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After several long months, the South Coast is beginning to look like its old self again. We are still on the path towards a full recovery from COVID-19, but that hasn’t stopped local business owners from finding creative solutions to the biggest problem any of us have ever faced.
B b Gaw PreferredResidentialNetw rk 218 Shove Street, Fall River prnafc.com “ We are providing our Adult Family Care caregivers with free hand sanitizers, medical face masks, thermometers, and face shields. Anyone who is caring for and living with a friend or relative on MassHealth standard can apply today for personal protection supplies and a financial stipend up to $1,650 per month.
Shar n Vieira J&J Diam nd Jewelers 167 Borden Street, Fall River JJJewelry.com “ We understand that not everyone is comfortable heading out into the public. With that being said, we are continuing to offer curbside pickup and appointment business to help accommodate everyone’s concerns.
Missy Panchley Oakw dEstates 500 Swansea Mall Drive, Swansea oakwoodseniorestates.com “ We have been very lucky to not have any confirmed Covid cases at any of our properties. We did have a sanitization company come every week through the end of phase 1 and every other week in phase 2 to help keep our residents safe. That, and our maintenance personnel sanitizing twice a day, and some luck, has kept the residents and staff healthy. We have also put in measures regarding mask wearing, social distancing, and reducing capacity in the elevator and laundry room. Now that Massachusetts is in phase 3, we are slowly starting to get together for socially distant knitting, card playing, coloring, and outdoor lunches. Our waitlist continues to grow. I think people understand that we have safe, clean, comfortable properties.
Susan Gurry
H rnerMillw rk 1255 GAR Highway (Route 6), Somerset hornermillwork.com “ Horner Millwork remained open the entire time because we were considered an “essential business.” Early on, that was a difficult thing for some employees and people to understand. We were providing products to hospitals and other essential businesses that were critical to treating patients and assisting first responders. In many parts of the state, building remained strong and we provided our customers with products to continue building homes which had a positive impact on our economy. We also saw many homeowners, forced to stay home and cancel vacations, take on house projects. Door screens were very popular as well as outdoor kitchens and decks.
The biggest challenges we faced, and continue to deal with, is a shortage in staffing in our manufacturing.
DenisTetrault Patenaude Jewelers 1473 South Main Street, Fall River patenaudejewelers.com “ We have been very encouraged by the ever-increasing business activity in the past few weeks. We are confident that people will continue to shop in a safe and considerate manner.
SandyDennis CreativeArtsNetw rk, Inc. 132 Highland Avenue, Fall River creativeartsnetwork.org “ The recent public health crisis has proven challenging, canceling most of our events and putting our fundraising efforts on hold. In response, we have pivoted away from programing and focused more on projects such as “Hortensia” The Hydrangea Project and we have developed a 10-minute survey to help rank priorities from the communities. CAN is also directing its efforts into developing a public art policy for the City of Fall River. CAN’s refocused effort and strategy has proven successful.
JaneE. Sullivan, Esq. 624 Brayton Avenue, Fall River Janesullivanlaw.com “ I am so grateful that Massachusetts has proceeded with the utmost caution throughout the pandemic and as we gradually reopen our economy. I have welcomed my clients and their families back with safety protocols in place that everyone is observing without hesitation. We must all strive to create our “new normal,” which includes following the guidelines issued by local and state public health authorities so that we can keep ourselves, our families, our clients, and customers and their families safe.
J an Albanese AlbaneseM numents 303 State Road, Westport albanesemonuments.com “ We reopened in June and are dealing with our customers by email and telephone. Our office is open to the public from 10 to 4 on Monday through Friday and 9 to 1 on Saturdays. We meet with our customers outside of the office and try our best to meet their needs while conducting business outside.
BillBachant Gun Or hanage 9 Tyler Avenue, East Wareham gunorphanage.com “ Our real estate offices, our construction company, and our gun shop are seeing extremely robust business. In real estate, there are so many qualified buyers out there and so little inventory that houses are sold within a matter of hours. In building/renovation, everyone has been looking at renovating, upgrading, replacing, and refreshing their homes. And gun sales are through the roof! We cannot keep up with requests for firearms and ammunition and have been sold out each month for our gun safety courses.
ChrisRichard Fairhaven Visit rsCenter 141 Main Street, Fairhaven FairhavenTours.blogspot.com “ The Fairhaven Office of Tourism has just two regularly scheduled activities going on this summer, but both are doing quite well. The Huttleston Marketplace, held on the lawn of the Visitors Center and Fairhaven High School on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. has been hosting between 40 and 50 booths of arts and crafts, farm produce, and locally made food products, and attendance has been very good. Both the vendors and the public have been happy about how it has been going. Our other activity is the Pirates & Privateers presentation at historical Fort Phoenix on Friday mornings from 10 a.m. to about 11:15. Small family groups and individuals have been there on all of the weeks that it has been held. Both events require wearing masks and maintaining social distance and both are free of charge to the public.
NancyChaffee ChaffeeC mmunicati ns 310 Maple Ave # L02, Barrington chaffeecommunications.com “ We have seen somewhat of a slowdown. One client had to cancel their events for the season. Fortunately we can easily work from home with computers and the Internet. We just hope it gets better sooner than later.
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