6 minute read
Lucky dogs
by Sean McCarthy
You love your dog and you want the best for it.
Whether you’re looking for training for a new addition to the family, or you seek the peace of mind that comes from knowing your dog is being cared for in a safe and nurturing setting, Lucky Dog Resort in Middletown provides an experience of care and comfort that conventional kennels can’t offer.
In only six years, Lucky Dog has received recognition locally and nationally for quality canine care in all areas of the “furry family member” experience. The unique benefits and services that Lucky Dog provides are an approach that is winning a growing group of satisfied dog parents.
“Our model is based on love,” says Laurie Ruttenberg, owner of Lucky Dog. “We put a priority on how the dog feels. Parents want their dog to be happy, to be able to relax, trust and bond. We provide more than comfort.”
If you’re looking for specialized daycare programs or overnight stays, Lucky Dog provides luxurious accommodations. If you’re looking for training, Lucky Dog specializes in outstanding professional instruction. If you’re looking for your fur baby to be cared for during your wedding, Lucky Dog offers a valet service that can make your pooch a memorable part of your special day.
“Dogs are completely intuitive, there’s something that’s so soulful about the way a dog communicates. They speak in a language all their own, and we understand what they’re saying to us,” Ruttenberg says. “They only want to bring us joy and to be with people who are going to treat them well.”
According to Ruttenberg, we are entering a new era in the relationships between dogs and owners – a development they’re happy to accommodate.
“We’ve seen a paradigm shift as to how we see our dogs. They’re now family members,” Ruttenberg says. “A lot of couples have dogs before they have children, and their dogs really become their ‘kids.’” “
We view Lucky Dog as a part of our family,” says Lindsey Davitt of Jamestown, whose huskie, Mochi, began coming to daycare at Lucky Dog more than three years ago when he was only five months old. Mochi still enjoys Lucky Dog daycare two days a week.
“I’m very particular when it comes to my dogs and I completely and entirely trust Lucky Dog,” Davitt says. “They’re so professional, they go above and beyond and take the best care of the animals. I’m lucky to have them.”
A bark above
Jessica Solup of Somerset takes her dog, Paprika, to Lucky Dog daycare two days a week. It has become a rewarding decision.
“They spend time with her to train her. They build a rapport with her,” Solup says. “They have a structured routine, something that Paprika really needs. We had a tough time at the beginning, but they didn’t kick her out. They had her work with a special trainer. Now she’s doing well with nap time and play time. She’s with the same group of dogs every week, they’re like her classmates. She’s really grown from when she started.”
Lois Zawrotny of Newport also saw positive progress for her dog.
“If Lucky Dog wasn’t around we would not still have this dog,” she says of her three-year old, Peanut. “When we got her she turned out to be more than we bargained for – a real handful. But when we took her to Lucky Dog they said they could work with her. They took her on and she absolutely blossomed. She’s now fine with new places and new people, and she isn’t so attached to us. She’s turned out to be a sweet little dog. It’s given us a real break.”
When Bryan Kriner of Newport brought his “dream dog” home, a black labrador named Bauer, he didn’t want to leave him at home all day. So when he discovered Lucky Dog it was an opportunity for Bauer to make new friends and keep busy throughout the day.
“Seeing him so happy after his first visit to Lucky Dog I knew that was the place I wanted to start sending him,” Kriner says. “It’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. There are conversations with the staff when I pick him up at the end of the day, they tell me how his day went. There’s a lot of communication with the staff.”
One of Lucky Dog’s most unique services is their Wedding Valet option, a memory-making opportunity that provided Davitt with experiences to cherish when she was wed this past July.
“Lucky Dog took care of Mochi the evening before the wedding, and the night of the rehearsal dinner,” Davitt recalls. “The next day they brought him to the venue all cleaned up and dressed in a cute little tuxedo. He was being walked around, greeting guests, he was the star of the day. When the ceremony started, Mochi was walked down the aisle. After the ceremony they brought him back to Lucky Dog to stay over with his friends at his favorite place.”
And Lucky Dog is a favorite place for many of their clients.
“When we get in the car in the morning to take him to Lucky Dog, he sits right up and his tongue pops out of his mouth because he knows where he’s going,” Kriner says. “When we get there he runs right to the door to see his friends.”
“I’ve tried different daycares, but I now trust Paprika with Lucky Dog,” Solup says. “She gets so excited to be there – her little tail wags when I drop her off and it wags when I pick her up. They take the time for each individual dog.”