n i g n i Fall h t i w love
Aphrodisiacs by Carissa Wills-DeMello
The elusive aphrodisiacs – everything from oysters to chocolate boast the moniker.
ut do they really exist? If so, how do they work? And where can I get my hands on them?! This is when an understanding of the way that plants work in our bodies can really come in handy. From the common to the exotic, there are many herbs that have an aphrodisiac quality to them. Kimberly Gallagher, author of Aphrodisiac: The Herbal Path to Healthy Sexualual Fulfillment and Vital Living defines an aphrodisiac plant as one that “cultivates and amplifies the flow of erotic source energy to fuel your vitality, ignite your creativity, and heighten your sexual fulfillment.” Our sexual energy is our vital force, and as living beings, plants are key to stimulating, nourishing, and maintaining that vital force throughout our lives. It is that vital force that helps us create – whether that is sexually, or through art, music, dance, gardening. It’s within each of us regardless of age, gender, or relationship status. We could all use the
gentle, igniting power of aphrodisiac herbs in our lives, not only on Valentine’s Day but on the other 364 days, too. So light a candle, put on some sultry tunes, and let’s explore aphrodisiacs!
Ginger + cacao: circulatory stimulants
For any vital organ to work well, circulation is key. That is especially true of our sexual organs, which require the healthy flow of blood to enliven them! Ginger is a warming herb that enhances the “fire” in the body which invigorates our reproductive system. It literally “brings the heat,” earning a strong reputation for bringing circulation to the pelvic area. Cacao on the other hand, while not fiery in the same way, is an energetically warming herb. It’s full of antioxidants that gently support circulation by dilating our vasculature. We don’t need to get too creative here;
February 2022 | The South Coast Insider
enjoy chocolate by reaching for an organic brand, extra dark.
Oat tops + marshmallow: tissue nourishers
Just as we need the vibrant flow of blood throughout our body to feel enlivened, we also need tissues that can respond to this healthy blood flow. We want to feel like flowing springs, not arid deserts, if you get my drift! Queue the “mucilaginous” herbs. Mucilage is a plant compound that sounds yucky and feels anything but. It’s a slippery nutrient that soothes, nourishes, and hydrates our tissues. Sounds nice, right? Oat tops specifically work to nourish frayed nerves and remediate exhaustion. With stress a major culprit of sexual havoc, oat tops are miraculous. Marshmallow on the other hand specifically nourishes our reproductive system. It has an affinity