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Building a bridge
Have you ever thought about becoming successful in the real estate market?
In today’s real estate world you have an abundance of options for realtors you can work with. It only makes sense to put your trust in a locally-owned agency with experience in all areas of the industry – an established company with a time-honored approach. When Ponte & Associates Real Estate opened in 2006, owner Joe Ponte knew that with dedication, desire, and discipline, his company and his associates would rise to the top of the regional market. With a passion for meeting people’s needs and improving lives, he understood the value of providing clients with a comfortable one-on-one experience – a notable alternative to the many real estate chains.
From buying and selling to management and maintenance to legal and financial services, this Fall River business owner has built a reputation for integrity and honesty. Whether you’re looking for an apartment or a first home, looking to be a landlord or finding a place to retire, Ponte and his team have the skills to realize your goals with a style that makes the process smooth and straightforward.
“From the start, I’ve been excited by helping people,” Ponte says. “I’ve enjoyed seeing the expression on someone’s face when I got them a new apartment or owning their first home. My greatest accomplishment is giving people what they want.”
Ponte’s experience in real estate began in 1998 as an agent, working for franchises and private sector offices. He soon realized that he could give clients more and decided to take the next step in his real estate career by becoming a broker.
“Customer service always appealed to me, but I knew I could offer people more, so I opened my own business,” he says. “I love the one-on-one experience of talking to people, getting the idea of what they want to do, and showing them how to realize their goals. We create strategies for meeting people’s needs and making their lives easier.”
Today Ponte’s company includes 15 devoted agents working in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. The business is located at 2211 Pleasant Street in Fall River, and their website can be found at ponteassociates.com. “Since I got started I’ve been a one-stop shop with an old-fashioned Mom-and-Pop approach. We do everything in the real estate industry. We’re not a revolving door office, we’re like family. All of our agents are trained in our philosophy of excellent customer service and sound business strategies. Once the process starts, clients will do business with the same people, there’s a friendly atmosphere and attitude throughout. We’ll sit down with you, we’ll listen to you, and we’ll put a game plan together with an end result. Understanding people’s needs comes first. We do this to separate ourselves from the chains.”
In late February, Ponte will open his second location at 1 Chase Road in Freetown, where he and his team will continue to provide top-notch service to nearby towns and cities.
“This is a business that has persisted through recessions and market downturns, while many others haven’t,” he says. “After more than 20 years, I’m someone who has hands-on knowledge, someone who knows the ropes. I’ve benefited from the ups and downs of my own life and I can help people because of it. I want people to trust me and know that they’re in good hands.”
Anyone interested in joining the Ponte & Associates team as an agent, or someone with any real estate needs or questions can contact the agency at (508) 324-4800 or visit ponteassociates.com.