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Leave it to Leaver

JoN leaver is a WellNess therapist based iN Westport, Ma
Before you go under the knife you may want to go over the options. The Integrative Therapy being offered at Jon Leaver Wellness could save you time, effort, and pain.
With the growing emergence of alternative medicine, holistic practitioners are experiencing a swell of success stories and sworn clientele by treating “the whole person.” So when it comes to healing, Jon Leaver is treating his clients in ways that traditional western medicine is only beginning to realize and understand, including the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual dimensions of a person. Thanks to a blend of therapeutic specialties, Leaver is treating an increasing number of clients at his offices in Westport and Wareham. The New Bedford native’s passion for health and wellness includes certifications in therapeutic massage, yoga therapy, and therapeutic hypnosis – areas of focus that enable him to have insights more thorough than most traditional medical practices. “What separates Jon from others is that he goes deeper than conventional specialists,” says Rachel Jones, 64, of Wareham. “He’s treated me on-and-off for several issues, such as a slipped disc, vertigo, neck pain, and seizures, and every time he’s been phenomenal. He knows his stuff, and he’s incredibly well-informed in what he does. I didn’t want to do surgery or medication, and I’m glad I put my trust in him. He goes beyond the problems that most doctors treat, such as nutrition and stress management. I’m a full believer that there are multiple contributing factors to a person’s wellness and Jon has confirmed that. There are often other options open to people before surgery.” “I have confidence in Jon,” says Diane Paquette, 72, of New Bedford. “He’s worked wonders for me, relieving pain
in my neck, back, and shoulder. He’s always evolving with his approaches, he’s constantly taking classes and learning more. He’s always been accommodating, I’ll give him a try before anyone else.” M seaN CCarthy all for oNe-Ness “I deal with people as a whole,” Leaver says. “In yoga there is the idea of ‘wholeness.’ When I have my first session with someone I go head-to-toe, front-to-back. I want to have a real conversation with someone about what I can help them with, I want to educate my clients. Your body knows how to heal itself and I can help it get there. The medical industry gives you pharmaceuticals and surgery, skipping over the idea that alternative therapies are often very effective.” Leaver says that oftentimes the pain someone is experiencing is caused by a problem somewhere else, something that can be discovered by examining the client thoroughly. “I don’t want to chase symptoms,” he says. “With hypnosis and yoga you may discover that you have something else going on other than the pain you’re feeling.” Leaver says that many health problems are manifested by our society. He recommends that we try to live more by intention than habit. “I try to get people to recognize how

stress-ridden we all are,” Leaver says. “Heart disease, cancer, and depression have a direct correlation to stress and diet. Imagine if we de-stressed earlier! When we feel bad we try to distract ourselves with something rather than dealing with the issues causing it – we’ll smoke a cigarette, eat something, go shopping, or find a new partner. These symptoms are problems but not the root problem, and they can be helped. “Humanity is plagued by the idea of not being good enough, but people are dynamic and ever-changing. The person you are today is not the person you are tomorrow. We’re in a constant state of physical, mental, and emotional change.”
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Leaver says that many of his clients are dealing with pain or limited range of motion. “As you age, your body solidifies and I use the approach of structural integration as a way to unwind it. Often by moving the soft tissues in the body I can increase the range of motion, eliminating pain and discomfort, without having the person go directly into surgery. You hold shapes and patterns over time and you’ll get diminished range of motion or pain. Pain is usually caused by something that is stuck from overuse or underuse, whether you’re a marathoner or a cello player. I want to address the accumulated tensions or patterns in the body that can begin to shift a person’s relationship with their body. “People need to use their bodies. My intention is to get people to move and live their life, whether it’s yoga, the gym, walking, running, or dancing – move! The reason you have a body is to live your life. I tell people ‘I’m not going to teach you anything new, I’m going to remind you of what you already know: the things
that were educated out of you.’ I help ordinary people with ordinary problems — Holiday Hours — Thur., Dec. 24, close at noon NOW OPEN! advertisement by teaching things that have been around for hundreds or thousands of years.” Fri., Dec. 25, closed Leaver says that mainstream medicine can still have a role to play in healing. Thur., Dec. 31, close at noon “Western medicine is awesome for trauma and putting us back together,” Fri., Jan. 1, closed Come in & enjoy our people are dyNaMiC he says. “If you have Middle Eastern Cuisine aNd ever-ChaNgiNg... a medical injury you go to a doctor, Great Atmosphere & Portions Famous for Kebabs & Falafel We’re iN a CoNstaNt but if you’re still state of physiCal, not sure or you didn’t get the results MeNtal, aNd eMotioNal you wanted you probably want to ChaNge examine soft tissue repair before going in for surgery. Your soft tissues are like a sponge – you have to squeeze it to get fluids in and out of it, to get the nutrients back in there and INDOOR & OUTDOOR DINING PRINCE-ALIS-KEBAB.COM the debris out. You’ve got what it needs to grow and stay loose to get greater motion. 401-246-4096 In the words of Gary Reinl, ‘Get the 305 Sowams Rd, Barrington groceries in and the garbage out.’” Tues-Thurs 4pm - 9pm A self-described “anatomy geek,” Leaver Federally insured by NCUA NMLS# 410816Fri & Sat 1pm - 9:30 pmsays that he works with the patient as to what would be a successful outcome and objective for their treatment. “Every moment is pure potential. We have the power to choose, but we live our Bob Luongo’s Auto Sales lives out of habit. Both Jones and CA$H FOR i yoga aNd hypNosis help you live With NteNtioN, to be very Paquette saw potential while taking yoga classes with Leaver and decided to have him We buy used vehicles all makes and models YOUR CAR$ preseNt aNd aWare assist with their 643 Brayton Ave., Fall River, MA of your ChaNge pote aNd i Ntial to Mprove health issues. “Jon’s been invaluable,” Jones bobluongosautosales.com 508-675-1303 says. “He’s kept me from having to 2 resort to things I November 2020 | The South Coast Insider didn’t want to resort to. Anyone looking for an alternative solution for their health concerns should seek him out. He’s scientifically-based, valid, and safe. There are alternative treatments available that the health insurance companies should OPEN FOR really be covering.” Jon Leaver Wellness is located at Westport FUNCTIONS Chiropractic on 637 State Road, and at the Gleason YMCA on 33 Charge Pond Road in Wareham. For more information and for classes schedule visit jonleaverwellness.com