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Roofing in a new era
It’s no small project, and no small decision who you should trust to have the work done. Sousa Roofing & Siding has built a highly qualified organization of professionals dedicated to the effective management of the construction process.
The company is led by Jaime C. DeSousa, who has over 24 years of construction experience. A carpenter by trade, Jaime has extensive, hands-on knowledge of the construction industry. When considering your next project, whether large or small, whether it is roofing, siding, or replacing windows, he provides insight into the industry and helps you make that important decision with confidence.
Q: What are some of the challenges the roofing industry is facing?
Jaime DeSousa: The rapid inflation of materials cost, as well as the shortage of materials, are probably the number one issue facing not just the roofing sector but for construction trades across the board.
Q: What type of shortages are you seeing?
JD: We’ve definitely seen a shortage in the supply of shingles and some other materials. We’re lucky that, so far, it has only seemed to affect the availability of certain less-popular colors. It’s my guess that the manufacturers, like Owens Corning, had to shift their priorities almost solely to the most in-demand options in order to keep up.
Q: How has being a contractor changed from 25 years ago to now?
JD: When I started in this business 25 years ago we did not have the technology we have now. The means to access information instantly as we have now was nonexistent. A lot of contractors were old-school paper contractors, meaning everything they did from estimating take-offs to quotes was done by hand. Communication with customers was done by phone. In today’s world, the internet, social media, Google, and so many other resources have changed how we do business. This has also made our industry more fast-paced and has made contractors more accountable.
Q: How has technology made being a contractor more fast-paced and increased accountability?
JD: Communicating with customers has become instant. Whether it’s via text message or email we are able to deliver information and solve issues quickly. You simply couldn’t do that 25 yeas ago. I’m able to access a customer’s property via satellite imagery and look at what their house looks like from a computer or any mobile device and measure their roof and have all the information I need before meeting with them. This saves time and it has made things more efficient.As for accountability, contractors in the past didn’t have platforms to be reviewed on by customers. In today’s world, if you provide poor-quality service, customers will be sure to let everyone know. You will be held accountable by a customer viareviews on Google, Facebook, and other websites. On the flip side, customers will also let others know that your services were satisfactory and their experience was good. Reviews play a big part when customers are choosing a contractor to trust with their project.
Q: Do you see the economy changing and where do you see things heading?
JD: This booming economy will end but I’m not sure when. We have seen the construction industry flooded with new contractors. It has been easy to pick and choose the projects one wants. But when the economy switches and things start to slow down, we will then go into a reputation economy. Meaning the contractors who have been doing business with integrity and treating customers with consistency regardless of whether it’s a good economy or not will prevail. I predict a huge correction in this industry in the next few years. Contractors who have been riding the good economy wave and providing subpar services will not survive.I have always felt that if you treat everyone with respect and provide exceptional service and great workmanship your reputation becomes your identity. I strongly believe that you should trust the customers who have trusted us.
To learn more about what Sousa Roofing & Siding can do for you and your home, visit us at sousaroofing.com.