CHARCOAL GRILLING By Elizabeth Morse Read
Tired of the old burger and hotdog BBQ menu? Why not host global-flavor cookouts with marinated meats, seafood, and veggies paired with made-ahead sides? The secret to perfectly grilled meats and seafood is all in how long you marinate them, how you prepare your grill, and how long you cook your food on the grill. MARINATING MAGIC The magic of marinating is that you can use a tougher, less-expensive cut of meat and still create a mouth-watering dish, whether bone-in or on skewers (kebabs) – likewise with fish, whether whole, fillets, or steaks. Most marinades are made of an acidic base, oil, and herbs/ spices. The acid (like vinegar, wine, citrus juices, or fermented dairy products) tenderizes the meat by breaking down the
fibers, allowing the seasonings and oil to keep the meat moist and flavorful. An acidic marinade also kills bacteria on the surface of the meat or fish. Surprisingly, the slight acidity of sour cream helps to tenderize meat, especially chicken and fish. Pineapple creates a fruity marinade which, when combined with cider vinegar, can turn any cut of chicken or pork into a masterpiece. The length of time you keep meat or
August 2020 | The South Coast Insider
seafood in a marinade will determine whether you end up with an appetizing dish, a tough texture (if not marinated long enough) or a mushy texture (if marinated for too long). Marinate your food in an airtight container or Ziploc bag and keep it in the refrigerator. Never marinate in aluminum foil, pottery, or metal containers, as the acid in the marinade may react with the materials and give an unhealthy off-taste to the food. And do not