South Coast Prime Times - September/October 2022

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HARVESTFESTIVALMOON September 24th, 2022 10 am-5 pm Rain date 9/25/22 AT ONSET PIER, BAYVIEW PARK & BANDSHELL LIVE MUSIC WITH Daddy O The Birch Swart Band Riley Coyote and more to be announced! Vendors! Food Trucks! Classic Car Show! Chili-Chowder and Stuffies Contest! Fireworks at dusk over Onset Bay! AT 186 ONSET AVENUE 508-295-7072




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2 S outh C oa S t P rime t ime S  S e P tember / o C tober 2022 September/October 2022  Vol. 18  No. 5 South Coast Prime Times is published bi-monthly. Copyright ©2022 Coastal Communications Corp. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, by any means, without written permission from the Publisher. All information contained herein is believed to be reliable. Coastal Communications Corp. does not assume any financial responsibility for typo graphical errors in advertisements, but will reprint that portion of an advertisement in which the typographical error occurs. Next issue October 19, 2021 CirCulatioN 15,000 subsCriptioNs $19.95 per year M ailiNg address South Coast Prime Times P.O. Box 3493 Fall River, MA 02722 phoNe (508) 677-3000 W ebsite e M ail editor@ Our advertisers make this publication possible—please support them published by Coastal Communications Corp. publisher a Nd e ditor iN-Chief Ljiljana Vasiljevic e ditor Sebastian Clarkin oNliNe editor Paul Letendre s ales M a N ager Mari Burns (508) 916-0374 CoN tributors Michael J. DeCicco, Paul Kandarian Sean McCarthy, Elizabeth Morse Read Rona Trachtenberg l ayout & desigN Janelle Medeiros Offering Physical, Occupational, Speech and Respiratory therapy. Respite and Long-term care services also available. 508.998.7807 • 4525 Acushnet Ave. • New Bedford, MA 55604 A SinceTraditionFamily1928 21 Berdon Way, Fairhaven 100 Griffin Street, Fall River We have two great locations: Come on down and try some of our new ice cream recipes! Let us help you with your gifts from Corporate, Holidays, Special Events—Everyday!

+ Visit to check wait times, skip the line, and save your spot online. + Our 7 locations are open 7 days a week – 8am to 8pm Monday through Friday, and 9am to 5pm on Saturday and Sunday. + Walk-ins are welcome and having a Southcoast Health physician is not required. Urgent Care Locations: Dartmouth, MA 435 State Road Fairhaven, MA 208 Mill Road Fall River, MA 450 William S Canning Blvd Lakeville, MA 12 Main Street Middletown, RI 672 Aquidneck Ave Seekonk, MA 39 Commerce Way Wareham, MA Wareham Crossing 2421 Cranberry Highway If your condition is an emergency, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. Download the Southcoast Health app today! Scan to make appointmentan Autumn colds and injuries are never convenient, but Southcoast Urgent Care is!

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the region’s coastal charms. Their new property was a former tomato farm, per fect for supporting the couple’s new hob by: raising Fortunatelychickens.forthem, they had a knack for it. Before too long, the Bishops had more eggs than they knew what to do with. They began selling the surplus, and learning about how to expand the farm in a healthy and sustainable way.

To give a sense of how successful this expansion has been, the farm’s chicken population has ballooned from the origi nal 20 to over 3000. While her husband has kept his IT job, Ester has been able to commit herself to the farm full-time. She prides herself on providing her animals with joyful, stressfree lives. “People should know where their food comes from – you can really taste the difference,” said Bishop. Green acres Bishop’s commitment to “beyond or ganic” farming extends beyond cuddles and words of affirmation to her livestock. She ensures all the animals are provided with healthy, organic meals, and that their waste is repurposed as manure. “You can see how green the grass is where the turkeys have been,” Bishop says. “That’s because they fertilize the soil with their manure. Manure is the basis of organic fertilizers. There are no chemicals added, or needed, when the animals do their job.”

Speaking of animals doing their jobs, Bishop has conscripted her goats and pigs into clearing away swaths of under brush on the property – the “gnarly vines” that give the farm its name. Gnarly Vines coordinates with neigh boring farms to provide its customers with a variety of sustainable and organic products. Angus beef, for instance, will sell out almost as soon as it comes into stock.Butthe farm is not bound by terrestrial limitations: the Bishops have partnered with Captain’s Finest and Sakonnet Lobster to bring fresh seafood to market. Bishop is particularly proud of a new ini tiative at the farm: food security commu nity supported agriculture (CSA) plans. CSAs, popular among farms nation wide, allow customers to pre-purchase “shares” of the farm’s produce, which are


4 S outh C oa S t P rime t ime S  S e P tember / o C tober 2022 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBERCONTENTS2022 13The South Coast Insider | November 2020


GREATER PROVIDENCE Mark your calendar for the free Rhode Island Folk Festival at Rose Larisa Park in Providence on August 28 (rhodeisland’tmissWaterFire on August 27, September 3 and 24 (! Head for the Museum of Natural History in Roger Williams Park to watch the planetarium shows ( museum)!Enjoyfree concerts at the Blackstone Valley Trolley Station in Providence – there’s Stone Cold Gypsies August 25, Steampunk Seed Traveling Show Septem ber 10 (


Bring your lawn chair and listen to the Americana ensemble Saddle Up the Chicken on August 24 at Shakespeare’s Head Garden on Meeting Street, sponsored by the Providence Preservation Society ( Check out “Happy Days Cruise Night” September 1 and the free “Movies in the Park” August 26, September 23, and October 21 at Crescent Park in East Providence ( events)!Register now for the Annual CVS Downtown 5K Run in Providence on September 17 ( Enjoy a performance of “The Inheritance: Parts 1 & 2” September 1 to November 6 at Trinity Rep (trinityrep. com).Check out what’s happening at the Providence Performing Arts Center! There’s “TINA – The Tina Turner Musical” September 11-12, Ringo Starr & his All Starr Band September 22, “Mean Girls” October 4-9 ( Plan ahead for Jason Bonham August 18, Whitesnake August 19, Kip Moore August 20, One Night of Queen August 24, Jason Isbell August 26, Interpol August 28, Brett Eldredge September 15 and Jake Owen September 23 at Bold Point Park in East Providence (! Don’t miss Ghost, Mastodon, and Spirit Box on September 12 at the Dunkin Donuts Center (dunkindonutscenter. com).Plan ahead for Necronomicon Provi dence 2022 and the HP Lovecraft Film Festival August 18-21 (necronomicon guided ghost tour of Providence’s historic East Side (provi! GREATER NEW BEDFORD New Bedford’s “Summer Sounds” free concerts are back! Dance in the streets, mingle, and enjoy the block-party atmosphere on Friday nights through September 16, alternating between Purchase Street outside No Problemo and lower Union Street outside Play Arcade (!Enjoyfreefamilyfun and entertainment on AHA! Nights in New Bedford! The CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 Here’s your chance to soak up all of the spectacular events, food festivals, waterfront music, and outdoor entertainment before the season changes!

6 S outh C oa S t P rime t ime S  S e P tember / o C tober 2022 e lizabeth Morse r ead Cross a county (or state) line to see what’s going on nextdoor, from Mount Hope Bay to Buzzards Bay!


7S outh C oa S t P rime t ime S  S e P tember / o C tober 2022 508-990-2065 Custom-Built Commercial and Residential Docks across Massachusetts and Rhode Island • Pile driving • Dock repair • Boat Lifts • Barge Services • Steel Fabrications • Seawalls 40 County Plympton,RoadMA Open 10 am - 5 pm M-Sat 12 pm - 5 pm Sunday Open 10 am - 5 pm M-Sat 12 pm - 5 pm Sunday Largest Multi-Dealer Showroom Large Furniture Gallery • over 1 1/2 acres on 1 floor Art • Collectibles • Furniture • Jewelry • Clothing Books • Toys & Much More YOUR TRUSTED FAMILY JEWELER SINCE 1956CARON JEWELERS 473 Hope Street Bristol • 401-253-9460 Caron Jewelers specializes in fine jewelry and estate pieces, custom wedding and engagement rings, luxury and vintage watches, artisan giftware, as well as its own Michi Designs featuring rare gemstones. In-house jewelry and watch repair, battery replacement, layaway and cleaning services available. Summertime Blues Because Your Home Matters to You! FABRIC GALLERY First Quality Fabrics • In Stock & Samples • Outdoor Selections Design Assistance • Custom Fabrication Cushions • Custom Bedding • Custom Lampshades Hardware (Rods) • Pillows • Slipcovers • Shades • Shutters Upholstery • Trims • Window Treatments • Wallpaper Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 10:00am to 5:00pm Thursday: 10:00am to 6:00pm • Saturday: 11:00am to 3:00pm Sunday and Monday closed 606 Ten Rod Road, North Kingstown, RI 02852 401 295 2760 •

Outdoor Farmers Markets at Brooklawn Park on Mondays, Button wood Park on Thursdays, Clasky Com mon Park on Fridays (coastalfoodshed. org).Enjoy the new season of Your Theatre! “Bell, Book and Candle” will be performed September 8-11, 16-18 ( the urban greens pace of the Allen G. Haskell Public Gardens ( Take the family to the fundraiser “Make Hunger Disappear” with Illusionist Lyn Dillies on September 10 at the Zeiterion ( the many creative work spaces at the Hatch Street Studios on the free “Studio Saturday” September 10. Enjoy live demos and music, too (!Strollthrough “The Azorean Spirit: The Art of Domingos Rebelo,” the firstever American exhibition of the works of one of the great modernist painters of the 20th century, at the Whaling Museum through September 22 (whalingmuseum. org).Find out who’s playing at The Rooftop at Kilburn Mill in New Bedford’s south endDon’t(!missAnotherTequila Sunrise on September 17 at the Zeiterion in New Bedford ( Enjoy free outdoor classical music per formed by members of the New Bedford Symphony Orchestra during “Sonata Saturdays,” across the street from the Whaling Museum entrance on the fourth Saturday of each month through October (

8 S outh C oa S t P rime t ime S  S e P tember / o C tober 2022 September 8 theme is “NB Cultures” ( “Shakespeare in New Bedford” returns with free performances of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” performed by the Reverie Theatre Company at the Rotch-JonesDuff Museum on August 18-20. There will also be “Plays in the Garden” on August 27-28, performed by Your Theatre (


Reggae on West Beach is back! Take the family to hear live music and DJs on the waterfront on August 28 (facebook. com/reggaeonwestbeach)!Enjoyfree Summer Yoga Classes at the Buttonwood Park Arboretum in New Bedford on Wednesdays through September 14. Or “Walk With a Doc” on Saturdays at Buttonwood Park Zoo, part of the New Bedford Wellness Initiative –and don’t miss the free Tai Chi Fit Flow class just before the walk ( Then learn about the free virtual classes in meditation, laughter yoga, tai chi, yoga, and smoking-cessation hypnosis, offered by New Bedford Wellness Initiative sInitiative).(

a — Equal Housing Opportunity — Westport Village – 62+ Westport 508WestportVillageApartments.com636-6775 North Farm – Somerset NorthFarmSeniorEstates.com508-676-9700 Adult communities for 55+ Join our extended family! Safe, worry-free living with fun activities and friendly on-site management Oakwood – Swansea OakwoodSeniorEstates.com508-324-1279 19P rime t ime S  S e P tember / o C tober 2021 limited museum,collectorsunplannedconversaservicesgallerist,toinandarttheirMosthisthosewhopopulationprolifSouthworkthediligencerespectedandtopaidtaxthrough Market”realityliessometimes-whobeanConnor. mainlandartistexhibited. fall into savings event! Tue 10-3, Wed 12-8, Thur-Fri 12-5, Sat 10-4 782 Main Road • Westport, MA www.woolsisters.com774-264-9665 Featuring an extensive selection of traditional and natural fibers to meet all your knit and crochet needs • Thousands of skeins of yarn to fit every budget and project • Large selection of patterns & books • Needles, hooks, notions & accessories • Project help and advice • Finishing services • All levels of knit & crochet classes • Specialty project classes Check Facebook, our website, or call for current shop hours and class information CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6

Take the whole family to free Summer Evenings in the Park in Fall River –music, vendors, food and fun! Abbott Court on August 17, North Park on August 24 (! Mark your calendar for the South Coast Artists’ Open Studio Tour August 20-21 ( monthly Open Farm Days at Round the Bend Farm in Dartmouth! Grass-fed meats, botanicals, local veggies, honey, and more (roundthe fresh, local and handmade on Saturdays through October at the Southcoast Open Air Market in Somerset (southcoastopenairmarket. com).Head for Fall River’s Little Theatre for “The Fantasticks” August 18-21, 25-28 ( to the Concerts Under the Stars in Fairhaven’s center Thursday evenings in August (fairhaven’sraining outside, take the little ones to the Children’s Museum of Greater Fall River (! Buy your tickets early for the Wednesday evening Concerts at Apponagansett Park in Dartmouth through August 31 division).( Lady of the Angels Portuguese Festa on Labor Day weekend – September 3-5 – at the feast grounds in north Fairhaven (!Bringyourpicnicbasket to Running Brook Vineyard in Dartmouth for free live music every Saturday and Sunday (!Don’tmisstheannualWestport Rock, Rhythm & Blues Festival September 9-11 at the Holy Ghost Grounds,


fundraiser to benefit A Wish Come True (’s outdoor Huttleston Marketplace on the high school lawn through September 17 (fairhaventours. com)!Don’t miss the Westport Rivers Sum mer Sunset Concert Series through September 10 at the Westport Rivers Vineyard & Winery (

( Lloyd Center for

9S outh C oa S t P rime t ime S  S e P tember / o C tober 2022


in Chatham”


Whale Watching in

and the Women’s

( Plan ahead for the

Ghost Feast in New England in Fall River in late August the-holy-ghost-in-new-england)!(’tmisstheannual Acushnet Apple-Peach Festival on the weekend after Labor Day the-acushnet-applepeach-festival)!( BAY & NEWPORT Bike for clean water! Join in the 16th Annual Buzzards Bay Watershed Ride on October 2, from Little Compton to Woods Hole through the scenic 279 Water Street, Warren, RI 401.245.7071 Locally roasted coffee, gourm et crepes made to order, baked goods & much more Everything ready for takeout. Lots of outside seating! AFFORDA BLE RETIREMENT HOUSING FOR TODA Y’S A CTIVE OLDE R ADULT S Newport Miiddletown Portsmouth North Kingstown Jamestown Visit our websit e www.pho PHOENIX PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, INC. 401 739 0100 CONTINUED ON PAGE 10

Head for The Narrows Center for the Arts in Fall River for great music! There’s the Poussette Dart Band August 19, Tyler Bowe August 20, The War and Treaty August 25. Don’t miss the free Narrows Center Music Festival on September 4 with Shemekia Copeland, Ward Hayden, Mark Cutler and Men of Courage on Tom Norton City Pier. There’s also Todd Snider September 10, Ambrose Akinmusire September 15, Richard Thompson September 17, Cowboy Junkies September 22, Donna the Buffalo September 29, Entrain October 1, Vanilla Fudge October 6, Ruthie Foster October 7, Mark Erelli October 8, Vanessa Collier October 15 (’sonstage at the District Center for the Arts in Taunton! There’s Fast Times August 19, Star Club August 20, Lady Supreme August 27, Whammer Jammer September 2, Moondance Sep tember 9, Won’t Back Down September 10, Unchained September 17, Elvis, Cash and Fogarty Show September 23, American WHO September 30, Best Foo October 1, The Fools October 15 the Dartmouth for Sharks: Birding August 17, and Provincetown” August 27 Canoe Trip on Septem ber 10 Great Holy

“Seabirds, Seals and

Environment in

Dine “Al Fresco on the Hill” on Atwells Ave. in Providence on Friday and Saturday nights through October 1 while people-watching and enjoying free live entertainment (federalhillprov. com).Don’t miss the Dartmouth Natural Resources Trust’s Summer Cookout at Helfand Farm on August 26 – BBQ, beverages, live music ( Mark your calendar for Food Truck Fridays at the Carousel at Roger Williams Park Zoo (rwpzoo)! Get your craving for delicious locallyfarmed oysters satisfied on FridaysSundays through August at Westport Sea Farms – buy your voucher from the Westport River Watershed Alliance ( “Food Truck Sunsets” at Safe Harbor New England Boatworks in Portsmouth on August 20 – free live music, local beer and wines ( Or head for the Food Truck and Craft Beer Festival on August 21

Aw shucks! Plan ahead for the 8th Annual Ocean State Oyster Festival at River Walk Park in Providence on October 8 ( Mark your calendar for the 17th annual New Bedford Seaport Chowderfest on October 8 under the tents on Pier 3 (’tmissthe Newport Food Truck and Craft Beer Festival on October 15 at Fort Adams!(foodtruckfestivalOnOctober15-16,canalsoheadtothe31stAnnual

Bowen’s Wharf Seafood Festival (!Keepcheckingforthe early October date of the Annual Oktoberfest in New Bedford on Pier 3 – craft brews, food vendors, music (southcoastbusinessal!Planahead for the fabulous “Jack-oLantern Spectacular” September 29 to October 31 at Roger Williams Park Zoo (!

Rhode Island Seafood Festival at India Point Park on Septem ber 10-11, rain or shine (riseafoodfest. com)!Don’t miss the New Bedford Food Truck and Craft Beer Festival on September 10 at Fort Taber. Family fun, lawn games, and music (foodtruckfesti!EnjoyarealFisherman’s Clambake on September 18 at Buzzards Bay Brewing in Westport, sponsored by the Buzzards Bay Coalition (savebuzzards! Don’t miss “First Taste of Fall” on September 24 at the Buttonwood Park Zoo in New Bedford – food trucks, local breweries and wineries ( For a taste of New Bedford’s rich culinary history, go on a guided Food Tour (!


10 S outh C oa S t P rime t ime S  S e P tember / o C tober 2022

landscapes of the South Coast!(savebuzMarkyourcalendarsforthe Newport Mansions Wine and Food Festival on September 16-18 ( Check out the Fantasy Faire September 10-11 at Frerich’s Farm in Warren ( performance of “Murder at the Howard Johnsons” through August 31 or “Social Security” September 11 to October 23 at the Newport Playhouse (newportplayhouse. com).Need a bigger boat? Plan ahead for the Newport International Boat Show September 15-18 at the Newport Yachting Center ( Enjoy a free “A Night at the Oscars” on September 4 at Bristol’s Independence Park, part of the Rhode Island Philhar monic’s “Summer Pops” series (riphil/ summerpops).Checkoutthe Newport Car Museum in Portsmouth to see more than 60 vintage cars and driving simulators (newportcar!Ifyou’reaboat lover, visit the Her reshoff Marine Museum , home of the America’s Cup Hall of Fame, in Bristol ( and live jazz on Saturdays at Greenvale Vineyards in Portsmouth ( Pack a picnic and stroll through the whimsical Green Animals Topiary Gardens in Portsmouth (newportman!Goonafree Bird Walk or Flower Walk at the Norman Bird Sanctuary in Middletown. Don’t miss the Beach Bash on August 18, or the Summer Outdoor Music Series with The Suitcase Junket September 16 (normanbirdsanctuary. org)!Register now for the Newport Mara thon October 9 ( or the Pell Bridge Run/Walk on October 16Don’t( Movies Series through August 18 or the free Summer Sunday Concerts through September 4 in Warren at Burr’s Hill Park (townofwar ren densparks_and_recreation)! Music at Sunset Concerts Series through September 21! Check out the flower walks, outdoor yoga, and art classes, too (blithewold. org). PLYMOUTH COUNTY Groovy! Don’t miss the free Summer of Love Concerts on Wednesdays at CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 THE LATE SUMMER MENU Save the date for “Brew at the Zoo” – Rhode Island’s largest beer festival on August 27 at the Roger Williams Park Zoo! More than 80 brewers, live music, 21+ only (

ALL ABOARD! Why hassle with the bridges and the Cape traffic when you can head for State Pier in New Bedford to take a high-speed Seastreak Ferry to Martha’s Vineyard or Nantucket ( or else take the Cuttyhunk Ferry for a day-trip to Cuttyhunk (!

jjjewlery.com508.676.7169 — HOURS — Mon. & Tue. 8:30-4:30pm Wed. & Sat. 8:30-12 Noon Thu. 8:30-5pm • Fri 8:30-6pm A TRAINED DOG IS A HAPPY DOG. 30+ years SocializingCrateOne-on-oneexperiencetrainingtrainingandpuppy manners 9The South Coast Insider | November 2020 508-998-6101 1100 Reed Rd. • North Dartmouth, MA Monday-Saturday 9am-5pm • 30+ years experience • Pet boarding, owner on premises 24/7 • A/C, fenced in yard, outdoor kennels • One-on-one training for basic obedience We are sure to have the purrfect cat or the cutest K-9 to steal your heart so if you are looking for love, check with us first!! Faxon Animal Care & Adoption Center 474 Durfee St., Fall River, MA 508-676-1061 www.faxonar Fall in love at Faxon own neighborhood on Small Business Saturday, November 28, throughout the South Coast. Check out sbsshopri. com for shop-and-stroll events in Rhode Island. For that special gift, support local craftsmen and artists by heading over to the Waterfire Arts Center in Providence to visit the safe outdoor pop-up markets ( And

Take a sightseeing cruise of the Cape Cod Canal from Onset Town Pier – check out the cocktail cruises, live music cruises and musical Bingo (!Goona “Vineyard Voyage” with the Providence Riverboat Company – sample wine and food pairings ( Or go on a romantic gondola ride through the waterways of downtown Providence ( Or explore the waterways of Providence in a single or tandem kayak (!Takethe Block Island Ferry from Newport “Jaws”reservationsDa-DUM,(…Makeyourtowatchthemovieaboardthe

6, Matt Borrello August 11, Deadgrass August 12, Kat Wright August 19, Porch Party Mamas August 25, Grace Kelley August 26, Ronnie Earl August 27, Goldenoak September 1, Dan Tyminski September 3, Rebecca Correia September 8, Walter Trout September 9, Jon Butcher Axis September 10, The Edwards Twins September 16-18, Jonathan Edwards September 23, Mallett Brothers September 24, Paul Thorn September 29 (’s Memorial Park to hear the Project Arts Summer Concert Series on Wednesday nights through August 31 (, and the L. Knife Concert Series on Thursday nights through September 1 (lknifeand And don’t miss comedian Bob Marley August 19, Indigo Girls August 20 and The Sixties Show on September 17 at Memorial Hall ( 9The South Coast Insider | November 2020 508-998-6101 1100 Reed Rd. • North Dartmouth, MA Monday-Saturday 9am-5pm • 30+ years experience • Pet boarding, owner on premises 24/7 • A/C, fenced in yard, outdoor kennels • One-on-one training for basic obedience We are sure to have the purrfect cat or the cutest K-9 to steal your heart so if you are looking for love, check with us first!! Faxon Animal Care & Adoption Center 474 Durfee St., Fall River, MA 508-676-1061 www.faxonar Fall in love at Faxon to visit the safe outdoor pop-up markets ( And on First Thursdays (November 5) you can “shop and dine local” in Barrington, Bristol, and WarrenKick-off(



ShopSaturday,BusinessLocalandSupportyourcommunity. 167 Borden Street Fall River, MA jjjewlery.com508.676.7169 — HOURS — Mon. & Tue.

WarrenKick-off( Frerichs


Noon Thu.

elizabeth Morse read is an awardwinning writer, editor and artist who grew up on the South Coast. After 20 years of working in New York City and traveling the world, she came back home with her children and lives in Fairhaven. the Onset Bandshell through August 31 (!Enjoyaperformance of “Rabbit Hole” August 19-21, 25-28 at the Marion Art Center (! Make a splash at WaterWizz in Ware ham through September 5 (waterwizz. com)!Head for Shipyard Park in Mattapoisett for Friday Night Cruise Night on August 19Don’t( Country Fair on August 20-21 (roches Beach for the ChalkFull-of-Fun Onset Street Painting Festival on August 20 ( Hear Ye! Hear Ye! King Richard’s Faire in Carver returns on weekends September 3 to October 23 ( Take the family to the Harvest Moon Festival in Onset on September 24 – food trucks, flea market, live music, fireworks, and more (! Head for the Priscilla Beach Theatre in Plymouth, the oldest barn theatre still in operation in America! There’s “Something Rotten” through August 13 and “Forever Plaid” September 2-10 ( the Lakeville Arts & Music Festival on October 1!(lakevilWanderthroughthemanyrowsofdayliliesat TomCat Farm in Mattapoisett (! Check out who’s on stage at the Spire Center for the Performing Arts of Greater Plymouth! Don’t miss Forever Young August Frerichs Farm in Warren with “Girls Night Out” on November 6, 7 and 8 – buy your holiday trees, greenery, and gifts there, too ( Then mark your calendar for the Newport Block Party & Holiday Stroll at Bowen’s Wharf on November 27 – you can watch the Illuminated Boat Parade while you shop and enjoy Caribbean music ( It’s the thoughtful gifts that count And if you can’t find gifts for all the spe cial people in your life, consider buying gift cards to restaurants, shops, vine yards, special event venues, local farms, e-commerce websites, or grocery stores. Use mail-order services to deliver flow ers, sweets, and specialty foods yearround to someone you want to thank or to express your appreciation. For those who are always hard to buy a gift for, consider signing them up for an annual subscription to a streaming service, app, podcast, premier sports/ movies/cultural channel, magazine, or newspaper. Or make a donation in their name to their favorite charity, education al institution, or cultural organization. Consider how much it would be appreci ated if you upgraded an older relative’s digital capabilities with an easy-to-use smartphone, tablet, or notebook – and then helped to set up Zoom or Skype. You can keep the holiday spirit alive this year, even though you may not all be to gether to celebrate Thanksgiving. It just takes some imagination and good cheer! MA on First Thursdays (November 5) you can “shop and dine local” Barrington, Bristol, and Farm in Warren with “Girls Night Out” on November 6, 7 and 8 – buy your holiday trees, greenery, and gifts there, too ( Then mark your calendar for the Newport Block Party & Holiday Stroll at Bowen’s Wharf on November 27 – you can watch the Illuminated Boat Parade while you shop and enjoy Caribbean music ( It’s the thoughtful gifts that count And if you can’t find gifts for all the spe cial people in your life, consider buying gift cards to restaurants, shops, vine yards, special event venues, local farms, e-commerce websites, or grocery stores. Use mail-order services to deliver flow ers, sweets, and specialty foods yearround to someone you want to thank or to express your appreciation. For those who are always hard to buy a gift for, consider signing them up for an annual subscription to a streaming service, app, podcast, premier sports/ movies/cultural channel, magazine, or newspaper. Or make a donation in their name to their favorite charity, education al institution, or cultural organization. Consider how much it would be appreci ated if you upgraded an older relative’s digital capabilities with an easy-to-use smartphone, tablet, or notebook – and then helped to set up Zoom or Skype. You can keep the holiday spirit alive this year, even though you may not Newport Block Party & Holiday Stroll at Bowen’s Wharf on November 27 – you can watch the Illuminated Boat Parade while you shop and enjoy Caribbean music ( It’s the thoughtful gifts that count And if you can’t find gifts for all the spe cial people in your life, consider buying gift cards to restaurants, shops, vine yards, special event venues, local farms, e-commerce websites, or grocery stores. Use mail-order services to deliver flow ers, sweets, and specialty foods yearround to someone you want to thank or to express your appreciation. For those who are always hard to buy a gift for, consider signing them up for an annual subscription to a streaming service, app, podcast, premier sports/ movies/cultural channel, magazine, or newspaper. Or make a donation in their name to their favorite charity, education al institution, or cultural organization. Consider how much it would be appreci ated if you upgraded an older relative’s digital capabilities with an easy-to-use smartphone, tablet, or notebook – and then helped to set up Zoom or Skype. You can keep the holiday spirit alive this year, even though you may not all be to gether to celebrate Thanksgiving. It just takes some imagination and good cheer! 8:30-4:30pm & 8:30-12 8:30-5pm Fri 8:30-6pm Dog

ShopSaturday,LocalandSupportyourcommunity. 167 Borden Street Fall River,



all be to gether to celebrate Thanksgiving. It just takes some imagination and good cheer! This ShopSaturday,BusinessSmallLocalandSupportyourcommunity. 167 Borden Street Fall River, Saturday,MA November 28, jjjewlery.com508.676.71692020 — HOURS — Mon. & Tue. 8:30-4:30pm Wed. & Sat. 8:30-12 Noon Thu. 8:30-5pm • Fri 8:30-6pm NOW GROOMING ONLY SMALL BREEDS. 9The South Coast Insider | November 2020 508-998-6101 1100 Reed Rd. • North Dartmouth, MA Monday-Saturday 9am-5pm • 30+ years experience • Pet boarding, owner on premises 24/7 • A/C, fenced in yard, outdoor kennels • One-on-one training for basic obedience We are sure to have the purrfect cat or the cutest K-9 to steal your heart so if you are looking for love, check with us first!! Faxon Animal Care & Adoption Center 474 Durfee St., Fall River, MA 508-676-1061 www.faxonar Fall in love at Faxon the Waterfire Arts Center in Providence to visit the safe outdoor pop-up markets ( And on First Thursdays (November 5) you can “shop and dine local” in Barrington, Bristol, and WarrenKick-off( Frerichs Farm in Warren with “Girls Night Out” on November 6, 7 and 8 – buy your holiday trees, greenery, and gifts there, too ( Then mark your calendar for the

11S outh C oa S t P rime t ime S  S e P tember / o C tober 2022 OPEN FUNCTIONSFOR

Captain John Boats while cruising Plymouth harbor! There are also comedy cruises, whale watches, fireworks cruises and fast ferries to P’town ( of Narragansett Bay or Newport Harbor past lighthouses and mansions, or take a fast ferry to Martha’s Vineyard or Block Island, with Rhode Island Bay Cruises (rhodeislandbaycruises. com).Take a boat tour of historic New Bedford harbor or a sunset cruise with Whaling City Expeditions (

12 S outh C oa S t P rime t ime S  S e P tember / o C tober 2022 T he owners and employ ees at Care Free Homes aren’t just business people, they’re neighbors and friends, concerned that their name is on every project they do. From roofs and decks to siding and windows, Care Free Homes at 239 Huttleston Avenue, Fairhaven, provides the value and peace of mind of an established business with the reliable and person able approach of a familyowned tradition. When you invest in Care Free Homes you’re investing in your community. When you do business with Care Free Homes you’re becoming a member of a family. “We’re good at building relationships with our customers,” says Stephanie Pickup, Marketing Manager for Care Free Homes. “You can trust us to do the right thing all the time. We have values and commitments to honesty and integrity, and treating people the way they want to be treated. When your name is on the business you hold yourself to a high level ofAndresponsibility.”they’vebeen responsible for a while. Care Free Homes is approaching its 45th year in business as a builder and exterior remodeler. They have shown that creating a family of customers and employees is a pillar for their success. “We’re very close with our crews; they’re an extended family and treated with respect,” Pickup says. “There’s a family connection that carries through everything we do.”


BUILDING HOMES AND MORE Connecting with the community is integral to Care Free Homes. Whether they’re coaching a kids’ sports team, sponsoring local events, or providing for the disabled and underserved, Care Free Homes understands the importance of giving back. One of Care Free Homes’ most high-profile contribu tions to the community is their annual Roof Giveaway. Every January for eight years they have donated a free roof to a local family in need. Care Free Homes also supports the Buzzards Bay Area Habitat for Humanity. sea N MCC arthy AS A FAMILY-OWNED SMALL BUSINESS, CARE FREE HOMES IN FAIRHAVEN BELIEVES THAT THEIR REPUTATION GOES BEYOND A QUALITY PRODUCT AND EXCELLENT SERVICE. PART OF THEIR MISSION IS THEIR RESPONSIBILITY TO THE COMMUNITY. a caring hoMebarry youNgblood, a N aCushNet vetera N, Was the reCipie N t of a free roof froM C are f ree hoMes. t he CoMMuNity voted youNgblood the W iNNer of their 8th a NNual Ne W year, Ne W roof g iveaWay

s ea N M C C arthy has been a freelance journalist for 35 years. He lives in New Bedford.

For more information call 508-997-1111

Care Free Homes is a Buzzards Bay Area Habitat for Humanity partner. In this photo, one of their vinyl siding installers works on a recent BBAHFH project in Mattapoisett.

Care Free Homes will donate the roof installation for the organization’s current project in Westport.

“We don’t offer a low price – we offer value,” says Dana Pickup, Jr., Co-owner and Project Manager. “You’re going to get the best product at the best possible price.”

13S outh C oa S t P rime t ime S  S e P tember / o C tober 2022

OCT22 CNA’S & HOMEMAKERS MAKE A DIFFERENCE - JOIN OUR TEAM! Share your life skills! Are you a good cook, housekeeper, companion, listener? Bring joy to your senior neighbors while helping them stay at www.stayathomeinlittlecompton.orghome. $20perhourNOW HIRING! ALL CNA’sSHIFTSSTART AT CNA’s • HOMEMAKERS • Part time RN’s RI AccreditedFullyLicensedVetted401-592-0342 • Free Training • Flexible Hours

They donated the vinyl siding installation for the organization’s recent project in Mattapoisett and will donate the roof installation for Habitat for Humanity’s current project in Westport. Care Free Homes also works with the United Ways of Greater New Bedford and Greater Fall River, including the Hunger Heroes program which provides meals for families with food insecurity. “We want to be a helping hand, and it’s rewarding to be able to help others,” Pickup says. “We’re a family that cares about the community.”

And of course an important ingredient for success is a quality product and reliable service. Care Free Homes is an Elite Contractor, providing a workmanship guarantee and a warranty on all of their work.“The process will be comfortable and easy and we’re not going to ask for any money until the job is complete,” Pickup says. “Care Free Homes means peace of mind,” says Coowner and Vice President Nate Pickup. “The products that we use on our customer’s homes are the products we use on our own homes.”

“Our customer base has been built on the good work and service we’ve provided,” Dana Pickup, Sr. says. “When we’re done with a project you won’t have to worry about it,” Nate says. “Care Free isn’t just a slogan, we’re going to treat your home as if it was our own.”

“We’re going to show up on time and do what it says on the contract,” says Wayne Edwards, who started the business in 1978 with Dana Pickup, Sr. “When we started out, we were two guys with a truck and a checkbook. With hope, hard work, and skills, we were able to accomplish a lot.”

“Neuroplasticity” is a funny sounding word. But understanding this word can mean the difference between enjoying a positive, healthy, happy quality of life during your prime years and suffering the debilitating agony of permanent memory loss. According to Dr. Marsha Chinich ian, a Los Angeles-based clinical psychotherapist, neuroplasticity is simply defined as, “the brain’s ability to learn and adapt. The main point of neuroplasticity is that you can actually form and reorganize connections in your brain.“For a long time we thought that humans were born with a ton of neurons, synapses, and connections, and as we got older, they simply died off. But now we’ve learned that isn’t true. We can actually make changes to further develop our brains. We’ve learned we can actually rewire our brains.” Katie McCallum, in her 2021 article in the Houston Methodist, explains, “While we might think the brain is a muscle, it is really a three-pound organ made up of soft tissue called gray matter and white matter, which contains neurons and glial cells that help maintain the neurons. Neurons are special cells that send and receive information throughout your body in the form of electrical and chemical signals. “These signals control and facilitate movement, senses, thought, reasoning, emotions, vital functions (respiration, heart rate), and memory.” Studies suggest that our cognitive skills decline over time. By age 65, it may be difficult for our brains to learn new concepts, think strategically, multi-task, focus when presented with competing stimuli, process new information, react with fast reflexes, or remember facts and personal experiences. While the brain isn’t a muscle, it has been proven that stimulating the brain can improve how well it functions and possibly reduce the risk of dementia. In 1988, Dr. Lawrence Katz, coined the term “Neur-obics” and published his book, Keep Your Brain Alive: 83 Neuro bic Exercises to Help Prevent Memory Loss and Increase Mental Fitness, Dr. Katz proposes that we exercise our brain cells. On his website (keepyourbrain he offers a free introductory quiz entitled, “How brain healthy is your lifestyle?” and then presents free, easy-to-follow mental exercises.



So you see, we train our brain cells to stay healthy and happy.

Keep braiyourN

I once had the privilege of interviewing a 100-year old man who resided in an assisted living facility. I had to ask for the secret behind his longevity and his stillsharp mind. He immediately responded by pointing to a basic high school math book. He proudly informed me, “Every morning I go through this book and practice the math drills. This is how I have kept my brain functioning at its peak level as I celebrate my 100th birthday.”

roN a t raChteNberg

14 S outh C oa S t P rime t ime S  S e P tember / o C tober 2022

BRAIN TRAINING In the 2020 online article, “6 Ways to Rewire Your Brain”

The Langford Methodist Retirement Communities recommend the following five things seniors should do every day to stay sharp: 1. Get physical exercise. Exercising your muscles exercises your mind. Physi cal activity also increases the connections between nerves in your brain, which can help to make your brain sharper, and help it to stay that way. 303 State Road  Westport,

 Monuments  Cemetery Letter ing  Cleaning & Repair  Mailbox Posts  Benches  Address Rocks  Pet Markers  Laser Etchings 508- 678 -7801 We buy your unwanted firearms and accessories. Many households have unwanted firearms that may have belonged to yourself or a family member - and you’d like them legally removed from your home - and earn some cash as well. We come to YOU! For an in-home consultation, please call Bill Bachant (774) 263-3134 or www.GunOrphanage.combgslakeville@gmail.comemail Rewiring your brain might sound pretty complicated, but it’s absolutely something you can do at home

4. Enjoy a healthy diet. A diet low in saturated and trans fats can not only improve your physical health, but your brain health as well. Foods rich in antioxidants can slow the aging process in your brain. Try some blueberries or raspberries the next time you are reaching for a snack. Your brain will thank you. 5. Save your energy. Don’t waste your brain’s energy on the small things. By creating a routine of where you leave your keys, glasses, and cell phone, you save your brain’s energy for learning new concepts.Mypersonal improvement tool is: an organized brain is a happy brain. Conversely, a chaotic, cluttered environ ment impedes the brain and its body from functioning efficiently. As a personal organizer, I can attest to how much more productive my clients are after they have organized their belongings. By creating a new system, organizing and re-arranging the space for your belongings, you can help train your brain. For example, if you were to go into your kitchen cabinet and switch around some of the items on your shelves, you would be stimulating, strengthening, and forcing your brain cells to learn the new location and thereby create new neural pathways.

health conditions. Experts believe the negative thought patterns that occur with depression, for example, could result from interrupted or impaired neuroplasticity processes. Exercises that promote positive neuroplasticity, then, may help ‘rewrite’ these patterns to improve well-being. Rewiring your brain might sound pretty complicated, but it’s absolutely something you can do at home.”

r o N a t ra C hte N berg is a freelance journalist, a Certified Nursing Assistant, a professional organizer, and a US Coast Guard Auxiliarist, who lives in Fairhaven. MA

15S outh C oa S t P rime t ime S  S e P tember / o C tober 2022

2. Be social. Socialization with others can decrease the risk of dementia, improve emotional health, and can lengthen your life expectancy.

Wouldn’t you agree that, in this day and age of Alzheimer’s Disease, anything we can do to help our brain cells is to our advantage?Ifyouarealready doing the Sunday NYT Crossword, Sudoku, or Adult Coloring, you are on the road to a healthy brain.

For example, Raypole recommends playing video games. “The benefits associ ated with gaming include improvements in: motor coordination, visual recognition and spatial navigation, memory and reac tion time, reasoning, decision making, and problem-solving skills, resilience, and cooperation and team participation. In short, when you play video games, you teach your brain new skills. “These effects can improve your gameplay, certainly, but they also carry over to the rest of your life: learning to recover from failure in a game can help you get better at bouncing back from setbacks. Exploring different solutions to a task in a game can help enhance creative thinking.“Different types of games may offer varying benefits: 3-D adventure games seemed to contribute to improvements in memory, problem-solving, and scene recognition. Puzzle games help boost problemsolving skills, brain connectivity, and spatialRhythmprediction.gaming, like dance or exercise video games, can help improve visuospatial memory and attention.”

3. Learn. Challenge your brain with new information. Education can help to improve your memory. Neurologists have told us that learning a new skill enables our brain to produce more neurons and create healthy connections between synapses. You don’t have to be in a classroom to keep learning. Take up a musical instrument, join a chorus, learn a new language, start knitting, read a new book, learn a new word a day, take up art, travel and see new places, sign up for yoga or Zumba, organize the things in your closet, do woodworking, play cards, or teach someone your favorite hobby.

16 S outh C oa S t P rime t ime S  S e P tember / o C tober 2022


MiChael J. deCiCCo Hot delicacies and cold brews are back where a cool breeze and a grand view of Clark Cove will make a refreshing combination in early September.

T ruckin T’

T he 5th Annual New Bedford Food Truck & Craft Beer Festival will open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Fort Taber on September 10. The event will again feature 30 of the area’s most popular food trucks. The trucks will be dishing out fan favorites such as tangy Brazil ian American kabobs, loaded french fries, tasty cupcakes, as well as tastings of 17 regional and national craft breweries from Dorchester Brewing Company to Vermont Beer Makers.“[Food Truck Festivals of America] will be bringing the ultimate food truck experience with entertain ment and games for the entire family to Fort Taber,” the festival’s Facebook page notes. This year’s long list of food trucks range from Bem Bom Portuguese & American Culinary Fusion to The Whoo(pie) Wagon. Artisans and vendors expected to appear this year will include: Ash & Daisy’s Fierce & Sophisticated Boutique; Hand Turned Writing Instruments; Inspiring World Art; Three Gingers Kitchen; and the Wicked Wonders Shop. Food Truck Festivals of America (FTFA) owner Anthony Pepe reported in an email communication that the new food trucks this year will include Piesons Pizza Truck, Cousins Maine Lobster (seen on Shark Tank), Villa of Lebanon, and Matilda (serving Empanadas). He generously suggested the following food and beer pairings this year. Dorchester Brewing’s best brew is the Three Decker Helles. Its lager pairs great with Trolley Dogs. East Rock Brewing’s Passion fruit Gose pairs great with the Whoo(pie) Wagon’s offerings; Aeronaut Brewing’s Dr. Nandu IPA pairs great with The Sausage Guy’s sausages; Graft Brewing’s Lost Tropic Tropical Mimosa Cider pairs well with Friskie Fries. “There will also be live music and a sports memorabilia auction, lawn games, and face painting,” Pepe said. “This is our fifth year. We shut down for 2020. Just one year. This is one our biggest events of the year, with 3,000-4,000 attendees expected.”Headded that FTFA has produced over 150 such events across the United States since 2012 and bills itself as the largest food truck event marketing company in theThiscountry.event, which will be held rain or shine, is family friendly, and children 12 and under are admitted for free. But dogs will not be allowed, organizers note. Food and drink will be sold separately from admission and the beer concessions will close a half hour before the festival ends. There will be a continuous shuttle (yellow school bus) that will start at 12 noon until 5 p.m. along East beach to Frederick Street to Brock Avenue, pick ups at Roosevelt School, Taylor School, and Hazelwood Park to Fort Taber.Tolearn more about the festival, or to sign up as an artisan, volunteer, or vendor, visit

17S outh C oa S t P rime t ime S  S e P tember / o C tober 2022

A cheesy friendship There’s a food truck in Taunton with quite a tale about what it takes to own and operate one successfully. The Poutine Peddlers at 239 Broadway, the parking lot of the Union and Liberty Shopping Plaza, has been open since November 2021. Kristen Macedo, who co-owns the business with her best friend since age 15, Shelley Ring, had a sales job that ended with the rise of the COVID pandemic. That life-changing moment led Macedo and Ring to join forces as food truck opera tors.They decided on poutine, a Canadian dish that ladles cheddar cheese curds and gravy over French fries, as their specialty, after Ring tasted her first dish of the new fad entree at downtown Disney Springs at Poutinerie. They ordered a custom-built 18’x20’ trailer from Georgia “so we could run our truck in an efficient way without bumping into one another,” Macedo said, and the pair decided to use only genuine Wisconsin cheddar cheese curds and homemade gravy. The result has been a winning formula for success. Macedo said she and Ring have seen customers from as far as Boston, Cape Cod, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire. The truck gets busiest every day from noon to 1:30 and 4:30 to 6 p.m. “We’ve gotten people from as far as Wisconsin,” Kristen said. “It was someone who saw our posts on social media. We have customers who come every week, even every day!” But it is hard work. They go through 60 pounds of hamburger in one week and two gallons of their home made gravy every day, and they make their own cole slaw. One of their biggest challenges was when their large commercial freezer became so full that, since then, they’ve had to use two freezers off-site (a couple of streets over). They’ve also had to add staff and adjust their hours just to give each other a less brutally long workHere’ way all that effort has been worth it, however: Macedo proudly noted that in April, Poutine Peddlers won second place against six competitors in the Sixth Annual Poutine Indulgence competition sponsored by the Museum of Work and Culture and the Northern Rhode Island Chamber of Commerce. Check out their hours, menu, and specials on their Facebook page and Instagram. reserve with us.

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18 S outh C oa S t P rime t ime S  S e P tember / o C tober 2022

Avisit to Haskell Public Gardens can be benefi cial and enjoyable in a variety of ways. This six-acre site in the west end of New Bedford is free and open to all from sunrise to sunset every day of the year, providing an array of botanical attractions, art, and creative program ming. Whether you’d like to do some snowshoeing in the winter, yoga on a summer night, educate your children, or just get away for a bit, this location can be accommodat ing to multiple interests and needs.Education, entertainment, and escape are available at Haskell Public Gardens. “Our location is particularly beneficial for city folks,” says Kristin McCullin, Horticul turalist at Haskell Public Gardens. “Even if you’re in nature for 10 minutes you’ll lower your stress hormones. It will ground you, and get you back into yourself a little more. We’ve found, during the pandemic especially, that there is an awareness to get ting out into nature and the outdoors are really helpful to people in the community.”


Located at 787 Shawmut Avenue, Haskell Public Gardens offers a variety of gardens, spaces, and trails with an expansive botanical collection. Whether it’s veg etables, flowers, perennials, shrubs or trees, this outdoor environment is continually evolving and expanding with the seasons, offering something fresh and new to visitors throughout the year. Each plant, shrub, and tree is tagged with its name and an identification number, so if you find something you would like for yourself, you can get the positive ID and make a plant request at your local nursery to see if they can provide it. If you’re interested in gardening and growing for yourself, Haskell offers educational classes in areas such as pruning and propaga tion of new plants throughout the“Educationyear. is a big thing for us,” McCullin says. “If you see something and want to learn more about it we’re happy to teach you.”

There’s a lot to learn; among their extensive collection, Haskell Gardens specializes in nursery-sized rare and unusual evergreens such as Japanese maples and hostas. They have four greenhouses on the campus in addition to a sprawling acre-long lawn that is a setting for events. Throughout the gardens there is art complementing the landscape, including pieces of sculpture by regional artists that blend with the flora, providing guests with a unique nature experience. During the more enjoyable weather there are concerts, DJs, and theatre events, as well as classes in yoga, meditation, wellness, and mindfulness. Guests are invited to bring blankets and enjoy picnics on the grounds. Private tours are also avail able. sea N MCC arthy There are unique virtues that can only come from being in and around nature. From a leisurely walk to a meditative rest, or just being immersed in the diverse beauty, the outdoors can provide respite, rejuvenation, and sanctuary any day and time of the year.

get awayA place to


This past spring, Haskell hosted two plant sales. The location has also provided events with vendors and farmer’s markets. “We’re a work in progress,” McCullin says. “We’re always doing something new, whether it’s an event or an installation.”AllofHaskell Gardens’s opportunities can be found at their website, andsoilaboutgreatgarden’salsoschoolgardening.morningvolunteersandmaintainingsuchandvolunteersofitwill“contemplativedescribedwithsoutheasternthatdebutThisthroughoutHaskellFacebook(@haskellgardens),,HaskellwillanewgardenroomfeaturesplantsnativetoMassachusettsaspiralpathway,byMcCullinasaspace”thathostmeditationclasses.ButMcCullindoesn’trunalone–Haskellhasastaffmorethantwodozenofferingtheirtimecontributingtoprojectsasfinegardening,thecollections,landscaping.RoseGrantofFallRiveratHaskelloneaweek,doingAretiredhighBiologyteacher,shedoesphotographyforthesocialmedia.“Volunteeringhasbeenalearningexperiencehowplantsgrow,therequirements,thenamesidentificationsofthe plants,” Grant says. “It’s also important for me to be able to give back to the community. It’s a beautiful property and I love that we’re maintaining a green space in a residential area. It’s awesome that a lot of people who live in the vicinity and don’t really have much of a yard of their own can walk through here at any time of the day. They can have a picnic and their kids can play.”

Located at 787 Shawmut Avenue, Haskell Public Gardens offers a variety of gardens, spaces, and trails with an expansive botanical collection

The gardens are named for the late Allen C. Haskell, a New Bedford native who first started visiting the grounds when it was a farm, riding his bike to take painting lessons from owner Louise Beech. Eventually Haskell took an interest in gardening, beginning with a vegetable garden, but expanding into unusual genuses such as hostas, conifers, and Asian plants and trees. “We’re running out of these spaces in our world,” Grant says. “So the fact that we’re maintaining this green space in the middle of the city is an amazing thing to do.”

19S outh C oa S t P rime t ime S  S e P tember / o C tober 2022

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Opened in October of 2014, Haskell Public Gardens is managed by The Trustees, a Massachusetts-based land trust that also preserves lighthouses, beaches, historic houses, farms and gardens. To become a member and support this nonprofit and all the good work at Haskell Gardens, consider joining s ea N M C C arthy has been a freelance journalist for 35 years. He lives in New Bedford.


Another bit of motorized memory: from my house, I could hear the rhythmic roar of racecars floating across the highway from the Seekonk Speedway maybe a cou ple miles away as the crow flies – itself an expression that I always felt reflected the then-country nature of where we lived. The 60s where a whole lot easier to remember and were when my decades really started to get cool. Not counting hitting puberty. Hitting puberty should really be called “puberty hitting you,” because does it ever. Your body and mind and entire existence changes by the min ute and nothing is ever the same. Had I the capacity to do so back then, I’d forgo the puberty process and just wake up one day wondering what the hell happened to me and then deal with it. The 60s were also a very confusing time for everyone; the Vietnam War was rag ing, and I remember fighting with my dad about the war as I got closer to the age of worrying about it impacting me. I’d yell that I’d go to Canada if I got drafted, he’d yell that I damn well would NOT go to Canada if I got drafted. And neither of us were absolutely sure if we meant what we yelled.Igraduated Seekonk High School in 1971 and the draft was still on but was then determined by lottery and I got number 269. Funny how you remember key numbers, like phone (ED6-7741, Social Security (shh, it’s a secret), high school locker combination (37-10-4). And lottery draft numbers that kept your ass from getting blown away in a needless war.The 70s rolled in and with it some of the best music of my lifetime (not counting disco, disco did and will forever suck).

The 70s were also a blur; it was the 70s, after all, a decade in which, I like to say with hippie pride, I smoked more weed than Cheech ‘n Chong, a lot of that in air plane bathrooms when I was flying all over as a young, stoned, girl-chasing flight attendant. Had a helluva time. From what I can Thenremember.lifechanged forever for the better with the 80s and the birth of my two kids, one of each gender, and way down the road, the birth of the center of my uni verse, my grandson, Mikey. It was also the decade I figured out I wanted to be a writer and worked for 15 years at the Taunton Daily Gazette as a reporter and editor, and also columnist writing under the umbrella of the three S’s – Snark, Sarcasm, and Satire. That, I’m happy to report, hasn’t changed a bit. Fast forward past a dissolved marriage and then finding new love, a career as a travel writer jetting all over the world (not stoned because people can change, even old hippies) and finding my new, current career as an actor, something I’d always wanted to do as a child but didn’t have the courage to try until my mid-50s. And that’s the great thing about time, isn’t it? It’s your best, most easily accessed commodity to do with in your wishes, hopes, and dreams. Looking back over the past seven decades approaching my eighth, it’s hard to pinpoint the best days of my life because they’ve all pretty much been. Not every one of course, just most. Like the Stones said in ’64, “Time is On My Side.” Always has been, even now with way more behind me than ahead. It’s all we got left and I aim to make the best of mine. paul K a N daria N is a lifelong area resi dent and, since 1982, has been a profession writer, columnist, and contributor in national magazines, websites, and other publications.

The Doors, Jethro Tull, Chicago, Santana, Elton John, Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath and on the folksy side, James Taylor, Aztec Two-Step, Tom Rush… too many to men tion, but all of it music I listen to now and ache for the return of the times they embodied, mainly because it would mean I could go back to the old dinghy Rhode Island Auditorium in Providence to hear acts like many of the above-mentioned.

Time in a bottle

20 S outh C oa S t P rime t ime S  S e P tember / o C tober 2022 paul K a Ndaria N I’m turning 69 on October 13 and real ize with shocking clarity (and just plain shock) that it means I’m rapidly approaching my eighth decade on Earth. I stink at math but I used my fingers and confirmed it after several attempts to dis pute it. Fingers don’t lie. Eight decades. Meaning I’m almost done with seven decades, or a half century plus a score, which when I put it that way is not quite as scary. I don’t know where the time went but do know many of my favorite songs have to do with that theme, like “Who Knows Where the Time Goes,” “Time in a Bottle,” and “Time, Time, Get the Hell Away, Don’t Y’all Come Back Another Day,” which isn’t a song, but a reasonable sentiment approaching one’s eighth decade.Istarted dissecting decades because it’s fun to trip down memory lane, and also a way of making sure you haven’t com pletely lost your marbles and can still remember things. I grew up in Seekonk starting in 1953, the first few years of which are foggy, but I do remember clearly one day standing in my crib and looking out the window and crying as my mom hurried to bring in the madly flap ping laundry on the line under a sky thickening darkly with an approaching thunderstorm.Ialsoremember Interstate 195 not being there in front of my house until it was built around 1960. It was farmland before that, all the way from our house on Cole Street, which my parents built just before I was born, all the way to Fall River Avenue several hundred yards away. It was blissfully quiet for years until 195 came in and with it, great curving entrance and exit ramps maybe 100 yards from my house which to me, just seemed like they’d always been there.

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Assisted Living Accommodations start at only $3,470 per month....... Imagine, living in a beautiful New England country inn that overlooks scenic Mount Hope Bay. Discover a carefree senior lifestyle that provides a wonderful new feeling of comfort and security. Contrary to living alone in a large oversized house, especially when assistance is needed, the “Inn” at Clifton can be significantly less worrisome and less expensive. At the “Inn” we have no typical apartments—each one is different and prices do vary according to apartment size, location and specific features. When compared to other assisted living communities, the “Inn” offers so much more. Clifton’s almost all-inclusive rates consist of amenities that many other facilities charge extra for, including....... 444 WILBUR AVENUE, SOMERSET, MA 02725  508-324-0200  Clifton ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITY Because you deserve it!  Three delicious Meals Daily  Personal Care Services  Green House  Medication Management  Scheduled Transportation  Walking Paths  Step-In Showers  24-hour CNA Staffing  Emergency Monitoring Systems  Library with Fireplace  Daily Activities  Registered Nurses to monitor your health and well-being  Garden & Water Views  Walk-In Closets  Housekeeping and Laundry Services  Fitness Area  Non-Denominational Chapel  Whirl Pool Spa  And Much, Much More… You have choices in retirement, make the “Inn” at Clifton one of them. We encourage you to call Diane, make an appointment and learn more about the advantages of our unique Clifton Healthcare Campus.......and compare.  Assisted Living Accommodations start at only $3,025 per month....... Imagine, living in a beautiful New England country inn that overlooks scenic Mount Hope Bay. Discover a carefree senior lifestyle that provides a wonderful new feeling of comfort and security. Contrary to living alone in a large oversized house, especially when assistance is needed, the “Inn” at Clifton can be significantly less worrisome and less expensive. At the “Inn” we have no typical apartments—each one is different and prices do vary according to apartment size, location and specific features. When compared to other assisted living communities, the “Inn” offers so much more. Clifton’s almost all-inclusive rates consist of amenities that many other facilities charge extra for, including....... 444 WILBUR AVENUE, SOMERSET, MA 02725  508-324-0200  Clifton ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITY Because you deserve it!  Three delicious Meals Daily  Personal Care Services  Green House  Medication Management  Scheduled Transportation  Walking Paths  Step-In Showers  24-hour CNA Staffing  Emergency Monitoring Systems  Library with Fireplace  Daily Activities  Registered Nurses to monitor your health and well-being  Garden & Water Views  Walk-In Closets  Housekeeping and Laundry Services  Fitness Area  Non-Denominational Chapel  Whirl Pool Spa  And Much, Much More… You have choices in retirement, make the “Inn” at Clifton one of them. We encourage you to call Diane, make an appointment and learn more about the advantages of our unique Clifton Healthcare Campus.......and compare. 

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