Bard none By Paul Kandarian
Now is the summer of our discontent, made inglorious summer by the bastard COVID, and all the germs that lowered upon our homes, in the deep bosom of the pandemic buried… I KNOW ZIPPO ABOUT SHAKESPEARE, but feel quite comfortable in copping his opening of Richard III, which I just now looked up. Good stuff that Bard fellow churned out, eh? I’m one of those actors who has not yet tackled Shakespeare because of the density (mine, not his), though the language is fairly thick and hard to understand unless you really, really listen. I have seen a few Shakespeare plays and in all honesty, I just couldn’t keep up. The language is singularly gorgeous but also complex, just beautiful when you can read it, slowly, dissecting and absorbing every well-intended delicious word and phrase. But done properly on stage, it is a dance, speedy and fluid, of precise, descriptive language that boggles the minds of the listeners. If they can keep up to it. Which, frankly, I cannot. So I just paraphrase and parody, in this case, to remark on what a remarkable summer this has been. Remarkable in ways good and bad – good around here, bad in other areas of the country that just can’t seem to do the right thing. As of this writing, mid-July, things are looking up in Massachusetts and New England, indeed the greater Northeast. Here, we paid attention, led by a governor that in a perfect world, would be president and our governor at the same time. I wish Charlie Baker would run – he’d be a great president, though in all honesty, a small wet mound of beetle dung would make a better commander in chief than the one we have now.
But Charlie won’t run because he knows he’s needed here. Plus, selfishly, we don’t want to lose the guy and get some idiot governor like they have in southern and western states who whistle Dixie and look the other way as COVID makes an unimpeded return trip to their fevered population who are angry because they have to wear a tiny thin slip of fabric over their stupid mouths and noses.
August 2020 | The South Coast Insider
I love memes, those wonderful cartoonish photos with funny sayings on them. Sadly, it’s how a lot of people get their news, even though it’s not news – it’s satire. Then again, some people read completely ridiculous stories online that can be nothing else but satire and take it as gospel. If I may digress: we are a country of morons, it truly seems sometimes, and not