure. Babbles chains of consonants. to “no”. Uses simple gestures. Babbles with inflection. Says scribbling. Explore objects in different toys. Tests parental responses to his/her behavior. Pays more attention Puts objects “dada’ and “mama”. ways. Imitates Shy, anxious with strangers. to speech. Responds into/out of Use exclamations. gestures. Begins Cries when parent leaves. to simple verbal Tries to imitate containers. to use objects Imitates people in play. requests. Responds Imitates words. correctly Shows preferences for people, and to “no”. Uses simple scribbling. Points to objects Sorts by shape or toys. Tests parental responses to Imitates behavior of others. gestures. Babbles when they are names. color. Explore objects his/her behavior. Demonstrates more independence. with inflection. Says in different Says several single Begins makeSeparation anxiety increases, then “dada’ and “mama”. ways. Imitates words (15-18 mos.) believe play. fades. Use exclamations. Tries to imitate Uses simple phrases (18-24 mos.). uses 2- 4-wordsentences. gestures. Begins to use objects words. Follows simple correctly instructions. Points to objects when they are names. 29 Sorts by shape or color. Imitates behavior of others. Demonstrates more independence. Says several single Begins makeSeparation anxiety increases, then words (15-18 mos.) believe play. fades. Uses simple phrases (18-24 mos.). uses 2- 4-wordsentences. Follows simple instructions.