Coastal Point — July 7, 2023

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Kellsnamedmayor ofMillsboro

MillsboroTownCouncilmanJames Kellswasnamedmayorduringthetown council’sreorganizationalmeetingthis week,succeedingmayorFayeLingo, wholostabidforre-electiontothe councillastmonthbutgraciously thankedthecouncilfortheexperience andpresentedKellswithanewgavel andbase.

Kells,nominatedbyCouncilman JohnThoroughgoodandapprovedby unanimousvote,movedtohisnewseat inhisunassumingway,asThoroughgoodsaid,“OK.Wehaveamayor.Jim, doyouwanttocomeuphereandtake yourposition?”andsomeoneelseremindedhimtotakehisnameplate.

Alsobyunanimousvote,CouncilmanRonO’Nealwasnamedmayor pro-tem,CouncilwomanKimberley Kaanwasappointedcouncilsecretary andCouncilmanBobBryanwasmade counciltreasurer.

AlsoattheMonday,July3,meeting, O’Neal,whoranunopposedandwho representsDistrict2,wasswornin,as werenewlyelectedCouncilmenMarty Presley,servingat-large,andMatt Davis,representingDistrict3.They vowedtosupporttheconstitutionsof theUnitedStatesandDelaware,andto

CoastalPoint•SusanLyons Alittlereplenishmentequipmentdidn’tdeterthrongsofbeachgoersinBethanyBeachonTuesday,July4.Thedelayedwork projectwasthereasontheTowncouldn’thostitsannualfireworksdisplayonTuesday,but,asyoucanplainlysee,people stillgotouttoenjoytheholiday.


IRSDelementary schoolstakingonmajor shifttoCKLAmodel

The“ScienceofReading”curriculum change,andtheemphasisonphonicsas alearningplatformforearlychildhood educationandreadingfrompre-kindergartentofifthgrade,isinfullswingat theIndianRiverSchoolDistrict.Par-

entsarepleasedwithwhattheyareseeingalreadyfromtheirearlyreaders, IRSDofficialssaid.

KellyDorman,directorofelementaryeducationfortheschoolsystem, andherteam,includingMarissaHockman,withinthedepartmentofinstruction,ismovingquicklytotrainteachers onthenewCoreKnowledgeLanguage Artsprogram.TheearlierEnglishLanguageArts,orELAmodulesforreading,wereusedforeightyears,so teachersarealsoexcitedtoengagewith thenewlearningprocess,shesaid.


itisjustmoresystematicanddeliberative,”saidDorman.“Therearecertain thingsinearlylearningandpre-Kthat willhelpourstudentslearntoread.”

“Theparentsareexcitedinhearing whattheirkidswerethinkingandlearningaboutalready.Nowthatweare goingdistrict-wide,allourIRSDparentsareveryexcited,”shesaid.

“ Wewillprovidemoreinformation toparentsonCKLA,andwejustrolled outanewwebsite,”saidDorman,for thedistrictandparents.“TheCKLA willbeexplainedtoparentsclearly.It willgoliveinthenextfewweeks,before

schoolstarts.ItisonourDistrictLive sitealready,andweareupdatingand gettingthelanguageartssectionofthe siteupdated.”

ShehasredeployedtheELAinstructionalspecialists,and,“Bothmyselfand MarissaHockman,andsomeofour math specialists,”areengagedinthe trainingprocess.

EnglishLanguageArtsreferstothe studyanduseoftheEnglishlanguage inacademicsettings.Thetermisused intheUnitedStatesandCanada.ELA

JULY 7, 2023 THE LOCAL VOICE OF YOUR COMMUNITY. Volume 20, Issue 27 FREE Sports Juniors capture District 3 title Page 62
July 4th
Holiday Bethany celebrates
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encompassesreading,writing,listening andspeaking.

“Wehadalreadyworkedwitha groupofteacherstolookatCore KnowledgeLanguageArtsorCKLA,” saidDorman.“Theteamusedarubric toscoretheprocess,anditscoredreally high.”

TheIndianRiverSchoolDistrict BoardofEducationallocatedmorethan $2.8millionforthecoursewareandthe implementationoftheCKLAScience ofReadingcurriculuminMay.Dorman explainedthatthevettingandreviewof theCKLAcoursematerialswascompleted beforethatfunding.




performthedutiesofofficeforwhich theywereelected.

IntheJune10election,Daviswon victoryoverLingobya375-to-147 vote,andPresleyreceived380votesto Gum’s135.Forthefirsttime,theTown offeredtheoptionofabsenteevoting, whichprovedpopular.O’Nealreceived 44votesbyabsenteeballot,Davisreceived67,LingoandGumbothgot16, andPresleyhad69.


May26forourprofessionallearning,” saidDorman.“WebroughtinCKLA trainers,andwebrokeoutintovarious sessionsforgradelevelsthroughoutthe district.TeacherswerebrokenintopreK,allbyitself,”shesaid,becausethe moduleiscomplex,“andkindergarten teachersthroughgrades1-2,andthen teachersingrades3-5.”

“TheCKLAtrainingisextremely exciting”fortheteachersandadministrators,shesaid.Dormanestimatedthat hundredsofteachingprofessionalsare involvedandremindedparentsandeducatorsthatelementaryschoolteachers arecross-trainedtoteachvarioussubjects.

“TherewereIRSDadministratorsin eachofthoseclasses,”shenoted.

“WhenIsatthroughmytraining session,teacherswereengaged,”she

bymachineand44byabsenteeballot, andwillcontinuerepresentingDistrict 2 foranotherthree-yearterm.

Swearing-inwasfollowedbyapplauseasthemenwalkedbacktotheir seatsandLingoapproachedthepodium tospeaktothecouncil.

“Ijustcouldn’tgooutthedoor, right?”shejoked.

“Iwantedtoletthepeopleknow,I haveworkedwiththeTownfor38years andbeenonthecouncilayearanda half,andjusthowblessedIhavebeen. Mycareer,asayouth,IneverthoughtI wouldeverhaveenjoyeditsomuch.I haveenjoyeditimmensely,”shesaid,

said.“Wehadusedourcurrentprogram forabouteightyears,sowewereatthe opportunetimetolookatthecurriculum. Weknewitwastimeforachange, anditwasacyclewewereintomove forward.”

“Weknowthatthisprogramaligns withtheScienceofReading,”saidDorman.

CoreKnowledgeLanguageArtsisa comprehensiveprogramforpreschool gradestoGrade5forteachingreading, writing,listeningandspeaking,while alsobuildingstudents’vocabularyand knowledgeacrossessentialdomainsin literature,Americanhistoryandthesciences.TheCoreKnowledgeFoundation inbasedinCharlottesville,Va.,andhas partneredwithAmplifyEducationfor nationwidedistributionofprofessionallyprintedandpackagedCKLAclass-

adding thatshehadagiftforthenew mayorandcouncilandastorytotell them.

FormertownmanagerforMillsboro, Lingosaidthat,inthe1990s,aMillsboroorganizationgavethemayorand towncouncilagavelwithaceramicbase andminiaturetugboat,plusaplacefora pen,butthebase“metwithanaccident” andcouldn’tberepaired.Thetugboat wasgluedbacktogetherbuteventually fellapart.

“Thenwehadamayorwithaclassic Mustang,andheputhisMustangon thetugboat.…Sofrommetoyouand the privilegethatIhavehad,anew


“Wenowhaveaprofessionallearningplanthatwewillimplement throughoutthisschoolyearandwill continuetogivetheteachersthetrainingandrefreshers,”saidDorman.

Curriculumupdates takeavillage

“It’saheavylifttotakeonanewcurriculum.Wearedoingpre-Kthrough fifthgradeandourentiredistrictisfocused onreadingthisyear,”notedDorman.

“Wearelookingatthethirdedition ofourmathprogram,”forapotential futureupgrade,butforthecurrent schoolyear,it’sCKLAalltheway.


gavelwiththeword‘Millsboro’onitand newbasethatisallwoodandshouldn’t break.Anditsays,‘Forthegoodofthe town,’”Lingosaid,presentingittoKells astheaudiencestoodandapplauded. Shewentaroundthecounciland shookhandswithallcouncilmembers andstaff,asKellssaidLingo“hasbeena blessingtothistownfor38years,served onbothsides.Andshehasbeenthe best.”

“Sheisfantastic,”hesaid. “IenjoyeditmorethanIeverasked for.WiththatIamgoingtogohome. Youallhavefun.Goodnight,”shesaid toanotherroundofapplause.

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Along-awaitedchannel-dredging projectinFenwickIslandmaybeinchingclosertoreality.

AtatownDredgeCommittee meetingonWednesday,June28,CommitteeChairmanWilliamRymersaid that,althoughthecommitteehasnot metasawholesinceJanuary,therehas beenmuchdiscussionbehindthe scenesregardingapossiblesitefor dredgespoils.

Ofthethreepossibilitiesforspots todepositthedredgedmaterial,one hasrisentothetop,afteritseemedto nolongerbeintherunning.Thatis propertyoffofRoute54slatedfordevelopmentbytheCarlM.Freeman Companies.Thecommittee’sdiscussionswiththedevelopercametoahalt whenFreemanannouncedthetiming oftheproposeddredgeprojectno longermeshedwiththeirplansforthe property.

However,talksbetweentheTown andthedeveloperarenowmovingforwardagain.

“Thereis,hopefully,goodnewsin theoffing,”Rymersaid.


bedredged—twochannelsleading intotheLittleAssawomanBaythat havebecomesosilted-overthatnavigationinandoutofthebayfromthe Town’scanalsisincreasinglyhazardous.

SteveBagnullofAnchorQEA LLC,aconsultantfortheTownonthe project,saidduringlastweek’smeeting thatthesampleshavebeentakenand havebeensenttoalabforanalysis.

Rymersaidtheextratestingis“to theTown’sbenefit”because“we’dmuch ratherknowthatwehaveproblems thanpumpingitupandthendiscoveringsomething.”

“Thebiggestissueisclearlythatthe materialisgoingtobeusedforresidentialdevelopment”andmustbefree ofcontaminants,Rymersaid.He addedthatattorneysforFreemanhave beenmeetingwiththetownsolicitor tohammeroutthefinaldetailsonan agreementbetweenthetwoentitieson theuseofthesite.

Thenextstepwouldbeapplications tofederalandstateagenciesforpermitstodredgethechannels.Rymer urgedcommitteememberstostart sendingletterstotheU.S.ArmyCorps ofEngineersinsupportoftheproject, citingsafenavigationandhigherhome valuesastalkingpoints.

“There’salotofreasonswhythisis agreatproject,”Rymersaid.“We’re tryingtogeteverythingdonesowhen wegetthosepermitswecanstart dredging.”

Thewindowfordredgingthechannelsislimitedbythepresenceofsummerflounderintheprojectarea.Tony Pratt,formerstatedirectorofshoreline andwaterwaymanagement,saidthe primeperiodfordredgingactivityis OctoberthroughtheendofJanuary.

Prattsaidthestate’sbondbill— whichfundsprojectsthroughoutthe state—contains$7.5millionfor shorelineandwaterwayprojects. WhethertheFenwickIslandchannel projectisonewasunclearatCoastal Pointpresstime.

Rymersaidthecommitteewould workwithTownManagerPatricia Schuchman“tofigureoutwhatwe havetodotocheckalltheboxesto makesurewehaveasuccessfulbidding process.”

Oneoftheissuesthatneedstobe addressed,Rymersaid,isthatthearea oftheFreemanpropertynowslatedto receivethedredgedmaterialismuch fartherfromthewaterthantheoriginalsite.

“Thereissomeworkneededthere togetitpulledtogether,”Bagnullsaid.

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Witheightcandidatesrunningfor fourseatsontheFenwickIslandTown Council,thetown’shomeowners’group issettingthegroundrulesforacandidates’forumsetforSaturday,July15.

FISH(theFenwickIslandSocietyof Homeowners)willhosttheforumat

FenwickIslandTownHall,800Coastal Highway.

Theeightcandidatesare:Janice Bortner(incumbent),JohnGaryBurch, KristinaClark,NatalieMagdeburger (incumbent), BernieMerritt,Jacqueline Napolitano(incumbent),JamesC. SimpsonIIIandKurtZanelotti.

Doorswillopenat9:05a.m.forthe event,whichbeginsat9:30a.m.


Inastatementthisweek,FISHPresidentAmyKyleurgedparticipants“to arriveearlyandgetsettledby9:30a.m. Theforumisstructuredtogiveeach candidateanequalopportunitytoexpresstheirviewsandanswerquestions.”

Inpreviousyears,thehallhasbeen closetooratcapacityfortheevent,Kyle said.


is“togivethepeopleoftheTowna chancetoheardirectlyfromallcandidatesandtoasktheirquestions.All candidatesareinvitedandwelcomedto attendtheforum.”

AllFenwickIslandresidentsareinvitedtotheevent,whethertheyare membersofFISHornot. SeeFISHpage9

“Weknowtheneedforquality, professionalteachingandlearning. Wewanttheteacherstogetfamiliar withthis”module,shesaid.

“Whenyouareanelementary schoolteacher,youteachreading, math,socialstudiesandmore,”said Dorman.“Wewantallstaffmembers toknowthisCKLA.Wehavereading specialistsandotherstohelp.”

“Intheprofessionaldevelopment area,allofourstaffwillbetrained.It willbewellworthitwhenwearefinished,”saidtheinstructionalspecialist.

“Wehavealwaystaughtphonics, butamorebalancedanditerativeapproachisthekey.Wehadtoprovide interventioninthepast.Werealizewe hadtocreateamoresystematicap-

TheCKLAwillbeprovidedto hundredsofteachersandadministratorswhowillbeexposedtothenew learningideas.

“Aswefield-tested,weheardfrom parentsthatthiswastherightapproach,”saidDorman.“Allofthe teachersandtheparentsareexcited.”

“ItisjustMs.HockmanandIinchargeofthisimplementation,and thatiswhywearebuildingcapacityin thebuildings—sowecanbesurethe transitionhappensineveryschool.”

“Ithasbeenexcitingforusandit hasbeenfun,”saidDorman.“It’salot ofwork;buttheimpactitwillhaveon ourstudentswillbegreat.”

“Wewilldevelopstrongreaders andthesestudentswillhavethejoyof reading,”shesaid.“Readingimpacts everythingwedo,everyday.Wewant thekidstohavethoseskills.”

DormanandIRSDSchoolBoard memberspredictedthattestscores willgoupbecauseoftheCKLAearly learning.

“Wewillbemonitoringtestscores andprovideascreenertoseeabaselineofwhereourkidsarecomingin. Wewillhaveitinthemiddleandend oftheschoolyear.”

“Wewillalsotrackourstateassessmentdataingradethree,”saidDorman.“Therearepointsthroughout theyearwherewecancheckonstudentprogress.”


•SpecificandSequenced:Most curriculumstandardsprovidegeneral goalsandobjectivesbutofferteachers littleguidanceaboutthespecific knowledgestudentsshouldlearnin eachgrade.Incontrast,theCore Knowledgeapproachistospecify,ina cleargrade-by-gradesequence,what studentsneedtoknow.

•ExcellenceandEquity:Onlyby specifyingtheknowledgeandskills thatallchildrenshouldsharecanwe guaranteeequalaccesstothatknowledge.Educationalexcellenceandequityrequirethateverychildina democracyhaveaccesstoimportant sharedknowledgeandlanguage.

•StartingEarly:It’simportantto beginbuildingstrongfoundationsof

knowledgeintheearlyyears.The CoreKnowledgeapproachfocuseson preschoolthroughgradeeight.In theseearlyyears,especiallythepreschoolandelementarygrades,schools candothemosttohelpchildrenlay thegroundworkforlanguagedevelopmentandfuturesuccess.”


SouthCoastalPublicLibraryalso providesasummerreadingprogram. Childrenmayreadatleast10hoursto beeligibleforprizes.Theprogram launchedonJune1andisavailable throughAug.6.Childrenandparents mayuseareadinglogonlinetoshare theirreadingaccomplishmentsormay createapaperlogformattosubmitat theendofthesummer.

Accordingtothelibrary,thesummer readingprogramis“perfectforallages. Oursummerreadingprogramisfun, freeandeasy.Simplyread10hours (only600minutes)tocompletesummer readingandearngreatprizes.Graba goodbookandvisitthebeach,listento anaudiobookwhilegardeningorread toyourchildrenbeforebedtime!All typesofreadingcancount,andyoucan readwhateveryouchoose.”

Formoreinformation,ortoborrowa book,gotoSouthCoastalLibrary,43 KentAvenueinBethanyBeach.

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CoastalPoint•KerinMagill OliviaFortwenglerofFellsPoint,Md.,sat very,verystillwhilefacepainterTyra JonesworkedhermagicatFenwickIsland's70thbirthdaycelebrationonSaturday,July1.

“Weusedtogotothebeachinthe morning…withaplaypenandallthese toys,”hermother,JoanKline,recalled.

“Grandmomusedtobringusup peanutbutter-and-jellycrackers,”said CynthiaKline.

“Andbringajugofjuice,”added JoanKline.

CynthiaKlinepulledupphotoson hercellphoneofaminiaturetrainthat usedtobeapopularattractionforchildrenvisitingFenwickIsland.Itwaslocated,shesaid,nexttotheformerDairy Queen—soontobethesiteofanew SurfBagelshop.

Hergrandfather’shomewason Essex Street,butthefamily’scurrent home,shesaid,wasonWestEssex— whichwaslaterrenamedEbbtideCove toreduceconfusionforemergencyresponders.

WhilethelookofFenwickIsland haschangedsinceitsincorporation70

yearsago,thebeachtown’sfocuson beingahavenforfamiliesseekingquiet vacationdaysremainsstrong.

TheTownheldacelebrationofits 70thbirthdayonSaturday,July1,witha

nodtothe“campmeetings”ofitsearly days.Butinsteadofreligiousservices, thereweresnowcones,facepainting, musicbyasteeldrummer,andburgers andhotdogsonthegrillatthetown hallcelebration.

Inside thetownhall,visitorswatched avideowithhistoricphotosthat,for many,broughtbackmemoriesofbygone daysonFenwick’soceanandbayshores.

CynthiaKline,whosegrandfather HarryKlinewasmayorofFenwickIslandintheearly1950s,recalledwith pridethathewasinstrumentalinthe additionofpublicsewerservicetothe town,“whichgotridofthesepticsystemsgoingintothecanals,”Klinesaid. “Thatwasabigthing,”shesaid.

Shealsorecalledthathergrandfather andseveralothersownedSealIsland, nowalmostnon-existent.

“TheIntracoastalWaterwaywas goingtobeabigthing,”Klinerecalled withalaugh.

DeborahTeweysaidshehadmany fondmemoriesofworkingatRuth’s ShellShop—nowSeaShellCity—as ateen.

“Wewerelikeafamily,”Teweysaid. “Welivedabovetheshop.Itwasreallya likeadorm.Itwasjustthebest.”

Teweyalsorecalledsomeyouthful shenanigansthatwentonduringsummersinFenwick,includingaritualthat involvedstealingthehorsestatuethat


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“Theytookthehorse,andtheyputit intheocean,”shesaid.“So,finally, [Libby’sowners]concretedthehorse,so theycouldn’tstealit.”

“Theytreateduslikedaughters,” TeweysaidofRuth’sShellShop’sowner RuthPriceandthestore’smanagement, asdidownersoftherestaurantsintown, whowouldmakesurethe“girls”from theshopwerefedquicklysotheycould returntothestoreinatimelymanner.

WilliamWilliamssaidheandhis wife,Carole,boughttheirpropertyin FenwickIslandinthe1970sandbuilt theirhomeafewyearslater.Withtheir children,theyspentsummersatthe home—thechildrenworkingatsuch iconicFenwickIslandbusinessesasthe DairyQueenandWarren’sRestaurant. Severalgrandchildrenhavenowserved ontheFenwickIslandBeachPatrol,he said.

“Imightbetheoldestresident,”he said.“We’vebeenherealongtime.” Now,inretirement,hesaid,thecouple splitstheirtimebetweenFenwickand F lorida.“Wehavetheoceanallthe time,”hesaid.

“Thekidsstillcomeback,”Carole Williamssaid.“Sometimesallatonce.”

Overtheyears,theirhomeexpanded tomeettheneedsofthegrowingfamily, herhusbandsaid.

Headdedthatheandhiswifefeel fortunatetohavetheirspotinthebeach town.

“Nowadays,noteverybodycaneven affordtorentaweek,”hesaid.

FenwickresidentJimSimpsonrecalledbuyinghishomein1986,upthe streetfromwherehisnow-husband, Ross, hadlivedsincethe1960s.Simpson,whoisacandidatefortowncouncil,calledFenwick“agoodplacewithan overallgoodcommunity.”

JulieLee,herselfaformertown councilmember,saidshehasbeentravelingtoFenwickIslandsincethe1950s and“hasgrownupsummeringhere.” Leelisted“flyingkitesasitgotcloseto dusk”and“diggingforcrabsonthe beach”astwoofherfavoriteFenwick


Leesaidthatlookingtothenext70 yearsforFenwick,shehopesforthe town“toretainitscommunitycharacter, eventhoughitwillbecomemoremodern.”

MikeandTrishAlokoneshavebeen comingtoFenwickIslandduringthe summerformorethan20years.Mike Alokonessaidafavoriteactivityisa simpleone—watchingthesunsetover theLittleAssawomanBay.

“Everysunsetisdifferent,”Alokones said,addingthateachoneis“alwaysexcitingtowatchattheendoftheday afterbeingatthebeach.”

Asforthefuture,Alokonessaidhe hopes toownhisownhomeinFenwick Islandsomedayandthatheislooking forwardtopossiblyretiringinFenwick Island.

CouncilMemberJaniceBortnersaid shetreasuresthetimeshecanspend withherfamilyeachsummerinFenwick.Onamoreseriousnote,shesaid shehopestheTownwillbesuccessfulin effortsto“fendofftheriseofthesea water,”laidoutintheTown’srecentresiliencyplan.

MayorNatalieMadgeburger,who haspreparednotesontheTown’shistoryforitsFacebookpageinrecent months,tooktimeatthebirthdaycele-

brationtoexplainsomeoftheTown’s history,includingtheincorporationof theTownin1953,whichwasledby TakomaPark,Md.,nativeJ.Bond Smith.

“Thetownwasforthosewho thoughtOceanCitywastoocrowded,” andfor“thefishermanthatdidnot wanttolivenearcrowds,”shesaid.

Magdeburger’sfather,Wayne Carmean,alsohasdeeprootsinthe

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byformerMissDelawareKaylaMartell Applicantswholive,workorgoto schoolinDelawarefull-timemayapply, andaboardreviewsapplications.Those whoarechosenhaveaprivate10minuteinterviewduringwhichtheyanswerquestionsabouttheircommunity serviceinitiativeandsometimesdiscuss politicalmatters,theneachcontestant providesafactsheetsoboardmembers cangettoknowthem.

Eachcontestantisrequiredtodisplay atalent,andBealechosetap-dancingto thesong“PumpIt”bytheBlack-Eyed Peas.

Aftercompetingagainst18other contestants,DagsbororesidentEmily BealewasrecentlycrownedMiss Delawareandawarded$12,000in scholarshipfundstocontinueworking onhermaster’sdegree.

The28-year-oldPennsylvanianative, whohaslivedinDelawarefor10years, wascrownedduringaneventatthe HarringtonRaceway&Casinoorganizedbythenon-profitMissDelaware ScholarshipOrganizationandemceed

“Itwastricky.Ihadabunch ofhelp, helpingmechoreograph.AformerMiss Delawarehelpedmewiththatyearsago, andthistimeanotheronehelpedme cleanitup.Ihavebeentakingtap-dancinglessonssinceIwas4.It’salotof fun,”shesaid.

Forthefitnesssegmentofthecompetition,somecontestantsperformeda routinewithkicksandjumps,butBeale, whomountain-climbsasahobby,worea sportsbraandleggingsandwalked acrossstage.

“IamcommittedtofitnessandIlove mountainclimbing,buttherearen’t manyactionsyoucandoonstagefor

that,soIchosetowalkacrossthestage. IclimbedthebasecampsonMount Everest,”shesaid,referringtocampsites atthebaseofthemountainsusedby climbersduringascentanddescent.The twobasecampsareonoppositesidesof themountainsandaretheSouthBase CampinNepal,about17,500feethigh, andNorthBaseCampinChina,around 16,900feethigh.

Herinterestinmountainclimbing beganafterherparents,afterwatchinga documentary,askedhertopromisenever toclimbMountEverest—apeakinthe Himalayamountainrangebetween NepalandTibet,andat29,032feet, consideredthetallestpointonearth.

“Ihadn’tbeeninterestedinmountain climbing.Theysaid,‘Don’tyoueverdo that,’andthatgotmeinterested.Itwas harderthanIthought,butdefinitely achievableifyou’reinterestedinmountainclimbing.Itisreallyrocky.When yougetabovethetreeline,treescan’t growatacertainpoint.Youcanstill breathe,buttheairisthinner.Iwantto climbtheMatterhorn,”shesaid,referringtowhatisknownas“TheJewelof theSwissAlps.”

Shehasalsocampedat,andclimbed, MountBakerinWashingtonstate.

Beale,whohascompetedinMiss Delawareinpastyearsandhaswon $32,000inscholarshipmoney,iswork-

ingonhermaster’sdegreeinanonline programatDrexelUniversity,studying immunology.

In2018,sheearnedabachelor’sdegreeinmarinesciencefromtheUniversityofDelaware,andsheisemployedas atechnicalscientistbyIlluminaInc., basedinSanDiego.Thecompany“develops,manufacturesandmarketssystemsfortheanalysisofgeneticvariation andbiologicalfunction.”

“Peopleuseourproductstosequence cancerpatientsamplesandthingslike that.Idon’tdothesequencing—Ilook atresultsandtellthemifsomething wentwrong.Weusemetrics,andeverythingisonacase-by-casebasis.Iloveit somuch.I’msogladIfoundit,”said Beale,thedaughterofJulieandCharles BealeandsisterofMeganBeale.

“MissDelawarewasapersonalgoal forme,”Bealesaid,addingthatthecontestwasn’tlivestreamedandthereisno optiontoviewitafterward,

“AlotofformerMissDelawareshave endedupworkingforthegovernmentor foranon-profitorganization.Iaminterestedinseeingwhereitwill takeme,but fornow,Iwanttoworkonmymaster’s. Iamnotinterestedingovernment,butI aminterestedinsomelegislation.As MissDelaware,Iwanttopromotethe environment.Ihavebeenworkingwith theMarineEducationResearch&RehabilitationInstituteinLewes,andI’m interestedinpromotingitandmakingit morewell-known,”shesaid.

“BeingnamedMissDelaware—for me,thathasalwaysheldasoftspotin myheart.Ilovethenatureherein Delaware.It’sasmall state.Youpretty muchknoweveryoneeverywhere,andI reallylikethat.”



communityofFenwickIsland.Carmean saidhestartedvacationingtoFenwick whenhisdaughterwas2,purchased landin1974andbuiltthefamily’s hometherein1975.

Carmean—whosewife,Vicki,isa formermayor—saidhehascontinued toenjoyspendingtimeinFenwick,and thatitisa“niceplace,thatisrelaxing,” andthatheisgratefulforthesummers hischildrenwereabletospendthere.

Theresorttownhasbeenarefuge foradults,aswell,Carmeansaid.HerecalledsittingonthebeachonNew Year’sEveof1999,waitingwithVicki Carmeanforthe“worldtocometoend, becauseofthecomputersthatweresupposedlygoingtodestroyattheturnof thecentury.”

Lookingtowardthefuture,Carmean saidhehopesFenwickwillremain“the quiet,fashionableresortwithpeople whocareaboutfamily.”

8 CoastalPoint July7,2023 302-539-7676 116 Garfield Pkwy.Bethany Beach (Next to Rhodes 5 & 10) Lots of Skorts The Perfect Pickleball Attire! Rhodes 5 &10 Over 40 Chair Styles Including Telescope 52 Years 1969-2021 Lowest Prices including Online on Old-fashioned, Rental Type, Wooden Pole Umbrellas Up to 7.5ft Wide in 20 colors Huge Selection of In atables $50 Purchase of Any Chair or Umbrella One Coupon per person. Thru July 30th $5OFF NO SALES TAX! Sandals & Flip Flops • T-Shirts Life is Good • Salt Life • Reef Old Guys Rule • Vineyard Vines • Lulu B YETI, Swig • Unique Gifts Puzzles & More We’ve Got It All! Tees, Sweats, Hats and so much more Visit Us Online | 118 Garfield Pkwy. • Bethany Beach • 302-539-9191 ALL CLOTHING 50% OFF Excludes Hats, Socks & Shoes
—CoastalPointInternSamuel Sanderscontributedtothisarticle.
CoastalPoint•CapturingYourBlissPhotography Dagsboro’sEmilyBealereactstobecomingthenewestMissDelaware.


FrankfordTownCouncilPresident GregWelchtookafewmomentsduringtheMonday,July3,councilmeeting toreadthefulltextoftheportionofthe towncharterdevotedtosidewalks.


Kyleadvisedallthosewhowillattendthat“theforummovesbriskly,especiallywhenthereareeightcandidates running.”Candidates,shesaid,“areencouragedtoprovidesuccinct,directanswerstoquestionsfromtheaudience, whicharewrittenoncardsandthen posedbythemoderator.”

Sheemphasizedthat“FISHhasapolicyofcivildiscoursefortheforum.This meansthatcommentscanbemadein favoroforagainstanyissue,buttherewill benoattacksonindividuals.Comments thatarenotcivilwillberuledoutoforder.”

Continuingalongtheveinofcivil discussionoftownissues,Kylesaidthe

Thepurposeofthereading,Welch said,wastoshowjusthowcomplicated theprocessforrepairingsidewalksis,as laidoutinthecharter.

“It’snottheeasiestthingtofollow anddo.Itseemslikeaprettyconvoluted and arduousprocess,”Welchsaid,before readingSection25:Paving,Guttering

eventistobefreeofovertcampaigning bythecandidates.

“Candidates’literatureandswagwill notbeallowedtobewornordisplayed inthemeetingroom.Nobands,parades, campaignbadges,fireworks,T-shirts, hats,placards,etc.,areallowedinthe hall,”sheadded.

“Wearemaintaininganeutralforum whereeveryonecanspeaktotheirviews and everyaudiencemembercanhear thespeakerstoinformtheirowndecisionabouthowtovote.Theforumwill beconductedwithcivilityandrespect forallcandidatesandallaudience members.Thefocusisondiscussionof criticalissuesfortheTown,”Kylesaid.

“Itisappropriatetodiscuss,criticize, orpraiseaproposalorplanoridea,but


Theupshotoftheprocesslaidoutin thecharteristhatthedocumentgives theTowntheauthoritytohaveproperty ownerspayashareofthecostofany sidewalkwork.

“Theproblemis,allthesidewalks needrepairedinthewholetown,”

nottoattackordisparageanindividual. Everyonewillbeentitledtotheiropinion.Noteverybodyagreesabouteverything,butwecanallbeciviltoeach other,”shesaid.

Candidateswilldrawcardsforthe orderofspeaking,andtheforumwillbe dividedintofiveparts.

“Welookforwardtohavingachance tohearfromallofthecandidatesatone eventandtodiscussquestionsfrom acrossthecommunity.”Kylesaid.“Allof thecoastaltownsarefacingimportant challenges,anddiscussioncanhelpus moveforward.”

FISHwasfoundedabout50years agotoaddressconcernsaboutconstructionofhigh-risebuildingsinFenwick, Kylesaid.Itisamembershiporganiza-


ResidentKyleQuillenechoedwhat WelchsaidstateRep.RichCollinstold him,whichQuillenstatedas“Whatis thetotalscopeofthework?”

Council TreasurerJohnWrightsaid, SeeFRANKFORDpage12

tionopentohomeownersandisdedicatedtoinformingitsmembersabout issuesthatcanaffecttheenvironment andspecialqualitiesofthetown,she said.Duesare$20ayear.

Theprogramwillincludeopening remarksbyeachcandidate,questions fromaudiencemembersandclosing statementsfromthecandidates.Candidates’remarkswillbekeptwithintime constraintsmonitoredbyatimekeeper.

Participantswillhaveanopportunity towritequestionsonindexcards,and “prioritywillbegiventoclearlystated, succinctquestionsabouttopicsofgeneral interestthatfitononesideofacard,” Kylesaid.“Questionsaboutaspecificincidentorcomplaintthatarenotofgeneralinterestwillbeexcluded,”sheadded.

July7,2023 CoastalPoint 9 98 Garfield Pkwy, Bethany Beach JJ Stones eetballrizinball•P inball•Sk P•Skeetball•Pameses •G 10 loats es • F ilk Shak M eam e CrIc d Hand Dipped Har $ FOR CARD GAME $20 Noon-10pm • Sun Noon – 9pm atFri-S , 3-9pm Thurs ri: MonMon-T F OPEN TOYINQUIRETO OURPARTIES $25 game card and use of our party area $20 per person includes gift bag, bowl of ice cream AYPKGS.OURBIRTHDAYABOUTOURBIRTHD AREELECTRIC Sundaes wls BLighoting Slushies cade rter-AuarQ-tric .facwwttps://wh (410) 250-4442 , MD 21842 ean City City, MD 21842 Oc y, oastal High 13713 C Minimum of 8 people -250120098439781 Follow Us On Facebook! Happy Hunting! July 7th - 9th | 10am–4pm Our Magical Store is Filled with Fresh Finds 30688 Armory Road • Frankford, DE near Dagsboro (717) 818-6054 July Sales Event Open Only the first Friday-Sunday of Each Month
10 CoastalPoint July7,2023 SavannahsLanding holds4thofJulyparade CoastalPointphotos•ShaunM.Lambert TheOceanViewcommunityofSavannahsLandingheldaparadeincelebrationof the4thofJulyonTuesday,July4.Communitymembersparadedthestreetswith decoratedvehiclesandbicycles.
Open Seven Days a Week, 10:30am–5pm ◆ 302.436.1848 37244 Lighthouse Rd., W. Fenwick Island ◆ STUNNING! July7,2023 CoastalPoint 11

TwoAugustsessions offeredforrisingseniors andtheirfamilies

IndianRiverHighSchoolwillhost acollegeapplicationbootcampfor IRHSrisingseniorsandtheirfamilies

onAug.1at9a.m.andagainonAug. 8at6p.m.

Theapplicationsessionswillhelp prospectivecollegestudentsnavigate theoften-dauntingroadoftheentranceandadmissionsprocess.

Accordingtoarecentexitsurveyof graduatingseniorsfromIndianRiver, 44percentofseniorswillbeattending

afour-yearcollegeinstitutioninthe fall.Another34percentwillpursuea two-yearassociate’sdegreeincollege ortechnicalschoolthisfall,meaning that78percentofallIRHSseniorsare college-bound.

ThecollegeadmissionsprocessbecamemoreelusivewiththeSupreme CourtdecisionagainstaffirmativeactionprogramsatHarvardandthe UniversityofNorthCarolinalast week.Collegesappeartohavea“game plan,”accordingtoreports,totryto relymoreonthecollegeessaytodetermineneed-basedstudentapplicants andcreateadiversestudentpopulation.

“Eachofthecollegeadmissions sessionswilllastaboutanhouranda half,”saidGregHockman,collegeand careercounseloratIRHS.“Students

onlyneedtoattendonesession.Itisa greatopportunityforrisingseniors andtheirfamiliestogetaheadstart onthecollegeapplicationprocess.The collegeapplicationprocesscanbe overwhelmingtobothstudentsand families,andIwantthemtofeellike theyhaveabetterunderstandingof theprocessafterattendingtheprep session.”

Inaddition,theFreeApplication forFederalStudentAid(FAFSA)is gettingamakeoverthisyear,said Hockman.

“IwillhaveCoryDuntandEdwin SantosfromourpartnersatStandBy MeNexGentoreviewthechanges withattendees,”hesaid.“Coryand Edwinareatremendousassettoour highschool.Theyworkatnocostwith studentsandfamiliestoassistthem


“I’mlookingforwardtothisevent andhopetoseeournumberofattendeesgrowfromlastsummer’stwosessions,”saidHockman.

AccordingtotheNewYorkTimes, theSupremeCourt’srulingagainstthe twouniversitieslastThursdaycould leadto“anadmissionssystemthatis evenmoresubjectiveandmysterious, ascollegestrytofollowthelawbut alsoadmitadiverseclassofstudents.”

“Officialsatsomeuniversitiespredictedthattherewouldbelessemphasisonstandardizedmetricsliketest scoresandclassrank,andmoreemphasisonpersonalqualities,told throughrecommendationsandtheapplicationessay,”notedtheTimesreport.

causeeverybodyprobablyhasavarying degreeoffrontage.”

“One thingIwouldn’twanttohave happeniswecontinuetomakethisup aswegoalong,”addingthathewould feelmorecomfortablemovingforward withsidewalkrepairsiftheTownhad anordinancelayingoutmoreprecise proceduresthanwhatiscurrentlyinthe charter.

WelchsaidPlanning&Zoning CommissionChairDuaneBeckhad saidthatresidentsshouldnothaveto shoulderthecostofworkthatisnoton theirproperty.

“That’sagood,validpoint,”Welch said,addingthattheTownneedstofirst determinewhichstreetsneedsidewalk repairsthemost.Somestreetsdon’t haveanysidewalks,henoted.

Quillensaidtheprocessbecomes morecomplicatedwhenfiguringinany stateorfederalfundingforsidewalks and“howthataffectseveryowner,be-

Welchthenbroughtupthepossibilityofformingacommitteetoinvestigatewhatneedstobedone.No volunteersimmediatelysteppedup.

Inotherbusiness,thecouncilannouncedthedepartureoftheTown’s maintenancesupervisor,NickRose. CouncilVicePresidentSkipAshsaid Rosehadtakenanotherposition.No announcementwasmadeofanyadvertisementtofillthevacancy.

WelchalsosaidtheTownhadmet with aconsultantonpotentialupgrades inFrankfordTownPark,butthatthe consultanthadpresentedoptionsfora budgetofmorethan$500,000,while theTown’sbudgetfortheworkis“closer to$100,000.”

Hesaidthecouncilneedstopassa resolutionregardingtheuseofAmericanRescuePlanActfundsforthework inthepark,whichwillbeplacedonthe agendaforthenextcouncilmeeting.

12 CoastalPoint July7,2023 Woof! Help the SPCA Beauty Shop on premises BRANDYWINE VALLEY SPCA FOOD PANTRY DRIVE Saturday, July 15th & 22nd 10–4:30pm Bring a donation for the pantry & receive 20% off Storewide Pantry Needs: Dry Dog food, Canned Dog food, Canned Cat food & monetary donations (Trees Excluded From Sale) Simply Southern, Yankee Candles, Tervis, Willow Tree, Wicker, Fresh Fudge, Asher Chocolates, Country Furniture, Flags, Home Decor, Hallmark, Puzzles Possible Dreams Santas, Snowbabies & So Much More! In Loving Memory of Clyde & Brody On Rt. 26 in Millville 302.539.4513 Mon-Sat 10–5pm Closed Tuesday & Sunday (Translation: Bring Food!) Catering to Seniors Perm Special $ 65.00 Friends of the Millsboro Public Library BOOK SALE 2023 Hut next to Library • 219 W. State Street For more information, call 302.228.2760 Come Support Our Summer Reading Program Member Preview Night (Memberships Available at the door) Monday, July 17, 6–8pm Tuesday, July 18, 9-5:30pm Wednesday, July 19 9-5:30pm Thursday, July 20 9-5:30pm Friday, July 21 9am–5:30pm Saturday, July 22 Bag Sale 9-1:30 PM (Bags Provided)
CollegeapplicationbootcampofferedatIRHS SHOPLOCAL SupportyourLOCALMerchants
Frankford Continuedfrompage9

CoastalPointencourages theexchangeofideas. Letters totheeditormustbe signedbytheauthorwith phonenumberincludedfor purposesofverification.

Editorial Thestaff



It’sbeenhot.Traffichasbeenexcruciating.Everythingismoreexpensive.Morepeoplethannotwouldcompletelyrelateifyoucompletelylostyourcoolonthenextpersonwhoirritatedyoueventhe tiniestbit.Wegetit.Trustus,weallgetit.


Work’shardenough,right?Nomatterwhatyouroccupation mightbe,canweallatleastagreethatworkishardenoughwithout peoplejumpingdownyourthroatandtryingto makeyoufeellessthan-humanbecausethathyper-aggressivepersonwashavingabad day?Doesitprovideanykindofpersonalsatisfactiontojustunload onapersonwhoissimplytryingtogetthroughashift inthebusiest timeoftheyear,atatimewhenagoodamountofbusinessesare under-staffed?

Andlet’snotforgetthatlittlepartofthings:Ashardanddifficult asyourowndaymightbegoing,rememberthattheunsuspecting personyouareembarrassingandtalkingdowntomightbehavinga prettytoughdayaswell.Therewasatimewhenweusedtorespect people.Heck,therewasatimewhenweusedtoatleastacknowledge thatothersmightbepeople,too.

Takealookatthatpersonwhoseheadyouareabouttoripoff, becausethatisthefaceyouareseeingwhenthingsaren’tgoing100 percentyourway.It’ssomeone’skid.Orsibling.Orparent,orgrandparent.It’sapersontryingtogetbyinaworldthatisincreasingly difficulttogetbyin,andthelastthingtheyneedissomeonebelittlingthemortalkingdowntothembecausetheyhadtheaudacityto showuptoworkandtry.










Alwayshavebeen,tobehonest.Therewerecountless summerdaysasakidwhenmybestfriendandIwouldpour throughatatteredcopyof“TheGuinnessBookofWorld Records”inhopesoffindingacategory thatwecouldconquer.Wehada shareddreamoffindinginfinitelore acrossallofknowncivilizationbecause wecouldtalkthefastest(wecould not),ormostconsecutiveone-finger push-ups(wecouldnot)orfastest timetodrinka2-literbottleofsoda (wecouldnot,butwedidburpanawfullotfortrying, and thatwastotallyawesome).

Theboynotonlytooktothechallengeofsolvingthe cube,buthealsobegantopickupsocialskillsduringcompetitions.

“Hefoundhistribeofpeople,”saidSchwan.“Hewas communicating,andhewasexcited.”

Foraparentofayoungchildwho wasbattlingautismandconsequently strugglingwithmotorskillsandsocial skills,thishadtobeoneofthose“Hallelujah”moments,right?

Weeventuallyreachedtheconclusionthatitisalittlebit difficulttodosomethingbetterorfasterthananyother humanbeingontheplaneteverhas,andwesetoursights onsomethingmorerealisticandmanageable—likehow manytimeswecouldwreckourskateboardsorgetchasedby thebrothersdownthestreet.


AndeventhoughIgaveuponmyownrecord-breaking pursuits,I’mstillalittlefascinatedbythosewhocanreach thepinnacleoftheirrespectivefields.Andarecentstoryon foxnews.comcapturedmyattentionrightaway.

“CaliforniamanwithsevereautismbeatsRubik’sCube worldrecord”

MaxPark,21,tookona3x3x3cubeattheWorldCube AssociationeventinLongBeach,Calif.,onSunday,June11, andheunscrambledthatconvolutedlittlecollectionofcolorsinanastonishing3.13seconds.Toputthatintoproper perspective,mypersonalbestatsolvingastandardRubik’s Cubeisrightunder...let’ssee...carrythetwo...


Parkwasreportedlydiagnosedwithautismat2,perhis father,SchwanPark.Oneofthedifficultiestheyoungboy washavingwasfingerstrength,andwhenhewas9,his mother,MikiPark,introducedhimtotheRubik’sCube withthehopethatitcouldhelphisfinemotorskills.


“Hejustseemedtohaveanaturalskillforthis,tolearn reallyquicklyhowtosolvethecubeandunderstandwhat Mikiwasteachinghim.”

“Wehitagoldmine,”saidSchwan, “because[whenteachingsocialskillsto achildwho’sonthespectrum]thebestenvironmentisone wherehe’sexcitedtobe.”

Ofcourse,he’salsoprettydarnedgoodatit.Like,really, really,reallygoodatit.

HewontheWorldRubik’sCubeChampionshipin2017 andtheRedBullRubik’sCubeWorldCupin2021.Hewas alsofeaturedinthe202Netflixdocumentary,“TheSpeed Cubers,”accordingtothatFoxarticle.

Schwanexpressedthatbeingparentsofanautisticchild canbearealchallenge,andheadvisedotherparentsina similarsituationtoidentifyapassioninthechildandtryto cultivateit.

“It’ssuchagrindtokeepyourheadupandyourhopes high,”saidthefather.“Somethingthatmywife,Miki,has taughtmeis[to]beopentotryingalotofthings,because youjustdon’tknowwhat’sgoingtostick.”

It’sfunnyhesaysthat.Ihaveafewfriendswhosechildrenlandonthespectrumorfaceotherdevelopmentalchallenges,andIhavebeenamazedattheactivitiesthathave hadastaggeringimpactonthemandtheirqualityoflife. I’veheardofmorethanoneautisticchildwhohasfounda happyplaceatsurfcamps,andotherswhohavefoundjoy andpurposewiththerapeutichorsesorswimming.

Andashappyasthechildrenoryoungadultshavebeen withtheirpassions,Isensejustasmuchexhilarationfrom theparents.Weallwantourchildrentofindapurposeand happiness,right?Andsometimesthatshowsupwherewe mightnotexpectit.

Butitonlyshowsupifwegivetheexposuretotheseopportunitiestoourchildrensotheycanfindwhatexcites themmost.Itmightnotresultinaworldrecordforeverybody,butasmileandapassionisrewardenoughforall.









Editorial Columns LetterstotheEditor
TheCoastalPointispublishedweeklyat 111AtlanticAve.,OceanView,DE19970. Themailingaddressis: P.O.Box1324, OceanView,DE19970. Phone:302.539.1788. Fax:302.539.3777. Deadlineforadvertisingandnewssubmissions is5p.m.Monday.Alladvertisementscreatedby theCoastalPointarepropertyofCoastalPointLLC, andcannotbereplicatedwithoutpermission. Point of No Return
July7,2023 Page13

Residentweighsin onFenwickelection

Editor: Ihavebeenafull-timeresidentin FenwickIslandformanyyears,andI haveneverseenaCouncilasbadasthis one.

Apparently,April23,2023,the mayor,NatalieMagdeburger,entereda

secureareaofthepolicedepartment usingacodethatwasgiventoherby someone.Themayorhasstatedshewas giventhecodebyChiefDevlin,and ChiefDevlinhassaidhedidnotgive thiscodetoher.

Then,aweeklater,theMayor Magdeburgerandthetowncouncil votedunanimouslytofireChiefDevlin! Thenthemayorpubliclystatedthatall pastcouncilmembersandTownem-

ployeeshavethecode.However,ithas beendiscoveredthatnoothertown councilmemberinthepasthasgotten thecode.

Wedemandanexplanation!Wecannothaveacouncilinourlittletown whodowhatevertheywantwithoutany repercussions.JaniceBortner,Natalie MagdeburgerandJackieNapolitanoran theircampaignontransparency,andyet theyhavebeennothingbutsecretive

about whytheyfiredourchiefofpolice. Wecannotberepresentedbyagroup whohaslittleregardfortruthortransparency.Therefore,IurgeallFenwick Islandvoterstovotethecurrentcouncil out.IamaskingyoutovoteforGary Burch,KristyClark,BernieMerrittand JimSimpson!Timetobringbackhonestyandtransparencytoourtown.


BeebeMedicalGroupthisweekannouncedthatChrisNistor,MHA,has joinedBMGasitsexecutivedirector.

NistorjoinsBeebefromtheUniversityofPittsburghMedicalCenter (UPMC),wherehehasspentthebulkof hiscareerinvariousdomesticandinternationalleadershiproles.Mostrecently, hewastheseniordirectorofoutpatient clinicaloperations,overseeingtheoperational,financialandstrategicmanagementofprocedural,diagnosticand medicalservicelinesacross13locations andanoutpatientfloatpool.

Supportingeffortstoexpandaccessto qualitycare,meetbudgets,andimprove theworkenvironmentforprovidersand staff,Nistorguidedworkflowimprovements,interdepartmentalcollaboration,

chargecaptureopportunities,staffing andsupplyoptimization,retention strategies,providerengagement,regulatoryreadiness,qualitysustainability,and metricdevelopmentandutilization.

Healsosupportedvariousbusiness growth,patientexperience,andanalytical effortsforexecutiveleadershipandinitiatedaprojectmanagementteamat UPMC’sflagshiphospitals.

AlongsidetheleadershipofBeebe MedicalGroupChiefMedicalOfficer Dr.AnthonyBuonanno,MD,Nistorwill bringhisoperationalandadministrative experiencetoBMG’s40-plusprimary, specialtyandoutpatientcaresites throughoutSussexCounty.

“Chrishasanexcellentbackgroundin healthcareleadershipthatwillbeanasset

toBeebeMedicalGroup,andhelpit continuetogrowandexpandtomeetthe needsofSussexCounty,”saidBuonanno.

“Itisourprivilegetoprovidethebest careforthepeopleinthefast-growing communityinthestate,andIknow Chrisisexcitedtotakeonthatchallenge incollaborationwithourleadershipteam andmedicalstaff.”

Nistorearnedhismaster’sdegreein healthadministrationandbachelor’sdegreeinhealthpolicyandadministration fromthePennsylvaniaStateUniversity. HehasalsoearnedaLeanSixSigma certificationfromtheUniversityof Michigan,participatedinmanymultidisciplinarycommitteesandconductednumerouspresentationsonavarietyof healthcaretopics,domesticallyandinter-


“IadmireBeebe’slong-standingdedicationtoitscommunitiesanditsunwaveringgoaltoexpandaccessto high-quality,patient-centered,andcosteffectivecareforadiverseandgrowing population,”Nistorsaid.“I amthrilled andhumbledtojoinanexceptionalorganizationthatisthebackboneof healthcaredeliveryinSussexCountyand topartnerwithleadership,providers,care teams,andthecommunityinsupportof theseexcitingefforts.Ialsolookforward toenjoyingthebeautyofsouthern Delawareandcallingithome.”

Inhissparetime,Nistorsaidheenjoysspendingtimewithfamily,cooking, outdoorsactivities,traveling,andplaying andteachingguitar.

14 CoastalPoint July7,2023 Millville EVANS PARK CONCERT 6PM - 8PM ON THE EDGE Food Trucks •Bring a Chair rock party pop dance WED JULY 19 FREE Come Pick Your Own Lavender at 33432 Dallas Drive, Dagsboro Sunday–Monday & Friday 10am–2pm (Weather Permitting) Sasha’s Jewels, LLC JEWELRY REPAIR • CUSTOM DESIGNS & APPRAISALS Jewelry BUY• SELL TRADE Why consign? Immediate payment for your items. You will be treated like family & given individual attention. Gemologist (302) 296-6909 202GumboroRd,Selbyville,DE HoursComingThisSummer AppointmentsOnlyNow Custom Stained Glass for your Home Stained & Fused Glass Gifts Visit our Gallery for more Open Tues, 12 to 4pm & by appointment Savannah Sq. Shopping Ctr. 32177 DuPont Blvd, Suite 6 Dagsboro, DE (301) 748-0791 Letters


EastCoastGardenCenterthisweek announceditsSummer2023ClassSeries.TheseriesbeginsSaturday,July15, andrunsthroughSaturday,Aug.26. Mostclassescost$10andarescheduled for11a.m.onSaturdays.Theclasseswill beheldatthegardencenter,locatedat 30366CordreyRoad,Millsboro,withinpersoninstruction.

Customerscansignupon-lineat ontheClasses/GiftCardsTaborcallthe gardencenterat(302)945-3489)and completeacreditcardpaymentoverthe phone.Pre-registrationisrequired.

Eachclassisanindependentstandaloneclass,oracustomercouldopttoattendseveralclasses.Theclassseriesis designedtoassistthecustomerinmakingsuccessfulplant-selectiondecisions, increasetheirplantandproductknowledge,andensureproperplantingand careoftheirplantinvestments.

Theone-hourclasseswillincludepresentationsandexamplesforhands-on plantfamiliarization,inaformatdesignedtoamplifythepresentationportionofeachclassbyshowingthe customersspecificplantsandvarieties.


•July15—CrapeMyrtles:“The CrapeMyrtleisabeautifulandversatile floweringtreethatdoesexceptionally wellintheDelawarelandscape.With

sizesthatrangefrom2ftto30fttall,its usesvaryfromsmallshrubstospecimen trees.Thisclasswillcoverthedifferent varietiesofCrapeMyrtleandtheir properplantingandcare.”

•July22—WelcometoDelaware: “OurWelcometoDelawareclasswill helppeoplewhoarenewtothisarea learnmoreaboutgardeningforourzone. Wewilldiscussouruniqueweatherand growingconditionsaswellassoiltype. Thisclasswillalsodiscusswhichplants willworkbestinyourDelawaregarden.”

•July29—OrchidswithBethDavis fromWaldorOrchids:“Wearealways excitedtohostBethDavis!WaldorOrchidsisafourth-generationfamily ownedandoperatedorchid wholesale/retailbusiness.Bethwillcover awiderangeoftopicsincludinglighting, wateringandfertilization,aswellas demonstratingproperpottingtechniques andansweringquestions.Thisclasswill getfirstpickofthefreshsupplyofgorgeousWaldorOrchidsthatwillbeavailableforpurchaseaftertheclass.”The classis$20perperson.

•Aug.5—ProvenWinnersSummerificHardyHibiscus:“Thehardyhibiscusisastunningnativeperennialthat canaddmonthsofsummerbeautyand colorwiththeirmassiveflowers.The SummerificCollectionareallhybrids thatcanbetracedbacktothespecies

‘HibiscusMoscheutos.’Itgrowsnaturally inwetlandsandalongriverbanksalong theEastCoast.Inthisclassyouwill learnaboutthedifferentvarietiesand howtocareforthem.”

•Aug.12—OrnamentalGrasses: “Latesummerintofall,mostgrassesprovideamagnificentdisplayoffoliageand flowers.Heightscanrangefrom1footto over6foot,withextensiveoptionsinfoliagetextureandplumecolors.Thisclass willhelpyoutopickouttherightvariety ofornamentalgrassforyourlandscape andprovideinformationoncareand maintenance.”

•Aug.19—Hydrangeas:“Learnthe fundamentalsofselecting,plantingand maintaininghydrangeas.Thisclasswill coverthedifferentvarieties,ifthey bloomonoldornewwood,whento prune,shrubsizeandbloomshape.We willalsocoversoilpHandhowiteffects bloomcolor.”

•Aug.26—TreesfortheHome Landscape:“Ifyouliveinacommunity governedbyHOArulesregardingplant placementinyourhomelandscape,this classwillhelpfamiliarizeyouwithtree optionsforyouryard.Wewillcovertrees thataresuitableforourgardeningzone inSussexCountyandtreesthatareon averagelessthan25feettall.Thisclass willalsocoverthetreesattributes,plantingandcare.”

July7,2023 CoastalPoint 15 Fresh, Local Seasonal Cuisine 84 Atlantic Avenue, Ocean View, DE 19970 Call 302.539.Café (2233) R e s e r v a t i o n s O n l y We Recommend Making Your Reservation 1-2 Weeks In Advance The Beach’s Premier Boutique Restaurant Summer Hours Wed - Sun • 5-9pm Indoor & Outdoor Dining (Weather Permitting)


Prepareformorethanjustaconcert thatfeaturessomeofthegreatest musiceverwrittenandrecorded,and getreadytorevisitanearlierdecade.

Thefirst-everperformanceby Rain:ATributetotheBeatlesband’s attheFreemanArtsPavilion,on Wednesday,July12,beginningat7 p.m.,promisestoplayontheemotionsandsatisfytheaudience’sappreciationfornostalgia.

“It’sanormalshow,andyetit’snew insomanyways,”saidbandmember PaulCuratolo,whoportraysPaulMcCartneyoftheBeatles.“Weareputtingamagnifyingglassonthe1960s —specificallytheBeatles’era,atapproximately1969and1970,whenthey

lastperformedtogether.…Weare lookingforwardtoperformingat FreemanArtsPavilionandcelebrating theiconicrooftopvenue,”Curatolo added.

“Forpeoplewhohavenotseenour show,theywillenjoytwo-and-a-half hoursofcelebratingthegreatestband onearth.Thisisafullmultimediaexperience,inadditiontoaconcert,that takesyouintothedecadeofthe1960s. Itwalksyouthroughsomeofthe decade’smosticonicmoments.”

Thetributebandcreditsitsorigins tothegroupReign,whichwascreated bytributegroupfounderandmanager MarkLewisinLosAngelesin1975.

“Atthattime,itwasagroupofguys whowantedtoperformtheirown originalmusic,”saidCuratolo.“They didmultiplesetsattheclubswhere

theyplayed,andtheysoundedsosimilartotheBeatlesthattheyattracted Beatlesfans.”

Thenameofthebandwaslater changedtoRain,inreferencetothe Beatles’song“Rain”thatwasreleased in1966ontheBsideofthe45rpm ditty“PaperbackWriter.”

TheBeatleswereanEnglishrock bandformedinLiverpool,England,in 1960thatwascomposedofJohn Lennon,PaulMcCartney,George HarrisonandRingoStarr.Theyareregardedasthemostinfluentialband ever,andwereamajorforcebehind popularmusic‘srecognitionasanart form.

Aspioneersinrecording,songwritingandartisticpresentation,theBeatlesrevolutionizedmanyaspectsofthe musicindustry.

AttheFreemanArtsPavilion,the bandwillperformsongsfrom“Abbey Road”and“TheRooftopConcert” live,inadditiontomanyotherfavorite Beatles’hits,accordingtoCuratolo.

“EveryonehastheirfavoriteBeatles songthatstrikesachordwithinthem,” saidCuratolo.“Thesongs‘Yesterday’ and‘LetitBe’arereallyprofoundmomentsinourshow.Fromapersonal perspective,it’sanopportunityforme tobewiththeaudience,toslowthings downandtospeakwiththem.‘LetIt Be’issuchacelebratedsong,andit meansasmuchnowasitdidwhenit wasfirstplayed.”

PlayingBeatles’music isa‘passionproject’

Curatolosaidthechallengeof playingBeatlesmusicisapassion projectforeachbandmember.

“Weareallmassivefansofthe Beatles,andweenjoythechallengeof risingtotheirstandard,”hesaid.“It’s extremelyfulfillingtowalkintheir footsteps.”

ThegroupfeaturesSteveLandesas JohnLennon,onrhythmguitar,piano, harmonicaandvocals;AlastarMcNeil asGeorgeHarrison,onleadguitar andvocals;AaronChiazzaasRingo Starr,ondrums,percussionandvocals; andCuratoloasPaulMcCartney,on bassguitar,pianoandvocals.

Additionalbandmembersinclude Curatolo’sfather,JoeyCuratolo,on vocals,bassguitarandpiano;Joe Bithornonvocalsandleadguitar; RalphCastilliondrums,percussion andvocals;MarkBeyeronkeyboards andpercussion;andChrisSmallwood onkeyboardandpercussion.

“Ourbandmatesarenotonlymy bestfriends,”Curatolosaid.“They’re alsomybrothers,muchliketheBeatleswere.Wetendtodoeverythingtogether.Inadditiontoportrayingthe Beatles,it’swonderfultoplaywith peoplewhoyouloveandadmire. That’swhatmakesitsoworthwhile.”

Curatolosaidheispleasedtosee howwelltheemergingtribute-band professionisgrowing.

“Ilovethattherearesomanytributebands,”hesaid.“Ithinkthey’ve createdalotofmusicthat’sbeingperformedintributetomanyoutstanding artists.It’sreallybeingdonewell,and itprovidesyoungerpeoplewhohad neverseenaperformancewiththeopportunitytoenjoytheoriginalbands’ music.Inasense,tributebandsare payingtheirrespectstotheoriginal artists.”

TheFreemanArtsPavilionislocatedat31806LakeviewDrive,west ofFenwickIsland,nearSelbyville.To purchasetickets,call(302)436-3015 oraccesstheFreemanArtsPavilion

16 CoastalPoint July7,2023




19382LoblollyCircle Rehoboth Beach, DE19971




-Professional kitchenwithquartz countertops, GEPro le,andCafe appliances

-First oorluxuryprimarybedroom

- Loftandun nishedbonusroom

-LuxuryLVP ooringforeasycleaning throughout

-Un nishedbasement

- Hardwoodstairs

- Fireplace - Screenporch




b athroom in the basement

-2ft rearextension

- Screenedporchandopendeck



-Professional kitchenwithquartz countertops, GEPro le,andCafe appliances

-Twoprimary bedrooms(oneoneach oor)


-Chef's kitchenwithquartzcountertops, farmhousesink,andoversizedpantry

-State-of-the-artappliances,including Wolfgasrangeandsub-zerorefrigerator

-Primarybathwith freestandingtub




-Screenporchnexttoanopendeckwith outdoorkitchen


-Locatedinacompletedsectionofthe community

-Only ashortwalktoamenities

-Loftand nishedbonusroomwith hardwood oors

- Fireplace


-Hardwood oors

- Garageextension

- Screenporchand deck

©2023SchellBrothersLLC.All RightsReserved.Allinformationissubjecttochange withoutnotice.

-Fireplace anked bydeluxebuilt-ins

- Mudroomwithbuilt-ins

-Upgradedlaundrywithquartz countertopsandfrontloadGE washer/dryer

-Courtyardwithagrillandwood-burning replace


Toscheduleanappointment call(302)
orscantheQRcode TheHadleyatArbor-Lyn 19344Loblolly Circle RehobothBeach, DE19971 $841,749
Lewes, DE19958 $1,040,823
11055MarvilRoad Lewes,
33697HalfordCircle Lewes, DE19958
-Extendedprofessionalkitchen -Cafeapplianceswithpot ller -Luxuryprimarybathroomwithdeck -Wainscotting -2ndprimarysuite -Technook
-Dedicatedstudyon rst oor
26416TributaryBlvd Millsboro, DE19966
T h e H e at h e r a t A rb o r - L y n 1 9 3 8 2 L o b l o l ly C i r c l e R e ho b o t h B e a ch, D E 1 9 9 7 1 $7 2 0,0 0 0 Thi s h o m e f e a t u r e s : - P r o f e s s i o n a l k i t c h e n - K i t chen a n d d i n i n g s i d e e x t e n s i o n - F i n i s h e d b a s e m e n t w i t h a f u l l a t h r o o m July7,2023 CoastalPoint 17
$949,900 T hishomefeatures: -ProfessionalKitchenwithhigh-end appliances -Twoprimarysuitesonmainlevel -Largeprimarysuiteshower -Finishedbonusroom - Largestoragearea -Stone replace -Plantationshuttersthroughout -Courtyardwith replaceoverlookinga pond -Screenporch


OnFriday,June16,StridePhysicalTherapy&Wellnesshostedaribbon-cuttingceremonywiththe Bethany-FenwickAreaChamberof CommerceinMillvilletocelebrate theirgrandopening.Friends,fellow Chambermembersandcommunity memberswereinattendance.

“StridePhysicalTherapy&Wellnessisabouttreatingthewholeperson.Theyareafirmbelieverin movementasmedicineandfocuson ahands-onapproachinconjunction withactivemovementtohelprestore function.StridePhysicalTherapy& Wellnessisaconcierge/self-pay clinicthatallowsthemtofocuson theclientwithundividedone-ononeattention.”

TolearnmoreaboutStridePhysicalTherapy&Wellness, visitstrideptandwellness.comorvisit theirlocationat35247AtlanticAvenue(Route26),Millville.

18 CoastalPoint July7,2023
StridePhysicalTherapyandWellnesscelebratesitsgrandopeningwitharibbon-cutting.Pictured,fromleft,areR.C.Evans, Charlie Evans,NickiEvans,KolbyEvansandNoahWharton.

exceptional co unities

At Schell Brothers, our focus is on YOU. We select the communities we build in carefully to make sure we are giving our homeowners the best possible life. Whether it’s happy hours to meet your neighbors, clubhouses to watch the game, a community pool for the kids to play in, or even having a gym to destress, we want the best for our homeowners.

to learn more about our co unities, scan the QR code.

©2023 Sch ell Brothers L L C. All Rights Rese r ved. All inform ation is subj ec t to chan ge without notice .
July7,2023 CoastalPoint 19
The Peninsula Clubhouse

Driversneedtoslowdownand moveover,ifpossible,forstationary vehiclesonDelaware’sroadsidethat aredisplayinghazardlights,warning

AAAproposedandsupportedthe extensionoftheMoveOverlawthat currentlyprotectsfirst-respondersand othersworkingalongDelawareroads, representativesofAAAnoted.

Thechangesawwidebi-partisan supportinboththeDelawareHouse ofRepresentativesandtheDelaware Senate,andwassignedintolawby Gov.JohnCarneyonJune30aspart ofhistrafficandhighwaysafetybill

TheexpansionofDelaware’sMove OverlawwentintoeffectjustasAAA projectedrecord-hightravelvolume, withmorethan125,000Delawareans (88percentofallholidaytravelers) travelingbycaroverthelongIndependenceDayweekend.

Delaware’sexpandedMoveOver lawrequiresdriverstochangelanesor reducetheirspeedwhileapproachinga stationaryvehicledisplayingwarning signals,includingvehiclehazardwarninglights,roadflares,trafficcones, cautionssignsoranynon-vehicular warningsigns.

“Thedangerstartsthemoment someonestopsontheroadside,”said AAAPublic&GovernmentAffairs ManagerJanaTidwell.“Thischange toDelaware’sMoveOverlawhelpsto protectthem,alongwithourfirst-re-

The Season for Big

sponders,law-enforcementofficers, highwaymaintenancecrewmembers andtow-truckoperators.”

A2021AAApollofDelaware driversfoundalackofunderstanding orawarenessaroundthestate’sMove Overlaw.Eventhough99percentof Delawaredriversrespondedthatitis “verydangerous”or“somewhatdangerous”forroadsideworkersifmotoristsdonotcomplywiththeMove Overlawand93percentofDelaware motoristssaidtheywouldsupport suchameasure,44percentofall Delawaredriversanswered“unsure”or thoughttherewasnoMoveOverlaw inthestate.

“Fordrivers,themessagetodayis SlowDownandMoveOverwhenever youseeanyvehiclealongtheroadway,” saidTidwell.“Forthosewhohaveto stopontheroadside,remembertoturn onyourhazardlights,putupyour emergencyreflectivetriangleand/or putoutflarestomakeyourselfasvisibleaspossibletoothervehicles.”

Delaware’sMoveOverLawwas enactedin2007toprotectemergency workersonourroadways.Theseemergencyworkersincludelawenforcementofficers,EMSpersonnel, ambulances,firefighters,firepolice, tow-truckoperators,parkrangers,De-

Is Now!

partmentofTransportationpersonnel, andnowstrandedmotorists.Thelaw saysthatanydriverapproachingan authorizedemergencyvehicleor strandedmotoristthathaslightsflashingandisstoppedonaroadwayhavingtwoormorelanesinthesame directionwilleither:

•Safely“moveover”intoalanethat isnotnexttotheemergencyvehicle;or

•Reducethevehicle’sspeedtoa “safespeed”whilepassingtheemergencyvehicleifchanginglaneswould beimpossibleorunsafe.

Violatorsofthelawmaybefined $25pluscourtcosts.

Toprotectroadsideworkers,drivers withdisabledvehicles,andothers,and toimprovehighwaysafety,AAAMidAtlanticofferedtheseprecautionary tips:

•Remainalert,avoiddistractions andfocusonthetaskofdriving.

•Keepaneyeoutforsituations whereemergencyvehicles,towtrucks, utilityservicevehiclesordisabledvehiclesarestoppedonthesideofthe road.

•Whenyouseethesesituations, slowdownand,ifpossible,moveone laneoverandawayfromthepeople andvehiclesstoppedatthesideofthe road.

“Asdrivers,weallshareresponsibilityforkeepingroadsideworkerssafe. Bypayingattention,slowingdownand movingover,awayfromthesideofthe roadwhereworkistakingplace,we allowthoseworkingtodosowithless risk,”saidTidwell.“AAA,alongwith ourindustryandtrafficsafetypartners, iscommittedtoraisingawareness aroundthiscriticalissuethatcontinuestotragicallyclaimthelivesoffirstrespondersandmotoristsdealingwith disabledvehicles.”

20 CoastalPoint July7,2023
Schedule Soon & Save Up to $2000! Cooling or Heating System Tune Up $49 Price valid for one working unit. Excludes oil fired systems. Valid at participating ARS Network locations. Not valid for third party, new construction, o commercial customers, with any other offers, discounts, or on prior sales. Call service center for details. Coupon required at time of service. Void copied or transferred and where prohibited. Any other use may constitute fraud. Cash value $.001. Offer expires 8/30/2023 License numbers available at on a New Cooling and Heating System with our Buy Back Program! SAVE UP TO $2000 Savings requires purchase and installation of select complete heating and cooling system. Removal and disposal by Company of existing heating and cooling system required. Valid at participating ARS® Network locations. Not valid for third party, new construction, or commercial customers, with any other offers, discounts, or on prior sales. Call service center for details. Coupon required at time of service. Void if copied or transferred and where prohibited. Any other use may constitute fraud. Cash value $.001. Offer expires 8/30/2023 License numbers available at Call today! (855) 428-5908 DelawarewidelyexpandsMoveOverlaw


BrittinghamFarmsandchefJames GopofHeirloomFireareteamingup topresentanexclusivedinner,“Meadow &Flame,”inthemiddleofBrittingham Farm’sfullybloominglavenderfieldin SouthernDelawareonJuly8.

Thedinnerwillfeatureheritagebreedlambandlavenderfromthefarm, aswellaslocalseafood,produceand wines.Therewillalsobeliveacoustic music.Thefour-coursedinnerwillbe cookedoveranopenfire,andguestswill havetheopportunitytotourthefarm withwoolymascotCharlieandto watchLauraBrittingham,thefarm’s

owner,createlavenderessentialoils throughcopperdistillation.

“Wearesoexcitedtohostthisincredibleevent,”saidBrittingham.“Chef JamesGopofHeirloomFireissimply amazing,andtopartnerwithhimand bringhismagichereforpeopletoenjoy inthisbeautifulsettingamongourrows ofbloominglavender…It’scertaintobe aone-of-a-kindmemorableevent.”

Gop,themanbehindHeirloomFire, hasbeenfeaturedon“MarthaStewart,” TheFoodNetwork,Netflixandseveral foodpublicationsforhisinventivedinnersandcreativemind.HeirloomFire’s

pastdinnershavetakenplaceinunique locations,suchasthemiddleofaforest, insideofacaveandonthebeachesof BocaRaton.

BrittinghamFarmsisagrainand lavenderfarmlocatednearMillsboro. Thefarmgrowssevendifferentcultivars oflavender,plantedtoensureanimpressivefieldofpurpleallsummerlong. Theygrowanumberofessentialoilvarietiesoflavenderandhavestartedan artisanaldistilleryoperationthatwill producelavenderessentialoilandhydrosolusedtocreatecandles,soaps, beautyproductsandmore.

ThefarmalsoraisesLeicesterLongwoolheritagebreedsheep,firstbrought totheAmericancoloniespriortothe RevolutionaryWarbyGeorgeWashington.ThisbreedisfoundatMount VernonandColonialWilliamsburg today,aswellasonly100orsobreeders acrosstheUnitedStates.

Ticketsfortheeventincludewines fromSouthernDelaware’sSaltedVines winery,pairedwitheachcourse.Forinformationandtickets,visit


TheLewesPublicLibraryisnow welcomingparticipantsforthe16th AnnualLewesCreativeWriters’Conference,tobeheldAug.18-19inthe LewesPublicLibraryat111Adams Avenue,Lewes.Thisisthefirsttime theconferencehasbeenin-person since2020.

TheeventkicksoffFriday,Aug.18, at5p.m.,withaneveningoforiginal readingsbyworkshoppresenters.Saturday’sfull-dayconferencebeginsat8 a.m.andoffersavarietyofworkshops, roundtablesandpresentationsonwriting-relatedtopics.

Thisyear’ssessionsincludetopics onwritingcollaboratively,experimentationwithpoetry,usinghumorin writing,outliningasawritingtool, andreadingandwritingflashfiction. Selectiveroundtablesalsowillprovide workshoppingopportunitiesforauthorsofpoetry,shortstoriesandall genresofwriting.Presentersand roundtablehostsincludeJamieJ. Brunson,AnneColwell,CalebCurtis, MaribethFischer,AllysonRiceand BillieTravalini.

DuringtheSaturdaylunchsession, RoxanneStanulisfromtheDelaware

DivisionofArts(DDOA)willprovide informationaboutgrantsandopportunities,followedbyreadingsbythecurrentDDOAFellowsinLiterature.

“For16years,theLewesCreative conferencehashadonegoal:togather inoneplaceaward-winningpoets, prosewritersandplaywrightswilling todeliverawide-rangeoffunandinformativewriting-basedopportunities thatappealtoallwriters,regardlessof experience,”saidBillieTravalini,conferenceco-founderandcoordinator.

Theeveningofreadingsandthe conferencearefreeandopentothe

public.Registrationisrequired.Visit andviewdetailedinformationabout thesessionsandpresenters.Thedeadlinetosubmitmaterialsforconsiderationforacceptanceintoany roundtableworkshopendsatnoonon Saturday,July15.

TheLewesCreativeWriters’ConferenceissponsoredbytheLewes PublicLibrary,DelawareDivisionof Libraries,John&SallyFreeman FoundationandNationalLeagueof AmericanPenWomen,Diamond Branch.

July7,2023 CoastalPoint 21 302.539.7352 790 Gar eld Parkway — Bethany Beach Atlantic Auto’s Euro pean Sp ecialty Sh op — Bethany Beach, Delaware — Our highly trained technicians specialize in repair & maintenance of European branded vehicles including: COMING SOON: Tesla! Mercedes BMW Volkswagen Audi Volvo Fiat Mini Porsche Keep eeep Coo oo O %51 Ca ce Ser A .reffeOmidTetimiL s ia te r d o s f e ci v re y S gren h E t f f r t G ca tno C l ol This hiis Sum um ! mer mmmer F F O 0 10$ G IN CNA IN F TSENYM w OR o s L A s A 5 $6 n ah o tno A M m ste y S AC weN anlP ce Ser Go en m gree A N or F OR ner S y g NSTOA E 335 822m v o c s e c i er CI CE O/NILR BE 152241 6-0 41

BethanyhomefeatureslightandairydécorwithaBahamianflair Beach&BayCottageTourSneakPeek


(Editor’snote:Thisistheninthinaseriesof previewsofthehomesthatwillbeondisplay duringthe31stBeach&BayCottageTour,to beheldvirtuallyJuly16throughAug.6and,for fivepreselectedhomes,inpersononJuly26and July27.)

After20yearsofsummersinashared SouthBethanyfamilybeachhouse,theownersofthishouseandtheirthreedaughters knewthetimehadcometobeginachapter oftheirown.Theyboughta60-year-oldcottagein2018andbeganconstructionontheir summerhomesoonthereafter,hopingto createaspotthatfeltlikeavacationeach timetheywalkedthroughthefrontdoor.

Theexteriorofthetwo-storyhome seamlesslyblendstraditionalwhite-oakshinglesidingandmulti-panedtransomwin-

dowswithmodernhorizontalteakandglass insets.Inside,alower-levelentryoffersadirectsightlinefromthefrontdoorthrough thefoldingglassdoorsofthepoolroomto thespaandpoolbeyond.

ThehomehasauniqueL-shapeddesign, withtwoseparateguestwingsflankingthe entry,eachwithtwobedroomsandashared bathroom,and,locatedintherear,anensuite bunkroomthatsleepssix.

Upstairs,themainlivingareaisopenand spaciousforlargegatherings,withspotsfor smallergroupingsinthesunroomandtwo decks.Asecondsetoffoldingglassdoors opensfromthelivingroomtoanall-season screenedporch,providingthefamilywith trueindoor/outdoorliving.

Thesereneprimarysuiteistuckedaway attherearofthemainfloor,justpastthe whitemarblebathroomandprivatelaundry, andhasdirectaccesstothereardeckoverlookingthepool.

Thelightandairydecorwasinspiredby thesimplicityofBahamianislandhomes, withdarkquarter-sawnwhite-oakfloors, whitewalls,highvaultedceilingswithexposedstructuralbeamsandsoffits,andlarge ceilingfans.Furnishingsaresoft,whiteand

22 CoastalPoint July7,2023 30220 Piney Neck Road Dagsboro, DE 19939 To reserve tickets, go to Every Friday through July 28 July 14: Why Are Flowers So Colorful? Take a walk through the Meadow at DBG to discover some of the unusual colors and shapes of flowers. Paint your favorite flower on a small clay pot and then plant a small flower in your pot! Reservations Recommended FREE for Children 6–12 Open Thursday - Sunday • 9am - 4pm Adults $15 • Children 16 & Under - Free Guided Tours Available. Additional $10. Make Reservations Online Delaware Botanic Gardens Best Attraction 2022 from Southern Delaware Tourism Thursday, July 13 • 11:30–12:30 Explore the hidden world of aquatic bugs, tadpoles and insects. A family friendly class for all ages. $10 Per Person + Admission Bugs & Bogs Garden CraftsKids Club Fridays in July
Thinking of Retiring BUSINESS FOR SALE Serious Inquiries Only • Call Ken for Appointment 302-245-1639 If Not Sold, Business as Usual Ocean View: Open Mon-Sat 9:30–6 - Sun 10–5 • 30244 Cedar Neck Road Downtown Bethany: Daily 9:30am–9:30pm • 98 Garfield Parkway 302-539-6597
Photo by Ray Bojarski
CoastalPoint•Submitted Thisstrikingentrywayoffersbutaglimmerofthebeautifulhomethatawaitsits visitors. SeeCOTTAGETOURpage23
n Earth-friendlyfeaturesinsideandoutside; n Solidoak/ashdiningtablewithuniqueinlay; n Bunkbedstepsthatdoubleasstorage.


RaySander,presidentoftheDelaware BotanicGardens,thisweekannouncedthat thegardenswillbeofferingaseriesofcrafts classesforchildrenages6toaround12.

“Wearehappytoannounceanewfamily-friendlyprogram—FreeFridayCraft Classesforchildren,from10a.m.to11 a.m.,runbyourdirectorofeducationalprogramsandourtrainedvolunteerteachers. Come,learnandenjoytheblessingsofnature.”

Thefour-weekclassprogramincludesa rangeofnaturetopics,includingexploring camouflageandprotectivecolorationin smallcreaturesonJuly7.Studentsinthat classwilldesigntheirowncreature.

Registrationforalltheclassesisrequired’classesarefree, andgardenadmissionforchildren16or youngerisfree,whenaccompaniedbyan adult.Adultmembershavefreeadmission, andfornon-members,theadmissionfeeis $15.

StephenPryceLea,directorofhorticultureandeducationalprogramssaid,“Adults arewelcometoobservetheFridayhands-on craft classes,ortheycanvisitthegardenson theirownwhiletheirchildrenareinclass, ortakethe10a.m.guidedtour,whichcosts $10.”

TheFreeFridayJulyGardenCraft Classtopicsinclude:




Thisisjustoneofthepropertiesthatwill beviewedbythosewhopurchaseticketsfor the31stBeach&BayCottageTour.This week’shomeisoneofthefivehomesonthe 31sttourthatwillbeavailableforin-person toursbyholdersofCombotickets.And,like all10homesonthe2023tour,thishome willbeavailabletobeseenvirtuallybyholdersofbothComboandVirtualtickets.Each ofthe10homeswillfeatureaprofessionally producedvideowhichwillofferTourpatrons withanopportunitytovieweachhomeas oftenastheywantfromanywhereduringthe three-weekvirtualtourperiod.Specialfeaturesincludebird’s-eyedronevideofootage andtheabilitytoviewthetouronanyinternet-enableddevice.

The31stBeach&BayCottageTouris beingpresentedbyLeslieKoppandthe LeslieKoppGroup,andthisweek’shomeis sponsoredbyGoldSponsorSEAStudioArchitects,whodesignedthehome.

Comboticketscost$50andVirtual-only ticketscost$35.Comboticketsarestrictly limitedto500ticketsforeachofthetwoinpersondaysofthetour.Topurchasetickets orformoreinformation,visittheCottage Tour’swebsiteat TourisproducedbytheFriendsoftheSouth CoastalLibrary.Allnetproceedsdirectly benefitthelibrary’soperations.

•July7—“Who’shidinginthegarden?”Explorethetopicsofcamouflageand protectivecolorationofsmallcreatures.The craftisdesigningthechilds’owncreature usingcolorfulsquaresoftissuepaperanda pre-cutstencilofabutterflyorsnake.

•July14—“Whyareflowerssocolorful?”Takeawalkthroughthemeadowto studytheshapesandcolorsofflowers.The craft istopaintthechild’sownflowerona smallclaypotandplantaflowerinthepot.

•July21—“Howdotheyrecycle paper?”Thecraftisforthechildtocreate theirownsheetofrecycledpaperwithembellishmentstheychoose.

•July28—“Theartoftheflower.” Childrencanwalkthroughthenewpollinatorpathway,thenchooseoneflowerto cutandputinsmallvase,andpaintapictureoftheflower.


noted,“InadditiontotheFreeCraft FridaysinJuly,weofferotherJulyfamilyfriendlyeventsandclasses.Comeandsee thebeautyofthegardensinsummer bloom.”


•Thursday,July13,at11:30a.m.— “Bugs&Bogs”class.Explorethehidden worldofaquaticbugs,tadpolesandinsects intheLearningGardenbythefreshwater vernalpool.Thecostis$10formembers andnon-members.

•Thursday,July20or27,at9a.m.— “Butterflies&Blooms”class.Learnabout butterfliesinthegardenincludingmonarchs,swallowtails,fritillaries,sulphur,skippers.hairstreaksandmore,aswellasthe roleofnectar,hostplantsandlifecycleof butterflies.Theclassisledbynaturalist MargaretKimmel.(Theclasswillcontinue tobeofferedeveryThursdayinAugust.)

•Saturday,July22,at11:30a.m.— “SummerMeadowBlooms&Pollinators Tour” withStephenPryceLea,directorof horticultureandeducationalprograms. Enjoythescentofasummermeadowand enjoythesights,soundsandsmellsofthe2acrePietOudolfMeadowwith70,000 perennialplantsandgrasses. Reservationsarerequested.Goto members,admissionandthetourarefree. Non-members’admissioncosts$15,andthe tourfeeis$10fornon-memberadults.Admissionandthetourarefreeforchildren16 oryounger,whenaccompaniedbyanadult. TheDelawareBotanicGardensare opentothepublicThursdaythroughSundayfrom9a.m.to4p.m.andarelocatedat 30220PineyNeckRoad,Dagsboro.For moreinformation,

Ocean View: Open Daily Mon-Sat 9:30am-6pm • Sun 10am-5pm 30244 Cedar Neck Rd. Watch Batteries Installed | Watch Bands Installed Bracelet Watch Bands Shortened | Key Fob Batteries Installed Summer Sale! Under the Awning 20-50% OFF 60 Racks of Spring Fashions 20-30% OFF Ladies’ Swimwear Cotton Sundresses $39.98 (Valued $99) ALL NEW! 250 pair Ladies Sandals & Shoes 1/2 OFF $79.98 - NOW $39.99 Sketchers, Clarks, Rykas & Others (Size 5-12, assorted Med & Wide) 1/2 OFF 150 Name Brand Handbags (Tkd. $68, Now $34) 1/2 OFF 500 Kim Rogers Tops Tkt. $38, Now $19 - Plus - Petite - Misses 30-50% OFF Mens’ Swim, Shorts & Shirts 70% OFF Sportswear (XS-XL) Beautiful new swim 302-539-6597 Ladies’ Swim $39 (Values over $100) Downtown Bethany: Open Daily 9:30am–9:30pm 8 Garfield Parkway July7,2023 CoastalPoint 23

Wines, Beer, Spirits, Cocktails & Seltzers


GeorgeJames ‘Jim’HoffmanIII,80

GeorgeJames“Jim”HoffmanIII, 80,peacefullypassedawayonJune 30,2023,inhisOceanView,Del., home,surroundedbyhislovingfamily,afteracourageousbattlewith Alzheimer’sdisease.

BornonSept.22,1942,toLucille BaronandGeorgeJamesHoffman Jr.,hisjourneybeganinColon, PanamaCanalZone,wherehismaternalgrandfatherservedasaU.S. Navyofficer,andhispaternalgrandfatherledtheUnitedStatesCommissary.Attheageof3,herelocated toClaremont,N.H.,wherehismaternalFrenchCanadianfamily resided.Hecompletedhishigh schooleducationinFranklin,Pa.

Hoffman’spursuitofhighereducationledhimtotheU.S.Naval TrainingCenterinBainbridge,Md. Hethenservedasamidshipmanat theU.S.NavalAcademybut,unfortunately,hadtocutshorthistime thereduetoillness.However,hisdeterminationwasunwavering,andhe continuedhiseducationaljourney, eventuallyearningabachelor’sdegreeineconomyfromJohnCarroll University.Duringthattime,healso workedatBlack&Decker,showcas-

inghisdedicationtobothacademics andprofessionalgrowth.

Hiscareerinmanufacturingwas bothdiverseandimpressive,encompassingawiderangeofsectors,from toolstotankenginesandhelicopters. Heheldvariouspositionsalongthe EastCoast,honinghisexpertiseand leavingamarkineachroleheundertook.Inaddition,heventuredona globalscale,contributinghisskillsto adentalproductcompanyandleadingrestructuringefforts.

Hisremarkablecareerculminated asaseniorexecutiveintheDefense IntelligenceAgency,wherehisinvaluablecontributionsleftalasting impact.Hisdedicationandachievementsinthedefensesectorexemplifyhiscommitmenttoexcellence andservice.

Anavidsailor,hecherishedsailing hisboats,theCleoandtheAgorine, alongthepicturesquecoastlinesof LongIsland,FloridaandtheChesapeake.Eventually,hetradedhisboat foradieselpushermotorhome,and accompaniedbyhiswife,Joelle,and hisbeloveddogChico,theyembarkedonextensivejourneysacross theUnitedStatesandCanada,from coasttocoastandnorthtosouth.


manresidedinNewHampshire, whereheactivelyparticipatedinthe RotaryClub,engagedinlocalpolitics,andpursuedhispassionforgenealogybytracinghisancestryin QuebecandGermany.HelaterrelocatedtoPennsylvania,wherehecontinuedhisinvolvementinlocal politicsandauthoredthebook“PresidentialValues:ImpactonLeadership&Results.”Unfortunately,it wasduringthistimethat Alzheimer’sdiseasebegantorestrict hisactivities.Hisfinalmovebrought himtoOceanView,wherehefound solaceinwalksalongthebeach.He willberememberedasakind,honest andproudsoul.

Hoffmanissurvivedbyhisloving wife,Joelle;histwochildrenfroma previousmarriage,Kurt(andAaron) andJeremy(andMelanie);his grandson,Thomas;hisstep-daughter Selin(andNicole)andbabySoleil; hisstep-sonAksel(andKellie)and littlePeri;hissisterBarbara(and GeorgeDeal);andhisbrother William.

AcelebrationofHoffman’slife willtakeplaceonFriday,July7, 2023,intheCommunityRoomof


24 CoastalPoint July7,2023 Lunch Specials 11:30–3 DINE-IN ONLY 302.537.7373 • • 35553 Atlantic Ave., Millville DRINKSPECIALS Sun-Fri11:30–6pm|Sat3–6pm FOODSPECIALS Everyday3–6pm SpecialsInHouseOnly,NoDoggieBags Happy Hour MUSIC Sunday Funday Jam Session 3-6 Steve Kuhn & Glen Stern Happy Hour Food & Drink Specials The Salted Rim’s Pig Roast Food & Drink Specials All Day Fri 7/7 • Jack Bannon 8-11 Sat 7/8 • Lauren Glick Trio - 7-10 Sun 7/9 • Steve Kuhn & Glen Stern - 3-6 Entertainment 1-7 DJ Denny 7-10 Lauren Glick Trio PARTY New Hours Sunday - Wednesday 11:30am - 11:00pm Thursday-Saturday 11:30am - 12:00 Midnight Tuesday, July 11th Mon – Cheesesteak or Chicken Cheesesteak - $10 Taco Tuesday ALL DAY & NIGHT Wed – Build-a-Burger - $9 and up Thur – Fried Grouper Sammy - $9 Fri – 2 Shrimp Tacos - $10 & Package Cocktail Accessories, Mixers, Garnish & Cups 302-616-2657 Summer Hours Monday-Saturday 11-9 Sunday 11-8 98 Garfield Pkwy., Unit 108 Blue Surf Building on the Boardwalk


Ohlikearock—thesunuponmyskin. Likearock—hardagainstthewind.

Likearock—Iseemyselfagain.Likea rock—ohlikearock.


Thelyricslovinglycaressyou.The wordstoBobSeger’s“LikeARock”reassuringlyhugyourverybeing.

“Thesongisaboutcommitmentand respect,foryourselfandforothers,”said RickMurphy,theleadvocalistforHollywoodNights—BobSegerTribute. “It’saboutnevergivingup.”

Thepopulartributebandwillmake its sixthappearanceattheFreemanArts PavilionnearSelbyvillethisSaturday night,July8,beginningat7p.m.

Thegroupplaysmusicoriginally performedbyBobSeger&theSilver BulletBand.Segerisaretiredsinger, songwriterandmusicianwhoinitially performedandrecordedwithDetroitareamusiciansasBobSeger&theLast Heard,andTheBobSegerSystem, throughoutthe1960s.

Bytheearly1970s,Segerplayedwith variousotherbands.In1973,hecreated the SilverBulletBandwithagroupof Detroit-basedmusicians.Herecorded thealbum“LiveBullet”in1975at CoboHall,andin1976heachievednationalnotorietywiththestudioalbum “NightMoves.”

In1978,Segerwrote,recordedand released“HollywoodNights”asthesecondsinglefromhisalbum“Strangerin Town.”

Inadditionto“LikeARock,”the 14-yearoldtribute’splaylistattheFreemanArtsPavilionwillalsofeaturetwo otherpowerfulSegertunes,“Night Moves”and“RollMeAway.”

“Theselection‘NightMoves’reflects thefreedomofbeingyoung,alongwith thepainthatcomeswithyouthand dealingwiththefallout,”saidMurphy.

Bartolottinamedto dean’slistatFrostburg

KatelynBartolottiofMillsborohas beennamedtothedean’slistatFrostburgStateUniversityinFrostburg,Md., foroutstandingacademicachievement forthespring2023semester.

Tobeeligibleforthedean’slist,a studentmustcompleteaminimumof 12credithoursandearnacumulative semestergradepointaverageofatleast 3.4ona4.0scale.

SituatedinthemountainsofAlleganyCounty,FrostburgStateUniversity isoneofthe12institutionsoftheUniversitySystemofMaryland.FSUisa comprehensive,residentialregionaluniversityandservesasaneducationaland culturalcenterforWesternMaryland.

“And‘RollMeAway’isabouttheindependenceandprideofapersonwho knowswheretheystandinlife.It’sa songthatmakesyouwanttodriveyour vehiclealongalong,windingroad.”

MurphysaidheandhisbandareexcitedaboutreturningtoFreemanArts Pavilion.

“Thebeautifulgrounds,together with agreatcrewmakeperforming thereamemorableexperience,”said Murphy.“Inaddition,thecrowdisalwaysenergetic,andthisalwaysbrings outthebestinanyband.“

InadditiontoMurphy,thenine-personbandfeaturesChrisUyvarionlead guitar;RogerManciniontheorganand guitar;AlecHayonpiano;Frank Paganoonbassandvocals;andMatt Decarloondrums.TheNewJerseybasedtributealsoincludesChrisMiley

June 27, 2023

onsax,organandguitar;andRobin MurphyandTreeseLoganonpercussionandbackgroundvocals.

“Everyoneofourbandmembers holdseachothertoahighstandardin presentingBobSeger’smusic,”said Murphy.“Thisensuresthatwewillperformasclosetothealbumaspossible. Thebandsharesthesamephilosophyas BobSeger,whichistoworkhardno matterhowmanytimesyouget knockeddown.Wewerecreatedupon thefoundationofagroupofpeople comingtogether,allbelievingineach otherandthatanythingispossible.

“And ifsuccessdoescomeyourway, besuretoalwayslookforotherswho needahelpinghand,”addedMurphy. “Thisapproachisreflectedduringevery oneofourperformances.It’sthatconnectionthatdrawsusalltogether.”


Murphyremainsextremelyenthusiasticaboutthetribute-bandprofession. “Ithelpstokeepclassicrock-and-roll musicalive,”hesaid.“It’sagreatvehicle tobringonnew,youngfansandexpose themtomusictheymightnothave beengivenachancetoenjoy.

“Fromourperspective,weenjoy beingpartofagatheringofpeoplewho cometogethertolistentoourmusicfor afewhours,”Murphyadded.“Knowing thatweplayasmallpartinspreading goodfeelingsisahumblingexperience, andwelookforwardtodoingitfor manyyearstocome.”

TheFreemanArtsPavilionislocated at31806LakeviewDrive,westofFenwickIsland,nearSelbyville.Topurchase tickets,call(302)436-3015oraccess theFreemanArtsPavilionwebsiteat

During the weekend ending 06/25/2023, The News Journal/Delaware Online published an article by Shannon Marvel McNaught, titled “Is Fenwick Island’s police chief a victim?”

In the article, Fenwick Island Mayor, Natalie Magdeburger was quoted as saying “For years, member of Town Council and Town staff have had access to the Town’s police building through the use of a security door code.”

As previous Town Council members of the Town of Fenwick Island, we feel that Mayor Natalie Magdeburger’s statement is blatantly false. We have never had access to any security codes to enter the Public Safety Building, aka the police building, nor should we have had these codes. Any communication with the police chief and/or any meetings that required our presence in the Public Safety Building were arranged by prior communication with the chief for permitted entry to the building by him or a member of his staff while he was present in the building. Entries were always done during normal working hours when the chief was present, certainly not on a Sunday night at 9:30 with the police chief out of town, as Mayor Natalie Magdeburger’s actions were reported to be. It’s disturbing that Natalie Magdeburger, the Mayor of Fenwick Island, would make false statements in the press about previous council members to justify her late Sunday night access to the police building.

July7,2023 CoastalPoint 25
Paid For By The Names Listed Above

Chasmanthiumlatifoliumisoneofmy favoritegrasses!Seaoatsistheperfect grass,youcangrowitintheshade,inthe sun,inpartialsun,inmoistsoil,andthey caneventolerateoccasionalsaltwater flooding.Onceestablished,itisdroughttolerantandseaspray-tolerant.Theydo notevenmindsand-blowingwinds(particularlyimportantforthisarea).

Chasmanthiumcanbe2to5feettall andspread1to2feetwide.Seaoatsarea winterinterestperennial—meaningthat eveninthewintertheyprovidevisualinterest.Theyalsomakegreatcutflowers. Theseedheadsarecompletelydifferent fromothergrasses.Theyareflat,nodding seedheadsthatlovetobetickledbythe wind.Theyarelimegreeninthespring andturnabronzetanforfall.Theplants haveastructurelikebamboo,withoutthe invasivenessoroverwhelmingsize.Their leavesstartoutalimegreen,andinfallare thesameshadeastheirseedheads.

Seaoatsareahardy,low-maintenance grassthatcangrowinjustaboutevery gardensiteinourareaoflowerDelaware. Theyareusedforerosioncontrolalong watersedges,inshadegardenswhere othergrasseswillnotsurvive,andevenin pots.Theyaredeer-resistant—another

importantcharacteristicinourarea.You willwantthesegrassesifyouwanttoattractbutterfliesandwildlife,havecut



insight into the life of two very un-ordinary people. They were described as ‘Aliens of extraordinary ability’ by the US government and they bring their distinctly British sense of humor to every show.

TheStetson Experience



flowers,orareputtinginacottagegarden design,raingardensandlow-maintenance gardens.


•HostplanttocaterpillarsofPepper andSaltSkipper,ofNorthernPearlyEye Butterfliesandseveralotherspeciesof Skippers


•Providescoverandnestingmaterial forbirds.


•Chasmanthiumlatifoliumcanbe eaten,asbread,cereal,biscuits,orground asflour.TheCocopaIndiansofMexico useitasafoodcroplikewedowith










•Monardafistulosa(wildbergamot), and

•Schizachyriumscoparium(little bluestem).

26 CoastalPoint July7,2023
on sale now at
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July7,2023 CoastalPoint 27
28 CoastalPoint July7,2023 18 Pennsylvania Ave., Bethany Beach 302.539.6992 Open Thursday through Monday 11- 5 Closed Tuesday & Wednesday Beautiful, Unique Jewelry Open Daily • 11–5pm Keeping Bethany in Style for Over 30 Years! Habitat Prairie Cotton Whimsey Rose Jag • Charlie B 302-539-2311 16 Pennsylvania Ave | Bethany Beach SUMMER SALE 25% OFF All Dresses & More! Sushi Sets Windchimes Hello Kitty Pottery Gifts & More! TheCottagesholds FourthofJulyparade CoastalPointphotos•DarinMcCann TheCottagesinOceanViewhelda neighborhoodIndependenceDayparade onMonday,July3.Thepatrioticneighborsalsodecoratedtheirhomestoget intotheholidayspirit.
10% OFF YOUR PURCHASE Must present this coupon for discount. One coupon per purchase (excluding collectibles and sales items). Expires 12/31/23 Expert Lamp Repair Tax Free Shopping 302-581-0118 900 Coastal Hwy, Fenwick Island Largest Selection of Beach Chairs on the Beach at the Best Rates! Tommy Bahama & Telescope Large Assortment of Heavy Duty Wind Screens G.I. Joe & Trading Cards HOLLY’S Treasure Chest Everything for the Beach Unique Gifts We Will Not Be Under Sold July7,2023 CoastalPoint 29

TheRehobothArtLeaguewill continueitsCottageTour,nowinits 73rdyear,thisJuly.Aspartofthe RAL’s85thanniversaryin2023,the CottageTourwillreturnliveandbe heldinitstraditionaltwo-day,selfpacedformatfrom10a.m.to3p.m. onTuesday,July11,andWednesday, July12.

TheCottageTourCommittee,a groupofvolunteers,hasworkedtovet andsecureaspecialselectionoflocal homestoshowcasethebestofthe area’sartanddesign.The10homes onthisyear’stourofferavarietyof landscapes,interiorandarchitectural designs,rangingfromhistoricallysignificanttocontemporaryandsleek. Somehomeshaveanevolvinghistory,

andmanyhomeownersshowcase memories,artworkandcollectionsin creativeways.

JeanDoranisthisyear’sCottage Tourartist,depictingthecollectionof coastalhomesthroughherartisticeye. Arenderingofeachhomeispresentedtothehomeownersandfeaturedintheeventprogram.

Aspartofthetour,whichremains oneoftheRehobothArtLeague’s biggestsummerfundraisers,Howard Eberle’soriginalwatercolor“Ocean Finds”isupforraffle,withtickets availabletopurchaseintheart league’sCorkranGalleryfor$5each or$20forfive.Theartisthasdonated theartworktobenefitthemissionof theRehobothArtLeague.

Theticketforthetourisacommemorativeprogrambookletwithan imageanddescriptionofeachhome onthetour.Ticketscost$40perperson(consideredappropriateforages 13orolder)andmaybepurchased online.AfterJune30,ticketsareavailableforpurchaseorpickupattheArt League’sHenlopenAcrescampus,12 DoddsLane,ortheycanbepurchased athomesontheCottageTourontour days.(Note:ticketspreviouslypurchasedontheRALwebsiteandby phonemustbepickedupatthe RAL.)

TicketsforthetourarealsoavailableatotherlocationsafterJune29: inRehobothBeachatBellinger’sJewelers,BrowseaboutBooks,Design CenterofRehoboth,FarmerGirlExoticGardens,Windsor’sFlowers& PlantsandJ.ConnScott;inFenwick IslandatCarolinaStreet;inLewesat CommunityBankofDelawareand LewesGourmet;andinBethany BeachatSeaNeedles.Ticketsforthe tourarealsoavailablethedayofthe touratanyofthehomes,basedon availability,andattheRehobothArt League.

Parkingisverylimitedatseveralof thetourhomes,sofreeparkingwillbe availableatRehobothElementary School,500StockleyStreet.Fromthis location,theRehobothArtLeagueis providingJollyTrolleytransportation forticketholders.Shuttleservice, whichwillruncontinuousloopstoall housesonthetour,willbeginrunning at9:45a.m.andcontinueuntilthe tour’sendeachday.

TheRehobothArtLeagueisa membership-basednonprofitartsorganizationdedicatedtoteaching,preservingandinspiringtheartsinthe region.Foradditionalinformation abouttheartleague,itsclasses,memberships,eventsandexhibitions,visit thewebsiteat RehobothArtLeague.orgorcall(302) 227-8408.

30 CoastalPoint July7,2023 y y 16 Nefesh Mountain Band ted w Sunda Sunday SEASIDE JEWISH COMMUNITY PRESENT Ep Epw 7pm S M class in string music and doesn ass U - Rolling S gr t & ee icket ailable Online t the D e-c t a pr s a er d sing t the lea ee eception ert r onc thodist Chur t & gr Conc eedMnitorth olland Glade Road, t seasideje ts aeickT Tick tion $72;epecert + r 19285 Hch, th Beach wishc Rehobo RALCottageTourreturns liveonTuesday,Wednesday




















Scanfor tickets

FreemanArtsPavilionisaprogramoftheJoshuaM.FreemanFoundation,whichisa501(c)3nonprofit fundraisingorganization.Thisprogramissupported,inpart,byagrantfromtheDelawareDivisionof theArts,astateagency,inpartnershipwiththeNationalEndowmentfortheArts.TheDivision FREEMANARTSPAVILION July7,2023 CoastalPoint 31
Tolearnmoreandgetyourtickets, TICKETSON SALENOW!



Dementia.It’safrighteningdiagnosis.Theemotionalimpactonthe persondiagnosed,theirlovedones andfriendscanbeoverwhelming. ButasIoftentellyou,knowledgeis power,andthat’swhyyouandIare goingtotakealooktogether—so thatyouwillfeelempowered,with anunderstandingofwhatcouldhelp shouldyouorsomeoneyoucare aboutfaceadementiadiagnosis.

Dementiaisatermthatisoften appliedtoanumberofissuesthat fallundertheheadingofcognitive impairment.Alzheimer’sandLewy Bodyareamongthetypesofissues thatfallunderthebroadtermofdementia.

Alzheimer’sisconsideredthe mostwell-knowntypeofdementia, sowe’regoingtofocusonthismost prominentdisease.Itisknownasa progressivediseasebecauseitincreasinglydestroysmemoryandhas adevastatingimpactonothermentalfunctions.

Peoplewhoarelivingwith Alzheimer’sdiseasetypicallyhave seriouschallengesperformingeven thesimplesttasks.Theimpactalso affectsaperson’sbehavior,aswellas theiremotionsandtheirrelationships.AmongthemanytypicalissuesAlzheimer’spatients increasinglyexperienceisdifficulty withvisualabilitiesandcommunicating.Therearechallengeswith problemsolvingorevenbasicreasoning,problemswithcoordination, balanceandbasicmovementfunctions,aswellasissuesrangingfrom personalitychanges,depressionand anxietytoagitationandparanoia.

Ofequalconcernisthatasthe diseaseprogresses,thephysical problemsprogress,too,becoming moresevere.

Youcangetsomeperspective fromthestatistics,andthestatistics aresobering.In2023,thedata showsAlzheimer’sandotherdementiaswillcosttheU.S.$345billion.By2050,thesecostsare expectedtorisetoasmuchasclose to$1trillion.Thisyear,dataestimatesshowthat6.7millionAmericanswhoare65orolderarenow livingwithwhatisseenasthemost commonlyknownformsofdementia,Alzheimer’s.


commonreactionisthemostbasic question:Whatnow?

Itmaysurpriseyoutolearnthat oneofthethingsyouwanttokeep inmindisthatphysicaltherapycan haveapositiveimpactinhelping peoplelivetheirbestlivesgiventhe circumstances.

Now,Ihavementionedduring ourearliervisitshereintheCoastal Pointthatphysicaltherapistsare movementspecialists.Remember that?Holdontothatthought,becausewe’regoingtotakeadeepdive intothatshortly.

WhileIwishitcould,physical therapycan’tcuredementia.That’s thebadnews.Thegoodnewsisthat herehavebeenanumberofstudies thatshowthatphysicaltherapyhas apositiveimpactonphysicaland mentalhealth.Itcanhelpslowthe onsetofsomesymptoms,anditcan improvequalityoflife.Andkeepin mind,physicaltherapiststypically willcollaboratewithyourdoctorto haveacontinuumofcarefocusedon improvingoutcomes.

Ifyouhavebeenhavingissuesinvolvingconfusion,memorydecline, balancedifficultiesorsomeofother symptomswelookedatabove,it’s timetoseeadoctor.Beforeyougo toyourappointment,writedown

thekeyfacts,includingwhenyou firststartednotingchanges.Write downthespecificsaboutwhatyou areexperiencing,alongwithany medicationsandsupplementsincludingvitamins.

Expectthatyourdoctorwillperformathoroughexaminationand mayordersometeststoreachadiagnosis.Onceyouhavebeenevaluatedanddiagnosed,it’stimeto discussnextsteps.Thisisthetime whenyoucoveryourquestionsand whatyoucandotohavethebest qualityoflife.Beyourstrongestadvocate.Speakwithyourdoctor abouthowphysicaltherapycould helpyou.

Whenyouseeyourphysicaltherapist,youwillbeevaluatedandyour doctorrecordswillalsoinformyour physicaltherapistaboutyourdiagnosis.Haveadialoguewithyour physicaltherapist.Talkaboutyour concernsandyourfears.I’veshared withyouhowimportantIfeelthisis inhavingarealpartnership.With alltheinformationinhand,your physicaltherapistwillcreateaplan thatmayincludeavarietyofhandsontreatmentscombinedwithanexerciseprogramthatisdesignedto helpyougetthebestpossibleoutcome.

Now,backtotheimportanceof physicaltherapistsasmovement specialists.

Someofthewaysphysicaltherapistscanhelpisbyaddressingsome ofthechallengingsymptomsto keepyoumoving.Tohelptacklethe riskoffalling,physicaltherapycan helpwithexercisesaimedatimprovingbalance,coordinationand strength.Exercisestohelpwithstiff musclesandmuscleweaknesscan makeadifferenceinmobility,and that’simportantforafewreasons: Youstaymoreactiveandmorecomfortableandthatallowsyoutoengageinmoreofyourtypicaldaily activities.You’regettingaboostfor qualityoflifeandmentalhealth.

Physicaltherapycanalsomakea differenceinyourhearthealthanda betterabilitytodefendagainstother diseases.Here,again,strengthening exercisesandmovementsthatcomfortablyincreaseyourheartrate help.Slowingthedeclineor,insome cases,improvingmemorywiththe increaseinactivitiesthatphysical therapyprovidescanalsocontribute tobettermoodsandqualityoflife. Andoneotherbenefitcomes fromthesimpleactofparticipating

Page32 July7,2023
CoastalPoint•Stockphoto SeeCAIROpage33

inphysicaltherapy:Interactionina safeenvironmenthelpswithamore positivementalstate.

Ifyouorthoseclosetoyouare notyetdealingwithdementia,being proactivecanhelpwithprevention. Abigcomponentofpreventionis

regularphysicalactivitythatincludes afocusonmobility,strength,balance andcardiohealth.

Whatyouwanttobesureofis thatexercisesaredoneinasafeenvironment.Supervisedprogramscan beveryhelpful,andtheydon’thave tobeexpensive.Lookforaprogram thatresonateswithyou.Somephysicaltherapistsofferprogramslikethe onewehavehereatTidewaterthat

includesasupervisedexerciseprogramwithproperlytrainedstaffthat providesaprogramthatisbasedon yourparticularneedsinagroupsetting.Itisaterrificwaytoexpand yourcircleoffriendsandgethealthy.

Ileaveyouwiththisfinal thought.YouknowIgetonmy soapboxoftentoencourageyouto move.Workingonpreventingdementiaandahugelistofother

healthissuesshouldbehighonyour list.Don’tjustsitthere.We’retalkingaboutyourqualityoflifehere and,asyouknow,Iamgoingtokeep pushingyoutogetupandgetmoving,becausehavingabetterquality oflifeiswhatit’sallabout.

BobCairoisalicensedphysical therapistatTidewaterPhysicalTherapy.Hecanbereachedbycalling(302) 537-7260.

TheDelawareDepartmentof Health&SocialServices(DHSS) willhostaseriesofin-persontown halleventstodiscusswaystoimproveDelaware’sStateServiceCenters.Thefoureventswilltakeplace inJulyacrossthestateandwillhighlightthestepsDHSSistakingto transformhowtheyserveDelawareansandreceivecommunityfeedback.

Aspartofitsstrategicplanto makeaccesstoserviceseasierfor Delawareansacrossthestate,DHSS launchedtheStateServiceReimaginedprojectin2022toresearch,createandimplementimprovementson howservicesaredeliveredwithinthe agency’sStateServiceCenters.The effortispartofGovernorCarney’s FamilyServicesCabinetCouncil (FSCC ).

“Wearecommittedtobuildinga betterexperienceforDelawareans whoaccessourservices,”saidDHSS DeputyCabinetSecretaryDaniel Walker.“Inordertodeliverquality servicesandimproveourStateServiceCenters,itwasnecessarytoinvolveourcommunityandservice users.Withouttheirinput,thisprojectwouldhavefailedtodeliveron ourpromisetoreformthewaywe providecriticalservices.”

Thetownhalleventswilltake placeon:


•July15,1:30p.m.,Route9Library&InnovationCenter,3022 NewCastleAve.,NewCastle;

•July18,6p.m.,Georgetown PublicLibrary,123WestPineSt., Georgetown;and

•July26,6p.m.,Wilmington PublicLibrary,10E.10thSt., Wilmington.

Theeventsareopentothepublic, andregistrationisencouragedfor planningpurposes.Toregister,visit

TheDoverTownHallscheduled forJuly13willalsobestreamedlive onFacebook@delawaredhssandat ASLinterpreterserviceswillalsobe availableateachevent.Eachtown hallwillalsoincludearesourcefair inwhichrepresentativesfromDHSS willbeonhandtoassistindividuals whohavequestionsrelatedtotheir


Toenhanceservicesfromtheperspectiveoftheclients,DHSShosted communityengagementsessions throughoutthefallof2022.Sessions wereheldinlocationsacrossthe stateandincludedfocusgroupsand


“Our15StateServiceCenters servethousandsofpeopleevery week,andareacriticalresourceto Delaware,”saidReneeBeaman,DivisionofStateServiceCenters.“The findingsofthisinitiativegiveusan actionablepathforward,keepingour

serviceusersinmindeverystepof theway.”

Formoreinformationaboutthe StateServiceReimaginedproject,

We’re “What To Do” at the Beach! Quality UsedBooks RecordsCDs ComicsUkeleles Art Classes Daily & Private Events Co ee La esChais TeasMatchas FreshPastries Toys Games Collectibles Fitness Classes Personal Training Food Trucks Coming RetroFashion Jewelry HomeDecor 117 Atlantic Ave., Ocean View, DE on Route 26 across from Lord Baltimore Elementary year-round destination shopping for the whole family in three huge historic feed sheds Free Game Night Wednesdays at 6 p.m. July7,2023 CoastalPoint 33
Cairo Continuedfrompage32

Los Angeles Times

Sunday Crossword Puzzle

Entriessoughtfor OceanPhotoContest

Tocelebratetheoceanandthebenefitsitprovides,DNRECisseeking entriesforaDelawareOceanPhoto Contest.JuneisNationalOcean Month,andJune8isWorldOcean Day.Gov.JohnCarneyandLt.Gov. BethanyHall-Longhaveproclaimed JuneasOceanMonthinDelaware.

DNREC’sDelawareOceanPhoto ContestrunsfromJune8through Aug.31,andthewinnerwillbefeaturedinanOutdoorDelawarearticle.

Asacoastalstate,Delawaredependsontheoceanandmarineresourcesforitseconomicprosperity, particularlyintermsoftourism,commercialfishing,recreationandshippingindustries,officialssaid. AccordingtotheNationalOceanic andAtmosphericAdministration’s Economics:NationalOceanWatch data,thetotaleconomicvalueof Delaware’socean-relatedactivitiesis estimatedatapproximately$1.4billion annually.

Incelebratingallthebenefitsthe oceancontributestoourlivesand livelihood,theDNRECcontestseeks photosthatshowapersonalconnectiontotheocean,officialsnoted.

Los Angeles Times Sunday Crossword

“Thestate’srichhistoryhasdirect tiestotheocean,culturally,economicallyandasadestinationformillions ofvisitorseachyear,”saidDNREC SecretaryShawnM.Garvin.“Protectingandpreservingtheseresources throughactivestewardshipisessential toensuringtheirviabilityforgenerations,andthisphotocontestisone waythatwecanhelpincreaseawarenessoftheimportanceoftheoceanto Delaware.”

Potentialphotocontestsubjects mayinclude,butarenotlimitedto, marinewildlifeandhabitat,recreation, fishingandmarinetransportation. Completerulesandaphotorelease formareavailableonlineat coastal/ocean-photo-contest-rules.pdf.

Allimagesmustincludethephotographer’sname,ashortdescription ofwhatisshowninthephoto,and whereandwhenthephotowastaken. Submittedentriesmustincludeacompletedphotoreleaseform.Alegalparentorguardianmustcompletethe releaseformforcontestantsyounger than18.Thedeadlineforsubmissions is4:30p.m.onAug.31.

Photographsmusthavebeentaken withinthestateofDelaware,oroffshoreofDelaware,andtheymustbe original,previouslyunpublishedand createdsolelybythesubmittingentrant(s).Onlyphotosthatmeetthe criteria,alongwithacompletedrelease form,willbeeligible.

Entrieswillbejudgedforcompositionandtheme.Preferencewillbe giventoclear,good-qualityphotographs.

34 CoastalPoint July7,2023 org. as a rival carriers closer to hand spot protest fleet piece climb Rubik suddenly turbine part coat? discard country Football channel beard conger gulf crossword about clues beers, unit platform on crawls Labor
ACROSS 1 Power couple? 5 Furniture board 9 Flow slowly 13 “Hasta __” 19 “Go away!” 20 Musical finale 21 Category 22 Like a sleeping snake 23 Abridged version of a Greek myth featuring a box full of troubles? 26 Current event in climate studies? 27 World record suffix 28 Rest area? 30 Ecru kin 32 Parted partners 33 Work on hooves 35 Draw absentmindedly 37 Fox chaser? 39 Hot dog 41 Title of a “Jack and the Beanstalk” subreddit? sons 48 Rios on the road 50 “__ Too Well”: Taylor Swift song 51 Flow forth verses competitors 55 “Show your cards” 57 Tendon 58 Cry from a reveler who wants the weekend party to keep going? 61 Cut short, perhaps 62 Slice of history 64 Asian occasion 65 “Happy Birthday” writers, often 68 Smith of “The Karate Kid” 70 __ Na Na 73 South African author Alan 75 Bridle attachment 76 Like some cheese 79 Desire of a greedy lord? 85 Stationery shade 86 Lincoln neighbor 87 Lunar surface 88 Garage capacity maritime org. 92 “You are something __” 93 Like a florist after 96 Church instruments 99 Word from a baby doll 100 Start of the Marine Corps motto 102 “Wednesday” actress Jenna 105 Flaky layered mineral 108 __ Dhabi 110 Munich article 111 Campaign funding org. 112 Hired ride 113 Writer/director Nora 115 Research explanation? 119 Discipline featuring slow movements 120 Unit in the Monty Hall problem 121 Empire State canal 122 Terminates 123 Bronchial malady 124 “Even __ speak ... ” 125 Small coin 126 Dedicated works DOWN 1 In accordance with 2 Action film climax, often 3 “Stop fretting” 4 Fish oil source 6 Dishwasherful 7 Sports drink suffix 8 Mexico city known for silver jewelry 9 Walk confidently 10 Solution for something that short 12 Unwelcome visitor 13 John who won Wimbledon three times in the 1980s 14 Yahoo! Inc. brand 15 Hours for a typical day shift writer __ E. Harrow 17 Aloha State bird 18 Big fusses 24 Prominent instrument in “Swan Lake” 25 Many univ. employees 31 DOJ bureau 34 Former German chancellor Kohl 35 Pantheon member 36 Note in a C minor triad 38 Balance 40 Store with a Swedish food market 42 Far from sated 44 App ad target 46 Benefit 47 Grass unit 49 “Up” actor Ed 54 Unusual thing 55 Tennis player Swiatek 56 Totally adore 59 Form 1040 org. 60 Celebrate, as a new year going?” 67 Captivate 68 Skippy rival 69 Proton carriers 70 Move closer to home? 71 Gives a hand 72 Price for a spot 73 Nonviolent protest 74 Spanish fleet 75 Lingerie piece 77 Hotel divs. 78 Upward climb 79 Inventor Rubik 80 Turn suddenly 81 Old iPods 82 “Ah, yes” 83 Wind turbine part 84 Winter coat? 85 Cookout discard 89 Black Sea country 91 “College Football Live” channel 94 “Super” 95 Expatriate 97 Pointed beard 101 Joined a conger line? 104 Bottomless gulf 105 Like crossword clues about crossword clues 106 Milkshake beers, for short 114 Resistance unit 116 Memoji platform Cardinals, on sports crawls 118 Dept. of Labor concern
Crossword SeeCrosswordAnswerspage37


AtitsmeetingonJune26,theIndianRiverBoardofEducationapprovedanewfive-yearcollaborative partnershipwithCoastalVenues LLCfortheuseoftheSeed& SaplingvenuenearFrankfordfor schoolanddistrictevents.

Duringthe2022-2023school year,theIRSDpartneredwith CoastalVenuestoutilizeSeed& Saplingfreeofcharge,inexchange forthedistrictallowingthevenueto usepropertyontheadjacentJohn M.ClaytonElementarySchoolcampusforoverflowparkingforitsother events.

Lastschoolyear,theIRSDused theSeed&SaplingvenueforitsBehavioralHealthProfessionalofthe Yearceremony,TeacheroftheYear ceremony,SupportProfessionalof theYearceremonyandthedistrict retireeceremony.Inaddition,theIndianRiverHighSchoolpromand severalJohnM.ClaytonElementary Schoolstaffeventswereheldatthe facility.

CoastalVenuesownersSteveand MichelleBentonwereformallyrecognizedbytheBoardofEducation attheJune26meeting,wherethey werepresentedwithacertificateof appreciation.



CoastalVenuesforitsgenerosityand looksforwardtoitscontinuedpart-

nershipwithSeed&Sapling,”the districtstatedthroughspokesperson

SUMMER CAMP 2023 Book Online • (302) 841-2722 or Limited Space on all camps. Book Early. Visit Our Sister Business –JuiceBox! Full Moon Paddle July 2 & 3, August 1 & 2 September 29, October 28 Introduction to SUP Thurs/Fri @ 9am SUP Yoga Thurs/Fri @ 10am Kids Kayak & SUP Camp Ages 9–13 • 9–1pm July 17 & 18, 24 & 25, 31 • August 1, 7& 8 ✃ SAVETHE DATES! CELEBRATING OUR18TH SEASON! Guided Tours • Rentals (Complimentary Pick-up & Delivery) Full-Moon • Kids Camp • SUP July7,2023 CoastalPoint 35 CP CP CP CP COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. LOCAL ART • VINTAGE UNUSUAL • ANTIQUE ARCHITECTURAL SALVAGE 302.927.0049 On the corner, south of the stoplight 33034 Main St., Dagsboro Call or Follow us on Facebook and Instagram or email: OPEN Fri-Sun 10–4pm 29P Atlantic Ave. • Ocean View, DE 302.616.2604 • Ocean Vayu Yoga Beach Yoga Daily 7-8am Central Blvd., Bethany Beach 200 hr. Yoga Teacher Training Starts 10/23 Alpaca Yoga At Four Acres Farm!! 7/8, 7/22 9-10am, Cost is $25 (Please Pre-Register)
DavidMaull. CoastalPoint•Submitted

TheparkinglotatMillville’sEvans Parkisslatedforamajorupgrade,and whilethemid-summertimingofthe pavingprojectmightseemproblematic, townofficialssaidtheyfeeltheshorttermpainisworththelong-termgain.

Thecouncilthisweekapproveda contractwithTerraFirmaofDelmarva for$280,430.45.Thebidincludes $60,000forremovalofexistinggravelin theparkinglotatthepark.

MayorRonBelinkosaidtheTown hopestocompletetheprojectwithinthe next30to40days.Whilehesaidthe timingmaynotseemideal,asitisinthe

Morethanadozenarearesidents learnedhowtobepreparedandtoassist othersincaseofacrisis,duringrecent CommunityEmergencyResponse Team(CERT)trainingattheOcean ViewPoliceDepartment.

Atotalof14students—including OceanViewMayorJohnReddington,

midstofthebusysummerseason,the Townhopestocompletetheprojectbeforeanumberoflatesummerandearly falleventsthatareslatedatthepark.

Duringthepavingproject,visitorsto Evans Parkandthetown’sCommunity Centermayusethefieldacrossthe streetfromtheparkforparking,Belinkosaid.

Theworkwillincludetheremovalof approximately8inchesofexisting gravelfromthelot—someofwhich maybeabletobere-usedinfutureprojects,TownEngineerAndrewJ.LyonsJr. said.

Inresponsetoaquestionfrom CouncilMemberRobertWisgirda, Lyonssaidtheprojectwouldnotrequire

furtherdrainageworkbecausethepark wasalreadyproperlypreparedfor drainagefromeitheragravelorblacktopparkingarea.

Thenewlotwillbestripedandwill includeparkingbumpers,Lyonssaid.


ThebidletterfromLyonsstatesthat workwillbeginfollowingapre-constructionmeetingwithTerraFirmain mid-Julyandshouldbecompletedby Sept.1.Thereisaweathercontingency inthecontract.

Residentswillreceiveupdatesonthe parkingprojectthroughtheTown’salert system,Belinkosaid,addingthatresidents inthenearbyParksidedevelopmentwillbeonthereceivingendof

associatednoiseanddisruptioninthe comingweeks.

Inotherbusiness,Belinkonotedthat thecouncilwillbeaddressingtheissue offoodtrucksintowndevelopmentsat futuremeetings.Hesaidtheissuehas comeuprecentlywithvariousdevelopmentsholdingeventsandmakinguseof foodtrucks—anissuethathadnot beenconsideredinprevioustownregulations.

HealsosaidtheTownisjoining other municipalitiesingrapplingwith recentstatelawchangesregarding recreationalmarijuana.

“We’relookingatforbiddingitand prohibitingthesaleinourtown,”Belinkosaid.

councilmembersfromSouthBethany andMillville,andrepresentativesfrom localchurches—weretrainedinfire safety,lightsearch-and-rescue,teamorganizationanddisastermedicaloperationsonJune21and22.

“Wewantyoutobesafeandforyour familytobesafe.Oncethatisaccomplished,youcanhelpyourneighbors, thentherearelayersafterthat.Ifsomethingmajorhappened,thechiefwould

say,‘Ineedhands.Ineedbodies,’”said CERTtrainerEdDonnelly,whoalso volunteersatthepolicedepartment. “Thechiefwouldbeabletooperatethe program.Wewouldthensendoutnotifications,‘Ifyoucan,pleaseshowupto help,’andtheywouldhelpwithminor injuriesorinjuriesoverall.

“Ifthere’sanemergency,EMTs come,yes,butvolunteerscanhelpby pairingthemwithEMTstoassist.Soif

youhavefourparamedicsandfour EMTS,plusthosewhoareCERTtrained,nowyouhave16peoplewho couldassistwithsearch-and-rescueor minorfirst-aid—whateverisneeded —everythingfromsimpletraffic,crowd control,steppingintoassist,”Donnelly explained.

“It’ssoimportant,becausewehave torealizewecannotalwaysdependon the rapidnessofservicesinourcommunity.Theyaregreatatwhattheydo,and wearenevergoingtosaytheyarenot. Butinamajorsituationtherearenot enoughhandstohandleeverything,so themorepeoplewecanpull,themore peoplewhoarepreparedtohelpthemselvesandtheirneighbors,thebetteroff wearegoingtobe,”Donnellysaid.

Atarecenttowncouncilmeeting, TownManagerCarolHouckannouncedCERTwasbeingreactivated locally.Shenotedthattheconceptwas developedbytheLosAngelesFireDepartmentin1985totrainciviliansto meetimmediateneedsduringarea-wide emergencies.Itbecameanationalprogramin1993.

36 CoastalPoint July7,2023 Open Thurs-Mon at 5pm Dine In & Carry Out Order Online at Artisan, hand rolled, grilled pizzas, awesome wine & local craft beer CEILING FANS INSTALLED Fast Professional Service Services Include: No Job Too Small! 41 years’experience Tommy Thompson Licensed Electrician 302.228.0038 Free Estimates Owner Operated Ceiling Fan Installation Light Fixtures Additional Outlets New Construction Hot Tub Wiring EV Chargers 302-537-2433 | 121 Campbell Place Bethany Beach | Key West & Creative Coastal Cuisine • Everything Freshly Made In House Open Thursday - Tuesday at 5:30pm Closed Wednesday ❖ Whole Flash-Fried Snapper ❖ ❖ 14oz. Bone-In Pork Chop ❖ All Natural NY Strip Steaks ❖ ❖ Cioppino ❖ Shrimp & Grits ❖ Gluten-Free & Vegetarian Available Got Behavioral Problems? LET’S TALK! AKC Canine Good Citizen • Obedience Training Private & Group Classes Nancy LaFontaine AKC CGC Evaluator ABC Certified Dog Trainer 302-236-2497 EvansPark’sparkinglottogetupgrade CiviliansgetCERTtrainingatOceanViewPD SeeTRAININGpage40


TheFriendsoftheSouthCoastal Libraryhaveannouncedthatticketsare nowavailableontheTour’swebsiteat beachandbaycottagetour.comforthe 31stAnniversaryBeach&BayCottage Tour,duringwhich10homeswillbe presented.

“Thehybridtourwassosuccessfulin 2022,ourcommitteeagreedtobringit backthisyear,”saidKathyGreen,Tour chair.“Sothatasmanypeopleaspossiblecanexperienceandenjoyour31st Tour,patronswillhavetheirchoiceof enjoyinganall-virtualtouroramixof an all-virtualtourplusin-personvisits toselectedhomes.Ourpopularvirtual optionallowsfriendsandfamily,no matterwherelocated,toenjoythe


All10homeswillbeavailablevirtuallyfromJuly16throughAug.6,and thefivein-personhomeswillbeopen onJuly26and27.

“Whiletherewillbenolimitonthe numberofvirtualpatrons,we’relimiting thenumberofin-personticketsforsale to1,000,”saidGreen.

For2023,only500ticketswillbe availableforWednesday,July26,andan additional500ticketswillbevalidfor Thursday,July27.

TheCottageTourissponsoredby theFriendsoftheSouthCoastalLibrary,andallnetproceedsdirectlybenefitthelibrary’soperations.


CONNECTS FREE INTERNET Qualify today for the Government Free Internet Program CALL TODAY (888) 592-5957 YOU QUALIFY for Free Internet if you receive Housing Assistance, Medicaid, SNAP, WIC, Veterans Pension, July7,2023 CoastalPoint 37 7pm 7p -ma7 ys!ays ay D7 nepO • s n S m u a Tre t n r v C M 3 331 y on i Stop en on t e S ain 0 t Fillinthegridsothateveryrow,everycolumnandevery 3x3 gridcontainsthedigits1through9.Thatmeansthat no numberisrepeatedinanyrow,columnorbox. Copyright©KevinStone[]


DelawareShakespeareistherecipientofthreenationalgrantsthatwill supportitsprogrammaticactivitiesin 2023,allowingtheorganizationtoserve theentirestateincludingindividuals underrepresentedinprofessionaltheater audiences,youthinthejuvenilejustice systemanditsSummerFestivalaudienceatRockwoodPark.

Thethreeawardsarea$15,000 ShakespeareinAmericanCommunities fromArtsMidwest,a$10,000Grants forArtsProjectsawardfromtheNationalEndowmentfromtheArtsanda $5,000grantfromtheKansasCitybasedTheaterLeague.

“AsDelawareShakespearecelebrates its21stseason,we’rehonoredthatour workisbeingrecognizedbyacollection ofnationalfunders,”saidproducing artisticdirectorDavidStradley.“It’sfur-

therproofthatgreatartandlearning experiencesarehappeningrightherein theFirstState.”

Celebratingits20thyearin 2023,ShakespeareinAmericanCommunitiesisatheaterprogramof the NationalEndowmentforthe ArtsinpartnershipwithArtsMidwest. Theprogramsupportshigh-quality productionsandeducationalactivities exploringtheworkofWilliamShakespeareinmiddleschools,highschools andjuvenilejusticefacilitiesthroughout theUnitedStates.

ArtsMidwestannouncedthatofthe $1.17millioninShakespeareinAmericanCommunitiesgrants,$170,000 wenttonineorganizationsworking withstudentsinthejuvenilejusticesystem. DelawareShakespeareisoneof thesenineorganizations.Thegrantwill

makepossibleeducationalresidenciesin May,June,andJulyattheClevelandC. WhiteSchoolinWilmington,serving studentsatGrace,Snowdenand MowldsResidentialCottages,and StevensonHouseDetentionCenterin Milford.

“WearethrilledtoannouncethelatestShakespeareinAmericanCommunitiesgranteesandareexcitedtoseethe workthattheywillbedoingoverthe courseofthenextyear,”saidEllenDeYoung,grantmanageratArtsMidwest. “AllacrossAmerica,youngpeoplewill beexploringShakespeare’sworkina moderncontextandconnectingwith themes,stories,andcharactersthatare relevanttotoday.”

“ShakespeareinAmericanCommunitiesprovidesanimportantopportunityforstudentstolearnhow participationintheartscanhelpthem expressthemselvesandmakesenseof theworld,”saidMariaRosarioJackson, Ph.D.,chairoftheNationalEndowment fortheArts.

Inall,120theatercompaniesandorganizationsacrosstheUnitedStates havetakenpartinShakespearein AmericanCommunitiessincetheprogram’sinceptionin2003.Todate,the programhassupportedmorethan 14,500performancesand54,000educationalactivitiesatmorethan11,500 schoolsandjuvenilejusticefacilitiesin 4,700communitiesinall50states,plus theDistrictofColumbia.

DelawareShakespearehasbeenapprovedfora$10,000GrantsforArts ProjectsawardfromtheNationalEn-

dowmentfortheArts(NEA)tosupportthe2023CommunityTourof “Cymbeline.”InOctober,thisproject willbringaShakespeareproductionto residentsthroughoutDelawarewho mayhavelimitedaccesstoartsexperiences.DelShakes’projectisamong 1,130projectsacrossthecountry,totalingmorethan$31million,thatwereselectedduringthissecondroundof GrantsforArtsProjects2023-fiscalyearfunding.

“TheNationalEndowmentforthe Artsispleasedtosupportawiderange ofprojects,includingDelawareShakespeare’s‘Cymbeline,’demonstratingthe manywaystheartsenrichourlivesand contributetohealthyandthrivingcommunities,”saidNEAChairMaria RosarioJackson,PhD.“Theseorganizationsplayanimportantroleinadvancingthecreativevitalityofournation andhelpingtoensurethatallpeople canbenefitfromarts,culture,anddesign.”

“DelShakesisgratefultohavethe supportoftheNEAforthesecondconsecutiveyearaswe’verestartedthe CommunityTourafterapandemic pause,”saidStradley.“We’reparticularly excitedthisyearaswewillbeabletoreturntosharingtourperformancesin correctionalfacilities.”

“Cymbeline”willofferperformances atBaylorWomen’sCorrectionalInstitutionandSussexCorrectionalInstitution,aswellaselevenother performancesinallthreeDelaware

38 CoastalPoint July7,2023 Lois James d.d.s.
DENTISTRY Routine Dental Cleanings • Fillings Crowns • Bridges • Implant Restorations Cosmetic Procedures • TMJ Disorders & Sleep Appliances 302-537-4500 • 17 Atlantic Ave, Ste. 4 Route 26 • Ocean View (Next to Oceanova) Accepting New Patients We Cancel TIMESHARES for You Every year 150,000 people reach out to us for help getting rid of their timeshare. In 2019, we relieved over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt and maintenance fees. We can help. Get your free information kit and see if you qualify: 888-984-2917

EvergreeneHomeshasImmediateMove-InInventoryand IncredibleIncentives!They’resellingquickly!CallTodayandScheduleaTour!




PONDFRONT! 10PlantationCourt,OceanView,DE19970 5Bedrooms|3.5Baths|3,600SF  UpgradedFinishesThroughout!


4Bedrooms|3.5Baths|3,046SF OpenConceptDesign,LuxuriousOwners    July7,2023 CoastalPoint 39


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TheMarineEducation,Research& RehabilitationInstituteInc.(MERR) willbeholdingitsAnnualDolphin CountonSaturday,July15,from9to



counties.Alltourperformancesarefree tothepublic.

Finally,DelawareShakespeareisthe beneficiaryofanewprogramfromTheaterLeagueInc.,aKansasCity,Mo., basedcontributortotheperforming arts,gifting35memberorganizationsof theShakespeareTheatreAssociation acrosstheUnitedStatesandinternationallywithatotalof$255,000ingeneraloperatingsupport.These non-restrictedgiftsofeither$5,000or $10,000eachbasedonbudgetsizewill beawardedin2023toSTA-member producingtheaterswithbudgetsbetween$100,000and$1,400,000,includinga$5,000grantgifttoDelaware



“Theprogramtookahitduring COVID,betweennotbeingableto gettogetherfortraininganddrills, alongwithatonofstaffchangesat theDelawareEmergencyManage-




“AsregularcontributorstotheHeart ofAmericaShakespeareFestivalin KansasCity—along-timeSTAmember—wewerelookingtoexpandour supportofnon-profitorganizations withsimilargoalsandobjectives,”explainedMarkEdelman,founderand presidentofTheaterLeague.“Thatled ustoSTAandExecutiveDirector PatrickFlick,whohelpedusidentify themid-levelShakespeareproducing organizationswewantedtofund.”

SaidFlick,“STAisalwayslooking forwaystoassistourmembership, whetheritbeintheformofourannual conference,orbyseekingoutfinancial assistanceforourhard-workingmembertheaters.Atatimewhenaudience sizesarejustbeginningtoreboundfrom


OVPDChiefKenMcLaughlin“sawa CERTemblemonmypickuptruck, andhesaidhewantedtogetthis goingagain.Ihadtochucklealittle bit,”headded,recallinganofficer quotedinaCoastalPointarticleas sayingMcLaughlinhadvolunteered


ResultsfromthecounthelptodeterminepopulationstabilityinAtlantic bottlenosedolphinsinthisregion.

thepandemic,supportforShakespeare andtheclassicsinthecommunitieswe serveissuchanimportantthing.STAis gratefultoTheaterLeagueforthatsupport.”

“Thisgenerousgrantprogramfrom TheaterLeague,facilitatedbySTA, demonstratesthepowerofbeingpartof anationalmemberorganization,”said Stradley.“DelShakeshasvaluedattendingtheannualSTAconferencesince 2012,learningfromourcolleagues. ThesefundswillallowDelShakesand ourfellowShakespeareanstomake boldercontributionstoouraudiences.”

Thegrantfundswillsupport DelawareShakespeare’sSummerFestival productionof“Macbeth,”running July21toAug.6atRockwoodPark,as wellasitsCommunityTourproduction

himtogetinvolvedinSpecial Olympics.

“That seemstobeacommonthing withthechief—notthatit’sabad thing.Heseestalentordriveincertain people,andhesays,‘OKI’mgoingto pushyoualittlebit.IfIpushyoutoo much,goaheadandsqueal.IfI’mnot pushingyoutoomuch,goforit.’Sothe

Formoreinformation,ortovolunteerforthecount,contacttheMERR Institute at(302)864-0304ore-mail


KansasCity-basedTheaterLeagueis anot-for-profitperformingartsorganizationdedicatedtoenhancingthequalityoflifeinthecommunitiesitserves withthethrilloflivetheater.Founded in1976,thegroupsupportstheater companiesinitshometownandacross thecountry.

“Whatappealedtousisthefar-flung natureoftheorganizationswe’llbesupportingwiththisgrantprogram,”continuedEdelman.“Shakespeare companiesintwenty-sixstatesplusthe CzechRepublicwillgetalittlehelp fromTheaterLeague.”

Formoreinformationabout DelawareShakespeare,visit,call(302)468-4890or


AnotherfreeCERTcourseis plannedforThursday,July13,anda thirdonewillbeofferedinAugust,if needed.Thecoursesarefree,butregistrationisrequired.ContactDonnellyat Donnelly.ovpd.cert@gmail.comfor moreinformationortoregister.

40 CoastalPoint July7,2023 ofessional advisors rusted par T Advisor to philanthr esour tner and r opists ce . able and can tailor it to wha pr to It might be a scholarship es it very e someone has an inter t the person may be thinking about. it might be a r tever vehicle they decide they want to use. sion tha . but the DCF is very the DCF maximize tax advantages sional advisors mak profes e C At the Delawar community impact. and e savvy decisions about charitable giving to we help donors and their oundation, ommunity F Anonymous Donor mdipaolo@delcf.or vice pr o le T 302.335.6933 or g esident for Southern Delawar , aolo e DiP Mik contact e, arn mor delcf.or t , a e g/daf


SummerReadingChallenge— Allagesare invitedtoearnprizesbyparticipatinginthe SouthCoastalLibrary’sSummerReading Challenge.Simplyread10hoursbetween June1andAug.6,andregisteronlineat Paperreadinglogsarealsoavailable.


TeenCricutT-Shirts —Teensages12-17who havecompletedtheSouthCoastalLibrary’s TeensummerReadingChallengebyreadingfor 10hoursbetweenJune1andJuly5are eligibletomakeafreet-shirtat10a.m.withthelibrary’sCricutmachine.Youmustreservea timeslotfortheeventbycalling(302)8585518.

DeweyReads —PatwillleadthenextDewey ReadsBookClubatSouthCoastalLibraryat2 p.m.Thegroupmeetsquarterlytodiscussa newnonfictionbookandthereal-lifeimplicationthebookmayaddress.Thismeetingwill discussNathanRaab’s“TheHuntforHistory,” andRaabwillbethereinpersontodiscussthe book.Registrationisappreciatedandavailable 858-5518.


CraftKits— Youthbetweentheagesof10 and17canstopbySouthCoastalLibraryto makeamancalagame.Thisisfree,and availablethroughJuly13whilesupplieslast.

KindnessQuilt— SouthCoastalLibraryis hostingafunandfreecollaborativeproject forages8andolderfrom2to4p.m.They willbemakingaCommunityKindnessQuilt

todisplayinthelibrary.Eachpersonmay useacr ylicpaint,paintmarkers,colored pencilsandmoretodecorateaquiltsquare withaninspirationalmessageofkindnessor acceptance.Registrationisrequiredand

FreeGardenCrafts— Childrenages6-12 areinvitedtoDelawareBotanicGardensat PepperCreekforaFreeGardenCraftsClass from10to11a.m.Adultsarewelcometo stayforthefreeclass,orvisitthegardens ontheirown.Thereisalsoaguid edtourat 10a.m.foracostof$10.Thisclassis “Who’sHidingintheGarden?”andparticipantsexplorethetopicsofcamouflageand protectivecolorationinsmallcreatures. Childrenmusthaveaclassreservation,and Children16andunderareadmittedfree whenaccompaniedbyanadult.Members havefreeadmission,andnon-memberspay a$15admissionfee.

BookClub— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingtheirAdultBookGrou pat1p.m.The clubmeetsthefirstFridayofthemonthto discussafiction,non-fictionorclassictitle. Copiesofthebookwillbeavailableatthelibrary.Formoreinformation,call(302)


TeenArtShow— Allagesareinvitedto viewandvoteontheSouthCoastalLibrary’s2023TeenArtShow.PickupPeople’sChoiceballotsintheTeenRoomand voteonthetopthreeartworksineachage division.Artworkwillremainondispla yin theTeenroomthroughAug.10.


AnnualBigTentEvent— AmericanLegion Post28willholditsAnnualBigTentEvent, apatriotic,family-orientedpicnic,from2to 5p.m.Therewillbechicken,hotdogs, sides,chips,icecream,colddrinksand beer,alongwithdoorprizesandauctions. Thecostis$25peradult,andchildren under12getinforfree.RSVPneededby July4,atrfsdelaware@gmail.comorby texting(215)280-2783.Makechecks payabletoRepublicansforSusse x,and mailtoBobClark,20890WilKingRoad, Lewes,DE19958.


GentleYogaFlow— SarahSchaber,RYT-500 certifiedyogainstructor,ishostingafree one-hourgentleyogaflowclassatSouth CoastalLibraryat10a.m.Thisisidealfor beginners,seniorsandanyonelookingfora slowerflowpractice.Participantsshould bringayogamatortowelfromhome,and theinstructoralsorecommends4-inch-deep foamyogablocks.Registrationisrequired, andavailableatsout calling(302)858-5518.

StorytimeattheFarm— FrankfordPublic LibraryisholdingstorytimeatParsons’Farm at11a.m.Thisisopenforallages,andis weatherpermitting.Watchthelibrary’sFacebookpageforanyweatherupdates.For moreinformation, call(302)732-9351.

HooksandNeedles— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingatimeofknittingandcrochetingforalllevelsat1p.m.Formore information,vis (302)732-9351.


iPadandAppleUsers— iPad,iPhoneand otherAppledeviceusersofallskilllevelsare welcometoattendthissupportgroupmeetingatSouthCoastalLibraryat11a.m.Users meettodiscussnewfeatures,sharetipsand askquestions.Attendinperson,orviaZoom. Registrationisrequiredandavailableat 858-5518.

StepBackinTime— Abookclubfocusingon historicalfictio nisatSouthCoastalLibraryat 2p.m.Thismonth,thegroupwilldiscuss JamieFord’s“HotelontheCornerofBitter andSweet.”Registrationisappreciatedand

PAWSforReading— Well-trainedteamsof dogsandownerswillprovideasupportive andfunwayforkidstogainconfidencein readingaloudatSouthCoastalLibraryat4 p.m.Childrenreadfor15minutes,andmay bringtheirownbookiftheywish.Thisi sfor ages5andolder.Toregister,call(302)8585518.

MagnificentMonarchs— TheInlandBays GardenCenterishostingaprogramon monarchsfrom10a.m.tonoon,forages512.Participantswilllearnaboutthedifferencebetweenbutterfliesandmoths,and howpeopleoftenconfusethetwo..Theprogramwillalsofeatureatake-homeproject. Thereisasuggested$20donation(not

South Coastal Library is temporarily suspending acceptance of donations.

Please note that some of our programs have limited in-person seating. Visit our website or call the library to register & learn more about our events!

Thursday, June 1—Sunday August 6 Summer Reading Challenge 2023

Read 10 hours to complete this year’s Summer Reading Challenge!

Monday, July 10 Gentle Yoga Flow 10—11:00 am

Join certified yoga instructor, Sarah Schaber, for a free 1-hour gentle yoga class.

Tuesday, July 11

iPad & Apple Users Group 11:00 am—12:00 pm

Discuss new features, tips, & ask questions about Apple devices with others in your community!

Step Back in Time Book Club 2—3:00 pm

Historical fiction lovers are welcome to join us for this month’s book club!

PAWS for Reading 4—5:00 pm

Children read to a team of well-trained dogs to build confidence & improve their reading skills!

Wednesday, July 12

Baby Bookworms Story Time 10—10:45 am

Children ages birth-2 can practice language, motor, social, & listening skills through a variety of activities!

Little Learners Story Time 11—11:45 am

Kids ages 3-5 can enjoy a variety of activities designed to help improve pre-literacy skills!

Did They Do It?: True Crime Club 2—3:30 pm

Share theories, knowledge, & memories of true crime cases with others! This month, we’ll be discussing the case of Elizabeth Short aka “The Black Dahlia”.

Thursday, July 13

DIY Ceramic Boot Planter 10—11:30 am

Paint your own ceramic boot planter at the library! \

Friday, July 14

Cricut T-Shirt Workshop for Adults 2—4:30 pm

Bring your own cotton t-shirt with you & learn how to use

library’s Cricut machine!

July7,2023 CoastalPoint 41
302–858-5518 43 Kent Avenue, Bethany Beach South Coastal Library Enrich. Inspire. Educate. Get the Facts and Get Involved The Hold On To Your Butt campaign is a collaborative effort by The Surfrider Foundation Delaware Chapter, Plastic Free Delaware and DNREC Division of Parks and Recreation. Butts are the most frequently littered item in the state. Each year we pick up over 17,000 from the Delaware Beaches. AWNING SALE! America’s #1 Best-Selling Awnings Call Today for Your FREE In-Home Consultation! 302-537-3679 • 877-673-7971 Call Today & Save! Owners Dave & Kelly Goodman Celebrating 20 Years in Business A+ Calendar



MarinesMeet— TheFirstStateDetachment oftheMarineCorpsLeaguemeetsonthe fourthWednesdayofeachmonthatthe OceanCity(Md.)AmericanLegionPost166 on23rdStreetatnoon.AnyMarinesand NavyCorpsmenwhohaveservedinthe Corps,livinginWorcesterorSussexCounties,arewelcometojointomeettheirfellowveteransandconsiderjoiningthe organization.Theirmissioniscommunity servicethroughcamaraderieandvolunteerism.Form oreinformation,call(410)

SocratesCafé— BethanyBeachChristian ChurchwillbethelocationforthenextmeetingofSocratesCafé,agroupofindividuals fromdifferentbackgroundsthatdiscuss philosophicalideas.Themeetingsarethe firstTuesdayofeachmonth,from2to3:30 p.m.Everyoneiswelcome.Formoreinformation,call537-9440oremail

CommunityClub— TheSelbyville Community Clubiswelcomingnewmembers,andmeets onthesecondThursdayofeachmonthat SalemMethodistChurchat1p.m.,withasocialhourfromnoonto1p.m.Formoreinformation,visitselbyvillecommunityclub.orgor

IntheGenes— SponsoredbytheLewesHistoricalSocietyandtheSussexCountyGenealogicalSociety,theGenealogistin ResidenceprogramisonthefirstSaturday ofeachmonthfrom10a.m.to2p.m.inthe

Read ingRoomattheLewesHistoryMuseum.MembersoftheSocietywillbeavailabletohelpanyonewhohasquestions abouttheirfamilytree.TheLewesHistorical SocietyArchivesFamilyFileswillbeavailableforresearch.Formoreinformation,visit thematscgsdelaware.orgor

VIPMeets— VIPisasocialgroupforvisuallyimpairedpersons,andmeetsthefirstand thirdWednesdayofeachmonthattheMastersoncenteratSt.AnnChurchfrom1to3 p.m.Ne wmembersarewelcome.Formore information,call(240)315-4361.

BeachSingles— BeachSingles,55-Plus, meetseveryThursdayforHappyHourfrom4 to6p.m.atHarpoonHanna’sonRoute54. Formoreinformation,call(302)436-9577.


WethePeople— "WethePeople"isaneffort puttogetherbyBillMurphytocelebratepatriotismandcelebratetheflag,bymeetingat theBethanyBeachbandstandeveryWednesdayat8:30a.m.tosupportthemilitary,law enforcementan dfirefighterswhoserveand protect.Allarewelcome.

AdultTime— SouthCoastalLibraryholds

Puzzles,Checkers,Crosswords&Coloringfor AdultsMondaythroughSaturday,whenever thelibraryisopen.Thereisanadultcoloring station,jigsawpuzzles,crosswords,Sudoku andwordfinds,alongwithagiantchecker board.


DemsMeet— The41stDemocratRDmeets thethirdThursdayofeverymonthatPizza KingRestaurantinMillsboroat6p.m.Thisis opentoanyDemoc rats.Formoreinformation,callDonnaSpicklerat(302)927-0050.

ShoreDems— TheShoreDemocratsmeets attheDenatBearTrapDunesclubhouse from11a.m.to1:30p.m.onthethird Wednesdayofthemonth.Thisisasocial organizationthateducates,informsand createscamaraderieamongtheirmembers throughmonthlylunchmeetingsthatfeatureengagingspeakers.Formoreinformation,

RepublicansMeet— The38thDistrictRepublicanClu bwillmeetatSouthCoastalLibrarythefourthMondayofthemonth.Social hoursbeginat6p.m.,andthemeetingstarts promptlyat6:30p.m.Informationontheclub,


TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp theTemple”onMondays,Wednesdaysand Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center.Theclassesaresession-based,not dr op-in,socontactCarolLynchat(302) 745-8237orcklynch02@gmail.comfor moredetails.

YogaClasses— MarinersBethelUnited MethodistChurchhostsyogaclassesat5 p.m.onWednesdaysintheArmorRoom,

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upstairsinthechurchbuilding,with HeatherMurphy.Thereisa$5drop-infee. Classesareopentothecommunityandall arewelcome.

ZumbaClass— MarinersBethelUnited MethodistChurchisholdingazumbaexerciseclassinthesocialhalleveryMondayat 10a.m.Therei sa$6drop-infee.Noregistrationisnecessary,andallarewelcome.For moreinformation,contact

MultipleMyelomaSupport— TheDelaware MultipleMyelomaSupportGroupmeetsthe thirdSaturdayofeverymonthviaZoomfrom 1to3p.m.Formoreinformation,contact SueIwahashiat

LineDancing— CapeHenlopenSeniorCenter ishostingline-dancingclassesonMondays. Beginnersclassestakeplaceat10a.m.,and Impr oversareat11a.m.Formoreinformation,call(302)227-2055.


NeedlepointGuild— Delaware’sSeashore ChapterofTheAmericanNeedlepointGuild meetsonthefirstMondayofthemonth from10a.m.to2p.m.attheLewesPublic Library.Bringingaboxlunchisencouraged.Newmembersarealwayswelcome. Fordetails,sendanemailtothechapterat

CoffeeandCarsCruiseIn— St.George’s UnitedMethodistChurchand theGhostRydersCarClubarehostingacruise-inatthe churchthesecondandfourthFridayof eachmonth,beginningMay2.Thereisno fee,andtherewillbecoffee,donutsand fellowship.Formoreinformation,callMike Stramellaat(410)419-1843.


VFWChickenShack— VFWChickenShack operationwillbeginSaturday,May20,runningthroughSaturday,Sep.2,from7:30 a.m.untilsoldout,rainorshine.Thecost is$10forhalfabarbecuedchickenanda bagofchips.Coldd rinksareavailablefor $1each.TheChickenShackislocatedadjacenttotheNationalGuardTrainingFacilityonRoute1southbound,justnorthof BethanyBeach.

VFWBreakfast— VeteransofForeignWars Post7234inOceanViewishostingan “all-you-can-eat”breakfasteverySunday throughLaborDayfrom8a.m.tonoon. Breakfastincludeseggs,sausage,ham, scrapple,potatoes,Frenchtoast,toast, freshfruit,juice,tea,coffeeandpastries. Allproceedsbenefitloc alveterancauses. Theseareopentothepublic.


MusicJam— St.MatthewsBytheSea UnitedMethodistChurchishostinga MusicJamonthefirstandthirdFridaysof themonthat4p.m.Alllevelsarewelcome.


RailroadMuseum— TheDelawareSeaside RailroadClubhouseisaninteractivemuseumofmodelrailroading,andislocated at36668DuPontBoulevard,inSelbyville.

42 CoastalPoint July7,2023

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July7,2023 CoastalPoint 43
44 CoastalPoint July7,2023

TheTownofBethanyBeachhelditsannual4thofJulyParadeonTuesday,July4. Dignitaries,firstrespondersandothersgatheredtocelebratethebirthdayofthe UnitedStates.Childrenparadedtheirdecoratedbikes,tossedcandy,handedout flagsandsprayedbubblestothecrowd.

July7,2023 CoastalPoint 45

mandatory),andallproceedsbenefitthe DelawareCenterfortheInlandBays. YogawithSandy— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingayogaclassforyogisand beginneryogisat11a.m.Thisisaclass forallagesandstages,andthereisa$20 costforunlimitedyoga.Registrationisrequired,andyoucansignuponlineat 732-9351.

Dungeons&DragonsClub— Frankford PublicLibraryishostingaDungeons& DragonsClubeveryTuesdaythr oughAug. 15at5:30p.m.Thisprogramisforages 13andolder.Registrationisrequired,and youcansignuponlineat 732-9351.


StoryTime— ThepopularChildren’sStory TimeintheParkwillbeheldattheFenwick

IslandGazeboat10a.m.Asthegroup readsbooksthissummer,theywilllearn aboutprotectingtheenvironment.Theywill growvegetablesintheirvegetablegarden, andseecaterpillarsturnintobutterflies. Thisis sponsoredbytheBarefootGarden ClubofFenwickIsland.

FeelingsRock— FeelingsRockwillmeetat theMillvilleBoardwalkat10a.m.Thisprogramisamusic,movementandmoreprogramdesignedtohelpchildrenunderage5 andtheirfamiliesworkthrougheveryday emotions.Thisisfree,andnoregistrationis necessary.ThisishostedbySouthCoastal Library.

TrueCrimeClub— SouthCoastalLibrary’s TrueCrimeClubwillmeetat2p.m.,and theywilllookatthemurderofEli zabeth Short,akatheBlackDahlia.Youmayattend liveoronZoom.Registrationisappreciated, andwillgiveaccesstovideossentbythe presenterpriortotheprogram.Toregister,

TeenCricutT-Shirts —Teensages12-17who havecompletedtheSouthCoastalLibrary’s TeensummerReadingChallengebyreadingfor

10hoursbetweenJune1andJuly11areeligibletomakeafreet-shirtat10a.m.withthe library’sCricutmachine.Youmustreservea timeslotfortheeventbycalling(302)8585518.

CascadingCarlos— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingtwo-timeGuinnessWorld RecordholderCascadingCarlosat10:30 a.m.forajugglingshow.

RetroVideoGames— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingaTeenRetroVideoGame Nightat4:30p.m.Playclassicconsoles andmakenewfriends.Cosplayiswelcome.Theprogramisforages12-18.


CeramicPlanterCraft— SouthCoastalLibraryisinvitingpeople18andoldertopaint asmallceramicbootplanterwithacrylic paintat10a.m.Noregistrationisrequired. BugsandBogs— DelawareBotanicGardens willhostaBugsandBogsClassfrom11:30 a.m.to12:30p.m.Exploretheworldof aquaticbugs,tadpolesandinsectsinthis family-friendlyclassforallages.Thecostis $10perclassforadultsandchildrenare

free.Reservationsarerequired,andcanbe rareadmittedfreewhen accompaniedbyanadult.Membershave freeadmission,andnon-memberspaya$15 admissionfee.

YogawithSandy— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingayogaclassforyogisand beginneryogisat11a.m.Thisisaclass forallagesandstages,andthereisa$20 costforunlimitedyoga.Registrationisrequired,andyoucansignuponlineat 732-9351.

BabyBees— EveryWednesday,Frankford PublicLibraryhostsBab yBeesstorytime forchildrenfrombirthto24monthsoldat 10:30a.m.Comelistentostories,songs andengagewithotherbabies.Registrationisrequired.Formoreinformation,

PassporttoFun— FrankfordPublicLibrary ishostingauniquestorytimeat1p.m. thatgoesalongwiththeirsummerreading program,“AllTogetherNow.”Eachweek theywilllearnaboutanewcountryand culture.Thisisforages5-10.

BasicsofMan ga— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingprofessionalartistMike Ngat5p.m.Thisisforages12-18.


KindnessRocksCraft— SouthCoastalLibraryisinvitingyoungpeoplefrom10-17 tothelibraryat10a.m.topainttheirown rockwithaninspirationalmessageor imageusingpaintpensandacrylicpaint. Thenparticipantsareencouragedtohide theirkindnessrockssomewhereintheir communitytospreadkindnesstosomeone else.Allmaterialsareprovided,whiles upplieslast.

AdultCricut— SouthCoastalLibraryishostingadultsat2p.m.tolearnhowtousethe library’sCricutmachine.Bringacottontshirt,andfollowdirectiononhowtouseit.



TheyareopentothepubliceveryWednesdayfrom5to8p.m.,andeverySaturday, from10a.m.to3p.m.Admissionisfree. Formoreinformation,visitthemonlineat

SelbyvilleMuseum— TheSelbyvilleMuseum isopenfrom10a.m.to2p.m.onthethird SaturdayofeachmonththroughOctober. variousrailroadandTownartifactsdating backtotheearliestagriculturaldaysthrough late20thCenturypolicememorabiliaareon display.Themuse umislocatedat6Railroad AvenueinSelbyville.Admissionisfree.For moreinformation,


Women’sSummerBibleStudy— ANo HomeworkWomen’sSummerBibleStudyIII meetsonthebeachat2ndStreetin BethanyBeacheveryWednesday,from June7toJuly26,from8:30to9:45a.m. Participantsshouldbringachair,andcan registerbycalling539-9510oronlineat soyoucanbecontacted iflocationchangesduetobeachreplenishment.

46 CoastalPoint July7,2023 “Wonderful things for gardens, homes and best friends” 40118 E. South Carolina St., Fenwick Island One o the Highway next to Nantucket’s Restaurant 302-539-2405 • DEE DEE PHILLIPS & Husband, Props. • OPEN DAILY 10am–5pm Closed Tuesday & Wednesday roughout the Summer CAROLINA
Lee Industries Furniture • Original Artwork Handmade Rugs • Carvings • Accessories Celebrating 31 Years in Business!
Anniversary Storewide Sale 20% off Thurs, July 6th Fri, July 7th Sat, July 8th
Continuedfrompage41 SeeCALENDARpage48


MountaireFarmshandedout$30,000 in“FarmtoTable”scholarshipsrecently tohelpsupportgraduatingseniorswho arepursuingcareersinagriculture,culinaryarts,orrelatedfieldsthatsupport foodproductionandfeedingtheworld.

ThiswasthefirstyearoftheMountaireFarmsWBOCFarmtoTable Scholarshipprogram,whichselectsadeservinghighschoolsenioreachmonth fromSeptemberthroughJuneandshares theirstoryonWBOC-TVsegments throughoutthemonth.Winningstudents earna$2,000scholarshipfromMountaire.

Attheyear-endbanquetlastweekat theDelawareAgriculturalMuseumin Dover,studentsandtheirfamilieswere broughttogethertocelebratetheir achievementsandhearsomeinspiring wordsfromDelawarechefHari Cameron.Hecongratulatedthestudents ontheirachievementsandrecountedhis journeytosuccess,emphasizingthat “anythingispossiblewithhardworkand determination.”

Cameronhasearnednumerousawards andaccolades,includingJamesBeard nominationsforBestChef:Mid-Atlantic andRisingStarChefoftheYear.HerecentlycompetedagainstchefBobbyFlay ontheFoodNetwork.Hehasbeenhead chefand/orownerofseveralrestaurants intheRehobothBeacharea.

“It’ssoimportanttorecognizethekey rolethatagricultureandculinaryartsplay inoursocietytoday,”saidPhillipPlylar, presidentofMountaireFarms.“During COVID,itwasthosetwoindustriesthat helpkeepeveryonefed.Shiningalight ontheimportantworkofthepeoplewho grow,raise,prepare,andservethefoodwe eateachdayhasbeenanhonor.”


•HunterHolladayofIndianRiver HighSchool,whoservesasFFApresident,andisamemberoftheNational HonorSociety.Heplanstoattend DelawareTechandstudylivestockveterinaryscience.

•CeciliaUebelofStephenDecatur HighSchoolinBerlin,Md.,amemberof theNationalHonorsSociety,theNationalEnglishHonorSocietyandthe NationalTechnicalHonorSociety.She alsoservedasFFAvicepresident(2021), andFFApresident(2022,2023).She planstoattendtheUniversityof Delawareinthefallandstudywildlife ecologyandconservation,andpursuea careerinaglandconservation.

•SamanthaTeoliofIndianRiver HighSchool,whohasworkedatafarmto-tablerestaurantforthreeyears,gaining experiencewhilealsobeingthecaptainof thegirl’slacrosseteam,onthefield hockeyteam,volunteeringwiththeLeo Club,andearningherspotintheNationalHonorSociety.Sheplanstoattend WalnutHillCollegeandbecomeahead chefandarestaurantowner.

Twooverallwinnerswereselectedfor anadditional$5,000scholarshipeachlast

night:AidanBellandSamanthaTeoli, fortheiroutstandingaccomplishments andleadership.

DelawareDeputyAgSecretary GeorgeClass-PetersJr.remindedeachof thestudentsthat“notallheroeswear

capes,”underliningthepotentialthat eachstudentholdsforthefuture.

July7,2023 CoastalPoint 47
CoastalPoint•Submitted OutdoorsDelmarvaHostJasonLee,DelawarecelebritychefHariCameron,joinoverallFarmtoTableScholarshipwinnersIndian RiverHighSchoolseniorSamanthaTeoliandLaurelHighSchoolseniorAidanBell,alongwithMountaireCommunityRelations ManagerZachEvansandMountairePresidentPhillipPlylar.


FreeGardenCrafts— Childrenages6-12 areinvitedtoDelawareBotanicGardensat PepperCreekforaFreeGardenCraftsClass from10to11a.m.Adultsarewelcometo stayforthefreeclass,orvisitthegardens ontheirown.Thereisalsoaguidedtourat 10a.m.foracostof$10.Thisclassis“Why areFlowersSoColorful?”.Childrenmust haveaclassreservation,andcanreserveat ts.Children16 andunderareadmittedfreewhenaccompaniedbyanadult.Membershavefreeadmission,andnon-memberspaya$15 admissionfee.


SelbyvilleMuseum— TheSelbyvilleMuseumisopenfrom10a.m.to2p.m.onthe thirdSaturdayofeachmonththroughOctober.variousrailroadandTownartifactsdatingbacktotheearliestagriculturaldays throughlate20thCenturypolicememorabiliaareondisplay.Themuseumislocated at6RailroadAvenueinSelbyv ille.Admission isfree.Formoreinformation,

ChickenSalad— TheBishopville(Md.)VolunteerFiredepartmentAuxiliarywillbeholdingachickensaladcarryoutfromnoonto2 p.m.atthemainstation.Thecostis$8per pint.Foraguaranteedpre-order,call(619) 922-9950.

SuperSaturday— FrankfordPublicLibrary ishostingayogaclassforyogisandbe-

ginneryogisat10:30a.m.Thisisaclass forallagesandstages,an dthereisa$20 costforunlimitedyoga.Registrationisrequired,andyoucansignuponlineat 732-9351.

JournalingWorkshop —FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingajournalingworkshopfor adultsat12:30p.m.

Coffee,TeaandHarmony —TheDelmarva ChorusispresentingCoffee,Tea&’20sHarmonyattheOceanPinesCommunityCenterat 7p.m.Therewillbedoorprizes,a50-50raffle, homemadedessertsandashow.Thedonation requestedis$10.Formoreinformation,orto purchasetickets,callJeanetteat(410)7263279.


VirtualCottageTour— The2023Beachand BayCottageTour,presentedbytheFriends oftheSouthCoastalLibrary,willbeavailablevirtuallysoviewerscanseeall10 housesfromthesafetyandcomfortoftheir ownhomes.Formoreinformation,ortopurchasetickets,


MountainBand— SeasideJewishCommunityissponsoringaperformancebyNew York-basedbluegrassband,NefeshMountainBand,atEpworthUnitedMethodist Churchfrom7to10p.m.Thegroupoffersa uniqueblendofbluegrass,folk,jazzand blues,oftencombinedwithEasternEuropeanJewishmelodies.Registrationisrequired,andcanbedoneatthedooror onlineat


CraftKits— Adults18andoldercanstopby SouthCoastalLibrarytopickupafreemysterycraftkit.Thisisfree,andavailablewhile supplieslast.

StorytimeattheFarm— FrankfordPublic LibraryisholdingstorytimeatParsons’Farm at11a.m.Thisisopenforallages,andis weatherpermitting.Watchthelibrary’sFacebookpageforanyweatherupdates.For moreinformation, call(302)732-9351.

HooksandNeedles— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingatimeofknittingandcrochetingforalllevelsat1p.m.Formore information,vis (302)732-9351.


HidinginPlainSight— TheInlandBaysGardenCenterishostingaprogramonanimals noon,forages5-12.Participantswilllearn abouthorseshoecrabs,turtlesandtoads, andhowanimalsusecamouflageskills.The programwillalsofeatureatake-homeproject.Thereisasuggested$20donation(not mandatory),andallproceedsbenefitthe DelawareCenterfortheInlandBa ys. YogawithSandy— FrankfordPublicLibrary ishostingayogaclassforyogisandbeginneryogisat11a.m.Thisisaclassforall agesandstages,andthereisa$20cost forunlimitedyoga.Registrationisrequired, andyoucansignuponlineat


Dungeons&DragonsClub— Frankford PublicLibraryishostingaDungeons& DragonsClubeveryTuesdaythroughAug. 15at5:30p.m.Thisprogramisforages 13andolder..Registration isrequired,and youcansignuponlineat 732-9351.


StoryTime— ThepopularChildren’sStory TimeintheParkwillbeheldattheFenwick IslandGazeboat10a.m.Asthegroup readsbooksthissummer,theywilllearn aboutprotectingtheenvironment.Theywill growvegetablesintheirvegetablegarden, andseecaterpillarsturnintobutterflies. ThisissponsoredbytheBarefootGarden ClubofFenwickIsland.

TeenCricutT-Shirts —Teensages12-17who havecompletedtheSouthCoastalLibrary’s TeensummerReadingChallengebyreadingfor 10hoursbetweenJune1andJuly11areeligibletomakeafreet-shirtat10a.m.withthe library’sCricutmachine.Youmustreservea timeslotfortheeventbycalling(302)8585518.

LittleLighthouseKeepers —TheLewesHistoricalSocietywillpresentaprogramatSouth CoastalLibraryat10a.m.forages6and underaboutalighthouseinthemiddleofthe seathroughouttheseasons.Childrenwillhave achancetodesigntheirownpaperlighthouse totakehomeusingcolorfulstickers.Registrationislimited,andavailablebycalling(302) mustaccompanytheirchildren.

ZootoYou —TheFrankfordPublicLibraryand theSalisburyZooareholdingtwozoo-animals showingsattheFrankfordVolunteerFireCimpany,oneat10:30a.m.andoneat1p.m. Registrationisrequiredforboth, andcanbe 732-9351.

STEMWednesday —TheFrankfordPublicLibraryishostingSTEMWednesdayat5:30 p.m.,featuringballoonhovercrafts.Registration isrequired,andcanbemadeat

ShoreDems —TheShoreDemocratswillmeet atBearTrapDunesat11a.m.Therewillbe twospeakers:Dr.Jack“Jay”Owens,anIndian RiverSchoolDistricteducatorformorethan20 years;andTrinidadNavarro,Delaware’sInsuranceCommissioner.Toregister,byJuly12,


ButterfliesandBlooms— DelawareBotanic GardenswillhostaButterfliesandBlooms Classfrom9to10:30a.m.VolunteerEducatorMargaretKimmellwilldiscusssummer butterfliesandmore.Theclassconcludes byexploringthePietOudolfMeadowwith volunteersidentifyingthebutterfliesthat visitthegarden.Thecostis$10perclass foradultsandchildr enarefree.Reservationsarerequired,andcanbemadeat andunderareadmittedfreewhenaccompaniedbyanadult.Membershavefreeadmission,andnon-memberspaya$15 admissionfee.

YogawithSandy— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingayogaclassforyogisand beginneryogisat11a.m.Thisisaclass forallagesandstages,andthereisa$20

48 CoastalPoint July7,2023 Calendar Continuedfrompage46 SeeCALENDARpage49

costforunlimitedyoga.Registrationisrequired,andyoucansignuponlineat 732-9351.

BabyBees— EveryWednesday,Frankford PublicLibraryhostsBabyBeesstorytime forchildrenfrombirthto24monthsoldat 10:30a.m.Comelistentostories,songs andengagewithotherbabies.Registration isrequired.Formoreinformation,visit

PassporttoFun— FrankfordPublicLibrary isho stingauniquestorytimeat1p.m. thatgoesalongwiththeirsummerreading program,“AllTogetherNow.”Eachweek theywilllearnaboutanewcountryand culture.Thisisforages5-10.

BasicsofManga— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingprofessionalartistMike Ngat5p.m.Thisisforages12-18.

DIYBirdFeeders— FrankfordPublicLibraryisholdinganeasy,funandcreative programat5:30p.m.buildingDIYbird feeders.


CraftKits— Youthbetweentheagesof10 and17canstopbySouthCoastalLibraryto makeamancalagame.Thisisfree,and availablethroughJuly27whilesupplieslast.

FreeGardenCrafts— Childrenages6-12 areinvitedtoDelawareBotanicGardensat PepperCreekforaFreeGardenCraftsClass from10to11a.m.Adultsarewelcometo stayforthefreeclass,orvisitthegardens ontheirown.Thereisalsoaguidedtourat 10a.m.foracostof$10.Thisclassis“How dotheyRecyclePaper?”Childrenmusthave aclassreservation ,andcanreserveat andunderareadmittedfreewhenaccompaniedbyanadult.Membershavefreeadmission,andnon-memberspaya$15 admissionfee.


BloomsandPollinators— StephenPryce Lea,theDirectorofHorticultureandEducationalProgramsatDelawareBotanicGardens,isleadingatourofthesummer meadowwithasensorytourofPietOudolf’s Meadow.Thecostofthetourisfreefor members,asisadmission.Non-me mbers paya$10tourfee,plusa$15admission feetothegardens.Reservationsmustbe madebygoingto


StorytimeattheFarm— FrankfordPublic LibraryisholdingstorytimeatParsons’Farm at11a.m.Thisisopenforallages,andis weatherpermitting.Watchthelibrary’sFacebookpageforanyweatherupdates.For moreinformation, call(302)732-9351.

HooksandNeedles— FrankfordPublicLibraryishos tingatimeofknittingandcrochetingforalllevelsat1p.m.Formore information, (302)732-9351.


PAWSforReading— Well-trainedteamsof dogsandownerswillprovideasupportive

andfunwayforkidstogainconfidencein readingaloudatSouthCoastalLibraryat4 p.m.Childrenreadfor15minutes,andmay bringtheirownbookiftheywish.Thisisfor ages5andolder.Toregister,call(302)8585518.

FeederFrenzy— TheInlandBay sGarden CenterishostingaprogramonInlandBays Birdingfrom10a.m.tonoon,forages5-12. ParticipantswillsearchtheCenterfordifferenttypesofbirdsandsomeoftheirfavorite snacks,likecaterpillars.Theprogramwill alsofeatureatake-homeproject.Thereisa suggested$20donation(notmandatory), andallproceedsbenefittheDelawareCenterfortheInlandBays.


StoryTime— ThepopularChildren’sStory TimeintheParkwillbeheldattheFenwick IslandGazeboat10a.m.Asthegroup readsbooksthissummer,theywilllearn aboutprotectingtheenvironment.Theywill growvegetablesintheirvegetablegarden, andseecaterpillarsturnintobutterflies. ThisissponsoredbytheBarefootGarden ClubofFenwickIsland.

YogaforKids— ROOTSYouthdevelopment’s licensedyogainstructor,BrookeRodriguez, willleadchildreninafunandinteractive yogasessionatEvansParkinMillvilleat10 a.m.Thisisforelementarya ges,andparentsmustaccompanychildren.Theeventis hostedbysouthCoastalLibrary,andregistrationisrequiredandavailablebycalling (302)

TeenArtShowAwards— Thewinnersofthe SouthCoastalLibrary’s2023TeenArtShow awardswillbeannouncedinthelibrary’s TeenRoomat5:30p.m.Lightsnackswillbe

provided.Registrationisnotrequired,but spaceislimitedandonafirst-come,firstservedbasis.Prizeshavebe endonatedby thefriendsoftheSouthCoastalLibrary.

EscapeRoom— FrankfordPublicLibraryis holdingaHogwartsEscapeRoomat5:30 p.m.,wheretheSortingHatwillplace witchesandwizardsintotheirhousesso teamscanworktogethertosolvepuzzles. Cosplayiswelcome.Thisprogramisfor ages12-18.Registrationisrequired,andcan (302)732-9351.


Beach&BayCottageTour— The2023 Beach&BayCottageTour,presentedbythe FriendsoftheSouthCoastalLibrary,willbe live.Formoreinformation,ortopurchase tickets,


TeenArtshow— SouthCoastalLibraryinvitesthepublictovisitthe2023TeenArt Showinthelibrary’sTeenRoom.Talented artistsages12-18havecreated2Dand3D artworksofvariousmedia.Winnerswereselectedbylocalprofessionalartists,and prizeswereawarded.


HouselFun&Fitness— SouthCoastalLibraryissponsoringafun,interactiveprogramonbuildingcognitive,social,emotional andphysicalwell-beingatJohnWestParkat 3p.m.Forchildrenandfamilies.Noregistrationisrequired.

ButterfliesandBlooms— DelawareBotanic


Classfrom9to10:30a.m.VolunteerEducatorMargaretKimmellwilldiscusssummer butterfliesandmore.Theclassconcludesby exploringthePietOudolfMeadowwithvolunteersi dentifyingthebutterfliesthatvisit thegarden.Thecostis$10perclassfor adultsandchildrenarefree.Reservations arerequired, areadmittedfreewhenaccompaniedbyan adult.Membershavefreeadmission,and non-memberspaya$15admissionfee.

YogawithSandy— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingayogaclassforyogisand beginneryogisat11a.m.Thisisaclass forallagesandstages,andthe reisa$20 costforunlimitedyoga.Registrationisrequired,andyoucansignuponlineat 732-9351.

BabyBees— EveryWednesday,Frankford PublicLibraryhostsBabyBeesstorytime forchildrenfrombirthto24monthsoldat 10:30a.m.Comelistentostories,songs andengagewithotherbabies.Registration isrequired.Formoreinformation,visit

PassporttoFun— FrankfordPublicLib rary ishostingauniquestorytimeat1p.m. thatgoesalongwiththeirsummerreading program,“AllTogetherNow.”Eachweek theywilllearnaboutanewcountryand culture.Thisisforages5-10.

BasicsofManga— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingprofessionalartistMike Ngat5p.m.Thisisforages12-18.

July7,2023 CoastalPoint 49 Beach Goods • Bait • Tackle • Ice Chairs • Towels • Umbrellas • Beach Toys Hunting Supplies • Ammunition 302-539-6243 www.hookemcookemout • Open Daily 34444 Coastal Hwy. • York Beach Mall • Bethany, DE Judy V. 39401 Inlet Rd. North Indian River Marina Rehoboth, DE 302-226-2214 www. Capt. Bob II Beginning May 27th / Daily 1/2 Day Advance Reservations Recommended Through mid-October Limited Space | Full Day Advance Reservations Recommended Now Running Daily Come by Car or Boat! Seafood Market OPEN DAILY BEACH GOODSNOW AVAILABLE! AND Supplies for Inshore, Offshore & Jetty Fishing Rods • Reels • Tackle • Bait Fresh Local Seafood • Fish Cleaning Service 302-226-8220 • Open Daily • Call For Hours 39401 Inlet Rd. • North Indian River Marina • Rehoboth, DE Calendar Continuedfrompage48 SeeCALENDARpage50




CraftKits— Youthbetweentheagesof10 and17canstopbySouthCoastalLibraryto makeamancalagame.Thisisfree,and availablethroughJuly27whilesupplieslast.

Story&ArtforKids— ArtistJacqueline Boydwillteachages6-10howtodrawillustrationsfromabookatSouthCoastalLibrary at10a.m.Thisisfree,andregistrationisrequiredandavailableat(302)858-5518orat

TeenCricutT-Shirts —Teensages12-17who havecompleted theSouthCoastalLibrary’s TeensummerReadingChallengebyreadingfor 10hoursbetweenJune1andJuly11areeligibletomakeafreet-shirtat10a.m.withthelibrary’sCricutmachine.Youmustreserveatime slotfortheeventbycalling(302)858-5518.

FreeGardenCrafts— Childrenages6-12 areinvitedtoDelawareBotanicGardensat PepperCreekforaFreeGardenCraftsClass from10to11a.m.Adultsarewelcometo stayforthefreeclass,orvisitthegardens ontheirown .Thereisalsoaguidedtourat 10a.m.foracostof$10.Thisclassis“The ArtoftheFlower.”Childrenmusthavea classreservation,andcanreserveat andunderareadmittedfreewhenaccompaniedbyanadult.Membershavefreeadmission,andnon-memberspaya$15 admissionfee.


MUMCBakeSale— TheMillvilleUnited

WomeninFaithwillhosttheirsummerBake SaleintheWesleyHallnexttoMillvilleUMC at36405ClubhouseRoad ,from8to10:30isha.m.,featuringhomemadecakes,pies, cookiesandsweettreats.Allproceedsgoto supportlocalmissionprojects.

SuperSaturday— FrankfordPublicLibrary ishostingayogaclassforyogisandbeginneryogisat10:30a.m.Thisisaclass forallagesandstages,andthereisa$20 costforunlimitedyoga.Registrationisrequired,andyoucansignuponlineat 732-9351.


StorytimeattheFarm— FrankfordPublic LibraryisholdingstorytimeatParsons’Farm at11a.m.Thisisopenforallages,andis weatherpermitting.Watchthelibrary’sFacebookpageforanyweatherupdates.For moreinformation, call(302)732-9351.

HooksandNeedles— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingatimeofknittingandcrochetingforalllevelsat1p.m.Formore information, (302)732-9351.


NeedlepointGuild— Delaware’sSeashore ChapterofTheAmericanNeedlepointGuild meetsonthefirstMondayofthemonth from10a.m.to2p.m.attheLewesPublic Library.Bringingaboxlunchisencouraged.Newmembersarealwayswelcome. Fordetails,sendanemailtothechapterat

50 CoastalPoint July7,2023 After After i estoration OFF Before bl/S arble/S lih M olishP Before Stone e h R hower ll S ullF 5$ O 50 out et started with a G free . estimate today rile & GT tertopsounC y job of $500 An !oreor M t o er at time of estimate. ust presenM* . y other o er annot be combined with an C all for details. C ARE DEL GROUT SIR 2 2) 206-630 (30 e.comwarelaDoutrirGS
SLEEP CITY 443.664.6378 138th St & Coastal Hwy, OC SAME DAY DELIVERY!! * *On Select Mattresses B A Y S I D E P L A Z A 1 3 8 T H S T C O A S T A L H W Y W A R E H O U S E 4 0 4 1 4 6 T H S T R E E T MATTRESS & FURNITURE SINCE 2007 ART • BUNK BEDS • MIRRORS • LAMPS & MORE! All Sizes of Boat Mattresses Available WAREHOUSE NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC BAYSIDE PLAZA 138TH ST & COASTAL HWY WAREHOUSE 404 146TH ST Over 60 Different Sleeper Sofas Fabrics IN STOCK NOW with DELIVER ASAP Sleepers from $799-$1,399 $169 $1,899 4 Colors Available SHEET SALE $35 PER SET! BAMBOO • GIZA • BAMBOO INFUSED W/COPPER QUALITY FURNITURE AT AFFORDABLE PRICES Poly 6 Colors Available “S.O.S.” SLEEPERS ON SALE 30% OFF ALL ARTWORK S.O.S. S.O.S. S.O.S. S.O.S. S.O.S. S.O.S. S.O.S. S.O.S. S. O. S. S. O. S. S. O. S. S. O. S. S. O. S. S. O. S. S. O. S. S.O.S. S.O.S. S.O.S. S.O.S. S.O.S. S.O.S. S.O.S. S.O.S. S. O. S. S. O. S. S. O. S. S. O. S. S. O. S. S. O. S. S. O. S. July7,2023 CoastalPoint 51

LoCasciofamilywinsbestboat atSouthBethanyParade


ThetraditionalSouthBethanyBoatParadeamongthecanalslast weekendwithdecoratedboatsandcrazycrewsmakingtheircase forthebest‘float’boatintheparade.JoePetitoonceagainserved astheprimaryeventorganizerandwasjoinedthisyearbyJan Mink.ThewinnersoftheSouthBethanyBoatParadeincluded:







JanMinksaid,‘Theboatparadewasalotoffun,asalways,and thereweresomanycreativeandfunboats.Ittrulywashardtogive outonlyfiveawards.Allparticipantswereveryenthusiasticand seemedtoenjoythemselves.Thejudgeshadalotoffundeciding thewinners.’

Thejudgesthisyearincluded:VincenzaPilla,CarminePilla,Debbie Rhoad, FrankSpinglerandJanMink.Anawardsceremonywas heldonMonday,July3,atthenewlyremodeledSouthBethany TownHallwherecertificateswerepresentedbyPetito.However,it seemsthebraggingrightsarejustasimportanttotheseboatownersandtheprizes.

52 CoastalPoint July7,2023


Katherine“Kitty”Cole,the motheroflongtimeSussex CountycouncilmanGeorge Cole,waspresentedwitha proclamationduringthisweek’s countycouncilmeeting,incelebrationofher100thbirthdayon Friday,July7.

TheCityofRehobothBeach, whereshelives,dedicateda benchtoherinCranberryPark nearherhome.

“I’llbeatthemeetingwith her.She’s100yearsold.You don’twantherdriving,doyou?” hersonjoked.

KittyColereplacedherhusband,Charles,ontheSussex CountyCouncilafterhediedin 1985.Sheservedforafew months,finishinghisterm,until hersonwaselectedandwenton beacouncilmanfor32years.

“Shehelpedmegetelected, that’sforsure.Igotin,in1986. MyfatherworkedforDuPont for35years.Hewasonthe councilcloseto12years.The Countyhasbeenalargepartof ourlives.Aroundthekitchen table,theCountywasabigpart oftheconversation,”Colesaid.

“She’sdoinggood.For100 yearsold,sheisremarkable. She’sstillinthehousetheybuilt onOliveAvenue.Hersecret?I don’tknow.Alotofscrapple. Shekeepsthinkingonethese doctorsisgoingtogiveher somekindofmagicpotion,but theykeeptellingher,‘Whatever itisyou’redoing,keepdoingit.’

“Shelivesablockandahalfoffthe boardwalk,threestreetsfromthemain street.ThewalkabilityofRehoboth

andthelocationwheresheliveshas beenoneofthekeystoherlonglife,” GeorgeColesaid.“Shewouldwalk uptown,walktothelibrary,walkto

thepostoffice.Shewasabletowalka lot,andthatwasconvenient.”

Whenhewasgrowingup,hesaid, hismother“wasontheball.”

“Ihadtwobrothers,andshe knewwhatwewereuptomost ofthetime.Butbackwhenwe wererunningaroundRehoboth, itdidn’tseemsoscary,letting yourkidsrunwildaroundtown. Wespentalotoftimeonthe beach.Whenwewerereallylittle,mymotherusedtobrag abouthowshebroughtustothe beacheveryday—notjusta littlebit,buteveryday.Andwe werealwaysworkingonthe beach,rentingumbrellas,”Cole said.

Inthe1970s,KittyCole earnedherrealestatelicense andworkedforrealestatecompaniesbeforeopeningherown business.

“Thatlastedforawhile.It wasmostlyreferrals.Shehasalwaysbeenactivewiththetown. Shehasalwaysbeenawatchdog ofthetowncouncil.Shehas hadmanyletterstotheeditor overtheyearsaboutwhatthe townhasbeendoing,inreferencetothelakesituation, ducks,parking,takingtrees down.Shehasbeenveryvocal. Theyknowher.Theyknowher welldowntown.It’snicethe townhonoredherwitha proclamation,”saidCole,whose brothersareCharlesandNeil.

Shehasaboutadozen grandchildrenandgreat-grandchildrencombined,hesaid.

Tocelebratehismother’s birthday,thefamilyisplanning agatheringinherfrontyard,as familymembershadwhenshe celebratedher95thbirthday. “Itturnedoutrealnice.Friends andfamilycongregated,andeverybodyhadagoodtime,”George Colesaid.

July7,2023 CoastalPoint 53 Featuring Bassett’s Hand-Dipped Ice Cream Open Thursday - Sunday • 5-9pm 38430 Resort RV Circle, Ocean View, just off Cedar Neck Rd. Try our Cookie Sandwich Floats • Sorbets Sundaes • Milkshakes Frozen Doggie Treats The SweetShoppe OPEN WED–SUN 10–7PM •Steamed Crabs •Shrimp & Lobsters •Key Lime Pie •Crab Cakes •Maryland Crab Soup •Fresh Fish Market 539-4311 Crab Orders 539-4403 30447 Cedar Neck Road Ocean View 1/2 Mile From Coastal Hwy. & Rt. 26
CoastalPoint•Submitted Katherine‘Kitty’Colerecentlycelebratedher100thbirthdayandwaspresentedwithaproclamation fromtheCityofRehobothBeach,whoalsodedicatedaparkbenchinhernameinCranberryPark.


theBayForestBeachClub,36115 BayForestDrive,OceanView, Del.,from11a.m.to2p.m.Inlieu offlowers,thefamilyrequesteddonationsbemadeinHoffman’shonor totheAlzheimer’sAssociation (

MargaretM.‘Peggy’Jones,100, MargaretM.“Peggy”Jones,100, ofFrankford,Del.,passedawayon Sunday,June25,2023,surroundedby herfamily.ShewasbornonNov.19, 1922,tothelateClarenceTimmons

andAnnaJ.(West)Timmonsin Dagsboro,Del.Shewasbornand raisedonKildeePointinPiney Neck,Dagsboro.

ShegraduatedfromJohnM. ClaytonHighSchoolin1940,and graduatedfromnursingschoolin 1944.ShethenmarriedWilliamT. DoukasandmovedtoBaltimore.She becamearegisterednurseandhadan extensive70-yearcareer.Sheworked foryearsatJohnsHopkinsUniversityandwasthechargenurseofthe HalstedUnitthere.Shemovedback toDelawareafterherhusband wantedtoreturntothecountry.

JonesopenedthedoorsofTidal HealthHospitalin1951butfelther

callingwasgeriatrics.William Doukaspassedin1971,andyears latershemarriedWilliamJonesof Bridgeville,Del.

Shebecamethechargenursefor theMethodistManorHouseandthe HarrisonHouse.WhenWilliam Joneswasdiagnosedwith Alzheimer’s,theymovedtoMillsboro,andshebecametheindustrial nurseforDelmarvaPower.

AfterthedeathofWilliamJones, shewentbacktocollegeandearned hercertificationinpsychological counselingatDelawareTechnical CommunityCollegeinGeorgetown. Sheworkedatgeriatrichomecare andretiredat91,butshecontinued



ShewasanactivememberofThe Father’sHousechurchinFrankford. Sheadoredherfamilyandfriends, andlivedbythesaying,“Treatothers howyouwanttobetreated.”

Alongwithherfirsthusbandand parents,Joneswasalsoprecededin deathbyhersecondhusband, WilliamA.Jones;andninesiblings. Sheissurvivedbyherthreechildren, TheodoreDoukas(andDebbie)of Quinby,Va.,MichaelDoukas(and Lisa),alsoofQuinby,Va.,andJayne Wiley(andFred)ofFrankford,Del.; ninegrandchildren;andseveral great-grandchildren.

Afuneralservicewilltakeplaceat 11a.m.onFriday,July7,2023,atthe FrankfordChapelofMelsonFuneral ServicesinFrankford,Del.,where friendsandfamilymaygatherat10 a.m.IntermentwillfollowatMillsboroCemeteryinMillsboro,Del.In lieuofflowers,thefamilyrequested donationsbemadeinJones’nameto theAmericanCancerSocietybyvisiting,


RonaldEugeneOtt,55,ofSelbyville, Del.,diedSaturday,June3,2023,at home.HewasborninBaltimore,Md., sonofJoyceThelma(Downey)Lehew andthelateFrancisWayneOtt.

Hehadbeenarooferallhislife,and whenhemovedtoSelbyville,hestarted TopoftheLineContractorLLC.

Ottwasprecededindeathbytwo brothers,WaltHammondandHarry Downey.Heissurvivedbyhisson,Alec AndrewOtt,andhisfiancée,JarrenLee Cropper;twobrothers,WayneFrancis Ottandhiswife,Beth,ofSalisbury, Md.,andRichardG.Ottandhiswife, Ellen,ofRockhall,Md.;agrandchild onthewayinSeptember;andmany niecesandnephews.

Noformalservicesareplannedat thistime.Donationsinhismemory maybemadetotheBrandywineValley SPCA,22918DupontBlvd.,Georgetown,DE19947.Condolencesmaybe sentbyvisiting

54 CoastalPoint July7,2023


Faithgroupstaketo CapitolHilltotalk aboutcareforcreation

Environmentalpolicyofcriticalimportancetotheregion—including measuresonsealevelrise,coastalflooding,beachnourishmentandreplenishment—areamongthelegislativeitems movingquicklyonCapitolHill.

WiththeplannedretirementofU.S. Sen.TomCarper(D-Del.),chairmanof thepowerfulSenateEnvironment& PublicWorksCommittee,thebatonis passing toU.S.Sen.ChrisCoonsandto U.S.Rep.LisaBluntRochester(both,


RochesterthisweekdeclaredhercandidacyfortheSenateseatthatCarperis vacating.

Thisweekalone,abillsupportedby thedelegationofCarper,Coonsand BluntRochester,toimprove“clean” transitbusesintheDARTsystem, brought$8.7millioninInfrastructure ActfundingbacktoDelawareandSussexCounty.Carperalsoannounced morethan$595,000inCleanWater GrantswithEPARegionalAdministratorAdamOrtizandDNRECSecretary ShawnM.Garvinatalocalevent.

EPARegionalAdministratorAdam Ortizsaid,“Fromthebeachestothe bay,wehavearesponsibilityineverythingwedotoaddressclimatechange, protectpublichealthandensureall communitieshaveaccesstosafeinfra-


CapitolHillvisitsbygrassrootsenvironmentalorganizationsandconservationnon-profitsareademocraticmeans of communicatinga“green”agendato therepresentatives.InMay,Delaware’s InterfaithPower&Light(DelIPL) metwithCoons’andBluntRochester’s officestotalkaboutcleanenergy,includingoffshorewind,andcareforcreationinthiscoastalcommunity.

“Climatechangeisamoralissue,” saidBluntRochestertothenational andDelawareIPLrepresentatives.“I wanttothankourcongregationsand faithcommunitiesforbeinggreatstewardsofourlandandwater.”

NathanRobinsonisBlunt Rochester’slegislativeassistantcharged withhandlingtheCongresswoman’senergyandenvironmentalprotectionport-

folio.Aftersheleftforakeyvote, Robinsoncontinuedmeetingwith AaronSharp,executivedirectorofDel IPLandtheRev.JeanneBoardman,regionaldirectorforsouthernDelawareof thenon-profit,whichisactiveinoffshorewindpolicy.

“TheRecoveringAmerica’sWildlife Actisastepintherightdirection,”said Robinson,confirmingthefaithcommunity’srequestforthedelegationtosupportRAWA.

BoardmannotedthatbirdsandhabitatarevitaltothesouthernDelaware communityandthat3millionspecies havefacedextinction.

Ofthebiogasindustryandrecoveringpoultrywaste,Robinsonsaid,“We SeeLEADERSHIPpage56

July7,2023 CoastalPoint 55 Serving Maryland and Delaware OFFERING COMPETITIVE PAY AND BENEFITS CALL US TODAY AT 410-641-1434 OR APPLY ONLINE ARCTICHEATANDAIR.COM MARY’S TOUCH MOVING & PACKING Please call Mary at 302-745-1272 or email If you haven’t spoken to Mary, you’ve called the wrong company! Long Distance & Local Moving Service RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Weekly Trips Around The D.C. Beltway • Storage Experts • Executive Moves • Senior Relocation • Full & Partial Packing • Liability & Cargo Insurance 109 Shady Ridge Dr., Rehoboth Beach, DE Small Job Thursday! Schedule NOW and SAVE! Parsons& Robinson,P.A. Still the preferred law office. Our Aim Is Client Satisfaction. 302.539.2220 • Ocean View, DE • For All Your Needs: Real Estate • Settlements Contracts • Leases • Wills, Trusts & Estates Corporations & LLCs

needtofigureoutpoultrywasteand otherbiofuels,butitshouldbedone withmorecommunityengagement,jobs andeducationforpeopleintheregion. Weshouldalsobemindfulofanylanguageissues,”hesaidaboutcarbon-reductionpolicies.

“Let’sgetonthesamepageandcreateunity,”hesaid.“Permittingreformis ahotissuerightnowforenergydevelopers.Wecannotskipthisstep,”said Robinsonoflocalengagement.

“Thefederalgovernmentoverall needstodoabetterjobofengagingour faith communities,”saidthelegislative assistant.“Thechurchesareacentral placewithatrustedvoice.So,wemust makeourpolicymoretransparentto everyone.”

RobinsonaddedthatBlunt Rochesterservesontheregionalcouncil

forInflationReductionActimplementation,CHIPSlegislationandInfrastructureActfunding,whichisbringing public-worksprojectstosouthern Delaware,includingDARTbusupgrades.

“WeareheretohelpourDelaware communitiesaccessthesefederalfunds,” notedRobinson.“Youaretalkingtoa friendwhenyoumeetwithRep.Blunt Rochester.Weneedtomeetourrenewableenergygoals,andwearemoving forwardwiththeFarmBill,permitting reformandcreatingfoodforourfamiliesinDelaware.”

Coonsstaffbriefing withchurchleaders

ChrisAvilaisthelegislativeaidefor energy,environment,scienceandtechnologyforCoons.HemetwiththeDel IPLleadership,includingSharpand Boardman,lastmonthtotalkaboutcur-


OntheRAWAbill,Coonsservedas aco-sponsor,andthebillhasbeenreviewedbySenateEnvironment&PublicWorks.Presently,U.S.Sen.Martin HeinrichofNewMexicoisthelead sponsorofthewildlifeprotectionand recoverybill.

“Wearequiteclosetogettingit done,”saidAvilaofRAWA.“Chris CoonsspeakswithMartinHeinrich veryoftenaboutgettingthisconservationandprotectionenacted.”

RAWAwouldprotectmorethan 12,000speciesofplantsandwildlife nowinneedof“conservationassistance,”accordingtothebill’slanguage.

“ProtectingAmerica’sfishand wildlifehabitatmeansconservingthe creatureswelovebeforetheyeverbecomeimperiled,”saidHeinrich.“After all,ourchildrendeservetoinheritthe fullbreadthofAmericanwildlife,from

bumblebeestobison,thatweknow today.Thislegislationwillmakethat possible.”

Avila addedthatCoonsbelievesthat theEPAandDNRECneedtoengage citizengroupsevenmoreinpolicydiscussionandexplainingtheimplications.

“Wewantthechurchesandcommunitygroupstobeatthetable,”said Avila.“Weneedtotakeintoaccount whatthecommunityissaying,”saidthe legislativeaide.Henotedthatthelocal SussexCountybuffersactwasastepin therightdirectiontoensurebuildersare meetingthecodeandprotectinglocal waterways.

TopreparefortheInterfaithPower & Light“HillDay,”NaomiEdelson fromtheNationalWildlifeFederation joinedthetrainingsession.Stateleaders includingSharpandBoardmanwere invitedtoroleplayhowtheywouldinteractwithCapitolHilllegislative staffers.

56 CoastalPoint July7,2023 THE BEST FOR LESS! QUALITY • PRICE • SERVICE ENJOY YOUR VACATION WITH MD CRABS & GREAT SEAFOOD! KING CRAB 20% OFF MARYLAND CRAB CAKES MARYLAND CRAB SOUP CREAM OF CRAB SOUP LOBSTER TAILS 20% OFF JUMBO SNOW CRAB JUMBO GULF SHRIMP JUMBO COCO SHRIMP Jumbo BAHAMAS Crabshack VOTED BESTCRABS 15YEARS! CALL FOR DAILY SPECIALS $39* & 1/2lb. Shrimp 1 Dz Crabs * WITH COUPON. EXP. 7/16/23 CP *3 DOZ. CRABS & 1 LB SHRIMP $99 *1/2 BUSHELS FROM $119 PREMIUM SEAFOOD BEST PRICES MED/LG • LARGE EX-LARGE • JUMBOS SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY CARRY-OUT & SEAFOOD OUTLET FENWICK ISLAND DE • NORTH OCEAN CITY, MD GUARANTEED “FAT” CRABS Sandwiches & Dinners • Seafood & Chicken • Homemade Soups 1/3 lb. MD Crab Cakes • Steamed Shrimp Open Daily @ 11:00am 302-537-5882 • Oceanside Md./Del. Line, 37085 Coastal Highway, Fenwick Island, Delaware Great Menu, Quality Food Call Ahead-Ready In Minutes NO TAX • PACK FOR TRAVEL • FREE COOLER & ICE 1/3 LB. MD JUMBO LUMP CRAB CAKE W/FRIES & DRINK LB. SNOW CRAB LB. LG SHRIMP 20 LN CLAMS LUNCH SPECIALS W/ FRIES & DRINK $60 From $8.95 $19.95 LOBSTER TAILS FRESH MD CRAB MEAT LUMP & JUMBO LUMP SCALLOPS & OYSTERS KING CRAB LEGS SNOW CRABS CLAMS & SHRIMP SWEET CORN VOTED #1 CRABS & SEAFOOD CARRY OUT JUMBO CRAB HEADQUARTERS • ALL CRABS GRADED BY WEIGHT seniors help ices so givers,caregi al letingdepletin ithout de. help. can We so not maybe Now, in hire - fro fr care, home livin emain remain can they cha to has elationshiprelatio much. v servi aw Law Elder fessionprofes or family m w safely, safely home at g ai to partner from fr nge tioninistra ust Adm e & Tr tat aw · Es L er · Eld lanning e P tatEs moc.walwwp.www 0414.826.203 om early morning t vice, fr t daily bus ser equenfr ts and nigh anaurtes o the beaches, r T t AR Then D THE shops TO DART actless mobile ont Quick & c y! odastTappARe D wnload th Do t. e nigh t o la e, with tlif ARD yment, e pa far r T T ARD ass T P DartFi tansi TRAD 1-800-652om ce.tattSsr
Leadership Continuedfrompage55

Best Bets


Dateline NBC (11) WBAL 9 p.m.

A new episode anchored by Lester Holt brings another story from NBC’s renowned newsmagazine to life. An exceptional feat of storytelling, the episode carefully pieces together real-life events to present a comprehensive picture of the case in question.

Moonshine (3) CW 9 p.m.

In the premiere of this dramedy series, viewers meet the dysfunctional Finley-Cullens family. Lidia (Jennifer Finnigan) returns home from New York for her aunt’s funeral, but a surprise inheritance ignites a feud with her rival sister.


V.C. Andrews’ Dawn (22) LIFE 8 p.m.

“Part 1” follows as young Dawn (Bree Bassinger) goes to stay with her real family after learning the shocking truth about the people who raised her. Soon after, Dawn learns that even her biological family has dark and twisted secrets of their own.

Greatest Geek Year Ever: 1982 (3) CW 8 p.m.

This special episode takes a totally tubular deep-dive into the greatest geek year in cinema ever – 1982 – featuring conversations with stars, directors, writers, producers, critics and pop culture historians, all sharing insights about the films of ‘82.


The Prank Panel (7) WMDT 8 p.m.

An all-new episode of this snicker-inducing series sees everyday people pitching pranks targeted at family members and friends to a panel of the world’s greatest pranksters, including their infamous host: the wild-card himself, Johnny Knoxville.

D.I. Ray (12) WCPB 10 p.m.

In the series premiere of this British police procedural, D.I. Rachita Ray (Parminder Nagra) is promoted to homicide but instantly realizes she is a “token” hire for the squad. The series also stars: Ian Puleston-Davies; Jessica Temple; and Gemma Whelan.

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(7) WMDT (5:30) 47abcNe World News Family Feud Family Feud Claim to Fame (N) The Bachelorette (N) News (N) (:35) J. Kimmel

(11) WBAL News (N) NBC News Inside Ed. (N) Hollywood Ninja Warrior Qualifiers 6(N) The Wall (N) Weakest Link News (N) (:35) J. Fallon

(12) WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Connection Collectibles Antiques "Omaha Hour 1" POV "Liquor Store Dreams"(N) Great American (N) Amanpour

(19) TNT (4:30) <++ Jurassic World <+++ Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 ('17)Zoe Saldaña,Chris Pratt. Rich & Shameless <+++ Knives Out ('19)

(21) FX (4:00) < Bohemian Rhapsody <+++ Hidden Figures ('16) Octavia Spencer,Janelle Monae,Taraji P. Henson. Dogs (N) Dogs (N) <+++ Bohemian Rhapsody

(22) LIFE Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles "Bloodlines" Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli "Gone Daddy Gone" (:05) Rizzoli "Remember Me" (:05) Rizzoli & Isles

(23) A&E Secrets of Playboy Secrets of Playboy Secrets of PlayboySecrets of Playboy (N)(SP) Miss America (N)(P) (:05) Playboy "Predators' Ball"

(24) TRUTV Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers JokersJokersJokersJokers <+++ Sausage Party ('16) Seth Rogen. Movie

(28) ESPN SportsCenter (N) (Live) Baseball Tonight 2023 Home Run Derby (N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live)

(29) ESPN2 (5:00) NBATod UFC Archival Baseball 2023 Home Run Derby -Alternate Telecast (N)(Live) The Ultimate FighterThe Ultimate Fighter

(33) GOLF Golf Central PGA TOUR Golf Acad. GOLF Films PGA TourGolf John Deere Classic, Final RoundFrom TPC Deere Run in Silvis, Ill.

(41) HGTV Married to Real Estate Married to Real Estate Lil Jon Wants to Do What?Lil Jon Wants (N) Flip the Strip (N) Lil Jon Wants (N)

(43) FOOD Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat BobbyBeat BobbyBBQ Brawl "Welcome to California!"(N)(SP) BBQ USA (N) (SP) Beat

Bethany FRIDAYEVENING JULY 7, 2023 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 (3) CW Judge Lake Judge Lake Divorce Divorce Family Law (N)(SP) Moonshine (N)(P) 47ABC NEWSChicago P.D. "A Night Owl" Family Guy (5) FOX Last Man Last Man Big Bang Big Bang WWE Friday Night SmackDown (N)(Live) WBOC NewsSeinfeld SeinfeldFriends (6) WBOC News (N) CBS News News (N) ET (N) Tough "Zink About It"(N) Fire "Watch Your Step" Blue Bloods News (N) (:35) Colbert (7) WMDT (5:30) 47abcNe World NewsFamily Feud Family Feud Will Trent 20/20 Delmarva (:35) J. Kimmel (11) WBAL News (N) NBC News Inside Ed. (N) JSS-TV Hot Wheels-ChallengeDateline NBC (N) News (N) (:35) J. Fallon (12) WCPB PBS NewsHour (N)
<++ Iron Man 2 ('10)Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle,Robert Downey Jr.. (22) LIFE Flowers in the Attic "Part 4: Seeds of Yesterday" Flowers in the Attic "Part 1: Flowers in the Attic" (:05) Flowers in the Attic: The Origin "Part 1: The Marriage" (23) A&E The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 "Devil's Trail" The First 48 The First 48 (:05) First 48 "Crossroads" (24) TRUTV Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers JokersJokersJokersJokersJokersJokers JokersJokers (28) ESPN SportsCenter (N) (Live) NBA Summer League Basketball Teams TBA(N)(Live) NBA Summer League Basketball Teams TBA(N)(Live) Basketball Teams TBA(N) (29) ESPN2 Wager (N) Pardon (N) Cornhole Cornhole (N)(Live) Bull Shark (N) Bull Shark Bandits (N) SportsCenter (N)(Live) (33) GOLF (4:00) PGA Tour Golf PGA Tour Golf John Deere Classic, Second Round PGA Tour Golf John Deere Classic, Second Round U.S. Open (N)(Live) (41) HGTV Dream Home Dream Home Dream Home Dream Home Dream HomeDream HomeDream Home "Episode 7"(N) Hunters (N) Hunters 100 Day Dream Home (N) (43) FOOD Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners (N) Diners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, Drive Diners, DriveDiners, Drive (44) DISC Gold Rush-Res. Gold Rush "Young Guns" Gold Rush (N) Hoffman "Rock Blocked"(N) Gold Rush-Res. (N) (:10) Outback (N) (45) HIST Aliens "The Majestic Twelve" Aliens "Russia Declassified" Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens (N) (:05) Proof-There (N) (:05) Ancient Aliens (46) ANPL Treehouse Masters Treehouse Masters Treehouse MastersTreehouse MastersTreehouse MastersTreehouse Masters (48) DISN (:10) <+++ Onward ('20) The Villains "Overnight Success"(N) Hailey's on It!Hailey's on It!Hailey's on It! Villains "Overnight Success" (50) TVLND Griffith Griffith Raymond Raymond RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing (60) AMC (5:00) <++ Jurassic Park III <+++ Jurassic Park ('93) Laura Dern,Jeff Goldblum,Sam Neill. <++ The Lost World: Jurassic Park ('97)Jeff Goldblum. (61) BRAV Below Deck "Dirty Laundry" Below Deck Down Under <++ Get Hard ('15)Kevin Hart,Craig T. Nelson,Will Ferrell. <++ Get Hard ('15)Kevin Hart, Craig T. Nelson,Will Ferrell. (69) WTXF The Six (N) Props (N) TMZ (N) You Bet WWE Friday Night SmackDown (N)(Live) News (N) Special (N) News (N) The Pulse Bethany SATURDAYEVENING JULY 8, 2023 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 (3) CW Burgers Burgers The Good Doctor "SFAD" Greatest Geek (N)(P) Whose LineWhose Line47ABC NEWS <++ Prom Night ('08)Brittany Snow. (5) FOX Last Man Last Man MLB Baseball (N) (Live) WBOC NewsFriends Special Forces "Resilience" (6) WBOC Inside Ed. (N) CBS News News (N) Outdoors NCIS "Unearth" 48 Hours 48 Hours News (N) Outdoors (7) WMDT News (N) World News Wise Money Family Feud UFC 290: Volkanovski vs. Rodriguez -Prelims
6:30 7
7:30 8
8:30 9
9:30 10
10:30 11
JULY 9, 2023
WBOC News (N) CBS News 60 Minutes (N) Tough as Nails (N) Equalizer "Second Chance" NCIS: Los AngelesNews at 11The Rookie (7) WMDT News (N) World News Funniest Home Videos The Prank Panel (N) Celebrity Fam (N)(SP) The $100,000 Pyramid (N) News (N) (:35) Marquee (11) WBAL (3:00) 2023 U.S.
Downey Jr.. <++ Thor: The Dark World (22) LIFE < Trapped by My Sugar Daddy ('22) Tiffany Montgomery. < Trapped in the Farmhouse ('23)Jenna Michno.(P) (:05) < Girl in the Closet ('23) Tami Roman,Remy Ma. (23) A&E WWE's Most Wanted WWE's Most Wanted WWE's Most WantedWWE's Most Wanted (N) Stone Cold Takes (N) (:05) WWE's Most Wanted (24) TRUTV Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers JokersJokersJokersJokersJokersJokers JokersJokers (28) ESPN Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) 2023 MLB Draft (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) SportCtr (N) (29) ESPN2 NBA Summer League Basketball Teams TBA NBA Summer League Basketball Teams TBA(N)(Live) NBA Summer League Basketball Teams TBA(N)(Live) (33) GOLF PGA Tour Golf John Deere Classic, Final Round From TPC Deere Run in Silvis, Ill. U.S. Open (N)(Live) U.S. Women's Open Final Round (N) (41) HGTV Battle on the Beach Battle on the Beach Battle on "Elegant Exterior" Battle on the Beach (N) Dreamhouse /(:05) Battle on (:05) Hunters (:35) Hunt Intl (43) FOOD Guy's Grocery Games Guy's Grocery Games Food Truck Race (N) Beachside Brawl (N) Beat BobbyBeat Bobby Beat BobbyBeat Bobby (44) DISC Naked and Afraid "Class Three Warfare (Part 1 of 2)" (N) Naked and Afraid "Legendary Showdown"(N) Naked and Afraid "Stomping Grounds" (45) HIST Built America Built America Built America Built America (N) (:05) Built America (:05) America "Do or Donut" (46) ANPL Louisiana Law "Blind Rage" Louisiana Law Wardens "Bear Country" Wardens "Winter's Fury"(N) Louisiana "Storm Surge" (N) Louisiana Law (48) DISN Big City Big City Big City Big City <++++ Finding Nemo ('03) (:45) Kiff (:10) Kiff (:35) Hamster & Big CityBig City (50)
10, 2023 6
6:30 7
7:30 8
8:30 9
9:30 10
10:30 11
Bobby (44) DISC Outlaws "Stayin' Alive" Street Outlaws: Mega (N) Street Outlaws: Mega "Last Chance Champ"(N) Street Outlaws (N) Motor Mythbusters (45) HIST History's-Mysteries History's-Mysteries History's-MysteriesHistory's-Mysteries (N) (:05) Dark Marvels (N) (P) (:05) History's-Mysteries (46) ANPL (5:00) Afraid "Twinning" Afraid "Jungle Genius" Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid "Bite Me" Afraid "Sand Trapped" (48) DISN Hamster & Hamster & Kiff Kiff < Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules (P) Kiff/ Kiff (:15) Hailey (:40) Hailey (:05) VillainsThe Villains (50) TVLND Griffith Griffith Raymond Raymond RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing (60) AMC <++ Jurassic Park III ('01) William H. Macy, Sam Neill. <++ Police Academy ('84)Kim Cattrall,Steve Guttenberg. (:15) <++ Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment ('85) (61) BRAV Below Deck Sailing Yacht Below Deck Sailing Yacht Below Deck (N) Below Deck (N) Watch WhatBelow Deck Sailing YachtBelow Deck (69) WTXF The Six (N) The Pulse (N) TMZ (N) You Bet Stars on Mars (N) Crime Scene Kitchen (N) The 10 O'Clock News (N) News (N) The Pulse July7,2023 CoastalPoint 57

MLB All-Star Game National League at American League(N)(Live) WBOC NewsFriends

WBOC News (N) CBS News News (N) ET (N) FBI "Victim" FBI: Int "Dead Sprint" FBI-Wanted "Gold Diggers" News (N) (:35) Colbert

WMDT (5:30) 47abcNe World News Family Feud Family Feud Celebrity Wheel of FortuneCelebrity Jeopardy!Shark Tank News (N) (:35)


Best Bets


2023 Home Run Derby


(28) ESPN 8 p.m.

This year’s Home Run Derby is set to be broadcast live from the T-Mobile Park in Seattle, Wash. – home of 2023’s host team: The Seattle Mariners. This will be the third time that Seattle has hosted the derby event, with the first being in 2001.


(12) WCPB 9 p.m.

(N) Deadliest Catch (N) Contraband: Seized (N) Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch

HIST Skinwalker Ranch Skinwalker "Something's Up" Secret of Skinwalker (N) Skinwalker Ranch (N) (:05) Beyond Skinwalker (N) (:05) Beyond Skinwalker (46) ANPL Lone Star Law Lone Star Law Lone Star Law Lone Star Law Wardens "Zeroing In" Wardens "Bear Country" (48) DISN Hamster & Hamster & Kiff Kiff Big CityBig CityLadybugLadybugMarvel'sMarvel's Pretty Frk Pretty Frk (50) TVLND Griffith Griffith Raymond Raymond RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing (60) AMC (5:45) <++ Police Academy ('84) Steve Guttenberg. <++ National Lampoon's Vacation ('83)Chevy Chase. <+ Vegas Vacation ('97) Beverly D'Angelo,Chevy Chase. (61) BRAV (5:15) Housewi The Real Housewives (:45) Housewives "Leavin' on a Prayer" The Real Housewives (N) WatchWhat (:45) Luann (:15) LuannHousewives

(69) WTXF The Six (N) The 215 (N) MLB Pre-Game (N) (Live) 2023 MLB All-Star Game National League at American League(N)(Live) News (N) The Pulse







JULY 12, 2023


(3) CW Judge Lake Judge Lake Divorce Divorce Nancy Drew (N) Riverdale 47ABC NEWSChicago "Kasual With a K" Family Guy

FOX Last Man Last Man Big Bang Big Bang MasterChef (N) Gordon Ramsay-Food (N) WBOC NewsSeinfeld SeinfeldFriends

WBOC News (N) CBS News News (N) ET (N) The Price Is Right at NightThe Price Is Right at NightCSI: Vegas News (N) (:35) Colbert

WMDT (5:30) 47abcNe World News Family Feud Family Feud The 2023 ESPYS (N)(Live) News (N) (:35) J. Kimmel

News (N) NBC News Inside Ed. (N) Hollywood LA Fire "Three Alarm"(N) Chicago Fire "Acting Up" Chicago "Out of the Depths" News (N)

PBS NewsHour (N) Steven MotorWeek Nature Human "Top Predator"(N) NOVA "The Planets: Mars" Amanpour (N)

Lucifer "Et Tu, Doctor?" Lucifer <+++ Transformers ('07)Tyrese Gibson,Josh Duhamel,Shia LaBeouf. (:15) < Now You See Me 2

(21) FX (4:00) < Mission: Impossible <+++ Mission: Impossible -- Fallout ('18)Henry Cavill,Ving Rhames,Tom Cruise. Mayans M.C. (N) Mayans M.C.

(22) LIFE Castle "A Deadly Game" Castle "A Deadly Affair" Married at First Sight "The Tea From A-Z"(N) (:05) Married-Sight (N) (:05) Married at First Sight

(23) A&E Court Cam Court Cam Court Cam Court Cam Court CamCourt CamCourt CamCourt CamI Survived (N) I Survived (:05) Court Cam (:35) Court Cam

TRUTV Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers JokersJokersJokers <++ You Don't Mess With the Zohan ('08) John Turturro,Adam Sandler.

ESPN SportsCenter (N) (Live) SC Featured The Ultimate FighterThe Ultimate FighterThe Ultimate FighterSportsCenter (N)(Live)

ESPN2 NBA Summer League Basketball Teams TBA NBA Summer League Basketball Teams TBA(N)(Live) NBA Summer League Basketball Teams TBA(N)(Live)

(33) GOLF Golf Central Open Epics Open Epics Open EpicsOpen EpicsOpen EpicsOpen EpicsGolf Central Open EpicsOpen Epics

(41) HGTV Unsellable Houses Unsellable "Family Fixer" Holmes The Broken House" Holmes Family Rescue (N) Hunters (N) Hunters (N) HuntersHunters

(43) FOOD Guy's Grocery Games Grocery "High-Roller Games" Grocery "Pizza Masters" Guy's Grocery Games (N) Grocery "ABC Mania" Grocery "GGG RAW"

(44) DISC Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown (N) Expedition Unknown (N) (:10) Ghost Adventures (N) (:10) Mysteries of (N)

(45) HIST Pickers "Pinball Jack" American Pickers American Pickers Pickers "Prince of the Subway; Big City Big Picks"(N) (:05) Pickers "$135,000 Pick"

(46) ANPL Battlegrnd Battlegrnd Battlegrnd Battlegrnd BattlegrndBattlegrndBattlegrndBattlegrndBattlegrndBattlegrnd BattlegrndBattlegrnd

(48) DISN Hamster & Hamster & Kiff Kiff Big CityBig CityLadybugLadybugMarvel'sMarvel's RavenRaven

(50) TVLND Griffith Griffith Raymond Raymond RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing

(60) AMC (5:30) <+++ Elysium ('13) Jodie Foster, Matt Damon. <++ I, Robot ('04)Bridget Moynahan,Bruce Greenwood,Will Smith. <++ Dredd ('12) Olivia Thirlby,Karl Urban.

(61) BRAV Housewives/OC Housewives/OC (N) Housewives/OC "Big Trouble in Big Sky"(N) Real Housewives (N) Housewives/OC Luann (69) WTXF The Six (N) ClassH TMZ (N) You Bet MasterChef (N) Gordon Ramsay-Food (N) The 10 O'Clock News (N) News (N) The Pulse



6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30

JULY 13, 2023

Castle "Almost Famous" (:05) Castle

(23) A&E The First 48 "Snatched" The First 48 "Bloodline" First "Bloodline"(N) 60 Days In (N) Booked: First Day In (N) (:05) The First 48 (24) TRUTV Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers JokersJokersJokersJokersTacoma FDTacoma FD JokesJokes

(28) ESPN SportsCenter (N) (Live) NBA G League Basketball Teams TBA(N)(Live) Auto Racing Superstar Racing Experience(N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live)

(29) ESPN2 (5:00) Basketball Teams TBA College Football Live NFL Live NBA Summer League Basketball Teams TBA(N)(Live) NFL Live

(33) GOLF (4:00) PGA Tour Golf Central (N) LPGA Tour Golf Dana Open, First Round(N) PGA Tour Golf Genesis Scottish Open, First Round(N)(Live)

(41) HGTV Christina on the Coast Christina on the Coast Christina "A Dog's Life" Christina on the Coast (N) Revealed "New Beginnings" HuntersHunters Int'l

(43) FOOD Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyOutchef'd (N) Beachside "Game Day Eats" Beat BobbyBeat Bobby

(44) DISC Afraid "Nicaragua Nightmare" Afraid "Argentina Impossible" Afraid "21 Miles, 21 Days" Afraid "Haunted and Hungry" Afraid "Don't Cave In" Afraid "Jungle Love"

(45) HIST Alone "Growing Pains" Alone "Lake of Thieves" Alone "Spirit Bear" Alone "King's Gambit"(N) (:35) Alone "King's Gambit"

(46) ANPL Finding Bigfoot Bigfoot "Squatch Spies" Finding Bigfoot Bigfoot "Bigfoot Merit Badge" Bigfoot "Australian Yowie" Finding B "Virgin Sasquatch"

(48) DISN Hamster & Hamster & Kiff Kiff Big CityBig CityLadybugLadybugMarvel'sMarvel's The VillainsThe Villains

(50) TVLND Griffith Griffith Raymond Raymond RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing

(60) AMC (5:30) <++ I, Robot ('04) Bridget Moynahan, Will Smith. <+++ Star Trek Into Darkness ('13)Zachary Quinto,Karl Urban,Chris Pine. <+++ Unstoppable ('10)

(61) BRAV Queer Eye Queer Eye Queer Eye ReunionProject Runway "Like Totally '90s"(N) Watch What Below Deck Sailing Yacht

(69) WTXF The Six (N) Kelly (N) TMZ (N) You Bet Alert: Missing Persons UnitStars on Mars The 10 O'Clock News (N) News (N) The Pulse

In a new episode of this independent documentary series, two Korean American children of liquor store owners reconcile their dreams with those of their immigrant parents as they confront the often-challenging racial landscape of growing up in Los Angeles.

The Bachelorette

(7) WMDT 9 p.m.

Charity Lawson continues her quest for love in an all-new episode of Season 20. Having now met the two-dozen men who have traveled across the country in search of love with this optimistic therapist, Charity must decide who stays and who goes.


2023 MLB All-Star Game (5) FOX (69) WTXF 8 p.m.

The National League and the American League battle it out once and for all when this All-Star Game airs, broadcasting live from the T-Mobile Park in Seattle, Wash., as the Seattle Mariners act as host of 2023’s “All-Star Week,” featuring this match.

Iconic America: Our Symbols and Stories With David Rubenstein

(12) WCPB 10 p.m.

A new episode continues the examination of iconic symbols across America, along with their historical significance – this time, host David Rubenstein discusses the Statue of Liberty, and how it embodies values and ideas that continue to divide America.

Storage Wars

(23) A&E 10 p.m.

This time: While visiting Santa Ana, Lisa channels her grandmother in trying to turn a profit; Brandi is dealing with the most frustrating day ever; Darrell tries to make a meal out of a snack-sized locker; Kenny learns to prep himself for stealthiness.


(5) FOX (69) WTXF 8 p.m.

The remaining chefs face increasingly difficult cooking challenges and must perform to the best of their ability in order to survive elimination by judges Gordon Ramsay, Joe Bastianich and Aaron Sanchez, as they fight to win the ultimate title.

The 2023 ESPYS

(7) WMDT 8 p.m.

Televised live from the Microsoft Theatre in Los Angeles, the 2023 presentation of the Excellence in Sports Performance Yearly awards marks the landmark 31st year of the event, honoring the top athletes and sports performers of the season.

Human Footprint

(12) WCPB 9 p.m.

Hosted by Dr. Shane Campbell-Staton, this six-part series explores the way humans have transformed the planet – and what those transformations tell us about ourselves, as a species. This time: Dr. Shane discusses top predators in the food chain.


The Blacklist

(11) WBAL 8 p.m.

The tenth and final season concludes with two episodes, airing back-to-back. After a decade of intrigue and catching criminals on Raymond Reddington’s (James Spader) blacklist, the FBI task force may learn his true identity, once and for all.

Generation Gap

(7) WMDT 8 p.m.

Kelly Ripa returns as host, pairing teams of seniors and juniors in challenges that asks players to answer questions about pop culture from each other’s generations – a hilarious disparity that takes a trip from rotary phone to touch screens.

What We Do in the Shadows

(21) FX 10 p.m.

3 x 3” ad

The vamps are back, as this supernatural comedy returns for Season 5, airing two new episodes back-to-back. First, roommates head to the mall. Then: Nandor and Laszlo have a night out with Sean and his friends; Nadja discovers the source of her bad luck.

58 CoastalPoint July7,2023
Bethany TUESDAYEVENING JULY 11, 2023 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 (3) CW Judge Lake Judge Lake Divorce Divorce Greatest Geek Whose LineWhose Line47ABC NEWSChicago P.D. Family Guy (5) FOX Last Man Last Man MLB Pre-Game (N) (Live) 2023
NewsInside Ed. (N) Hollywood America's Got Talent "Auditions 6"(N) Hot Wheels-Challenge (N) News (N) (:35) J. Fallon (12) WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Farm-Harvest Outdoors Roots "Hollywood Royalty" Frontline (N) Iconic America (N) Amanpour (N) (19) TNT (5:00) <+++ Captain America: Civil War ('16) Chris Evans. <+++ Knives Out ('19)Chris Evans,Ana de Armas,Daniel Craig. (:45) <++ 2012 ('09)John Cusack. (21) FX <++ A Good Day to Die Hard ('13) Bruce Willis. <+++ Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation ('15)Jeremy Renner,Tom Cruise. <++ Skyscraper ('18) (22) LIFE Castle "Boom!" Castle PropertyPropertyProperty (:35) Property (:05) Everything (:35) Property (:05) Property (:35) Property (23) A&E Customer Customer Customer Customer CustomerCustomerCustomer (N) Customer (N) Storage (N) Storage (N) (:05) Storage (:35) Storage (24) TRUTV Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers JokersJokersJokersJokers <++ Central Intelligence ('16) Kevin Hart,The Rock. (28) ESPN SportsCenter (N) (Live) The ESPY's Preview Special The Ultimate FighterThe Ultimate FighterThe Ultimate FighterSportsCenter (N)(Live) (29) ESPN2 Wager (N) Pardon (N) Baseball (N) E60 NBA Summer League Basketball Teams TBA(N)(Live) NBA Summer League Basketball Teams TBA(N)(Live) (33) GOLF Golf Central Golf One Shot (N) Roots (N) Roots (N) GOLF Films GOLF Films RootsRoots (41) HGTV No Demo Reno No Demo Reno Windy City Rehab Windy City "Episode 3"(N) Hunters (N) Hunt Intl (N) HuntersHunters Int'l (43) FOOD Chopped "Epic BLT Battle" Chopped "Hot Dog Hotshots" Chopped (N) Supermarket Stakeout (N) Chopped Chopped "Clambake Stakes" (44) DISC Deadliest Catch "Loose Lips Sink Ships"
6:30 7
7:30 8
8:30 9
9:30 10
10:30 11
6 PM
(11) WBAL
(12) WCPB
(:35) J. Fallon
10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 (3) CW Judge Lake Judge Lake Divorce Divorce Walker
47ABC NEWSChicago P.D. Family Guy (5) FOX Last Man Last Man
WBOC NewsSeinfeld SeinfeldFriends (6) WBOC News (N) CBS News News (N) ET (N) SheldonGhostsSo Help Me Todd CSI: Vegas News (N) (:35) Colbert (7) WMDT (5:30) 47abcNe World News Family Feud Family Feud Generation Gap (N) The Chase (N) Press Your Luck "102" News (N) (:35) J. Kimmel (11) WBAL News (N) NBC News Inside Ed. (N) Hollywood The Blacklist (N) The Blacklist (N)(F) Magnum P.I. "Birthright" News (N) (:35) J. Fallon (12) WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Context Moveable Father "The Royal Visit" Doc Martin Death in Paradise Farm-HarvestConnection (19) TNT (5:30) <+++ Transformers ('07) Tyrese Gibson, Shia LaBeouf. (:45) <++ Mortal Kombat ('21)Jessica McNamee,Josh Lawson,Lewis Tan. Rich & Shameless (21) FX (5:00) <+++ Mission: Impossible -- Fallout ('18) <++ Venom ('18)Michelle Williams,Tom Hardy. What We DoWhat We DoWhat We DoWhat We Do (22) LIFE Castle "Under the Gun" Castle "Punked" Castle "Anatomy of a Murder" Castle "3XK" (:05)
"It Writes Itself" Penn "That (Bleeping) Teller!"
Big Bang Big Bang Alert: Missing Persons UnitStars on Mars


Saturday, July 8 | Noon – 2 PM

28588 Dupont Blvd

Millsboro, DE $525,000

Call Gary Brittingham 302-745-5605 (Cell)


Primary Bedroom, screened porch and larger lot. $499,900 Call Ramona Zoccola 302-584-1944 (Cell) #4512TL



4 BR, 4 BA home situated on a corner lot offering granite counters, FF primary BR, rear deck, hot tub, outdoor kitchen, replace, & partially nished walkout basement. Amenity rich community with an 18-hole Arthur Hills golf course. $539,000 Call Gary Brittingham 302-745-5605 (Cell) #4607QM


This luxurious 4 BR, 3.5 BA Shearwater Model features extended garage, stone FP, chef's kitchen, Bose surround sound, & world-class amenities. Close to Indian River Bay and Delaware's resort towns, this coastal beauty is a must-see! $1,295,000 Call the Carrie Lingo Team 302-344-9188 (Cell) #4532VL


Explore Evergreene's Campbell model! This stunning 5 BR, 3.5 BA home offers an openconcept oorplan, owner's suite w/luxurious bathroom and walk-in closet, functional loft, 2car garage, and more. $759,900 Call the Carrie Lingo Team 302-344-9188 (Cell) # 4524UL


3 BR, 2 BA home with new roof in Blackwater Village; septic system in process. Conveniently located near restaurants, shopping, and Bethany Beach. $359,900 Call Bea Maggio 443-7891480 (Cell) #4479VM


Exquisite 4 BR, 2 BA w/stunning curb appeal, and featuring a large open living area w/HW oors, Kitchen w/island, replace, sunroom, 1stoor owner’s suite, fenced backyard, landscaping, patio & 2-car garage. $469,900 Call the Carrie Lingo Team 302-344-9188 (Cell) #4606TL

3 BR, 2 BA single wide mobile home on a halfacre of land just outside Delmar with easy access to shopping & town amenities. 10 minutes from Salisbury, MD. Low Delaware taxes. Home is 2018 in good condition. Nice lot with storage building included. $274,000 Call Gary Brittingham 302-745-5605 (Cell) #4578PM

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67 Central Ave., Ocean View, DE 19970 PC(USA) 302-539-3455

Pastor Terry Dougherty

Pastor Terry Dougherty

60 CoastalPoint July7,2023
Religious Leader Rabbi Julie Hilton Danan
FELLOWSHIP CHURCH All Are Welcome! Traditional Services
Church Sunday Services Pastor Dennis Bradford 410.430.7104 Rt. 17 & Daisey Rd., Roxana 34478 Roxana Rd.; Frankford, 19945 Wednes. Bible Study 6:30 pm PRAISE & WORSHIP!
pm Fellowship Sunday School Morning Worship 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:30 am Join us in person on SUNDAYS 9 am: Praise & Worship 11 am: Traditional SUNDAY SCHOOL 8 am Open Door Adults 9 am ARMOR Kids’
Welcome Back! We’ve Missed You!
Please join us for live, in-person services
July 9, 6
am: Joy - Adults 10:15 am Young Adults Bible Study 4 pm CRASH Youth (for grades 6-12) Facebook Live, YouTube or 302.539.9510
26 & Central Ave. Ocean View Rev. Dr. Rebecca Collison
Sharing the Truth of God’s Word, Verse by Verse

7 pm: Adults/KidsKlub/Teens

32263 Beacon Baptist Rd.; Rt. 26, Millville, DE 19967 Je Smith, Pastor 302.539.1216

35175 Roxana Rd. Frankford, 19945 RiverOnline.Church

Lead Pastor Bryan Sells

Saturday 6 pm Sunday 9 & 11 am River Kids Sat. 6 pm & Sun.9 am Friday 6-8 pm

Momentum, a group for Teens

Wellsprings International a healing & deliverance ministry for more information:



Fr. Herman Acker, Pastor 33384 Mackenzie Way - Lewes, 19958

ReligiousServices Welcome Home! 29 W. Church St. • Selbyville • 302.436.8412 SUNDAY 8:30 Informal Service 9:45 Contemporary Service 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Traditional Worship Salem
United Methodist Pastor Reverend Blair Hall
METHODIST CHURCH Sunday Worship at 9:30 am - or - join via ZOOM (call the office for info) Like us on Facebook! Grounded in God’s Grace Moving in Christ’s Love across from Millville Town Hall Pastor Wendy Butterworth 302.539.9077 Where the Word and the Spirit agree Pastor Bill Lorman 302.436.4522 28574 Cypress Road Selbyville Sunday Worship 10 am KidsPort Kids Church 10 am on Facebook at groups/PCChurch FENWICK ISLAND BAPTIST CHURCH 36806 Lighthouse Rd., next to Float-ors SUNDAYS SundaySchool-allages-9a.m. Worship&Celebration-10a.m. EveningBibleStudy-5p.m. WEDNESDAYS InteractiveBibleStudy-6p.m. Chapter by Chapter, Verse by Verse Approach to Scripture SUNDAY SERVICES 10 am: Small Groups for All Ages 11 am: Family Worship WEDNESDAY
BEACON Baptist Church
e Apostle Orthodox Church
Saturday Vespers Sunday Orthros Sunday Liturgy Visitors Always Welcome! 6:00 pm 9:00 am 10:00 am
Co eht th iv reS e MdetinU G .St e S ay Sunday e civres ay dnuSr fe ffeoff We i ojotemoclewerau Yo 6181 ce ynis t ty inumm hcru h g Ctsidoht ’s e’s or e secivr deen y r very ve er fo s !yadnuSnosun UM StG erooMJArotsaP 9 91,dr fo kfo kf narF,.dRramO73343
gro. July7,2023 CoastalPoint 61



Theimposinglightningdrewcloser asitlitupthesky.

Explosivethunderboomedwithnumerouswarningsthatplaymightsoon behaltedforgood.

MotherNaturebecameanopponent forbothteams,withthedangerousorganicfireworksforcingseveralstoppagesofplay.

ButtheLowerSussexLittleLeague girls’softballJuniorAllStarsmaintainedtheirfocus.

Nothingwouldkeepthemfromwinningandadvancing—nottheirhighscoringopponents,northethreatening weather.


Theyralliedfromdeficitsof8-0in themiddleofthethirdinning,11-3in themiddleofthefourthframeand1310enteringthebottomoftheseventh lastTuesdaynight,June27,inGeorgetown.

LSLLcapturedGame2oftheDistrict3tourneyagainstLaurelwitha four-runrallyinthehomeseventhto


“Itwastoughtostayfocusedonthe game,butourplayersdidjustthat,”said Kregerafterthetriumphcompleteda two-gamesweepofLaurelfortheDistrict3championship.“Itwasthemost phenomenalrallyI’veeverseen,atrue teameffort.Everysingleplayerdidtheir part,fromlayingdownsacrificebuntsto

smackingsacrifice-flyballsthatadvancedrunnersandenabledustokeep scoringruns.”

Asaresult,LSLLadvancedintothe best-of-threestatechampionshiptournamentthiscomingweekend.

KregercomplimentedLSLLassistantcoachesBrandonClarkandBrian Marvelforusingaggressivetacticsto orchestratetheamazingcomeback.

“Theybothhadthegirlsonfire, beingaggressiveandmovingtheminto scoringpositions,”Kregersaid.“The playersnevergaveupwhentheywere down.Theykeptscoringeveryinning, exceptone,fromthefourththroughthe seventh.Weknewourgirlswoulddig deepcomingdownthestretch,andthey didjustthat.”

TheLowerSussexLittleLeague District3softballchampsbeginplayfor thestatetitleinGame1thisSaturday night,July8, Georgetown.Game2willbeplayed Sundaynight,July9,beginningat7 p.m.Ifnecessary,Game3onMonday, July10,willdecidethetitlestartingat7 p.m.


Whilethebracketisfarfromset, wecanstatewithcertaintythatthe 2023SeniorLeagueSoftballLittle LeagueWorldSerieswillbebackin Roxanafora19thyear.Thesewould beconsecutiveyearsaswell— minusthetwo-yearcancelationin 2020and2021forCOVID-19— makingtheRoxanasiteoneofthe longestrunninghostsitesfortheseries.

ESPNwillonceagainbestreamingandbroadcastingallofthe gamesforthisyear’stournament,as theydidlastyear,andtheschedule isprettymuchfinalized,according totournamentandsitedirector MartinDonovan,whohasspearheadedthisshowcaseeveryyearit’s beeninsouthernDelaware.

“EverybodyiscominginonSaturday,July29,andplaywillbeginon Monday,July31,”saidDonovan aboutthestartofthetournament. “We’rereadyaswecanbeatthis

point.Wethinkwegoteverything done,andwe’llsurelyfindoutsoon enough,”headdedwithachuckle.“I havetwomeetingswithESPNthis weektofindoutwho,whatand whenfortheirproductionstuff.”

Donovannotedthatmanyofthe samebusinesseshaveonceagain beengenerouswiththeirsupport, andthereareevensomenewsponsorsthathavejoinedthemix.Certainly,ittakesalotofmoneyto financesomethingofthismagnitude eachyear.

“Moneyhasbeenprettygood, andweareworkingontheprogram bookthisweek,”Donovansaid. “Everythingyouseeattheballpark —uniforms,equipment,souvenirs, etc.—areallarrivingthisweek, too.”

Alotofthelegworkforsecuring theitemsneededhasbeenongoing forthepastseveralmonths.Donovanandhistournamentcommittee worktirelesslytomakesurethat theyareverypreparedforwhatever theymightneed.

“There’ssomethingswearestill doingnow,”hecontinued.“Trailers arealllinedupforthesouvenir stand,securityandthingslikethat. Wehavethegolfcartssecured,and allthebusinesseswe’veworkedwith haveallsteppedupforus.”

The10teamsthatwillbecoming totownwillbeknownoverthenext twotothreeweeks.Manyofthem stillhaveregionaltournamentsto competeinbeforethey’lllockin theirberthtotheWorldSeries. Whentheydofinallywintheirway in,theywillbetreatedverywell.

“Oncethegirlswintheirregion, theyaretreatedlikechampions,” Donovansaid.“Theygetauniform, bat,cleats,batbag,tournamentTshirtandaWorldSeriesjacket.They gettokeepitall.Theygetpickedup attheairportandbroughtdownto theirhotels.Theyaretakencareof theentiretimetheyarehere.”

Topulloffaneventofthismagnitudetakesalotofhandsandvolunteerhours,andthatissomething thatDonovanandhisteamarestill

lookingforassistancewith.Youcan neverhavetoomuchhelp.

“Oneofthethingswewon’tknow istheamountofvolunteerswe’ll need,”admittedDonovan.“Ifanyone wantstocomeout,comeondownto theballparkandsayyou’rethereto volunteer.Theonlyareaweareespeciallycarefulaboutiswhoweput aroundthegirls.Everybodyonthe tournamentcommitteehashada backgroundcheck.Wecancertainly usehelpwithcleaningupthetrash, onthefieldcreworintheconcessionstand.”

TheOpeningCeremoniesforthe 2023SeniorLeagueSoftballLittle LeagueWorldSerieswilltakeplace onMonday,July31,at4:30p.m.As ofnow,thefirstgamesareslatedto beginrightaftertheceremonies,at6 p.m.,withbothBruceLaytonand Lyonsfieldsbeingusedagainthis year.

Asinyearspast,theCoastalPoint willhavecoverageofallthegames thatareplayed,withstoriesand photos.

Page62 July7,2023
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Final Laurel 3 0 5 3 1 0 1 13 LSLL 0 0 3 6 1 0 4 14
CoastalPoint•Submitted TheLowerSussexgirls'softballJuniorAllStarsralliedtowintheDistrict3championship.Theywillplayforthestatetitlebeginningthiscomingweekend.

OldeTymersSoftball LeaguecompetesinWeek10

OldTymersSoftball Leaguestandings

teammateRussBowenaddedtwo safetiesintheone-runvictory. DaveBoyajianwent4-for-4,while BillHumberandBobSchnureach hadthreehitsforPost28.

•DiamondbladeTileworks8, B&ETire&Alignment7

GradyMeredith,BillMcGloin andBillMacuchcombinedforsix hitstosupportoutstandingdefense fromDiamondbladeoutfieldersJeff Kitchen,BobGerbinoandKamm Lodge.ForB&E,WarrenLloyd, RichBurkeandChuckRinehart eachrippedtwohitsanddroveina pairofruns,whileSteveCareyand WarrenLloydmadegreatdefensive playsforB&E.


TheOldeTymersSoftball LeaguecompletedWeek10ofits 2023seasononThursday,June29, ontheChurchofGodfieldnear theintersectionofRoutes113and 26inDagsboro.(Nogameswere scheduledforIndependenceDay onTuesday,July4.)




DaveLovelacerippedabasesloadedsingleinthehomehalfof the7thinningtowinthegamefor OVFR.Lovelace,RodMurphy,Joe Wroblewski,TomWallace,Andy DiGiammoandJohnEngelmeyer eachsmackedtwohits.

•AmericanLegionPost2413, AmericanLegionPost2812

KrisKellerandPaulGillineach drilledthreehits,whilePost24

ScottTorbeckdoubledtwiceand addedasingle,whileoutfielder MikeLukemadethedefensiveplay ofthegameforGiant.Pitcher FrankMuinospitchedwellfor LM.

•TheOriginalGreeneTurtle16, EdwardJonesInvestments3

LeadoffmanJimFogartywent 4-for-4,whilesevenofhisTurtle teammateseachsmackedtwohits. ReserveJoeHerrhadthreehitsfor EJ.

•AtlanticOrthopaedics18, CommunityBankofDelaware6

ChuckGriffindrilledfourhits, whileAOteammatesBobDavis, JackKowalskiandKenGigliello eachsmackedthreehits.Sewall McCabe,VinceDaley,BobLaDuca,KeithPurdyandMikeKrieg eachrippedthreehitsfortheBank.

•PhoenixPhysicalTherapyand TouchofItalyeachhadbyesand didnotplay.

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Onvigilantwatch.Onguard.On thestand.Ontheirtoes.

ThatisthejobforaBethanyBeach Patrollifeguardfrom10a.m.to5p.m. duringweekdays,and9:30a.m.to5:30 p.m.onweekendsandholidays.

Whilevirtuallyeveryoneelsearound themonthebeachiscavorting,reading, sleeping,talkingorjusttakinginthe magicalsaltair,theGuardiansbythe Seaarereadytospringintoaction.


whoapproachthelifeguardstand,they arealwaysonalert.Theireyesremain ontheswimmersevenwhiletheyare sippingandchewingforsustenance duringthelongbeachday.


Andtheyaretheoneswhocanrescue swimmersinneed.

TheCoastalPo intspotlightsoneof theseGuardiansbytheSeawitha beachlifeguardfeaturestoryeachweek duringthesummerseason.




Healsorecallsseeinganumberof middle-schoolstudentswhowereon afieldtrip.Theyconfidentlyentered thesurfnearhisSouthMainStreet standonthatdayinJuneof2022.

“Iwatchedasagroupoffourof themstartedtogetsuckedouttothe deeperdepthsbyaripcurrent,”recalledBethanyBeachPatrollifeguardEvanGrace.“Iusedmy whistletoattempttodirectthemto safety.Whilethatworkedfortwoof thekids,thereweretwootherswho continuedtobetakenfartherfrom shore.Atthatpoint,IknewIhadto gointothesurfwithmystandpartner.

“AsIswamouttowardthechild whowasfarthestfromme,Icould hearhimyellingforhelp,”added Grace.“IknewthatIhadtoget

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thereassoonaspossible.OnceIarrived,Igavehimtherescuecan.At thatpoint,hewassafelyfloating withthehelpofthecan.”

WhenGraceturnedtofacethe shore,hequicklyrealizedthatheand theswimmerwereabout75yardsout tosea.

“Theripcurrenthadreallytaken holdofbothofus,”herecalled.“I thinkwewerebothsurprisedabout beingoutsofar!Slowlybutsurely, wesafelymadeourwaybacktothe beach,andtoaveryfrantic-looking chaperone.Shewasquitethankful thatherswimmerwassafe.”


TheBethanyBeachPatrolisa UnitedStatesLifesavingAssociation advancedcertifiedagencythatserves theresidentsandvisitorsofthe TownofBethanyBeach.The51-to 55-memberbeachpatrolprovides beachandoceanrescueservices, first-respondercareandgeneralpublicservice.Thebeachpatrol,withthe assistanceofthepolicedepartment, enforcesallTownrulesandregulationsregardingthebeachandocean. Lifeguardspatrolthebeachesfull timefrom10a.m.to5p.m.during weekdays,and9:30a.m.to5:30p.m. onweekendsandholidaysfromMemorialDaythroughLaborDay.

BBPlifeguardsrespondtoland andwateremergencies,andtheyprovideinformationandeducation abouthazardsinthesun,weather andocean.BBPbeachlifeguards traindailytoprepareforanysituationonlandorinwater,andthey constantlystrivetoexceedtheirhigh standardsofopenwatersafety.


ForGrace,beingalifeguard meanshavingtheabilitytoperform wellduringpressuresituations.

Italsomeansbeingapartof somethingbiggerthanhimself.

“TheBethanyBeachPatrolhas longestablishedastandardofsafety andexcellenceonandoffthestand,” saidGrace.“Thisstandardhasbeen establishedbyallofthelifeguards whohaveworkedthroughoutthepatrol’shistory.Asaresult,fulfilling thatstandardmeansmakingsure everyoneonthebeachreturnshome safelyeachandeveryday.”

Gracerecallsaccompanyinghis father,JimGrace,andhisgrandparentsonannualweek-longvacations inBethanyBeachthatthefamilyhas takensincethe1970s.

“Justaweekduringthesummer wasenoughformetoseehowcool thelifeguardswerewhilemaking rescues,andjumpingontoandoffof theirlifeguardstands,”herecalled.

Afterhe’dspentasummermowinglawnsduringtheheightofthe COVID-19pandemic,Gracebegan tothinkaboutmakingthecommitmenttobecomealifeguard.

“Itriedoutforthesquadduring thespringof2021,andIhaven’t lookedbacksince,”hesaid.“Idefinitelythinkitwasoneofthebest decisionsI’veevermade.”

Evansaidheisproudtohandle whatheconsiderstobethetoughest partofhisjobbybeingreadyforac-


“Wehavetobesurethatwecan handleanytypeofsituationinand outofthewateronanygivenday,”he said.“Thatencompassesmorethan justmaintaininggoodheadrotation onthestand.Itstartswiththelittle things,likebeingproperlyhydrated andreapplyingsunscreeneveryfew hours.Itcontinuesbyperforming practicerescues,andworkingour socksoffduringmorningworkouts beforewegoonduty.Maintaining thestandardrequiredtobeamemberoftheBethanyBeachPatrol meansbalancingallofthesethings, andthatiscertainlynoteasy.”

Conversely,Graceconsiderswritingonthelifeguardstandchalkboard tobehiseasiestresponsibility.

“Iwriteinformationaboutthe tidesonthechalkboardeverymorningtokeepeveryoneinformed,”he said.“Itmaysoundalittlesilly,butI pridemyselfonanice,neatly-written chalkboard.It’sasmallthing,and maybejustafewpeoplewillnotice. Butforme,it’saneasywaytostart thedayontherightfoot.”

BBPlifeguards dependoneachother

Thethree-yearBBPlifeguardsaid heappreciatesthecamaraderiehe enjoysaspartofwhathecalls“abig family.”

“AfamiliarsayingfromCapt. [Joe]Donnellyis,‘Idependonyou, youdependonme.’Thatcanbe statednotonlyduringthesummer whenwe’reonduty,butyear-round aswell,”saidGrace,aresidentof NorthernVirginia.“Likeanyfamily, theremaybesomedisagreements. Butattheendoftheday,weall knowthatwehaveeachother’sbacks inanysituation.Andwearestriving foreveryoneonthepatroltoachieve theirfullpotential,evenifthattakes abitoffriendlybanterduringour morningworkouts.”

Gracesaidheisthankfultohis fatherforhistwo-wordmessagethat hashelpedhimthroughsomechallengingexperiences.

“He’salwaystoldmeto‘digin,’ andthesetwowordshavehelpedme throughsomeofmytoughestdays onthelifeguardstand,duringhigh-

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girls’softballcontingentshrugged asideseveralchallengeslastweekend towinthreeoftheirfivegamesand earnathird-placefinishatthe2023 UnitedStatesSpecialtySportsAssociationDelawareStateChampionshipTournament.The competitionhostedgirls’travelteams fromthroughouttheFirstStateat theLowerSussexLittleLeague ComplexinRoxanaonJune24-25.

“IcannotstresshowproudIamof ourteam,”saidheadcoachBrianPeterson.“Theyplayedinveryhot weather,andseveralofourplayers hadsometypeofinjury.Butthey perseveredthroughitalltoearna third-placefinishinthetournament. Thisgroupofladiesisallheart,and theyleftitallonthefield.Iamlookingforwardtothenexttournament.”

TheTribedefeatedtheSCLady Bulldogs,9-3,intheiropeninggame onSaturday,June24.Acesouthpaw EmilyPetersonthrewfiveinnings, allowingthreerunsonthreehits, whilestrikingoutsixandwalking one.LainieDavidsonhadfourofthe aggressiveTribe’s11stolenbases.

Peterson’ssquaddroppeda6-4 decisiontoMidwayMotionlateron Saturday.AliyahWalkerwentthreefor-fourattheplatetoleada13-hit Tribeattack.KierstenPasswaters, MichaelaEspisitoandAriyana Gibbseachrippedseveralhits.

CatcherKerryKempwasinjuredon aplayattheplatebutstayedinthe lineupfortherestofthegame.

Despitelosingtheirstartingbackstopandbeingforcedtousean eight-playerrosterthatincludedonly twooutfielders,theTribedefeated theEastCoastPanthers,8-6,later onSaturday.CatcherLainieDavidson,shortstopKylaDavisandfirstbasemanMichaelaEspisitoeach excelleddespiteplayingadifferent positionthannormal.Offensively, Passwatersdrilledadouble,while Petersonsmashedatriple.

OnSunday,KylaDavistossedan impressivethree-hitshutouttolead theDelawareTribepastDelaware ExpressHurd,3-0.KyleighMcGee smackedasolohomerinthesecond inning.

Intheirfinalgameofthetourney, theTribefelltoeventualchampion MidwayMotion,10-1,onSunday afternoon.

DelawareTribe18UPetersonwill playtheUSSSASwingfortheRings tourneyincentralMarylandonJuly 8-9.Theywillalsocompeteinthe GrandSlamEliteShowcaseforcollegecoachesinWilmingtononJuly 15-16.

Neitherhotweathernorinjury couldsidetrackthisteam. TheDelawareTribe18UPeterson
66 CoastalPoint July7,2023 Positions Available Now! GREAT PAY PERFECT PART TIME OR RETIREMENT POSITION Will train and assist in obtaining CDL We need YOU! We need YOU! 302-245-0315 School Bus Drivers & Bus Aides Needed for the 2022/2023 School Year
Tribe18UPetersonfinishesthirdatstatetourney CoastalPoint•Submitted
LefthandedDelawareTribepitcher EmilyPetersonsendsonetowardhomeplate.Tribeendedupfinishingthirdat the2023UnitedStateSpecialtySports AssociationDelawareStateChampionshipTournament.


Thejourneyrequiredmorethanjust skill.

Itrequiredatotalbuy-infromeach andeveryoneofthe15student-athletes.

Anditsorelyneededkeycontributionsfromtheunderclassmenwho supportedanultra-talentedfabulous fivesomeofseniors.

The2023IndianRiverHighgirls’ softballteam’sdepthmadethedifference—particularlywhenitcametime towinshowdowngamesthatcaptured SouthernDivisionandHenlopen Conferenceregular-seasonandplayoff championships,andtheDIAAsemifinalbattlewithDelmarvaChristian.


“Itwasobviousthathavingsoftball skillswassurelyimportanttooursuccessatachievingourgoalsthisseason,” saidheadcoachSaraPowell,whose194squadwon15straightgamesen routetothetitlegame.“Moreimportantly,ourplayershadagreatwork ethic,solidleadership,trustandatrue sisterhood.Noneofthosethingshappenovernight—theyrequireagroup of15girlswhodecidetocometogether,haveeachother’sbacks,trust theircoachesandparents,andgrind


AccordingtoPowell,eachofthe15 playersonthisyear’steamplayeda vitalroleintheIndians’success.

“Wetalkedalotaboutknowingand acceptingourroles,andbecomingthe bestatwhatwecouldbe,”shesaid.

“Wetalkedaboutknowinghowyour rolecanchangefromgametogame, andevenfromat-battoat-bat.We harpedondoingthelittlethingsright

and,mostimportantly,wetalkedabout being1percentbetterthanwewere thedaybefore,thanthepreviousinning,andthanouropponent.”

Asaresult,Powellproudlysaidthat shewatchedagroupof15girlsbecome selfless,becomesupportiveofeach other,andbecomeone.

“Atitscore,beingateamplayer meansbeingready,willing,andableto supporttheteam—nomatterwhat

liesahead,”shesaid.“Inathletics,the bestteamplayersaretheoneswhoact unselfishlyandmakedecisionsforthe goodoftheteam.Theyallareamazing peoplewhohavebighearts.Theycare deeply,theyarekindandgiving,they arerespectfulandintelligent.They trulymadeeverydayfunandwell worthcomingtopractice.Theycreated memoriesthatwillfollowthemfora lifetime.Theytrulywerewinnersbeforetheyeversteppedfootonthesoftballfield.Wethankthemformaking usbetterpeopleandbettercoaches.”

Theviewfromthe first-basecoach’sbox

IndianRiverHighgirls’softballassistantcoachLaurenIllianwasherself afour-yearvarsitystarteratSussex CentralHighSchoolinGeorgetown. The2012SCHSgraduatealsoplayed twoseasonsofcollegeballatDelaware TechnicalCommunityCollege. HiredbyPowellpriortothe2021 season,shewascaptivatedbywhatshe sawfromthedugoutandthefirst-base coach’sbox.Shecouldfeelthepassion emittedbyeachteammemberduring thesquad’sruntotheDIAAstate championshipgame.

July7,2023 CoastalPoint 67
IndianRivershortstopSophiaScurciislateonthetagasAppoquinimink'sMiaBoyd divessafelybacktosecondbaseearlierthisyear.



stakesmoments,andthroughsome ofthehardestmorningworkouts we’veeverdone,”saidGrace.“Hearinghisvoiceinmyhead,saying,‘Dig in,’helpsmetomeetandevensurpassthestandardofexcellenceestab-



“I’malsoappreciativetoanumber ofindividualswhohavehadapositiveimpactonmysuccessasaBBP lifeguard,”Graceadded.“Myfamily members,myfriends,fellowlifeguards,andCapt.Donnellyandour lieutenantshaveallhadahugeinfluenceonme.”



returntotheUnitedStatesLifesavingAssociationNationalsinVirginia Beachtodefendhis2022Meter SandRunchampionshipthatheset inHermosaBeach,Calif.

“Therewilldefinitelybesome toughcompetition,andI’mexcited forthechallenge,”saidGrace.“Ialso amanticipatinganothergreatsummerexperiencewithBBPasween-


“Asformylong-termgoal,I’m planningtoenterthebusinessworld —hopefully,toworkinadesigning orbuildingrole,”concludedGrace, whorecentlygraduatedfromVirginiaTechUniversitywithabachelor’sdegreeinmechanical engineering.


Illianalsopointedoutthattheseeds forIR’smemorablecampaignwere plantedanumberofyearsago.That’s whenabout80percentoftheIndians’ student-athletesbeganplayingtravel softballforthe18-and16-and-under DelawareTribeteamsundertheleadershipofheadcoachSarahHoban.

showsupeverydaylookingtogiveher besteffortineverythingthatshedoes. Herinfectiousenergy,loveofthe game,slidingcatchesintheoutfield anddancemovesareamongthemany thingsthatherteammatesandcoaches loveabouther!”

“Thisgroupisatruerepresentation ofateamandfamily,”saidIllian.“They cametogetherwithalloftheirsimilarities,differences,strugglesandjoys. Andtheysharedthemastheycametogethertosupportandcheeroneach other.Eachonecontributedbydoing theirjobs.Andthosejobscanchange fromdaytoday.Theymayinclude havingaqualityatbat,gettingabunt down,divingtomakeaplay,beinga verballeaderandprovidingoneanotherwithinsight.

“EachdaythatIwassurroundedby thesegirls,Iconsideredmyself blessed,”addedIllian,whoseassistant coachingcolleaguesareKelsieDelland DamyaWilliams.“Ibecameabetter person,Istrivedtobecomeabetter coachforthem,andIstrivedtoalways letthemknowhowmuchItrulycared

ThatteamcapturedtheLowerSussex LittleLeaguetitleenroutetoreaching theWorldSerieschampionshipgame lastsummer.

•JuniorKatieMcHale,thepregame energizer

SpectatorscouldfeeltheIndians’ pregameenergy,especiallywhenstartingrightfielderKatieMcHalebroke intooneofherdancesteps.McHale’s moveshelplooseneveryoneupwhile providingahealthydoseofenergyand enthusiasm.

“Sheisaveryeasy-goingandcoachableathlete,andsomeoneIthoroughly enjoybeingaround,”saidIllian.“Katie

•JuniorMacyBlades,silentleader withaloudbat

Thequietstartingfirst-basemanlet herbatdothetalking,contributing twogrand-slamhomerunsamong18 hitswhileknockingin16runs.

“Macyhasprovidedthisteamwith manybigmomentsoffensivelyanddefensively,sendingballsoverthefence andcatchingrocketsoffthebatsof rivalplayers,”saidIllian.“Shebringsan infectiousenergyintothedugoutand ontothefield.Andhairbraidingskills areamongthemanyqualitiesthather teammatesandcoachesloveabout her!”


“Macyleadsthroughherconsistent effortandadesiretoimproveevery singleday,”saidIllian.“Sheisoneof thehumblestathletesaround,Ithink. Bykeepingherselfgroundedand workinghard,shemaintainsacompetitiveedge.MacyissomeoneIcanalwaysdependontobepositiveinevery situation.”

Blades,whoalsoplaysfieldhockey forIRHSduringthefallsportsseason, constantlypicksupherteammatesto

Theteam’sstartingsecond-baseman sinceherfreshmanseason,Jillian Coulbourngaveherabsolutebesteffortwhilealwaysstrivingforimprovement.

“Sheconstantlyaskedabouthow shecouldsharpenherskills,”Illiansaid ofCoulbourn,whocontributed14hits anddrovein10runs.“Jillianisconstantlytalkingtoherteammatesonthe

Continuedfrompage67 SeeSOFTBALLpage69

68 CoastalPoint July7,2023 MakingMem ies! 23rd St “Temple Of Dragons” 28th St “Medieval Faire” OC’s Only 27 Hole Mini Golf! 68th St Dinosaurs! And Indoor UnderSea Adventure 136th St Caribbean Pirates And Indoor Safari Village 68th St. Outdoor Dinosaur Course 23rd St. Outdoor Temple Of Dragons 136th St. Outdoor Caribbean Pirate 68th St. Indoor UnderSea 28th St. Outdoor Renaissance 27 Hole 136th St. Indoor Safari Course ALL 4 LOCATIONS OPEN! OPEN DAILY 10AM- 10PM



defensiveendtokeepthemalertand motivated.Betweenher‘stinkybatting glove,’abilitytosleeponthebus,gum habits,loveofthegameandherteam, sheattractslovefromherteammates andcoaches.”


StartingshortstopSophieScurci strivedforperfection,andconstantly askedforadviceandpointerstoimprovehergame.

“Sophieisagreatteamplayer,alwayswantingtodowhateverisasked ofhertohelptheteam,”Illiansaid aboutScurci,whotiedfortheteam leadwiththreehomeruns,andcontributed14hitswhiledrivingin12 runsandstealing12bases.“Shehas deliveredsomebigmomentsforthis teamoffensivelyanddefensively,includingthegrand-slamhomerunthat poweredustotheHenlopenConferenceplayofftitleagainstSussexCentral.

“Sophiehadmadecontactthat wholegameandimplementedaminor adjustmentjustbeforethatatbat,”Illianadded.“Itjustgoestoshowhow muchshewantstoimproveandcontributetoherteam.”

ScurciwasastandoutIndianRiver soccerforward,withhersisterBella,as afreshmanbeforetransitioningtothe softballsquadin2023.

“Sheishumble,shehatesattention andshethrivesinallthebigmoments,” saidIllian.“Sophieisawonderfulindividualwhobringsgreatattitude,grit, effort,humilityandhardworktothe table.”

•JuniorMeganDaisey,atrueteam player MeganDaiseywasalwayswarmed upandreadytoenterthegameasareliefpitcherwhenevertheteamneeded her.

“Shehadthesameattitudeevery day,alwaysconsistentandreadyto work,”saidIllian.“Meganissomeone whoseattitudeistodowhateverisbest fortheteam.”Sheconstantlylooksto improvehergame,andfrequentlyrequestspointersandadvice,Illiansaid.

“MeganissomeoneIhaveknown foryearsandamveryhappythatIam abletocoachheronceagainnextyear,” IlliansaidofDaisey,whocontributed

We have two locations: 32904 Coastal Hwy., Bethany Beach • 302.539.7511 or 800.441.8118 1520 Savannah Rd., Lewes • 302.645.9215 or 888.921.2175 Servicing All of Your Property Needs Since 1945 Real Estate Sales InsuranceCommunity & Property Management Active: 30249 Armory Rd, Dagsboro Price Reduced! $699,500 5BR, 2.5BA, Private Pool Check Our Rental Specials and Year Round Rentals on our New Website! Business Workers’ Comp Home Flood Auto Boat & RV Specializing in Condo & Home Owners Association Management Job Openings Community Manager, Maintenance and Pool Technicians, Commercial Insurance Agent For more information email Call For A Free Quote 206 Chad Place, Whites Creek Manor New Listing! $474,000 3BR, 2BA 31208 Mohican Dr. Blackwater Village Just Sold! $315,000 34003 Gooseberry Ave. Ocean View Beach Club Just Sold! $590,000 120 5th Street, Vacant Building Lot Bethany Beach $1,600,000 33829 Waterside Dr $599,000 4BD, 2.5BA Community Pool July7,2023 CoastalPoint 69
CoastalPoint•Filephoto IndianRiverseniorsoftballplayerJillian
CollinsreceivesahugfromhergrandmotherafterIndianRiverdefeatedLaurel4-1duringseniornightearlierthis year.

fourhitsandsixRBIsattheplatewhile pitching11.2inningsandstrikingout 24rivalhitters.“Megan’sworkethic, consistency,attitudeandeffortare amongthequalitiesthatmakehera greatteammate.”

•JuniorOliviaHitchens,theteammateeveryoneisluckytohave OliviaHitchensisanimportantpart oftheteam’sfabric.Thereserveinfielderandreliefpitcherconstantly cheersonherteammatesandelevates theirmoodthroughoutthegame.

“Oliviaistheteammatethateveryoneisluckytohave,”saidIllian.“She arriveseachdaywiththemindsetto workhard,”saidIllianaboutHitchens, whocontributedeighthitsandfive RBIs.“Oliviaisawell-roundedindividualwhoIlookforwardtoseeingcoachingnextseason.Herhighlightforme wasthebuntintheconferencechampionshipgamethatloadedthebasesand enabledSophieScurcitohitthegamewinninggrandslamhomerun.”


Gracie,afirst-basemanandthe youngersisterof2023seniorcatcher LilyHoban,is“thecharacterthatkeeps uslaughing.Graciehasgrownupon thesoftballfieldwithhersisterandher mom—DelawareTribetravelteam headcoachSarahHoban,whoplayed forIndianRiverandHolyFamilyUniversity,”saidIllian.“Graciecomesto eachpracticeandgamepreparedtostep ontothefieldwithapositiveattitude, justwaitingforhermomenttostep ontothefieldandcontribute.”

•JuniorRaeganKansak,sophomore JazminMayfieldandfreshmanBailee Williamson,theswingplayers Illianconsidersthetrioofoutfielder RaeganKansak,catcherJazminMayfieldandinfielderBaileeWiliamsonas selflessandsupportiveoftheteam.

“Eachofthemtooktheirjobseriouslyandwantedtocontributetoour junior-varsityandvarsityprograms whenevertheycould,”saidIllian.

“Thesegirlsshowedupatpracticesand gameswithapositiveattitude,andthey celebratedtheteamandeachindividual.Theycelebratedthevictoriesby bothprogramsandtookprideinthem. Eachplayerworkedhardeveryday withtheexpectationofimprovingwith eachswingtheytookandeachthrow theymade.Eachplayerispartofoneof thegreatestfamiliestoevercome throughIndianRiverHighsoftball.”

AccordingtoIllian,the2023squad becamethemostmemorableteamshe’s evercoached.

“IfandwhenIgivebirthtoababy girl,I’dbeblessedifsheturnedouthalf aswellaseachoftheseladies,”saidthe assistantcoach.“Thisgroupisveryspecialtome.TheystartedmyIndian RiverHighcoachcareer,andIconsider themtobepartofmyextendedfamily.

70 CoastalPoint July7,2023 302-616-4760 | | 90 Atlantic Avenue | Ocean View, DE ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS NOW OPEN IN OCEAN VIEW! Softball Continuedfrompage69
CoastalPoint•Filephoto IR’sKinsleyHallslidesintothirdbaseinagameagainstCapeHenlopenearlierthisyear.



To Whom it May Concern:

This is to advise that Robert Barry Fake of 36385 Tee Box Blvd., Frankford, of Sussex County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Sussex County, State of Delaware, an application for a License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the laws of the State of Delaware.

CP 20230707 1T


Eastern Shore Natural Gas is planning the Worcester Resiliency Upgrade to augment the area’s energy supply ensuring both reliability and affordability for local businesses and residents. The project includes a liquefied natural gas storage facility in Bishopville, Worcester County, Maryland, with low-profile horizontal storage tanks; along with additional pipeline looping and upgrades to existing meter and regulator stations.

Eastern Shore Natural Gas Company is the interstate natural gas transmission pipeline subsidiary of Chesapeake Utilities Corporation. Eastern Shore has safely and reliably served the natural gas transportation needs of the Delmarva Peninsula since 1959.

A public information session is scheduled on July 19, 2023, from 3 to 7 p.m. at the Worcester County Library, Berlin Branch, 13 Harrison Ave., Berlin, MD 21811, where residents are invited to learn more about the project. Use of library meeting space does not constitute endorsement of this organization, this program or its content by the Worcester County Library.

For more information, please contact us at: Toll-Free Project Hotline: 1-844-366-3764


CP 20230707 1T


By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas Monition, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:

Tuesday, 18th day of July, 2023

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:134-12.00-159.05

Property Address: LANDS OF G. RETTIG, LOT 3, RETTIG LANE, Millville, DE 19967

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 100 percent of the purchase money will be demanded at the time of sale. Cash or Cashier's Check is required. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 8/25/23 subject to the owner’s right of redemption pursuant to Title 9 Del. C. § 8728; subject to the approval of the Department of Finance or the Chief County Financial Officer, pursuant to Title 9 Delaware Code § 8726; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of WALTER T. RETTIG (3) and will be sold by

CP 20230707 2T
July7,2023 CoastalPoint 71 our donation helps provide food, clothing, hope. Y Your R , CK U TR , AR C YOUR ATE DON OF MD LUTHERAN MISSION SOCIETY V 410-228-8437 MINISTRIES licensed #1044 A AMV MVA ax deductible T Tax BEFORELeafFilter AFTERLeafFilter 1-844-566-3227 CALL US TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Mon-Thurs: 8am-11pm, Fri-Sat: 8am-5pm, Sun: 2pm-8pm EST THE NA TION’ S GUTTER GUARD1 EXCLUSIVE LIMITED TIME OFFER! Promo Code: 285 FREE GUTTER ALIGNMENT + FREE GUTTER CLEANING* AFTERLeafFilter CLOG-FREE GUTTERS FOREVER **Wells Fargo Home Projects credit card is issued by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., an Equal Housing Lender. Special terms for 24 mo. apply to qualifying purchases of $1,000 or more with approved credit. Minimum consumer reporting agency conducted a 16 month outdoor test of gutter guards in 2010 and recognized LeafFilter as the “#1 rated professionally installed gutter guard system in America.” *For those who qualify. APR FOR 24 MONTHS** SENIORS & MILITARY! YOUR ENTIRE PURCHASE 15010++%% % OFF OFF



Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, July 25, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. in the Town of Millville Municipal Building located at 36404 Club House Rd., Millville, DE 19967, the Town Council will hold a public hearing to consider ORDINANCE 24-01 TO AMEND THE TOWN OF MILLVILLE CODE REGARDING MARIJUANA AT CHAPTER 155, ENTITLED “ZONING”, AT § 155-8, AND CHAPTER 90, ENTITLED “LICENSES”, AT § 90-2. The ordinance would, inter alia, prohibit operation of marijuana establishments in the Town.

If unable to attend the Public Hearing, written comments will be accepted prior to the hearing, and must be submitted by 12 p.m. (noon) on Wednesday, July 19, 2023.

The Town Council’s Regular Meeting will follow the Public Hearing.

CP 20230707 1T


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 18th day of July, 2023

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:135-10.00-59.08

Property Address: 18557 SANDHILL ROAD, Georgetown, DE 19947

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 8/21/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 8/25/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of

Delaware Department of Transportation


The Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) has received guidance from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) regarding public participation for capital projects in an area where there is no Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) such as Sussex County. Thus, DelDOT must inform the public of major changes in the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The Fiscal Years 20232028 Capital Transportation Program (CTP), serves as DelDOT’s Fiscal Years 2023 - 2026 STIP for Federal-aid purposes.

DelDOT is requesting an amendment to the Fiscal Years 2023 - 2026 (STIP) to add the Transit Vehicle Replacement (4) 29' Low Floor Buses, SC, FY24 (T202450303) project. This project is necessary to replace four 29-foot low floor buses currently providing fixed route service in Sussex County. The investment in transit vehicle replacement and refurbishment is necessary to meet the projected vehicle replacement schedule.

Questions, comments or written material must be submitted by August 5, 2023 to: Michael Neal, Project Manager, DelDOT, P. O. Box 778, Dover, DE, 19903, or contact DelDOT Community Relations at 1-800-652-5600 (in DE) or 302-760-2080, also via email

CP 20230707

Delaware Department of Transportation

Nicole Majeski Secretary


The Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) has received guidance from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) regarding public participation for capital projects in an area where there is no Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) such as Sussex County. Thus, DelDOT must inform the public of major changes in the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The Fiscal Years 20232028 Capital Transportation Program (CTP), serves as DelDOT’s Fiscal Years 2023 - 2026 STIP for Federal-aid purposes.

DelDOT is requesting an amendment to the Fiscal Years 2023 - 2026 (STIP) to add the Georgetown Bus Wash Replacement and NPDES Improvements (T202453106) project. This project is necessary to replace the current bus wash system. The existing equipment is outdated and approaching end of its useful life, requiring more frequent and costly maintenance. Improvements will be designed to prevent runoff to adjacent stormwater management area.

& NICOLETTE C. SHINN A/K/A NICOLETTE SHINN (30) and will be sold by

CP 20230707 2T

Questions, comments or written material must be submitted by August 5, 2023 to: Michael Neal, Project Manager, DelDOT, P. O. Box 778, Dover, DE, 19903, or contact DelDOT Community Relations at 1-800-652-5600 (in DE) or 302-760-2080, also via email

CP 20230707 1T

72 CoastalPoint July7,2023




Estate of Robert Zeminsky, Deceased.

Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary upon the estate of Robert Zeminsky who departed this life on May 23, 2023, late of Ocean View, DE were duly granted unto Leonard Zeminsky on June 14, 2023 and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Executor without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Executor on or before January 23, 2024 or abide by the law in this behalf.


Leonard Zeminsky

30396 Anderson Dr., Apt. 209

Ocean View, DE  19970

Gregory Fuller, Sr., Register of Wills


Parsons & Robinson, P.A. 118 Atlantic Ave.; Suite 401

Ocean View, DE 19970

CP 20230623 3T


The Annual Election for the Town of Bethany Beach Town Council shall be held in the Bethany Beach Town Meeting Room, 214 Garfield Parkway, Bethany Beach, Delaware on Saturday, September 9, 2023, from 12:00 o’clock Noon to 6:00 p.m. prevailing time.

Three (3) Town Council Members shall be elected. At least four (4) of the seven (7) members of the Town Council must be residents of the Town, but all may be residents of the Town.

Town Council terms are for a period of two years.

Anyone wishing to file as a candidate for the election must file a written Notice of Intention (Application for Candidacy) in the Town Manager’s Office at Town Hall no later than 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 26, 2023.

Candidates for the Town Council must meet all of the following requirements:

1. Be at least twenty-one (21) years of age;

2. Be a U.S. Citizen;

3. Not have been convicted of a felony;

4. Shall have been, for a period of at least six months prior to the date of the election; either (a) a permanent full-time resident of the Town, or (b) a natural person holding record title to a fee simple or life estate in real property located within the Town of Bethany Beach.

5. At the time of filing a notice of intention to seek office, be a duly registered voter under the provisions of the Town Charter (Section 5.2) and Voter Registration Ordinance (Chapter 378 of the Town Code). Only natural persons are allowed to vote in Town Elections, and only natural persons who are not identified on the Town’s tax records as an owner of real estate in the Town are required to register. Persons may register in person at the Town Hall or by mail during normal business hours except during the last 30 days before the election. Contact the Town Hall as instructed in paragraph 6 below.

6. File a written notice of intention to seek office at least forty-five days (45) days prior to the date set for the election (i.e. by Wednesday, July 26, 2023). Contact the Town Hall by email at or at 302-537-3771 to obtain the form.

Voting and Absentee Ballots

All votes shall be made in person, or by absentee ballot. Absentee ballots can be obtained by filing an Affidavit with the Town. Affidavits are available by calling 302-537-3771 and are available on the town’s website – Absentee ballots will not be available until after the filing deadline for candidates which is July 26, 2023.

CP 20230623 5T




Estate of Michaele D. Gorman, Deceased.

Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary upon the estate of Michaele D. Gorman who departed this life on May 5, 2023, late of Millsboro, DE were duly granted unto Kelli Gorman on June 23, 2023 and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Executor without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Executor on or before January 5, 2024 or abide by the law in this behalf.


Kelli Gorman

555 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Apt. 707 Washington, DC  20001

Gregory Fuller, Sr., Register of Wills


Parsons & Robinson, P.A. 118 Atlantic Ave.; Suite 401 Ocean View, DE 19970

CP 20230630 3T


By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas Monition, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 18th day of July, 2023

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:133-11.00-38.00

Property Address: E/RT 326, 27117 BETHESDA ROAD, Millsboro, DE 19966

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 100 percent of the purchase money will be demanded at the time of sale. Cash or Cashier's Check is required. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 8/25/23 subject to the owner’s right of redemption pursuant to Title 9 Del. C. § 8728; subject to the approval of the Department of Finance or the Chief County Financial Officer, pursuant to Title 9 Delaware Code § 8726; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.


CP 20230707 2T July7,2023 CoastalPoint 73



By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas Monition, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:

Tuesday, 18th day of July, 2023

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit: Tax Parcel:533-1.00-31.00


Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 100 percent of the purchase money will be demanded at the time


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 18th day of July, 2023

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:234-23.00-561.00

Property Address: 32 WOODLYN EST., Millsboro, DE 19966

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 8/21/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 8/25/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of ROBERT H. ROBY & PHYLLIS ROBY (31) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff

of sale. Cash or Cashier's Check is required. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 8/25/23 subject to the owner’s right of redemption pursuant to Title 9 Del. C. § 8728; subject to the approval of the Department of Finance or the Chief County Financial Officer, pursuant to Title 9 Delaware Code § 8726; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.



By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas Monition, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:

Tuesday, 18th day of July, 2023

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:533-16.11-49.00

Property Address: ROSEDALE ADD LOT 23, 12 CLENDANIEL AVENUE EXT., Selbyville, DE 19975

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 100 percent of the purchase money will be demanded at the time of sale. Cash or Cashier's Check is required. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 8/25/23 subject to the owner’s right of redemption pursuant to Title 9 Del. C. § 8728; subject to the approval of the Department of Finance or the Chief County Financial Officer, pursuant to Title 9 Delaware Code § 8726; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of HEIRS OF ALICE M. DIXON (14) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff

74 CoastalPoint July7,2023
CP 20230707 2T
CP 20230707 2T
CP 20230707 2T


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:

Tuesday, 18th day of July, 2023

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Property Address: 26772 CHATHAM LANE, Millsboro, DE 19966

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 8/21/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 8/25/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of DERRICK BOYD (27) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff

CP 20230707 2T


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 18th day of July, 2023

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:333-3.00-2.07

Property Address: 18683 LAUREL ROAD, Millsboro, DE 19966

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 8/21/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 8/25/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of JAQUELINE AMANDA BRADBURY (23) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:

Tuesday, 18th day of July, 2023

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:133-17.00-46.02

Property Address: 109 OLD LANDING ROAD, Millsboro, DE 19966

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 8/21/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 8/25/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of JEAN LEE JOHNSON (16) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:

Tuesday, 18th day of July, 2023

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:234-29.00-235.00-57

Property Address: 27567 MAYFIELD ROAD, Millsboro, DE 19966

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 8/21/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 8/25/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of TIMOTHY P. COONEY & RACHEL E. COONEY (21) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff

CP 20230707 2T
CP 20230707 2T
CP 20230707 2T
July7,2023 CoastalPoint 75


PO BOX 743; GEORGETOWN, DE 19947 (302)855-7875

Estate of William L. Shoemaker, Deceased.

Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary upon the estate of William L. Shoemaker who departed this life on April 22, 2023, late of Selbyville, DE were duly granted unto Sally I. Walsh on June 15, 2023 and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Executor without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Executor on or before December 22, 2023 or abide by the law in this behalf.


Sally I. Walsh

38414 Boxwood Terrace #302 B Selbyville, DE  19975

Gregory Fuller, Sr., Register of Wills


Veronica R. Townsend, Esq. 118 Atlantic Ave.; Suite 202 Ocean View, DE 19970

CP 20230623 3T


PO BOX 743; GEORGETOWN, DE 19947 (302)855-7875

Estate of Mary L. Johnson, Deceased.

Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary upon the estate of Mary L. Johnson who departed this life on May 3, 2023, late of Ocean View, DE were duly granted unto Walter L. Johnson on June 13, 2023 and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Executor without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Executor on or before January 3, 2024 or abide by the law in this behalf.


Walter L. Johnson

323 Yeadon Ave. Ocean View, DE  19970

Gregory Fuller, Sr., Register of Wills


TOWN OF OCEAN VIEW, a municipal corporation of the State of Delaware, Plaintiff, v.


TO: Unknown Owners and The Preserve at Ocean View, LLC

C.A. NO. S23C-06-018 MHC


Parsons & Robinson, P.A. 118 Atlantic Ave.; Suite 401 Ocean View, DE 19970

CP 20230623 3T

and 701 square feet of land more or less, located in the subdivision known as the Preserves at Ocean View, as a permanent easement situate in Baltimore Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware. Defendants.


1. The above-captioned cause, pending in the Superior Court of the State of Delaware, in and for Sussex County, is an action for a portion of the property of The Preserve at Ocean View, LLC, conveyed to it by deed of Louise B. Toomey, dated June 25, 2004, and of record in the Office of the Recorder of deeds, in and for Sussex County, in Deed Book 2999, Page 281. Said property is more particularly described as:

All that certain tract, piece, or parcel of land lying and being in the Town of Ocean View, Baltimore Hundred, Sussex County, Delaware, being described more particularly as:


42.97 FEET TO THE SAID POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING with said described metes and bounds 701 square feet of land, be the same more or less.

2. The Complaint herein alleges that the interest to be taken, so far as the above described land is concerned, is a 701 square feet permanent easement taking, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances; that the taking is being made pursuant to the power of eminent domain granted to Plaintiff by Ocean View, Del., C. (Charter) §2.313; and the property being taken is necessary for and is to be used to construct, maintain and repair a foot bridge for emergency evacuation of the Lord Baltimore School.

3. In addition to the defendants above named, there may be others having or claiming some interest in the property to be taken who are unknown to the plaintiff and who have not been ascertained by the plaintiff after diligent inquiry. These defendants are designated "Unknown Owners".

4. The above-named defendants must serve and file in accordance with the Rules of the Superior Court an answer to the Complaint within twenty (20) days after the date of first publication of this Notice, in default of which no objection or defense to the taking of the subject property will be heard.

5. The Plaintiff's attorney is VERONICA O. FAUST, ESQUIRE, of 19339 Coastal Hwy., Suite 300, Rehoboth Beach, Delaware 19971.

6. On the 18th day of August, A.D. 2023, Plaintiff will present to the Superior Court, Courthouse, Georgetown, Delaware, at 12:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard, an Application for an Order of Possession with respect to the described premises to be effective immediately. You may appear and be heard at that time.

76 CoastalPoint July7,2023
CP 20230630 2T
Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Shore Home Improvements, LLC Design • Build • Remodel 302.537.5988 Established 1989 • Licensed & Insured Additions CASH FOR CARS! 302-249-3444 38531 DuPont Blvd., Selbyville We Will Buy Your Car Even if You Don’t Buy One of Ours! Auto Buying Service APPLIANCE MASTER Prompt, Quality Repairs at A ordable Prices Washers • Dryers • Dishwashers Ranges • Disposals • Refrigerators Call Phil: 302.278.1441 Serving the Rt. 54 area with 50 years’ experience of honest work Appliance Service Expert Bathroom Remodeling Professional Bath-to-Shower Conversion Prompt, Quality Work by Father/Son Team Offering Senior & Veteran Discounts 302.542.1162 Serving Sussex Co. for over 30 years Licensed Insured Bathrooms BEACH VALET Your Personalized Ride Service Airports - Train Stations Washington - Baltimore - Philadelphia 301.602.3741 Airports & Train Stations Find the local services you need in our Service Directory Call JANE for more information • 302.539.1788 GetEverything OnYour ‘ToDo’List… DONE! Got a List? July7,2023 CoastalPoint 77
78 CoastalPoint July7,2023 Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Quality Service by Certified Technicians Since 1983 302.436.5652 Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Tile & Grout Cleaning Oriental Rug Cleaning & Repair Carpet Cleaning appliances furniture cars boats box of junk stu in the garage exercise equipment toys TVs GET THIS CRAP OUT OF MY HOUSE! BIG or small, I’ll haul it all! 302.236.2670 PASTURE-RAISED CHICKEN EGGS FOR SALE • POWER WASHING Also Cleaning Services J.G Hauling & Disposal Service 302.526.7141 • 7’x14’ Dump Trailer for 2-day rental • Light Demolition • Clean-out Services • Appliance, Furniture, & Junk Removal Cleaning Services HOUSE CLEANING GUTTER SERVICE SOFT WASH ROOF CLEANING WINDOW CLEANING TEXT OR CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE 302.519.9020 RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL Cleaning Services F abian’s CarpetCare 302-745-7547 Water Damage • Restoration • Mold & Mildew Carpet Cleaning - 2 rooms: $79; 4 rooms: $125 With Ad Residential & Commercial Carpet & Upholstery Licensed & Insured • Free Estimates • 25+ Years’ Experience Carpet Cleaning • Carpet • Tile & Grout • Upholstery • General Cleaning • Rental Cleaning Residential & Commercial Cleaning 302.259.1469 Carpet & Tile Steam Cleaning Services DRIVING MISS MAISEY Call Mike: 302.344.0169 Where do you want to go? Driving Services Computer Sales –Service –Support Servicing PC & MAC • Walk-In & On-Site Services 302-539-6421 35583 Atlantic Avenue • Millville Computer Service & Support CONCRETECONTRACTOR 302-581-2541 CONCRETE FLOORS • SIDEWALKS PATIOS • DRIVEWAYS CONCRETE FLOORS • SIDEWALKS PATIOS • DRIVEWAYS Concrete Services Driveway Maintenance 38205 Dupont Blvd., Selbyville Call Will Powell! 443.523.2476 DRIVEWAY SEALCOATING FPS Hand Brushed Don’t Pay to Spray! Driveway Services “Let 35 years of experience go to work for you.” Master Electrician, licensed in DE & MD “The homeowner’s friend.” Dennis W. Marvel 302.436.5008 | Selbyville, DE Residential | Commercial Electric Cleaning Services Residential • Cleanouts • Construction 302.519.4772 Licensed Insured We offer Senior & Military Discounts $40 off any service over $250 Cannot be combined with other offers Cleaning Services call Al Lewis 302.462.8614 AtlanticDiversified Construction,Inc. For Quality and Experience, Additions • Decks • New Construction Making your dream home a reality Siding, Windows, Baths, Kitchens, Outside Showers, Property & Storm Management and much more! Construction
Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices DIFEBO HARDWOOD FLOOR CO. Floors Sanded & Laid 302.462.5415 302.539.4550 Robert DiFebo 789 GARFIELD PKWY.; BETHANY BEACH Flooring SEAFORD FLOORING OFFERING Free padding with every carpet purchase LVP, Hardwood, Laminate, & Sheet Vinyl 302-536-0128 Sales | Service Installation Flooring HAPPY TO BE HANDY I’ll Economically Repair, Replace, or Build New Call Rob for All Your Jobs! Trim Work Cabinets Custom Shelving Drywall - Install & Repair Painting Siding & Roo ng Repairs Windows & Doors Screen Porches Decks - New & Repair Ceramic Tile Minor Plumbing & Electrical 302.858.3024 Licensed & Insured Handyman KEVERTIN FLOORING ENTERPRISES, LLC Flooring the Shore since ‘74! 443.496.1941 Licensed & Insured * Luxury Vinyl Flooring * Staircases * Finishing * Installation * Refinishing * Repairs * Docks & Decks Flooring Offer SUPER service? Advertise it in our Service Directory! Our Service Directory is where our readers look for the help they need, and it’s not affected by kryptonite.* *Actually we’re not sure how much protection a single sheet of newsprint offers against a fictional substance but we’re just running with this whole “super” thing. Your Ad Here LH Excavating, Inc. Specializing in Drainage Solutions Stormwater Maintenance & Pipe Replacements Ponds • Ditching • Demolition DE & MD Stormwater Certified 3 0 2 . 7 3 2 . 3 0 7 2 Licensed & Insured Excavating 302.519.8954 Randy Perkins Millsboro Full Service Garage Door Company New Doors - Repairs - Openers Residential - Commercial Garage Doors THE SCREEN GUY & HANDYMAN SCREEN REPAIR PRESSURE WASHING 443.301.5994 Handyman Powerwashing & Window Cleaning Fixture Replacement Hauling Furniture Assembly/Repair And Other Odd Jobs! Residential & Commercial Construction Clean-up Light Plumbing Drywall & Screen Repair Call Ben 616.676.6712 HANDYMAN Licensed Insured Handyman SYNERGY Home Services 302-344-7629 Lic. & Ins. | References Available | 39 Years’ Exp. Affordable, Sensible Remodeling Home Repair Construction From Painting to Decks & Additions and Everything in Between! Handyman Repairs Decks Tile Work Kitchens Baths Power Washing Stone Work Drywall Screen Repairs Minor Plumbing Masonry Work Window Washing Call Gus: 302.245.4852 Licensed & Insured Handyman ZIM ZAM THE HANDYMAN 302-436-9116 Painting/Caulking/Powerwashing Fencing/Decks/Screening Flooring Repairs/Tile/Grouting Carpentry/Cabinetry/Shelving Garages/Closets/Sheds Property Cleanouts/Sharpening Concrete Coastings/Epoxies NOT SURE? Just Ask! Property Repairs And Maintenance PO BOX 745 SELBYVILLE, DE 19975 Handyman BAYSIDE BUILDERS COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR LICENSED AND FULLY INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES ALL WORK DONE BY OWNER • Flat Roof Specialist • • Roofing • Siding • Windows • Doors • Custom Homes • Additions • Repairs • Kitchens • Baths • Tile Work • Decks • Custom Inside Trim Work • Hardwood Floors Cell: 410-713-8599 Home Improvements G.T. CLIFT INC. Home Improvements Roofing Siding Decks Windows Doors Chimneys Built Relined Swept MHIC 65416 410-360-8460 Home Improvements July7,2023 CoastalPoint 79
80 CoastalPoint July7,2023 Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Down to Earth 302-381-5051 302-381-5051 Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured Serving Bethany Beach & the surrounding areas Landscape & Mowing Contracts Irrigation Installation/Maintenance Fertilization - Turf & Ornamental Bed Maintenance & Pruning Lawn & Landscape LLC Landscaping 302.542.1335 302.537.1144 Bobcat & Backhoe Services ~ Bush-hogging Free Estimates Licensed & Insured Landscaping DEPENDABLE SERVICES EMERGENCY TREE REMOVAL 302.539.5664 • C: 302.228.5190 Edgar Simpler Licensed & Insured Seasonal Clean-up • Mulching • Delivered Pine Needles • Chipper Services • Junk Hauling Trees Removed • Shrubs Pruned Small Trees Trimmed • Grass Cutting Top Soil, Fill Dirt, Grading • Bush-Hogging Driveway Stone Delivered and Installed Landscaping RRD LAWN & LANDSCAPING INC 302.249.9986 Landscaping Complete Landscaping & Lawn Care Irrigation Installation & Repair 302.344.4883 302.344.1441 Locally Owned Licensed & Insured Bethany Blooms Landscaping, LLC Full Landscape SERVICE CONTRACTS Landscaping • Overseeding • Tree Trimming • Snow Plowing • Aerating • Landscape Planting & Maintenance • Yard Cleanup • Lawn Care • Mowing • Mulching • Weeding Residential Commercial licensed insured 302.448.1643 Landscaping • Spring Clean-up • Landscaping • Mulching • Sod Installation • Lawn Mowing • Tree Care Licensed Veteran-Owned • Local Insured • Gravel/Dirt/Topsoil Landscaping The Area’s #1 Moving Company BUDGET MOVERS 40+ Years in Business Licensed & Insured LOCAL • ENTIRE EAST COAST Residential or Office or Commercial Packing or Loading or Unloading or Complete Move Single Item or Certain Items or Full Home Call Maria: 443-664-5797 Female Owned & Operated Moving Services Find the local services you need in our Service Directory Call JANE for more information • 302.539.1788 GetEverything OnYour ‘ToDo’List… DONE! Got a List? • Landscaping • Irrigation • Hardscaping Free Estimates Full Yearly Maintenance Contracts Available 443.783.2224 Landscaping HVAC GOT STUFF? Call Mike: 302.344.0169 WE WILL MOVE OR REMOVE Rubbish • Yard Waste Appliances • Furniture Unwanted Items Downsizing A little or a lot TELL US WHAT YOU’VE GOT! Moving Services Contractor Bill Smith S 302.228.5668 • 302.846.0446 References • Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured The smallest things make the biggest difference Custom Cabinets & Shelving Tile, Hardwood & Laminate Flooring Kitchen & Bath Remodeling Interior Trim & Shiplap Sunrooms, Decks, & Porches Home Improvements AN AFFORDABLE NEW BATH STARTS HERE! Making Y r Dream Bath C e True F 20 Ye s! Specializing in Bathroom Remodels Contact Garth for FREE Estimate! 410-641-8439 MHIC #94614 Licensed Insured Tub to Shower Conversions Custom Tile Work Home Improvements NICK DEMOPOULOS 302.604.3971 LICENSED/INSUREDNCDREMODELING@GMAIL COM BATHROOMS & KITCHENS AND OTHER HOME INTERIOR RENOVATIONS Home Improvements
Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Hanna’s Fitness 302.542.7601 SENIOR FITNESS SPECIALIST Specialized in-home Personal Training for older adults and those who don’t want to go to the gym! Balance Training • Couch to 5K Strength & Mobility • Core Training Walking Programs Weight Management Specialist Personal Trainer Customized training sessions for balance, mobility, stability, focus, core and over all strength and endurance 302.249.2535 302.249.2535 DarkHorseFitness65 Customized training sessions for balance, mobility, stability, exibility, coordination, mental focus, core and over-all strength and endurance Master Trainer • Personal Trainer Senior Fitness Trainer Nutrition Certi ed CPR & AED Certi ed In Your Home or Community Facility Personal Trainer 302.519.8444 Receive a FREE 1-day pass & Treats with enrollment Doggie Daycare, LLC Overnight Boarding Fresh Air • Furry Friends • Fitness 2.5 acre West Fenwick Farm Pick up/Drop off Services available Pet Services Zimmerman & Son LLC • CUSTOM PAINTING • DRYWALL REPAIRS • WALLPAPER REMOVED • DECK & H OUSE S TAINING • ALWAYS PROMPT SERVICE Free Estimates 10% Discount with this ad. Bill Zimmermancell 443-373-4539 NOW ACCEPTING CREDIT CARDS! Painting & Powerwashing Interior & Exterior Serving Delmarva for Over 35 Years Licensed & Insured Painting 302.249.9027 TWO OLD GUYS that PAINT & POWERWASH AND do HOME REPAIRS & HANDYMAN SERVICES AND... do it ALL well! Quality Work, at a Fair Price 41 Years of Experience Free Estimates Kevin M. Donovan, BPI Certified Building Analyst Licensed & Insured SPRING SPECIAL 10% OFF ALL EXTERIOR PAINTING! Painting fresh. PHILIPSPAINTING.COM 302.344.0535 Painting Call Jeff for estimate: 302.745.2100 • 302.436.2588 Licensed & Insured Sunshine Painting & Power Washing, LLC RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL Interior/Exterior Painting Cleaning Deck Staining • Drywall Repair All Jobs Welcome! Painting KEVIN COVIELLO 302-745-3912 QualityWorkmanship Licensed Insured INTERIOR • EXTERIOR POWERWASHING Painting McKinney Brothers Pete McKinney 443.449.9647 High-end Custom, Quality Painting MB Licensed Insured Painting Derickson’s Wallcovering, LLC 302.537.5787 • 410.726.3145 Serving the Shore since 1990 Licensed & Insured in DE & MD MHIC 73031 Professional, Quality Service Wallpaper Installation/Removal Interior Painting Painting & Wallpaper PATIOS 410.390.1499 • Driveways • Fire Pits • Retaining Walls • Hardscaping • Walkways Family-owned & Operated. Call for Your FREE Estimate! Licensed Insured Patios Find the local services you need in our Service Directory Need HELP with household chores? Got Chores? inking about a SWIMMING POOL? Contact Fran: 302.217.4265 Your Pool Expert is just a call away! • Free backyard surveys still available • Learn about all of the options to make your HOME your FAVORITE destination! Pools ‘Your Neighborhood Plumber’ 302.732.3555 • Complete Plumbing Services Licensed & Insured Off ANY Service Call over $250 Limit 1 Coupon per Service Call Not valid with any other offer $30 Plumbing Water Heaters • Comfort Height Toilets Custom Tile Showers Quality Work by Father/Son Team Offering Senior & Veteran Discounts 302.542.1162 Serving Sussex Co. for over 30 years Licensed Insured Plumbing July7,2023 CoastalPoint 81
82 CoastalPoint July7,2023 Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Locally owned/operated since 2000 For a FREE In-Home Consultation, call Kathy 302.542.2527 Plantation Shutters Custom-made locally! • Roman, Honeycomb, & Roller Shades • Faux Wood Blinds • Vertical Woven Draperies Custom Window Treatments Window Treatments Free In-Home Consultation! Window Treatments CREATIVE DRAPERY • Re-Upholstering • Slip Covers Draperies • Blinds & Shades • Indoor/Outdoor Cushion Covers CUSTOM Call Bonnie Johnson, owner 717.235.7800 Insured with over 50 years’ experience Window Treatments Millville across from the Dollar General, approx. 1/2 mile on the left on Whites Neck Rd. Jeremy Smith • 302.423.2601 Yard Waste Recycling & Retail Material Mulch • Top Soil • Mushroom Soil (Nutrient Rich) Soil Amendment Pine Needles Accepting tree limbs, leaves and plant material. Pick-up available. DELIVERY AVAILABLE • MON-FRI 9-4 Yard Waste Find the local services you need in our Service Directory Call JANE for more information • 302.539.1788 GetEverything OnYour ‘ToDo’List… DONE! Got a List? FREE In-Home Consultation Professional Measuring and Installation Shutters, Roman Shades, Draperies, Top Treatments Woven Woods, Honeycombs, Roller Shades, Solar Shades Window Film, Awnings, Wood & Faux Wood Blinds, & more... 302.856.6799 Window Treatments HOME - AUTO - MARINE 302.236.2670 TOP WERKS UPHOLSTERY Professional Service New - Repairs - Alterations Farm Fresh Eggs for Sale! Call for an appointment: Upholstery 302.542.0921 MA-4360B Pest & Disease Treatments Tree & Shrub Fertilization Tick/Mosquito Treatments Hazard Tree Assessments Invasive Species Management Tree Pruning & Removal HOA Master Planning & Tree Inventories Home of the PennDel Arborist of the Year Tree Service Property Management • Tree Trimming • Tree Removals • Tree Pruning • Stump Grinding Lot Clearing 24 Hour Emergency Senior & Military Discounts 302.278.8979 Tree Service Bethany 302-539-5700 Georgetown 302-856-9210 STI Landscape Center 302-645-6262 Serving the local community for over 30 years Mention this ad. Cannot be combined with other offers or coupons. Not valid on previous quotes or committents. Some exclusions apply. $10% off From grass roots to tree tops, we have all of your tree and landscaping needs covered. Tree Service 6394 228 302 s Available Financing Easy 100% Estimates Written FREE Warrantie Wa Lifetime ed Certi GAF vice erS yualitQ Prompt, Honest, 8. . u s n I & d e s n ec i L g n i f o o R E D x e s s u S ng SussexRoo d er m o c . l i a m g @ Roofing Roofing

July7,2023 CoastalPoint 83


Line ads: $8.25 for 20 words, 25¢ per add’l word. Display ads: $8.50 per column inch. Non-commercial ads for items $1,000 or less are free up to 20 words.

Yard Sales are $9.00


a safe, courteous, attentive driver with a clean car & driving record, good insurance, and enjoy drivingbecome part of our service-minded company. Flexible Scheduling Available.



Flexible hours. Working on Classic Cars and

Will train. On-the-job experience. Students encouraged to apply. $12.50/hour.

Call or text Glenn: (302)682.7765


The Town of Selbyville, Delaware is currently accepting resumes for the full-time position of Code Enforcement & Building O cial. The Code Enforcement & Building O cial will report to the Town Administrator and is responsible for enforcement of Town Maintenance Codes, Zoning Codes and International Building Codes along with other applicable Federal, State and County ordinances, regulations, and codes, review and issue building and sign permits, and conduct on-site building inspections.

Bene ts include health, dental and life insurance, State of Delaware Pension Plan and paid vacation and sick leave. Pay will be commensurate with education and experience. A full job description is available at

The successful applicant must pass a background check and a drug test. Only applicants that are scheduled for interviews will be contacted. At some juncture of the process, three professional references may be required. The position will continue to stay open until lled.

To apply, quali ed applicants should mail a con dential cover letter and resume to: Town of Selbyville PO Box 106; Selbyville, DE 19975 Attn.: Stacey Long, Town Administrator or via email to:

The Town of Selbyville is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

with benefits, for immediate hire! Basic skills needed; experience preferred. 6-2:30 pm, Monday - Friday


for a property maintenance company in Frankford, DE Please call: 610.459.5857 -or-

resume to: Full position description and how to apply at

Contact Jane to place your Classified ad 302.539.1788 Jane.Johnson Classi eds Classified Deadlineis Tuesday at 4pm | Ads accepted from 9am –4pm, Monday - Friday.
PT CHURCH ADMIN ASSISTANT Salaried, 25/hrs./week Call for more information: 302.537.6353 • Of ce management experience
Advanced working knowledge of MS Of ce Suite and internet
Good written and verbal communication Call Mike: 302.344.0169
you healthy and able to lift for moving & hauling?
you are willing to meet the public which is always on the move, Full-Time FIELD TECHNICIAN Sir Grout of DE: 302.561.1391 No Experience Required. Training provided. Chairside DENTAL ASS’T. Experience Preferred Ocean View Email Resume: FT / PT SEASONAL 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. through Labor Day RETIREES & SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS WELCOME! Bethany Beach xed route. Competitive pay. TRAM DRIVERS - non-CDL acceptable SHUTTLE BUS DRIVERS Call: 610.233.1013 or email:
plowers with truck & insurance for services in Lewes, Rehoboth, Bethany, & Ocean City areas. Call HERKER PROPERTY MAINTENANCE
Apply online at: AA/EOE • Night Watch • Maintenance SEASONAL POSITIONS
MINIMUM 3 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE REQUIRED FOR Repair & maintenance for 2 & 4 cycle engines, and trucks. WE OFFER: Great, competitive pay, paid holidays and vacation, partial health and Simple IRA.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Join a team that builds Homes, Communities, and Hope! FT DIRECTOR OF HEALTHY HOMES to oversee programs that focus on health and energy-efficient repairs.
Seeking (2) full time FIELD MANAGERS for full service landscaping & property maintenance company in Frankford & Delaware beach resort areas. Salary position, benefits include partial health, Simple IRA, holidays & vacation. Email resume to or call 610-459-5857



Indian River School District. Will Train! 302.245.0315

HVAC company with over 20 years’ experience is seeking an


We offer Vacation Health Insurance 401K Sales Commission

Submit resume at:


Full-Time & Part-Time available. Retirees are welcome to apply. Flexible hours to suit your life-style.

CORONADO JEWELERS on the boardwalk in Bethany Beach 302.539.9334





License are a Plus


for a fast-paced Property Maintenance company

EXPERIENCE REQUIRED: Customer Service, MS Word and Excel, knowledge of Basic Of ce Procedures; Strong Math Skills are a plus.

WE OFFER: Full-Time, Monday - Friday, competitive pay, great bene ts, paid holidays and vacation.

Send your resume to:

LIONEL 022 REMOTE switches. 5 pairs. $50 908.801.9648

JACK LEWIS SMALL PRINT of Lebanon Marshes. 1940, unsigned. $350 OBO 610.468.4004

1950s MARX LITHO TOY barn set with accessories. Excellent condition. $40 908.801.9648

1952 AMERICAN FLYER #282 Chicago Northwestern Freight set in original boxes. 75w transformer & accessories included. Excellent condition. $325 OBO


VINTAGE DELAWARE post cards. Bathing beauties, comic, women, children, novelty. $1 and up.




WHIRLPOOL SS 3.1 CF refrigerator/freezer. $75 302.299.3454

FRIGIDAIRE FRIDGE/ freezer. Stainless steel, 2door, compact (dorm-sized).

$40 302.539.4367

NEW WHIRLPOOL 5.1 C.F. freestanding, 4-burner gas stove & oven. Model #WFG320M0BS. Black on stainless, cast iron burner grates, broiler drawer. $600. Pick up Friday/Saturday. Millville 443.324.4091

SUSSEX COUNTY HABITAT for Humanity ReStore accepts donations of working appliances 10 years old or less for families in need. 302.855.1156

(2) AWNINGS MADE BY Solera. 15’ RV awning. $250


BRAND NEW JEEP Wrangler, 4-door soft-top. Brand new, complete. Come see it, and make an offer!


(2) PERFORMANCE TIRES ECSTA ASX 205/45-16. Less than 4k treadwear. Originally $130 each; asking $100 for both. Leave message. 717.841.2268

TRUCK CAP WHITE, SIDE tool bins. 72” x 79” x 25”h. ARE brand. Fits 6.5’, F150, or similar. First $500 OBO cash takes it. 443.722.2267

ASSORTMENT OF motorcycle helmets in good condition. Your pick: $20 each. 11 to choose from. 302.339.7691

DONATE YOUR CAR/ truck/ RV - Lutheran Mission Society of MD. Compassion Place Ministries help local families with food, clothing, counseling. Tax deductible. MVA licensed #W1044. 410.228.8437

PONTOON LIGHTWEIGHT boat cover. 20’-24’. $40 OBO 302.229.7898

ST CROIX MOJO BASS 7’1” graphite rod. Jigs/bait, medium heavy power fast action. 12/20 line. 3/8 - 1 oz. lure. Like new. $100 302.542.9500

VINTAGE PENN REELS/ rods combos. Penn #85, Long Beach #66, Senator 4.0 (Big Game) with original boxes, Herters #12. Starting at $25. All working condition or for decor.


SUP PADDLE AND ONYX waist life vest with CO2 cartridge and Trident T669C carbon fiber paddle. Paid $450; asking $125.


SUNTRACKER DLX18 pontoon boat cover. 20’, 2020 model. Rail Lok system, no snaps. Dark gray. Excellent condition. $425 240.620.3808

POWER WINCH (USA) Model 712A, 12-V for boats up to 23’, 7,500 lbs. $160 302.542.9500

LEAD SINKERS: .25¢/oz.; mix and match. Trolling: 4oz. - 14 oz.; pyramid: 4 & 5 oz.; bank: 3/8, 3 & 4 oz. 302.542.9500

BLACK BIMINI TOP Stainless steel. 76”w x 80”h. REDUCED! $100 OBO 302.299.3454

VARIETY OF PENN RODS & reels. $25-$50 each. 302.344.2399

ALUMINUM PROPELLER 13.75” x 15”. Fits Johnson Evinrude 70 - 140hp. Good condition. $50 302.278.1441

ALL-IN-1 HP PRINTER Office Jet. $50 OBO 302.229.7898

5 ECLECTIC PINE CHAIRS for kitchen/dining. $15 each. South Bethany 302.829.8959

NARROW, 3-DRAWER chest with open space in between. 39.5”h, brown wood. Will send pics. Best offer. Text: 202.744.3038 (Ocean View)

(2) END TABLES & COFFEE table with marble-looking tops: $150; large glass-top dining table, pedestal base, 60” round: $150 717.575.8314

HOMCOM 71” freestanding kitchen buffet with hutch, pantry cabinet with 4 doors, 3-level adjustable shelves, 1 drawer. White. Can send pics. Best offer. Text: 202.744.3038(Ocean View)

HOMCOM 47” MODERN sideboard/serving buffet/ storage cabinet cupboard with adjustable shelves & 2 drawers for dining room. White. Can send pics. Best offer. Text: 202.744.3038 (Ocean View)

LIGHTED CHERRY CURIO cabinet with glass shelves. 17” x 10” x 76”. $200 301.346.6015

CRIB/YOUTH BED WITH mattress. Real cherry wood. Used only five times. Excellent condition. $60 Leave message: 302.258.8893


Never used. Handcrafted in England, certified Norwegians wood. No chemicals. $475 302.493.9199

DELUXE INFLATABLE raised bed for extra guests. Selfinflating. 914.419.7253

DINING ROOM: TABLE, 6 chairs, and buffet. Good condition, light finish. $500 215.802.9770


Queen sleeper, good condition: $250; two cushioned metal bar stools: $50. 215.802.9770

21.5”d. Great condition, can text pics. $400 OBO 302.745.8760

SOLID WOOD, 42”W DESK with three drawers, one shelf with lights. Includes wheeled, upholstered chair. You haul. $50 302.470.0794

COMPLETE SERVICE FOR 12. White with gold trim. $100 302.229.7898

SMALL ICE MAKER 20#/ day. $86 OBO 302.229.7898

NEW, LIBBY GLASS BAKE set with plastic lids. Never opened. 8”x 8” and 13” x 9”. $15 302.344.0088

MEDICAL EQUIPMENT Bethany Beach Christian Church: 302.500.1000; ask for Guy. We can also pick up unwanted medical equipment.

OAK ROLL-TOP DESK, good condition. Asking $100 302.344.3747

OFFICE FURNITURE: 5’l x 30”w desk, bookcase @50”h x 3’w with adjustable shelves; under-desk filing cabinet, chair. Good condition. $500 215.802.9770

ANTIQUE, IRISH, PINE armoire. Excellent storage/ TV cabinet. 7.5’h x 4’w x

WEBER GRILL NEW; ONLY used twice. Charcoal. Only $50. 443.373.7294

FS 45 STIHL GAS WEED whacker. $45 Leave message: 302.539.1726

RIDING MOWER FAIR condition - needs oil change. $150 410.570.8092

OUTDOOR, 3-CUSHION gray & blue wicker sofa with pillows. Protected and unused. Paid $1,500; asking $700. Can send pics. 443.386.6745

SUNROOM: PLASTIC rattan settee, 2 chairs, table, expandable dining table and six chairs. $500 215.802.9770

55-GALLON BARRELS Metal or plastic; with/without lids. For burning, storage, floating docks, rain barrel, live bait. $35/$40 302.542.9500

POLYWOOD 6’ GRAY picnic table with umbrella: $600. Buffet table: $100 302.249.3225

OUTDOOR POLYWOOD patio furniture. 5’ bar, 6 barstools. 2-tone, gray and black. $500 302.249.3225


15+ KIDS’ VHS TAPES $10 302.229.7898

SOFT VINYL HOT TUB Seats 4-5 people. Heater needs repair. As is. $200 443.791.4346

CULLIGAN WATER conditioner. $45 South Bethany. 302.828.8959

States Construction
Excellent Pay & Competitive Bene ts Package Available
us a call for more info: 410.352.9800 Full-Time Positions Experience Preferred Tools, Transportation, Valid Driver’s
is now hiring

KRACHER K3 ELECTRIC power washer. 1800 psi; new, in box. $175


(2) 8’ x 10’ LIGHT COLORED rugs. $50 each. 7 17.575.8314

5’H WOODEN, TRI-POD Adjustable. $40 443.373.1550

FIRM, STURDY STRAW hat. $20 443.373.1550


Have plenty - all good quality. 500-1,500 pieces. .50¢$3. 717.319.7552

LARGE SUITCASE ON wheels. Hard case, American Tourister with combo lock. 21”h x 27”w. $60 4 43.373.1550


Design House Millbridge with (5) bell-shaped clear, glass shades. Lowes #1345522. Originally $112; Reduced to $20 302.542.9500

REDSKINS CARRYING BELT for small items. Large zipped pouch, and 2 small zipped pouches. REDUCED! $30 443.373.1550

CARGO STORAGE BAG 100% weatherproof. 20 cf of storage. 59” x 24” x 24”. $75 302.344.3747

CASSETTE PLAYER WITH 268 cassettes and 3 cases. Country, gospel, etc. $250 takes all. 302.933.0178

GLASSINE PAPER Borden & Riley. 24” x 20 yards. Protects photos and art. $15 302.539.9656

BEAUTIFUL BATH updates in as little as one day. Superior quality bath and shower systems at affordable prices. Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Call now.


DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for 350 plus procedures. Real dental insurance - not just a discount plan. Do not wait. Call now. Get your free dental information kit with all the details. 855.337.5228 MDDC#6258

FREE HIGH-SPEED internet for those that qualify. Government program for recipients of select programs include Medicaid, SNAP housing assistance, WIC, Veterans pension, survivor benefits, Lifeline, Tribal. 15 GB internet service. Bonus offer: Android tablet free with one-time $20 co-pay. Free shipping and handling. Call Maxsip Telecom today. 888.592.5957

PREPARE FOR POWER outages today with a Generac home standby generator. $0 money down + low monthly payment options. Request a free quote. Call now before the next power outage. 855.993.0969

1980 SOHMER PIANO with bench. $600 OBO Call 301.346.6015

USED, UPRIGHT Chickering piano. 57”l x 23”w x 39”h. Good condition. $600 OBO 302.344.3747


Denon receiver with Axiom speakers, Epson 292A projector. $5,000 worth of equipment for $550 OBO 302.668.8752



Cats Around Town, a 501c rescue group o ers an in-home microchip scanning service to reunite a pet with its owner or update your pet’s chip info for a $10 donation to Cats Around Town. Call Nancy 302.355.9979 for an appointment.

PUREBRED YELLOW LAB female puppy. $800 4 10.924.6519

LOW COST SPAY AND neutering of cats. Want to save 100s of cats’ lives? Spay or neuter ONE. Call Cats Around Town Society to schedule an operation. 302.355.9979

KITTENS/CATS Beautiful kitties looking for loving homes. Many colors available. 302.236.5184

ARE YOU A PET OWNER? Do you want to get up to 100% back on vet bills? Physicians Mutual Insurance Company has Pet Coverage that can help. Call 888.928.1656 to get a free quote or visit


NORDICTRAK QUAD FLEX C900 Pro. $150 302.299.3454

SILENT PARTNER TENNIS ball machine. Battery operated, good shape. Basket and balls included. $400 240.910.1648

24” LADIES’/GIRL’S BIKE Lightweight, 3 gears. Good condition. $45 703.400.8991

E-BIKE LECTRIC BRAND Model XP Step-Thru 2.0. Brand new, never used due to health issues. Paid $999; selling for $875. Leave message. 443.605.9996

MEN’S PREMIUM FI’ZIK Wing Flex bicycle seat. $20 302.278.1441

WOMEN’S WILDERNESS Trail Speed She bicycle seat. $10 302.278.1441

(2) BICYCLE HELMETS Fits up to XL. Black. $20 each/ 4 43.373.1550

TREK 20” MEN’S BIKE Vintage 1990s. Single Track Eleven81. New tires, recent tune-up. PIcs available. $150 Leave message: 302.353.8128

36 GOLF BALLS & TEES $40 443.373.1550

RALEIGH LADIES’ 26” BIKE Great condition. Refurbished with new tires and handlebar grips. $150 Call 302.537.1062, please leave message.

LADIES’/GIRLS’ 26’ BIKE New tires, handlebar grips, 3 gears. $75 Call 302.537.1062, please leave message.

VARIOUS CLASSIC putters. Hogan, Cook, Zebra. $10 each. 757.810.8782

YAKIMA 2-BIKE CAR rack plus ladies’ crossbar: $125. 3 02.362.2141

32’ EXTENSION LADDER, 3 sets Alum-a-Pole jump jacks, (2) 20” x 24’ and (1) 20” x 12’ walk plank. Call Bob for pricing: 302.462.1884

LADDER JACKS, BIL JAX scaffolding, 10.5’ Tapco aluminum brake with accessories. Call Bob for pricing: 302.462.1884

WERNER 22’ LADDER 300 lb. capacity, 24 possible configurations, rubber feet, aircraft-grade aluminum. $100 302.339.7691

Clutter Bustin’ Cash Generatin’ FREE Classified Ad

Write out your ad in the spaces provided.


Call our Classified Ad Diva, Jane Johnson, stop by, e-mail or snail mail your ad. Our classified ad deadline is 5 p.m. Tuesday, prior to Friday’s paper.

1 3

Sit back and wait for the cash to start flowing.* * Individual results may vary.

Your July7,2023 CoastalPoint 85

Yard Sale ads are $9.00. Rentals are paid ads. Only non-commercial ads are FREE. Free classified line ads are for items $1,000 or less and may contain up to 20 words. All ads that exceed 20 words are paid ads, and are $8.25 for the first 20 words, 25¢ for each additional word.

______________________________________________________________________ 1st Word 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Last word for FREE ad 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 32 34 35
name: Address: Phone Number: e-mail:
How to place a Coastal Point PHONE 302.539.1788 ❖❖ COME BY THE OFFICE 111 Atlantic Ave. (Route 26), Ocean View, across from Lord Baltimore Elementary School, between Edward Jones, and Atlantic Physical Therapy. MAIL P.O. Box 1324, Ocean View, DE 19970 ❖ E-MAIL The Coastal Point accepts cash, Visa/Mastercard, and checks made payable to the Coastal Point, LLC.




Year-Round. Professional female preferred. Private BR/BA (furnished/unfurnished) with full house privileges, pool, tennis. $1,300/month + security + 1st month. References required. 302.249.2535


BEAUTIFUL 3BR/2BA fully-equipped home in Bethany; walk to beach.


July 29 - August 5

Aug. 5-12; Aug. 19-26

Call Richard: 301.408.8190



Mature, single female needed to share 2BR/2.5BA townhome.

Furnished, W/D, pool. Approximately 10 minutes from beach. No pets. Good credit, rst, last, deposit and lease required.

$875/month + utilities. Leave message/text: 678.249.5312


All units are N/S, N/P unless otherwise noted. Credit application and security deposit required.

Plantation Lakes, Millsboro: 3BR/2.2BA townhome with garage and bonus room on 1st floor. $2,450 per month + utilities.

Whites Creek Manor, Ocean View: 3BR/2.5BA detached home with garage and fenced-in yard. Available after Sept. 15. $2,450 per month + utilities.

Plantation Lakes, Millsboro: 3BR/2.2BA townhome located in original section with garage and bonus room on 1st floor. $2,500 per month + utilities.

Plantation Lakes, Millsboro: 3BR/2.2BA detached home with 2-car garage and full, unfinished basement. $2,800 per month + utilities.

Villas of Bethany West, Bethany Beach: 3BR/2BA furnished townhome. Available after Sept. 1. $2,000 per month + utilities and 7% rental tax.

Parkside, Millville: 4BR/3BA single family home with 2-car garage. $2,950 per month + utilities + rental tax.

Owners: Please don’t let your houses sit vacant! Wilgus has a list of qualified yearly renters waiting for vacancies. List your rental with us for problem-free management. Call Kim for more information: 302.539.7511 x 3030 or 800.441.8118

Wilgus Associates Property Management Division

32904 Coastal Hwy., Bethany Beach, DE 19930

For a complete list of ourrentals, visit our website:

WE BUY CARS. Running or not. 302.732.3529



For your addition, deck, or more.

Ocean View


‘08 HARLEY SOFTAIL CUSTOM Garage kept, V&H exhaust, side bags, helmets. 6,300 miles. $7,500 Can text pics. West Fenwick 301.467.6721

1996 SUBURBAN Black and red, good condition. 230k. Asking $5,000 OBO. Can text pics. 443.859.1311

✃❏ FRIDAY July 7 7-3


Estate sale - Furniture, kitchenware, women’s hats, shoes, purses, clothing, & jewelry; lots of household items, lawn furniture, and free books!

30575 Armory Road, Dagsboro, 19939.

❏ Sat. & Sun., July 8 & 9 8-?


Estate sale - furniture, kitchenware, vintage, Oriental rugs, tools, garden stuff, outdoor furniture, books, home decor, tons of Christmas Stuff, and more. Prices really good - it’s all gotta go!

28881 Harmons Hill Road, Millsboro, 19966.

❏ Sat., July 8 8-12


Household items, antiques, collectibles, vintage record players, sweing machines, and Christmas.

210 E State Street, Millsboro, 19966. Downtown, by the firehouse.

❏ Sat., July 8 7-1


40 years of Stuff - yard and garden, TOOLS, lawn mower, outboards, housewares, furniture, and more.

34320 Vines Creek Road, Clarksville, 19939. 1/4 mile west of St. George’s.

❏ Sat., July 8 8-1

Caine Woods neighborhood-wide.


136th - 146th Streets, bayside, Ocean City, 21842. GPS reference: 511 141st Street.

86 CoastalPoint July7,2023 EMPLOYMENT
AFFORDABLE CLEAN-OUTS Attics, Garages Senior Discount, Free Estimates (302)462.0895 SERVICES GET IT GONE
Havefun! ROXANA 3BD/2BA
$1,850/month 302.537.5599 Accepting new rental
1200 SQ. FT. commercial space Rt. 26, Millville $1,750/month website facebook™ twitter™ bask in the cool glow of our stunning content to the Coastal Point. {connect}

The Original Crossword Puzzle for Kids

Kids Across

1. Get a grip: Four ngers work together along with the _____, which stands out as the pudgy one

4. If you have a question at school, all you have to do is raise one ____ in the air

5. There is only one ____ in our solar system (It's our super star!)

6. The single row of long hair on the back of a horse's neck

9. A unicycle has just one

11. A two-pound watermelon has about 150 ____ inside, but it only takes one to grow another one

12. Ten years is one ______

16. An only child doesn't have any brothers or _______

18. It's the one member of the cat family whose tail has a tassel

19. ____, the dog in "The Wizard of Oz," was the only true creature in Dorothy's crew (All of the others were actually 2D in costumes)

21. Fun on the farm: A _____ has a comb (even though he has no hair)

22. When it comes to having zoos,

this country is #1 (abbr.)

23. Though a 1 is not unusual, it is an __ number

24. Just one time

25. Library life: It's what you do after you check out "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish" by Dr. Seuss

Parents Down

2. Shameless observation: Author Mark Twain noted that ______ are the only animals that blush (or ever need to)

3. NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick took a stand for equality when he took one during the singing of the national anthem

4. Trojan War hero Achilles was famous for this one vunerable body part

7. A mononymous performer like Adele is known by just one

8. Unlike most bears who enjoy community, the giant _____ is a lifelong loner

9. In1889, he became the sole American president to have a state named after him -- nearly

and Their Favorite Adults

for grown-ups!

100 years after the Nation's Capital was given his name

10. Mike Wazowski of "Monsters, Inc." is a character who never blinked (He couldn't -- he had just one ___)

12. There's one above an "i"

13. Steering the way: Every ___ has at least ve 9As (but only the one on the inside controls which way it goes)

14. It's the only one of the four seasons that has two names

15. An acronym that references "one" twice, this type of sale promises a bargain shopper a second item for free or at a sharp discount

17. One per customer, please: As long as monogamy is the law of the land, a person can have only one at a time

19. Socrates once said, "The only ____ widsom is knowing you know nothing"

20. For a person who craves a little "me time," solitaire is the only ____ game in town

21. A single ___ rose says "I love you"

July7,2023 CoastalPoint 87
This Week’s Solution ™ ™
Only One
The across clues are for kids and the down clues are KAPD ebooks now available on 2/9/23 © 2023 KAPD, LLC ANSWER (HOLD UP TO MIRROR) Jumbles: Answer: zoo crew dish down “Dino-sore” THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME! ®
L. Hoyt
Jeff Knurek The letters of these crazy words are all mixed up. To play the game, put them back into the right order so that they make real words you can find in your dictionary. Write the letters of each real word under each crazy word, but only one letter to a square. you can put them in order so that they make your funny answer. Getthefree JUSTJUMBLE @PlayJumble OZO HSID DNWO ECRW ©2023 Tribune Content Agency, LLC Answer here: ”“
By David


Welcome to the up and coming NORTH

MILLSBORO! This Rare 9+ acres is approximately 200 yards from the new Millsboro bypass landing, which will bring Rt 24, Rt 30, Rt 20, US 113 North and South, Sheep Pen Road, AND Country Living road together at this location. This prime location is also directly across the street from the proposed Beebe Medical Center and a close to the new Tidal Health facility to be located just East of this parcel. $2,499,900 (DESU2034776) Call

121 81ST STREET, #310



Furnished, 5 balconies, 3 beds/2.5 baths

Sweeping bay views from every room.

$895,000 (MDWO2013316)

Call Sandra Erbe (c) 443-848-3004

Worked with buyer to purchase this 5 BR, 4.5 BA Impressive waterfront home offering a level of privacy that is hard to match and expansive views of the bay from nearly every room. This property is located just a few miles to the beach in Fenwick Island. Situated on one of the largest waterfront parcels in the community, this property is more than 1 acre in size and has a private path to launch kayaks or SUP boards and the potential to add a private pool.


Call Logan Burke (c) 443-797-9217

Well-maintained rancher in Keenwick Sound. Perfect home for entertaining family and friends. The living/dining room opens to a large sunroom and the primary suite offers a bath, walkin closet and private sunroom. The additional 2 BRs each have their own bath. Plus 2 ex rooms which can be a den or of ce. Deck and fenced yard for your outside living. Community pool, clubhouse, shuf eboard and boat ramp. Convenient to shopping and restaurants and just a short drive to the beach!

$480,000 (DESU2039006)

Call Frank & Audrey (c) 302-541-4000

Each of ce is independently owned & operated.

Stunning 3,000 sq ft furnished cottage home with 4 BRs, 3.5 BA in the award winning Bayside Resort. Amenities include 18 hole Jack Nicklaus Signature Golf Course, 4 unique outdoor pools, tennis courts, pickleball, kayaking, ponds, restaurants, Freeman Arts Pavilion, and state of the art Fitness Center with indoor pool. There is so much to do and see. Give me a call if you want to live your best life in Bayside.

$1,050,000 (DESU2043186)

Betsy Perry (c) 301-938-1472

88 CoastalPoint July7,2023 For a con dential interview about starting your Real Estate Career call us today! Carrie Cosgrove (c) 302-339-5519 • Email: | Mary Niles (c) 302-228-5143 • Email: 31252 American Pkwy. Selbyville, DE 105 High St. Seaford, DE 37169 Rehoboth Ave. #11 Rehoboth Beach, DE 39682 Sunrise Ct. Bethany Beach, DE 35238 DOGWOOD ROAD #28 Live The Vacation in the Wonderful Community of The Refuge @ Dirickson Creek! This beautiful 4BR/3BA End Unit Townhouse just sold for $5k above asking price! (DESU2035870) Call Eddie Rohe (c) 410-908-9137 35564 COROLLA PLACE
home- one story living- in Sawgrass in Rehoboth Beach. Offers a custom kitchen with a center work island, an adjoining eating area and a great room. For the entertainer there is also a formal dining and living room plus an of ce. The primary suite boasts a large sitting area, nook, walk-in closets and a primary bath everyone dreams of. Plus- 2 separate guests rooms with a bath at the other side of the home. Community pool, tennis and basketball. $800,000 (DESU2037288) Call Frank & Audrey (c) 302-541-4000
is Easy Audrey & Frank Serio, CRS Scan Me! SOLD! 5KABOVEASKING!
Finding Your Dream Home has Never Been
COMMERCIAL 26064 CROSSWINDS LANDING NEW LISTING - BAYSIDE Rarely available 5 BR, 3.5 BA , Golf Course and Bay views. This Exquisitely detailed, professionally decorated, fully furnished, custom home will exceed your expectations in every way. Gourmet custom kitchen, professionally landscaped, custom patio, 2 screened porches, custom built-ins throughout, luxurious and impeccably maintained, this home is being sold furnished. (DESU2042958) Betsy Perry (c) 301-938-1472 UNDERCONTRACT IN6DAYS! WORK with an AGENT WHO KNOWS The MARKET! * Over 38 YEARS of Experience in DE & MD Sales * Associate Broker: DE & MD * CRS: Certi ed Residential Specialist * GRI: Graduate REALTOR Institute * SRES: Senior Real Estate Specialist Lifetime Achievement Winner! Cindy Spieczny (c) 302-228-1450 Email: WESTFENWICK SPECIALIST Enjoy Life Invest at the Beach! Pam Pridgeon (c)302-249-1367 SOLD! 30560 TOWNSEND DR, FRANKFORD Adorable and affordable, 3 Bed, 2 Full Bath ranch on large lot- .32 acres, private backyard with white vinyl privacy fence- perfect for pets & children, 2 car garage, screened porch overlooking gardens, hard wood ooring, vaulted ceilings in living room. No HOA fees and Low Taxes. Asking $350,000 (DESU2044016) Call Chrisy Tingle (c) 302-377-4159 NEWLISTING
Brad Absher (c) 302-214-LAND

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